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SD4602-Design of Marine Structures

Himesh Panchal - PSD21140

Structural Layout of Jetty
Depth of water - in m m 14
Vessel type Category Bulk Carrier
DWT Tons 20000
MHWS m 9.5
MHWN m 8
MLWS m 6.5
MLWN m 1.5
Berthing condition Unfavourable
Mean Velocity of current-m/sec2 m/s2 0.75
Wave Height-in m m 0.75
Wave Time Period-in Sec sec. 12
Light draft in mt--Ref. only-Assumed* % 35% of fully Laden
Soil Condition - Medium
Seismic Zone - II
Maximum Draft , Dt m 9.2
Light Draught Coeffecient - 0.35
HTL,m m 23.5
LTL,m m 15.5
Concrete M40
Steel Fe500
Location Mumbai

Ship Characteristics
Vessel Category Type Bulk Carrier
DWT Tons 20000
DWT DT LOA (m) LBP(m) B(m) D(m) MD (m) Reference
20000 25000 157 148 23 12.8 9.2 Annexure-A IS 4651 Part 3

Length of Jettty
LOA m 157 Annexure-A IS 4651 Part 3
End Clearance m 30.00 Assumed
Length m 217 Clearance + LOA
Total Length of Structure m 225
Distance Between Piles m 6 (225-3)/(37 Parts)

Width of Jetty
Seaward clearance m 2.825
Crane Width m 13.000
Conveyor Clearance m 4.000
End Clearance m 1.175
Width of Jetty m 21.00

Height of Jetty
MHWS m 9.500
Wave Height m 0.375
Surge Allowance m 1.000
Clearance m 1.000
Free Height m 2.000
Total Height m 14

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SD4602-Design of Marine Structures

Berthing Energy

Mass Coefficient, Cm 1.42 Cl.; IS-4651:2020 Part 3

Eccentricity Coefficient, Ce 0.52 Cl.; IS-4651:2020 Part 3
Softness Coefficient, Cs 0.95 Cl.; IS-4651:2020 Part 3
Velocity of Vessel m/s 0.45 Table 4 IS 4651 Part 3 (unfavourable)
Incidence angle θ 10.00
Berthing Energy, Tm 181.55
Ultimate Berthing Energy Tm 254.17
Ultimate Berthing Energy kNm 2493.37 Along Z direction
Ultimate Berthing Energy kNm 623.34 Along X direction (25% of Z)

Mooring Force / Bollard Pull

Maximum Draught, D m 9.20
Light Draught, Dt m 3.22
Lbp m 148
Windage Area, Aw m2 1666.0 Cl.; IS-4651:2020 Part 3
Vz m/s 30
Design Wind Pressure, kg/m2 55.05
Shape Factor Cw 1.4 Cw between 1.4 -1.6
Mooring Force, F Tons 128.39
Bollard Pull Tons 42.80 1/3 times of Mooring force
Bollard Pull Tons 60.0 As per Table 6: IS 4651:2020 Part 3
Design Bollard Pull Tons 60

Current Force
Marine Growth around Pile m 0.10
K, ( Circular Pile ) 0.66
V m/s 0.75
P kg/m2 19.31
Pile Dia. m 1.00
Total Pile Dia. m 1.20
k1 m 23.5 Depth of water + MHWS
HTL, Current Force, Cf kg 272.20
HTL, Current Force, Cf kN 2.67
Point of Applicatiion from Sea Bed m 15.67
k2 m 15.5 Depth of water + MLWN
LTL, Current Force, Cf kg 179.54
LTL, Current Force, Cf kN 1.76
Point of Applicatiion from Sea Bed m 10.33

Wave Force
Design wave height, H m 0.75
Accelaration due to g m/s² 9.810
Time period of wave, T sec. 12
d 14
Wave Number k 0.04781 Assume & Interpolate
Wave Length m 131.4 Interpolated
Wave Number k 0.04781 2x3.14xWave Length
Pile Dia D 1.20
Drag Force Co-efficient, Cd 1.05

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Inertial Force Co-efficeient, Cm 2

Constatnt Factor w 0.84
mass density of sea water kg/m 1025

kd (HTL) 1.12351203
kd (LTL) 0.74103985

Wave Force - HTL

Fim N 605
Fdm N 659
ɵ Deg 27.32
Force due to Inertia, Fi N 277.73
Force due to Drag, Fd N 520.55
Total Wave Force, Ft N 798.28
Effective Liver arm for Fim, Si 7.65
Ratio of group celerity to celerity of wave, 0.74
Effective Liver arm for Fdm, Sd 8.32
Total Moment, Mm N.m 6459
Effective liver arm, S 8.1 Height of Application from Sea Bed

Wave Force - LTL

Fim N 471
Fdm N 762
ɵ Deg 18.02
Force due to Inertia, Fi N 145.79
Force due to Drag, Fd N 688.76
Total Wave Force, Ft N 834.55
Effective Liver arm for Fim, Si 7.30
Ratio of group celerity to celerity of wave, 0.85
Effective Liver arm for Fdm, Sd 7.61
Total Moment, Mm N.m 6309
Effective liver arm, S 7.56 Height of Application from Sea Bed

Seismic Force (IS 1893 , 2016)

I : Importance Factor 1.50
R : Response reduction Factor 3.00
Z : Seismic Zone 0.16
Soil Type Medium
Z 0.40885 From Staad Model of Rayeliegh Frequency
Rayleigh Frequency X 0.20481 From Staad Model of Rayeliegh Frequency
Z 7.7 1/(Rayleigh Frequency)
T : Time Period sec
X 4.3 1/(Rayleigh Frequency)
Z 0.34 For T>4s
X 0.34 For T>4s
Ah : Seismic Co Ah z 0.014 Stiffness method
efficient Ah x 0.014 Stiffness method
Seismic Load kN 38.77 SW + 50% (LL) SINCE LL > 3kN/m2

Floor Thickness,m 0.20
Wearing coat Thickness,m 0.08

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SD4602-Design of Marine Structures

Density of Concrete, kN/m3 25.00

Density of Wearing Coat, kN/m3 10.60
Dead Load(Floor+WC), kN/m2 5.80
Column density above LTL 19.63
Column density above LTL 11.39

Non Operating
Location of Jetty Mumbai
Basic Wind, Speed, Vb m/s 44.00
K1 1.00
K2 1.05
K3 1.00
K4 1.30
Wind Speed considered max allowable m/s 30.00
Design Wind Pressure kN/m 1.08
Wind Pressure at Top of Pile kN/m 2.04 Pressure x Pile windage area
Wind Pressure at Top of Beam kN/m 0.97 Pressure x Fender Secondary Beam Depth
Wind Pressure at Top of Fender kN/m 2.92 Pressure x Fender Panel Width

Location of Jetty Mumbai
Operating Wind, Speed, Vb m/s 30.00 Maximum speed during operation allowed
K1 1.00
K2 1.05
K3 1.00
K4 1.30
Design Wind Pressure kN/m2 0.74 0.6xVb2x k1xk1xk3xk4
Wind Pressure at Top of Pile kN/m 1.22 Pressure x Pile windage area
Wind Pressure at Top of Beam kN/m 0.66 Pressure x Fender Secondary Beam Depth
Wind Pressure at Top of Fender kN/m 1.99 Pressure x Fender Panel Width

Temperature Load

MAX 50
MIN 35
Temp, °C AVG 15
Temp Rise 15
Temp Drop 20

Pile Fixity Depth (For piles in Preloaded clay & Fixed Headed)
fck N/mm2 45
E, Young's Moudulus of Elasticity kg/cm2 340000
Dia of Pile cm 120.00
I, Moment of Inertia, m4 10178760 Circular Pile
Soil Type Medium Cohesionless Soil
K1 5.00 Table 6, IS 4651
K 0.0083
Stiffness Factor, T 2.76 As per Cl.11.2.2for Preloaded Piles
L1 : Length of Pile above sea bed m 25.85

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L1/T 938.00
Lf/T 1.75 Fig-3, IS4651 Part 2
Lf m 4.82
Total Height of pile m 30.67

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272 kg

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15.67 m

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180 kg

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180 kg

10.33 m

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