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The Approach Blueprint

By: Wing Girl Gigi

Copyright 2018 by Marni Kinrys and The Wing Girl Method, Uncles Toads Media Group Inc. All
rights reserved. Reproduction and distribution in any way, shape or form is forbidden. No part of
this report shall be reproduced or transmitted by other means without prior written consent from
the author. All advice is to be used and seen as entertainment and strictly the opinions of the
members of The Wing Girl Method. Any action taken after receiving advice from The Wing Girl
Method is your responsibility and The Wing Girl Method will not be held accountable.
Table of Contents

1. Intro From Marni

2. About Gigi

3. Disclaimer’s: A Big Note and How To Use This Program

4. What Is The Code Phrase?

5. Approaching – What It Is & Why You Need To Be Doing It

6. Formula For Success In Approaching

7. How To Overcome Approach Anxiety & Take Action

8. Get Off Your Butt Exercises – Mindset

9. Body Language & Tonality

10. Get Off Your Butt Exercises – Body Language

11. My Challenge To You

12. Setting Some Stakes

13. A Word About Looks

14. The Code Phrase

15. How Women Want To Be Approached

16. Learning The Code Phrase

17. Using The Code Phrase In Different Situations

18. FAQ

19. Next Steps

Hey You!!

It’s Marni here and I want to congratulate you on making one of the best
decisions you’ll ever make in your life.

What you’re about to read in these pages can literally change your life with
Women - if you apply it!

Chances are you’ve read other books before but never got around to taking
action on what you were taught. This is not one of those books!!

So I want you to promise me right now (via a Virtual Pinky Swear) that
you’ll go out and use what you learn next time you see a Gorgeous
Woman you want to meet.


Great. I knew I could count on you ;-)

Before you dive in and get to the good stuff, I want to introduce you to my
new Wing Girl, Gigi, whom I asked to write this book.

Gigi is a friend of mine from Los Angeles and gets approached by more
men than anybody else I know… which is hardly surprising since she’s
completely stunning!

She’s a professional model who used to work as a cocktail waitress in an

exclusive LA nightspot. Not only does she get approached constantly, she
also worked in an environment where she sees men approaching other
Women - and has developed almost a Sixth Sense about what works and
what doesn’t.
And while she’s one of the sweetest and most generous people I know,
she also doesn’t hold back when it comes to telling it like it is. And that’s
what Gigi will give you here in this book: the truth about how Women want
to be approached and what ACTUALLY works in the real world.

This is your chance to hear directly from the type of Woman men lust over.
To learn what she wants you to do and say so you stand out and win her

And don’t worry if 27-year-old models aren’t your thing. You’ll also hear
from other Women Gigi has interviewed, to get their thoughts and
perspective on approaching as well.

You’ll never be able to get this kind of insider knowledge from a male
dating coach, so make sure you give this book you full attention...

Because once you start using these tips and techniques, your life with
Women will never be the same :-)

Your Wing Girl,

About Gigi
Hey, it’s Gigi here and I’m super excited to meet you!

When Marni asked me to join the Wing Girl

team and write this book I JUMPED at the
chance. There’s nothing I love more than
helping people hook up with someone who
gets their heart racing (except for maybe
Pinkberry, YUM lol).

I figured I should tell you a little bit about

me so you can get to know me better and
understand why I’m probably worth
listening to about this stuff.

Growing up in Los Angeles, I’ve had men approach me on an almost daily

basis for the past decade (I’m 27 now). Whether it’s on the street, at the
beach, in shops and malls, bars and clubs… I’ve experienced it all.

One of my jobs for the past couple of years had been as a cocktail
waitress, which basically means I was paid to have men flirt with me all
night :-)

I also got to be a fly on the wall and observe which guys are getting phone
numbers (or even hooking up in the bathrooms - YES, that does
happen) ... and which guys are getting shut down again and again.

I love watching how these interactions play out. And about 90% of the
time, I can predict if a man is gonna score or go down in flames after 5
seconds of watching his approach.
Another reason I’m into this so much is my Dad is a psychologist. Even as
a kid he’d be telling me about different theories, studies and explanations
as to why people do the things they do. I found it fascinating, especially
anything that related to socializing and dating.

I am now living my dream and earning my living as a Model. But when

I’m not working, you’ll find me doing a lot of the typical Girly activities
common in LA.

I love spending time at the beach, shopping at farmer’s markets or Whole

Foods, gossiping with the girls over a coffee, and practicing yoga and

In fact if you see a cute little blonde wearing yoga pants and pink Beats by
Dre strolling down Sunset Boulevard early in the morning, it’s probably me.
And my hope is that by the time you finish reading this book, you’ll know
EXACTLY how to approach me and make me want to see you again :-)

With love,

Gigi !
Disclaimer’s: A Big Note
& How to Use This Program:
Before we get started I want to explain an important point to you as well as
state a disclaimer.

Disclaimer #1: Don’t Be an Angry, Bitter Man

I know you are a smart man. But today’s climate only proves how
confused so many men are by Women, what means yes and when to
leave someone alone.

I’m not going to harp on this topic because as I said, I know you are a
smart man. But when and if a Woman lets you know that your approach is
unwelcome, you must exit the approach. You can do this with class and
grace. Bitterness, rudeness, pouting … these things will never be
welcomed by Women and will only dig you deeper into rejection because
she’ll then be certain she didn’t make a mistake.

I do know that it can be confusing because most Women don’t just come
out there and say “Hey, thanks for approaching. It made me feel great.
But I’m not really feeling it with you and I’d like to get back to my day”.

Here are things to look for that communicate she’s not into what you’re
putting out there.

1. Not making eye contact and looking for an out

2. Giving you one-word responses

3. Her voice tonality starts to sound nervous or tense

4. She looks at her phone and starts typing

5. She says she has a boyfriend (not a test btw)

The other day I was approached by this douche bag of a guy.

His approach was cute which caught my attention for a second.

But then he continued to ask me questions without ever really listening to

my responses or commenting back on what I said. So I stopped giving real
responses and tried to make them as short as possible. I turned my body
away and told him 2 times that I was waiting for my friend who should be
here any minute.

That’s me saying “Get the F away from me please”. Nothing against you or your
character. I just wasn’t into what this guy was putting out there.

Even though she may not say Please go away, her subtle signs will also tell you
she’s not interested and wants to be left alone.

Disclaimer #2: This Book Is Strictly About Mastering

the Approach

I want to be clear with you so that there are no misunderstandings, false

pretenses and refunds ;-)

This book is all about how to Master the Approach. Not after the approach,
not how to ask for a number, not how to date her, not how to talk to her, not how
to sleep with her. Simply the Approach.

However, I have included a ton of materials in the bonus area that will give
you guidance on what to do after you approach.

I have included instructional videos for how to talk to Women, how to create
conversations that spark attraction, how to flirt, how to playfully tease and tons of
other materials that can help you build on your new found skill.
AND if you are a member of the Executive Suite, which I hope you are,
then a team member of mine will be available on a daily basis to help you
with all the next steps!

NOTE: You Miss 100% of The Shots You Never Take –

Wayne Gretzky
Any approach is better than no approach. For the next 30 days I want you
to live and die by that phrase.

No approach means that there is Zero percent chance you'll attract her, get
her, or have her. That's what I call a lose-lose that can easily be avoided. If
you can’t even give yourself a chance, why the hell would I or any other

For the purpose of this program success is defined as you approaching a

Woman with ease and without doubt so that you can present yourself in the
best way possible. The program will kick approach anxieties butt and have
you approaching Women you never thought you had a chance with before.

Success is approaching. Anything after is just a bonus.

How To Use This Program:
When I first asked Marni if I could write this program, I told her I wanted to
create a simple, easy to digest program that would help men get over their
approach anxiety and approach with Confidence.

This program is meant to tackle 1 topic: Approaching!! I’m not going to

teach you about what to say to Women or teach you cute banter lines. I’m
going to help you get rid of that awful pit in your stomach that you feel
every time you see a Woman you are attracted to and want to approach.

There are two things that I know help make every approach the best
approach. Not the approach that gets her every time, because I can’t
control the Women out there to ensure you get 100% success rate. What I
can do is provide you with the essential tools ensuring that when you do
approach, you do it awesomely to guarantee the best results.

These two things are Self Comfort and Mindset. Once you have those two
down, everything else will fall into place. It’s your own comfort levels and
your mindset that are currently getting in the way of your approaches.

Do you know how often we at The Wing Girl Method hear guys say, “I just
stood there trying to think of a reason why I should be approaching her but
nothing came.”

Well here’s your reason: Because I’m awesome and I want to!

The goal is to get you to the place where you firmly believe in this reason
and you have the skill set to approach.

My program, just like the rest of The Wing Girl Method’s programs, is made
up of information, examples and exercises. We believe that in order to
hone a skill you have to DO.
There will be tons of exercises that we call Get Off Your Butt exercises,
(GOYB), throughout this program. Each of these will help you hone and
own the skills you need to approach with success.

Please give yourself at least 3-5 days for each exercise and at least 30
minutes a day.

At any time you wish, you can join our members only facebook group

Remember, you are not alone and myself, Marni and the other Wing
Girls have all experienced our own approach anxieties. So we’ve been
there. We get it and we’ve overcome it along with the 10’s of thousands
of men that have also bought programs from us.

We’re in this together!

What Is the Code Phrase?

Ahhhh…..The magic question. What is this Code Phrase that Marni told
you about and why does it work so well on getting Women relaxed and
feeling excited, comfortable and safe?

The Code Phrase is something that Marni came up with about 10 years
ago when she was at a Bootcamp in London. She was co-running a
Bootcamp with another coach and was really in the beginning stages of
creating her method.

While there, she would get approached A LOT. And because she was in
her research mode, she would dissect every approach that worked on her
and every approach that did not work for her. She slowly started to notice
a pattern.
The pattern was that men who approached her as if they knew her made

1. Comfortable

2. Curious

3. Excited

4. Attracted

And that’s when she created the magical Code Phrase that she talks
about on her Podcast and with her coaching clients; and it’s what I’ll
be sharing with you shortly.

But first….

What It Is And Why You Need to Be Doing It
Before I get into the nitty-gritty of HOW to approach Women, let’s take a
quick moment to cover what we actually mean by it.

I’ve seen men in the dating industry use all kinds of definitions and
explanations to cover what approaching is. Some claim it’s the first word
you say while others define it as the first few minutes of a conversation.
If you’ve been confused at all by the different explanations out there,
you’re not alone!

So let’s keep it nice and simple.

When talking about approaching a Woman, I simply mean making her

aware of your presence, and striking up a conversation.
The formula for a good approach is as follows:

Sexy Mindset + The Code Phrase = Successful Approach

By the end of this program you will have all the ingredients you need to get
over approach anxiety and approach like a master.

What I’m going to teach you is not going to guarantee that Women say Yes
to every approach you make. No one can make you that promise. And if
they do, run away!

What I’m about to teach you IS going to do is give you confidence that you
can approach any Woman you want effortlessly. The tools I’ll be giving to
you will guarantee that every opportunity to meet a Woman is a great one,
one that you can be proud of and not look back on with regret.

For the most part we’ll be focusing on what’s known as ‘Cold Approaching’,
even though I don’t really like that term because it sounds impersonal.
(Hint: Instead of seeing a Woman as a stranger, think of her as a future
girlfriend or bed buddy you simply haven’t met yet.)

Now, a lot of guys have hang-ups about approaching Women. They think
we’ll find it creepy, or weird, or like you’re intruding on our time and space.
Or god forbid, harassing.

All of those things COULD be true… IF you approach in the wrong way (but
since you’re one of the smart guys who bought this book, that’s not gonna
be you!)

But for the most part, Women LOVE to be approached by a man who
knows what he’s doing. It makes us feel noticed, appreciated and sexy
when a man gives us his attention in the right way.
After all, there’s a reason we spend so much time and money on beauty
products, salon visits, gym memberships and the like - we want to feel
beautiful and have people notice us, especially men. It makes us feel

Even if we’re in a relationship and not actively looking to meet a man, it still
feels good to be approached and flirted with.

And when we are single, we have this fantasy in the back of our mind that
some charming man will approach us and sweep us off our feet. Even if
that sweeping is only for a night ;-)

However, most men are not stepping up and making it happen. Either they
don’t know how, or they need to grow a pair and stop letting fear bitch slap
them in the face.

Let me tell you, I don’t know ANY Woman who secretly dreams of meeting
a man on Tinder. But this is the reality for many of us these days, and it’s
depressing, because men aren’t approaching us in real life in the way we
want them to.

In fact, as I’m writing this paragraph, I’m sitting at a coffee shop and there
is guy here who has been looking at me and smiling since I got here. I
know he’s interested. We always know if you are interested. And I
guarantee that he will not approach me, even though I would be open to it.
For goodness sake, I keep smiling back!!!!!! That’s me saying “get over
here already and let’s see what you’ve got”.

This is what it looks like if you exchange smiles with a Woman and she
wants you to approach.

See how it looks welcoming? It’s purposeful eye contact. A slight smile,
possibly even touching her mouth, eye contact and not looking away too
quickly. Even if I was shy, I would still make sure you saw me looking
before I looked away.

If I wasn’t interested, I would make damn certain to avoid eye contact after
an initial smile exchange. Or if I did make eye contact, it would simply be
to see if he was still looking at me. It would be quick, with no smile and no

My face would look more like this:

Unemotional and disinterested. No smile, No blushing, No nothing!

If there’s one thing I want to get through to you in this book, it’s that you
HAVE to be out there approaching Women. Not only will you score lots of
dates by standing out from the 99% of other guys who don’t have a clue…

You’ll also build Herculean levels of confidence that’ll serve you in all areas
of life. When you can approach pretty girls and get their number without
breaking a sweat, you’ll feel unstoppable and everything else in your life
will be that much easier.

How to Overcome Approach Anxiety and Take Action

You now know what approaching is and why you need to be doing it.
However for some guys that’s not enough to take the leap and actually
start approaching Women. That dreaded monster known as ‘Approach
Anxiety’ rears its ugly head and stops you from doing what needs to be

So, let’s tackle that here now, and help you kill off this pesky problem for
good. Because even if you know the perfect thing to say in every situation,
unless you actually step up and open your mouth, you’ll be sleeping alone
for a long time.

And by step up I mean practice doing over and over and over again. That’s
how you hone a skill and gain confidence in it. You practice. Just like you
did in school or with other hobbies. You practiced. And for a skill like
approaching, practice really does make perfect. The first stage of
practicing will simply be for getting rid of those approach jitters. Once the
jitters are gone and, as Marni calls it, that fear simply doing has passed,
you can start to finesse your style and figure out what approach works best
for you.

I’ve heard all kinds of theories as to why men feel approach anxiety.

Evolutionary psychology, past trauma, sexual shame, shyness,


Introversion is BS BTW. Don’t believe me?

Go read Marni’s article on Introvert vs. Shy in the bonus section.

We could spend forever exploring all of these, but more important than
speculating what causes it, is having a solution for dealing with Approach
Anxiety. At the end of the day we just want a solution for dealing with it so
you can date and sleep with the Hotties who you really want.

As I mentioned earlier, the formula for ultimate success and eliminating

those nasty jitters is as follows:

Sexy Mindset + The Code Phrase = Successful Approach

In this section we’ll explore a number of ways for you to obtain a good
mindset so that all your approaches are successful.

Once you have this piece of the formula down it will be soooooo much
easier to approach Women. When you’ve got this down and you’re
brimming with confidence, the rest becomes much easier.

I heard it explained once like this: If it was your job to go give a Woman a
winning lottery ticket and tell her she’d won millions of dollars, do you
think you’d have approach anxiety? Unlikely. You’d know that what you
have to say to her has so much value and will change her life for the
better. It would definitely be easy to talk to her.

Well you, my friend, are that winning lottery ticket. When you believe you
have so much value to offer a Woman that her life will be infinitely better
with you in it, then approaching her becomes a piece of cake. This
section is all about creating that level of self-belief and the high-value
perspective and mindset we can’t resist.

A.K.A Mindset
Get Off Your Butt Exercises - MINDSET:
Marni is a big believer in doing exercises to quickly help hone a skill. As
great as reading, listening or watching can be, there is nothing that helps
you nail down a skill faster than getting out there and doing.

I am also a firm believer in this. That’s why your first step to getting a sexy
mindset is going to include doing a ton of exercises we like to call Get Off
Your Butt exercises. (GOYB)

Get Off Your Butt Exercises are Wing-Girl approved exercises that will
help you to push yourself out of your comfort zone and level up your

These have all been tested and proven to work over and over again.

Do these exercises one at a time until you’ve mastered them and then
move on to the next one. You’ll know you’ve got it mastered when you can
do it without feeling anxious or trying to avoid it.

As a rule of thumb, aim for 30 minutes a day for each exercise. You can
do most of these anywhere - at work, on public transport, shopping for
groceries, even at home by yourself for some of them.

For now, don’t worry about getting these perfect for now. A lot of these
are just about changing your behaviors and mindsets and getting real
world feedback. That means do them everywhere you can, take note of
the responses you get and make adjustments if necessary.

Most importantly, have fun with these!! Even though some may feel a little
scary at first, once you put yourself out there and try them, you’ll be
amazed at how good they can make you feel.

And that’ll make a massive difference with your approach anxiety. The
better you feel and the more confident you are, the more you’ll feel you
have something of value to offer a Woman.
This is something we notice, BIG TIME! We can tell when a man is feeling
good and excited about life, and this is the kind of guy we want to meet.

Suddenly you’re this sexy stranger who is a welcome addition to our day…
instead of the creepy weirdo who sets off our alarm bells with his negative
vibe and energy.

Once you’ve got this stuff down, it’s like playing the dating game with the
cheat codes turned on.

Some, or maybe all, of these things might sound scary to you. If that’s the
case, GREAT! You’ll experience the most growth from doing the things
that scare you. If you want to achieve extraordinary results, you need to
be prepared to take extraordinary action.

Once you’ve finished these exercises, you’ll be like a new man. And trust
me, we WILL notice. You’ll feel about a 1000 pounds lighter and ready to
approach Women.

When a man doesn’t have the social freedom and confidence to approach
us in a relaxed and smooth way, it feels awkward and forced. Our natural
instinct is to want to get away as quickly as we can.

However by the time you’ve done these GOYB exercises you’ll be the total
opposite….the type of man we find intriguing and charismatic, whose
approach is more than welcome.
#1 - Re-framing How You See YOU
Positive people are more popular. They’re also seen as more attractive by
the opposite sex. A lot of the guys I know who struggle with Women, focus
more on the negative than the positive. They’re the proverbial ‘Glass
is Half Empty’ kinda guys….even when it comes to how they see

Your opinion of yourself is incredibly important. If you don’t see

yourself as a high-value, attractive man, then why should a Woman?
As the old saying goes, you teach people how to treat you by how you
treat yourself.

A lot of men project low value, neediness, or creepiness to Women without

even realizing it. Simply because they never take the time to decide what
they DO want to project and how to do so.

What you’re gonna do in this exercise is Re-Frame your thinking so you

feel good about yourself and project an attractive attitude at all times. To
do that, you want to come up with a list of 10 awesome things about you.

It might be things other people have told you, or what you know from how
others react to you. Or just things you know about yourself deep down.
For example, if you’re good at making other people laugh, then that’s
something you might put down. If you’re reliable and always do what you
say you will, that’s another positive trait.

Come up with a list of at least 10 positive traits you know to be true and
write them down, either on paper or as a note on your phone. Say these
out loud to yourself first thing in the morning and last thing at night to
ingrain them into your subconscious.

Then anytime you’re out and you feel anxious or need a hit of confidence,
pull out your list and recite it to yourself.

If you see a Woman and you’re intimidated just because she’s pretty,
realize that’s only 1 positive thing you know about her. When you stack
that up against your 10 positive traits, all of a sudden she magically won’t
seem so out of your league.
You can also use the re-framing tool when you start to have Negative self-
talk or negative thoughts. The way you speak and think about yourself
directly relates to how others, especially Women will think and speak
about you.

Start to notice when you talk or think negatively about yourself. Noticing is
the first essential step to make change. Once you notice a negative
thought or a negative way you’ve talked about yourself, pause, breath and

For example:

1. “I’m awful at basketball”

2. Just noticed I put myself down

3. Pause, breath

4. I’m a mess on the basketball courts, but I play a mean game of checkers


Negative thoughts REFRAMED.

Do you see how the last statement puts you in a more positive frame for
both you and your audience?

If you can start noticing and re-framing your thoughts and the way you
talk about yourself, you will start to see a pretty quick shift in your
confidence and how others respond to you.
#2 - I Want…

Women love confident guys who know what they want and go after it. The
only way you’re going to get what you want is to be comfortable with telling
other people what that is. This doesn’t mean you will always get what
you want. But if you can’t even take ownership of your desires, you will
be guaranteed not to get them.

So for this exercise you’ll be using the words ‘I Want’ at least 5 times a
day. This could be with your friends, colleagues, strangers, whoever.

You’re not doing this in an obnoxious or demanding way. You’re simply

expressing what it is you want in that moment, in a clear and decisive

And if you don’t know what it is you want, take a moment to think about it.
The more you practice this, the more decisive you’ll become, and the more
Women will get turned on by you.

#3 - The Groove Method

This one is all about getting comfortable being uncomfortable. Some of the
most attractive guys I know are those who don’t give a F*ck what other
people think because they’re having too much fun doing their thing.

Most people find it hard to truly let go and be in the moment, because
they’re too self-conscious. But if you’re always worried about what other
people think, it’ll seriously hold you back with Women. We want a guy
who’s sure of himself, one who doesn’t let other people’s opinions or
thoughts influence his behavior.

You’ve got 2 options for this GOYB exercise:

1. At home alone, put your favorite music on, crank it up and dance like
nobody’s watching. Really cut loose and throw yourself into it 100%.
Give yourself permission to laugh and feel silly, pushing through any
discomfort you feel.

2. In your car, sing along loudly to some music and have a blast. If
people start looking at you, smile at them and start singing even
louder. Remember, this exercise is to get you over the fear of what
other people think! Besides, most people will be envious of your
ability to be so free and happy. Trust me, this really works.

#4 - The Smirk
There’s something naturally charismatic and seductive about a man who
has perfected his smirk. Think George Clooney, James Bond, James

When done right it makes Women go weak in the knees. It screams

masculinity and confidence, like they have a sexy secret that the rest of us
aren’t privy to.

If you want to create the perfect smirk, you’ll have to work at it. Find some
good examples, like the guys mentioned above, and model theirs. Practice
smirking in the mirror until it comes naturally. Record yourself on your
phone and play it back to see how you look to other people.

Most importantly, get out there in the real world and practice. Smirk at 10
people a day and notice their reactions. Smirk at attractive Women every
chance you get. Do they smile back at you? Blush and look down? Keep
working at it until you start seeing positive reactions like these.

This one will pay off big time for you, as you’ll be communicating
many positive things to a Woman before you even open your mouth.

When you can do that, it’ll make your approach much more welcome and
warmly received.
#5 - Look at Me, Fool

Sometimes the simple things are the most effective. And you can’t beat
good old-fashioned eye contact as a way to connect with people.

The problem is most people really aren’t able to maintain strong eye
contact anymore. You’d be surprised at the number of people I see at
my bar who spend the whole night staring at their phone instead of
looking at and engaging with the people around them.

You might also have a tendency to look away when people make eye
contact with you. If so, you’re communicating a lack of confidence and
showing submissiveness, which will kill a lot of the attraction Women will
feel for you.

So, to fix this issue you need to actively work on holding people’s gaze.

Everyday make a commitment to not looking away first after making eye
contact with someone. This doesn’t mean stare at them like a psycho.
You should smile and look friendly, but you don’t want to be breaking off
the eye contact before they do. This is also a good time to practice your

Once you can do this without breaking a sweat you’ll feel more confident
and will make a much stronger impression with everyone, including
beautiful Women.

Correction............ESPECIALLY with beautiful Women!

#6 - Voice Tonality

Your voice is one of the most powerful tools you have to captivate a
Woman’s attention. A man who knows how to use his vocal tonality to full
effect is almost impossible to resist.

Which is why it’s such a shame that most guys waste this incredible
opportunity. They speak in a flat, monotone voice that doesn’t convey any
emotion or feeling. As a Woman, I can’t get excited by a man who doesn’t
sound excited himself by what he has to say.

For this exercise, first of all record yourself speaking normally and play it
back to yourself. How does it sound? Most people are shocked at how
different they sound to what they hear in their own head.

Once you’ve got that baseline of how you sound, it’s time to start mixing it
up. Try speaking a lot louder. A lot softer. Faster. Slower. With a higher
pitch. With more Bass. Try conveying as many different emotions as you
can. Try different accents.

Then, point is to learn how to take control of your voice and learn the many
different ways you can use it to great effect, rather than thinking you only
have one way of speaking all the time.

And go out and practice with people. See what kind of reactions you get
when you try different styles, tempos, pitches, and emotions.

You really do have the power to influence how someone feels, and that’s a
huge advantage in making Women desire you.
Quick story…

One night when I was out, I had this super-hot guy approach me. He must
have been a model, he was that good looking. Tall, dark, handsome… the
whole package. We met eyes when I was walking to the bathroom.

I instantly looked down, bit my lip, moved my hair and then looked back up
at him. He held the eye contact and had this sexy smirk on his face and
then looked away.

When I got out of the bathroom, I couldn’t find him. So, I walked to the bar
to get a drink and there he was. He spun around, smirked at me and
pulled me onto the dance floor.

We danced a bit and I was totally into him, and ready to go home with
him… until he opened his mouth. His voice was as high as a chipmunk’s
and his tonality was just like my gay B.F.F’s. No offense to chipmunks or
gay dudes, I like both of them. I just don’t get turned on and excited by
either of them.

That’s why tonality is sooooo important. A Woman can make a snap

decision about you that you may not have time to recover from. I quickly
wrote this guy off as gay and super feminine and my lady parts dried up
and closed off.

I quickly excused myself and went back to my girlfriends hoping to find

another guy to have fun with. The rest of the night I made sure to have the
guy say a few words to ensure I didn’t waste my time again.

I’m not saying there is anything wrong with sounding fem, and I know there
are tons of Women who are into it. From what I’ve seen, these are
typically super assertive, Alpha females. But, if you want to appeal to the
masses, lose the fem voice. Every Woman melts over a deep voice that
comes from the diaphragm.
#7 - New Intention and “Reason for Approaching”

This is one of the most important exercise of all. After working with so
many men, I know that a big approach stopper is believing you don’t have
a reason to approach. Which is why we’re going to give you a reason right

Your new reason for approaching is…. Drumroll please….


Simple right?

In new space where you have tons of confidence, self-value, and a sexy
mindset, it’s all about YOU want what YOU want. Not what she wants. At
least not yet. If you want to approach her, DO IT! Let her decide if she’s
not interested in what you are offering her.

I want you to do something. I want you to write this next phrase down on a
piece of paper and stick it in your back pocket or put it into your notes on
your phone.

“She’s cute. I want to approach her and see what she is about.”

Next time your head starts swimming with thoughts of “I might be bothering
her” or “I have no reason to approach” or “I’m not good enough” I want you to
first pull up your man pants and then read that note you made to yourself.

Collect yourself and GO!!!!!

Now go practice this with at least 5 Women each day for the next week.

Just doing this and calming your mind before your approach is the goal of
this exercise. Not success with the Woman on the other end. That’s just a
By the time you’ve gotten to and put to practice this last GOYB exercise,
you should be beaming with confidence and ready to tackle the actual

#8 - Body Language and Tonality (The Outer Mindset)

Your body language says so much about you before you even open your
mouth and speak. Women are very intuitive at reading body language and
will often make a decision about you based on this alone.

I want to tell you a quick story that will explain just how important body
language is to a Woman.

I was working the other night when some big-time producer walked through
the door and sat in my section. This guy has TONS of $$’s, was very well
dressed and if I’m being honest, ridiculously hot. Every Woman was
looking at him.

Since I knew who he was and he was hot, I was kind of intimidated and
nervous to talk to him. When I went over, I did my usual spiel to try to
engage him and guarantee my tip ;-)

This super-hot guy who seemed to have everything going for him could not
make eye contact with me. His shoulders shrugged, his body was stiff and
I could tell he was uncomfortable.

This wasn’t even a high-pressure situation and still he was so

uncomfortable which made me uncomfortable. It made me uncomfortable
and I felt sad for him. It’s like that bubble of star power and sexiness just
instantly got popped and I was left with someone that I felt more masculine
than and bad for. I felt like I needed to take care of him. I guess that’s my
job but I have tons of customers who I feel super feminine around and flirty.

This was not one of them.

I’ll show you a picture of what he looked like:

The whole night I would watch him try to talk to girls, while still standing
like this:
Or this:

Looking down, body stiff as a board, no eye contact, meek and less than.
Excuding no confidence in who he is.

The funny thing was that I would also see all these Women quickly
become disappointed that their dream man wasn’t what they thought he
would be.

He’d talk to a girl and they’d be super perky and upbeat and excited to talk
to him and then as time went on you’d see their energy levels lower, their
faces start to scowl and eager to find an out for talking to him.

Just a quick note. You totally don’t have to be super outgoing and
animated with Women. You can still act shy in your body language from
time to time but you do have to be able to bounce right back.
Shyness can be cute but low confidence and shut off body language is not.

The whole point of this is YES.....Money, good looks and success are Sexy!!

I’m never going to tell you that those things aren’t big draws to most
Women. But couple that with low confidence, which is what his body
language was telling them, then you have nothing. Well at least nothing
that a quality Woman would want. Money hungry, gold diggers… they’ll be
all over you.

I’ll go one step farther and be kind of crass. On some subconscious level I
kept thinking “God, he must have a small penis and be horrible in bed.”

When he acted that way, I immediately thought he’s got something to hide
or that he’s ashamed of.

And yuck to sleeping with him. If he’s like that at first meeting, I can’t
imagine how creepy and awkward he would be in bed. NO THANKS.

Next please.

Which is why your body language needs to match you’re new found
mindset, or else all the work you’ve done will be wasted.

The good thing is that from simply doing the mindset exercises, your body
will slowly start to follow suit and display what’s going on in the inside.
Just in case…

Here’s how to have good body language that instantly tells a Woman
“This guy is awesome, better grab him quick or someone else will.”

NOTE: Sorry for the examples being models and celebrities. It’s all I
could find Online. Just pay attention to their open, relaxed body

Now let’s drill down into what it is that I’ve shown you so that you can
understand what you may be doing on a daily basis that instantly signals
“Don’t choose me. I’ve got baggage”.

It’s kinda hard to really explain attractive body language in a book, but I’ll
do my best to give you some guidelines.

And when teaching this to guys in the past, I’ve found it’s often easier to
explain what Bad body language is and what Not to do. When you
eliminate those things, you’ll end up with good body language by default.
To work out what constitutes bad body language, think about what some
negative and unattractive traits are. For example: Unconfident, needy,
weak, timid etc.

So you want to eliminate any body language that has you looking like a
weak, passive guy that gets pushed around in life. This would include
things like:

● Slouching or slumped shoulders

● Feet really close together like you’re afraid to take up space

● Moving too fast or fidgeting

● Avoiding eye contact with people, or looking at the ground

● Facial expressions where you look nervous or unsure of yourself

You also want to avoid body language that makes it look like you’re trying
too hard to appear confident and masculine.

That might include things like:

● Sticking your chest too far out or shoulders too far back

● Arms flared out at the side because of supposed huge muscles

● Standing with your legs overly-wide apart

● Limbs spread all over the place while seated like you’re some kind
of badass

Good body language is somewhere in the middle. You want to look

relaxed, confident, friendly, easy-going and like you’re comfortable in
your own skin.

This is the core stuff that makes up 90% of what’ll work for you.
The other 10% will vary from guy to guy, and will depend on your
personality and image. For example, I know some guys who do great with
Women are really high energy and a bit of a goofball in a positive way.
While others I know are a bit more mysterious, quiet, and have that Bad
Boy vibe going on.

The body language is going to be different between these two types of

guys, because their personalities are different. And that’s where the idea
of congruence comes into play.

Congruence means that everything you’re doing is working together and

sending the same message. For example, if a homeless looking person
was talking about their job as the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, you
wouldn’t believe them. That wouldn’t be congruent based on how they
present themselves.

You want to make sure that your body language is congruent with who you
are. Don’t try and look like a tough guy if you’re actually a sweetheart. If
you speak really slowly and deliberately, your physical movements should
reflect that.

The reason this is important is everything you do is broadcasting a signal

about you. As Women, we’re unconsciously on the lookout for anything
that seems fake or insincere. If we’re picking up mixed signals, we just get
that feeling that something ‘isn’t right’ about you and we shouldn’t trust

It could be that verbally you’re telling us one thing, but your body
language, or tonality, or image is telling us something completely different.

You want how you dress, speak, talk, and move to all be telling the same
congruent story about the kind of man you are.
Examples To Model:

One of the best things you can do is find examples of men who have great
body language and copy what they do. An easy place to look is movies and
TV, either actors themselves or the characters they play.

Here are some guys who are worth studying so you can model what they do:

● Ryan Gosling (in most things, but especially Crazy Stupid


● Russell Crowe in Gladiator

● Matt Damon in the Bourne films

● George Clooney and Brad Pitt in Ocean’s Eleven

● Daniel Craig as James Bond

● Tom Cruise in just about anything

● Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark

● Stephen Amell in Arrow

● Jon Hamm in Mad Men

There are tons of others, but these are enough to get started. I’d also
suggest choosing a few role models who you most identify with (not
necessarily from the above list), who are attractive to Women, and
try adopting some of their mannerisms and body language habits.
GOYB Exercise For Improving Your Body Language

Owning Your Animal: A Lesson In Body Language and How To

Convey Inner Confidence

Awhile back Marni met an amazing Woman named Erika who informed her
of a quick tool she provides Women on how to quickly find confidence in
every situation and convey that through their body language. It’s a tool
she developed while working in the music industry.

Erika used to work in brand development with different artists. Which

meant that she helped shape the type of persona an artist would take on
to reflect their brand. To help her artists she would ask them “How do you
want people to see you as an artist and who do you see yourself being?”

They would give tons of answers like “I’m the army type, I’m the blonde
bombshell, I’m the grunge rocker”. Then Erika would help them further
define this persona to establish a useable brand that the artist could clearly
visualize on a moment’s notice.

Now Erika uses this tool to help normal individuals establish their own
brands. But she makes everyone select an Animal type as she has found
that animals are easy to visualize and emulate. Marni thought this was
genius, so she decided to borrow Erika’s tool and asked if I would share it
with you.
Here is how Erika’s tool works. She asks each person to select a strong
animal that resonates with them and then asks them to list 5 attributes for
this animal.

Once the person can visualize the animal and its attributes they can
quickly embody the attributes of the animal. So before going out in
public, or in a moment of doubt, a person can picture their animal
persona and quickly take on its attributes/persona. It’s a quick and easy
way to embody confidence.

Here’s What I Want You To Do:

1. Take about 5 minutes and select an animal

2. Write down the animal on a piece of paper, as well as 5 key attributes of

the animal you want to embody

3. Take 1 minute to embody the attributes and answer these questions:

- How would this animal stand?

- How would this animal walk?

- How would this animal hold eye contact?

- How would this animal talk to people?

- How would this animal go after what he wants

Bonus for tonight:
Share about this little tactic with a Woman BUT tell her
what animal you think she may be. Make sure that the animal and
attributes you assign are strong, confident and feminine. A weak animal will
insult her.

Doing this exercise will help you quickly get that confident body language
that says to Women “I know what I’m doing and you’ll enjoy every second
of it”.

I want you to take a couple of weeks to really work on getting your body
language down. I know that may seem like a long time but in the grand
scheam of life, that’s nothing. 2 weeks to totally transform how Women
see you both outside and in seems like an easy choice.

Everything I’ve had you do up until now is going to totally change the way
you see yourself and others see you. Trust me, you’ll get looks you’ve
never gotten before which will make approaching soooooo much easier.

Those looks are the gateway to more. They are her initial move to signal
"Get over here and let me know more about you."

Speaking of looks, I wanted to talk for a second about warm and cold
approaches. I know this is such a PUA term but it’s the best way to
describe the 2 different kinds of approaches.

A cold approach is when you approach a Woman who has not given you
any indicators that she’s interested in you approaching. No eye contact, no
smiles, no notice of you. Just like a door to door salesman. He has no
clue what’s behind the door and if they’re open to buying from them.

A warm approach is when you have some indication that she will be
receptive to your approach. A smile, a chuckle, warm eye contact, a wink
(which is usually pretty extreme) or even just a quick glance that has her
glancing back and looking.

Everything I’ve been teaching you so far and will continue to teach you,will
work for a cold approach. BUT with cold approaches you have to do a
little more work on the front end with your Code Phrase (which we’ll get to

I’d love to really focus more on making all your approaches warm
approaches so that you can increase your chances of success.

NOTE: Not all situations can be turned into a warm approach but try first
and if you don’t succeed go cold and go hard.

Here’s how to make your warm approaches even warmer.

Let’s say you’ve made eye contact with a girl, try to get her to give a
response by doing something along the lines of waving, raising your glass,
rolling your eyes at something you are doing, picking up the shirt you’ve
been eyeing and silently asking if it’s good, making a funny face….
Something to further along the interaction because it’s bold.

If you get a positive reaction, then you can immediately approach. If you
don’t get a good reaction, it’s a pretty strong indicator of the reaction
you’ll get if you approach. I’d still go for it because you never know.

Again, you totally don’t have to do this if you’ve already gotten the warm
reception but this can definitely help build on your first silent interaction.

Whether or not you get that warm approach, I still say go for it. I’ve dated
and slept with a handfull of guys that I thought were complete D-bags at
first glance.
My Challenge To You
Before I dive into the BIG reveal and explain the Code Phrase to you, I
need you to do all the exercises above. Honing each of the skills that these
exercises were created for is essential to your success with Women and
your success in using the Code Phrase correctly.

If you can’t ask for what you want, stand proud in your decisions, have
open and confident body language…. You will not be able to pull off the
Code Phrase.

My challenge to you, before we dive into the Code Phrase, is to literally Get
Off Your Butt as the exercises state and do these exercises.

If you have hard time motivating yourself, then you’ve come to the right

I’m going to tell you how to make sure you actually learn something and
get the results you want.

You and I are going to make a little bet and set some stakes ;)
Setting Some Stakes

Did you know it’s harder for people to take action when there are no
consequences? You either need a positive reward or a negative
punishment to properly motivate yourself to do most things.

For example, you probably wouldn’t get out of bed at the crack of dawn to
get to work on time without the threat of being fired for turning up late
(punishment). You also wouldn’t spend your time working if you weren’t
getting paid (reward).

So you’re to get some stakes that are important enough for you that they’ll
push you into approaching Women, even when you don’t feel like it. The
idea is that you’ll create positive stakes to reward you for approaching a
Woman, and negative stakes to punish you when you don’t. Maybe that
should be an ADDITIONAL reward for approaching Women, because
getting good with Women IS the reward you really want most. Isn’t it?

Now, what those stakes are will be up to you. Only you know what will be
persuasive enough to get you to take action. But let’s discuss a few
examples here to give you some ideas.

You also need to decide what your goal is, based on how experienced
you currently are. If you’ve never approached a Woman before, the goal
might be just to approach your first Woman. If you already approach now
and then, maybe the goal is to approach 10 Women a day for the next

Positive Stakes

● Treat yourself to a nice meal or favorite food that you don’t regularly

● Buy some new clothes or a new pair of shoes

● Take some time to yourself to go see a movie, a sporting event,

concert, or something else you’d really enjoy
● Go get a relaxing massage

● Buy a nice bottle of Wine or your favorite liquor (if you

These are just a few examples. You can choose anything that would
make you feel good but you wouldn’t usually do on a regular basis.

Negative Stakes

● Donate a sum of money to a charity or cause that you actually


● Commit to running a mile for every Woman you want to approach but

● Have something for dinner that tastes disgusting to you

● Ban yourself from Facebook, social media or all Online activities for a
set amount of time

● Spend time and money doing something you hate - a bad movie, the
ballet etc.

For even better results, I suggest you select both a positive and negative
stake so you have double the motivation for taking action.

What’s important with any of these is that you pick something meaningful to
you, and you stick to it no matter what. You want to phrase it like, “I’m
going to approach X amount of Women, and when I do I’ll reward myself
with Y. But if for some reason I don’t, I’m going to punish myself by Z.”

It should be super-important to you that when you make a promise to

yourself you keep it. If you’re going to back out and not follow through, then
this won’t work properly for you.
And if you really want to dial this up another notch, tell other people about
this and have them hold you accountable. Maybe it’s your best friend, or
your brother, or just a work buddy you get on with. Tell them what you’ve
committed to and make sure they follow up with you at a specified time.
The reason this works is it feels worse to fail publicly than it does in private.

Setting stakes will help you. Plus it’s fun to have your own private little
game ☺

Nearly 80% of people who buy self help books never read them. Don’t let
that be you!

A Word About Looks

Alright I lied. I have 1 more thing to tell you before we get to our big finish
and reveal the code phrase that will easily spark a conversation and make
approaching about 100x easier….

I want to tell you about Women and looks.

There are so many great guys out there who hold themselves back
because they think Women won’t be attracted to them. They think
Women are as obsessed about looks as men are (We aren’t).

Sure, we can appreciate a good looking man. And you should do

everything in your power to max out your appearance. But a guy’s looks
aren’t at the top of the list of what most Women are looking for.

By max out I mean get a good haircut, be stylish, have good shoes, make
sure your clothes fit properly. These things will certainly catch our eye
and give you the foot in the door to make the approach easier and more
These things can help make a good first impression, but after a couple of
minutes that wears off and we start looking at your other attributes to figure
out what type of man you are.

There are plenty of ugly guys I know who are real lady-killers. And there
are just as many handsome dudes who have nothing else going for them
but their looks who go home alone every night.

Women are a lot more individualistic in what we find attractive as well.

What some Women consider ugly, other Women find sexy as hell. You
really can’t predict whether or not a Woman will be physically attracted to
you or not, so don’t waste your energy worrying about it.

Realize that you have a ton of value to offer just by virtue of being YOU,
which is something no other man can compete with.

Just a few days ago I was approached by a man who was barely taller
than me (I’m only 5’5”) and in his 40’s. He was NOT conventionally
handsome by any means.

But he had a devilish smirk and air of confidence that instantly made me
curious. He made piercing eye contact and it was clear he wasn’t
intimidated by me the way some men are.

The fact he was able to make me laugh and hold an interesting

conversation made me give him my number when he asked. I was even
surprised that same night when I checked my phone a few times, hoping
he’d texted me.

So let this be a lesson to you that your looks aren’t an excuse for not
approaching and dating the Women you want. When you go out and apply
what you learn in this book, you’ll realize it doesn’t matter what you look
I know we’ve covered a LOT in just a short while but I hope it’s all sinking
in and making sense. IF it’s not or you think you need some help with this I
highly suggest signing up for email coaching with Marni OR joining our
special FB group where you will get to interact with my fellow Wing Girl
Marissa and get answers to everything you want to know.

I want you to take your time to really hone and own (as Marni says) a good
mindset. It’s not something that happens in minutes and without practice.
I say, give this a good 2 weeks to really settle in, even though I know you
will see and feel changes instantly.

And now Da Dat Dat Daaaaaaaa…….


How Women Want to Be Approached

One thing I want you to realize is that Women LOVE to be approached by
a man who knows what he’s doing. Problem is, most act like boys who
don’t understand Women at all.

First and foremost, understand that attractive Women are still people.
We don’t want to be treated like a sex object who exists for your
gratification. That means things like cat-calling and crude, sexual remarks
are a huge no-no!

If you’re starting conversations by mentioning anything sexual, it’s a

mistake. If you’re calling us things like ‘babe’, ‘sexy’, ‘sweetheart’ etc., it’s
a mistake. If you’re staring at our cleavage instead of looking us in the
eye, it’s a mistake.
That doesn’t mean you can’t flirt with us. Or let us know you find us
attractive. The difference is most men are about as subtle as a
sledgehammer in communicating this. And instead of making us feel
feminine and desirable to you, it makes us feel like you see us as nothing
more than a prostitute. You don’t see us. You see through us and we are
a goal, not a person.

At the other end of the spectrum are the guys who don’t show any interest
in us at all. These are the typical ‘nice guys’ who play things safe, and
safe equals boring.

If they work up the courage to approach us, it’s usually with a lame excuse
and it never goes anywhere interesting. To a Woman, it’s about as
stimulating as having a conversation with a door-to-door evangelist.

This means, if your conversations with Women always revolve around

topics like the weather, work, politics (i.e. safe and non-sexual, with your
intentions covered up), it’s time you start taking more risks in what you talk
about. I.E. Safe, non-sexual and intentions covered up.

For example, I had a guy approach me 2 weeks ago and ask if I knew
where a Starbucks was. I told him, then he said, “Oh Ok, so, um, where
are you from?” Not only was it obvious he was making up an excuse to
talk to me, he then followed up with the most generic question every guy
uses when talking to Women.

That’s why one of the most important things you can do with Women is
clearly state your intentions by not covering up that you have a sexual
desire for us.

I know that this simple statement can be a little confusing because…

well.... you’re a dude!!! Which is why I wanted to share an article Marni
wrote and sent out to those that are on her newsletter list a little while
back. It will help you understand what stating your intentions means and
how to show sexual desire without landing yourself in jail.


Stop Trying to Hide Your Sexual Desire: She Already

Knows You Want Her

As you probably know, I’ve worked with thousands of men in my career as

a dating coach.

And there’s one group of guys I come across again and again… no matter
where in the world they’re from, their age, or how experienced they are.

These are the men I like to refer to as “Seduction Ninjas”.

What’s a Seduction Ninja, you ask?

It’s a man who tries to be invisible in his attempts to seduce a Woman.

Just like ancient Ninja warriors would hide in the shadows and use cloak
and dagger tactics to achieve their mission…

Seduction Ninjas take a similar approach with Women. They hide their
sexual interest in her, thinking they can use a bunch of stealthy tactics and
techniques to dazzle her into bed before she even realizes what they’re
up to.

They’re afraid if a Woman suspects him of having any interest in her

sexually, the gig is up and he’ll be ‘found out’.

But here’s the thing these guys don’t understand:

When you approach us, we already know you want to sleep with us!

I mean, Duh, why else would you be coming up to us and starting a

No matter how clever or original you think your approach is, we know what
your real intentions are.

And honestly? We think it’s kinda strange that you try so hard to hide your
interest in us… like there was something wrong or shameful about you
feeling attracted to a Woman.

So if YOU are one of these Seduction Ninjas, here’s the message I want to
get through to you:

Get over the idea that you have to hide your interest for us to like you.

It stems from a place of insecurity and low self-esteem, like you think we’d
reject you if we knew you were interested. Having that mindset is the very
thing that WILL make us reject you…

Because if you don’t think you’re good enough for us, then why should we
think any differently?

The men who are the most attractive to Women are those who accept their
natural sexual desires and OWN IT!

Once you accept that it’s okay to embrace your attraction for Women,
rather than hiding it, then it becomes a lot easier for you to approach us
and give us the gift of your natural masculine energy and desire.

Women LOVE to feel desired by you, when you do so in a charming and

respectful manner (not a creepy, sex-starved predator kind of way).

Unfortunately, many guys don’t know the subtleties of how to communicate

this in the way that we CRAVE and respond enthusiastically too.

But when you know how to do this, you truly Become the man that
Women want.
You’ll no longer be one of the Seduction Ninjas that Women avoid having
sex with. Instead, you’ll be the man that’s completely comfortable around
beautiful Women, able to express your natural personality and sexuality.

I can tell you from having reformed plenty of Seduction Ninjas over the
years, this one thing is a complete game-changer.

It’s incredible to watch a guy transform from being insecure and trying to
manipulate Women…

Into a confident and in-control BadAss that knows what to do and say to
effortlessly attract Women, without having to hide anything or play silly

Start approaching the right way right from the start!

The best female friend you’ll ever have,


I hope this clearly explains what it means to state your intentions and not
hide your sexual desires.

So now that you’re clear on stating your intentions and you are no longer
covering up what you want, it’s time to start talking about the actual
approach and what to say to her to make a lasting first impression that will
not only spark attraction but make her want to know you more.


I promise this is the last tease for the Code Phrase but you have admit, you
like when I tease you ;-) - see what I did? I playfully put a little sexuality out
there in a subtle way.
I’m sure this isn’t the first program you’ve purchased on this topic and I’m
very certain you’ve read a ton of other literature from male coaches and
pick up artists who tell you lines, routines and generic/cheesy things to say
to Women to get them talking.

The thing is that post #metoo and 2015 – Women are hip to these lines
and require much more to get them responding. We’ve heard it all before,
especially if we’re hot and young.

When I hear an obvious line or can sense that I’m about to be apart of a
routine, it feels like someones drilling a nail in the back of my skull. I may
smile, participate and be polite. But I’m secretly wishing that a big truck
would fall on your end so that this conversation could end without me
feeling guilty. Sorry but it’s true.

We’ve heard it all and we crave something authentic, real and unique.

Which should be easy for you to do because YOU are authentic, real and
unique to every other man out there. You just have to figure out how.

Here is how you are unique:

You are unique because there is only 1 of you.

No one else has had your experiences.

No one else thinks the same way about every topic.

No one else is as awesome as you are and okay with being proud of who
you are and what you have to offer.

YOU are YOU and there is no else that can say that.

Which translates into everything you say and think and do can be
interesting as long as you know how to phrase (present) it.
That’s why I’ve called the special Wing Girl approved tool for
successful approaching the Code Phrase.

It’s broken up into 2 parts.

The Code and How You Phrase Your Information

Here is the magical code that you have been waiting for…

O.S.A = Observation + Sharing + Asking

OSA is The Wing Girl Methods, (model/approach) for starting

conversations with Women naturally, easily and uniquely.

The belief behind the Code Phrase (OSA) is that opinion openers and
direct openers are all fine and dandy. They definitely buy you time to talk
to Women and in no way do we think that these techniques are bad or

The thing is that both require the Woman to be mildly attracted to you in
order for them to work.

With OSA, she can be completely unaware of you, not attracted and in a
matter of minutes all of that can change.


Because OSA does something the other types of approaches don’t do.

OSA helps you display attributes about yourself to Women in a short

amount of time without seeming aggressive.

OSA allows you to start talking to a Woman so that she feels as if you’ve
known her forever because you aren’t seeking her approval to talk to her.

You’re talking to her as if you already know her.

I’m getting ahead of myself.

Let me explain how The Code Phrase: OSA works.

Heads up. I’ve included a couple of videos in the bonus section that
thoroughly explain OSA and how to practice doing OSA. It will take
practice to hone and own OSA but the good thing is that you can use OSA
on everyone around you, even those you already know.

Even with these relationships, you’ll start to see that your connection to
others will become stronger and people around you will have no choice
but to start sharing and telling you things about themselves.


The first step is to simply make an observation - either about the Woman
you want to talk to or about something in the environment.

When you do this, it makes your approach seem genuine and

spontaneous. And as we talked about in the last section, that’s a very
good thing.

So, what are some things you can make an observation about? It can be
just about anything, and the possibilities are endless.

Here are some examples of things you might observe about her:

● Her fashion sense e.g. “I love that style you’re rocking, it’s like hipster
mixed with a touch of Goth.”
● Piercings and tattoos e.g. “That ink looks sick.”
● Exotic features/accent e.g. “That’s the most unique accent I’ve heard
all day, it sounds (whatever it sounds like to you)”
● Items she’s carrying e.g. “Hey, I noticed you’ve got the Google Pixel 2.”
● Mood or expressions e.g. “Wow, you’re full of energy… you seem
super excited about something.”
● Activity she’s doing e.g. “Looks like you’re breaking a good sweat
As a general rule, you’re better off keeping your observations about her
positive. You can also gently tease her, however it’s important to be playful
when doing this or else you risk coming off like a jerk.

I, for one, like it when guys tease me.

The other day I was at the gym lifting weights and a guy said to me “Too
afraid to try the big boy weights huh?” He said it with a smirk on his face
so I knew he wasn’t trying to be a dick. I immediately bit back and started
a 20 minute conversation with him.

Making observations about things in the environment might include:

● Other people who are around you e.g. “Hey, I don’t want to get your
hopes up, but the guy over there with the pacemaker and zimmer
frame is totally checking you out.”
● Animals and wildlife e.g. “That’s the most adorable looking dog over
● Music that’s playing e.g. “Oh wow, I haven’t heard this song since I
was a freshman in college.”
● Artwork or exhibits e.g. “Something about this painting just draws me
in and I find it hard to look away.”
● Food and drinks e.g. “I’m pretty sure that’s the girliest looking drink
I’ve ever seen.”
● Random unusual things e.g. “This line for the bathroom feels even
longer than the one to get into the club.”
Real life example :

Let me introduce you to a friend of mine, Vanessa. She’s 30, works as a

real estate agent, and is a tall, beautiful redhead (think of a young Geena
Davis). I asked her about one time a guy approached her that really stood
out, and here’s what she told me:

“I was standing in line waiting for my morning coffee, staring off into space.
There was a guy standing next to me who was much shorter, and I didn’t
even really notice him to be honest. But he turned to me and said, ‘You
look like you’re a million miles away, either dreaming about conquering the
world or nothing at all. Either way, it’s very intriguing.’

Physically, I wasn’t attracted to him. But the fact that he was able to read
me so well, and that he’d been paying attention, there was something
about that which was so sexy. We ended up grabbing a table while we
drank our coffees and when he asked me out to dinner, I found myself
saying Yes. Sometimes you need those extra moments and info about a
guy to be able to see why he’s attractive.”

Share an opinion, experience, interesting fact or story about yourself
related to the observation.

The reason this works so well, and why it’s so important, is because most
guys don’t do it. They simply give obscure, headline statements that have
absolutely no context. And we ladies need context in order to respond
and feel something about what is being said.

Let me give you an example of what I mean to explain why sharing is so

important. Do you watch sports? Well I do. But what I like better are the
commentator shows. I love when people dissect a situation and give
great context to 1 simple thing that happened.

PLUS, I love hearing all the unique points of view.

What those commentators are doing is SHARING. And sharing gives me/
us a peep into who they are on a deeper level because it lets us, the
viewer, see how that commentator works and what they are about.

Sharing gives us Women a glimpse of your personality, whatever that

might be for you. We get to see that you have confidence and social
intelligence, by approaching an attractive Woman and not doing anything
weird or creepy.

Sharing is providing detail on the WHY behind the observation.

Why was that interesting to you?

WHY did you make that observation?

Why did XYZ catch your attention and make you think of XYZ?

Again, it gives context which gives you substance and that helps you go
from creepy guy talking to me to that guy that had a dog when he was
younger and still gets emotional when he sees other dogs. Or that guy that
reads the newspaper from front to back as soon as he gets it. Or that guy
who noticed my necklace because it reminded him of necklace he gave his

Giving Women more information up front (and in your control) helps put
them at ease so they can be open to you faster. Doesn’t mean it strips the
option for attraction. It just gets them to be open a lot faster and then you
can switch the attraction button.

Plus a guy who freely talks to Women as if he already knows them is down
right attractive. Makes us think “Who is this guy and why is he so
comfortable with himself? I have to find out more.”
I remember when guys would hit on me at the club that I worked at. Some
guys were so good at doing it and had me feeling as if I known them for
years in a matter of seconds. These were the guys that talked to me as if
they knew me right off the bat. They used The Code Phrase – before it
was called The Code Phrase - which had me opening up and feeling good
with them almost instantly.

Whereas other guys would just throw question after question after question
at me, which made me close up and not want to answer them. I knew
nothing about them and was guarded towards them. I didn’t get what they
were after or who they were.

I know sharing can be tough, especially if you have not done it before so I
wanted to give you a little guidance AND a couple of magic tricks/exercises
to help you share and give more context to your conversations with women.

If you struggle to come up with something you can share, here are some
prompts that should spark some ideas:
● A funny experience you had recently
● A childhood memory
● What you love/hate about the topic
● A quirky fact or piece of trivia
● What it reminds you of

Let’s come up with a live example now, continuing on from one of the
observations from above which was, “Hey, I noticed you’ve got the Google
Pixel 2.”

To share something, you could say, “I was playing around with one in the
store and thinking of buying it, but at the last minute I decided instead to
get something good.” This would be said very playfully, with a smirk, to let
her know you’re just teasing her. You’re NOT coming off as serious and
like you think her phone is a piece of shit.
Real life example:

Let me introduce you to another friend, Amanda. She’s 28, works as a flight
attendant, and is a sultry brunette. As you can imagine in her line of work,
guys hit on her all the time. So I asked her if there was a time a guy
approached her and shared something in a way that really made a strong
impression. Here’s what she said:

“Even though we’re not supposed to, there was a passenger on one of my
flights who I hooked up with on a layover. Normally most guys brag about
their achievements and possessions as a way to try and pick up on the
stewardesses. It gets really tiresome.

But this guy was different. He wasn’t trying to impress me. Or it didn’t
seem that way. He simply shared his thoughts in a way that I found
interesting. Like how my accent reminded him of the time he traveled
through Germany (where I’m originally from), and what he enjoyed about
that experience. Or how if he had to deal with some of the difficult
passengers on flights like we do he’d have a secret stash of the miniature
bottles of alcohol to cope with the stress.”

As you can see from Amanda’s example here, there was nothing mind-
blowing about what this guy said. It was just the fact he was expressing his
personality in a relatable, easy-going way that made him stand out
to her. When you really get this, you can talk about practically anything and
have Women excited to keep talking to you.

So here are a couple of magical things that can help you share more easily.

1. The word BECAUSE: The word Because is magical, BECAUSE after

you say the word because, you can’t help but give a personal reason
about why you said something. The word because is a psychological
hook. When you make a statement, followed by because, your listener will
become curious to know what comes next. Why? Because…See what I
did there? ;-) Try it.
I like dogs. BECAUSE….(Go into your catalog of reasons to come up
with)........When I was younger my best friends were obsessed with dogs
and taught me all about dogs. This made me love them and be obsessed
with them as well.

2. Conversation Masturbation – I know it’s a funny name, but it’s an

awesome exercise. Kristen, Marni’s co-host came up with it when they
interviewed conversation expert Spencer Burnett whose episode you can
listen to in the members area.

Conversation masturbation is a way to become better at conversation

through self talking. I was trying to make this into a better metaphor for real
masturbation but I can’t seem to. Ha.

Basically, what you do is for 20 minutes a night for the next week you sit
and just talk and talk and talk and talk. Not allowing yourself silences and
see what comes out. There is no right or wrong and the point of this is to
just spit out everything that comes to mind about a certain topic or item.

I know Marni tells her clients that to practice sharing they should go get a
pack of children’s cue cards from the dollar store and go through them one
at a time. When you flip over the card you are meant to talk about
whatever is on the card for the next 2 minutes and make any and all
associations you have with that item.

Conversation masturbation is very similar, and will help you realize just how
much you actually have to say about simple things.

I’ve provided a video in the bonus area where Marni explains how to
practice doing OSA and she focuses heavily on the sharing portion
because this is the toughest one for so many men.

I highly suggest you check it out.


After you’ve shared something, the next step is to ask an open-ended

question. An open-ended question is one that can’t be answered with a
‘yes’ or ‘no’ response. Ideally you want to ask something that can’t be
answered in just a few words and requires her to put some thought into her

The best way to do this is to use what journalists call the 5 W’s and an H:
● What
● Where
● When
● Why
● Who
● How

Using these guarantees your questions can’t be answered with a yes/no

response. Compare that to ‘do’, ‘did’, ‘does’ and you’ll see why it’s such a
dramatic difference.

You also want to make it relevant to what you’ve been talking about, not go
off on a completely different tangent.

That’s why asking things like her name, or what she does, or where she’s
from etc. isn’t a good way to go. Plus, every average guy asks these
questions almost immediately, so you won’t stand out in a positive way.
You want to show her right away that you are NOT like any other man
she’s ever met. I mean, you’re not reading this book because you want to
be average.

Real life example

Jessica is a photographer friend of mine. She’s 29 and we often go out

together. I asked her thoughts about times guys have piqued her interest
by asking stimulating questions. Here’s what she said:
“I like questions that I need to think about. When you have a guy asking
you the same handful of questions night-in and night-out, it gets super
boring real quick! Some of the best questions I remember guys asking
me were:
● If you could relive any day from your life, what would it be and why?
● What’s the one thing you enjoy the most about being a woman?
● Where’s one place in the world you’ve never been but would love to
● When was the moment you fell in love with photography?

For some reason they sound kind of cheesy now. But in the moment
they are just so interesting and I liked being asked these questions.
These questions get me to open up more which in turn makes me feel
closer to the person asking the questions. T he responses make me kind
of vulnerable.”

How to make using The Code Phrase Second-Nature

If you’re not used to talking to Women in this way, it might feel challenging
at first. Some guys find it strange to be jumping right into the middle of a
conversation without the formality of introducing themselves first and
asking the usual interview-style questions.

But trust me, once you actually try this out and get comfortable with it,
you’ll see a tremendous difference in how Women respond to you. In fact,
I hope you use this in ALL your conversations with people because it will
transform how people talk to you. You’ll see how quickly people will open
up to you and want to talk with you.

So how do you get comfortable with this?

Practice. Practice. Practice.

Don’t just wait for attractive Women to try it out on, either. As I said above,
this works to start conversations with anyone and you should be using it
every chance you get - even other men and little old ladies!

OMG little old ladies are so damn cute!!

And once you get into the habit of doing this, you’ll find a particular style
that works for you. Because even though OSA is a formula, your unique
personality means you’ll put your own spin on it with the observations you
make, what you share, and the questions you ask.

Also, don’t make the mistake of thinking what you say has to be super-
impressive or that you need to ‘demonstrate higher value’ as some male
dating coaches might have you believe. If you can be relaxed and relate
to us as one human being to another, that’s enough for us to continue the

In fact, by not trying to impress us you’ll actually make us more curious

about you. When a guy is bragging (even if he thinks he’s being subtle,
we can tell) it shows us he’s selling himself and we have all the power.
But if you’re just being relaxed and cool, we’ll start wondering if you really
like us or not.

And that’s intriguing to us!

Let me share an example of this that still stands out in my mind, even
though it was a couple of years ago.

I was shopping at Whole Foods when this average-looking guy who was
in my aisle started a conversation. He said, “Hey, you look like you’re
somewhat domesticated (observation). I ’ve got to host a dinner party
tomorrow night and I’m hoping not to make people gag(statement).
Which of these sushi trays do you think is a better option(ask)?

What I liked is he was slightly teasing me with his observation, but also
being self-deprecating. It showed he could have fun and wasn’t taking
himself or the interaction with me too seriously.
We spent the next 10 minutes talking about food, cooking, travel and just
random stuff. It was so far removed from the typical ‘getting-to-know-you’
type conversations that bore me (and most Women) to tears. The
best part was, we were ACTUALLY getting to know each other!

It was so comfortable and natural that I actually wondered if he was hitting

on me or not. I honestly had no idea. It wasn’t until we met up later in the
week and I spent the night at his place that I had an answer to that
question :-)

Adapting To Different Situations

So far we’ve talked about how to use OSA in a general sense when
approaching a Woman. That basic framework will serve you well no
matter what.

But let’s talk now about specific situations you’ll encounter, and any
subtle changes you might need to make.

Daytime versus Night Time

If you’re at a bar or club, the big difference is it’s expected that people are
wanting to meet new people and flirt. There’s a certain sexual electricity in
the air that you’re not going to get at a Walmart or Starbucks.

This doesn’t give you a green light to turn into a creeper at bars or clubs,
but you can be a bit more flirtatious. You might be standing closer to
them, talking into their ear (if there’s loud music) and touching them in a
non- sexual way.

You’ll also likely have to speak louder and with higher energy than you
would during the daytime. If she’s dancing, drinking and really high
energy, and you come up with a low key comment that you might make
during the day,chances are she won’t even register that you’re talking to
You need to match her energy levels and be having as much fun as she is.

People are checking each other out a lot more in bars and clubs as well.
That means there’ll be times where you’ve made strong eye contact with a
Woman before you approach her. If that’s the case, you can use that as
your observation.

For example, I was out with my girlfriends dancing one night, and there was
a guy across the room I noticed. We exchanged glances and a smile a few
times. He approached me soon after and said, “I thought I’d come and
stand closer so you didn’t have to strain your eyes so much.”

Now that was a pretty cheeky and ballsy thing to say, and I found it
charming. But it only worked because he was calling out the flirtatious
glances we’d already shared. If it had been the daytime and he
approached me on the street like that, I’d have been weirded out by it.

I also had a guy come up to me on another night and say “Will you please
stop staring at me. It’s making me very uncomfortable. Do you think I’m a
piece of meat or something?” With a cheeky smirk on his face. This also
worked because again, we had been looking at one another.

Both guys used the Code Phrase and both times it worked perfectly. After
their approach my guard was done, I was feeling excited and I was ready
to begin the flirting dance.

For daytime, it’s a little different. Although depending on your pre-approach

interactions, something like the 2nd example could work.

In the daytime, you’re better off toning down the sexuality to start with and
making sure we feel comfortable with you first.

One of my ex-boyfriends, who I dated for nearly a year, approached me

during the day while I was taking photos at Venice Beach.
He simply commented on my camera, which led to a conversation about
photography and other creative arts.

He shared that his passion was for drawing, and the enthusiasm in how he
spoke of it pulled me in. He invited me for a coffee and I happily accepted.
Turned out he was a struggling artist with barely two cents to rub together,
but his charm and personality more than compensated for that.

This just goes to show you don’t need to do anything crazy when
approaching Women. Just being normal and able to hold a conversation
puts you ahead of guys who try way too hard and come off as creepy.

A lot of this is common sense. But if you get confused about what you can
and can’t do, ask yourself this question: “What’s socially acceptable
behavior for the environment I’m in?” Keep that in mind and you can’t
steer too far wrong.

She’s with Other People

When you see your perfect dream girl you want to meet, she may not be
alone. That means it’s important you get used to approaching groups of

A common situation is she’ll be with one or a few other Women. In this

case you simply make an observation to the whole group and engage all of
them. Make sure to give everyone equal attention so nobody feels left out.

Once you’ve shown you’re an interesting and confident guy and the group
has accepted you, then you can start to pay a little more attention and flirt
with the Woman you’re most interested in. And since you’ve already won
over her friends, they’ll be happy to see her get together with you.
If it’s a group with guys in it as well, don’t let that deter you. In a lot of
cases the guys aren’t dating the girls in the group - they might be
coworkers, school friends, or even have just met that night.

The best thing to do when approaching a mixed group is to pay more

attention to the guys to start with. This will make them feel less threatened
by you, and if they accept you, then the Women will approve of you as well.
Once you’re in the conversation, you can work out what the dynamics are
between everyone and if it’s worth sticking around to talk to them or not.

An easy way to approach a mixed group is to make an observation relevant

to one or more of the guys. Sports is usually a good option - maybe
someone’s wearing a team logo, or there’s a game on the TV. Pay
attention to the environment around you and you’ll find something you can

Now, another situation is when it’s a Woman with just one man. In some
cases he’ll be the boyfriend or husband, but you’ll never know for sure until
you approach them. Just like with the mixed group, it’s better to focus
more of your attention on the man to start with so he doesn’t feel
threatened by you.

I used to work with a guy at my bar, Ryan, who did very well with Women,
and here’s how he’d approach a couple. He’d approach their table with
their drink order and say, “You guys look really good together, you make a
nice couple.”

Three possible things would happen at this point. They’d take it as a

compliment and thank him, letting him know they actually were together…

Or they’d laugh about it and correct him, which Ryan took as permission to
flirt with the Woman throughout the night.

The third scenario was the Woman would point out that they’re not
together, without the guy saying anything. This would mean that the guy
was into
her, maybe they were on a first date, or were friends but he was hoping for
more. In this case Ryan would be more discrete in flirting with her so as
not to piss the guy off.

The point is that while he was talking to them and being friendly, he was
really like an intelligence officer gathering Intel. Once he knew what the
dynamic was between them, he’d act accordingly.

Advantages Of The Code Phrase Over Other Methods

There’s a lot of different schools of thought out there about how to

approach Women and what methods work best. Don’t take my word for it,
or even Marni’s for that matter, that OSA works best.

Get out there and try it for yourself and see if it works for you. The proof
will be in the pudding.

What I will tell you though is that living in LA, I’ve encountered just about
every type of dating and PUA tactic there is. If you’re not aware, there’s
more dating coaches and bootcamp companies in LA than anywhere else
on the planet.

I’ve been out at clubs and bars with friends and had these guys running up
to me all night trying out their techniques and tactics they’ve been taught.

90% of them make me want to vomit. The stuff these guys are learning is
so far away from what Women actually like it’s not even funny.

If I hear one more guy ask me for a ‘Female opinion on something’ or

tell me he’ll be ‘kicking himself all night if he didn’t come and talk to me’
I’m gonna lose it.

The bar I used to work at has even had to kick some of these groups out
for annoying our patrons. You’ve gotta be pretty bad to get asked to leave
a bar or club for simply talking to people.
Now the only reason I point this out is to warn you to be careful who you’re
taking advice from. I’m not gonna name names, but do your due diligence
before you blindly follow what someone teaches you about Women.

Marni has been working as a Wing Girl for well over a decade now and her
company has an incredible reputation. You’ll never find negative press
about her or hear about any of her clients accused of anything offensive or
disrespectful to Women.

If you’d like to take the next step and work further with Marni, I suggest you
check out her different coaching options at the link below:


Before I wrap this up, I wanted to make sure I had everything covered on
the topic of approaching. In the members area for The Approach Blueprint
I’ve posted a TON of other resources for you that will help you with the full

One of the best and most important ones to pay attention to is the video
Marni made about conversation threading. Conversation threading will
teach you how to keep the conversation going AFTER you’ve approached.

I tell guys that I work with to interweave the code phrase and conversation
threading throughout a conversation with a Woman. This builds
connection fast and helps ignite attraction super easily.

I’ve also included some of the top questions we get asked by our clients at
The Wing Girl Method about approaching.

These are below. If for some reason, you’ve gone through this whole
program and you don’t feel that your specific issue with approaching was
addressed or helped, then please let us know.
You get a free week of email coaching with Marni and she’ll help you.

Or you can ask your question in our forum and one of our awesome Wing
Girls will help you get the answers needed. You will have access to the
Forum if you have signed up to be an Executive Suite member. Find out
more here:


Q: What do I do when a Woman doesn’t respond positively to

my approach?

A: I’d love to tell you that every time you open your mouth Women will drop
to their knees and fall in love with you. But I think we both know that’s not
the case. There are going to be times when you approach a Woman and
her response won’t be what you’re hoping for.

The thing you gotta remember though is that a bad reaction is rarely all
about you. She might be having a bad day for any number of reasons -
she lost her job, got dumped, her dog died etc. Or if you approach her
somewhere like on the street she may be in a rush and simply doesn’t have
time to stop and talk. Or - and I swear this isn’t just an excuse girls make
up - she legitimately does have a boyfriend.

So it’s important to keep things in perspective. Just because one Woman

doesn’t want to talk to you doesn’t make you a loser or mean ALL Women
are bitches, or don’t find you attractive, or whatever negative thought races
through your head.

Now, this doesn’t mean you can’t learn from the experience though.
Always ask yourself, Is there anything I could’ve done better in that
situation. Especially if you find the same objections are coming up
consistently, it’s something you’ll need to address.
For that, I suggest join Marni’s email coaching program so you can have
an expert diagnose what your issue is and how you can blow past it.

Q: How persistent should I be when approaching a Woman?

So let’s say you’ve made the approach and it hasn’t gone well. You’ve
followed the advice from above. The next thing to address is whether you
should approach her again, or simply give up altogether and move onto
another Woman.

My answer is: It depends. I’ve dated guys who approached me 3 or 4

times before I gave them a chance. I’ve also yelled at guys the second
time they approached me and made it clear they should leave me the F*ck

So what’s the difference?

It’s all about context. The guys who I gave another chance, it was after
giving them a ‘soft no’. This is usually somewhere like a bar or club where
I’m happy to be out meeting people, but at the moment they approached
me I wasn’t free to talk to them. Or maybe I just didn’t get a great
impression of them from the approach and didn’t feel like talking to them.

Most importantly though, they didn’t do anything offensive or inappropriate

to piss me off. So if they come up again later and have another try, I’ll
often at least be attracted to their confidence and persistence. And like I
said, a few guys have won me over with this strategy.

However if I give a guy a ‘Hard No’ I expect him to be socially intelligent

enough not to bother me again. Hard no looks like this: stern face, body
closed off and bothered or cold tonality. Basically giving no indicators
that a further approach will be welcomed. Maybe he makes a crude
sexual remark and I put him in his place. If he doesn’t learn from that, the
second time is going to be even worse.
Or it could be an environment where I make it clear I’m busy and can’t talk
to him. For example, I’m catching up with a girlfriend in a coffee shop and
we’re having an important discussion. I’ll be polite but firm that he’s
interrupting us. Or maybe I’m on my cell phone and don’t want to talk to a
random guy in the middle of it.

Use your common sense here and you should be fine. But as a general
rule, the more you’re in a social place where she’s not obviously in a rush
or clearly doesn’t want to be bothered, the safer it is to approach her.

Q: I’m afraid of running out of things to say. What do I do if

that happens?

This might happen to you from time to time. We’re all human, and it’s not a
big deal. One way to handle it is to make light of it and playfully compliment
her at the same time.

For example, I was out one evening with my Aunt for her 40th birthday and
we got talking to this older guy. I could tell he was a little awkward but he’d
had the courage to approach us at least. A couple of minutes into the
conversation there was a long pause and it was clear he didn’t know what
to say.

Then he said something to my Aunt she’ll never forget. “I wish I could think
of something interesting or charming to say right now but my brain is
distracted by how good you look.” Is it a little cheesy? Sure. But did it
melt my Aunt’s Heart? Absolutely. They ended up dating for the next 18
months after that night. So you can play around with different variations of
that if you really get stuck.

However if your conversation skills suck and you always run out of things to
say, you gotta work on it. Practice, practice, practice. You already know
the OSA formula, and it’s not just for starting conversations.
You can make observations once you’re in the conversation - about what’s
happening around you, something she says to you, anything you notice
about her etc.

Get out of your own head and focus on other people, give them your full
attention, and you’ll find limitless ways to keep the conversation running
smoothly. And again, watch Marni’s video on Conversation Threading in
the bonuses section. It’s genius!

Q: What if other people see me get rejected?

Here’s a life secret most people aren’t aware of: Nobody cares about you.
Not in a mean way, but in the sense that everybody is so wrapped up in
themselves, that they really don’t pay attention to other people that much.
How many times have people accidentally bumped into you and acted
surprised, as if they didn’t know they were in a crowded public space?
So, as much as we may all like to think the Universe revolves around us
(I’m guiltily raising my hand here, too), it’s really not the case.

And if you’re somewhere busy like a bar and it’s noisy, nobody will even
notice at all. Even if they did, guys get shut down by Women all the time in
these places. Nobody will even bat an eyelid.

If you’re somewhere like in a shop or on public transport, and people DO

notice… most of the men will be jealous you had the balls to do something
that they don’t. And the Women will usually be thinking, Wow, I wish more
men had the courage to approach me like that.

And if you’re STILL concerned, keep this in mind. When you use the OSA
formula to approach Women, you’re simply throwing out a comment. Just
like you would to another guy, or an old lady, or whoever. A Woman really
can’t ‘Reject’ you or embarrass you if you’re only making an observation.
There’s really no downside to this and nothing to worry about.
Conclusion and Next Steps

Congratulations! You’ve made it to the end of the book and now know
more about approaching Women than 99% of other men ever will. You
have everything you need to go out and start meeting the beautiful Women
who are all around you every day.

And remember, it’s crucial you actually apply all of the information you’ve
learned here. Take action every day and do something that’ll take you one
step closer to your goals with Women and Dating.

For some men, just getting over the hurdle of approaching Women is all they
need to start getting dates and sex. Once they’re in a conversation they’re
pretty comfortable and they can steer things in the right direction.

However for most men, that’s usually not the case. They need a little more
guidance on what to do and say next each step of the way to ultimately get
the girl. So if you feel you fit into that category, don’t worry, you’re not

That’s why Marni has some kick-ass programs created to help you out
depending on what you need to focus on next. If you want to work directly
with Marni, the best option is to get some Private Coaching tailored to your

---> Click Here For More Info On How To Work Directly With Marni

If you don’t feel coaching is right for you for whatever reason, you can
check out the Wing Girl products to find the best fit for you. These are all
proven to be incredibly effective as seen by the results of thousands of men
just like you from all over the world.

---> Click Here To See The List Of Wing Girl Products To Take Your
Results To The Next Level
Here are the top 2 programs I would suggest that will help you know
exactly what to do AFTER the approach:

Written by Wing Girl Marissa Madsen

The F Formula: Your Wing Girl-Guided Blueprint For

Combining The Nuts & Bolts Of Female Psychology With
Your Genuine Personality — For Effortless Flirting,
Attraction & Escalation With Any Woman

21 Individual Interviews

Secret Vault Of Goodies That'll Give You An Unfair Advantage Over

Any Other Man A Woman Meets. Listen In As Marni Speaks With Her
Inner Circle of Dating Experts And Wing Girls As We Break Down
EXACTLY How To Get Women You Desire
That’s all from me.

I’ve loved sharing my thoughts and experiences with you, and I can’t
wait to hear about YOUR success story.

Lots of Love,


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