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Human Resource Management

Question Bank

1. The ultimate responsibilities for HRM activities rest with each manager. (State true or
False and Explain)
2. HRM is a ‘soft’ discipline. . (State true or False and Explain)
3. HR managers can never become CEOs. (State true or False and Explain)
4. The most important function of a good human resource department is to lay sufficient
emphasis on “integration function”. Comment . Also discuss the importance of other
functions of human resource management.
5. Define Strategic HRM. What are the various steps involved in SHRM? What are trends
that have compelled the HR manager to think strategically?
6. Total quality management is the technique of doing things right the first time, every time
nad at every stage. Discuss. Also elaborate the key elements of total quality management
citing practical examples in the field of human resource management.
7. Outline the steps involved in Human Resource Planning. As an HR manager of a holiday
resort/hotel in Dehradun, prepare an HR plan and show its linkage with Job Analysis.
8. Human resource planning is a process ‘wherein an organization strives to move from its
current manpower requirements to the desired manpower requirements. Discuss,
detailing the techniques of demand and supply forecasting.

9. Discuss the uses of job analysis. Prepare the job description and job specification for the
job of a ‘marketing manager’ in an organization.
10. ‘’Selection is a process of establishing the best fit between the job description and the
profile of a prospective job seeker’’. Elaborate . Also discuss the various types of

11. . Distinguish between recruitment and selection. Explain the steps involved in the
Selection process.
12. What are the challenges of new millennium for a Human Resource manager? Explain
what strategies need to be adopted under these circumstances

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