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1. How do impulse transmission takes place in
neural network?
The transmission of a nerve impulse along a neuron
from one end to the other takes place because of the
electrical changes across the neurons.
Synapses are the nerve endings of neurons where the
neural impulses are transmitted between each neuron.
They contain a pre-synaptic ending, a synaptic cleft, and
a post-synaptic ending.
The neurotransmitters thus produced in the neuron,
cross the synaptic cleft and bind to receptors in the
postsynaptic ending.
They then stimulate an action potential in the
postsynaptic neuron.
The membrane of an unstimulated neuron is first
polarized which then creates a difference in electrical
charge between the outside and inside of the
Polarization is established by maintaining an excess of
sodium ions on the outside and an excess of potassium
ions on the inside.
2. Write applications of artificial neural
Facial Recognition 
o Stock Market Prediction
o social media
o Aerospace
o Defence Healthcare
o Signature Verification and Handwriting Analysis 
o Weather Forecasting

3. Describe brain and its parts.

The Human Brain

On average, an adult brain weighs between 1.0 kg – 1.5 kg.  It is mainly
composed of neurons – the fundamental unit of the brain and nervous
system. Recent estimates have suggested that the brain contains anywhere
between 86 billion to 100 billion neurons.
The brain, along with the spinal cord, constitutes the central nervous system. It
is responsible for thoughts, interpretation and origin of control for body

Parts of Human Brain

Forebrain – Largest part of the brain

It is the anterior part of the brain. The forebrain parts include:

 Cerebrum
 Hypothalamus
 Thalamus
 Forebrain Function: Controls the reproductive functions, body
temperature, emotions, hunger and sleep.

Midbrain: Smallest and central part of the brain

The midbrain consists of:

 Tectum
 Tegmentum

Hindbrain: The lower part of the brain

The hindbrain is composed of:

 Cerebellum
 Medulla
 Pons
Hindbrain functions: The three regions of the hindbrain coordinates all
processes necessary for survival. These induce breathing, heartbeat, sleep,
wakefulness and motor learning.

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