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Blockchain Technology Based Credibility

Verification in E-Journal Entities

Untung Rahardja MD Asri Ngadi Chandra Lukita
Faculty of Engineering Faculty of Engineering Information System
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Catur Insan Cendekia University
Johor Bahru, Malaysia Johor Bahru, Malaysia Cirebon, Indonesia

Petrus Sokibi Gadis Mustika

Information System Information System
Catur Insan Cendekia University University of Raharja
Cirebon, Indonesia Tangerang, Indonesia

Abstract—In the industrial era 4.0, it has surpassed increas- the digital revolution due to the proliferation of computers
ingly complex technological advances in the information system and the mechanization of recording in all aspects [3]. The
that required a very high infrastructure and facilities and Ministry of Industry has calculated Making Indonesia 4.0
prevented fraud. Counterfeiting is a procedure following an
entity, statistics, or documents (observe forged documents) with into a unified roadmap for implementing several strategies
plans to deceive. Falsification of extensive information certificates in breaking through the Industry 4.0 era. This collaborative
is exacerbated by the current economic situation in Indonesia, procedure needs to involve several stakeholders, from gov-
which is currently occurring due to the widespread epidemic, ernment institutions, industry associations, and players, to
namely COVID-19. The spread of the COVID-19 outbreak has academics to achieve this goal. A lot of speculation reveals
had a significant impact and changes in all sectors, especially
certificate forgery in Indonesia. The imitation of busy certificates the world of education in Indonesia that needs to improve
is the main focus of this journal, focusing on journal publications and prepare to enter the era of this 4.0 revolution by making
combined with Blockchain technology. The sophistication of various changes, including applying learning methods. Of
blockchain technology as authentication is comparing two or course, educational institutions in Indonesia are required to
more items or additional tests to ensure the accuracy, correctness, change learning methods and models by taking advantage of
or correctness of the information. This method uses qualitative
methods with data sources based on case studies in controlled the progress of the times, and it is necessary to optimally
supervision with the basic concept of cryptography as the basis utilize technology in supporting the improvement of education
of analysis. From the decisions made, it is hoped that this will in Indonesia [4].
minimize the level of forgery of certificates widely measured In writing this scientific paper, it examines the problem
during the COVID-19 era. of certificate security using blockchain technology [5], [6].
Keywords—Integrity Verification, Blockchain, E-Journal, Tech-
nology However, the spread of fake certificates has spread more and
more in the process, and there have even been many fake
certificates used to apply for jobs to get an appointment with
a much better salary. This, of course, will reduce people’s
The Ministry of Industry significantly promotes the ad- interest in demanding formal education. In improving the
vancement of Industry 4.0 in Indonesia. Changes in Industry certificate security system by using blockchain technology [7].
4.0 technology began with the emergence of things that were The method uses qualitative methods with data sources
classified as very fast. Almost all perspectives of activities based on case studies in the security field associated with
raised the existence of digital technology [1]. The industrial cryptography as a basis for writing analysis [8], [9]. So, the
revolution directly or indirectly reforms the educational provi- implementation of this writing is expected that user or user
sions and economic structure of a country [2]. Several parties data can be guaranteed the quality of its authenticity to avoid
revealed that the world of education also needs to prepare problematic data theft [10].
to enter this 4.0 revolution by making several changes in
implementing learning methods in schools; first the funda- A. Blockchain Technology
mental thing is to change the nature and mindset of students, Blockchain is a collection of more than one block that forms
secondly being able to hone and develop children’s talents a chain. Each block has three elements: data, the block’s hash
and thirdly educational institutions must able to change the value, and the hash value of the previous block. The data stored
learning model adapted to the needs of the times. It is called in blocks depends on the block type [11].
There are several mechanisms/techniques used in the in their delivery require tools, some computers, and
blockchain to guarantee the security of the blockchain. The others. Talking about e-journal matters, this is due to the
first mechanism is the use of hash techniques. By utilizing hash application of journals that cannot be separated from the
techniques from cryptography, the block will have a hash value internet network, from accessing them to downloading
that identifies the block and its contents and is unique [12]. them [23].
The moment the block hash value is calculated at once [13]. 2) Blockchain can be thought of as a public ledger, where
Changing something in the block will cause the hash value all the related transactions are recorded in the blockchain
to change [14]. In other words, the hash value helps detect [24]. Information is said to be weighty if there is good
block changes. The third element of the block is the hash data preparation, as needed in the blockchain, providing
value of the previous block. This hashing technique makes the in-depth data to make encoding very neatly with a high
blockchain more secure because if anyone changes one of the level of security.
blocks in the blockchain [15], the hash value will change, and 3) Irresponsible parties can still manipulate certificates that
the next block will become invalid because it does not store have been claimed. The method used in this research is
a valid hash value of the block. The second mechanism is the using a literature study to strengthen the explanation of
proof-of-work mechanism [16]. This mechanism slows down the research problem. The research objective is to issue
the creation of new blocks [17]. This mechanism exists to an effective system for certificate documents with a data
make it difficult to change a block because changing a block protection system to determine if there is an act of data
means calculating the proof-of-work of the entire block. In forgery or falsification.
bitcoin, it takes 10 minutes to create a new block and add the 4) Verification issues and the existence of a third party in
block to the chain [18]. certificate processing are the micros and macro output
of an assessment method. His research uses the Agile
B. Verification Manifesto method, which acts as an essential represen-
Verification is an examination of the truth of reports, state- tation containing past technological perspectives, which
ments, money calculations, and so on. If there is something are now increasing rapidly so that new technologies can
that cannot be verified by evidence, then the result is invalid replace them. The purpose of his research is to become
[19]. the foundation for the platform and characteristics of
It is important to ensure that certificates issued by an the new blockchain as the forerunner of blockchain
organization or institution are predictable and fair against a technology-based governance. Developments in online
specific set of criteria [20]. The identity of the parties in a learning management have not been matched by an equal
transaction against a third party needs to have complete trust distribution of the course digitization system, which
in the first party. Publishers must understand that there should can form soft and hard skills in several universities in
be an individual and independent verification system to create Indonesia, which has resulted in gaps for lecturers and
trust [21]. Therefore, a system with multiple publishers, the students who want to develop skills in them [25].
higher the level of standardization across the network, the 5) Archival authentication, especially on electronic
higher the likelihood of a degree of trust inherent in that archives, is still considered an issue in the world of
certification system. libraries. The research used is a literature study as a
reference to answer various research problems. The
II. R ESEARCH M ETHOD purpose of this research needs to be known for a more
Writing this journal uses a qualitative method with data profound study so that blockchain technology can fulfill
sources sourced from case studies, namely the preparation of compliance with the basic concepts and principles of
scientific activities carried out intensively, in detail and detail archival science, especially in terms of authenticity
about a program, event, and exercise, both at the individ- [26].
ual, group, institutional and organizational levels to increase 6) Educational institutions in Indonesia are required to
knowledge intensively, about the event [22] in security science change learning methods and models by taking advan-
is tied to the basic perception of cryptography, namely the art tage of the progress of the times. They are necessary to
and science of protecting data transmission by converting it as optimally utilize technology in supporting the advance-
a specific code and is only intended for people who only have ment of education in. This study uses the mind mapping
the key to change the code back which serves to safeguard the method to be a way to summarize what can control the
confidentiality of data or messages which is the basis of the brain to move naturally. Based on the problems raised
analysis. in this study, a different innovation is needed, namely
the mind mapping method. Mind mapping produces
A. Literature Review the human brain thinking with good results and works
1) E-journals, often known as online journals, are journals according to its role. Understand research in totality by
or magazines published electronically and have ISSN visualizing ideas with 5W1H development [27].
(International Standard Serial Number). In essence, e- 7) Blockchain information storage uses a distributed
journals and printed journals are the same, but e-journals database and as a data block logger. In the preparation
stage, it is sourced from the timestamp. In the new
information, the box can not be removed. Minimizing Wt
the destruction of data and reducing the rate of fraud are
= Bab 0 ≤ t ≤ 15
functions of cryptographic algorithms. In development,
almost all centralized learning provides monotonous
quality courses. and the lack of public recognition of = σ1256 (Wt−2 ) + Wt−7 + σ0256 (Wt−15 ) + Wt−16
an efficient certification system [28].
16 ≤ t ≤ 63
B. Algorithm for Secure Hashing
W here
The first Secure Standard (SHS) was developed by the US
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in
1992, and it was based on weighted descriptions of secure hash
algorithms (SHA). Based on MD4, SHA-1, FIPS 180-3 [SHS] = σ1256 = ROT Rk 17 (x) ⊕ ROT Rk 19 (x)SHR10 (x)
has more strength. One of the most often used hash functions
is Hash Safe Algorithm (SHA-1) [SHS]. [29].Unfortunately, = σ0256 = ROT Rk 7 (x) ⊕ ROT Rk 18 (x)SHR3 (x)
compared to Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) block
ciphers provided in 128-, 192-, and 256-bit keys, the speed The hash values Hi 0 to Hi 7 the variables have been assigned
of this standard Speed security is limited to that of 80-bit a, b, c, d, e, f, g and h. 32- or 64-bit words make up the first
block ciphers. This necessitates the development of a brand- eight hash values:
new SHA algorithm with security on par with the AES key’s 1) 64 constant 32-bit words are arranged in a succession.
strength [31]. NIST announced a new Secure Hash Standard K256
t 80 fixed 64-bit words or, K512
t the hash processing
2 after SHA-1’s shortcomings were recognized (SHA-2). The unit makes use of.
three Secure Hash Algorithms (SHA-2, SHA-3, and SHA-1) 2) Four logical processes are utilizedP byPthe processing
were introduced (256, 384, and 512) [30]. unit, Ch (x, y, z), Maj (x, y, z), 0 (x), 1 (x). The logic
functions Ch and Maj SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-
1) SHA-2
512 all have the same hash value. Ch (x, y, z) = (x ∧ y)
As previously indicated, Standard computes the con-
⊕ (⇁ x ∧ z) Maj (x, y, z) = (x ∧ y) ⊕ (x ∧ z) ⊕ (y ∧
densed form of electronic data using three hash func-
tions: SHA-2 (256), SHA-2 (384), and SHA2(512).
Depending on the hash function chosen, the generated
message-digest has a length between 256 and 512 bits
(x) = ROT Rk 2 (x) ⊕ ROT Rk 13 (x)SHR22 (x)
[31]. SHA-256 encryption algorithm has a unique un- 0
readable hash and a higher security level than other X
encryption algorithms.Two steps can be used to divide (x) = ROT Rk 6 (x) ⊕ ROT Rk 11 (x)SHR25 (x)
each hash function operation: 1

a. Preprocessing The processing unit performs this step, 64 or 80 times on

The message is padded into multiples of 512 or a 512- or 1024-bit block.
1024 before the computation starts, depending on
T1 = h + (e) + ch(e, f, g) + Kt + Wt
the algorithm. [32]. Next, creating N messages by 1
parsing the padded message blocks B0 , B1 , . . . , X
Bn−1 , where the block size is 512 or 1024 bits T2 = (a) + M aj(b, c, d)
[36]. 0

b. Hash Computation h = g, g = f, f = e, e = d+T1 , d = c, c = b, b = a, a = T1 +T2

After preprocessing, each message block B0 , B1 ,
. . . , Bn−1 the order in which it is processed. The ith intermediate hash value Hi0 to Hi7 be computed by
Regarding each message block Bi , a messaging modulo-32 or modulo-64-bit adders after the iterations
schedule as a starting point Wt , computation of
hash values is done in the following phases (1–4) H0i = a+H0i−1 H1i = b+H1i−1 H2i = c+H2i−1 H3i = d+H3i−1
Hi 0 to Hi 7 during the fifteenth block.
Wt uses the same method as SHA-256 to
calculate, but logically the 41 functions σ 0 and σ 1 H4i = e+H4i−1 H5i = f +H5i−1 H6i = g+H6i−1 H7i = h+H7i−1
are different. Where ∈ {0,1}n , is 32 for SHA-256.
ROTRk (x): Bit right shift and right-shifting of The message digest is computed by P
the bit string in the right direction string by bits Hn0 ||H1n ||H2n ||H3n ||H4n ||H5n ||H6n ||H7n after processing
all N blocks in the message.
Starting with the registration process, then log in with the
account that has been registered. After that, the user will
submit if it is rejected [33]. The user will be advised to
make the latest submission or make a revision. If accepted,
the publication process will be carried out. After the editorial
publication process will input the user data into the certificate
according to the metadata [34]. Before being processed by the
admin, a data recap will be carried out first. After the summary,
the admin receives the data from the editorial. In determining
data accuracy, the data is checked first. If it is appropriate,
the certificate will be printed, and then the certificate will be
submitted to the user [35].

Fig. 2. The Proposed System

of the identity of authors and researchers who already have


Fig. 1. A Running System

Starting with the registration process in Fig. 1, then log

in with the account that has been registered. After that, the
user will submit if it is rejected. The user will be advised to
make the latest submission or make a revision. If accepted,
the publication process will be carried out. After the editorial
publication process will input the user data into the certificate
Fig. 3. Blockchain e-Certificate
according to the metadata. Before being processed by the
admin, a data recap will be carried out first. After the recap,
the admin receives the data from the editorial. In ensuring Above is the author’s certificate that has been blockchain,
data accuracy, the data is checked first. If it is appropriate, using SHA-256. Of course, the certificate is free from the
the certificate will be printed, and then the certificate will be fraudulent act of certificate forgery recently [36].
submitted to the user.
The accuracy of data from a file or document can be proven
More or less the same as before. Then the admin encrypts
by means of certificate verification. At the verification stage
with blockchain technology. When the admin sends it to the
there is a file when authentication is carried out, validation
user, then the user receives an encrypted certificate Fig. 2.
date, and so on as shown in the image below Fig. 4 [37].
III. R ESULT AND DISCUSSION With a blockchain-based system, the rightful owner of the
Writing this journal produces a journal that has been en- certificate no longer needs to doubt or fear that irresponsible
crypted. The code goes through the process described in the parties forge the files owned [38]. Of course, verification is
research method, and there is a code encryption process with straightforward. It can be done directly by the certificate holder
SHA-256 in Fig. 3. concerned and those who want to test whether it is genuinev
With a certificate that has been blockchain, it will undoubt- [39]. This blockchain system becomes influential in the current
edly have its own identity that has been authenticated and digital 4.0 era, and the quality of the certificate becomes a trust
verified. So that writers or researchers do not need to be afraid [40].
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