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2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.

Week planner havo+vwo

Lesson In the lesson Homework for next lesson

2.10.1 Test results Reader: Study P 1-7

Introduction chapter 10 Do Q 1-5
Speeding up.

2.10.2 Ropec Reader: Study P8-11

Speed vs. Velocity Do Q 6-9

2.10.3 Distance - Time graph Reader: Study P 12-15

Constant speed Do Q 10-11
Finish handout 2.10.3

2.10.4 Velocity - Time graph Reader: Study P 16-20

Acceleration, Deceleration Do Q 12
Finish handout 2.10.4

2.10.5 Constant, average, Reader: Study P 21

instantaneous velocity

2.10.6 m/s to km/h Reader: Study P 22-25

Do Q 13-19

2.10.7 Experiment E10.3 Reader: Study P 28:

Prepare for Experiment E10.4

2.10.8 Experiment E10.4 Lab. Report deadline 1 week.

2.10.9 Work on Reader: Study Chapter 10 Speeding up

Finish at home.

2.10.10 Recap Speeding up +

Homework discussion

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.3

2.10.1 Lesson
Animal Olympics
Here you find some of the speeds of the animal world – on land, in the sea and in the
air. These are for short distance sprints over about 200 m.

Remember that the animals may not be able to maintain these top speeds for long




2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.4

A few moments after the finish of this race the times of the runners will be flashed up on a
scoreboard. If the race was over 100 meters, or any other distance, you may think that the
time shows the speed that the runner ran that entire distance. However you would be wrong.
The runners were stationary when the starter gun fired so they began to run fast or
accelerate to get moving. They may have run steadily for most of the race then accelerated
as much as they could for the final sprint to the finish. Speed is a steady rate of movement
over a distance. To measure the speed of the runners they should have been running hard
over the starting line and kept running steadily to the finish.

Speed records
Candidates trying to beat the land speed record must drive their car at full speed between
two markers. Table 10.1 shows some land speed records from the end of the 20th century.
You could check on the Internet to see if the 1997 record has been broken.

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.5

Ways of measuring speed
The speedometer
The speedometer in a car is connected by a cable to a shaft which turns the wheels. There is
a wire in the cable which is connected to the shaft by gear wheels. When the shaft turns, the
wire in the cable turns too. At the other end of the wire is a magnet. It spins round when the
car wheels turn. The magnet is surrounded by a circular metal cup which is affected by the
magnetic field generated by the spinning magnet. The cup is made to turn, the turning effect
increasing as the speed of the spinning magnet (and the moving car) increases. The cup is
connected to a spring and a pointer. The spring prevents the cup from spinning but allows it
to turn further as the car's speed increases. The pointer turns with the cup and moves across

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.6

the scale of the speedometer dial.

The speed trap gun

The speed trap gun is a radar gun. When the gun is fired at an approaching vehicle a beam
of radio waves travels to it through the air. This is reflected off the front of the vehicle and
returns to a receiver on the gun. A computer in the gun compares the time difference
between sending the beam and receiving it back from the vehicle and calculates the vehicle's

The stop watch

For many years, the stop watch was used to measure speed. The watch was started as the
speeding object passed the start line and was stopped when the object passed the finish line.

Light gates
In a light gate a beam of light shines onto a light- sensitive switch. The light gate used at the
start of a speed test works in the following way. When the beam is broken by an object
passing through it, the switch starts an electronic stopwatch. The light gate used at the finish
of the speed test causes the clock to be stopped when the beam is broken by the object
passing through it.

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.7

Homework 2.10.1

1. How long did Art Arfan's record stand?

2. How much faster than Spirit of America was The Blue Flame?

3. By how much did the land speed record rise between 1965 and 1997?

4. Two people timed the speed of an object with a stopwatch. They each got a slightly
different result. How could this be?

5. Which is more reliable- using a manual stopwatch or using light gates? Explain your

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.8

2.10.2 Lesson

Speed and velocity

We have all been in a car traveling at 90 kilometers per hour. This, of course, means that the
car (if it kept traveling at this speed for one hour) would travel 90 km. During one second of
its journey this car travels 25 meters, so its speed can also be described as 25 meters per
second. Scientists prefer to measure time in seconds, and distance in meters. So they prefer
to measure speed in meters per second, often written as m/s.

The speed of an object can be calculated using the following formula:

Most objects speed up and slow down as they travel. An object’s average speed can be
calculated by dividing the total distance traveled by the total time taken.

Worked Examples:
1. Calculate the average speed of a motor car that travels 500 m in 20 seconds.
● Write down the formula: v=s/t
● Substitute the values for s and t: v = 500 / 20
● Work out the answer and write down the units: v = 25 m/s = 2.5 x 101 m/s

2. A horse canters at an average speed of 5 m/s for 2 minutes. Calculate the distance it
● Write down the formula: s=vxt
● Substitute the values for v and t: s = 5 x 2 x 60
● Work out the answer and write down the units: s = 600 m = 6.0 x 102 m

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.9

How can you use it?

In this chapter you will find that it can be difficult to answer some questions because
you don’t know exactly how to use the information of the question. Before your brain
gets into a total overload it helps a lot to bring the problem down to a view of steps
you will have to deal with one after another. This gives you time and structure to

ROPEC stands for:

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.10

A car travels at 115 km/h on a highway for about 25 minutes. What distance in
meters does the car travel in that time?

RO] v = 115 km/h

t = 25 min = 0.417 h

P] s=vxt

EC] s = 115 x 0.417

s = 47.955 km
s = 47 955 m = 4.8 x 104 m

Let it become like a good habit of always using ROPEC when you have to solve
a problem like this!

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.11

Are speed and Velocity the same ?
We often want to know the direction in which an object is traveling. For example, when a
space rocket is launched, it is likely to reach a speed of 1000 km/h after about 30 seconds.
However, it is extremely important to know whether this speed is upwards or downwards. You
want to know the speed and the direction of the rocket. The velocity of an object is one piece
of information, but consists of two parts:
● The speed
● The direction
In this case, the velocity of the rocket is 278 m/s (its speed) upwards (its direction)

A velocity can have a minus sign. This tells you that the object is traveling in the opposite
direction. So a velocity of -278 m/s upwards is actually a velocity of 278 m/s downwards.

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.12

Homework 2.10.2

6. A car travels 600 m in 30 s.
a. What is its average speed?

b. Why is its actual speed usually different from its average speed?

7. How is velocity different from speed?

8. A car has a steady speed of 8 m/s

a. How far does the car travel in 8 s?

b. How long does the car take to travel 160 m?

9. Calculate the average speed of each thing in the chart below.

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.13

2.10.3 Lesson

Using graphs to study motion

Journeys can be summarized using graphs. The simplest type is a distance-time graph
where the distance traveled is plotted against the time of the journey.

At the beginning of an experiment, time is usually given as t = 0s, and the position of the
object x = 0m.
If the object is not moving, then time increases, but distance does not. This gives a
horizontal line.
If the object is traveling at a steady speed, then both time and distance increase steadily,
which gives a straight line.
If the speed is varying, then the line will not be straight.

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.14

Distance-time graphs
Graphs can be useful when studying motion. Below, a car is traveling along a straight road,
away from the marker post. The car’s distance from the post is measured every second. The
charts and graphs show four different examples of what the car’s motion might be.

On a graph, the line’s rise on the vertical scale divided by its rise on the horizontal scale is
called the gradient, as shown in the picture below. With a distance-time graph, the gradient
tells you how much extra distance is traveled every second. So:

On a distance-time graph, the gradient of the line is numerically equal to the speed.

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.15

A distance-time graph for a bicycle traveling down a hill.
The graph slopes when the bicycle is moving. The slope gets steeper when the bicycle goes
The slope is straight (has a constant gradient) when the bicycle’s speed is constant.
The line is horizontal when the bicycle is at rest.

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.16

Homework 2.10.3


10. The distance-time graph above is for a motorcycle traveling along a straight road.
a. What is the motorcycle doing between points D and E on the graph?
b. Between which points is it accelerating?
c. Between which points is its speed steady?
d. What is this steady speed?
e. What is the distance traveled between A and D?
f. What is the average speed between A and D?

11. Figure 10.5 shows the distance-time graph for two trucks, A and B, on an expedition
across the Mongolian desert.
a. How far did truck A move in the first hour of its journey?
b. What was its speed in m/s?
c. How did the speed of truck A change in the second hour of the journey,
calculate it in m/s?
d. Was truck B moving faster or slower than truck A in the first hour of its
e. What do you think might have happened to truck A in the third hour of the

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.17

2.10.4 Lesson

Velocity-time graph
A velocity-time graph provides information about:
● Speed or velocity
● Acceleration
● Distance travelled

In the graph above left, the object is already moving (v = positive) when the graph begins.
If the object starts with a velocity of zero, then the line starts from the origin as shown in the
graph above right.

Note that the object may not move to begin with. In this case the line will start by going along
the x-axis, showing that the velocity stays at zero for a while.

Measuring area under a graph

The are under a velocity-time graph gives you the distance traveled, because
distance = velocity x time (s = v x t)
Always make sure the units are consistent, so if the velocity is in km/h, you must use time in
hours too.

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.18

Each velocity-time graph below is for a car traveling along a straight pad. The gradient tells
you how much extra speed is gained every second.

On a Velocity-time graph, the gradient of the line is numerically equal to the


In graph E, the car travels at a steady 15 m/s for 5 s, so the distance traveled is 75 m. The
area of the shaded rectangle, calculated using the scale numbers, is also 75. This principle
works for more complicated graph lines as well. In graph F, the area of the shaded triangle,
½ x base x height, equals 50. So the distance traveled is 50 meters.

On a Velocity-time graph, the area under the line is numerically equal to the distance

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.19

The graph below shows how velocity of a car varies as it travels between two sets of traffic
lights. The graph can be divided into three regions.

In region A, the car has constant acceleration (the line has a constant positive gradient).
The velocity increases over time, from 0 m/s (at t = 0s) to 16 m/s (at t = 40s)
The distance traveled by the car can be calculated in two ways:
● s = vaverage x t
vaverage = (vt=40 + vt=0 ) / 2 = (16 + 0) / 2 = 8 m/s
t = 40 s
s = 8 x 40 = 320 m = 3.2 x 102 m
● Calculate the area under the graph:
s = ½ x base x height (= surface area of triangle)
s = ½ x 40 x 16 = 320 = 3.2 x 102 m

In region B, the car is traveling at a constant velocity (the line has a gradient of zero, is
horizontal). The distance traveled by the car can again be calculated in two ways:
● s = vaverage x t
vaverage = (vt=70 + vt=40 ) / 2 = (16 + 16) / 2 = 16 m/s
t = 30 s
s = 16 x 30 = 480 m = 4.8 x 102 m

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.20

In region C, the car is constantly decelerating (the line has a constant negative
gradient). The distance traveled by the car can again be calculated in two ways:
● s = vaverage x t
vaverage = (vt=100 + vt=70 ) / 2 = (16 + 0) / 2 = 8 m/s
t = 30 s
s = 8 x 30 = 240 m = 2.4 x 102 m
● Calculate the area under the graph:
s = ½ x base x height (= surface area of triangle)
s = ½ x 30 x16 = 240 m = 2.4 x 102 m

In the above example, the acceleration and deceleration were constant, and the lines in
regions A and C were straight. This is often not the case. You will probably have noticed that
a car will have a larger acceleration when it is traveling at 30 km/h than when it is traveling at
120 m/s.

A man-carrying space rocket does exactly the opposite, and if you watch one being launched
you can see that it has a small acceleration. As it is burning several tonnes of fuel per
second, it quickly becomes less massive and starts to have a larger acceleration.

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.21

Homework 2.10.4


12. Refers to Question 10: The speed-time graph above is for another motorcycle
traveling along the same road.
a. What is the motor cycle’s maximum speed?
b. What is the acceleration during the first 10 s?
c. What is the deceleration during the last 5 s?
d. What distance is traveled during the first 10 s?
e. What is the total distance traveled ?
f. What is the time taken for the whole journey?
g. What is the average speed for the whole journey?

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.22

2.10.5 Lesson
Velocity used in different ways
Constant velocity
When the speed of an object stays exactly the same over a period of time we say that the
speed is constant. In such cases distance and time are proportional. The constant speed is
calculated with the formula:

● v=

Average velocity
When the speed of an object varies over a period of time we can calculate the average
speed when we know the total time the object needs to move from the starting point to the
end point. The distance is always taken as a straight line (from the starting point to the end
point). With the following formula the average speed is calculated:

● vavarage =

Instantaneous velocity
When you look at any object moving you can calculate the instantaneous speed at a certain
point by looking at the smallest change in distance and time at that point.

● vinstant =

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.23

2.10.6 Lesson
The acceleration of a moving object is a measure of how its velocity changes in a certain
interval of time. The acceleration can be calculated with:

The SI unit for acceleration is m/s/s or m/s2. This is pronounced meters per second per
second or meters per second squared.

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.24

Calculating with the unit of velocity
What is the velocity in km/h when you know the velocity in m/s?

v = 1 m/s = ? km/h


v = 1 m/s = 2 m/2s = 3600 m/ 3600s = 3600 m/h = 3.6 km/h


A plane flies at a height of 8 km and its velocity is 900 km/h.
a) Calculate the velocity in m/s.
RO: h = 8 km, v = 900 km/h, v = ? m/s

P: km/h → m/s = divide by 3.6

EC: 900 / 3.6 = 250 m/s = 2.5 x 102 m/s

b) Over what distance in km has the plane moved in 8 minutes?

RO: t = 8 min = 8 / 60 = 0.13 h, v = 900 km/h, s = ? km

P: v=s/t⇒s=vxt

EC: s = 900 x 0.13 = 120 km

c) What time in s is needed to fly a distance of 5 km.

RO: s= 5 km = 5 x 1000 = 5000 m, v = 250 m/s, t = ? s

P: v=s/t⇒t=s/v

EC: t = 5000 / 250 = 20 s

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.25
Homework 2.10.6

13. A car travels 100 m in 5 seconds.
a. What is its average speed ?
b. A car accelerates from 5 m/s to 25 m/s in 10 seconds. What is it’s
acceleration ?

14. The table gives some data for a Ferrari racing car at the start of a Grand Prix
a. Plot a speed -time graph for the car.
b. What is the acceleration between t=12 and t=14 seconds ?
c. What is the acceleration between t=0 and t= 1 second ?

15. Describe in as much detail as possible, the motion of a car which has this

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.26

17. An airplane takes off from an airfield and travels north for 20 minutes and the
pilot finds herself 200 km north of her starting point. She finds that she has
gone too far, and she travels south for 10 minutes at 300 km.h to reach the
airfield that is her destination.
a. What is the plane’s average speed for the first part of this journey?
b. What is the plane’s average speed for the whole journey?
c. How far apart are the two airfields?

18. The graph shows a distance-time graph for a journey.

a. What does the graph tell us about the speed of the car between 20 and
60 seconds ?
b. How far did the car travel between 20 and 60 seconds?
c. Calculate the speed of the car between 20 and 60 seconds.
d. What happened to the car between 80 and 100 seconds ?

19. Look at the velocity-time graph for a toy tractor.Calculate the total distance
traveled by the tractor from A to C.

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.27

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.28
Experiment E10.1
Who’s speed is higher ?
A man is walking down the street or a runner runs real fast or a car drives on the highway. In
all these cases an object moves with a certain speed. One way to determine the speed of a
moving object is to determine the time which is needed to move an exact distance as from A
to B.
In this experiment you are going to compare different movements.

- two stopwatches
- chalk for marking

1) Place two marks on the sidewalk of the street with a distance of 20 meters between
each other.
2) Measure the speed of the objects from the table below by giving a start signal when
the object passes the first mark (hand raising and shouting) and giving a stop signal
when the object passes the end mark. One student records the time between the start
and end signal using a stopwatch.

Object Time (s) Speed (m/s)

A walking person
A runner with a “flying” start
A runner who starts from the mark
A cyclist with slow speed
A cyclist with high speed

a. Give your answer to the research question
b. How did you make sure that the movements were compared in an objective
manner ?

Objective comparison
When you want to compare physical phenomena such as moving objects you always will
need to make sure you compare these objectively. This means that you need to keep all
circumstances the same when measuring.
For example when you want to compare the maximum speed of “car A” with “car B” you’ll
have to test them on the same road and weather circumstances.

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.29

Experiment E10.2
Which speed limits and speed records do exist ?

Some things move very fast such as a high speed jet plane, others are very slow such as the
growth of a plant. You may have seen programs on television where a film taken at high
speed is played back slowly to show things like a bullet breaking a light bulb, or speeded up
to show clouds racing across the sky.

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.30

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.31
Experiment E10.3
How can we use video to determine the velocity?
For this experiment you use the program Coach7 on a computer.

1) Start the program Coach7 from the screen “ZENworks Window” which you will see if
the computer starts up.
2) When the program starts, select the english language in “Initial setting”.
3) Select on the top left the “Login button” and choose “Senior student”
4) Select on the top left the “Open button”
Double click “Deze pc”, choose “Application Educatief J” and go to
Coach 7/ SCE Natuurkunde/ 2 Havo-vwo/
5) Open the file “Exp 10.3 EN (distance and time1).cma7”
6) The file will be opened, completing all tasks you will find on the screen.
7) When you are finished with the first experiment, you can start working on “Exp 10.3
EN (distance and time2).cma7” and “Exp 10.3 EN (distance and time3).cma7”

a. How would you describe this movement?
b. How do you recognise this in the video?

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.32

Experiment E10.4
● How can we determine the final velocity of a trolley on
a slope?
● And how does the height of the slope relate to the
- The program Coach7 on a computer
- Coach Lab II interface
- Slope with rail
- Trolley holding up a piece of cardboard
- Light emitter and light sensor (light gate)

In this experiment we will determine the final velocity of a trolley by measuring the time with a
light gate. A light gate is made of a light emitter (lamp) and a light sensor. When light is
detected by the light sensor, it gives a voltage signal to the computer. When the trolley
passes the light gate for a short moment the light sensor does not detect light, it gives a 0
volt signal to the computer. The computer records the exact time that no light was detected
by the light sensor. By measuring the length of the cardboard you are able to calculate the
final velocity of the trolley.

1) Take all the tools and build the setup yourself.
2) Create a slope on which the trolley can ride with one end resting on the table and the
other end lifted up to 5 cm.
3) Start the program Coach7 from the screen “ZENworks Window” which you will see if
the computer starts up.
4) When the program starts, select the english language in “Initial setting”.
5) Select on the top left the “Login button” and choose “Senior student”
6) Select on the top left the “Open button”
“Deze pc”, choose “Application Educatief J” and go to
Coach 7/ SCE Natuurkunde/ 2 Havo-vwo/
7) Open the file “Exp 10.4 MEASUREMENT.cma7”
8) Start a measurement run by pressing the green button (PLAY) at exactly the same
moment as you release the trolley from the start position at the top of the slope.
9) Determine from the graph on the computer screen at what time t1 (s) the trolley starts
blinding the light sensor? You should use “Uitlezen” by hitting the right mouse button.
You will get a red cross which can be placed on every point in the graph. Write it
down in your table of results. (next page)

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.33

10) Determine from the graph on the computer screen at what time t2 (s) the trolley ends
blinding the light sensor? Write it down in your table of results. (see below)

Height (cm) t1 (s) t2 (s) Δ t (s) Lcar (m) v (m/s)


11) Repeat the measurement run two times with a different height of the slope.
12) Measure the length of the cardboard. Write the length down in your table of results.
This length is important because this is the distance you use in the formula for the
13) Complete your table of results by calculating the Δt and the velocity. (make sure you
use the right units!)
14) Write one example calculation, calculating the velocity, in your journal according to
ROPEC. Use one measurement only!
15) Make a vh-graph with the height horizontal and the velocity vertically.

a. What formula (with symbols) did you use to calculate the Δt?
b. What formula (with symbols)did you use to calculate the velocity?
c. What is your answer to each research question?

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.34

Experiment E10.5

How does an object accelerate when it drops ?

What to do
● Go to the website of Phet Colorado:
● Do not hit Play yet, first Select “Uitleg” and read the text.
● Now start the Projectile movement simulation by clicking on Play.
● Select the Lab simulation.

Assignment 1
Spend a few minutes familiarizing yourself with the controls of the simulation before you
begin the experiment below.

Assignment 2
Look at the research question. We want to know how an object accelerates when you drop it
from a certain height.

Object Mass Diameter Gravity Air Height Initial speed Angle

(kg) (m) (m/s2) resistance (m) (m/s) (o)

Base- 0.15 0.7 9.81 On 15 0 90


Take a good look at some settings. We start with an initial speed of zero. The object is
actually hanging still. When you hit the Fire button, the cannon will not launch the object, it
will only release it. Now gravity takes over and pulls the object down to the earth.

On the top right in the simulation you can find tools you can use for your measurements. Pick
the right tool that looks like a blue box. On this tool you see a magnifying glass. When you
place this magnifying glass on the path of the falling object you can measure the time and the
Height at that specific point. Make sure you understand that the height is not the same as the
distance traveled.

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.35

Formulate the formula to calculate the position of the “baseball”. Use the terms, Initial height
and final height.

Formulate the formula to calculate the v_instantaneous in m/s.


Point your magnifying glass on the first point, when t = 0 seconds. Start filling in the following
table. Calculate the instantaneous velocity for each measurement in the last column.

time (s) Hinitial (m) Hfinal (m) X (m) vinstan (m/s)

0 15 15 0 0

0.1 15

0.2 15

0.3 15

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.36

Calculate the average speed of the object, use ROPEC

Create with the above data a Distance - time graph:

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.37

Create with the above data a Velocity - time graph:

The object is accelerating downwards. Calculate the following accelerations, make use of the
values in your table and use ROPEC:

1. Between t = 0 s and t = 0.8 s

2. Between t = 0.9 s and t = 1.7 s

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.38

Handout 2.10.1
Assignment 1:

1. Distance earth to the moon = 43,592 km

2. Speed of sound = 340.29 m/s

3. Diameter of a hair = 0.00000001m

4. Height of a telephone = 0.007 m

5. The weight of 0.1 kg = 1 N

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.39

Assignment 2:
John rides on his moped from house to school.
He rides with an average speed of 7 m/s.
The distance from my house to school is 15 km.
He needs to be at school at 08:10.
At what time should John leave his house to be on time ?

Assignment 3:
A train travels 250 km from point 1 to point 4.
At point 2 and 3 the train stops at the station for 5 minutes each.
What is the average speed of the train from 1 to 4 ?

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.40

Handout 2.10.3

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.41

Handout 2.10.4
Assignment 3:

A car is driving. You see the speed-time graph for a period of 10 s.

a. What is the maximum speed ?

b. At what time does the car have a steady speed?

c. What distance is traveled between 4-6 seconds ?

d. Calculate the distance traveled in the first four seconds, mark the area in the graph
with a color.

e. What is the total distance traveled in 10 seconds ?

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.42

Assignment 4:

A car is driving. Given is the table.

a. Name the axes in the graph.

b. Draw the complete trip in the graph.

c. Determine the total distance traveled in 18 seconds.

Start by creating easy squares and triangles under your graph.

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.43

Handout 2.10.10
Assignment 1:

a. How do you recognize that Josje starts the time when the car starts driving?
b. Write in the graph a “S” everytime the car is speeding up.
c. Write in the graph a “D” everytime the car slows down.
d. Write in the graph a “C” everytime the car has a constant speed.
e. At which time did the car stop for a moment? How long does this break take?

f. At which time did the car reach its maximum speed? For how long is he driving at a
maximum speed ?

Assignment 2:
a. Describe very accurately what acceleration means.

b. What is the formula for acceleration and which unit do we use for it ?

c. What is the opposite of acceleration?

d. Give 5 examples of objects that accelerate ?

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.44

Assignment 3:
Mark with a cross in the table below what kind of movement it is:

stopped constant speed acceleration deceleration

A rolling ball

Walking to school

Sitting on a chair

Bungee jumping
from a bridge

400 m run

Hit the brakes on

your bike

Assignment 4:
Mr. de Maat is driving his car at a constant speed of 40 km/h. After 2 seconds Mr. de Maat
hits the brakes and the car then decelerates in 3 seconds to 0 km/h.
a. Draw a v-t graph in your own notebook. Always draw with you geo protractor and use a
good scale.

b. What can you say about the movement if you see a horizontal line in a v-t graph ?

Assignment 5:
A gun shoots a bullet. The bullet travels for 0.065 s with a speed of 20 m/s.
a. Calculate the distance traveled by bullet in 0.065 seconds.

b. Calculate the distance traveled by bullet in 1 second.

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.45

Assignment 6:
We use quantities and units with their own symbols all the time. Rewrite the next lines in
a. The time is 4.2 seconds.

b. The distance is 12 kilometers.

c. The speed is 36 meters per second.

Assignment 7:
Write down if the next quantities will increase / decrease / stay the same for a scooter that
travels 30 km/h.
a. The time……..
b. The distance……..
c. The speed……..

Assignment 8:
A scooter is driving See the table below.

t (min) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

v(m/s) 0 15 15 15 60 60 60 45 30

t (min) 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 36

v(m/s) 25 15 10 10 75 75 75 75 0

a. Make a v-t graph in your notebook. Use standard units for both quantities and then draw
the graph with the use of a geo protractor and use a good scale.
b. Calculate the distance traveled between t=8 and t=12. Make use of the graph.

c. Calculate the total distance traveled.

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.46

Assignment 9:
A ferry between Den Helder and Texel has a constant speed of 2.0 m/s
a. Calculate the distance traveled (in kilometers) by the ferry in five minutes.

b. Explain what the distance traveled will be for the next five minutes.

c. The total trip of the ferry is 20 minutes. Is the distance between Den Helder and Texel
more / less or equal to 2.4 km ? Show your calculation.

Assignment 10:
A rocket is launched with a speed of 3.5 km/s. Calculate the distance traveled by the rocket
in 1.0 hour. Make use of the proportional table.

Time 1s

Distance 3.5 km

Assignment 11:
Convert and write down in standard units:

a. 36 km/h = …………….m/s
b. 60 km/h = …………….m/s
c. 5.2 m/s = …………….km/h
d. 18.4 m/s = …………….km/h

2tto-Reader Chapter 10 Speeding up P.47

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