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“Yoga Class Registration System”

A Project Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement For the award of degree of

Master of Computer Applications


Supervised By Submitted By

Dr. Deepa Nehra Kuldeep kaur

Head of Department MCA IIIrd Sem

Department of Computer Applications 2020101

Department of Computer Applications

Tilak Raj Chadha Insititute Of Management and Technology , Yamunanagar



A successful completion of this project is attributed to the great and indispensable help
received from different people.

I will always be grateful and thankful to Head of Department Dr. Deepa Nehra and
Project Mentor Dr. Deepa Nehra for giving me the opportunity to learn the different
aspects of designing and implementing this system. It would never be possible for me to
design this system without your continuous assistance and guidance.

I want to thanks to my project lead for providing me platform, necessary facilities,

guidance and support for completing this project.

I would like to thanks to all faculty members of Computer Applications Department

who are always encourage me during progress of this project.

Kuldeep Kaur

I, Kuldeep Kaur, a student of Master of Computer Applications, in the Department of

Computer Application, Tilak Raj Chadha Institute of Management and Technology,
Yamuna Nagar, under class Roll No. 2020101 and University Roll No. 201165223 for the
Session 2020-2022, hereby, declare that the project report entitled “Yoga Class
Registration System” has been completed by me in 3rd semester during the 45 days
project training. I hereby declare that the matter embodied in this project is my original
work and has not been submitted earlier for award of any degree or diploma in any
college or university.

Date: Kuldeep
Department of Computer Applications

Tilak Raj Chadha Institute of Management and Technology,

Yamuna Nagar Certificate
It is certified that Ms. Kuldeep Kaur, a student of Master of Computer Applications,
under class Roll No. 2020101 and University Roll No. 201165223 for the Session 2020-
2022, has completed the project entitled “Yoga Class Registration System” under my

The project report is the authenticate work of the candidate as per her declaration and is
found to be fit for the award of degree of Master of Computer Applications in accordance
with the rules and regulations of Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra as per my opinion.

I wish her all the success in her all endeavors.

Dr. Deepa Nehra

Head of Department

Department of Computer Applications, Timt

Counter-signed by
HOD-Computer Applications
This is to certify that document detailed below has been evaluated by plagiarism software
“Website SEO Checker”. The content was found plagiarism free.
Table of Contents

Declaration By Department

Chapter 1 Project Description

Project Title 3
Overview 3
Need and Purpose 4
Benefits 5
Hardware Requirements 5
Software Requirements 5
Application Architecture 6
Features 6-7

Chapter 2 Feasibility Study

Overview 9
Technical Feasibility 10
Economic Feasibility 11
Operational Feasibility 11-12

Chapter3 Requirement Analysis

Overview 14
System Analysis 14
Requirement analysis 15
Software Requirement analysis 16
Software Requirement Specification 16
 Hardware Requirement 16-17
 Software Requirement 17-18
Functional and Non functional 18

Chapter 4 System Design

Overview 20
Entity Relationship Diagram 20
Components of ER diagram 21
ER diagram for YCRS 22
Class Diagram 23
Class Diagram for YCRS 23
UML Diagram 23
Use case Diagram 24
 For admin 25
 For User 26
Data Base Design 27
 Admin Table 27
 Class Table 27
 Booking Table 28
 Contact Table 28
 Pages Table 29

Chapter 5 Coding
Technology Used 31
 PHP 31
 My SQL 31
 Javascript 32
 HTML 32
 CSS 33
 Bootstrap 33
 Xampp 34
Code 35-43

Chapter 6 Testing
Introduction 45
Types of Testing 46
 Unit Testing 46
 Integration Testing 46
 Validation Testing 46
 System Testing 47
Test Cases 47

Chapter 7 Snapshots
Index 49
Admin 49
Dashboard 50
Add Class 51
Manage Class 51
New Booking 52
Approved Booking 53
Cancelled Booking 54
All Booking 54
Report 55
Read Enquiry 55
Unread Enquiry 56
All Enquiry 56
Search 57
About 57
Classes 58
Contact 58

Chapter 8 Conclusion
Conclusion 60
References 61
List of figures

Fig Number. Caption Page No.

4.1 Entity-Relationship Diagram 22

4.2 Class Diagram 23

4.3 Use Case Diagram(Admin) 25

4.4 Use Case Diagram(User and Admin) 27

7.1 Home page 49

7.2 Admin Login Screen 49

7.3 Admin Dashboard 50

7.4 Classes(Add Classes) 51

7.5 Classes (Manage Class) 51

7.6 Booking (New Bookings) 52

7.7 Booking (Approved Booking) 53

7.8 Booking (Cancelled Booking) 54

Figure Caption Pageno

7.9 Booking(AllBooking) 54

7.10 Report 55

7.11 Read Enquiry 55

7.12 Unread Enquiry 56

7.13 All Enquiry 56

7.14 Search 57

7.15 About 57

7.16 Classes 58

7.17 Contact 58
List of Tables

Table Number Caption Page No.

1.1 Features of Proposed System 6-7

4.1 Components of ER diagram 21

6.1 Test Cases 47

Chapter1 Project Description

Chapter 1 Project Description

Project Title
Yoga Class Registration System


Yoga is a Considerable way to work on your flexibility and strength. Just about everyone can do it,
it's not just for people who can touch their toes or want to ruminate.

“Yoga Class Registration System” is a web application that is used to enroll in yoga studio to do
yoga. The word “ONLINE” makes it a resourceful technique. A website shows prospective
employers that you‟ve invested in your career and you take teaching yoga seriously. It also gives
them a little taste of your personal style.By the use of this Website you can schedule your yoga
class. By the use of this website you can also decide either what type of yoga class you want to join
and is the seat for that particular yoga is available or not.
The proposed system has three actors to access the system:

• Admin
• Client

Admin is the person who has all access of the system.

A client is somebody who enroll for yoga class or pays for services.

Need and Purpose

Now a day, many new students are getting graduated with a teacher's course and are starting their
career as yoga teachers. Great competition needs different thinking to stand out. Making an online
presence and talking about your Faith, values, and stories is one way to start getting noticed.

On the other hand, people are also much Fitness-conscious than before. They are looking at
different Fitness activities at gym, outdoors, and other cardio sports. But intense warmup are not
suitable for all, so many people like to do yoga as it is not physically stretching. It's a more
moderate form of exercise, and it keeps you mentally and physically fit. It is a considerable form of
exercise for increasing one's flexibility too.

But today, everything people wish to do or buy, they first search it on google or social networks.
So to stand in the competitiveness and to get found is a struggle every business is fighting. For
Yoga teachers and Yoga studios, it is no dissimilar.


Purpose to develop “Yoga Class Registration System”

 To decrease manual efforts.

 To set the timetable for your yoga class.
 To set the kind of class you want.
 It helps to continue your yoga business.
 When we have to deal with huge amount of data then this will be weary task
 By use of this system it will helpful to maintain and organize data.
 If we want to make a list of students either for attending class i.e. Starting date to
required date it is difficult in traditional viewpoint to do this. So, to overcome this
classic task we can use this system.


 Gain Realibility.

 Appeal to a huge audience

 User-friendly terminal.

 Accessible classes and packages

 Get more identification and new opportunities

 Website helps to arrange your classes

 Helps you build a relationship with your students

 Helps you in getting details about potential clients

 Helps you in constructing a network with the yoga industry

 Can store large amount of data and kept secured for future.

 Earn money by your website

Hardware Requirements

 Processor type : x64 or x86 compatible processors

 RAM : 1GB minimum

 Processor Speed : 1.4GHz; recommended 2GHz or faster

Software Requirements

 Compatible Browsers : Chrome, Firefox, Opera

 Languages : HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript,Bootstrap, MY SQL

 Database : MySQL

 IDE : PHP Designer 8

 Application Stack : XAMPP Server

 Designing Tools : StarUML

Application Architecture

 While using the traditional approach it is difficult to handle and maintain the client data
and also time consuming to find data when we required previous client data So, Online
yoga website can solve these type of problems.

The three-tier Architecture for the proposed system is defined as:

 Presentation: Presentation tier is at the top level which shows the services of the system to
users of the system i.e. Admin, Client. The presentation tier is can be introduced as Front-
End of the system which is designed using web development frameworks such as: CSS,
JavaScript, and communicate with other levels of system. It is the interface with which
users of the system will interact with the proposed system, it gathers the information from
the user, perform some investigations and provide the connection with the server.

 Application:Application tier is used for many purposes. This is responsible for running the
application, includes all functionalities such as perform functionality of database, get
requests from user/client perform on requests and gives the appropriate result. This is also
known as middle-tier or logic-tier which gets request of user from the presentation tier. It is
designed using PHP.Handle requests

 Request evaluation

 Controls core functionality

 Data:Data tier deals with database servers. To store and retrieve data against any query
request data tire is responsible for this task. It is accessed and managed through a program.
For this application I have used MySQL for database.

 Features

The features of this application are:

Features Description

Admin In this section, admin can change the password and update his profile

About Us User can see the features of the website.

Dashbo In this section, admin can concisely view total new booking, total

ard approved booking, total cancelled booking, total booking, total read
enquiry, total unread enquiry, total enquiry, and total classes.

Classes In this section, admin can manage classes. He can add update or delete
the classes

Booking in this section, admin can view new, approved, cancelled bookings and
also give a remark.

Report In this section, admin can view the enquiry details and check booking
details in a particular time.

Search In this section, admin can search for booking with the help of his
booking number.

Home User can visit the website and check the description of yoga classes.

Classes In this section, user can view description of yoga classes and book yoga

Contact User can use the contact detail and contact with the website
Us administrator

Table 2.1 Features of proposed system

Chapter2 Feasibility Study

Chapter 2 Feasibility Study

A feasibility analysis is essential to determine the practicability of an idea to meet the performance
requirement of any proposed system. It is done to reveal whether the project is feasible or not. This
study ensures that the proposed idea is possible or not. It is the starting design stage of any project.
This type of study can determine if the project will be implemented or not. As the analysis implies
that we have to cover some aspects to check the feasibility of the project. The main goals of
feasibility study are as follows

 :To understand all aspects of project

 Concept development

 Determining the scope

 Determining the market values

 To measure cost Benefit analysis

 To check compatibility with existing system

It is a formal documentation of any project which provides the summarized information about
“What is going to be done”.

The feasibility study includes:

 Scope of the project
 Analyse current market trends and scenarios

 Detailed Risk Analysis

 Evaluating Cost Analysis

 Make Assessment

 Recommendations and conclusions

Preliminary investigation of any project is its Feasibility Study. This report provides overview
of all relevant data. There are five major dimensions of feasibility study acronym as TELOS:
Technical, Economic, Legal, Operational and Scheduling. If these five dimensions are
successfully tested for adding new modules and debugging existing running system.The types
of feasibility study that are covered during preliminary investigation:

 Technical Feasibility

 Economic Feasibility

 Legal Feasibility

 Operational Feasibility

 Scheduling Feasibility

Technical Feasibility

Technical feasibility revolved around the existing system and the requirements of
proposed system.Basically this is the assessment which work on the information about the
resources required to develop the proposed system and how much the system is have the
ability to carry out the implementation of proposed system.Let‟s take an example
according to this system which is currently run on local server. So, to run this system on
local machine we need some software which helps to run this system‟s functionality. So,
that software is technically required for this system. If the required softwares and
hardwares will be easily available it means the system is technical feasible.Since required
software i.e. XAMPP Stack, php and necessary hardware to run this system (Yoga class
Registration System)are easily available. Hence, the system is technically feasible. The
essential questions which should be covered during technical feasibility study are as
following:Is the proposed system is practicable?

 Is the system is available in inadequacy of resources?

 Does the necessary technology exist?

 Does the system capable for up gradation if required in future?

 Does the system capable to handle the queries and solutions?

 Are the existing technologies enough to develop new proposed system?

If the answer of the above questions are Yes then it is technical feasible.

Economic Feasibility

It is the study which refers to cost analysis. It is the assessment of checking cost benefit
analysis. It is also a method which help the company to determine the investment on the
system and the future benefits. Economic feasibility is also used to evaluate the
effectiveness of the proposed system.

As cost is the important factor, so it must be checked that the system will be economical
feasible or not so that it can be determined that proposed system should be continued or
not.Since the cost and benefits for my system is correct.My system has less cost. And
benefits are more so our system is economically feasible.

The questions which should be covered during the economic feasibility study/analysis
are as following:

 Estimated cost of required software and hardware.

 Estimated cost of system development

 Determine cost with its total expected benefits

 Determine the savings which will be result from the proposed system

 Does the system cost effective or not?

These are some key points which should be kept in mind during the phase of economic
feasibility. If these questions will be answered yes then the system can be implemented
otherwise there may be chances of rejection or enhancements according to

Operational Feasibility

Any project/system will be beneficial only if they can be turned out into an information
system. If the proposed system meets the organization‟s requirements then it means that
the proposed system is operationally feasible. It is an important part of project
implementation. As it is dependent on human resources for the system involves in either
development or maintenance or implementation. It is the study/analysis that tells us how
well proposed system solves the user quires.

Some questions are raised during the operational feasibility are as follows:

 Is the system solving problem properly

 Does management supports the system

 Does the system satisfies the required requirements listed in technical feasibility

Since our system satisfy all the properties for a operational feasibility so our
system is operationally feasible.

Chapter3 Requirement Analysis

Chapter 3 Requirement Analysis


In this chapter we can study about the analysis which developers will do during
development of system/project. It contains the requirement observations which are
performed by developers so that project should be developed and delivered on time.
There are various requirements which are important and all these are mentioned in this
chapter. Before starting any project or system there are some factors which must be
analyzed as it is an important phase of project development. The requirement analysis
and specification phase starts when feasibility study is done and it will start when the
project is economically and technically sound feasible. The main goal of this phase is to
understand requirements of customer so that project/system should meet the customer‟s
requirements. It is important because after analyzing the requirements of customer all
collected data is formatted and arranged in a document. This document is also known as
RAD (Requirement Analysis Documentation), which is important for any developer to
go through this RAD to understand what outcome customer wants from the proposed
system. SRS plays an important role in project/system development. As RAD is a report
which describes about the system output and for those corresponding input
requirements. In short RAD is a report which contains all functional and non-functional

System Analysis

System analysis is the process that involves gathering of factual data, system
functioning or we can say what should be the output of proposed system. It is the study
from that developer team can understand the process involved and identifying the
problem. This involves the study of business process, gathering the functional as well as
functional data of the system, understand the flow of system. It is an important factor
that system meets the customer requirement. So, system requirement is the phase which
makes a bridge between customer requirement and developers team.

The main goal/objective of system analysis phase is as follows:

 What are the customer‟s requirements?

 What are the customer‟s expectations?

 Flow of data

 What is being done?

 How it is being done?

 Who can do this?

Requirement Analysis/Study

Requirement analysis is the process of understanding user‟s or customer‟s expectations. It

is important to understand the user‟s expectations because if the system meets the user‟s
satisfaction then the system is considered useful and acceptable otherwise system is not
considered. It is important to gather information for a new and modified system
according to user‟s expectations. This feature is called requirements must be perceptible,
relevant and detailed.

This is also an important factor of project management. Frequent meetings with

customer/user are important to know the requirements time to time as customer‟s
requirements may be changed as previously documented. There may be chances of
ambiguity or conflict in requirements as demanded previously by the users.

It is not only the task of one person but it is a team effort that is combination of hardware,
software and public dealing expertise.

There are many fact finding techniques which can be used by developer to gather the
information about system requirements.

Present System & Identification of Needs

Present system requires lot of manual work to maintain record of client. Present system is
time consuming to search any passout Client data or present Client‟s previous data. To
maintain the data and scheduling of classes is difficult for normal classes. It is difficult to
access current system anytime means in case of urgency it is difficult to access and give


Why we need this application?

So to overcome these problems we can use the proposed system which will able to
do all these tasks at anytime without time consuming.

Software Requirement Analysis

Software Requirement Specification (SRS) is the initial point of the software

development activity. It is a complete details of the nature of a system which is to be
developed. The SRS document includes all necessary demands for project development.
To resolve the requirements we need to have clear and through understanding of the
system which is to be developed. This is planned after detailed communication with
project team and the customer.

An SRS minimizes the time and effort desired by developers to accomplish desired goals
and also minimize the development cost. A good SRS shows how an application will
connect with system hardware, other programs and users in a great variety of real- world

The goal is to implement a recommend system on music domain. The system will be
composed of server side component and client side component. The server-side
component will handle the database operations and algorithms that build recommendation
results. The client-side components will be graphical interfaces that are integrated into
corresponding better systems.

Software Requirement Specification(SRS)

Hardware Configuration :

Client Side:

Hard disk 10 GB

Processor 1.0 GHz

Server side:
Hard disk 20 GB
Processor 2.0 GHz

Software Requirement:

Client Side:

Web Browser Google Chrome or any

compatible browser
Operating System
Windows or any equivalent OS

Server Side:

Web Server APACHE

Server side Language PHP5.6 or above version

Database Server MYSQL

Google Chrome or any

Web Browser compatible browser

Operating System Windows or any equivalent OS

Functional Requirements
Functional requirements are requirements which specify what system should do.
Functional requirements of yoga website are
 Booking a class.
 Cancel a class.
 If you are an old member then you have member facility.
 Your record should be saved for future member facility.
 When a user book the class he comes to know about the yoga instructor is available or not.
 The time taken by instructor to complete the yoga session is not more than the time
Non Functional Requirements
 Security of Members of our classes.
 All the user can efficiently use the software.
 As the user increase there is no effect in our software.
 It should give good response according to users requirements.

Chapter4 System Design

Chapter 4 System Design


This chapter includes the designs which are related to our project that describes about
the aspects of the system. This chapter includes Data Flow Diagrams (DFD‟s), Entity-
Relationship Diagram, Structure of database, Class Diagram, Activity Diagram. Design
is the first step which is required to understand the flow of data, input interface and
output screen looks like.

There are some key points why we system design is important. These are as follows:

 To understand the flow of data

 To visualize the customer‟s expectation

 For better productivity

 To understand the activities performed on system

 To determine the relationship between entities of the system

 To determine the relationship between system modules

 It helps in understanding results comes from previous phases

 To create a better view of system

 Reveal design issues and flaws

 To visualize the interaction between objects of system

 Designs are helpful to implement code

Entity-Relationship Diagram

ER Diagrams was first developed by PETER CHEN in 1976. When we are using database it must
be understand the relationship between data. It is used to describe the structure of database with
the help of diagram. Entity-Relationship diagrams act as a tool to build the logical database design of
the system. There are some factors which tell us why we need Entity-Relationship Diagrams. These are as
follows:To find out the logical structure of the database

 To define about the entities and their attributes

 To show relationship between entities

 To visualize the entities within the system scope

Components of ER Diagram

ERD is basically consists of five main components:

Features Description

Entity Entity are represented by labeled rectangles. The label is the

name of the entity. Entity names should be singular nouns.

Relationship Relationships are represented by a solid line connecting two entities.

The name of the relationship is written over the line. Relationship
names should be verbs

Cardinality Cardinality of many is represented by a line ending in a crow's foot. If

the crow's feet is omitted, the cardinality is one.

Attribute when included, are listed inside the entity rectangle. Attributes which
are identifiers are underlined. Attribute names should be singular

Table 4.1: Features Table

Figure 4.1: ER Diagram

Class Diagram

The class diagram is the leading building block in object oriented modeling. They are used both
for normal conceptual modeling of the systematic of the application, and for complete modeling
translating the models into programming code. The classes in a class diagram appear for both
the main objects and or interactions in the application and the objects to be programmed. In
the conceptual design of a system, a number of classes are recognize and grouped
together in a class diagram which helps to find the statically relations between those objects.
With complete modeling, the classes of the contextual design are often split in a number of
subclasses.In order to further narrate the behavior of systems, these class diagrams can be
complemented by state diagram or UML state machine. Also as an alternative of class diagrams
Object role modeling can be used if you just want to model the classes and their relationships

Class Diagram for YCRS

Fig: 4.2 Class Diagram

UML Diagrams:
Actor:A logical set of roles that users of use cases play when interacting with the use cases.
Use case: A illustration of sequence of actions, including variants, that a system performs that

yields an observable result of value of an actor UML(Unified Modeling Language). UML is a
language for specify, visualize and documenting the system. This is the step in developing any
product after analysis. The goal from this is to manufacture a model of the entities involved in the
project which later need to be built. The representation of the entities that are to be used in the
product being produced need to be designed.

Use case diagrams model action within a system and support the developers understand of what the
user require. The stick man represents what‟s known as an actor.
Use case diagram can be convenient for getting an overall view of the system and explain who can
do and more importantly what they can‟t do.
Use case diagram made of use cases and actors and shows the communication between the use case
and actors.
• The desire is to show the communication between the use case and actor.
• To represent the system requirements from user‟s point of view.
• A actor could be the end-user of the system or an external system.

USECASE DIAGRAM: A Use case is a explanation of set of sequence of actions. Graphically it

is rendered as an ellipse with solid line which has only its name. Use case diagram is a behavioral
diagram that shows a set of use cases and actors and their links. It is an organization between the
use cases and actors. An actor shows a real-world object. Primary Actor – Sender. Secondary
Actor Receiver.

Use Case Diagrams:

Update Profile

Change Password


Add Classes

Manage Classes
(Update/Del Details)

Manage Pages(Update detail)

Manage Booking

Generate Report

Manage Enquiry

Search Booking
Fig 4.3 Use case diagram

Password Recovery


View Home Page

View Classes

Book Yoga Classes

View About Us

View Contact Us

Fig 4.3 USE case diagram










Fig 4.4 Use case of admin and user

Admin Table:(Table name is tbladmin)
This store admin personal and login details.
Here ID is primary key

Class Table: (Table name is tblclasses)

This table store the detail of yoga classes and their trainer.
Here ID is primary key

Booking Table: (Table name is tblbooking)

This table stores the detail of user booking who wants to take yoga session.
Here ID is primary key

Contact Table(table name tblcontact)
This table stores enquiry details.
Here ID is primary key

Pages Table(table name tblpage)

This table store about us contact us detail.

Here ID is primary key

Chapter 5 Coding

Chapter 5 Coding

Technology Used-

Following technologies that are used by Yoga Class Registration System is -


PHP is an open source scripting language which can be unified into HTML. The aim of
this language is to allow web developers to evolve dynamic pages quickly.

It is general-purpose programming language originally designed for web development.

It was at first created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994; the PHP instance of implementation
is now produced by The PHP Group. PHP at first stood for Personal Home Page, but it
now stands for the recursive initialism PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.

PHP can be used on all prime operating systems such as: Linux, Microsoft Windows,
Mac OS, etc. It also carry most of the nowadays used web servers. This covers Apache,
IIS and many others. From this you can understand that using PHP means freedom of
choosing an operating system at simultaneously with a web server. Furthermore, you
also have the choice of using object oriented programming or procedural programming.
With PHP you can not only produce HTML but also images, texts, pdf files, Flash
movies, etc. Other than this, it can keep them in the file system. One of the powerful
features in PHP is the support of different databases. Producing database driven web
pages is very easy using PHP.

The standard PHP interpreter, powered by the Zend Engine, is free software declared
under the PHP License. PHP has been widely ported and can be installed on most web
servers on almost every operating system and platform, free of charge.

MySQL is open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). Its name is
combination of "My", the name of co-founder Michael Widenius's daughter, and
"SQL", the symbol for Structured Query Language.

MySQL is a part of the XAMPP web application software stack (and others), which is
an acronym for Linux, Apache, MySQL, Perl/PHP/Python. MySQL is pre-owened by
many database-driven web applications, including Drupal, Joomla, phpBB, and
WordPress. MySQL is also pre-owned by many popular websites, including Facebook,
Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube.

MySQL is the famous open source database software. It is the greatest in amount
downloaded and distributed software. Since of speed, ease of use and reliability, it has
become thebest choice for Web, Web 2.0 and all IT Companies.


JavaScript frequently abbreviated as JS, is a high-level, interpreted programming

language that conforms to the ECMAScript specification. JavaScript has curly-bracket
syntax, the dynamic typing, prototype-based object-orientation, and first-class

JavaScript is an object scripting language which nowadays it is used in a large

amount of web pages, tablets, smart phones and server applications worldwide. The
basic syntax is similar to Java and C++. Language build such as: if statements, while
and for loops, switch and try catch blocks functions nearly same as in these two
languages. JavaScript can used as a procedural and an object oriented language.

As a multi-paradigm language, JavaScript supports event-driven, functional and

imperative programming. It has APIs for functioning with text, arrays, dates, regular
expressions, and the DOM, but the language itself does not include any I/O, such as
networking, storage, or graphics facilities. It relies upon the host environment in which
it is set to provide these features.


The documents on the Web are write down in the Hypertext Markup Language. HTML
documents carry content to be displayed, formatting instructions that inform the
browser how to display the contents of the document, and links to other documents.
HTML has evolved beside with browsers to achieve better visual presentations and
standardization. Web browsers read the HTML files and show or form them into web
pages. Tags are not displayed; however they are just used to explain the content of the

HTML provides the facility to HTML users to narrate the structure of pages. Html
narrate the structure of web pages. We can use HTML to:

 Publish online documents accompanied by headings, text, tables, lists, photos, etc.

 Retrieve online details via hypertext links, at the click of a button.

 Design forms for manage transactions with remote services, for use in searching
for information, making reservations, ordering products, etc.
 Includes spread-sheets, video clips, sound clips, and other applications directly.


CSS is a style sheet language which is used to narrate the presentation of a file written
markup language. Its function is mainly styling web pages which are written in
HTMLCSS is designed for enabling separation of file content, which is written in
HTML or any other markup language. It enhance content accessibility; it provides
more flexibility in the specification of presentation characteristics and reduces repetition
in the structural content. It is also used to allow web pages to be displayed other than
depending on the size of the screen in which is being viewed. CSS specifies also a
priority scheme where it decide which style rules should be applied if more than one
rule matches against a particular element. So, according to that, priorities are computed
and assigned to the rules.

The name cascading comes from the defined priority scheme to determine which style
rule applies if more than one rule matches a particular element. This cascading priority
scheme is foreseeble.


Bootstrap is a loose front-end framework for quickly and easier web development.
Bootstrap comprise HTML and CSS based design templates for typography, forms,
buttons, tables, navigation, modals, image carousels and many other, as well as optional
JavaScript plugins. Bootstrap also grant you the capability to easily create responsive
designs. Responsive means web design is about creating web sites which automatically
adjust themselves to look good on all devices, from small phones to large desktops.


XAMPP is a loose and open-source cross-platform web server solution stack package
developed by Apache Friends, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server, MariaDB
database, and interpreters for scripts write down in the PHP and Perl programming
languages. Since most actual web server deployments use the same components as
XAMPP, it makes conversion from a local test server to a live server possible.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="zxx">
<title>Yoga Classes Registration System | Home Page</title>

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<?php include_once('includes/header.php');?>
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<!-- Hero Section -->

<section class="hero-section">

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<div class="hs-item">
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items-xl-end align-items-lg-center">
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<div class="col-lg-6 d-flex align-items-center">
<div class="hs-text-warp">
<div class="hs-text">
<h2>Get slim and toned with yoga</h2>
<p>Yoga improves strength, balance and
Slow movements and deep breathing increase blood flow and warm up muscles, while
holding a pose can build strength. </p>

<div class="hs-item">
<div class="hs-style-3 text-center">
<div class="container">
<div class="hs-text">
<h2>Reduce your stress</h2>
<p>Yoga is a journey to finding that balance, both on
and off the mat. A yoga practice stretches and strengthens our bodies; it teaches
us to mindfully move and connect with our breath, which leads us to be mindful and
present in our daily tasks. It teaches us the freedom to be still and connects



<div class="hs-img">
<img src="img/hero-slider/3.png" alt="">
<!-- Hero Section end -->

<!-- About Section -->

<section class="about-section spad">
<div class="container">
<div class="section-title text-center">
<img src="img/icons/logo-icon.png" alt="">
<h2>Welcome to Yoga Classes</h2>
<p>Yoga is a journey to finding that balance, both on and off the
mat. A yoga practice stretches and strengthens our bodies; it teaches us to
mindfully move and connect with our breath, which leads us to be mindful and
present in our daily tasks. It teaches us the freedom to be still and connects
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-6">
<div class="about-img">
<img src="img/about.png" alt="">
<div class="col-lg-6">
<div class="about-item">
<div class="ai-icon">
<img src="img/icons/about-1.png" alt="">
<div class="ai-text">
<h4>Full Rejuvenation</h4>
<p>With the lockdown in effect and the extension of
curfews every now and then,
people have resolved to the good old-classic home
workout yoga..</p>
<div class="about-item">
<div class="ai-icon">
<img src="img/icons/about-2.png" alt="">

<div class="ai-text">
<h4>Extension of Spring</h4>
<p>Regular yoga practice may reduce levels of stress
and body-wide inflammation, contributing to healthier hearts</p>
<div class="about-item">
<div class="ai-icon">
<img src="img/icons/about-3.png" alt="">
<div class="ai-text">
<h4>Against Aging</h4>
<p>Yoga for seniors can help prevent the onset of
osteoporosis, which causes bones to become brittle or weak..</p>

<!-- About Section end -->

<!-- Classes Section -->

<section class="classes-section spad">
<div class="container">
<div class="section-title text-center">
<img src="img/icons/logo-icon.png" alt="">
<h2>Our Yoga Classes</h2>
<p>Practice Yoga to perfect physical beauty, take care of your
soul and enjoy life more fully!</p>

<div class="classes-slider owl-carousel">

$sql="SELECT * from tblclasses order by rand() limit 3";
$query = $dbh -> prepare($sql);

if($query->rowCount() > 0)

foreach($results as $row)
{ ?>
<div class="classes-item">

<div class="ci-img">
<img src="admin/images/<?php echo $row->YogaImages;?>"
<div class="ci-text">
<h4><a href="classes-details.php?viewid=<?php echo $row-
>ID;?>"><?php echo $row->TypeofClasses;?></a></h4>

<p>Fees: $<?php echo $row->Fees;?></p>

<p><?php echo substr([$row-
<div class="ci-bottom">
<div class="ci-author">
<img src="admin/images/<?php echo $row-
>ProfilePics;?>" alt="">
<div class="author-text">
<h6><?php echo $row->YogaTrainer;?></h6>
<p>Duration: <?php echo $row->ClassDuration;?></p>
<a href="book-yoga-sesion.php?cid=<?php echo $row->ID;?>"
class="site-btn sb-gradient">book now</a>

<?php $cnt=$cnt+1;}} ?>

<!-- Classes Section end -->

<!-- Trainer Section -->

<section class="trainer-section overflow-hidden spad">
<div class="container">
<div class="section-title text-center">
<img src="img/icons/logo-icon.png" alt="">
<h2>Our Trainer Yoga</h2>

<p>Practice Yoga to perfect physical beauty, take care of your
soul and enjoy life more fully!</p>
<div class="trainer-slider owl-carousel">
$sql="SELECT * from tblclasses order by rand() limit 2";
$query = $dbh -> prepare($sql);

if($query->rowCount() > 0)
foreach($results as $row)
{ ?>
<div class="ts-item">
<div class="trainer-item">
<div class="ti-img">
<img src="admin/images/<?php echo $row-
>ProfilePics;?>" alt="">
<div class="ti-text">
<h4><?php echo $row->YogaTrainer;?></h4>
<h6>Yoga Trainer</h6>
<p><i class="fa fa-mobile"></i>: <?php echo $row-
<div class="ti-social">
<a href="#"><i class="fa fa-facebook"></i></a>
<a href="#"><i class="fa fa-instagram"></i></a>
<a href="#"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a>
<a href="#"><i class="fa fa-linkedin"></i></a>
<?php $cnt=$cnt+1;}} ?>

<!-- Trainer Section end -->

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<?php include_once('includes/footer.php');?>
<!-- Footer Section end -->

<div class="back-to-top"><img src="img/icons/up-arrow.png" alt=""></div>

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<script src="js/main.js"></script>


Chapter 6 Testing

Chapter 6 Testing


Testing accomplishes a variety of things, but most importantly it measures the quality of
application that is developed. This view presupposes that there are defects in application
waiting to be discovered.

Testing plays a essential role in the success of the system. System testing makes the
logical assumptions that if all the parts of the system are correct, the goal will be
successfully achieved. Once program code has developed, testing begins. The testing
proves focuses on the logical internals of the application, ensuring that all statements
have been tested, and on the functional externals, that is conducting tests to uncover
error and ensure that define input will produce actual results that agrees with required


 Testing is a process of carry out a program with intent of finding an error.

 A good test case is one that has a high probability of finding an as–yet
trackless error.
 A successful test is one that uncovers an as–yet trackless error.

Types of Testing

 Unit Testing
 Integration Testing
 Validation testing
 System Testing

Unit Testing:In computer programming, unit testing is a verification and validation method
in which a programmer tests if smallest units of source code are fit for use. A unit is the little
testable part of an application. In procedural programming a unit may be an smallest function or

Test for the admin module

Testing admin login form-This form is pre-owned for log in of administrator of the system.
In this form we enter the username and password if both are correct administration page will open
otherwise if any of data is wrong it will get turn back to the login page and again ask the features.

Report Generation: admin can create report from the main database.

Integration Testing:It is is the phase in software testing in which little software modules are
combined and tested as a group. It takes place after unit testing and before system testing.
Integration testing take hold of as its input modules that have been unit tested, groups them in huge
aggregates, applies tests defined in an integration test plan to those aggregates, and brings as its output the
integrated system ready for system testing.

Validation testing -Validation testing is the process of determining whether a product, service, or
system meets specifications and serves its intended purpose. Validation is a quality assurance
procedure that establishes evidence that a product, service, or system meets its intended
requirements to a high degree of certainty. This frequently necessitates end-user acceptance of
suitability for purpose.

System Testing

Software or hardware system testing is testing performed on a completed, integrated

system to assess the system's conformance with its set requirements. System testing falls
under the category of black box testing, and as such, requires no understanding of the code
or logic's inner workings
.• System testing, in general, uses all "integrated" software components that have passed
integration testing, as well as the software system itself, which is integrated with any
relevant hardware system. The goal of integration testing is to detect any inconsistencies
between integrated software units or between any of the assemblies and the hardware.

6.1 Test cases

Step Test Case Prerequisite Step Expected Result Actual Result
No Name Description

1 Book All the fields Name All the fields must All the fields
Your must be filled. be filled. must be filled.
2 Book All the fields Email Please include „@‟ Please include
Your must be filled. in email address „@‟ in email
Session address
3 Admin All the fields Username Invalid details Invalid details
Login must be filled.
4 Admin All the fields password Invalid details Invalid details
Login must be filled.

Chapter 7 Snapshots

Chapter 7 Snapshots
Home Page

Main Index Page 7.1

Admin Panel
Admin Login Screen

Fig 7.3 Login Screen
Admin Dashboard

Fig 7.3 Admin Dashboard

Classes ->Add Classes

Fig 7.4 Add Class

Classes ->Manage Classes

Fig 7.5 Manage Class

Booking->New Booking

Fig 7.6 Booking New Booking

Booking->Approved Booking

Fig 7.7 Approved Booking
Booking->Cancelled Booking

Fig 7.8 Cancelled Booking

Fig 7.9 All Booking


Fig 7.10 Report

Enquiry Read Enquiry

Fig 7.11 Read Enquiry

Enquiry Unread Enquiry

Fig 7.12 Unread Enquiry

Enquiry All Enquiry

Fig 7.13 All enquiry

Search Booking

Fig 7.13 Search

About Us

Fig 7.14 About


Fig 7.15 Classes

Contact Us

Fig 7.16 Contact Us

Chapter 8 Conclusion

Chapter 8 Conclusion


Any yoga class or yoga institution can utilise this project to keep track of their pupils. This
project is simple, quick, and precise. It consumes less space on the hard drive. Because the
Yoga Classes Registration System employs the MYSQL Server as its backend, there is no
risk of data loss or security, and it also assists users in finding servicemen who meet their
needs in their own neighbourhood.
It makes entire process online and can generate reports.

Future updates to the application are simple to make. From the project's evolution, the
following conclusions may be drawn.

• Increased productivity is achieved by automating the entire system.

• It has a more user-friendly graphical user interface than the current system.
• It grants authorised users suitable access in accordance with their permissions.
• It successfully eliminates communication delays.
• It's a lot easier to keep information current.
• The aspects that stand out are system security, data security, and dependability.
• If future modifications are required, the System offers sufficient flexibility.










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