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Mandong Integrated School

Mandong, Batan, Aklan


Jexter R. Dela Cruz

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in
AY 2021-2022
With deep gratitude and appreciation, I would like to
express my heartful thanks to those people who have supported and
help me during my teaching internship.

First, to our Almighty God for guiding me throughout my

internship. For giving me good health and protecting me and my
loved ones from any form of illness especially from CoViD-19. For
giving me comfort when I am about to give up. By giving me wisdom
and strength to finish my task efficiently. By his guidance and
grace, I was able to finish my teaching internship successfully.

Second, to my parents for their unwavering love and support.

For providing all my needs financially and morally. For giving me
advice when I am about to give up. They serve as my driving force
for me to finish this course.

Third, to our dean Dr. Rodophes T. Lauz for allowing me to

experience on-site teaching. This experience will serve as my
steppingstone as I pursue this course. For checking my lesson
plan and giving some advice for me to improve it. To Atty. Azalea
Eulalio-Jabagat for pulling me out my comfort zone and
challenging me by giving task. Congratulations for passing the
first ever digital bar exam. And to all my professor who imparted
some skills and knowledge which I can use in teaching and daily


This narrative report is wholeheartedly dedicated to my

family, especially my mother who supported me
throughout the course, to all my instructor especially
Dr. Rodophes T. Lauz our dean and Mrs. Azalea Eulalio-
Jabagat our subject adviser, to my friends and
classmates and above all, to our Almighty God,

Title Page
Approval Sheet
Table of Contents
Part 1 – Brief History of the School
Vision, Mission, and Goals of the School
List of Administrators and Faculty
School Facilities
Part 2 – Narrative Experiences
Observation and Activities
Actual Teaching Activities
Ancillary Services and Other School Activities
Part 3 – Shared Programs and Community Outreach
Narratives and Reflection
Proof of Activities
Professional Readings and Reflection
Part 4 – Evaluation of Experiences
Insights Gained from all the Phase of Teaching
Problems Encountered in Teaching Internship
Suggestion, Reaction, and Recommendation
Part 5– References
Part 6- Appendices
Part 7- Curriculum Vitae
Part-8- Certificate of Completion

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