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RESEARCH “Individuals develop subjective meanings of

their experiences”
Lesson 1
TRANSFORMATIVE – researchers support the idea
What is Research that research should be conducted to increase
- Systematic investigation into and study of quality of life and produce better societies.
materials and sources in order to establish “Research inquiry should be intertwined
facts and reach new conclusions. with politics and political change agenda”
Why Study Research? PRAGMATIC – researchers promote the use of both
- To improve and develop new methods. qualitative and quantitative data in expressing
- To contribute knowledge and progress. research findings.
- To develop better understanding of “We need to look to many possibilities for
published works. collecting and analyzing data”
- To develop independent critical thinking
skills along with oral and written
communication skills.
Research Process
Qualities of a Good Inquirer or Researcher
Conceptualization Phase (concept making)
Care – distinct characteristics of a
researcher - Topic/Problem Identification
- Review of Literature
Utility Competency – ability to troubleshoot - Objective Formulation
during unexpected scenario
Design Phase (planning)
Technical Competency – ability to use
available technologies - Research plan Formulation

Effort – time and skill Empirical phase (data collection)

Service – willingness of the researcher to Analytical Phase (data analysis/interpretation)

serve other, to do good Dissemination Phase (communication & utilization)
Patience – intra (within) and extra (outside) Terminologies
Guts and Risk – considering options
- What data will be gathered
- Historical (past)
Philosophical Worldviews in Research - Descriptive (present)
- Experimental (Future)
POST-POSITIVIST – researchers subscribe to the
ides that everything should be quantified to Technique
produce meaningful concrete results. - How data will be gathered
“We cannot be positive in our claims of - E.g., Survey, Interview, Doodling
knowledge when studying behavior and Approach
actions of humans”
- How data will be processed
CONSTRUCTIVIST – researchers believe that - Quantitative, Qualitative, or Mixed-Method
experience expressed through words can paint a
better picture of a certain phenomenon. Research Approaches

- Approach for exploring and understanding - Researcher may only know roughly in
the meaning individuals or ground ascribe advance what he/she is looking for
to a social or human problem. - The design emerges as the study unfolds
- Researcher is the data-gathering instrument.
Data is in form of words, picture, or object.
QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH - Subjective – individual’s interpretation of
- Approach for testing objectives theories by event is important.
examining relationship among variables. Data are richer, time consuming and less
able to be generalized.
MIXED APPROACH - Researchers tends to become subjectively
immersed in the subject matter.
- Inquiry involving collecting both
quantitative and qualitative data and
integrating the two forms of data.

“There’s no such as qualitative dat. Everything is

Research Format: either 1 or 0” – Fred Kerlinger
Traditional – manuscripts are written in by-chapter. - Aim is to classify features, count them
and construct statistical models.
International – manuscripts are written in
- Researcher already knows what he/she is
Introduction-Method-Result-Discussion (IMRAD)
searching for.
format based on American Psychological Association
- All aspects of the study are carefully
(APA, and 7th Ed. Standards).
designed before data is collected
Our Lady of Fatima University Research - Researcher uses tools, such as questionnaire
Development and Innovation Center (OLFU-RDIC) or laboratory equipment to collect numerical
– promotes the use of APA style and content, use of data.
6,000-9,000 words range the whole manuscript and - Data is in form of number and statistics
the following sections/outline of the manuscript. - Objective – seeks precise measurement and
analysis of target concepts.
- Data is core efficient, able to test hypothesis
but may miss contextual detail.
- Researchers tend to remain objectively
separated from the subject matter.

OLFU-RDIC Section/ Outline of the Manuscript

1.0 Introduction – Contextual Gantt Chart

2.0 Literature Review – Contextual
- Plan things to do in the following weeks and
3.0 Method – Procedural
months ahead.
4.0 Results – Substantial
- Planning – provides direction and ensures
5.0 Discussion – Substantial
that you stay focused on the course towards
6.0 Recommendation – Directional
achieving your goals and objectives.


“All research ultimately has a qualitative

grounding” – Donald Campbell

- Aim is complete detailed description.

Lesson 2

Quantitative Research

- Statistical, mathematical, computation

- Expressions are in numerical forms.
Objectivity of data (specific Quantitative Research Approach
expectation/standard) NON-EXPERIMENTAL
- Aim to find the relationship between one
variable to another Seeks to discover the answer to problem by
(Significant – proven statistically) describing the data quantitatively or numerically.

Characteristics The association or connection between

 Clearly defined research question
 Generalize concepts more widely, predict Determines the relationship of variables but
future results, or investigate casual is incapable of establishing the cause and effect
 Gathered using structured research
 Researchers uses tools, such as
questionnaires Lacks manipulation
 The results are based on larger sample sizes - Survey Research
that are representative of the population o Provides a quantitative description of
 Data are in the form of numbers and trends, attitude, or behavior.
statistics, often arranges in tables, charts, o Most used/Common method
figures, or other non-textual forms o Form of Questionnaire or Interview
 Can usually be replicated or repeated, given o Cross-sectional Study
its high reliability  Collects data through observation,
survey, or interview at a specific point
in time.

o Longitudinal Study
 Collects data through observation,
survey, or interview of the same
subject over a period up and can last up - It is stable and unaffected by the other
to several years. variable that is being measured
- Correlational Research - X variable
o Determine the relationship between two
variables among a single group of people
- Comparative Research - This is the presumed effect
o Examines the differences between - Assumes the change brought by the other
variables. variable (independent)
o Comparisons are based on descriptive - Being measured by the researcher
data, showing that a difference exists but - Y variable
does not imply causation

- Unwanted variables
EXPERIMENTAL - Confounding Variables
o Their presence influences the
Establishes causality and often used when an
outcome of the experiment in an
intervention is being studied.
undesirable way
With manipulation of variables o Add error
- Major Goal in Quantitative Research
- Quasi Experimental o Limit or control the influence of
o How the participants were requited for the extraneous variables
o No randomization in the sampling EXPERIMENTAL GROUP
- Also called treatment group
- True Experimental
- Receives the treatment whose effect the
o Researcher has control over the
researcher is interested in
o Who, where, when, and how is the CONTROL GROUP
experiment going to be conducted?
o Experiment Group (receives intervention) - No treatment
& Control Group (unmanipulated) – must - A standard treatment whose effect is already
have the similar qualities known, or placebo (fake treatment)
o MR.C
 Manipulation
 Randomization Lesson 4
 Control
Research Title
Lesson 3
Characteristics of a good title
 Contains a few words as possible: many
- Defined as anything that has a quantity or journals limit titles to 12 words
quality that varies  Be easy to understand
- They are anything that takes on different  Describe the contents of the paper accurately
values, typically numerical values. and specifically
 Avoid abbreviations, formulas, and jargon
 NOT include any verb
INDEPENDENT VARIABLE  NOT contain low-impact words
o Some notes on…
- This is the presumed cause. o Observations on…
- The independent variable is the variable that o Investigations on…
is being manipulated by the researcher
o Study of… - Attitudes of elderly Korean patients toward
o Effect of… death and dying: an application of Q-
 Not be flashy as in newspaper methodology
o Avoid statements like 5. Result of the Paper
“Agroforestry can stop - Preventive health behaviors influenced by
deforestation” self-perceptions of aging
 Report the subject of the research than the
Lesson 5

Research Problem
Sources of Research Topic
- A clear statement of an inquiry or gap that
1. OWN EXPERIENCE AND INTEREST needs to be addressed through a systematic
- Identify your own interest and formulate a approach
problem that reflects them - Blind Spot
- Familiarity in your territory and terminology o Conflicts
o Existing studies with contradicting
2. COLLEAGUES results
- Brainstorming with friends about problems - Blank Spot
they have encountered may help clarify o Qualitative
research ideas o There is not the same research
o Gaps
- Experts are good sources of research
- Previous studies and research finding in - Remember, SMART:
which gaps were identified o S – specific
o M – measurable
o A – attainable
3 T’s in selecting Research Topic o R – realistic
T – timely “napapanahon” o T – time bound
- FORMULATE a research problem that
T – trending “nauuso” reflects the significance of seeking solutions
and answers
T – trailblazing “nangingibabaw”
- DO NOT STATE your research
problem/questions that is answerable by yes
or no
Examples of Titles - Research can be stated in a declarative or
1. Interrogative Form interrogative manner.
- What is the motivation for using Facebook? - Make sure that the quantitative research
2. Combinatorial: Question and Title problem is answerable by an appropriate
- Who uses Facebook? An investigation into statistical method.
the relationship between the Big Five, - Formulate a research problem that is aligned
shyness, narcissism, loneliness, and with your research topic
Facebook usage
3. Combinatorial: Powerful Phrase and Title
- Too much face and not enough book: The Lesson 6
relationship between multiple indices of
Review of Related Literature
Facebook use and academic performance
4. Use of Novel Method - Summary of the state of existing knowledge
on a research problem or topic
- Analysis and synthesis of articles related to o Description/interpretation of
the research topic being studied. studies written by someone else,
- The processes involve: other than the researchers who
o Searching relevant articles conducted them
o Reading and analyzing research o E.g., literature review, abstract
reports prepared by a reviewer,
o Writing the description of the presentation of research done by
existing information on a topic in a someone else
manner that is ethical based on
Composed of several structured steps
PURPOSES OF LITERATURE REVIEW 1. Searching relevant articles
2. Reading and analyzing research reports
- Allows researcher to identify a research
3. Writing the description of the existing
problem of interest
information on a topic in a manner that is
- Aid the researcher to improve his research
ethical and based on standards
question or hypothesis
- Enables the researcher to discover what are STANDARDS STYLE IN REVIEW OF RELATED
known and unknown about a certain topic LITERATURE, CITATION OR REFERENCES
TYPES Citation
- Research Literature (empirical references) - Signpost
o Based on research findings o It signals the location of a source
o Data supported by evidence - An acknowledgement
o E.g., journal articles, literature o Reveals that you are indebted to
reviews, abstracts of research that source
studies - Provides evidence that scholarly writing is
done, and your position is well-researched.
- Appear in different formats
- Non-research references o Within the text (in-text citation)
o These are literature which are not o At the bottom of the page
based on research findings. (footnotes)
o Can provide insights and may o At the end of the paper (endnotes)
broaden understanding regarding
a topic
o E.g., literary, or artistic works, 1. Read the text several times until you
opinion articles, brochures, understand it
magazines, anecdotes. 2. Set the work aside to avoid copying
3. Re-write the passage in your own words
4. Record the bibliographic information with
- Primary Source your paraphrased version of the original
o These refer to description of
studies written by the researchers
themselves - IMPLICIT
o E.g., published journals, abstracts, o Statement_ (authors, year)
dissertations, thesis, - EXPLICIT
undergraduate, presentation (made o Author_ Year _ Verb _ Statement
- Secondary Source o Verb _ Author _ Year _ Statement

American Psychological Association

Lesson 7  Develop a topic based on previously written
material but ensure that you also write
something new and original
- The wrongful use of idea or language of  Although you can rely on experts’ opinion
another author and representing them as if regarding a certain topic, ensure that you are
they are your original work contributing by improving upon those
- Using exact words or ideas without citing opinions
the rightful owner of the source is a form of  Do not fail to give credit where and when it
academic dishonesty is due
- Is stealing  Follow a certain documentation format like
the APA
- The use of another author’s exact words - Failing the course
without citing. - Receiving zero
- Suspension
- The author cited the source, but he just - Losing earned degree
paraphrased another’s words by
changing sentence construction or word

- Presenting another’s ideas as if they are
your own without giving the owner Lesson 8
Conceptual Framework
- Incorrect citation of the original owner
of the idea - Graphical representation of concepts under
study and the existing relationships that
4. PLAGIARISM OF AUTHORSHIP exists between or among these concepts.
- Turning in a replication of another’s - Based on existing theory
work - The framework is referred to Theoretical
- Submitting a paper from the internet or framework
friend and presenting it as your own o Study that has its roots in a
- The worst type specified conceptual model
- Conceptual models – provide a perspective
5. PLAGIARISM OF SELF regarding interrelated phenomena but are
- Use of one’s previous work for a more loosely structured than theories. It
separate assignment or requirement. broadly presents an understanding of the
- Although the ideas and words are owned phenomenon of interest and reflects the
by the author, receiving two credits for a assumptions and philosophical views of the
single output is considered cheating model designer. Serve as springboards for
- Not allowed unless permission is generating research hypothesis.


- Contradicting variables
- E.g., Illiteracy and unemployment leads to
higher incidence of crime.

Lesson 9
According to predicted result
Research Hypothesis
- A statement of the researcher’s prediction
about relationships between or among the - No relationship exists between the
variables under investigation dependent and independent variable.
- Predictions of expected outcomes; they - Symbolized by Ho.
state the relationships researchers expect to - E.g., The number of books owned by a
find as a result of the study student does not affect his academic
- Most quantitative studies are designed to test performance.
hypotheses through statistical analysis.

o Decision Rule: whether to accept or not

the null hypothesis.
 Inferential Statistics: Computed P-
value or sig.2-tailed value
 Level of significance or Alpha level: - Also known as Affirmative Hypothesis.
default (0.5, 0.1, – margin of error); - Represented by Ha.
assumed expectation - Explicates that a relationship exists
 Alpha level and P-value are being between the dependent and independent
computed variable
 If P-value is higher than margin of - E.g., Exposure to music affects the level of
error, it will be accepted and vice anxiety

Types - States that a relationship or differences
exists between the variables but the direction
According to number of variables
of that relationship or difference is not
- No specification of the relationship or
- A hypothesis which expresses prediction difference
between one independent (cause) variable - E.g., Health affects the level of stress among
and one dependent (effect) variable SHS students
- States a relationship between a single
independent variable, and a single dependent
- *E.g., Unemployment leads to higher
- States that a relationship exists between the
incidence of crime.
variable, and it also explicates the direction
COMPLEX HYPOTHESIS of that relationship.
- E.g., The health of the students decreases as
- A prediction of a relationship between more their level of stress increases.
than one independent variable and/or more
than one dependent variables (also known
as multivariate hypothesis because of the
presence of several variables

- Entire aggregation of the case where a

researcher is interested
Lesson 10
- Often, it is not feasible to include all
Definition of Terms the members of the population in
- Concepts or variables need to be defined
based on how they will be used in the study.


- What a concept means in abstract or - Process of selecting the sample or a
theoretical terms; may be taken from the
portion of the population

- Links a concept to the concrete world by
telling you how to observe and/or measure - Subset of the population elements
the concept; this definition made by the
researchers based on how the terms will be
used in a particular field of study.

- How well the sample represents the

- An important characteristic of a sample
must be considered


- One whose key characteristics closely

approximate those of the population

- Result to overrepresentation or
underrepresentation of some segment
of the population
- Occurs if the selection of the sample
does not take place in the way it was
- Smaller sample size = bigger chance
of sampling error
- The appropriate sample size also
depends in the heterogeneity
(Heterogenous group – bigger size) and
homogeneity (Homogenous group – Convenience Sampling
smaller size)
o A homogenous mixture is - Selection of samples based on the
that  mixture in which the convenience of the researcher
components mix with each other, - Involves the most conveniently
and its composition is uniform available people to participate
throughout the solution. - Sometimes called Accidental Sampling
o A heterogenous mixture is that
mixture in which the composition Snowball Sampling
is not uniform throughout, and
different components are observed. - “Referral System”
- “Chain System”
- Initial sample members are asked to
NON-PROBABILITY SAMPLING refer other people who meet the criteria
required by the researcher
- There is a form of bias in the selection - People who share the same traits or
of sample experiences know each other
- There is no assurance that each element - Useful for participants who are hard to
in the population has the same equal find
chance of being selected
- There is no assurance that each that Purposive Sampling
each unit in the population is properly
- The selection of the sample is based on
the selective judgment of the researcher
- The findings are limited to the sample
- Judgmental Sampling
- Sets a criterion that is relevant to the
topic under study
Quota Sampling
- There is random selection of sample
- There is greater representation in each - Researcher identifies population
unit in the population sections or strata and decide how many
- Each element in the population has the participants are required from each
same equal chance of being selected as section
a sample - Allow better representation from each
- The findings can be generalized to the unit in the population
population - Has requirements/criterion


Simple Random Sampling

- Each member of the population has the

same equal chance of being selected as
a sample
- Two methods:
In a quantitative study, the sample size
- Fishbowl – write each name on a card
is an important aspect that must be carefully
and choose cards through a pure chance considered. There are existing procedures that
selection. can be used to estimate the appropriate sample
- Number Generated – known as size, but statistical knowledge is required to
sampling frame; give a number to understand this procedure. There are no fixed
member and then use randomized or rules nor simple formulas that can tell us how
unordered number in electing name large a sample should be when conducting
from the list. quantitative studies, but there are

Systematic Random Sampling 1. The larger the sample size, the better.
Smaller sample size tends to produce less
- Uses the Kth interval formula accurate estimates.
- k=N/n
2. If the sample is homogenous, a small
o k = sampling interval
sample size may be adequate. Homogeneity
o n = desired sample means that the population elements were all
o N = Population identical with respect to key attributes.
- Sampling interval is the standard
3. If there is reason to expect that the
distance between elements chosen for
independent and dependent variables will be
the sample
strongly related, then a relatively small sample
Stratified Random Sampling should be adequate to demonstrate the
relationship statistically.
- Population is divided into subgroups or
strata 4. For studies that will take a long time to
finish (longitudinal studies) researchers
- Just like quota sampling, stratification
should factor in anticipated of subjects over
is based on variables related to the
time. Therefore, a larger sample size is
study necessary. So, in case there will be a high
- After stratification, appropriate number attrition or dropouts from the study, the
of elements are selected from each sample size will still be adequate.
stratum at random
- No requirements/criterion
Cluster Sampling
- Useful when the population is large
Steps in Sampling Quantitative Studies
and widely dispersed (Polit and Beck, 2007) The steps to be
- Sampling is done in several stages undertaken in drawing a sample vary somewhat
- Is also called multi-stage sampling from one sampling design to the next, but a
- The resulting design is described in general outline of procedures can be described.
terms of the number of stages
1. Identify the population.

2. Specify the eligibility criteria.

3. Specify the sampling plan.

4. Recruit the sample.

INTRODUCTION TO STATISTICS - When performing a hypothesis test, a p
(probability) value helps to determine
In statistics, before the main analysis,
the significance of the results. In
the data are assuming to meet all the
decision making, a p-value that has a
requirements that a data should have, or a data
value which is less than 0.05 (a)
should undergo first some preliminary checking
indicates significance.
to test if a certain statistical technique is
appropriate for the analysis

NULL HYPOTHESIS “HO” - Also called as inverse relationship.
Aside from the test statistic having a
- A type of hypothesis which states that
negative value, the correlation between
there is no statistical
two variables is said to have a
significance/relationship or effect
negative/inverse relationship as the
existed between two or more groups.
amount of one variable increases, the
ALTERNATIVE HYPOTHESIS “Ha” level of another variable goes down.

- Also known as the research hypothesis, POSITIVE RELATIONSHIP

it is the proposed hypothesis or - Or a direct relationship whereas the
expected outcome of the research.
amount of one variable increases, the
amount of a second variable also

- Statistical term used to describe the

relationship between two sets of data. SAMPLE

- Is a relatively small subset of people,

NONPARAMETRIC STATISTICS objects, groups, or events that is
selected from the population
- Type of statistics that should be use
when the data violated the requirements
for a parametric test (i.e., if the data are TEST STATISTIC
*Normally Distributed; or if the - It is considered as numerical summary
measurements of the data are on an of a data – set that reduces the data to
ordinal scale etc.) one value that can be used to perform a
hypothesis test.

- When the data are in interval level and VARIABLES

are *Normally Distributed, parametric
statistics is a type of statistics that - In research, it is a logical set of
should be use. attributes, factors that can be controlled
- Always superior to Nonparametric or change in experiment/research
counterpart for decidedly Normal TYPES OF VARIABLES
P value
- It is the variable that the researchers INTERVAL SCALES
have control over, can be choose and
manipulated. Usually, it is what the - Distances between data elements can be
researcher think will affect the determined at the interval level of
dependent variable measurement. In other words, the
interval is the same. Oftentimes in
DEPENDENT VARIABLE psychology things are measured by a
Likert scale in which one rates a
- Represented as “Y”, it is the response statement (often by how much they
variable or the presumed effect in a agree with the statement).
study which can be measured in interval - Arbitrary zero (the starting point) (can
or nominal scale. be negative/positive) (temperature)

DIFFERENTIAL STATISTICS - Possess the advantage of all other
- It is the statistical procedures that the measurement scales for it is the only
researcher uses measurement that can be analyzed with
- To describe the population, they are the widest range of statistical methods
studying which makes it as the highest form of
measurement precision. It has all the
INFFERENTIAL STATISTICS components of an interval scale but
here, the zero point is meaningful and
- It is the statistics that is concerned with means the absence of whatever it is
making predictions or inference measuring. Common examples are age,
- About a population from observations height, weight, test, and heart rate.
and analysis using a sample and can - Absolute Zero
generalize it to the larger population
that the sample represents


- Describes differences in type or kind by
To accurately represent the concept of indicating the presence or absence of a
interest, measurement of the variables is characteristics or property.
essential and is instrumental in the selection of
the appropriate statistical method of analysis. NOMINAL SCALES
Based on the types of attributes or
characteristics the data represent, it can be - Nominal level (or categorical) data
classified into one of two categories: nonmetric refers to data that can only be put into
and metric. groups. It only represents categories or
classes and do not imply amounts of an
attributes or characteristics. Commonly
used examples of nominally scaled data
include many demographic attributes
- Data that are metrically are used when (e.g., gender, religion, occupation).
subjects differ in amount or degree on a ORDINAL SCALES
particular attribute. Metric data reflects
relative quantity or degree and are - In the case of ordinal scales, variables
appropriate for attributes involving can be ordered or ranked in relation to
amount or magnitude, i.e., Level of the amount of the attribute possessed,
satisfaction Ordinal scales provide no measure of
the actual amount or magnitude in
absolute terms, only the order of the
- The researcher knows the order, but not
the amount of differences between the

- Method METRIC
- From one population you will get
- Specific values
representatives on the in the way of
your sampling technique INTERVAL – Arbitrary zero – possible
negative values (temperature, Likert
- Entire aggregation
RATIO – Absolute zero – NO negative
SAMPLE values (test scores, salary)

- Representative NONMETRIC

- Categories/ranking


order, academic awards)
- Equal chances
NOMINAL – categories
SIMPLE – Fish-bowl method

STRATIFIED – group/target number of


SYSTEMATIC – kth interval (n/N) - What to use as statistical analysis based

on the group, measurement of scale,
CLUSTER – multistage sampling, the etc.
population is too big (levels)
- Measuring 2 Continuous Variables if
- Not Equal – biased there is a relationship in the two
PURPOSIVE – Set of criteria
o Continuous Variable – both
QOUTA – group/target number of variables are measurable
requirements/requirements o Example:

SNOWBALL – referral, chain system ALLOWANCE MOTIVATION


Pearson’s Product Moment



- INDEPENDENT T-TEST - Comparing the P VALUE and

o Comparing two groups SIGNIFICANT VALUE
o If P value is lower than (<)
Example: significant value = reject Ho
Measuring the Motivation of: o If the P value is higher than (>)
significant value = accept Ho
1. Modular Students
2. Online Class students (OCR) Example:

P value – 0.001
o Comparing 3 or more groups Significance – 0.05

Example: o Reject Null Hypothesis (Ho) –

there is a significance
Comparing the 4 Strands in
P value – 0.73

Significance – 0.05
o 1 group – experimentation and o Accept Null Hypothesis (Ho) –
want to know if the group will there is no significance

Example: Study about effects of

diet – if the weight will decrease?

o The other test already has

experiment and the other test
have none
INTERVENTION (experiment,
pre-test, post-test)



- Geographic


- Approach/comparative or correlation


- Ethical, citations, consent, etc.


- Tools

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