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Sheet 9 (Heat exchanger)

Q:A counter flow heat exchanger is used to cool mercury( cp=1370 j/kgk)

From 110c t0 70c and the mass flow rate is 1kg/s with water intering

at 30c and mass flow rate of 0.2kg/s with (cp=4180 j/kg k).The overall

heat transfer coefficient is 250 w/m2k. Calculate the heat transfer

surface area.

Q:A 0.5 kg/s of ethyelene glycol flows through a thin walled copper tube

of 12.5mm diameter. A 0.375kg/s of water flows in the opposite

direction through annular space formed by this tube and the tube

diameter is 20mm.The ethyelene inters at 100c and leaves at

60c,while the water inters at 10c.Calculate the length of the tube

required.Also calculate the length of the tube if the water flow in the

same direction as ethyelene glycol given that, (for ethyelene

𝜌=1078kg/m2, 𝜇=3200x10-6kg/m s, cp=2050j/kgk,and k=o.261w/mk)

(for water 𝜌=995kg/m2, 𝜇=853x10-4kg/m s, cp=4180j/kgk,and

k=o. 61w/mk)

Q:A heat exchanger consist of 200 tubes each 20mm OD and 5m length.

Hot fluid flows inside the tube and cold water over it and opposite

direction to hot fluid.The overall heat transfer coefficient based on OD

is 320w/m2k. Determine the out let temperature of both fluids and

total heat transfer using the given data( Thi=120c , Tci=20c , mh=20kg/s

,mc=5kg/s , cpc=4000j/kg k ,cph=2000j/kg k).Repeat the problem for

parallel flow
Q: A parallel flow double pipe heat exchanger is designed to heat 2000kg

of boiler fuel oil per hour from 15cto 45c using hot water available at

70c, the water flow with velocity of 2m/s through a copper tube of

outside diameter 2cm and inside diameter of 1.75cm,the oil flows

through the annulus between the tube and the steel pipe of inner

diameter 3.75cm. Find the length of the heat exchanger required and

also find the length if the flow is counter flow for the given data.

(for oil, 𝜌=750kg/m2, 𝝂=7.43x10-3m2/ s, cp=1882j/kgk,and

k=o.0.139w/mk) (for water 𝜌=983kg/m2, 𝝂=4.18x10-7m2/ s,

cp=4187j/kgk,and k=o.659w/mk)

Q: Water at the rate of 3.783kg/s is heated from 37.78c to 44c in a shell

and tube heat exchanger. On the shell side one pass is used with

water as a heated fluid, 1.892kg/s entering the exchanger at 93.33c.

The overall heat transfer coefficient is 1419 w/m2c and average water

velocity is 0.366m/s in a 1.905cm diameter tube, because of space

limitatiom the length must not be longer than 2.438m.Calculate the

number of tubes passes,the number of tube per pass and the length

of the tube.

Q: 680 kg/hr of oil flow through a thin walled 1 cm diameter tube of an

oil cooler . a 550 kg/hr of water flows in opposite direction on the out

side tube . The oil enters the cooler at 150c and it erquired to leaves at

70c, while the cooling water inters at 10c. calculate the length of the

tube erquired.calculate the length for the two flows in the same
direction.and finally find the effectivness for the both cases. Given that

Water side heat transfer coefficient equel to 578 w/m 2.k and Oilside

heat transfer coefficient equel to 233 w/m2.k and cpoil=2100J/kg k

and cpwater=4180 j/kg k.

Q:Water (cp=4180J/kg) enters the 2.5c internal diameter tube of

double pipe counter flow heat exchanger at 17c at the rate of

3.0kg/s.Water is heated by steam condensing at 120c (h fg=2203kj/kg)

in the shell. If the over all heat transfer coefficient at the heat

exchanger is 0.9kw/m2.c.Determine the length of the tube required in

order to heat the water to 80c. using

a:the LMTD method

b:the NTU method

Q:A cross flow heat exchanger consist of 80 thin walled tubes of 1cm

diameter located in a a duct of 1mx1m cross section .There are no fins

attached to the tubes , cold water (cp=4180j/kg.c) enters the tubes at

18c with an average velocity of 3m/s,While hot air (cp=1010j/kg.c)

enters the channel at 130c and 105Kpa at an avearage velocity of

12m/s.If the overall heat transfer coefficient is 130w/m 2.c.Determine

the out let temperatures of the both fluids and the rate of heat


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