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Hi my name is Mahdi Rasekhi

I'm mobile application developer. I build mobile app using

flutter for two popular platforms IOS and Android. I have 1+
freelancing experience and I built many apps. I build app
interface with any design and feature and if app have problem
I solve it to app work well and work with the app makes feel
good and give the user a good experience. I can connect the
app to the backend with API to fetch data from backend and
show in app. For fetch data from backend and show in app,
the app state management must be good to load data better
and app be faster, I use best state management for app and I
make the app as fast as I can. I build app cleancode for
make it easier to develop again.Your satisfaction is my
success and I build the app best and cleanest way. I will be
happy to work with you and expand my experience.

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