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Five Star Hotel Construction

WBS of five Star Hotel Construction:

1. Work break down structure has been divide into 6 main task and each main task has its
divide into sum main task in which first task has 500 task and other remaining 5 task have
900 tasks which are assumed.
2. First, main tasks is Place selection in which no labor is needed, the rest of 5 task have
equal distribution of labor in which each task has 300 labor.
3. The labor distribution is done according to shift, each task has 3 shift of 8hours and each
shift has 100 labor.
4. To complete each task on time, the labor are working according to shift they have been
assigned so maximum output can be obtained in less time.
5. If any task needs more labor so the task which has more labor than required labor, will be
shifted to the task which need more labor to continue the construction?
5 Star hotel Construction
1.1Place selection (500 Tasks) (no labor required
1.1.1Blue Area
1.1.3Approval of Pakistan authority

1.2Planning (900 tasks, 300 labors, 3 shifts of 8hrs)

1.2.1 Management Planning
1.2.4 Floor
1.2.5 Cost

1.3Material (900 tasks, 300 labors, 3 shifts of 8hrs)

1.3.1 Estimate
1.3.2 Supplier
1.3.3 Contract
1.3.4 Quantity Brisk Mud Concrete Sent Wood Iron Glass Marble
1.4 Management (900 tasks, 300 labors, 3 shifts of 8hrs)
1.5 Security (900 tasks, 300 labors, 3 shifts of 8hrs)
1.6 Machinery (900 tasks, 300 labors, 3 shifts of 8hrs)

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