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TOEIC Beginner Reviewer – Basics (Vocabulary and Grammar) (TOEIC 初級復習用 基礎練習(語彙と文法)

Main Topic 1: Business Introductions (主要テーマ1:ビジネスの導入)

Lesson 6: Committee (20-25 minutes) (レッスン第6回:委員会) (20-25 分)

Today, you will: (今日あなたは:)

1. Learn useful vocabulary related to COMMITTEE. (1.委員会に関して役に立つ語彙を学びま
2. Review Specific Count Noun with THE. (2.THE を伴う特定された可算名詞について概観しま


Exercise 1: What’s the meaning? (5-6 minutes) (練習1:どのような意味でしょうか?)(5-6 分)

A. Choose the meaning of the underlined words from the choices that follow. (下線の引かれ

1. The delegated members of the group are having a meeting right now.
a. fired (解雇された)
b. appointed (任命された)
c. presented (提供された)
d. hired (雇われた)
2. The committee had to suggest how to solve the marketing problem.
a. ask opinion (意見を尋ねる)
b. give ideas (考えを与える)
c. create plans(計画を作成する)
d. make policies (方針を定める)
3. One of the agendas is the launching of the new product.
a. things to be listed (記載されるべきこと)
b. things to be recorded (記録されるべきこと)
c. things to be followed (従われるべきこと)
d. things to be discussed (議論されるべきこと)

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TOEIC Beginner Reviewer – Basics (Vocabulary and Grammar) (TOEIC 初級復習用 基礎練習(語彙と文法)

4. The second conference just started a few minutes ago.

a. meeting (会議)
b. gathering (集会)
c. session(開催期間)
d. lesson (授業)
5. Anna and her team are assigned on organizing the budget for the event.
a. planning (計画すること)
b. creating (作成すること)
c. spending(費やすこと)
d. asking (質問すること)

B. Sentence-Making Practice (3-4 minutes) (文章作成の練習) (3-4分)

Practice using the words you’ve learned in your own sentences. (あなた自身で自由に文章を作り、

1. Delegated (選出された)
2. Suggest (勧める)
3. Agendas (議題)
4. Conference (会議)
5. Organizing (編成すること)

Exercise 2: What’s the word? (4-5 minutes) (練習2:正しい単語はどれでしょうか?)(4-5分)

Read the following dialog with your tutor and try to use context clues to fill in the blanks with
the most appropriate word. You can find the missing word from the pool of words at the
bottom. (以下の会話文を講師といっしょに読み、前後関係からの手掛かりをできるだけ活用して最も適

The heads of the three special committees are having a meeting. They are planning on an
annual event.

Ria: Good morning. I’m Ria, head of the logistics committee.

Mara: Hi everyone, nice to meet you. My name is Mara, head of the communications

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TOEIC Beginner Reviewer – Basics (Vocabulary and Grammar) (TOEIC 初級復習用 基礎練習(語彙と文法)

Samantha: Hello! Please call me Samantha. I’m the head of the finance committee.
Mara: Unfortunately, the chairperson cannot attend today because he has a fever. Today, we
have to plan for our ________ party. What should we talk about first?
Ria: I think for now we should focus on the activities and the budget.
Samantha: Yes, we are only given $800 to spend for the event.
Mara: Okay, we have to decide for the games, venue and food.
Samantha: Dan’s Restaurant would be the best place for our budget. They serve complete
meals and the place is big enough to ________ our party.
Ria: It’s settled then. Will it be okay to go there tomorrow? We can decide on the games and
other activities after we visited the place.
Samantha: Okay. Let’s end the ______ for now. See you tomorrow!
Mara: Thank you for today. Bye!
Ria: Bye!


マラ:残念ですが、議長は発熱のために今日出席できません。今日は私たちは のパーティーの
すし、場所としても私たちのパーティ―を するのに十分な大きさがありますしね。
サマンサ:了解です。ではこれで は終了しましょう。明日宜しくお願いします!

Choices: (選択肢:)

a. year-ender (年末の) b. spend(費やす) c. meeting(会議) d. conduct (実施する)

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TOEIC Beginner Reviewer – Basics (Vocabulary and Grammar) (TOEIC 初級復習用 基礎練習(語彙と文法)


Topic: Specified Count Nouns with Article THE (5-6 minutes)
(テーマ:冠詞の THE を伴う特定された可算名詞)(5-6分)

General Description: Count nouns are nouns that can be expressed in plural and singular form.
The article ‘the’ is a definite article used to tell that the noun is definite, that it refers to a
specific object. (可算名詞は複数形および単数形で表すことができる名詞です。冠詞の「the」はその名

Remember: If a general statement is being made, there is no need to use ‘the’ or any article.

Ex. Most bunnies are white.

All convenience stores sell chocolate bars. (例. ほとんどのウサギは白いです。すべてのコンビニでは

Examples: (例.)

Singular Count Noun (単 The presentation room is located on the East wing of the building.
数形の可算名詞) (そのプレゼンルームはそのビルの東の棟にあります。)
with THE (THE を伴って) Annie will use the computer later. (アニーはそのコンピューターを後で使う
Plural Count Noun(複数 I was not able to sleep last night; the cats next door are noisy. (私は
形の可算名詞) 昨夜眠れませんでした。隣家の猫たちがうるさいです。)
with THE(THE を伴って) The robots intended for showcase are nowhere in sight. (展示のための

Comprehension Check: (理解度チェック)

What’s the difference between the two sentences? (次の2つの文章はどこが違うのでしょう


A. The black dog at the corner is looking at us. (その角にいるその黒い犬は私たちを見てい

B. A black dog at Lea’s front door is looking at us. (リ―の家の玄関のドアのところにいる犬

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TOEIC Beginner Reviewer – Basics (Vocabulary and Grammar) (TOEIC 初級復習用 基礎練習(語彙と文法)

Exercise 1: Incomplete Sentences (3-4 minutes) (練習1:未完成の文章)(3-4分)

Choose the word or phrase that would best complete the following sentences. (以下の文章を完

1. _____ students have heard the rumor about the English teacher.
( の生徒たちがその英語教師についてのその噂を聞いたことがあります。)
a. less
b. several
c. this
d. all

2. My mother asked _____ carpenter to fix my cabinet.

(私の母は の大工さんに私の戸棚を直すよう頼みました。)
a. the
b. a
c. their
d. more

3. ______ board meeting ended sooner than expected.

( の役員会は予想よりも早く終了しました。)
a. a
b. the
c. most
d. few

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