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Frances Kraft
Staff Reporter
A Toronto Yiddishist who played a
key role in successfully urging city of-
cials in Lodz to include Yiddish on
commemorative plaques for the 60

anniversary of the Lodz ghetto liqui-
dation is being remembered as a man
of few words whose impact belied his
quiet nature.
Norbert (Nochem) Reinhartz died
in his sleep June 26 at Humber River
Regional Hospital, following a series
of serious health challenges dating
back to 2005. He was 86.
Together with his wife Henia (a
retired Yiddish teacher), Reinhartz, a
retired typesetter, led an e-mail cam-
paign that resulted in Yiddish being
added to the plaques in Lodz, follow-
ing a 2003 family trip to Poland.
Their daughter Adele Reinhartz, a
professor at the University of Ottawa,
recalled in a eulogy that on the trip,
her father was genuinely interested
in talking to the Polish people about
issues like the countrys transition to
The couple placed a high value on
education and intellectual endeav-
ours, she said. After immigrating to
Toronto, Reinhartz completed a BA
in sociology part-time at York Uni-
versity and a second one in political
science from the University of Lon-
don as a correspondence student.
At the same time, recalled grand-
daughter Leah Reinhartz, he was
the type of grandfather who would
get down on the oor and play with
The only child of two teachers, Re-
inhartz was born in 1924 in Lodz and
grew up in Vilna. He spent the war
years in Siberia with his father, work-
ing in a metal factory.
In postwar Paris, he worked as a
typesetter for the Yiddish publica-
tion Unser Stimme (Our Voice). It was
there that he met Henia at a lecture
sponsored by the Bundist move-
A mischievous impulse to pull on
the redheads long braid led to a vibrant
and devoted marriage of 59 years.
Nochem joined his parents in To-
ronto in 1949, and Henia reunited
with her mother and sister (the Yid-
dish poet Chava Rosenfarb) in Mon-
treal about a year later. The couple
wed in 1952.
Their son Abe, a Toronto physi-
cian, described his parents dynamic
at the funeral: My mother has always
been the public persona of the Henia
and Nochem show, but my father
was always behind the scenes kind of
choreographing things.
Among their other endeavours,
the couple translated the memoirs
of Arnold Mostowicz, a Lodz ghetto
physician, from Polish to English.
As well, they launched and ran the
Yiddishland Caf, a ve-times-yearly
event based at the Jewish and Yid-
dish cultural organization Workmens
Circle from 1996 to 2005. At the time,
Reinhartz served as secretary of the
organizations executive board.
Reinhartz grandson Mordechai
Walsh remembered his grandfather
in a eulogy as a Bundist, a Yiddishist,
a union man, an intellectual but not
an academic who infused everyday
life with meaning and revealed his
sharp sense of humour selectively.
Abe also noted his fathers sense of
integrity and social justice, reected
in the program of a Yiddishland Caf
evening that featured a combination
of Jewish and black protest songs.
Reinhartz leaves his wife Henia,
daughter Adele and son Abe, six
grandchildren and two great-grand-
Led campaign for Yiddish
on Lodz ghetto plaques
He and his wife
and ran
Yiddishland Caf
Nochem Reinhartz
Please see related obituary on page 24

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