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Why should you choose an English-English dictionary?

When you first learn English, one of your essential tools is an

English-Thai dictionary. But as your competence in English
increases, an English-Thai dictionary does not give you enough
information on the meanings and grammatical constraints of the
words you want to use. That is why you need a good English-
English dictionary.

What do you get from a good English—English dictionary?

A good dictionary provides you with useful information on vocabulary. This information
includes easily understood definitions with examples which help you understand how to
use the words correctly and appropriately. It shows you how to pronounce the words.
For vocabulary, a good dictionary has illustrations that help make the meanings of the
words clear. The grammatical information helps you understand what part of speech the word
is and what other words are often used together with the headword.

guide word page number

entry words


part of speech definition

Parts of speech
Dictionaries always include information about the parts of speech. They describe the
functions of the words. You should be familiar with their abbreviations.

n ..................noun pron.............pronoun
adj...............adjective adv..............adverb
v ................verb conj.............conjunction
prep.............preposition interj............interjection

Exercise 1: Identify the part of speech of the words below. Use a dictionary and write
verb, noun, adjective, or adverb, etc. in the space provided. Some words have
more than one function.

1. dictionary ......... ............. 2. correctly .................

3. pronounce .......................... 4. with ....................

5. this ......................... 6. grammatical ...................

The symbols that follow headwords are phonetic symbols. They show you how to
pronounce words correctly with the stress on the correct syllable such as dictionary
[ ], correctly [ ], and syllable [ ].

Exercise 2: Look at the phonetic table below and find more examples of words using a

Source: Oxford Advanced Learner's dictionary

The best way to use your dictionary


To avoid confusion and mistakes, you should spend some time getting acquainted with your
dictionary, so you understand what information is included, and how it is organized.
Although there are many different types of dictionaries, all good dictionaries are organized
in a similar way.

Exercise 3: Match the abbreviations and grammar labels used in the Oxford Advanced
Learner’s dictionary in column A with the words in column B.

abbr. 1. American English NZE 14. Symbol
adj 2. abbreviation pl. 15. somebody
adv. 3. adverb pp 16. past tense
AmE 4. conjunction prep. 17. something
AustralE 5. Northern English pron. 18. uncountable noun
BrE 6. Irish English pt 19. singular
C 7. et cetera (=and so on) sb 20. past participle
conj. 8. adjective ScotE 21. verb
det. 9. British English Sing 22. pronoun
etc. 10. noun Sth. 23. plural
IrishE 11. determiner symb 24. preposition
n. 12. countable noun u 25. Scottish English
NorthE 13. Australian English v. 26. New Zealand English

Exercise 4: Match the symbols used in the Oxford Advanced Learner’s dictionary in
column A with the explanations in column B.


˜ means the same as...  idioms section of an entry

= derivative(s) section of an entry  compounds section of an entry

 replaces the headword of an IDM see...


Using an online dictionary

With the advance of modern technology many dictionaries are found in electronic devices
and in CD-ROMs. Free online dictionaries and mobile reference resource on the Internet can
be looked up on mobile phones and tablet computers. They are very convenient to use. On
the Internet, there are many dictionary websites such as, Cambridge
Dictionaries Online, Longman
English Dictionary Online,
Oxford Dictionaries Language
Matters,, etc.
They are search engines for
words and phrases. Not only
are there online dictionaries but
there are also a number of
online internet tools such as
wordlists, translation programs,
programs for checking
grammatical errors, language
games and puzzles and various
other useful processing tools
for English language learning.

Exercise 5: Use the dictionary extract below to answer the following questions.

1. What part of speech is the word

2. How many definitions of the word
“dictionary” are there?
3. What is the first definition?
4. What type of noun is the word
5. How many syllables are there in
the word “dictionary”?
6. Which is the stressed syllable?

Exercise 6: Use the dictionary entries below to answer the following questions.

Ski /skiː/ noun, adj. , verb

noun (pl. skis) 1 one of the a pair of long narrow pieces of wood, metal or plastic
that you attach to boots so that you can move smoothly over snow: a pair of skis—

adj. ( only before noun) connected with the sport of skiing: ski boots , ski slopes

verb (skiing, skied, skied) (V) 1 (usually + adv./prep.) to move over snow on skis,
especially as a sport 2 go skiing to spend time skiing for pleasure : We went
skiing in France in March.—see also SKIING , WATERSKI

Ski-bob noun a vehicle for riding on snow, which looks like a bicycle with skis
instead of wheel ski-bob verb (-bb-) (V)

1. Ski is a verb. What is the past form of the verb?______________________________

2. Ski-bob means________________________________________________________
3. The present participle of ski is_____________________________________________
4. What kind of noun is ski?________________________________________________
5. What does illus mean?
6. What does skiing mean in this sentence?
Mr. Smith went skiing in Switzerland with his wife last year.

A Quick Guide to Using an English-English Dictionary

The Longman Dictionary Quick Guide explains how to find words or meanings you
are looking for, and how the dictionary can help you choose the RIGHT words and use them
in the RIGHT way. Here are some examples.

1. Finding the words you are looking for

Exercise 7: Read the passage and underline the meaning of the words in bold types in
the dictionary extracts.

Chairman’s report on this year’s results

This has been an excellent year for the company, with sales well above our
original forecasts, and the big increase in profits has enabled us to reduce our borrowings
from the bank. Most of the improvement has been in our exports to overseas customers,
and this is partly due to better market research. Our performance in the home market
remains rather run-of-the mill, but there are encouraging signs that we are beginning to
do better in this area too. Only three or four years ago, we were regarded as the lame
ducks of the industry, so this has been a remarkable turnaround in company’s fortunes.

“…sales well above our original forecasts”

“…to reduce our borrowings from the bank”


“…better market research…remains rather run-of-the-mill”

“…regarded as the lame ducks of the industry”

2. Finding words or phrases that are not the main entries

Exercise 8: Read the passage and underline the meaning of the words in bold type in the
dictionary extracts.

Dealing with acid rain

According to some scientists, acid rain is rapidly destroying forests in many

parts of the world. There is now growing public awareness of this issue, and
governments are under pressure to take action. The problem, say environmentalists,
boils down to the need for strict controls on the emissions from power stations.
Opponents of these measures say that the ultra-high cost of making power stations
safe would raise the price of electricity to an unacceptable level. But many people
feel that there is no alternative and that it is time to grasp the nettle. It now seems
likely that governments will be obliged to do more to combat this problem in the not
too distant future.

“…rapidly destroying forests…growing public awareness…”

“…problem…boils down to the need for…”

“…time to grasp the nettle”

“…to combat this problem in the not too distant future”


“…the ultra-high cost”

3. Finding the right meaning

Exercise 9: Read the passage and underline the meaning of the words in the bold type in
the dictionary extracts.

Buying a computer

If you are thinking of buying your own computer, there are several questions
you need to ask before you decide on a particular model. For example, how big is
its memory? Does the cost include accessories such as a printer and a mouse? And
is there plenty of software available? The price you pay is like to be determined by
all these factors. It is now quite common for manufactures to give away software
programs with their machines. This is because the personal computer market has
become highly competitive witness the fact that dozens of computer firms go
bankrupt every year, so free software has become an important weapon in the
battle for sales.

“…how big is its memory?”


“…likely to be determined by…”

“..witness the fact that..”

“…an important weapon in…”

4. Choosing the right form of a word

Exercise 10: Read the passage. Two words are shown in bold type, underline the word
you should use. Consult the dictionary entries that follow.

crises or crisises?

overthrown or overthrowed?

judgement or judgment?

fulfill or fulfil?

5. Choosing the right word—how the dictionary can help

Exercise 11: Read the passage. Two words are shown in bold type, underline the word
you should use. Consult the dictionary entries that follow.

Incomprehensible or uncomprehensible?

efficient or efficacious?

heap or pile?

done or made?

6. Putting words together correctly—how the grammar codes can help

Exercise 12: Read the passage. Two words or phrases are shown in bold type, underline
the word you should use. Consult the dictionary entries that follow

information or informations ?

opposition to or against ?

we enjoyed or we enjoyed it ?

avoided answering or avoided to answer ?


In English there are many word beginnings (prefixes) and word endings (suffixes) that can be
added to a word to change its meaning or its word class.

1. A prefix is one or more letters or syllables combined with the beginning of another
word to change its meaning. Examples are unsure, reshape, and preview. The
prefixes added in the examples change the meaning: unsure means “not sure”,
reshape means “shape again”, and preview means “see before”.

More than one prefix can be placed in front of a root, as in nonrefundable (cannot
be returned).
- If you are not satisfied, return the goods within 14 days for replacement or
- The unused tickets are not refundable. They are nonrefundable.

2. A suffix is one or more letters or syllables added to a word to change its work in a
sentence. It tells us whether a word is being used as a noun, a verb, an adjective, o
an adverb. More than one suffix can be placed after a root. A word existing as one
part of speech can be changed to another by adding an additional suffix as in the
following examples.

Adjective : helpful [help + ful]

Adverb : helpfully [help + ful + ly]
Noun : helpfulness [help + ful + ness]

A prefix is a part of a word that is attached before the word and changes the meaning of the

Prefix Meaning Word New word New meaning

im- not possible impossible not possible
dis- not, not any credit discredit to damage the good
reputation of something

Some prefixes for Opposites

The following prefixes can be used in front of many words to produce an opposite meaning.
Note, however, that the words formed in this way are not always exact opposites, and may
have a slightly different meaning.

happy unhappy centralize decentralize

fortunate unfortunate increase decrease
un- De-
wind unwind ascend descend
block unblock inflate deflate

I’m not very happy. In fact, I’m very Increase means to make or become
unhappy. larger in amount or number.
Decrease means to make or become
in- efficient inefficient
smaller in amount or number.
im- possible impossible
il- literate illiterate sense nonsense
ir regular irregular payment nonpayment
resident nonresident
It’s just not possible to do that. It’s
conformist nonconformist
agree disagree The hotel serves meals to residents* only.
dis- approve disapprove (*people who are staying in the hotel)
honest dishonest Nonresidents are not allowed in.

I don’t agree with everything you said.

I disagree with the last part.

Prefixes in English have certain meanings, and knowing prefixes will help you add more
words to your vocabulary. Although there are many prefixes, knowing the most important
ones should help you in your reading.

Below are some common prefixes. Study them and see if you can think of other words that
use the

Prefixes for negation Prefixes for number and size

a- not amoral demi- half demitasse
dis- not dissatisfied hemi- half hemisphere
il- not illiterate semi- half semicircle
im- not impossible mono- one monologue
in- not inactive uni- one unification
ir- not irractional poly- many polygamy
mis- wrong misgiving bi- two bilingual
non- not nonexistent dec- ten decade
un- not unintentional cent- hundred century

Prefixes for very small Prefixes for very large

micro- small microscope macro- large macroeconomics
mill- thousandth milligram mega- large megastore
magni- great magnificent

Prefixes for time Prefixes for amount

ante- before anteroom extra- excessive extravagant
pre- before prepare hyper- too much hyperactive
pro- before progeny omni- all omnipresent
re- again regain out- surpassing outdo
after- after aftertaste ultra- beyond ultramodern
epi- after epilogue under- less than underweight
post- after postgraduate

Prefixes for where

ac- to, toward accrue off- from offspring
ad- to, toward addiction mid- middle midsummer
af- to, toward affirm on- on onshore
ag- to, toward aggressive para- beside paralegal
an- to, toward annotate per- throughout pervasive
by- near bystander circu- around circumvent
en- in envelope peri- all around periphery
im- into immerse trans- across transport
intra- within intramural dia- through diagonal
into- inside introspection pro- forward proceed
enter- among entertain re- back retract
inter- among interstate sub- under subzero
epi- upon epidermis with- back away withdraw
e- out, away emigrate super- over supervisor
ex- out exit under- below underwear
extra- outside extraterrestrial tele- distant telephone
de- from, down demerit

Prefixes for relationship of together or separate

auto- self autocratic con- with connect
self- self self-sufficient co- together coordinate
col- with colleague sym- together symphony
com- with commune syn- together synthesis
ab- away from abdicate

Prefixes that make a judement Other prefixes

anti- against antisocial ambi- both ambivalent
contra- against contraception amphi- around amphitheater
dys- bad dysfunction be- make befriend
mal- bad maladjusted hetero- different heterosexual
mis- wrong misfortune homo- same homogeneous
bene- good benefactor meta- change metabolism
eu- good euphoria neo- new neoclassicism
pro- for pro-education pseudo- false pseudonym

Exercise 1: Agree with the statements below, using words from the following box which
have the opposite meaning to the underlined words. You have to add an
appropriate prefix to make the meaning similar.

Dress Patient legal polite tidy legible

1. It’s against the law, isn’t it?

Oh yes, it’s illegal______.
2. His room is always in a mess, isn’t it?
Yes, it’s always __________________.
3. He took off his clothes!
Yes, he said he was going to go to bed, so he would _________________.
4. This handwriting is impossible to read.
Yes, I know. It’s ______________.
5. She can never wait for even five minutes, can she?
No, she is always __________________.
6. I thought it was rude, didn’t you?
Yes, it was very __________________.

Exercise 2: One of the listed words in the box below is needed for completing each of the
following sentences. The underlined prefix will give you a clue as to which
word you need. Complete each sentence.

across again poorly before below

1. A subway does not go above a city; it goes below______.

2. Maladjusted people are people who adjust __________________.
3. A transatlantic flight goes _______________ the Atlantic.
4. A prefix is a word-part that comes __________________.
5. When we rewrite something, we write it __________________.
6. A subnormal temperature is not above normal, it is __________________.
7. To prearrange something is to arrange it in advance, or __________________.
8. To recopy a composition is to copy it __________________.

In an English word, you will sometimes find a suffix or suffixes. Suffixes are added to the end
of words to change the meaning of the words in various ways. Very often the part of speech
changes when a suffix is added, i.e. from noun to verb or from verb to adjective. The most
common suffixes are shown below with examples of how they are used.
Noun formation
The endings -er, -ment, -ation, -ance, and -ence can be added to many verbs to form nouns.

-er -ment
drive driver amaze amazement
fasten fastener develop development
open opener pay payment
teach teacher retire retirement
John drives a bus. He is a bus driver. Children develop very quickly.
A can opener is a tool for opening Their development is very quick.

-ation -ance and - ence

admire admiration allow allowance
associate association differ difference
examine examination assist assistance
organize organization attend attendance

The doctor examined me carefully. I always attended the lectures.

He gave me a careful examination. Attendance at lectures is compulsory

The ending -ity and -ness can be added to many adjectives to form nouns.

-ity and -ty -ness

cruel cruelty dark darkness
odd oddity deaf deafness
pure purity happy happiness
stupid stupidity kind kindness
minded mindedness
Don’t be so cruel. I hate cruelty. aimless aimlessness

It was very dark. The darkness made

it impossible to see.

Verb formation
The ending -ize and -ify can be added to many nouns and adjectives to form verbs.

-ize -ify
American Americanize beauty beautify
legal legalize liquid liquefy
modern modernize pure purify
popular popularize simple simplify

They want to make the factory more These tablets make the water pure.
modern. They want to modernize They purify the water.
the factory.

Adverb formation
The ending -ly can be added to most adjectives to form adverbs.

-ly It is easy for that tall man to reach the top shelf.
easy easily The tall man reaches the top shelf easily.
main mainly
quick quickly I was stupid to lend him some money.
stupid stupidity I stupidly agreed to lend him some money.

Adjective formation
The ending -ic, -ical, -y, -ful, -less, -able, -ish, and -ous can be added to many nouns and verbs to
form adjectives.

-ic and -ical -y

atom atomic bush bushy
biology biological dirt dirty
grammar grammatical hair hairy
poetry poetic smell smelly

This book contains exercises on grammar. There was an awful smell in the room.
It contains grammatical exercises. The room was very smelly.

-ful -less
pain painful pain painless
hope hopeful hope hopeless
care careful care careless

His broken leg caused him a lot of pain. The operation didn’t cause her any pain.
It was very painful. It was painless.

wash washable You can wash this coat.
love lovable
It’s washable.
debate debatable
break breakable

-ish -ous
child childish poison poisonous
book bookish danger dangerous
fever feverish nerve nervous

James was an only child who had Smoking is a dangerous habit.

been very welcome. His life is in danger of cancer
Sometimes, James would have because he loves smoking.
considered childish.

Exercise 3: Fill in the blank with an appropriate word that uses one of the suffixes above.

1. A thing that zips is a __________________.

2. If food is full of flavor, we can say it is __________________.
3. If a computer file can be saved, it is __________________.
4. The state of being happy is called __________________.
5. He often makes mistakes because he isn’t careful. He is often __________________.
6. The money was divided in a fair way. It was divided __________________.
7. A person who tastes food is called a food __________________.
8. He is filled with hope that he will succeed. He is __________________.
9. He received a letter asking him to pay his parking ticket, but he had already sent his
__________________ to the traffic office.
10. He felt like a fool when he fell on the stairs. In fact, he also looked very

Exercise 4: Choose the correct suffixes to form the following words.

1. The person who does something is a do____.

a. —or b. —er c. —y d. —ish

2. She is on the verge of tears. We could describe her as being tear____.

a. —less b. —ish c. —ly d. —ful

3. She doesn’t have a child. In other words, she is child____.

a. —less b. —ish c. —ful d. —able

4. His work was done in a poor way; it was done poor____.

a. —less b. —y c. —ly d. —ish

5. The money should be paid by June 5th, but it is pay____ any time before that.
a. —less b. —able c. —ment d. —er

6. She dances in a graceful way. In fact, she even walks grace____.

a. —ly b. —fully c. —less d. —y

7. She is in a state of being happy. Her happi____ is because she is in love.

a. —ness b. —less c. —ish d. —ful

8. The law was not fair, so the government amended it. The amend____ will make
things much fairer for everyone.
a. —ness b. —less c. —ment d. —able

9. My car has a lot of room. Everyone is surprised at how room____ it is.

a. —ly b. —y c. —ful d. —ish

10. Post-it notes stick to things because there is a stick____ strip on the back.
a. —ness b. —or c. —er d. —y

Exercise 5: Choose the words from the box below to complete the following sentences.
Note that all the words use suffixes.

a. victorious b. joyous c. ninth

d. darkens e. threatens f. declaration

1. The floodwater __________________ to wash away the house.

2. The government has declared its goals; it has made a __________________ of its
3. August is before September. It is the eighth month of the year. We can say
September is the __________________ month.
4. She is so happy and everyone wonders why she is so __________________.
5. The candidate was __________________ in the election. He was delighted over his


Finding the Main Idea
Passages may consist of one paragraph or more. A paragraph usually talks about one thing –
the topic. To find the topic of a paragraph, you may ask yourself: “What is the paragraph
generally about?”

A good paragraph talks mainly about the topic in some way. We call this the main idea. To
find the main idea of a paragraph, you should ask: “What does the writer say about the


From the earliest time men have depended on water. They made their
settlements near water and they used it for their animals and plants. Later on,
the rivers and seas became men’s highways. Wars have been waged, treaties
have been signed, and civilizations have lived and died because of water.

By asking the two questions suggested, the topic of the paragraph is water and the main
idea is importance of water.

Paying Attention to Details

In order to be a good reader, you will need to pay attention to details and understand what
is stated in the passage you are reading. If you pay attention to details, you’ll be able to
answer questions like what, who, when, where, how, etc.


Believe it or not, thirteen-year-old Kiyo successfully grows plants

indoors—without soil. She fills plastic containers with a special solution for
nourishing plants. She uses a piece of screen to support each plant in a
container, allowing the roots to dangle into the solution so that half of the root
system is covered. Every few weeks, Kiyo pours out the old solution, flushes the
container with clear water, and then pours in fresh solution, which she buys at a
gardening center.
With this kind of indoor gardening, Kiyo doesn’t have to worry about
outdoor garden pests, poor soil, or bad weather. She keeps the plants on
shelves where they can get good sunlight and where she can reach them easily.

If you have paid close attention to details, you can answer the following questions:

 Who successfully grows plants indoors? (thirteen-year-old Kiyo)

 How do plants get nourishment? (through a special solution)
 What are the advantages of growing plants indoors? (don’t have to worry about
garden pests, poor soil, or bad weather)

Using Context Clues

Sometimes when you are reading, you will came across words that are new to you. You can
figure out what some words mean by studying their context – in other words, by studying
the other words and sentences in the passage.


Clara ran out to the garden excitedly. Vegetables were growing in neat rows
in the small raised beds. Each bed was surrounded by flowers. Clara was not
interested in the vegetables. She wanted to see the daisies and the bright yellow

Can you tell that “marigolds” are flowers? What clues in the story tell you this?

You might already know that daisies are flowers. You also know Clara wasn’t interested in
vegetables, so marigolds are probably not a vegetable. Something else that the writer says
was growing in this garden besides vegetables are flowers – they surround each garden bed.
Many flowers are bright yellow. Putting all these clues together, you can probably guess that
marigolds are a kind of flower.

There are several types of context clues which writers use to help readers understand their

1. Synonyms
A writer may use a word with a similar meaning to the unfamiliar word. Often this similar
word is introduced by a comma (,) and or.


Many citizens began to emigrate, or move to overseas countries since the coup.

2. Antonyms
The clue to an unfamiliar word may be in an antonym (a word which means the opposite of
it). You may notice that a writer will introduce an antonym with words like: but, different,
unlike, opposite, on the contrary, etc.


Carl didn’t despise his new assignment; on the contrary, he loved it.

3. Definitions
The writer may directly define or explain the meaning of a certain word. Often the definition
is introduced by words such as: is, mean, or refers to.


Restatement is the saying of the same idea in a different way.

Etymology refers to the study of a word.

4. Restatement
Sometimes, the writer may use other words to restate the meaning of a word. In this case
he may use signal words or, that is, or in other words. Sometimes, the restatement is
separated by commas, parentheses, or dashes.


She died of leukemia, a kind of cancer, which caused too many white blood cells
to be produced in her body.

5. Examples
The writer may give examples to help you understand the meaning of a word. Some signal
words for this type of clue are such as, for example, like, and including.


Marsupials like kangaroos and koalas are native to Australia.

6. Explanations
The writer may explain the meaning of an unfamiliar word. The explanation to the word is
often in the sentence following the unfamiliar word.


John’s job at the factory is checking each piece of jewelry for flaws. In other
words, he looks for cracks in the joins, checks for rough edges, and makes sure
that all the clasps close properly.

7. General context
Sometimes you can guess the meaning of an unfamiliar word from the general context of
the sentence or passage.


Since she could not sleep, she had to take a sedative to help her get some much
needed rest.
Paul felt that his art exhibition was a failure because only a few people came to
see it.

Understanding Referents
It would be clumsy and boring to have to repeat the same word or phrase every time you
used it. Instead of repeating the same word or phrase several times, after it has been used,
we can usually refer to it rather than repeat it. For this purpose, we use reference words.

Recognizing reference words and being able to identify the words or phrases to which they
refer will help you understand what you are reading. Reference words are often, but not
always, pronouns. They are usually short, such as it, she, this, those, their, etc. These words
may appear unimportant, but understanding them is very important and useful. They may
refer to a single noun or to a noun phrase made up of several words. It is also important to
know that reference words may refer forwards as well as backwards in the passage.

A small group of scientists do not believe that dinosaurs became extinct

because they1were big, clumsy beasts. Through their2 studies, these researchers3
are trying to prove what really happened to those giants of yesteryear4 on the
basis of a theory that will surprise many: they5 think the cause of their6 death came
from outer space.

1. they: dinosaurs
2. their: these researchers
3. theseUnderstanding Cause
researchers: a small group and Effect
of scientists
4. those giants of yesteryear: dinosaurs
5. they: these researchers
6. their: dinosaurs

Understanding Cause and Effect

Understanding cause and effect can help you with some of the reading you will have to do.
Cause and effect is a way of thinking which helps determine both causes (reasons) and effect
(results). Cause and effect reasoning will help answer the question “Why?”. It will also state
the results and may predict possible future consequences.

A single sentence can explain the cause of, or the result of, an event.

e.g. [I forgot to bring my umbrella,] so [I got wet in the rain.]


[The cake burned] because [the oven temperature was too high.]

Key words used to indicate effect are:

so thus therefore consequently as a result

Key words used to indicate cause are:

because since owing to due to

Often there can be one cause and many effects.

e.g. My car ran out of petrol, so I 1) was late

2) missed my dental appointment,
3) and still have a toothache.

Also one effect mat have many causes.

e.g. She was made redundant because 1) she was unreliable

2) she often came to work late
3) she was not a hard worker


Fifteen inches of rain fell in Miami in four hours. As a result, all public
transportation stopped, Kim’s car would not start, Bob had to stay at home, and
no-one came to Al’s party.
Cause: Fifteen inches of rain fell in Miami, in four hours.
Effect: 1) All public transportation stopped.
2) Kim’s cat would not start.
3) Bob had to stay at home.
4) No-one came to Al’s party.

To determine the cause, ask yourself, “What happened first?”


The car would not start this morning, and the bus was 30 minutes late.
Then I lost my office keys and my secretary called in sick. Because of all those
problems, I had a terrible headache by lunch-time.
Cause: 1) The car would not start.
2) The bus was 30 minutes late.
3) I lost my office keys.
4) My secretary called in sick.
Effect: I had a terrible headache.

Understanding Time Sequence

Sequence, or time-order patterns show actions or events in the order in which they happen.

Sequential paragraphs do not usually have a topic sentence. They simply organize a number
of events, starting from the beginning and continuing in order until the final event.

Sequence can be used in a single sentence as well as in a passage.

Coffee is a very popular drink around the world. People drink it at all
times of the day. There are several kinds of coffee, but I am now going to
describe how instant coffee is produced.
First, the coffee beans are picked from the trees and dried in the sun.
Then, the beans are roasted and then cooled rapidly before being ground. The
beans are then mixed with hot water and the mixture is strained before it is
frozen. Finally, the frozen mixture is ground and then dried in a vacuum before it
is packed into jars. The coffee is now ready to be sold in shops.
Instant coffee is not quite as good as real coffee, but it is very popular
and saves a lot of time. The manufacturers have done most of the steps for us!

Drawing Logical Inferences

There is no reason for reading if you do not understand what you read. The first thing a
reader must do is understand what is actually said. However, writers do not always state
everything, and that is why a good reader needs to be able to make logical inferences.

Look at the following sentence:

Of the seven men taking part in the experiment, two were from Chiang Mai, two from
other cities in Thailand, and the remainder from neighboring Southeast Asian

What is actually stated is not difficult to understand:

 There were seven men taking part in the experiment.

 Two men were from Chiang Mai
 Two men were from other cities in Thailand.
 The other men were from neighboring Southeast Asian countries.

However, the writer does not explain everything in the passage – he expects the reader to
be able to infer this information.

1. What is Chiang Mai?

The passage does not say Chiang Mai is a city of Thailand, but this fact can be
inferred from the statement other cities in Thailand.

2. Where (and what) is Thailand?

The passage does not say Thailand is a country in Southeast Asia, but it can be
inferred from neighboring Southeast Asian countries the Thailand is in Southeast
Asia. It can also be supposed that Thailand is a country, from (a) the fact that an
equal relationship is suggested by neighboring … countries, (b) the fact that it is
suggested that Thailand is a larger unit than a city by other cities in Thailand, and (c)
from the word Thailand itself.

3. How many men from countries other than Thailand took part in the experiment?
The passage does not say that were three. The answer, however, can be inferred
from of the seven … two were … two from … and the remainder … It is a matter of
some simple arithmetic to arrive at the correct answer.

Inference then is a skill which is expected of the reader in order to fully understand
what the author is writing about.

Read the following passage and do the exercises. Remember to use the reading techniques
discussed on the previous pages as you read each passage and work through the exercises.

Passage 1

Animals protect themselves in many different ways. Certain birds are

difficult to see because their color blends in with trees and branches. The insect
called the praying mantis protects itself by changing its color from green to
brown. Odor is another protection device. The skunk is able to release a
“perfume” from its body if danger threatens. Hard shells and sharp spines also
provide good protection.

1. What is the topic of this passage?

a. Birds b. Animals
c. Protection d. Color

2. What is the passage mainly about?

a. Ways to escape danger b. Animals protection devices
c. Colors and odors d. Danger
3. Which is the best topic sentence for the passage?
a. Certain birds are difficult to see.
b. Animals protect themselves in many different ways.
c. The skunk is able to release a “perfume” from its body if danger threatens.
d. Hard shells and sharp spines also provide good protection.

4. Which protection device does a porcupine use?

a. Color b. Odor
c. Hard shells d. Sharp spines

Passage 2

In fact, even in today’s scientific age, superstition is still widespread.

Many tall buildings, for example, do not have a floor numbered thirteen because
tenants consider this number unlucky and will not rent apartments or offices on
this floor. Like ancient man, some people still carry good luck charms such as
rabbit’s feet to protect themselves from misfortune. Many people still shudder
when a black cat crosses their path; others are absolutely terrified about
opening an umbrella inside the house.

1. What is the paragraph about?

a. Buildings b. Superstition
c. Misfortune d. Umbrellas

2. What is the main idea of this passage?

a. Superstition is still widespread in our age.
b. The floor numbered thirteen is an unlucky floor.
c. Some people carry rabbit’s feet to protect themselves from misfortune.
d. There are reasons why tall buildings do not have a floor numbered thirteen.

3. What do we learn from this passage?

a. People are afraid of the number 13.
b. An umbrella is terrifying.
c. Rabbit’s feet bring misfortune.
d. Scientists do not believe in superstition.

4. What is true according to the passage?

a. Some people like to open their umbrellas indoors.
b. In our age, no one believes in superstition.
c. In apartments, the floor numbered thirteen may not be rented.
d. People are pleased when they see black cats.

5. Which word in the passage means one who pays rent to occupy a building?
a. Charm b. Tenant
c. Shudder d. Ancient man

Passage 3

A good reader is very much like a good driver. He must learn to use his
head and adjust his reading rate to fit his purpose and the material he is reading.
A good reader may be able to read a thousand words per minute, but he won’t
use that speed on everything he reads. A good reader doing research reading in
the library may obtain a 1,000 WPM rate as he searches for material for a report.
But once he finds something usable, he may need to slow down to 100 WPM. A
good reader may read his social science text as rates of between 400 and 500
WPM. Newspaper and magazine articles may be read at 600 WPM by a good
reader, but a poem may even need to be read aloud. Just as a driver has a wide
range of speeds, so has a good reader.

1. This paragraph is about ______.

a. a good driver b. reading speed
c. a good reader d. a research paper

2. The main idea of this paragraph is stated in “_____”.

a. Just as a driver has a wide range of speeds, so has a good reader
b. A good reader must read fast
c. A good reader should do his research paper in the library
d. A good driver uses several speeds while he is driving

3. A reader needs to learn to ______.

a. adjust his rate according to the purpose of reading
b. read very fast all the time
c. drive a car at different speeds
d. do a research paper

4. The best meaning for fit as it is used in the paragraph is ______.

a. suit b. loosen
c. service d. speed

5. According to this paragraph, a reader reads ______.

a. faster when he reads a poem
b. faster when he reads something usable
c. faster when he reads a magazine article
d. faster when he reads a newspaper article

Passage 4

Weather has a powerful effect on people. It influences health,

intelligence, and feelings.
In August, it is very hot and wet in the southern part of the United States.
Southerners have heart attacks and other kinds of health problems during this
month. In the Northeast and Mid-West, it is very hot sometimes and very cold at
other times. People in these states tend to have heart attacks after the weather
changes in February or March.
Weather can also influence intelligence. For example, in a 1938 study by
scientists, the IQ scores of a group of undergraduate college students were very
high during a hurricane, but after the storm, their scores were 10 percent (%)
below average. Hurricanes can increase intelligence. Very hot weather, on the
other hand, can lower it. Students in much of the Unites States often do badly
on exams during the hot months of the year (July and August).

Weather also has a strong influence on people’s feelings. Winter may be

a bad time for thin people. They usually feel cold during these months. They
might feel depressed during cold weather. In hot summer weather, on the other
hand, fat people may feel unhappy. At about 65°F, people become stronger.
Low air pressure relaxes people. It increases sexual feelings. It also
increases forgetfulness. People leave more packages and umbrellas on buses
and in stores on low-pressure days. There is a “perfect weather” for work and
health. People feel best a temperature of about 64°F with 65 percent humidity
(moisture in the air).
Are you feeling sick, sad, tired, forgetful, or very intelligent today? The
weather may be the cause.

1. The topic of the passage is ______.

a. weather b. air pressure
c. health d. seasons

2. The main idea of this passage is “_____”.

a. Low air pressure relaxes people
b. The study of how weather influences health, intelligence, and feelings
c. A perfect temperature for work and health is 64°F
d. Weather has a strong effect on people.

3. ______ may have a bad effect on health.

a. Weather forecast b. Air pressure
c. Weather changes d. Seasons

4. Intelligence can decrease because of ______.

a. weather b. southern weather
c. health d. months of a year

5. At 65 percent humidity, people ______.

a. are forgetful b. feel cold
c. work hard d. are in better health

6. “it” in line 12 refers to ______.

a. a scientist b. a hurricane
c. intelligence d. a score

Passage 5

A cold winter can cause serious problems for many people in Florida. The
farmers grow oranges, and cold weather can result in many orange trees dying.
A cold winter can also result in fewer tourists, so the bad weather can lead to
problems for people who own hotels and restaurants. And very cold weather
can cause health problems for old people who do not have enough heat in their

1. What is the main idea of this paragraph?


2. Fill in the following chart based on the passage.


Passage 6

There are many different causes of car accidents in the United States.
Sometimes accidents are caused by bad weather. Ice or snow makes the roads
dangerous. Accidents can also result from car problems. Even a flat tire can be
serious. Bad roads also cause accidents, and bad drivers can cause them too.
Drivers who fall asleep and drivers who drink alcohol cause many accidents in
this country.

1. What is the main idea of this paragraph?


2. Fill in the following chart based on the passage.


Passage 7

Most people do not think of coffee as a drug. But, in fact, it is a drug and
it has important effects on your body. Some of the effects are good and some
are not. Coffee can help you stay awake when you are driving on working. But it
can also keep you awake at night when you want to sleep. Coffee makes some
people feel more alive so they can work better. Other people feel too nervous
when they drink coffee. After a large meal, coffee can help your stomach. But
too much coffee can cause a stomachache.

1. What is the main idea of this paragraph?


2. Fill in the following chart based on the passage.


Passage 8

Canning is a method of preserving food over extended periods of time.

It involves sealing food in containers and heating it in order to kill bacteria that
could eventually cause spoilage. While most canned food is produced by
commercial companies, some canning is done at home. Although it can be less
hygienic than the commercial variety, home canning is a good way to preserve
homegrown fruits and vegetables such as apples and tomatoes. These products
can be canned after boiling, but others must be pickled first, cucumbers and
peppers for example.

Explain what each of the bold words in the above paragraph refers to.

1. It

2. it

3. that

4. it

5. others

Passage 9

The pyramids on the west bank of the Nile were built by the pharaohs as
royal tombs. They date from 3000 BC. The most celebrated are those at Giza,
built during the fourth dynasty, of which the largest is the one that housed the
pharaoh Khufu, better known as Cheops. This is now called the Great Pyramid.

Explain what each of the bold words in the above paragraph refers to.

1. They

2. those

3. the one

4. This

Passage 10

M.F.K. Fisher, author of fourteen books, states that she does not usually
like to read what she has written, but that she does like her own A Cordial
Water. This book about folk medicine is a collection of odd, old recipes for
medicines for people as well as animals. It has long been out of print, but a
paperback edition is being considered.

1. What is the topic of this paragraph? ____________________________________

2. Which of the following statements can be inferred from the paragraph?
a. M.F.K. Fisher’s fourteen books were out of print when this paragraph was
b. A Cordial Water has never appeared in a paperback edition.
c. Generally speaking, Fisher does not like reading.
d. All of Fisher’s books are about folk medicine.

Passage 11 A

Albert Einstein was born is 1879 in Ulm, Germany. He graduated from the
University of Zurich in Switzerland in 1905. In 1905, he also did some of his most
famous work in physics. In 1919, he won the Nobel Prize for Physics. Between
1919 and 1933, he lived in Germany and traveled a lot to talk to other scientists.
Then in 1933, he had to leave Germany because of Hitler and the Nazi Party. He
moves to the United States. From 1933 until his death, he lived in Princeton,
New Jersey. He died on April 18, 1955.

1. What is the topic of this paragraph? ____________________________________

2. How can you tell this is time order pattern? ______________________________
3. Each date in this passage points to an event in the life of Albert Einstein.
Write the events beside the appropriate time signals.

Signals Events
1879 ________________________________________________________
1905 ________________________________________________________
1905 ________________________________________________________
1919 ________________________________________________________
1919 - 1933 ________________________________________________________
1933 ________________________________________________________
1933 - 1955 ________________________________________________________
April 18, 1955 ________________________________________________________

Passage 11 B

Albert Einstein was born near the end of the 1800s, in Ulm, Germany. He
graduated from the University of Zurich in Switzerland at age 26. That was also
when he did his famous work in physics. Fourteen years later, he won the Nobel
Prize for Physics. For the next ten years, he lived in Germany. He also traveled a
lot to talk with other scientists. Then in the early 1930s, he had to leave
Germany because of Hitler and the Nazi Party. He moved to the United States.
From that time until his death, he lived in Princeton, New Jersey. He died at the
age of 76.

This paragraph is about the same events as Passage 11 A, but the signal words are different.
Here are the signals. Write the events.

Signals Events
near the end of the 19th century ______________________________________
at the age of 26 ______________________________________
That was also when ______________________________________
Fourteen years later ______________________________________
For the next ten years ______________________________________
In the early 1930s ______________________________________
From that time until his death ______________________________________
At the age of 76 ______________________________________

Passage 12
When you decide to take a trip, the planning can be fun. First, you have to
decide where to go. Next, you need to look at maps and books about the place,
and figure out how to use your time while you are there. Soon after that, you
should talk to a travel agent to find out how you will travel, and how much it will
cost. Then, if you are going to a country with a language different from yours,
you may decide to learn a few phrases in that language. Finally, you need to
make a packing list, and check to be sure that you have everything you need.
After all of this, you can relax and have a great trip.
Write the signal words used in the above passage and then steps in the sequence for each of
the signal words.

Signals Events
Passage 13
Arrange the following sentences into a coherent passage on the basis of a logical sequence
of ideas and expressions. Number the sentences in the order in which they would appear in
a text.

1 Bread is eaten in most parts of the world, but not everyone knows how to bake it.
______ Next, mix the flour and water together in a mixing bowl. Add yeast, salt and sugar.
______ Finally, the dough is put into a preheated oven for about forty minutes.
______ Third, knead the mixture until it feels almost dry.
______ After this, knead the mixture again. Make sure the mixture is not sticky when you
touch it.
______ First, measure the correct amount of flour and warm water.
______ Then, leave the dough in a baking tin for about an hour to give it time to rise.
2 I am going to show you how the steps involved in baking bread.
______ Leave the mixture for about an hour in a warm place. It will grow in size.
10 It can be seen that making bread is not difficult as long as the correct procedure is
followed. You will love the taste and smell of your freshly-baked bread!

Passage 14

Margaret Mead was an anthropologist who studied the customs and

cultures of people all over the world. At the age of 23, Mead first sailed for
Samoa is the South Seas. She especially wanted to learn about the adolescents,
or teenagers, in this part of the world. For nine months, Mead lived among the
Samoan people. They helped her build a house without walls, so she could
observe their daily lives. Dr. Mead watched the way they reared their children.
She listened and took notes without imposing her own views. So, the Samoans
trusted her and respected her work.
During her long career, Margaret Mead studied seven tribes in the South
Seas. She compared their differences and similarities. In her conclusions, Mead
noted that these people lived happy lives. Theft children seemed free from
torment. They did not have the conflicts and problems of American teenagers.
Margaret Mead wrote books based on her studies. Some become best-
sellers, such as Coming of Age in Samoa, From the South Seas, and Growing Up
in New Guinea.
Back in the 1920s, Margaret Mead was the first woman working in a
scientific field dominated by men. But, that didn’t hinder her. Instead, she
became the leading authority in her field.
When Margaret Mead died, people all over the world mourned her. As far
away as Manus Island in the Pacific, drums beat out a death song for this
beloved and honored woman.

Circle the letter of each correct statement.

1. The statement that best expresses the main idea of this selection is:
a. The lives of Samoans are no different from the lives of Americans.
b. Mead succeeded in the field of anthropology because she was the first to visit the
South Seas.
c. Mead’s skills as an anthropologist helped her to study the cultures of the South
2. From this story, you can conclude that:
a. Mead’s studies will continue to be important to other anthropologists.
b. More students will become anthropologists because they want to visit other
c. The people of the South Seas will not welcome any more studies of their

Here are some of the meanings for the ten words in bold in the above passage. Three
words have been written beside their meanings. Write the other seven words next to
their meanings.

1. _____________________ teenagers; young people between ages 12 and 17

2. anthropologist _ one who studies customs and cultures of different people
3. _____________________ grieved; felt sad over someone’s death
4. _____________________ mental struggles; strong disagreements
5. torment______ _ suffering; great pain
6. _____________________ get in the way; block
7. _____________________ raised; brought up
8. _____________________ forcing one’s opinions or actions upon another
9. similarities _ _ likenesses; things that are almost the same
10. _____________________ reasoned judgments; opinions based on facts

There are six blank spaces in the story below. Four of the following words have already
been used in the story. They are in bold. Use the other six words to fill in the blank spaces.

conflicts anthropologist adolescents torment conclusions

imposing similarities hinder reared mourned

An _______________ studies the customs and behavior of the people in different

cultures. Today, anthropology is a very popular science. When Margaret Mead entered the
field, it was dominated by men. But this did not hinder her. She wanted to study the people
in the South Seas, particularly the ________________ of Samoa. She was impressed by the
way the Samoans reared their children. There were few ______________ between children
or among families. Torment only occurred when families had to be separated.
Without imposing her own ideas, Margaret Mead got a realistic picture of life in the
South Seas. When she returned to the United States, she published ______________ based
on her studies. Her books compared the differences and _______________ among South
Seas cultures. When Dr. Mead died in 1978, people from many lands _______________ her.

The world around us has rapidly changed due to the advance of modern technology in
various fields of study. One efficient way to keep abreast of information is to read

Newspaper Contents
You can find a wide variety of information in the newspaper. Here are some common items:

Main Section
National News World News

Sports Opinion

National Business World Business

Stock Currency

Happening (e.g. entertainment) Books

People Art

Screening (e.g. TV programs, movies) Tech

Diversions (e.g. horoscope, games, cartoons)

Features (e.g. style, design)

Market Place (Advertisements)

Announcement (e.g. career opportunities) Education and Training

Property and Decoration Auto Society

Travel and Leisure Sales and Services


Identify the following extracts from newspapers on the next few pages by choosing the
item from the list of newspaper contents above.

1.______________________ 2.______________________
Two ex-brothers-in-law go on an
unexpected road trip to Iceland to
reclaim their youth in this comedy
about ageing, loneliness, and friendship.
Special Cash Discount
Starring Earl Nelson, Paul Eenhoorn,
Daniel Gylfason.
081 234 3752

3.______________________ 4.______________________

Valuable Siamese crown

stolen from French
Feb 19 – March 20
You could feel like the target of unfair
A GOLD replica of Thai King Rama criticism and disapproval, but use this as
IV’s crown-encrusted with more a spur to do better. It’s best to keep a
than 20,000 rubies-was among low profile and tread carefully so as not
artifacts stolen from the Chateau to offend anyone important in your life.
de Fontainbleau, just south of
Paris, early on Sunday, along with a
dozen other precious artifacts from
eastern Asia. 6.______________________

5.______________________ The real reason fighting has

Ministry eyes stem cell stopped in Ukraine – for now

therapy adverts President Vladimir Putin understands

how insurgencies work better than any
The Public Health Ministry is other Russian leader. We are watching
working on a bill to stop unverified this play out right now in Ukraine.
commercial stem cell therapy
services being advertised after
finding some clinics making
exaggerated claims.

7.______________________ 8.______________________
Pakistan down Zimbabwe to
City officials clean up roads and revive Cup campaign
footpaths in Bangkok’s Khlong Thom
area yesterday after regulations Pakistan got their World Cup
banning street vendors went into campaign back on track yesterday
effect. The facelift operation, when the 1992 champions downed
including the replacement of traffic Zimbabwe 20 runs to claim their first
and street signs along with dredging win of the tournament.
of underground sewers, will
continue until March 15, after which 10.______________________
police will man several points to EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP: Her
stop vendors from putting up stalls. royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri
9.______________________ Sirindhorn recently granted an
audience to Leon Choong, Executive
Women’s groups call for
Vice-President of Kaplan, Singapore’s
charter change highly-regarded private education
Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha institution, to present the Princess
yesterday played down the with Kaplan’s 11 overseas higher
resignation of Ticha Na Nakorn education and English language
from the National Reform Council scholarships. These will allow
(NRC) and the Constitution Drafting academically-inclined Thai students
Committee (CDC) as women’s the opportunity to pursue a degree
rights advocates gear up for a fresh in Singapore. The event took place at
campaign to highlight gender the Chaipattana Building, Chitralada
equality in the new charter. Palace.

12.______________________ 11.______________________
William meets Japan’s
tsunami survivors
Britain’s Prince William yesterday
made a pilgrimage to port
communities devastated by a huge
tsunami that hit Japan in 2011,
receiving origami paper cranes
from survivors before the fourth
anniversary of the disaster.

News layout is the way in which the information is arranged. You will read newspapers more
quickly and easily if you know the news layout.

Elephants were bought

Legally, says safari HEADLINE

Papers will be checked before export The HEADLINE gives

By Kultida Samabuddhi the readers the idea
of what the news
The Chiang Mai Night Safari insists it has legally story is about. It
procured five elephants from private owners and points out the
all have certification to prove that they were importance of the
The LEAD is the
captive creatures and not from the wild. story. The size of the
The clarification came after Friends of the Asian printed letter of each
and is often a single
Elephant Foundation revealed the zoo planned to HEADLINE varies
information packed export the elephants to China under an animal according to the
sentence. It usually
exchange program. The group opposes the importance of each
gives you the story’s
shipment for fear that it would threaten the Thai story. The most
elephant population. important stories
Night Safari said the elephants have been have the largest
implanted with microchips which contain
information about the jumbos, including their
and HOW are less important ones
names, owners, and vaccination records.
summarized in this have the smaller
“The information recorded in the
paragraph. HEADLINES.
microchips has been certified by the National
Institute for Animal Health under the Livestock
Development Department,” it said.
BODY Certificates of captivity were issued by Muang
The BODY is the news district office, Surin province, on Nov 24th.
story in detail. The Night Safari bought the elephants from
their owners on Dec 2nd. The jumbos have been
kept at the zoo for almost a year.
The elephants, two males and three females,
are between four and nine years old, but officials
did not put their age in the ID papers because the
Interior Ministry’s 1939 Draught Animal Act does
not require the owners to do so, said the
The lack of details about the jumbos’
background, including their ages, stirred suspicion
about their origins.
The National Park, Wildlife and Plant
Conservation Department will examine the
elephants and their certification of captivity before
approving the export.

Look at the news article on the previous page and answer the following questions.
Write an example from the news article of:
1. A proper name: _________________________________________________
2. A place name: _________________________________________________
3. A headline: _________________________________________________

Dictionary Use: Write the part of speech and meaning of these words as they are used in
the context of this article.
1. legally: _______________________________________________________
2. captive: _______________________________________________________
3. threaten: _______________________________________________________
4. suspicion: _______________________________________________________

Discussion Questions:
1. Why is it importance for the elephants to have certification?
2. Why are some groups against exporting elephants?
3. Where is the information about the elephants stored?


Thai driver claims life of cyclist on Cops identify key suspect in car
1. 2.
mega trek bombing

3. Buddhists in Nan take a stand 4. Valuable Siamese crown stolen

against mosque from French museum

Ethics Assembly backed by NRC PM tries to hush rising discontent

5. 6.

7. Phra Bundit murder probe hits 8. Call for NACC to look into nepotism at
problems the NLA

A GOLD replica of Thai King Rama IV’s crown – Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha yesterday
encrusted with more than 20,000 rubies – was urged political factions to tone down their
among artifacts stolen from the Chateau de rhetoric as criticism against the draft charter
Fontainbleau, just south of Paris, early on grew louder, with two major political parties,
Sunday, along with a dozen other precious Democrat and Phue Thai, being the latest to
artifacts from Eastern Asia. join the chorus of dissent.

Udonthani police were unable to collect Residents in the northern province of Nan
spent cartridges and other evidence in yesterday demanded that a public hearing be
relation to the shooting on Sunday of a held in relation to the construction of a mosque
revered monk at Wat Pa Ban Tor Seesiad in the predominantly Buddhist province because
because the crime scene was cleared for it would put their safety at risk.
the victim’s funeral.

The National Reform Council (NRC) voted

A Chilean cyclist’s quest to cycle around
yesterday to support a draft law establishing
the world in five years ended prematurely
unprecedented National Ethics Assembly, as part
on Saturday when he was hit by a pickup
of an attempt to combat ethical issues among
truck in northeast Thailand.
public office holders.

Activist SrisuwanJanya will today call on Police are hunting for those behind Friday’s
the anti-corruption agency to investigate bomb attack in central Narathiwat and
allegations of cronyism among National have identified the prime suspect as
Legislative Assembly (NLA) members “Abdullah”, who is wanted for a drive-by
who have hired their relatives to help shooting in Pattani last year, Deputy Police
with their official duties. Chief Jakthip Chaijinda said.

Looks at these headlines and put them in the correct category.

labor education politics health telecoms

economy transport environment cabinet crime

Example: “Yes” vote paves way for new era politics _ _

Bumpy ride predicted as property heads south economy

2. New method without killing embryos found health


3. Work for 10,000 Burmese in Thai factories labor


4. Faculty began courses without prior approval education


5. BMA to sign B3.8 bn skytrain deal transport


6. Top ministers lose tempers in rail dispute cabinet


7. Nokia study show Thailand ready for business on the go telecoms

8. Suspect’s kin want military court trial _ crime


9. Air pollution worsens in the South environment


10. Democrats target city rail travel politics


Match the word with its meaning. Write the letter of the definition on the space on the

1. ___g__ thunder a. not connected with each other, separated

2. ___b__ minimum b. being the smallest amount or number
3. ___a__ isolated c. a period when it is raining
4. ___d__ slight d. small in amount or degree
5. ___c__ shower e. an extreme weather condition with very strong wind.
6. ___f__ maximum f. being the largest amount or number
7. __e___ storm g. a sudden loud noise which comes after a flash of
lightning, often during a storm

1. ___d__ moderate a. to appear above the horizon

2. ___a__ rise b. violent; not calm or gentle
3. ___b__ rough c. to pass below the horizon
4. ___c__ set d. neither large nor small; not extreme

1. ___c__ gust a. thin fog caused by water, smoke, or dust

2. ___f__ hail b. failing snow mixed with rain; freezing rain
3. ___b__ sleet c. a sudden brief period of strong wind
4. ___e__ snow d. a thick moist cloud often on the surface of land or sea
5. ___g__ mist e. frozen water vapor in soft white flakes
6. ___a__ haze f. small balls of ice that fall like rain from the sky
7. ___d__ fog g. a cloud of water vapor hanging just above the ground
but not as thick as fog

1. ___c__ cool a. having a high temperature

2. ___d__ forecast b. having a low temperature, not hot or warm
3. ___e__ range c. slightly cold
4. ____b_ cold d. tell in advance (usually about what the weather will be like)
5. ___a__ hot e. the difference between the highest and lowest temperatures

Choose one of the words in the box below to complete the following sentences.

mild gust thunder range forecast snowed

1. The amount of rainfall here is generally in the _____ _____ of ten to twenty inches
per year.
2. The climate in our area is __ ______. We do not have very hot or very cold weather.
3. Radar helps us to ____ _____ the weather.
4. It steadily _____ _____ for two hours.
5. The _____ ______ was so loud that made me jump.
6. A __________ is not a gentle breeze.

Match each symbol with the right meaning.

_ __ 1. heavy rain
_ __ 2. Overcast
c. __ _ 3. Sunny

d. _ __ 4. Light snow

e. _ __ 5. Cloudy

f. __ _ 6. Hail

g. __ _ 7. Light rain

__ _ 8. Thundershower
___ 9. Heavy snow


Advertisement pages in newspapers interest many readers, for there are a lot of people
who want to buy and/or sell something, employ someone, find a job, etc. The
advertisements are usually put into groups according to topics.
Scan the advertisements below and match them with the following topics.

1. Education and Training 2. Sales and Services 3. Travel and Leisure

4. Career Opportunities 5. Property and Decoration 6. Auto Society 7. Dining Guide

a b
Interested, please contact: &ELDERLY ATTENDANT
NEW PETCHBURI HONDA CARS(1994)LTD. Responsible, Well-trained & understand English
T.652-7500 “K. Uthumporn/K. Bang-on” Call or fax: 295-2454, 01-296-3582
(House & Health Care Centre, Rapid Progress Ltd.)
c d License No. 1104/2514 Since 1971
Second. Hand .
Piano & Electone
Chiang Mai Province-Northern Thailand
Upright & Grand
All Reconditioned Email:
CHURAIRAY MUSIC Phone: 085-459355-6 Fax: 053-459329

e f g
Body Art Asia, the Festival of the year 2000
is looking for temporary staff Martini GALAXY
(Until 15September, 2000) Club & Cocktails * Traditional Thai
1. Secretary / Admin. Not only Martini’s Massage
2. Exhibition Sales taste… but all the * Sightseeing Tour
- Female, young and motivated happiness …awaits * Special Oil Massage
- Excellent in English and Computer
you… right here! Ask for More Information
- Flexible and hard working T. 2797993-4
- With or without experience 258-5684 203 Paholyothin Rd.
12/2 Sukhumvit 33. BKK
Please fax your resume to
713-2084 Attn. Ms. Usa Sa-ngaphanchai i
or e-mail to .
For more information please call 713-2093-4
Serving the best Mexican Food
h Tel : 530-3713
1361 town In town in 1 Km. on soi Ramkhamheang 39
Euro inn Hotel & Serviced Turn right 1/2 Km. on Srivara Rd.
Apartment Open 6:00 pm Daily
249 Sukhumvit Road
Sukhumvit Soi 31 English Conversation
Bangkok 10110 designed for your
Tel: 259 9480-7 need, taught by
Fax: 259 9490 an American
Room for rent with full facilities native speaker
& Catering service in my home

Study these advertisements below and then do the exercises which follow.
Relief Agency SECRETARY
Urgently Requires - Female, 22-28
- Bachelor’s degree in any field
For work Regional Office / Programs - Ability to use PC and Internet
- Thai National WONDER JEWELRY CO., LTD.
- Adv. Degree: MBA in Administration / 746 Boromrajchonnee Rd., Bangbamru,
Pers. Mgt. Bangplad, Bangkok 10700
- Finance Experience (d)
- 5 yrs. Admin. Mgt. Exp.
- Fluent in Eng and Thai URGENTLY REQUIRED
- Excellent interpersonal and The exporter of processed food product to South-East
communication skills Asia, Europe and American markets is looking to
- Excellent typing (Eng. /Thai) and PC / employ a talented person as
Excel / Word Skills
Submit C.V. with photo to MARKETING EXECUTIVE
ARC, 37 Soi 15, Petchburi Road - Thai National
Bangkok 10400 Fax: 02-253-2899 - Bachelor’s degree
(a) - Excellent command of written, Spoken
Male / Female aged 25-35 Interested persons please apply in person or send
Bachelor’s degree or higher your resume with CV and photo to
Good command of English
Khun Chintana Tel: 018588155
Good document filing skill with PC
Khun Kwanjai Tel: 01-3193972, 01-4506361
literacy/ Microsoft office, MS Word, MS
Excel, e-mail
3 years experience in im-export with PODIUM HOLDINGS GROUP CO., LTD.
accounting knowledge for Office Clerk We, one of the largest furniture manufacturers and
exporters, urgently require many qualified persons for the
Interested candidates pls. contact by
positions of:
K. SAO 6301042 - Male / female Bachelor’s degree
(b) - Good command of English, Japanese knowledge an
- For managerial position experience required for at least
Kyodo News, a Japanese news agency.
3 years.
Thai Nationality, aged under 30 years, - Male / female Bachelor’s degree
fluent in both written & spoken English - At least 3 yrs. experience in factory prod. planning
Interested person please compose - Good command of English
an essay telling us why you want to be a Apply in person or send application with a recent photo to
journalist or what you want to pursue as a Human Resources Department
Bangkok 904 room No. 3052 3 FL Seacon Square
journalist with full resume and photo to
Shopping Centre, Moo 6 Srinakarin Rd.
Kyodo News Nongbon Praves. Bangkok 10260
Silom Complex Bldg., Tel (02) 7219970-6 Ext. 204
22F, Unit 1, 191 Silom Rd., Bangkok 10500 Factory 16 Moo 11 T Mon-Nang. A Phanasnikhorn
(c) Cholbun 20140 Tel (038) 779 654-6
or email address:


3 Foreign Teachers HI-TECH NITTSU (THAILAND) CO., LTD.
- Age: 25 – 40, min. Bachelor’s degree We are a subsidiary company of Nippon
- English is native language Express Co., Ltd. in Japan (H.Q.) require
- Teach in grade 6 – 12 in government PROGRAMMER (Bangkok Branch)
girl’s school - Good programming skill in Developer -
Please contact 2000
K. Jurai Home & Fax 02-426-3964, 01-842-1732 - Knowledge of Oracle Database 8l required
(g) - Thai Nationality, good command of English
(writing & speaking)
Interested applicants pls. send resume to
International Media Company
FAX: 02-264-0446
Seeking Thai or British Commonwealth /
US citizens. Good compensation with future (i)
1. TV Reporters. Producers. Writers URGENTLY REQUIRED
(Top level of English required) A luxurious beach front residence company is
2. Advertisement Sales Executives for looking for a professional to take care of
magazine executive-level customers as follows:
(experienced, good record) SECRETARY TO OVERSEAS DEPT. (Based in
Send resume / photo to: Phuket)
Managing Director - Female / Male, age 25 - 40 years old, Thai
Quest Media Co., Ltd. nationality only
Thaniya Plaza Bldg., 12th Fl., - Able to handle all English correspondences
52 Silom Rd., Bangrak, independently with excellent spoken &
Bangkok 10500 written English or undergraduate from
Email: overseas
(h) - Accommodation is provided
- Knowledge of computer
Interested persons please apply in person or
submit an application to:
38 / 59 Moo 8 Sakdidej Road,
Vichitt, Phuket 83000
T. (076) 391474-5, 391955-6
Fax. (076) 391939
Answer these questions:
1. Which positions need a good command of English?
2. Which positions need computer literacy?
3. Which positions are for Thai nationals only?
4. Which positions are for native English speakers?
5. Which positions are for both Thai nationals and English native speakers?
6. For what position is a knowledge of Japanese an advantage?
7. For which positions can applicants apply by e-mail?
8. For which positions can applicants apply in person?
9. If you want to apply for the job at Kyodo News, what document do you have to
submit to the company? Why do you think they want it?
10. Which position best suits Kittiya, a 25 year-old female, B.A. in Business English, 3
years experience in office work, computer-literate with a pleasant personality?

Read the following information and be sure that you understand all the vocabulary.
It will help you complete the exercises that follow.

Wilai wants to work as a hotel receptionist. She already has some experience working part-
time in hotels. To begin her job search, she checked the classified advertisements in the
Bangkok Post, career opportunities column.

Wilai knew that there would be many applicants for the job, but she did not give up. She
prepared her resume and wrote out an application letter. Then, she submitted them to the
address in the advertisement.

The following is Wilai's application letter for a job. Use the words in the box below to fill
in the blanks.

a. currently b. studies c. resume d. position e. available

f. writing g. transcript h. advertised i. graduate j. part-time

Wilai Thammanoon
142 Kanchanapisek Rd.
Bangkae, Bangkok 10160
Asia Hotel
296 Phayathai Rd.
Rajthevee, Bangkok 10400

Dear Sir/ Madam 23 September 2015

I am ___1___ to apply for the ___2___ of hotel receptionist which was ___3___ in the
Bangkok Post on September 16, 2015.

I am ___4___ a fourth year student in Hotel Industry at Dhonburi Rajabhat University.

I will ___5___ in mid-March and would like to find work relating to my ___6___.
Both my courses at DRU and ___7___ work in hotels have prepared me to speak English in
my future job. I have listed the details on my ___8___.

Please find my ___9___ and resume enclosed. I am ___10___ for an interview at any time.

Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Wilai Thammanoon

Wilai Thammanoon

The following is Wilal’s resume which she enclosed with job application. Use the headings
in the box below to fill in the missing words in her resume

Special Abilities Language Abilities References

Work Experience Education Hobbies

Resume of
Miss Wilai Thammanoon
142 Kanchanapisek Rd.
Bangkhae, Bangkok 10160

____________: Dhonburi Rajabhat University

BA, Business Administration GPA: 2.7 2013
Relevant Coursework: Business English I and II, Accounting
Benjamaratrungsarit High School, Chachoensao 2009

____________: Office Assistant Nov 2014 – Feb 2015

Hertz Car Rental Agency, Don Muang
- Helped international air travelers arrange car rental upon arrival
- Kept rental car records
- Liaisoned with Pattaya and Phuket offices
- Dealt with customer complaints and problems
Waitress (Part-Time) 2012 -2013
Sizzlers Restaurant
- Took orders and brought food, made recommendations
- Collected amount due from customers and made change

____________: Typing (Thai and English 30 wpm)

Able to use PowerPoint, Photoshop, Dreamweaver

____________: Good spoken and written English, some spoken Japanese

____________: Swimming, travel

____________: Asst. Prof. Waree Moomtawiriya

Dhonburi Rajabhat University
172 Isaraphab Rd. Bangkok 10600
Mr. George R. Chalmers
Hertz Car Rental
Don Muang International Terminal 2
Bangkok 10120

The Property Guide uses a lot of abbreviations in the advertisements. Study these ads and
write the complete form of the abbreviations in the blanks

New furnished Apt
3 Bdrms, 3 Bths/
On Nakornchaisiri Rd.
1 Bdrm, 1 Bth,
Sriyan Dusit 48-70 sq.m.
Fully Furnished
fully fur., tel, a/c/
Kitchen, Air-con,
Bt 5,000-8,000/m
Hot Water, Direct Phone,
Tel: 02-243-1107, 02-243-4763
Fridge, TV, VDO,
Cable TV, Pool
Daily Cleaning Service
Contact Multi Asset Ltd.
818=820 ITF Bldg.,
Fur 1,2,3, b/r, 60-12 m.
32nd Fl, Silom Rd.,
b/r, Liv, kit., bth., TV Sat
Tel 02-235-8183, 02-236-5014,
dir. tel/ NHK, sw. pool, sauna.
coff. Sh., laun.
Mobile Ph. (01) 9115692
Tel. 02-3180345
New Petchburi Rd.
250 sq.m., fully furnished,
garden, pool. car parking. 1. apt. _______________________
3 b/r, 2 baths, 5 a/c.
Bt 30,000 - 35,000 /m 2. bdrm b/r _______________________
T. 02-3814322 (LAMAI)
02-2240974 (A.S. SETH)
3. bth _______________________

BANN PAKAPUN 4. sqm. _______________________

low rise apt. beside Benjasiri Park
150 m. behind Emporium Dept.
2-3 b/r. 150-260 sqm. fur., pool 5. fur. _______________________
26 Soi Metee-nivej,
Sukhumvit 24 6. a/c _______________________
Tel. 02-6610140-1
7. liv. _______________________
1-3 b/r, studio a/c, liv. Kit. 8. kit. _______________________
furnished, direct tel., cable TV
pool, parking, security, quiet
& good facilities near RCA & 9. laun. _______________________
19 SOI SOONVIJAI 3 10. _______________________
T. 02-318-1633, 02-319-9288

Study the ads from the property guide below and on the next page. Then, decide which
property would best suit the following people.
___ 1. A big American family with young children is going to stay in Thailand for two years.
___ 2. Two businessmen from Saudi Arabia want a convenient place to stay for two weeks.
They would like to cook their own meals.
___ 3. A secretary wants to rent accommodation which is not very expensive, which is also
not too far from her office on Sukhumvit Road.
___ 4. A young couple wants to start a restaurant business in a hotel.
___ 5. A millionaire wants to buy a house by the sea for his family's summer vacations.
___ 6. A manager is looking for a new office with a large storage area for his company.
___ 7. You want to rent an office which is not far from a department store.
___ 8. A company wants to buy a large piece of land to build a factory on.
___ 9. Three stewardesses are looking for a fully furnished condo or apartment which is
not far from the airport.
___ 10. A businessman from Chiangmai wants to rent a townhouse for his children and
nephews to stay while studying in Bangkok. They will bring their own furniture from
the North.

New Townhouse for Rent OFFICE FOR RENT OR SALE

Rama 9 (Soi Soonvijai 4) 4 - Amornpan Building, 205 Tower 2
B/R, 5 Baths, Pool & Garden. Rajadapisek Road. Huaykwang
Fully Furnished. - 258 Sqm.
฿35,000/m. - 24 Hr. security and car park
Tel. 02-719-6929-30 - Fully-furnished with air- conditioners
Non Furnished and direct telephone
- Next to Robinson Dept. Store.
(a) - Monthly rate: Baht 260-350/Sqm
Khun Pol
WAREHOUSE & OFFICE FOR RENT Tel: 02-2494796, 081-4851929
- Located at Bangna-Trad Km. 27 (b)
700 sqm + office 100 sqm with 5 tel lines,
24 hrs security service available 1st Jan '98
- Located at Sukhumvit Soi 42 apx. up to 1700
sqm + office with 3 tel lines, 24 hrs security FOR RENT
service available 1st Feb '98
Restaurants and Karaoke
Contact: Ms. Ataya Tel:02-742-8600
Club in the Hotel on
(c) Surawongse Rd.
Contact Khun Worawan
SPECIAL OFFER Tel:02-234-3910-7
House for Rent (d)
At Pattaya Jomtien Special
price ฿14,000-24,000/m.
T. 02-642-6157


Land by Phaholyothin Rd. Km. 145.5
2 kms from International School (ISB) 6 b/r. 4
with full facilities, 25-300 Rai
baths, fully furnished, 2 tel. lines, Suit for all kinds of investors
6 air-cons, 3 water heaters, oven,
washer + dryer, large garden TEL-02-930-2540, 081-4325663
& garage (400 sq w) FAX: 02-930-2544

DR.LERTLAK 02-5914973, 02-5881867 (HOME) (g)

02-5801480 (OFF) FAX.02-5916940


On Chaeng-Wattana Rd. 14 KM FROM AIRPORT
Near ISB, Airport, Complete Facilities in Pinehurst Gold Course
Banggradee Ind.
3-4 b/r, direct line, pool, fitness.
T.02-212-2341, 02-213-3080 Tel.02-2332097, 02-2671554
Mobile 081-4819793 (i)

APARTMENT - Winsor Tower, 25 B Fl. 305 sq.m.
Fully furnished, quiet,
Located in Huai Kwang clean, a/c water heater - 3 b/r, 4 bth. liv. din. maid rm., kit w/ref
Ratchadapisek Rd., parking security - Ful. fur w/ highclass furniture
fully furnished, 24 hrs. CCTV. - ฿75,000/m
clean, comfortable, daily/weekly rent K. Kitti T.02-6120113-5 (off), 02-1500-622804
auto telephone line, Sukhumvit 103
reasonable price T. 02-748-8688-96 (l)
฿2,700/month Flora Mansion
Tel. 02-692-6098 (Auto)

Rayong : House for BRIGHT CITY TOWER

Rent or Sale! NEW SERVICE APT.
- EXCELLENT LOCATION! 1-2 B/R. fully furnished, bathtub,
- CLOSE TO MAPTAPUD & MANY Kitchen, A/C. T.V., satellite,
FACILITIES. security, FREE laundry, cleaning,
- FEW MINUTES TO SEASIDE water, Fax-unit, microwave,
from 20,000 Bht. near
K. Wasana
Ambassador Hotel,
T.02-162-190-726 21/4 Sukhumvit 11
Off.:02-586-5182 T.02-6510159-60,
Fax: 02-2544567

The dining guide in a newspaper advertises various restaurants that you may wish to visit.
Below are some words that you will find in these advertisements. Match these words to
their meanings.
______ 1. cuisine a. exist for a long time
b. real; not false
______ 2. gourmet
c. food; a style of cooking
______ 3. brunch d. high quality food; a person who know a lot of food
______ 4. traditional e. a meal where people serve themselves from a
variety types of food
______ 5. authentic
f. a meal eaten in the late morning; a combination of
______ 6. oriental breakfast and lunch
______ 7. pub g. a building where alcoholic drinks can be bought and
______ 8. genuine drunk, and where food is often available
h. a small wooden house found in mountainous areas,
______ 9. chalet
esp. in Switzerland
______ 10. buffet i. real or true
j. from the countries of the East
Read the following paragraph and be sure you understand the vocabulary items in bold

In Britain you often have three courses: a starter (e.g. soup), a main course (e.g. steak or
chicken), and a dessert (e.g. strawberries or ice cream). You may also have an aperitif (a
drink before meal, e.g. gin and tonic), and coffee after the meal. When you pay the bill (the
money for the meal; AmEng = check), you sometimes also leave a tip (money for the waiter
if service is not include in the price; 10% of the bill is a normal tip). If it is a popular
restaurant, you may also need to book (reserve) a table in advance (before you go).

What about restaurants in Thailand?

1. Do you normally need to book a restaurant in advance? What about the restaurants
advertised in the Dining Guide in the newspaper?
2. Do you normally eat three courses in a restaurant? If not, how many courses do you
normally have?
3. Is it common to give the waiter a tip? If so, how much?
4. Which of the following methods of cooking food are common in Thailand?
boil cooked in water, e.g. potatoes
fry cooked in oil or butter above the heat, e.g. eggs, sausages
grill cooked under heat – the heat source is on top of the food, e.g. toast
roast in an oven – using oil, e.g. meat
bake in an oven – not using oil, e.g. cakes
Note: Food which is not cooked is raw, e.g. salad, sushi

Study the ads below and then answer the questions that follow.

a b

Le Bordeaux
Swiss Restaurant
New: Homy Garden Restaurant
19/1 Sukhumvit Soi 20
Open daily: 11.30 – 23.30 Tel.258-1516 Open daily Sat. & Sun. dinner only
1/38 Suk, Soi 39, Opp. Chochchai Bldg.
c d
T. 258-9766, 260-9976
e f
FOR DELICIOUS AND 36/1 Sukhumvit 23,
VEGETARIAN, Soi Prasarnmit Bangkok
NON-VEGETARIAN & Tel. 2584181
TANDOORI DISHES SUKHUMVIT 39 Tel & Fax: 2609601 11.00 AM – 11.00 PM.
T. 260-0603, 260-0653 Tel. 250-1016
THANON CHAREON 11:00-2:00, 6:00 -11:00
Brunch everyday! The Ship Inn
BANGRAK, BANGKOK Crepes & Co. A Traditional English Pub
Homemade steak and kidney pie,
TEL. 235-6640-1
18 Sukhumvit Soi 12 fish and chips, roast beef, bangers
T. 653-3990 and mash and other favorites
Open daily from 11 to 11 9/1 Soi 23, Sukhumvit (150 metres
i from Sukhumvit Road)

The ORIENT Restaurant j

Authentic Thai Cuisine Kamikaze

Open Daily Japanese cuisine & pub
11.00 – 14.30 PM. Lunch 11:00 – 14:00
17.30 – 22.00 PM. Dinner 18:00 – 01:00
27 Sukhumvit 49 With live Jazz/Pop Music
Bangkok 10110 Langsuan Soi 7
Tel: 252-9200
Tel. 258-7908-9
Witch’s Tavern
An English Pub New Dining Experience at
Lunch & Dinner PAN Kitchen
Live Jazz & Pop Special Promotion Come 5 pay 4 Only
Happy hours 5.00 – 8.00 pm Buffet Lunch 190฿ Net
until very late
At Witch’s Tavern Sunday Brunch 210฿ Net
Soi Thonglor, Sukhumvit 55

m n

Le Moulin de Sommai Café SWISS

93/3A, Langsuan Rd.
Tel: 652-2513, 652-1052 Fax: 251-3058
Closed Sunday Lunch and every Monday OPEN DAILY 06.30 – 23.00

1. How many restaurants offer authentic Thai food?

2. Not including Thai restaurants, how many places offer oriental food?
3. How many restaurants offer brunch?
4. How many restaurants offer French food?
5. How many restaurants don’t offer lunch on Sundays?
6. How many British pubs are advertised?
7. Which restaurant offers Swiss food in a Swiss house atmosphere?
8. Where can you enjoy food, music, and art at the same time?
9. Where can you have a buffet?
10. Where can you eat and listen to live music?
11. Where can you eat in a garden?
12. Name two dishes offered in a traditional English pub.

Movie synopses are short summaries of movies written to let the audience decide if they
want to watch the movies.

A summary also explains what type of movie it is. In order to know whether a movie will suit
your taste, it is a good idea to read the movie synopses and reviews in the newspaper. To do
this, you have to be able to tell the types of movies and understand what the story is
generally about when you read the movie synopses.

Here are some common types of movies:

Children’s a movie for children (it can be a cartoon or light amusing story with
real people)
Science Fiction an untrue story about technological progress or a different time,
place, or environment
Musical a movie which has a lot of music and singing
Western a movie about the adventure of cowboys in the Western parts of
North America
Romance a love story
Comedy a light amusing story with a happy ending
Tragedy a drama dealing with sorrowful or terrible events in a serious and
dignified style
Ghost a movie about the dead and their spirits
Horror a terrifying movie (it can be a crime or ghost story)
Foreign a movie produced in a foreign country
Murder Mystery also called a crime or detective story
Crime a movie about solving a crime and discovering who the criminal is
Thriller an exciting movie, especially a crime story with lots of action and
Action a violent movie with a lot of fighting between opponents

Alice in Wonderland
A fantasy adventure of a young girl, Alice, who follows a rabbit down a hole
underground and finds herself in Wonderland

The titanic is a historical tragedy tinged with romance. All the facts and
details in the story are true. Only the story of romance between the main
characters is fictitious.
The story begins when a newly built pleasure ship, the Titanic, sets out on
its first journey from England to New York. The journey continued happily until
the ship hits an iceberg about half way to New York. The ship sinks, but there are
not enough lifeboats for all. Many men give up their places in the lifeboat for
children and women. More than a thousand lives are lost.

John Wick
“John Wick” is about a man who loses his beloved wife from an illness. His wife
gives him a lovely dog before her dying. Unfortunately, his god is killed by the son
of the powerful Russian mobster. His revenge is sweeter than honey. This movie is
directed by Chad Stahelski and David Leitch and uses the fight choreographers and
gun fu techniques.

A.I. Artificial Intelligence

“A.I. Artificial Intelligence” demonstrates a possible future where artificial
intelligence approaches the realm of human feelings. The story is about a highly
advanced robot named David. He is a marvel of cybernetic progress who really
only wants to be a real boy. He is determined to find a loving family and home.
The movie focuses on David’s struggle to find a place in the real world.

“Seven” is about two detectives who track down a sadistic killer. The major
characters played by Brad Pit and Morgan Freeman. They trace the killer’s every
step together and witness the aftermath of his horrific crimes.

The Boy
“The Boy” is a movie about Greta, a nanny for the Heelshire family. In the
beginning, she is surprised that Mr. and Mrs. Heelshire introduce Brahms, a life-
sized doll, as their son. When the Heelshires leave on holiday, they tell her to take
care of Brahms and follow a list of rules. They warn her that Brahms is not a
doll. When she breaks the rules, she is shocked to discover that Brahms is really

Wherever you go you will come across signs. One type of sign you will find on the streets is a
shop sign. By being able to read and understand shop signs, you can quickly learn what
kinds of goods and services are available in a certain area.

Study the following signs and make sure you understand the vocabulary. Then with a
partner, discuss the kinds of service that are offered at the various shops.

Example: A: My watch battery is dead.

B: You could get a new battery over there where it says, “Watch Repair


Pub & Restaurant
1 2 3



4 5 6


7 8 9



10 11 12


Specialist in Dermatology, CURRENCY EXCHANGE
Orthopedics, Gynecology Available

13 14 15

16 17

Match the following words, which were used on the signs, with their meanings.

a. PACKAGE TOUR ___ 1. designed for high speed

b. DOMESTIC ___ 2. room for customers and clients

c. DRUGSTORE ___ 3. of, or for teeth

d. DENTAL ___ 4. a place where work is given orderly structure

e. BOOTERY ___ 5. holiday travel with every detail arranged in

advance by travel agents and sold at a fixed price

f. MASSAGE ___ 6. person who is an expert in a branch of work

g. TURKISH BATH ___ 7. medical study of the skin and its diseases

h. EXPRESS ___ 8. not foreign; native to one’s own country

i. TRANSPORTATION ___ 9. a place where a wide variety of articles,

including medicines are sold

j. ORGANIZATION ___ 10. shop specializing in French pastries and cakes

k. SPECIALIST ___ 11. place where bread is made

l. DERMATOLOGY ___ 12. place where shoes are sold

m. ORTHOPEDICS ___ 13. pressing and rubbing a person’s muscles and

joints to lessen pain and stiffness

n. GYNECOLOGY ___ 14. relaxing in hot air or steam, followed by a

shower and massage

o. EXCHANGE ___ 15. carrying of goods or persons from one place to


p. BAKERY ___ 16. science of women’s health

q. PATISSERIES ___ 17. the curing of bones

r. PARLOR ___ 18. to give or receive one thing in place of another


Traffic signs are signs put up on a road to be obeyed for the safety of drivers and of other
people who use the road. If you do not obey some of these traffic signs, you may be fined by
the police, or worse yet, have or cause an accident.

Below are some common traffic signs:

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16

17 18

Match the following signs with their meanings.

a) b)
____ 1. Slippery when wet

____ 2. Traffic light ahead

____ 3. Two-way traffic

c) d)
____ 4. Merging traffic

____ 5. No right turn

____ 6. Let other cars go first

e) f) ____ 7. Railroad crossing

____ 8. Pedestrians cross here

____ 9. No U turn
g) h)
____ 10. Crossroad ahead

i) j)

Choose the best answer to complete the following statements.

1. A slippery sign means you have to ______.

a. stop your car b. drive slowly
c. drive quickly past d. look to the right and left

2. A speed limit sign 20 kph means you ______.

a. have to drive only at 20 kph
b. can drive at any speed not below 20 kph
c. can drive at any speed below 20 kph
d. have to drive for twenty kilometers
3. Keep left means you ______.
a. can drive on the left side of the street
b. have to drive on the left side of the street
c. have to keep your left hand inside the car
d. can look on the left side of the street

4. A no-parking sign means ______.

a. you have to stop your car for a long time unattended
b. you cannot stop your car for a long time unattended
c. there is no park within the area
d. you cannot park your car at any time

5. If you see a railroad sign, you have to ______.

a. Keep left for a few minutes b. stop your car very quickly
c. drive ahead quickly d. look left and right

6. A pedestrian crossing sign means there is ______.

a. a bridge ahead b. a crossroad ahead
c. a crossing for people who walk d. a crossing for people who drive

7. At a pedestrian crossing, car drivers have to ______.

a. drive past without looking
b. stop for people walking on the road
c. always stop their cars
d. speed up their cars

Complete the text for directions to the bank using the map to help you.

Go __________ and __________ at the junction. Then you __________ and __________
right when you __________ the __________. Then __________ again __________ Road,
and the bank is on your __________ just __________ the cinema.

A label, or a short description on the container of a product, provides you with helpful
information. For example, it tells you what the product is made of, when it was made, how
it should be used, etc. There are some words that are commonly used on certain types of
labels, and if you look for them and understand them, it will help you understand how to
use the products effectively.

Medicine Labels Use this the way

your doctor
Flixonase For nasal use only as directed by the
tells you to use it.

Aqueous Provides approximately 120 sprays in Pre-measured

amount of
recommended use
Nasal Spray Keep all medicines out of the reach medicine in each
of children
Store below 30°C
Keep this medicine in a
Shake gently before use
place that is not hotter
than 30°C.

Difelene 1% Gel Like a cream, but clear in color

Makes something feel better.
When a part of the body
DUE TO INFLAMMATION becomes bigger because of
an injury or infection
Makes something less
The medicine that is like a
candy – it is kept in the mouth
Hibitane rather than swallowed like a
pill or capsule.
Antiseptic Lozenges
For infections of the mouth and throat and the relief of To dissolve something is
sore throat and laryngitis to put it into water or in
Dosage: Allow 1 lozenge to dissolve slowly in the mouth. the mouth until it turns
Repeat every two hours or as directed by prescriber. into liquid form

Dosage is the amount of

The person who told you to
medicine that should be
take the medicine
taken at one time.

Strip of 4 tablets A pill – medicine that is swallowed

For the treatment of bacterial diarrhea,
dysentery, enteritis, and gastro-intestinal
Each tablet contains:
Diiodohydroxyquin 250 mg.
Furazolidone 50 mg.
Neomycin Sulfate 50 mg.
Phthalylsulfathiazole 250 mg.
Light Kaolin 250 mg.
DOSE: 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours, or as prescribed by the
physician The date the medicine was made
MFG. Date 25. 10. 58
Use by 10. 61 The date the medicine should be used by

Eye drops 10 m.
Store between 15° - 25°C
Always replace cap immediately after use
Do not use longer than 1 month after first opening.
Instructions on how to use the medicine
Directions: Place one or two drops in each eye every
4-6 hours, or as prescribed by your physician. This should not be swallowed – it should
For external use only only be used on the outside of the body.

Fish Oil
1000 mg 90 capsules Marinelipid concentrate This product does
Something taken Dietary Supplement not contain these
in addition to food Yeast, Starch, and Gluten Free ingredients.
to improve the Directions:
diet or nutrition Adults: Take 1-2 capsules daily with food or as
professionally prescribed. Like a cream
that is used
in the mouth
Kamilosan M An illness
one has for
On the basis of essential oils and a long time KenalogTM
active substances of chamomile for TRIAMCINOLONE ACETIONDE IN DENTAL PASTE
relief of acute and chronic diseases
Directions: Apply to the affected area.
of the buccal, pharyngeal cavities.
Do not rub in.
A sudden,
serious illness
lozenge capsule tablet or pill

Choose a, b, c, or d according to the medicine labels.

1. Directions are __________.

a. prescriptions b. ways
c. suggestions for use d. preparations for use

2. For external use means _________.

a. can be taken orally
b. can be used on the skin
c. cannot be used to massage the body
d. cannot be used on the body

3. If you apply something to affected area, you __________.

a. put the medicine in the cabinet
b. put the medicine where children cannot reach it
c. put the medicine on the problem area
d. use the medicine as many times as possible

4. Dosage is the __________.

a. amount of medicine to be taken at one time
b. amount of medicine to be taken for one day
c. prescription of a doctor to be followed
d. advice from a doctor to be followed

5. Keep all medicines out of reach of children means __________.

a. do not prevent children from using the product
b. do not let children touch or play with the product
c. do not keep children out
d. do not get close to children who use this medicine

6. Reduces swelling due to inflammation. The underlined word means that ____.
a. your skin is red, swollen and sore because of an infection
b. you have a feeling of irritation on the skin, causing a desire to scratch
c. you have dark circles and some lines on the skin
d. you have a wound on the skin

7. Provides approximately 120 sprays means that __________.

a. this medicine can be sprayed about 120 times
b. this medicine can spray 120 meters
c. this medicine will be effective within 120 days
d. this medicine must be kept where the temperature is 120°F

8. An acute disease means __________.

a. a sudden and very serious disease b. a disease that lasts for a long time
c. an ordinary disease d. a contagious disease

9. Relief means __________.

a. disease b. disappearance of symptoms
c. cure with medicine d. lessening of pain or symptoms

10. Yeast, Starch, and Gluten Free in OMEGA 3 means that __________.
a. you can get yeast, starch, and gluten free to charge
b. you can get yeast, starch, and gluten without paying more money
c. yeast, starch, and gluten is in OMEGA 3
d. no yeast, starch, and gluten is in OMEGA 3

Answer the following questions based on the medicine labels on the previous pages.
1. If your muscles feel tired, which medicine could you use?
2. If you have congestion in your nose, which medicine would help?
3. If you have sore eyes, which medicine could you use?
4. If you have loose stools and have to go to the toilet frequently, which medicine
would you use?
5. Which of the products is not a drug, but a food supplement?
6. If you have a sore in your mouth and your teeth also hurt, which medicine could help
7. If you have a chronic inflammation in your nasal cavities and / or your throat,
which medicine could you use?

Are the following statements True or False?

____ 1. Difelene cannot be used externally.
____ 2. You should shake Flixonase well (or thoroughly) before you use it.
____ 3. After using Spersallerg, you should close the bottle immediately.
____ 4. You can use Spersallery longer than one month after first opening.
____ 5. Kenalog is a tablet.
____ 6. There are 1000 milligrams in one capsule of Omega 3.

Product Labels
A dye is used to
change the color
ORIGINAL of something.
This shows
Deodorant Soap COLOR
how much
Feel Clean & Fresh
the product
Hair Dye
Gives natural color to
Net Wt. 5 oz (141g)
even gray or white hair

If something
RICOLA is soothing, it
Swiss Herb Candy makes you
Refreshing. Pleasant. Soothing feel better.

Let RICOLA cubes melt slowly in your mouth and experience the
soothing and refreshing feeling.
RICOLA is specially appreciated by smokers, drivers, housewives,
singers, actors, and sportsmen, as well as by all people who speak
a lot professionally.

Lady Speed Stick

This word is often
used before a Anti-perspirant & Deodorant
warning. Scent renewal formula for all-day protection
Contoured top designed for a woman’s underarm
Caution: Do not apply to broken skin. If a rash develops,
discontinue use.

Johnnie Walker This means

BLACK LABEL something is
Old Scotch Whisky allowed to sit
for a while until
The finest single whiskies have it develops its
been matured for 12 full years full flavor.
before being carefully blended
to produce the unique character
and smooth taste of Johnnie
Walker Black Label

Resilience Eye Cream
Our most comprehensive cosmetic
approach to loss of firmness around the
eyes. Reinforces skin’s elastin, reduces
An eye doctor future elastin loss and increases natural
collagen production – for smoother-
looking skin and less puffiness. Unique
soft-focus technology reduces appearance
of dark circles and fine lines.


Registered trademarks

High Calcium Ultra Heat Chocolate Sandwich Cookies®
Low Fat Treatment
UHT Milk Product
Calcium Helps in the Development Favorite Cookies
Nabisco, Inc. NJ. U.S.A.
of Strong Bones and Teeth

100% COTTON The material the garment is made of

MADE IN THAILAND Where the product is made
Instructions for care of product

Coffee-mate Logo
Non-Dairy Creamer
 Dissolves instantly
 Won’t chill your coffee
 Keeps without refrigeration
Prepared by
Carnation Manufacturing Co.
Thailand Ltd. Manufacturer’s name

Match the vocabulary used in the previous product labels with their definitions. Write the
letter of your answer in the space on the left.

___ 1. Anti- perspirant a. make something cold

___ 2. bleach b. not having any smell
___ 3. blended c. a product that helps remove bad odors
___ 4. chill d. like the best
___ 5. deodorant e. a red, itchy area on the skin
___ 6. discontinue f. to dissolve a solid so it becomes a liquid
___ 7. favorite g. to take out color from fabrics
___ 8. fragrance-free h. not artificial
___ 9. melt i. mixed together
___ 10. natural j. making you feel more alert and relaxed
___ 11. rash k. stop a person from sweating under their arms
___ 12. refreshing l. to stop

Answer the following questions based on the previous product labels.

1. Which products can you drink? Which one do you think is best for your health?
2. What product do people usually use in the morning after they have taken a bath to
keep them smelling good all day?
3. If you want to wash your body and remove unpleasant smells, what product would
be best to use?
4. If you have to make a speech, which product would help make your throat feel
5. What product may older people use to change the color of their hair?
6. What product would you suggest people use if they look tired and have wrinkles and
dark circles under their eyes?
7. If you are buying a pair of jeans, which label should you read before you buy them?

8. Two of the above products can be used in coffee or tea. Which one is not a liquid? Is
it a dairy product?
9. There are two products that people can eat. What are they? Which one is made by a
North American company? Which country? Which one is made by a European
company? Which country?
10. Which product may cause problems for some people? Explain what problems people
might have.

Write T in front of the following statements that are true and F in front of those that are

____ 1. A bar of Irish Spring weighs 5 ounces.

____ 2. Ricola is a refreshing soft drink for people who use their voices a lot.
____ 3. You should take a bath if you get a rash after using Lady Speed Stick.
____ 4. Estee Lauder eye cream has been tested by a doctor who specializes in eyes.
____ 5. Estee Lauder eye cream has a lovely, perfumed smell.
____ 6. An Oreo cookie is used as a filling for sandwiches.
____ 7. You don’t have to keep Coffee-mate in the refrigerator.
____ 8. 100% Cotton explains what the product is made of.

Giving a presentation means speaking in front of an audience. It is also called public
speaking. It differs from a conversation in that you must prepare the text beforehand,
although people can ask you questions when you are finished. A presentation can be formal
or informal, and different kinds of visual aids, such as pictures, charts, or computer graphics,
can be used. Many people now use PowerPoint to create presentations.

When you have to give a presentation, it’s important not to feel too nervous. (This feeling is
called stage fright.) There are different ways to relax before a presentation, but preparation
is also the key. In other words, you won’t feel nervous if you prepare well.

Informal Presentations
In conversation with other people or speaking in front of a group, we sometimes need to
talk about our experience or tell a story. Although this is informal, and thus different from
the formal type of public speaking, it is a good way to practice for the latter. This is because
you already know the content of the speech and can concentrate on language and delivery.
Let’s look at one example.

New Worlds under the Sea

Have you ever imagined a new world? A place totally different from the everyday
world we live in? Two months ago I took a vacation and discovered such a place, and I’m
going to tell you about it today.
The world I’m talking about is the coral reefs along Thailand’s coasts. With some
friends, I visited Ko Samui, where we rented a bungalow on Chaweng Beach. On the first
day, we noticed swimmers going into the water with fins on their feet and round masks on
their faces. The masks had a long tube, called a snorkel, and what they were doing is called
Let’s try it, my friend said. A few minutes later, we were walking through the
shallow water. The fins were quite awkward. Soon the sandy bottom became rocky, and
now our fins gave us power as we began to swim. Our masks gave us a clear view of the
bottom. Then the coral reef appeared, a mass of different colored rock-like structures
overgrown with sea life. Fish with yellow and orange stripes swam close by. They seemed
careful but curious at our presence. Farther down, we saw starfish, clams, and even
octopus, and as the water got deeper, bigger fish could be seen. After a whole afternoon
of viewing these scenes, we returned to dry land, tired but excited about our new
experience of the undersea world.
In conclusion, I know some people enjoy Harry Potter or Star Wars as fictional ways
to experience other worlds. But I think that not enough Thais have experienced a world
that is much closer than fiction (or than foreign countries, for that matter) – the world of
the coral reefs.

Notice the structure of the presentation. The first paragraph is the Introduction. There, the
speaker tries to create interest so that the audience wants to listen and find out the details
of the story. The story itself is contained in the Body, in our example the second and third
paragraphs. The last paragraph is Conclusion. In that section of the speech, the speaker
often makes a general point about the experience to conclude the presentation.

Exercise 1: Think of some interesting experiences you have had. Take notes using the
guidelines below.

What kind of experience was it?


Where were you?


When did it happen?


What happened?

1. _____________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________________

More …

What happened in the end?


What did you learn from your experience?


Here are some ideas about what to talk about.

• people in your family
• an important gift
• learning to do something
• a time you got lost
• a time you had good luck
• a time you were in danger
• your first sweetheart
• your first job

Exercise 2: Working in pairs, use your notes to talk about your experience. Note how the
past tense is used in the example. To help your listeners follow you, it’s good
to use the following language:

Sequence Markers:
First Then Later Before
While Soon Finally After that
Time Phrases:
For two hours Next week Last month Five years ago

Exercise 3: Write out the text of your speech. Try reading it out loud at home, then
present it in class. Remember the following points:
1. Write the presentation out in full. Then, extract the main points and put them on
index cards. Use large clear writing (or print) so that you can read your notes easily.
Number the cards so that you can read your notes easily. Number the cards so that it
is easier to keep track of them.
2. Practice speaking before the presentation. This will help your delivery, so your
speech sounds natural. Ask a friend to be your “audience” and give feedback.
3. When it’s time to go “on stage”, don’t feel nervous. If you do, try this deep breathing
exercise. Breathe in through your nose, counting to ten, and then breathe out
through your mouth, also for ten, saying to yourself as you do so: “I feel calm and
relaxed”. Three or four deep breaths before you start to speak should power your
opening words and give you confidence.
4. Here are some other ways to improve your delivery.
a. Make eye-contact with the audience. Don’t move around too much, since it
will distract them.
b. Speak clearly and don’t use long sentences, which may be hard to follow.
c. Try to speak from memory rather than reading your text.

Formal Presentations
Some presentations are given in formal settings. For example, in business, you may present
a product, outline a business plan, or give a tour of the company. More generally, you may
have to explain how to do something, give information on a topic, or describe a situation.
Possibly, your goal may be to persuade your audience that your view of an issue is the
correct one.
When preparing a formal presentation, you need to consider both your audience and your
purpose. Study the example below. This presentation is meant for an audience of college
students. Its purpose is to provide information and advice about how to improve your

How to Get Good Grades in College

We all know that good grades are important if you want to get a good job or
continue your studies. Most students are not geniuses, though. How many of them know
how to get good grades? Today, I’m going to give you some tips for improving your grades,
and you don’t have to be a genius to follow them. We’ll look at three techniques: attend
classes regularly, maintain a positive attitude, and study systematically.

First, let’s look at regular class attendance. It sounds simple, but it’s actually very
important. Dr.Claude Olney did one study of 800 students. He found that on average,
students who got As missed less than one class per term, and people who got Cs missed
more than four classes per term. In class, teachers explain difficult ideas and make clear
which information is most important. Student-teacher discussion gives an in-depth
understanding that can’t come from books. Attendance is even more important for doing
well on tests.

Let’s move to the second technique, which is to have a positive attitude. If you
don’t believe you can do well, you won’t. If you go to class each day feeling relaxed and
confident, and you have prepared well, you will understand and remember more of the
material presented by the teacher.

Our last point may also be the most important: systematic study, or reading,
processing, and reviewing. First, read the assignment before going to class. This makes the
teacher’s lecture easier to understand. Second, process the information. This means taking
notes when reading or during lecture, and asking questions during discussion. Third and
most important is to review the material after class. Reviewing is the key to remembering
what you study, whether the subject is math, history, or English.

In conclusion, these simple points should help you do the best you can in your
studies. You don’t have to be a genius to get As, just don’t miss class, feel good about what
you’re doing, find your rhythm in studying, and don’t give up.

Exercise 4: In formal presentations, more formal language is necessary. Besides the

sequence words above, there are many phrases commonly used that help the
audience follow the speaker. Discuss how to use the following phrases and
practice using them.

Starting off Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

Good afternoon, everyone.
Introduction I’d like to talk to you today about...
What I’m going to talk about is…
I’m going to tell you about…
My topic for today is…
Structuring the talk First of all…
The second point…
Third and most important…
Changing points Now we turn to…
Let’s move on to…
My next point is…
I’d now like to move on to…
Giving examples For example…
As an example…
As you can see…
Conclusion In conclusion….
To summarize...
At the end, ask for questions Thank you very much for listening.
Now, do you have any questions?
If you have any questions, I’d be pleased to answer them.
Introducing your fellow-presenter Now I’d like to hand over to… She’s going to tell you
Next, …is going to talk about…

When you give formal presentations, it’s useful to plan the content in more detail. Note that
the sample presentation contains three main points in the body. In outline form, they would
look like this:
Topic: How to get good grades in college
1. Attend classes regularly
2. Have a positive attitude
3. Study systematically

It is very helpful, in preparing the presentation, to have several main points you want to
convey. This style of organization gives you a clear argument and is easy to follow. Here are
more examples of a topic and main points.

Topic A: You should protect your skin from exposure from the sun
1. Exposure to the sun makes you look old.
2. Exposure to the sun causes skin cancer.
3. How to prevent exposure

Topic B: Watching TV is a bad habit

1. Too much violence on TV
2. Easy to waste time
3. Lack of exercise
4. Healthier ways to spend your time

Topic C: Learning English well is useful in life

1. English is an international language.
2. English can help you find a job.
3. Ways to improve your English.

Exercise 5: With your partner, choose two of the following topics and brainstorm their
main points as the examples given.
- English is a difficult/an easy language to learn.
- Men and women should have the same rights.
- You can tell a lot about a person from how he/she dresses.
- It is better to grow up in the town than in the country (or the opposite).
- You should not get married until you are at least twenty-five.
- Smoking should be banned.
- It is an advantage to be an only child.
- People are happier nowadays than they used to be.
- Rock/pop music is only for teenagers.
- All men should be able to cook, sew, do the housework, and so on.
- Watching television is more interesting than reading books.
- Capital punishment is a good way to get rid of criminals.

Exercise 6: Write out your speech and practice it so that you are ready to present it to
the class. (Optional: your teacher can check your idea and points before you
prepare the full speech.)

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