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‘Aceessod by GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY LIBRARY on 28 Sep 2010 2s ASINZS 2243,3:2010 TABLE 3.1 EXAMPLES" OF BACTERIA OF RISK GROUP 2 Ore Ablotrophia spp. cidovoran spp. Acinetobacter spp. Actinobacillus spp. Actinomyces spp. Aeromonas hydrophila Aipa spp. Arcanobacterium haemolyticun Bacillus cereus Bartonella henselae, B. quintana, & vinsonit, B. elizabethiag, B. weisi Bordetella pertussis Borrelia (mammalian) spp. Brucella ovis Brucella spp. serology only Burkholderia spp. (except B. mallet), Burkholderia ppseudomalle!™! Campylobacter col, C. fetus, C. Jefunt Capnocytophaga canimorsus Chlamydia spp. (except C. psittaci) Clostridiun spp. Corynebacterium diphthertae, C.renale, ©. pseudowberculosis, Coxiella Burnell serology, other tests on samples Dermatophilus congolensis Pdwardsietta tarda Bikonetia corradens Emeracaceus spp. (Vancomycin-resistant strains) Exysipelothris rhustopathiae Pathogenic Escherichia col (except genetically crippled strans®) Verocytotoxin-produeing Escherichia coli (VTEC) Fusobactoriun spp. Gardnerella vaginalis Gordona spp. ¥ This list is not exhaustive. Some spe: risk assessment and check of current literature. Low infectious dose, high pathogen For genetically crippled stains, refer to the gene tet Can penetrate intact skin. May be dangetous for pregnant women. "High tsk of aerosol spread. * Vaccination, see Clause 2.6.4 copyri iy, common souree of Iaborato im Haemophilus influenzae, H. ducreyi Helicobacter pylort Kingella kingae Klebsiella spp, Legionella spp. Leplospira interrogans (all serovars) Listeria spp., Listeria monocytogenes* Moraxella spp. Acobacterium spp. other than M, tuberculosis complex! Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (except smulti-doug resistant strains") Mycoplasma pneumoniae Nolsseria ganorrhocae, Unspeciated Neisseria, 2. menigiuids® € Nocardia sp. Oligetta spp. Pastewelta spp. Prendomonas spp. Rhodococeus equi Salmonella serovars Satmonetta Patatyphi A and BY ‘Salmonella Typhi®-* Serratia spp. Shigella spp ‘Sphaerophorus necropharus Stophytococens aureus Stenotrphomonas mattophilia Streptobecillus moniliformis Streptococcus pyogenes, S. pneumoniae Treponema pallidum Ureaplasma ureolysieum Pibwio cholerae, ¥. parahaemolyticus, ¥. valnifieus Yersinia spp. (except Y. pestis) 5 of some genera may be classified as Risk Group | subject toa sacquited infections. nology regulations. Less than $000 cultures per year. See references in Clause 3.3.2. IGHT ‘Avvessed by GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY LIBRARY on 28 Sep 2010 —. ASINZS 2243.3:2010 26 TABLE 3.2 EXAMPLES" OF PARASITES OF RISK GROUP 2— INFECTIOUS STAGES ONLY Organism Aneylostoma duodenale Ascaris lumbricoides Babesia divergens Babesia microti Brugia spp. Clonorehis sinensis Cryptosporidium spp, Eohinovocens spp. Entamoeba histolytica Giarelia duodenalis (also known as Giardia lamblia and Grardia intestinalis) Hymenolepis dinninwa ymonolepis nana Leishmania (mammalian) sp. ton loa Naegleria fowler! Necator americanus Opisthorchis spp. Plazmodtum (human and sinian) Strongytotdes stercoralt Tacnta sagineta Taena soliuné Toxocara canis Toxoplasma gondii® Trichinetla spiralis Trypanosoma brucei subspp. Trypanosoma cruzi Wuchererta bancroft Ths Hist Te not exhaustive * Pitaciform larvae may cross intact skin. «© Accidental ingestion of eggs may lend to eysticercosis + May be teratogenic ‘COPYRIGHT ‘Accessed by GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY LIBRARY on 28 Sep 2010 a 2S 2243.3:2010 TABLE 33 EXAMPLES" OF FUNGI OR FUNGAL-LIKE, ORGANISMS OF RISK GROUP 2 Organi Aspergillus fumigatus and A. flav Camda albicans Cladophiatophora spp, Cryptococcus gatil Ceyprococeus neoformans Epidermophyton floceosun Microsporum spp. Scedosportum spp. Sporothris schenckit Trichophyton spp. ‘This Hist fe not exhaustive. ‘COPYRIGHT ( |Actessed by GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY LIBRARY on 28 Sep 2010 ASINZS 2243.3:2010 Ey TABLE 3.4 EXAMPLES" OF VIRUSES AND PRIONS OF RISK GROUP 2 Virus or prion Adenoviridae Adenovirus Arenaviridae ‘Aronavirus Lymphoeytte choriomeni Taearibe virus complex Coaliciviridae Feline ealicivieus Norovirus Sapporo-like Largoviras Rabbit haemor itis (LOM) non-neurottopie stra hugie disease Coronaviridee Coronavirus ther than SARS coronavirus SARS coronavirus (fests not involving replicetion)® Flaviviridae lavivirus Dengue 1,2, 3 and 4 Jopanese encephalitis (Nakayama strain)? Kokobera Kunjin Murray Valley encephalitis West Nile (Sarafend strain) Saumarez Reef Yellow fever (strain 17D)* Hepacivirus Hepatitis C Hepadnaviridae Duck hepatitis B Hepatitis B° Herpesviridae Alphaherpesvirinae Simplex Varicella Betaherpesvirinae Cytomegalovirus! Gammaherpesvirinae Herpes 6 and 7 Lymphocryptovirus (BB-like viruses) Orthomyxoviridae Influenza (all strains and cendidate vaceinesteains except those specified in Table 3.7 (continued) COPYRIGHT ‘Avvessed by GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY LIBRARY on 26 Sep 2010 » ASINZS 2243.3:2010 TABLE 3.4 (continued) ‘Virus or prion Paramywoviridae Paramyxoviringe Morbilivirus Measles* Robulavirus Menangle Mumps* Human parainfluenza 2 and 4 Avulavirus [Neweastle diseate (non-virulent enzootic str Avian paramyxoviruses 2 to 9 Respirovirus Sendai Human paraiatiuenza | and 3 Pneumovirina Pneumovieus Respiratory syneytial Metapneunovisinae Metapneumovirus ‘Avian metapneumoviras Human metapneumovirus ns) Parvovividae Human parvovirust Picornaviridae Cardioviras Encephalomyacardits virus Hepatovires Hepatitis A virus® nlerovitus Coxsackievieus Behovirus Enterovirus Poliovirus 1, 2 and 3 (see App Parechovirus Rhinovieus Posviridae Onthopoxvinus Vaccinia! Parapoxvirus orf Hum Prions Gerlsmann-Strtusser syndrome, Kunt and Creutefeldt-Jakob agents (See Clauses 3.7 and 12.2.1) Reoviridae Orbiviens Bluetongue viruses (endemic strains) Bpizootic haemorthagie discase viruses of deer (endemic strains) Rotavirus Rotavirus Retroviridae (serology, other tests on samples) Oncovirinae Human lymphotrople virus | Human lymphotropic virus 2 Lentivirinae Human immunodet (continued) COPYRIGHT Aooessed by GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY LIBRARY on 28 Sep 2010 -—~ ASINZS 2243,3:2010 30 TABLE 3.4 (continued) ss oF prlos Togaviridae Alphavicus Barmah Forest Ross River Semliki Forest Arterivitus Unclassified Hepatitis D Hepatitis Ef it determines the level of ‘Vaccination available, see Clause 2.6.4 May be teratogenic, See also Tables 3.7. ‘May be dangerous for pregnant women, lepatitis Gand hepattis TT have been excluded ftom this Table as there is NOTE: ingufficient evidence that these agents are associated with disease. TABLE 3.5 EXAMPLES* OF BACTERIA OF RISK GROUP 3 ‘Organiser Bacillus anthvacts Bartonella bacilliformis Burkholderia mallet Brucella spp. (except serology (see Table 3.1) and B. ovis) Chlamydia prttact Coxiella burned (euttures, animal work and concentrates)** Francisella tularensis (\ype A) Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex®'** Rickettsia spp. Yersinia pestis © This list is May be dangerous for pregnant women. © Vaceination, see Clause 2.6.4 Respiratory protection should be considered jeater than $000 cultures per year, susceptibility testing, known malti-drag tant stains. See references in Clause, exhaustive copyaicHT -Acvessed by GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY LIBRARY on 28 Sep 2010 a1 ASINZS 2248.3:2010 TABLE 3.6 EXAMPLES* OF FUNGI OR FUNGAL-LIKE ORGANISMS OF RISK GROUP 3 EEESSEgTa Fe -EL-EE-r gualmr eee =PECEEgEESRES TCL Blastonyees dermatitis Coceidioides immitis” Coceidoides posadestt Histoplasma spp. Pavacocidioides brasilienss Ponteitnn marseffet + This list is not exhaustive. © May be dangerous for pregnant women. ‘The NOTE: The mycelial forms of these fungi produce highly infectious contd use of plate cultures should be avoided. ‘COPYRIGHT. Accessed by GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY LIBRARY on 28 Sap 2010, ASINZS 2243,3:2010 2 TABLE 3.7 EXAMPLES’ OF VIRUSES OF RISK GROUP 3 Virus Arenaviridee “Arenavirus Lymphochoriomeningitis (LCM) nevrotropie stains Bunyaviridee Group © Oropouche Phicbovirus Hantavius Hantaan and related viruses" Coranaviridae SARS coronavirus (from cultures and concentrates)* Flaviviridae Flayivirus Japanese encephalitis? St Louis encephalitis Tick-borne viruses West Nile Yellow fever? Orthomyxoviridae ‘Avian influenza (exotic pathogentc strains) Influenza (highly pathogenic stains) Paramyxoviridae Paramyxovirinae Rubulavires Mapuera Avutavicus Newcastle disease (exotie stains) Reivoviridae (from eultures and concentrates) Oncovirinae iuman Iyraphotopie virus £ Human mphotrpie virus 2 Lemivirinae Hunan immonedefiien’y virus Bhabdoviridae Lyssavinus ‘Australian bat Issa Rabies fixed strain (CVS 1) Togaviridae ‘Aphavirus Chikungioya astern equine encephalitis Westem equine encephalitis Venezuelan equine encephalitis! * This list is not exhaustive Animal inoculations to be performed under PC4 containment, © While these agents are exotic in Australia, the AQHS permit determines the level of containment required + Vaccination available, see Clause 2.6.4 (COPYRIGHT [Acvested by GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY LIBRARY on 28 Seo 2010 33 ASINZS 2243.3:2010 TABLE 3.8 EXAMPLES’ OF VIRUSES OF RISK GROUP 4 Virus Arenaviridae ‘Arenavirus Guanarito Janin Lasse Machopo Mopeia Sabia Bunyaviridas Nairovirus Crimean-Congo hemorthagie fever Hazara Filoviridae Ebola Marburg Flaviviridae Plaviviruses| Abseitarov Central European encephalitis Hanzalova Hype Kumlinge Kyasanur Forest disease ‘Omsk hemorrhage fever disease Russian spring summer encephalitis ‘Tick-borne encephalitis Herpesvividae ‘Alphaherpesvirinae Herpes virus simiae (B virus) Paramysoviridae Paramyxovirinae Henipavirus Hendra Nipah ‘ot exhaustive * This ts ® Although only a few eases of infection with Flendra have aceurred, the ‘death raie lias been high. IC is considered appropriate to include this virus in Risk Group 4 from the limited information avaiable copyRiGHT [Acoeseed by GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY LIBRARY on 28 Sep 2010 — ASINZS 2243,3:2010 TABLE 3.9 EXAMPLES" OF PLANT PATHOGENS OF PLANT RISK GROUP 2 Organism Grapevine fan leaf nepovirus Asparagus stem blight (Phomopsis asparagi) ‘Tomato yellow leaf eur virus ci is tristeza virus Onion smut (Urocystis cepulae) Lettuce lef blight hium tracheiphilum) * This list is not exhaustive. TABLE 3.10 EXAMPLES" OF PLANT PATHOGENS OF PLANT RISK GROUP 3 Organism Citrus canker (Kanthomonas axonapodis) Fite blight (Erwinia amylovora) Plum pox potyvirus Potato eyst nematode (Clebedera pallida) Pierce's disease (Xplella fastidiosa) Chestnut blight (Cryphonectria parasitica) Ping pitch eanker (Fusarium cireinatiun) This lists not exhaustive. TABLE 3.11 EXAMPLES" OF PLANT PATHOGENS OF PLANT RISK GROUP 4 Organi Guava rust (Puccinta psi) Karnal bunt (Tilletia indica) Sudden oak death (PAytophthora ramorum) Potato leaf blight PiyYophihora infestans exotic stains) raps rust (Phakopsora ents) * This Hist is not exha COPYRIGHT

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