Official Cambridge Test 1

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Tell me something about your secondary school.

Well, I did my schooling in Modern High School which was hardly a few minutes
from my house. We had a huge building which was more than 100 years old with a
big library and well-equipped laboratory. Also, there was a big playground where
we used to play in. Our teachers were well experienced and famous for being strict
Which subject did you find the most difficult at school?
I really have a bit of a problem in psychology. Before, I have never studied and
come into contact with it at high school. So there are a lot of specialized terms I
don't understand very well like analytical psychology, hallucinations, absolute
Do you ever need that subject now?
I think it is essential for me now and even in the future when I become a teacher. I
can use it in work and life to better control my emotions and provide good
solutions for student problems.
What did you enjoy about being a school student?
I liked to meet my friends more often, play more and eat more. As a child, I was careless because of my
elder siblings who studied along with me in the same school and used to care for me. I think I enjoyed all
those things.
A number of people live in modern buildings especially in apartments due to
congested space. There are some bungalows in plush areas of the town and very
cramped houses sporadically. However, most people stay in adjacent blocks
Should buildings be attractive to look at?

Definitely, they should be, as it increases the aesthetic point of view to a place making it
even more special, such as houses in Bhutan. The buildings are so unique and

What is the most unusual building you have ever seen?

hmmm…..petronnas twin bulidings is the most spectacular building I have ever

come across till date. The sheer architecture is breathtakingly beautiful making it
the tallest twin building in the world.

When do people like to read the newspapers?

In my country, people generally read newspapers at the beginning of the day sipping a
cup of tea or coffee. They love it that way. Due to busy schedules, some like to read it
while travelling or even in lunch breaks.

How important is it for people to have a choice of a newspaper?

Choices are essential. The freedom to choose a newspaper from a variety empowers
the reader. They can consult different sources of the truth and check if the news
delivered is reliable and trustworthy. For example, in a multilingual country like India,
people must be able to access news in their mother-tongue. It is possible with a variety
of newspapers.

What does a good newspaper contain?

According to me, a good newspaper contains truth in an unbiased form irrespective of

the possible consequences. It is the primary objective of a newspaper – to say the truth
as it is. Plus, there should a variety of topics covered for every age group.

Why do some people choose to read the news on the internet rather than in a

Internet news is easily accessible, user-friendly and instant. Internet news is preferred
by some people especially the young generation over a newspaper.

How is internet news different from the news you read in the newspaper?

Internet news is more interactive, lively and user-friendly than a newspaper. Also, it is
eco- friendly too. Its also updated every second as opposed to the 24-hour cycle for
newspapers. Although the newspaper is tangible reading news on the internet is

Will internet news ever replace newspapers?

Most likely it may replace. But it will take a considerable time for that because more and
more people feel reading on the internet is comfortable. Thus, newspapers may become
obsolete in the future.

1. Describe a news story you recently watched on TV.

2. Describe a news item that you read recently.
3. Describe a news show you often watch.
4. Describe a story or news item that you read in a newspaper.
Describe an interesting story that you heard or read about in
the news.
You should say:
 when you heard or read about the story
 what the story was about
 why the story was in the news
and explain why you thought the story was interesting.

Last week when I was browsing The New York Times, I happened to see an appealing title called
“Women Go Topless for Equal Rights”. My attention was caught at once and I devoured every single
line in the article. (what the story was about) It was about a new trend deriving from the United
States when some women decided to be topless as the way men are. This trend is becoming prevalent
among feminists in several parts of the State and even in some Asian countries including China. The
story also provides a picture of six female student activists in Guangzhou China going topless to
protest against gender inequality.
(why the story was in the news) Because this matter is now of great controversy throughout the
world, major newspapers like NYTimes can’t miss any chance to keep people well informed of it.
(Explain why you thought the story was interesting) I am quite intrigued by this topic as it’s quite a
daring move that may trigger fierce debates between feminists and those who are against them. The
story questioned the conventional wisdom that going topless is just men’s privilege and attracted
people’s attention to gender equality. Personally I think going topless should not be seen as an
inequality between males and females. There are many other important aspects that need considering,
namely male-dominated professions and household chores allocation.

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