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The plight of Misinformation
Studies have shown that false stories travel faster than true stories. On
social media, misinformation or ‘fake news’ as people call it has a better
reach than fact-check articles. For example, you and your friend may have
received the same ‘forward’ on WhatsApp but none of you may know that
there is a fact-check on it which is available online. Some of us don’t even
know that there are multiple fact-checking outlets like BOOM that are
debunking online misinformation on a regular basis.

At times, it takes a few hours/ days for fact-checkers to find out the truth
behind the viral visuals on social media. Fact-checking is dependent on
several factors like availability of information, access to all the stakeholders
involved in the story, getting confirmations from different stakeholders,
resources available, among others.

The Challenge
You have to come up with different ways (at least in 2 different sectors/
fields) of how to curb the spread of online misinformation.

You also need to elaborate on how it can be implemented practically

keeping in mind all the difficulties and challenges that may come up.
While elaborating on the above, please do list the challenges that may
come and how they can be tackled.

Teams will have to upload a PPT/PDF of up to 7 slides/pages (excluding a cover
slide containing team details) consisting of detailed research of their findings.
Please submit your files in this naming convention only— Leader's First
Name_Team Name
Teams can change their submissions any time before the submission deadline. Do
make your submissions well before the deadline to avoid any last-minute hassles.

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