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What is dry texting?

It is possible that you might not be familiar with this terminology, but you must have experienced this
phenomenon during texting. As the name depicts, dry texting happens when someone replies to your
lengthy or warm messages with just ‘’okay,’’ ’’ hmm,’’ ‘’cool,’’ etc. You start wondering, maybe the other
person is not interested to talk to me, Is he playing games, is she angry with me or am I talking too
much? It is not a good experience to get through. Dry texting is a serious communication killer. In this
article, I will put light on the reasons for dry texting, how to get out of it, and make texting more

How to spot whether it is dry texting?

Dry texting is totally different than texting gaffes. If a person is in an awkward position, it is not so easy
for him to navigate the conversation. These situations occur especially when you are texting someone
special for the first time. You are afraid not to say something awkward and you avoid texting too long.
It’s ok. It happens during initial conversations. To receive an extremely short and dry message from a
familiar person is different than a new person. In this situation, ask basic questions to yourself to just
clear the haze of uncertainty about dry texting.

Is it a first conversation?

If it is the first conversation, it usually happens. Because you are not familiar with the person and don’t
know how to give direction to the conversation. Simply, give another person a proper room so that he or
she may feel comfortable while talking to you. I am familiar with so many persons who were stumbling
in their first text message conversation. But they get better with time. If it is the case, then obviously it is
not dry texting.

Is another person tired or feeling not so well?

Sometimes, you are so tired or simply don’t want to talk. But due to courtesy, you prefer to reply. In
these situations, conversation on texting is usually drab. If you are feeling this change in another
person’s behavior during texting, you might ask politely about his or her wellbeing. After all, it is all
about giving respect to another person. Every time, it is difficult to behave in the same way or to offer
courtesy. If it is the case, then it is more a matter of understanding another person than stumbling upon
dry texting.

Is it part of someone’s personality?

Some people prefer introvert texting. They are just comfortable with short messages. It is their
personality to do so. I am familiar with a person who is very nice and gentle, but during texting, she is
used to relying on short messages. It is just her pattern of talking. It doesn’t mean that she is not polite
or doesn’t care. She is simply natural. If it is the case, you will be used to that person without thinking
too much about short ended conversations.
Also, texting is not a reliable way to perceive another person’s intentions. During texting, you are not
aware of non-verbal cues. Sometimes, a “no’’ on text gives a different meaning than a ‘’no’’ during one
to one conversation.

See the pattern in texting

It is the best strategy to spot dry texting. If you are familiar with a person, you can easily judge his/her
mode by viewing fluctuations in texting patterns. A tired person on a busy day might use verbosity in
his/her texting to vent out frustration. Similarly, a warm person might use dry texting on a poor day due
to workload. If the pattern of texting is changing, it means something is not going well on the other end.
There are plenty of reasons for texting short or improperly. Give another person a proper room to get
stable. Don’t judge so quickly. If someone is dry texting deliberately, there are other reasons for it. Let’s
have a look at these reasons.

From where are you receiving dry texting?

Some people are comfortable with dry texting. They consider it an efficient strategy to save time for
other productive activities. They simply don’t care whether someone is feeling offensive or not. They
have their own way of dealing with texting. To deal with them is simply to use their language. But it
hurts when you are receiving dry texting from your lover. In this case, the first solution can’t be applied.

Dry texting isn’t a two-way street

Dry texting kills the basic purpose of communication. Communication is a two-way street. Human beings
are social animals. We talk to each other and exchange information. It is in our nature to make bonds
with each other. If someone is texting dryly, he is not fulfilling the basic criteria of communication. It
becomes evident to give a befitting response to such a person. Let’s see, how to respond to it in a better

How to respond to dry texting?

If you are receiving dry texting from a person you don’t care much, don’t take it on your heart. Do
respond to him in his language. It is the best way to feel to another person how dry texting looks like.
But if the dry texter is your beloved one, the strategy to deal with him/her would be different. The best
way to start with is to clear the uncertainty and doubts in a relationship. In the next section, I will
explain it in detail.

Common man, Common Rule

In your life, there is one person who is the most important one. That person is you. If someone is
sending shitty messages, do the same with that person. You don’t need to be polite with everyone. If
someone is dealing cruelly, give him/her the same response. This is the best way to deal with dry texting
from a common man. If that person comes on the right track soon, it is better for him. Otherwise, just
leave him.
What If your lover is texting you dryly?

Here is the rub. If your lover is texting dryly, it is obviously a sign of worry for you. In the rat race of
materialism and individualism, you need someone to whom you can expose your vulnerabilities and
expect unconditional positive regard. Obviously, things are different when it comes to your parents,
siblings, children, and beloved ones. If any one of them is dry texting you, it is your right to ask them. A
stitch in time saves nine.

Try to figure out the problem. They may text you dryly if you are not giving them proper time. It is a sign
to mend the relationship. Try to solve it soon. But if you are receiving dry texting from your
girlfriend/boyfriend, there might be different reasons for it. Sometimes, a girl or a boy is texting dryly
because she or he has simply lost interest in you. In that case, try to reignite your relationship with
him/her. Arrange a date at some nice location. Spend quality time with each other. These strategies will
help you to navigate your boat from the chaos of dry texting.

What if the problem continues?

If the problem continues even after you attempt to mend it. Then my advice is to leave that person.
Whether it is your lover or a common person. Nothing is important than yourself. If you can take care of
yourself well, you can take care of everyone else around you. Give your precious time to those who
matter to you. Life is a marathon; you have to adjust yourself to the changing patterns of life.

If someone asks your number but never shows interest in yourself, do the same with him or her. The
simple way to come out of the quagmire of dry texting is either to leave that person or simply mend the
relationship. The choice is yours!


Dry texting is different from awkward first-time texting. Similarly, some people are introverted texters.
They don’t text dryly out of malice. They are just made to do so. Then, there is dry texting from near and
dear ones. There are several techniques to fix it. The most prominent is to spend quality time with each
other. If the problem continues, leave that dry texter in his/her fantasy. Some text dryly to play games,
while some do it due to lack of interest. There is a different dose for everyone. I am hopeful that after
reading this article, you will be able to deal with dry texters in a better way.

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