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1. Ana : whose Cookies are this?

Cindy : ________________ (ini milik Dea)

2. Lala : whose _____ (mie) is that?

Clair : ________________ (itu milikku)

3. Lola : __________________? (milik siapa Pizza ini?)

Cather : this is yours

4. Ben : do you like cake?

Wil : ____________ (iya)

5. Anne : ______ she like meatball?

Ben : no, she does not

6. Lala : does he like ice cream?

Claire : _____________ (iya)

7. Lola : _____ you like soft drink?

Cather : ___________ (tidak)

8. Aku suka coklat

9. Dia perempuan suka ikan goreng

10. Makanan favorit cindy adalah nasi goreng

11. Your favorite drink is milk

12. My favorite food is roti

13. P – D – D – U – N – I – G

14. A plate of rice

15. Henry : What are ears used for?

Elfa : ____________________ (telinga digunakan untuk mendengar)

16. Sam : ___________________? (hidung digunakan untuk apa?)

Ellia : nose is used to smelling
17. Jimin : what is mouth used for?
Anne : ___________________ (mulut digunakan untuk berbicara)
18. Forehead 
19. Tongue 
20. Arm 
21. Ketiak 
22. We have two hands 
23. We have one nose 
24. Kita punya 10 jari tangan
25. Kita punya 10 jari kaki 
26. We have two cheeks 
27. Mention 3 parts of head, 3 parts of torso and 3 parts of leg!
28. Tama : how many apples do you have?
Tom : I have _____ (35) apples
29. Hana : how many doll does she have?
Rani : she has ____ (88) dolls
30. I have fifty nine chickens 
31. Mereka punya 20 permen 
32. Dia laki-laki punya 75 telur 
33. Dio : Where is he? (dimana dia laki-laki?)
Sean : _______________ (dia ada di teras)
34. Ken : Where is the stove?
El : _______________ (kompornya ada di dapur)
35. West : _______________? (dimana kamu)
North : I’m in the bedroom
36. Diana : what do you do in the livingroom?
Eno : __________________________ (aku menyapu lantai)
37. Dana : ___________________________? (apa yang kamu lakukan di dapur?)
Tom : I cook foods
38. Yovie : what do you do in the diningroom?
Nuno : ____________________________ (aku makan Bersama keluargaku)
39. Mention 3 things in the bathroom and 3 things in the bedroom!
40. Translate in English!
a. Atap
b. Gerbang
c. Cerobong asap
d. Pagar
e. Halaman

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