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Topic : Unhealthy lifestyles among Malaysians

Introduction : 1) A lifestyle in which a person is involve in activities that could bring

Negative impact to their health.
2) One of the major contributor to health issue in the world which is
growing at an alarming rate.
2) People are not concern about their health because they are busy
making money.
3) The rate of chronic diseases among Malaysians were reported to
increase gradually every year due to unhealthy lifestyle.
Main points :
1) Poor eating habits - Not having a balance diet. Consuming food which is high in
salt and sugar content. Eating less fruits and vegetables.
- The intake of junk food and fast fast food with excessive
coloring and flavoring.
- People which are busy working tend to skip their breakfast.
- Malaysians practice eating at late hours while spending their
time at ‘mamak’ stalls which operates 24hours.
1) Lack of physical activities - Many Malaysians spend most of their time engaged in
sedentary activities.
- For instance, sitting for long periods, watching
Television and playing mobile games.
- People don’t have enough time to exercise because
packed with busy scheduled.
- Develops the risk of cardiovascular disease including
obesity and high blood pressure.
2) Smoking habits - Smokers find that smoking is calming and satisfying
- The introduction of e-cigarettes increases the number of smokers
among youths.
- Many teens believe than vaping is less harmful than cigarettes.
- A way to feel ‘cool’.
3) Insufficient sleep - People are overwhelmed with busy scheduled till they don’t
have an adequate amount of sleep.
- People are obsessed with the usage of social media till they
are not concern about their health.
- It has also been linked to various health problems.

Conclusion : 1) There many effects of unhealthy lifestyle such as fall sick frequently,
weight issues, sleep deprivation and many more.
2) We are responsible for our own health, thus we should take baby steps
in order to improve our lifestyle to a better one.
3) Start to eliminate the bad habits which you used to do.
4) Parents should be a good role model to their children by cultivating good habits in
daily life.
5) Replace unhealthy foods with healthier one, get sufficient amount of sleep and
establish a plan to handle temptations that you face regularly.

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