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Jawaban alfin shofiul umam

1. What does the memo talk about?

jawaban :he meeting which will be carried out on August 29
2. Why does Jack Smith need to prepare the finance report?
jawaban : It will be included and presented in the meeting
3. When does David come back?
jawaban : day before the meeting (friday)
4. What is the name of the restaurant?
jawaban: dirty burger
5.How many different menus does the restaurant have?
jawaban: thirteen
6.What is the cheapest menu from the restaurant?
jawaban:jalapeno slaw
7.What does the tell about?
jawaban: flight schedule
8. If you want to fly to Sidney, you can take flight type
9.If we fly from Dublin to Newyork,we will take
10.Where might we see the sign below and what does the sign meams
jawaban: we used to see this picture at the gas station and we are banned from using
mobile phone compilation of the place

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