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Sheet 4

Q1: A plane wall 6 cm thick generates heat internally at the rate of 0.3
Mw/m3. One side of the wall is insulated and the other is exposed
to the environment at 93c. The convection heat transfer coefficient
betwwen the wall and the environment is 570 w/m2c. The thermal
conductivity of the wall is 21 w/m.c. Calculate the maximum
temperature in the wall.
Q2:Heat is generated in a 2.5 cm square copper rod at the rate of 35.3
Mw/m3. The rod is exposed to convection environment at 20c and
the heat transfer coefficient is 4000 w/m2c . Calculate the surface
temperature of the rod.
Q3:A certain semiconductor material has a thermal conductivity of
0.0124 w/cm c. A rectangular bar of the material has a cross sectional
area of 1 cm2 and length of 3 cm.One end is maintained at 300c and
the other at 100c., and bar carries a current of 50 Amp. Assuming the
longitudinal surface is insulated. Calculate the midpoint temperature
in the bar. Take the resistivity as 1.5 x10-3Ω.cm.
Q4:A 3 cm thick plate has heat generated unifomly at the rate of 5x10 5
w/m3. One of the sides of the plate is maintained at 220c and the
other side at 45c. Calculate the temperature at the center of the
plate for k=16 w/m.c..
Q5:The outside of a copper wire having a diameter of 2 mm is exposed to
convection with h=5000w/m2c and T∞ =100c. What current must be
passed through the wire to produce a center temperature of 150c.
Take the resistivity of the copper 1.67 𝜇Ω.cm. kc=386w/m.c
Q6:A plane wall is composed of two materials. The inner one (a) has a
thikness of 20 cm, and its outside surface temperature is 70c and has
a thermal conductivity of 15 w/m.k, and internal heat generation of
2x104 w/m3. The outer material (b) has a thickness of 10 cm and has a
thermal conductivity of 30 w/m.c.,but no internal heat generation.
The lift face of material (a) is exposed to a fluid with h=100 w/m2c and
the right face of material (b) has a temperature of 75c and exposed to
a fluid at T=10c and has h=25 w/m2c ,Determine, the fluid
temperature at the left face of the material (a) and the maximum
temperature in material (a). { take A=1m2 and the volume=0.2m3}
Q7: A plane wall composed of two materials.The inner material (a) has a
thickness of 5cm, a conductivity ka=75 w/m.c. and internal heat
generation rate of 1.5 Mw/m3.The outer material has a thickness of
2cm,a conductivity of kb=150w/m.c.but no internal heat generation.
The left face of material (a) is perfectly insulated and the right face
material (b) is exposed to a fluid at T=30c with h=1000 w/m2c.
Determine the temperatures of the insulated surface , the
temperature of the junction of the two materials and the exposed
surface of material (b) { take A=1m2 and the volume=0.05m3}
Q8: A solid wall of thickness of 8cm has a thermal conductivity
k=3w/m.k. The right face is exposed to a fluid of T f=10c and the left
face is maintained at T=240c. What is the heat generation rate such
that the maximum temperature in the solid wall is 300c and its 3.5cm
from the left face. Find out the heat transfer coefficient between
the wall and the fluid.
Q9:A uniformly distributed heat source with a volumetric rate of heat
generation q̇ =2.7x107w/m3 acting in a plate of 5mm thickness. The
thermal conductivity of the plate material k=25w/m.c and the surface
heat transfer coefficient h1=3000w/m2c. along the plate side whose
fluid temperature 130c and surface temperature is 161.5c and
h2=1500w/m2c. along the other side, while fluid temperature 140c
and surface temperature is 167c.Determine the position and
magnitude of the maximum temperature in the plate.
Q10:A wall is composed of three different layers. The inner layer has a
thickness of 7cm and k1=25 w/m.c and has internal heat generation
rate of 256 kw/m3,its left face is exposed to convection of
h1=50w/m2c. The second layer has a thickness of 4cm and thermal
conductivity of k2=25 w/m.c and its right face temperature is 100c.
The third layer has a thickness of 6cm and thermal conductivity
k3=30w/m.c, this layer is exposed to a fluid of T∞ =30c and
h3=350w/m2c.Determine the temperature of the first layer fluid.
Q11:A copper wire 4cm in diameter is insulated with plastic of outer
diameter of 12cm is exposed to an environment at 40c. Find the
current carried by the wire in Amp. Where the outside surface
temperature of the copper is 90c,and the heat transfer coefficient
between the environment and the plastic is 10 w/m2k,and find the
maximum temperature of the wire (given kcopper=120w/m.c,
kplastic=0.4w/m.c,Resistivity 𝜌=0.5 x10-4Ω.cm length ofthe wire is 1m)
Q12:A hollow tube having an inside diameter of 3cm and wall thikness of
0.5mm is exposed to an environment at h=100 w/m2k and
T∞ =40c.What heat generation rate in the tube will produce
a maximum tube temperature at 250c for k=30 w/m.c .Assume
inner surface is insulated.
Q13:A current of 200 Amp is passed through a stainless steel wire of
3mm diameter and 100cm long. The wire is submerged in a liguid at
110c. Calculate the center line temperature of the wire.
(Take kstainless =20w/m.c, h=4000w/m2.c, Resistivity 𝜌=70 x10-6Ω.cm)
Q14:A copper wire of 1mm in diameter is insulated with plastic to an
outer diameter of 3mm and exposed to an environment at 40c. Find
the maximum current by the wire in Amp.without heating any part
of plastic above 90c.(take kp =0.4w/m c, kc =380w/m c, h=10w/m2.c,
Resistivity 𝜌=0.2 x107 Ω.cm)
Q15:An electric current of 34000 Amp flows along a flat plate of steel
12.5mm thick and 100mm wide. The temperature of one surface of
the plate is 80c and the other is 90c.Find the value and position of
the maximum temperature.Also calculate the total amount of heat
generation per meter length of the plate and the flow of heat from
each surface of the plate .( k2 =54 w/m c,Resistivity 𝜌=12 x10-6 Ω.cm)

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