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Leadership Development Plan Guidance

Due by the end of Lesson 15

Due Date and Assignment Value

This paper is due no earlier than the end of Lesson 13 and no later than the end of Lesson 15. It
is worth 100 points, or 10% of your final grade.

This essay is to help you think through the leadership concepts we’ve covered this term and
assessments you’ve completed and select leadership constructs to work to personally develop
based on your assessment results.

By successfully completing this assignment, you wills how that you can:
1. Identify effective leader behaviors
2. Relate leadership models and concepts to your personal leadership approach
3. Develop a plan for personal leadership skill improvement

After completing this assignment, you will understand:
1. How the leadership ideas presented in this course relate to your personal results on various
leadership assessments and questionnaires
2. How your personal assessment and questionnaire results can help you to determine which
leadership skills and traits to work to develop.
3. How to plan for your personal leadership development in the future.

1. Begin by taking the time to review your Leadership Reflection Journals from across the
course, including your questionnaire/assessment results.
2. In your paper, first share what you found to be the three (3) most interesting or
surprising things you learned about yourself or learned that you need to work on from
taking the assessments, completing the questionnaires, and completing the journals. (~1-2
3. Then, give an overview of your present leadership style: your text shares three leadership
styles, but you might also want to discuss a more specific style you are trying to follow. This
might include ideas about your progress as an ethical, constructive leader. (~1 paragraph)
4. Next, discuss the major factors that shaped your present leadership style: share an
example from your life of what has led you to your current leaderships style. (~1 paragraph)
5. Then, discuss your desired future leadership style: Do you want to continue to grow in
your current style or change? Discuss this and why you feel this way. (~1 paragraph)
6. Last, share 3 goals and 2 actions for each to take to achieve your future leadership style.
This should be written in SMART Goal style and should help set a plan to continue to
develop as a leader and work toward your desired leadership style. Also share at least 2
actions for each that you can take to accomplish them. (3 bullet points with at least 2 sub-
points each)

This paper is expected to be at least 4-5 paragraphs in length + the goals and steps.

You should cite any concepts from the book (or other sources) that you discuss using APA style
citations and have a References page.

Grading Rubric
Excellent (A) Good but some Much Improvement
improvement needed (B- Needed (D-F)
Overall Assessment
20-18 points 17-14 13-0
In a detailed paragraph or In a few sentences to a In a sentence or two, you
two, you reflect overall paragraph ,you reflect reflect overall on what
on what you learned from overall on what you you learned from the
the assessments, learned from the assessments OR you omit
including some key assessments. this component entirely.
Overview of your Present
20-18 points 17-14 13-0
Leadership Style
In a detailed paragraph or In a paragraph or two, In a paragraph or less,
two, you reflect overall you reflect overall on you state your current
on what your current what your current leadership style or
leadership style or leadership style or conception, and you
conception is, including 2- conception is, including at might not include any
3 examples and some key least 1 example and some examples or details. OR
details. key details. you omit this component
Desired Future
20-18 points 17-14 13-0
Leadership Style
In a detailed paragraph or In a paragraph or two, In a paragraph or less,
two, you share your you share your future you state your future
future desired leadership desired leadership style desired leadership style
style or conception, or conception, including a or conception, and you
including a good discussion of why you'd might not include any
discussion of why you'd like to make this change discussion of why you'd
like to make this change or arguing why you'd like like to pursue this or stay
or arguing why you'd like to stick to your current in your current state. OR
to stick to your current state, but you might be you omit this component
state. lacking in detail. entirely.

Actions to Take to 30-27points 26-21 20-0

Achieve Future
Leadership Style
You share 3 detailed and You share 2 detailed and You share 1 detailed and
clear steps/goals and clear steps/goals and clear steps/goals and
actions you will take to actions you will take to actions you will take to
modify your behavior modify your behavior modify your behavior
and/or achieve your and/or achieve your and/or achieve your
intended, future intended, future intended, future
leadership style. leadership style. OR you leadership style, or you
share 3, but they might share 2, but they might
not be detailed/clear. not be detailed/clear. OR
you omit this component
Essay Format and
10-9 8-7 6-0
Writing Skills
You use an essay format You are missing at least 1 You are missing more
that includes an of the essay format than 2 of the essay
introduction with a clear components. OR you format components. OR
thesis, multiple body have several errors, but you have many errors,
paragraphs, and a none that serious impede some that that serious
concluding paragraph. reading. OR You have impede reading. OR it is
You have few if any some citations and not clear that a good faith
errors. You have made a formatting, but it is not effort was made to use
good attempt at APA clear that a good faith APA Style.
formatting and effort was made to use
documentation. APA Style.

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