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building survey are an inspection of a building condition its identify any problem with the
building to a prospective. The inspection are conducted by surveyor that will inspection
condition of the building. On PBL 2 session, Bilik Kuliah 8 will used for the lighting and
ventilation inspection to justify is it comply with the uniform building by law. Bilik kuliah 8
is a lecture room used by as unimap student class room. located at second floor of s2, and s2
are building located at campus unicity alam, sungai chucuh, padang besar, perlis, malaysia.

Since the introduction of centralised air conditioners and HVAC systems, the air inside
many commercial office buildings has been completely recycled. These devices keep
buildings cool and flow air deep into the structure. This is excellent at keeping users cool, but
it frequently comes at the expense of air quality. HVAC systems may cause bacteria buildup
as well as the movement of unclean air. In these regions, harsh fluorescent lights are also
commonly employed. These lights promote bacterial development and have a detrimental
impact on user morale. And lighting of the commercial building usually depend on the usage
of ceiling light, usage of electrical sources lighting system will increased the heat in a
building so that why natural light sources are also important to overcome the issue of
overheat in building.

Every room designed, adapted or used for residential, business or other purposed except
hospitals and school shall be provided with natural lighting and natural ventilation by means
of one or more windows having total area of not less than 10 percent of the clear floor area of
such room and shall have opening capable of allowing a free uninterrupted passage of air of
not less than than 5 percent of such floor area. A room used for conducting classes in a
school shall be provided with natural lighting and natural ventilation by means one or more
windows having the total area of not less tah 20 percent of clear floor are of the room and
shall have opening capable of allowing a free uninterrupted passage of air of not less than 10
percent of such floor area. By means the unimap bk8 class room is categorized as school

7.67 meter
0.9 meter

6 meter

10.9 meter

2.95 meter

4.90 meter

2.29 meter

2.29 meter

bk 8 have 3 door, 1 main door from hall of the s2 building, 1 door from stairway and 1
door for services compartment that connected to the outside of the building for assessing the
air conditioning outdoor unit and for maintenance purposes. Window of the room using
casement type window that have total 7 openable window and fixed at the bottom of whole
windows set. Total sizes of the windows are 10.90 meter square. Original room Percentage
without any third parties renovation of The natural light and natural ventilation can be seen
on the table 1:
Original nl/nv sources of bk8 building before renovation for classroom

Window and NA/NV SIZE (w x Total clear Total

door (percent) h) floor area m2 window/door x
floor area x
Door 1 6 2.41 m2 78.94 meter 21.3 percent
Door 2 5 2.31 m2

Door 3 3 1.90 m2

Window 1 5 1.60 m2

Window 2 5 1.60 m2

Window 3 5 1.60 m2

Window 4 5 1.60 m2

Window 5 5 1.60 m2

Window 6 5 1.60 m2

Window 7 5 1.60 m2

Table 1: standard nl/nv percentage of the bk 8 room renovation

Based on the table 1, showing the nl and nv of the room before it was renovated, from the result
the light sources are 21.3 percent means its comply with ubbl specification for space, natural
light and natural ventilation.

based on the survey here the natural light and natural ventilation percentage:

Window and NA/NV SIZE (w x Total clear Total

door (percent) h) floor area m2 window/door x
floor area x
Door 1 6 2.41 m2 78.94 meter 7 percent
Door 2 5 2.31 m2

Door 3 3 1.90 m2

Window 1 0 0

Window 2 0 0

Window 3 0 0

Window 4 0 0

Window 5 0 0

Window 6 0 0

Window 7 0 0

Table 2

based on the result (table 2) of survey the bk 8 room overall percentage are 7 percent
mean the overall window and doors units in the room does not comply with the ubbl
requirement of having total 20 percent of clear area for the usage as a classroom.

Problem of low percentage natural light and natural ventilation

BK8 with natural lighting and ventilation BK8 with man made lighting and

Natural Lighting:
 The windows are blocked with whiteboard. Types of windows use in the bk 8
room are casement window with fixed glass on the bottom of the main window
itself, sources of nl are blocked by the white board and sticker layer at the fixed
window. Due to the design of whiteboard and 100 percent film at the window
glass prevent the sources of nl

 The tinted film intensity at the window are 100% dark, intensity of the windows
film are 100 percent it is totally block the natural light sources from entering the
room. More over with a black layer of the film installed to the windows result a
heat absorb to the window its itself and making the room temperature raising.
 With the third parties design of the oversized whiteboard, the casement window is
not functioning cause by the blocked from assessing the hinges and knob for
opening the windows.

Natural Ventilation :
 Main door are connected with hallway but it has no natural air flow sources. The
hallway of s2 building are closed and connected the whole building from the
stairway to the hallway, also have a dedicated door that connect with the
classroom itself from stairway, and connected to second floor of the s2 building.
the problem with main door are its don’t provided enough natural ventilation
because the hallway of the building have a connected ventilation windows that
have the outdoor unit of air-conditioner that projecting heat to the hallways, when
the bk 8 room main are opened its transferring the heat inside the classroom.
 There is only one door that can provide natural air flow but it still not enough for
ventilation sources. The door that providing natural ventilation are the emergency
door that located on the rear left side of the room, its directly connected to
stairway to the ground level of the building, that why the emergency door are the
only door that providing the natural ventilation of the room.
 Function of the window to provide natural ventilation are failed because the
window are blocked by the white board and cannot be assessed for opening the
window to provide natural ventilation for the classroom.

 Service room located at the front of the classroom might have ventilation but
because of the outdoor A/C unit installed in in the room, making the produced
carbon dioxide projected into the room if the door are opened.
 Natural ventilation have average score because from all of the three door only 2
door that allowing air into the room, 1 one of them are located at the front of the
room that connected with the space of air conditioner unit that have natural
sources air flow. The 2nd door are located at stairway and connected with
hallway/apron of the building.

` Main caused


 The use of low-quality materials can boost building costs. While utilising
lower-quality materials may initially save money on the project, it will almost
certainly cost more in the long term when it needs to be redone. These
materials will settle, pit, wash, distort, fade, crack, chip, and corrode—in other
words, they won't last. Poor grade construction materials make the UniMAP
study room's structure weaker and more likely to collapse rapidly. A good
learning environment can promote flexibility, health, safety, and
sustainability. Researchers revealed that the standard of university facilities
has an impact on student learning. Students who are at ease concentrate better,
are more likely to attend class, and are less likely to become ill.


 In bk8 room, poor ventilation leads to an accumulation of carbon dioxide and

a lack of oxygen, which can cause students to feel shortness of breath,
headaches, and exhaustion. Additionally, low illumination from tinted
windows might impede learning by interfering with brain attention and visual
clarity when reading. It can also have a long-term harmful influence on
psychological well-being. Excessively bright lighting and fluorescent lighting,
on the other hand, have been demonstrated to lead to a lack of suitable natural
illumination. One of the negative consequences of a poorly lit study area is a
learning atmosphere that is unsuitable for learning. Students benefit from
good ventilation and natural light not just for their comfort while studying, but
also for their ability to focus.


 In the quest of profit, contractors or service providers may recruit untrained

labour at cheap salaries, resulting in time delays, cost overruns, quality faults,
overscheduling, increasing quantities of rework or defects, the use of improper
materials, and the use of unsuitable building methods. As a consequence,
while less skilled individuals may be paid less, skilled workers will save your
organization money in the long term. Unskilled labour is more likely to
require further training and, in the case of building work, to make mistakes
that might lead to misunderstandings with customers.
Design selection

 A design error is a problem in the form of a structure that is constructed

according to the plan and instructions supplied. Designs are generally
rigorously examined for problems before construction begins. If this occurs, it
might pose major issues while the structure is still in use. The problem in
design lies in the plan and standards for student comfort in the UniMAP study
room. Corrections should be made before the building is utilized to give
quality work and to individuals in order to establish good safety and
confidence, allowing students to take examples and prepare for the future if
contractors are followed, necessitating replacement or correction at cost (or
resulting in construction failure).


 The most crucial variables for construction project failure, according to the
study's conclusions, are faulty installation procedures or untrained employees.
In addition, inability to appreciate the importance of the project planning
process, as well as a lack of expertise conducting complicated projects. Poor
building quality results from insufficient design capability and frequent design
revisions. The four most critical factors in project management are time, cost,
quality, and quantity. From the outset, it is vital to try to establish how each of
them will effect the UniMAP study room project. Changes in scope/budget, as
well as delays in job completion owing to poor resource allocation, are
common causes. In contrast, schedule delays can occur for a variety of causes,
including weather.

 Equipment use in the bk8 room don’t undergo a selection process that clarify
what the need and meets for the usage of a classroom also result malfunction
the natural light and ventilation of the bk 8 room. Due to this wrong selected
equipment making the usability of the casement windows failed to fulfilled
it’s function according to the designation from developers that developed and
original design.


- 100 percent transparency Tinted film of the windows can be replaced with lower
percentage tinted film with 50 to 40 percent transparency film that filter high uv that and
still provide natural lighting for the room. Furthermore, install a sun-shade that be
installed an uninstall at will and can be closed when the sun radiation are high.
- The fixed wall mount whiteboard can be change with smaller size foldable white board
and give a space for both left and right of the room so the casement window Can be
access. Moreover, use a whiteboard with stand and roller that can move around the
classroom and not interfere and block the windows.


- Add exhaust fan for ventilation, for extracting aromas, pollutants, and moisture from a
room and exhaust them outside. The fan's blades are turned by a motor, which pulls air
out of the area. The stale, damp, or dirty air is expelled from the house via the exhaust
vent. Installation of exhaust can help enhancing the natural ventilation of the bk 8 room.
- Rearrange the outdoor air conditioner at the services that located front of the bk 8 room
unit to other place likes the services ceiling that located on the main building roof that
have a concrete slab, by doing so the area can be use for allowing air flow and eliminate
the direct carbon dioxide projection inside the classroom

- Why put window when there is 0% of natural lighting/natural ventilation?

 Windows facilitate the entry of natural light indoors. They enable the
occupants of a house to enjoy the views of the neighbourhood or
locality. In addition, they serve to keep the house cross-ventilated.
As such, houses with ample windows will seldom look gloomy or
feel stuffy. So in a room if a window was designed and install but its
not providing natural light and ventilation, it’s become useless and
don serve any function as a windows.

- Why third parties made modification to the window and installed the 100 percent film to
the window and design an oversized whiteboard?

 When the third parties design the room to serve as a classroom purposed,
they don’t make consideration and don’t referred the uniform building by
law in designing the equipment of the classroom. Affect of the third
parties design making the windows loss its function ability to serve a
purposed as a lighting and ventilation sources of the room.
- Why did the second parties change the original design to their present design?

 Third parties made the modification to changes the room from a

commercial used to educational use, by installing whiteboard, platform
and window tinted to ease the use of projector in presenting and teaching
in the room by making the light sources percentage low. At the same time
100 percent windows film will control and keep the room cool when use

 But the modification caused room light and ventilation sources depends on
the electrical sources to keep the room useable.

- Why natural lighting and natural ventilation are important?

 Natural light are sources come from the sunlight, Bathing in the sun is
beneficial not just for beautiful "sunkissed" Instagram photos, but also for
your general health. Same for the natural ventilation it also an important
sources that help giving fresh air to human especially in a room that serve
educational purposed. Importance of natural lighting it a source of vitamin
d, The sunlight benefits are endless, but one of the most obvious benefits
that we all know of is also one of the most important. Moreover, keep our
body clock going, Our body has a biological clock that helps us sleep,
wake up, eat, rest, and carry out most of our internal functions as well.
This clock, like the actual mechanical clock, is coordinated based on

 natural ventilation is generally much cheaper and easier to deliver and

maintain than mechanical ventilation, which is driven by fans or other
mechanical plant machinery. Furthermore, ventilation is part of building
regulation for approval because The goal is to distribute fresh air from
outside a building into the interiors, diluting and dispersing remaining
water vapor and any contaminants that were not properly dissipated by
extract ventilation. Whole-building ventilation also aids in the removal of
humidity and unpleasant odors that might accumulate within a structure.
Fresh air also has a buoyant, pleasant influence, making people feel
energized and optimistic.

- What are the requirement for building natural ventilation and natural lighting?

 Every habitable room that should have one or more openings for the
entrance of air and light, such as windows and fanlights, opening directly
to the external air or into an open verandah, and of an aggregate area,
including frames, of not less than.
 One-tenth of the floor area excluding doors for dry hot climate and One-
sixth of the floor area excluding doors for wet/hot climate. No portion of a
room should be assumed as lighted if is more than 7.5m away from the
door or window which is taken for calculation as ventilating that portion.

A building survey is an assessment of the state of a building that identifies any problems
with the structure to a prospective buyer. The surveyor will inspect the building's condition
during the examination. Bilik Kuliah 8 will be utilised for the lighting and ventilation
inspection during the PBL 2 session to justify whether it complies with the uniform building
by legislation. Bilik kuliah 8 is a lecture room that is utilised by unimap students as a class
room. S2 is a building located on campus unicity alam, sungai chucuh, padang besar, perlis,
Malaysia. In conclusion, a bulding must have lighting & ventilation >=20% of clear floor
area of space or room & openings for Air >=10% of such floor area because it can allowing
suffocating air to escape at the ceiling level and intake apertures on side walls at the floor
level will allow air to circulate throughout the interior area and natural light has been shown
to improve academic achievement in both reading and science. It also promotes focus, the
stability of the circadian cycle, general health, mental wellness, and comfort, all of which
contribute to improved academic achievement.

1. Brown, J. (2022, January 6). Exhaust Fans Are Essential to Home Comfort. HVAC
2. International Code Council. (2020). 2021 International Building Code (International
Code Council Series) (1st ed.). ICC (distributed by Cengage Learning).
3. Mishra, G. (2021, May 4). Lighting and Ventilation Requirements of Rooms. The

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