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This is to certify that Om Sunil More Roll No:37 5th

Semester of Computer Engineering Diploma Engineering
And technology at(1800) Sir.Dr.M.S.Gosavi Polytechnic
Institute Nasik-422101 has completed the Microproject
satisfactorily in ACN(22520) in academic year 2022-
2023 as prescribed in the MSBTE curriculum of I

Place: Nashik Enrollment No:2018000087

Date: Seat No:417354

Project Guide Head of Department Principal

Prof. B.B.Handge Prof. B.B.Handge Prof.S.P.Deshpande
Sr no. Title Page No.
1. Rational

2. Abstract

3. Introduction
4. Setup of an
FTP Client
5. File Transfer using
6. Conclusion
7. References

1.0 Rational
1.To develop a web-based system
2.Growing knowledge, skills, tools and techniques.
2.0 Aim
File transfer protocol is a network used to copy a file. And
even for transmitting files between computers using internet.
FTP is mostly used to transfer web page files from their
creator to the system that which acts as their server to
everyone on the internet, can also be used  for downloading
programs or any  from severs.

The contents of FTP are scope, definition of problem, problem

description, theoretical background, system analysis and
design, system planning, DFD, ERD & sequence diagram,
adopted methodology, system implementation & details of
hardware and software used, snapshots and work report.
 Scope: To ensure portability and compatibility & even to
ensure system moves with time, in order to program the
system by using appropriate syntax.

Theoretical Background: File transfer protocol is used to

exchange and manipulate files. It is on client-server
architecture. It is also used as an application component to
automatically transfer for program internal functions.


1. Cabling and installation

2.  Observation was fixed to a specific area
3. The camera cannot be easily moved to another.


1. Wire connection
2. Image clarity

 Facts considered in the feasibility analysis were technical,

economic and behavioral feasibilities.

Assumptions: The details related to area to be monitored

and Administrator is created in the system.

3.0 Course Outcome Addressed

1. Implement network layer protocol.
2.Configure IPV6 Network.
3.Choose routing protocol in the given network situation.
4.Implement different Transport Layer Protocols.
5.Configure various Application Layer Protocols.

Data Security has become a necessity in a LAN based

system. It is very easy for an intruder to interrupt file
transfer in a closed LAN system. There are number of
clients connected to a server in a closed network. The
clients can easily intrude the files being sent between a
client and the server. In this project we will be using
FTP to send encrypted and compressed data to the
server. The project is divided into modules. Clients can
send shared data using File Transfer Protocol. In order
to maintain the security of the data clients can encrypt
confidential data into images and then transfer it to the
server. Only server will have the decryption system.
Similarly clients can also send compressed data to the
server. If interrupted by any intruder, the compressed
file will only contain a garbage value i.e. the original
data is secured. Only server will have the
decompression system. For communication purpose, we
will be incorporating a client server based chat
system .Clients connected to the server can chat with
each other and the server will get every detail about it.

Introduction of FTP
o FTP stands for File transfer protocol.
o FTP is a standard internet protocol provided by
TCP/IP used for transmitting the files from one
host to another.
o It is mainly used for transferring the web page files
from their creator to the computer that acts as a
server for other computers on the internet.
o It is also used for downloading the files to
computer from other servers.

Objectives of FTP
o It provides the sharing of files.
o It is used to encourage the use of remote computers.
o It transfers the data more reliably and efficiently.

Why FTP?
Although transferring files from one system to another
is very simple and straightforward, but sometimes it can
cause problems. For example, two systems may have
different file conventions. Two systems may have
different ways to represent text and data. Two systems
may have different directory structures. FTP protocol
overcomes these problems by establishing two
connections between hosts. One connection is used for
data transfer, and another connection is used for the
control connection.
Mechanism of FTP

The above figure shows the basic model of the FTP. The
FTP client has three components: the user interface,
control process, and data transfer process. The server
has two components: the server control process and the
server data transfer process.

There are two types of connections in FTP:

o Control Connection: The control connection uses
very simple rules for communication. Through
control connection, we can transfer a line of
command or line of response at a time. The control
connection is made between the control processes.
The control connection remains connected during
the entire interactive FTP session.
o Data Connection: The Data Connection uses very
complex rules as data types may vary. The data
connection is made between data transfer
processes. The data connection opens when a
command comes for transferring the files and closes
when the file is transferred.

FTP Clients
o FTP client is a program that implements a file
transfer protocol which allows you to transfer files
between two hosts on the internet.
o It allows a user to connect to a remote host and
upload or download the files.
o It has a set of commands that we can use to connect
to a host, transfer the files between you and your
host and close the connection.
The FTP program is also available as a built-in
component in a Web browser. This GUI based FTP client
makes the file transfer very easy and also does not
require to remember the FTP commands
How To Setup an FTP Client:
Setting up an FTP Client is easy once you have chosen
which ftp client to use. In this ftp tutorial, you will learn
how to

1. setup an FTP client

2. use the FTP site manager
3. connect to an FTP server
4. download and upload files using FTP

Setting up an FTP Client:

To connect to an FTP server and upload your
WordPress web site to your hosts server you will need
the following FTP details:
1. FTP Address or Hostname: Your website ftp
address (usually if your
URL is
2. FTP Username & Password: You selected both
of these during account creation
3. FTP Port: Try 21 or 22 otherwise check with
your host.

List of popular FTP Clients:

Below are a list of the more popular Free and

Professional FTP Clients.

1. CuteFTP Professional
2. Filezilla Stand alone FTP Software
Choose an FTP client which you feel comfortable with
and install it to your computer. If its a firefox addon
then this step will be very easy. If you don’t use Firefox
then download Filezilla or one of the premium FTP

If in doubt, ask your host for help on setting up an FTP

account in cPanel.

Connecting to your server using an FTP


If your using Filezilla, click file then site manager and

enter your FTP details into the site manager and save
them. Next time you need to connect to your server
using your FTP client you can simply click connect.

If your using FireFTP like me add your FTP login

details to the window next to  the connect button on the
top left hand corner.
FTP Site Manager – Filezilla

1. Click New Site then name the new connection to the

site you use it for.e.g (
2. Host: Enter the ftp address or hostname for that
particular website. Normally you will be able to use
your cPanel login username and password with FTP
as well or you may have created FTP details
in cPanel already for this particular site. Otherwise
use your website ftp address (usually if your URL is
3. Enter port number
4. Protocol: FTP
5. Encryption: use plain FTP
6. Login type: Normal
7. Enter you username and password
8. Click Save or O.K. Now that your FTP details are
saved, you can click connect at anytime and access
your servers files via FTP.

Transferring Files Using FTP:


First – in the local site window – bring the directory into view

which contains data to be uploaded
(e.g. index.html and images/).

Now, navigate to the desired target directory on the server

(using the remote server window’s file listings).

To upload the data, select the respective files/directories and

drag them from the local to the Remote Side Window . You will
notice that the files will be added to the transfer queue  at the
bottom of the window.

After the upload (transfer) is completed the uploaded files and

directories should now be displayed in the server location in
the right side of the window.

Note: If you don’t like using drag-and-drop, you can also right
click on files/directories and select Upload to upload them – or
simply double-click a file entry (this does not work for

When using FireFTP you will be able to simply click on the

green arrows to transfer files between your local computer and
your server.

Downloading files, or complete directories, works essentially

the same way as uploading – you just drag the files/directories
from the remote site to the local site this time, instead of the
other way round.

When using FireFTP you will be able to simply click on the

green arrows to download files from your server to your local


The most important part of using FTP is to get the location

right so you transfer the right files to the correct location
otherwise you may overwrite existing content. This is the
reason i always take full backup of my site before using FTP.
Your FTP client should warn you before it overwrites existing

Setting up an FTP Client isn’t difficult so give it a try if you

want to learn how to transfer content to/from your local pc
and your server.

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