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Learning Task 4

Creating Instruction Materials

Performance Task 1
Assisting the Cooperating Teacher in the preparation of presentations and learning
materials to be used in classes.
Observe your Cooperating Teacher for five days (start of the week is advisable). List
down the instructional materials or ICT tools that he/she has utilized during the week. Identify
the advantages and disadvantages of the said materials.
Observation Log
Cooperating Teacher: Leonilyn G. Dalida Date:
Grade/Year Level:Grade 8 Time: Subject: English
Instructional Materials/ICT Strengths and Weaknesses
Tools of the IM’s/ICT Tools
Week 1: Topic: Strength:
Week 2: Topic Strength:
Week 3: Topic Strength:
Week 4: Topic Strength:
Week 5: Topic: Strength:
Performance Task 2
Developing contextualized instructional materials appropriate for the demonstration
teaching modality.
Choose a topic form the list of lessons of your Cooperating Teacher and collaborate with
him/her in designing and creating contextualized instructional materials for the class. You may
also surf the net for sample to better guide you in preparing these materials. Provide photos,
paste, and label them on “Working on My Learning Artifacts”
Grade/Year Level:
Contextualized Instructional Materials How These Will Be Used

Performance Task 3
Visit the websites listed below or scan the given QR code. This contains a list of online
teaching tools that can help facilitate the teaching and learning process.
Choose one (1) of the featured online teaching-learning tools and list down some
important take-aways. You may list down some advantages and disadvantages of your chosen
Name of the Online Teaching Tool:
Short Description:
Advantages Disadvantages
Writing My Reflection
Answer the given questions below:
How do instructional materials and ICT tools help students learn more effectively and
Instructional materials and ICT plays a vital role in today’s teaching and learning process.
It provides teacher an efficient and effective way in dealing with the diversity of their learners. It
makes the teachers flexible and be a facilitator inside their classroom. By the help of
instructional materials and ICT tools the concept of a hard lesson becomes easy.
Instructional materials and ICT tools helps students learn more effectively and
efficiently in a way that it increases learners’ motivation. With the aids of instructional materials,
they can easily grasp the gist and concept of the lesson. Moreover, with the help of instructional
materials and ICT tools, learners can acquire 21 st century skills that they need to thrive in the real
world. ICT skills is one of the examples because today we are living in a modern world where
technology thrive in which to utilize and use it to its full potential you need to have an ICT skill
or at least technology related skills. In a world where fake news is everywhere, instructional
materials and ICT tools to be precise helps learners learn effectively and efficiently in a way that
they are exposed with various information. With this they can analyze the information and data
they need and with that they can acquire higher-order thinking skills. Moreover, instructional
materials and ICT tools helps learner to learn effectively and efficiently in a way that it
encourages independent and active learning meaning learners feels responsible in their learning.
Lastly, instructional materials and ICT tools can help learners to learn more effectively and
efficiently in a way that it peaks their attention. Learners nowadays need something they can see
or work on to learn in which instructional materials and ICT tool can aid these needs of the
To conclude instructional materials and ICT tools can help learners to learn more
effectively and efficiently in way that it exposed them with various data and information
meaning they need to disseminate the information and date they gather before they can use. It
challenges them to think critically. Instructional materials and ICT tools enable them to grasp the
gist of their lesson with ease. Aside from that is instructional materials and ICT tools can help
them in a way that through this learner’s motivation will increase because the use of instructional
materials and ICT tools were creative. Lastly, it can help learners to learn efficiently and
effectively in a way that it encourages independent and active learning meaning they are
responsible with their learning.

Working On My Learning Artifacts

Paste pictures/screenshots of the instructional materials and resources that you have
designed and used in your lessons. Label them.

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