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Innovative Work Behavior during COVID-19 for Medical Representatives in

the Pharmaceutical Industry: Test of a Moderation Model in Bahrain

Article · September 2020

DOI: 10.31838/ijpr/2020.12.04.277


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3 authors:

Saad Znad Darwish Umair Ahmed

The Kingdom University Arab Open University - Bahrain


Munwar Hussain Pahi

Indus University, Karachi


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ISSN 0975-2366
Research Article

Innovative Work Behavior during COVID-19 for Medical

Representatives in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Test of
a Moderation Model in Bahrain
Kingdom University, Bahrain. E-mail:
Arab Open University, Bahrain. E-mail:
College of Business Management, PAF-KIET University, Korangi Creek, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
Email ID:
Received: 01.04.20, Revised: 20.05.20, Accepted: 12.06.20

COVID-19 happened to be a pandemic, affecting billions of people across the globe. Parallel to all other sectors,
pharmaceutical businesses also faced several problems whereby MR faced the most due to strict social distancing
measures and individuals concerns. Resultantly, MR experienced hindrance in their sales and marketing efforts,
causing them to express burnout and lower engagement levels. Bearing the severity, the current study attempted
to investigate the issue to help facilitate the pharmaceutical industry to understand how they can effectively find a
way out to ensure medical reps continue to remain engaged with their work. Through applying structural
equation modelling, the study proposed and found the significance of social support resources towards work
engagement. Accordingly, the study also found a significant relationship between innovative work behavior and
work engagement. However, IWB did not pose any moderating effect on the associations of supervisor support,
coworker support with work engagement. The study forwards implications for policy and practice.
Keywords: Innovative Work Behavior, Work Engagement, Supervisor Support, Coworker Support, Moderation.

INTRODUCTION Satija, 2020) , thus causing deleterious effects on

COVID-19 has posed deleterious effects on nearly employees` positive behaviours and outcomes.
every industry and business sector and More importantly, this has also turned to be a
pharmaceutical industry is no exception. Medical major issue raising fears of job losses amongst
Representative (MR) in the pharmaceutical industry sales professionals and MR (Montenovo et al.,
have been facing challenges in contacting 2020). Notably, Scholars have outlined that,
healthcare providers (Kumar & Satija, 2020). MR engagement of employees with the work is critical
have been facing a variety of issues contacting during crisis period (Mani & Mishra, 2020; Chen et
healthcare providers and other concerned al., 2020). However, due to the COVID-19
individuals for sales efforts during this Pandemic Pandemic, very limited empirical evidences exist on
seemingly affecting their work behaviors and the role of management to enhance employees`
outputs (Bulik, 2020). To help address this critical work engagement during this period. In the future,
issue, researchers and organizational scholars the authors percieve it as a major issue requiring
need to step up and play their part to help the urgent empirical attention. The authors assert that
pharmaceutical industry to understand how MR` organizational entities such as pharmaceutical
positive work state can be maintained and industry that thrives on MR sales and marketing
enhanced during this critical time of COVID-19 efforts may end up with huge losses if objectives
Pandemic. resolutions are not provided to help them
overcome this challenging time.
Typically, maintaining connectivity, commitment OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
and immersion with the work becomes critical The current study aims to understand how
during crisis period (Mann & Harter, 2016). employes` work engagement can be enhanced
Therefore it is essential to understand how and during the critical COVID-19 Pandemic. To address
what could be done to ensure individual and this issue, the present study forwards the following
organizational goals are not compromised. With objectives:
effect on every business sector and activity (Bulik, a) To examine the impact of supervisor support
2020), the COVID-19 pandemic situation has on the work engagement of MR in the
made a greater deal of influence on millions pharmaceutical industry.
globally. In particular outdoor jobs such as MR in
the healthcare sector have been badly hit(Kumar &

1927| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Oct - Dec 2020 | Vol 12 | Issue4
Saad Darwish et al / Innovative Work Behavior during COVID-19 for Medical Representatives in the
Pharmaceutical Industry: Test of a Moderation Model in Bahrain

b) To assess the influence of coworker support on to have their employee’s indulgences during critical
the work engagement of MR in the times like COVID-19 Pandemics. Studies have
pharmaceutical industry. identified different issues that affect or enhance
c) To evaluate the impact of innovative work work engagement (Ahmed, 2019; Bakytgul, Ahmed
behaviour on the work engagement of MR in & Kim, 2019; Anitha, 2014). The current study
the pharmaceutical industry. attempts to work on highlighting how engagement
d) To test the moderating role of innovative work can be enhanced during the present critical time.
behaviour on the relationships between
supervisor support, coworker support and work Supervisor Support
engagement. Supervisor support refers to the general opinion
and belief that one`s supervisor cares about their
LITERATURE REVIEW staff well-being and appreciates their contribution
Critical appraisal of the literature outlines matters (Rhoades & EisenBerger, 2002). Studies have
that potentially obstruct workers in this field from described the impact of supervisor support in
performing and responsively and attaining work harnessing employee outcomes (e.g., Gordon et
goals. The JD-R model of work engagement al., 2019). Equally, when supervisors are not
outlines job resources as vital predictors of work supportive, it also leads to unhealthy consequences
engagement (Bakker & Damerouti, 2014). and prior studies have also underlined its
Numerous studies exist that have investigated the significance in boosting engagement (Alzyoud &
robustness of JD-R model and, on the antecedents, Odhiabo, 2019;Ahmed, et al., 2019; Barkhuizen,
it offers for predicting work engagement. Prior Rothmann, & Van de Vijver, 2014; Swanberg et al.,
research has underlined that job resources such as 2011). Likewise, a noted study by Saks (2006)
supervisor support and coworker support can explains the engagement and support towards
significantly predict work engagement (Bakker, enhancing work engagement and how it can play a
Schaufeli, Leiter & Taris, 2008; Bakker & noteworthy role in furthering performance at work.
Demerouti, 2008). Accordingly, Innovative work Prominently, study on 245 firefighters by Rich,
behavior has recently attracted scholarly attention Lepine, and Crawford (2010) found that a
as it boosts their psychological processes to give perception about supervisory support significantly
better results (Afsar, Cheema & Saeed, 2017). increases work engagement. This indicates that
Furthermore, innovative work behavior caters employees` perceiving positive remarks from their
employees to engage in innovatively useful immediate supervisor`s make them feel more
approaches and techniques at the workplace (Farr energetic, equipped, and well engaged at work
& Ford, 1990). Keeping this evidence at hand, the (Alzyoud & Odhiabo, 2019). Perceptions of
present study assumes that these resources will be employees about the organization are of
critical to help facilitate MR. Further to express considerable importance as they depict the actual
engagement with their work during the current comparison of what is provided by the company
crucial time of COVID-19 with all restrictions, and what is received by the employees at the end
limitations, and problems in place. (Shadur, Kienzle, & Rodwell, 1999). The growing
research stream highlights that the fairness of
Work Engagement perceptions of an employee regarding
Work engagement is a positive work-based state organizations and what they offer exerts a strong
that brings energy, passion and immersion in work influence on employees` behavior and reaction at
(Schaufeli et al., 2002). People who are engaged work (Kuvaas, 2008). Thus, we posit that, similar to
with work have better performance and productivity other instances, supervisor support during the
(Bakker, 2011). Studies have reported that critical period of COVID-19 will also be significant
engaged people feel pleasant about work to the in helping medication representative maintain their
extent that it becomes fun for them (Gorgievski, engagement at work.
Bakker, & Schaufeli, 2010). The sense of
connectivity, immersion and absorption in the work Coworker Support
enables engaged employees to give their best in Likewise, coworker support signifies the amount of
work without any compromise. According to Bakker support an employee perceives at work from
(2011) engaged employees tend to have more colleagues (Ducharme & Martin, 2000). Typically,
psychological presence and openness to work, support from colleagues at work plays an
process and people. This results in making them to instrumental role in furthering individual
be more focused on how they work. Notably, prior capabilities to work better. Job places whereby,
literature suggests that engagement also boosts indivduals receive encouraging support from
individual efficacy and resilience at work (Bakker & cowkers, appreciation for their efforts and
Scheufeli, 2008). We argue that it is potentially the assistance when in need showcase more confident
most viable element that organizations would need behaviours when faced with work crisis.

1928| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Oct - Dec 2020 | Vol 12 | Issue4
Saad Darwish et al / Innovative Work Behavior during COVID-19 for Medical Representatives in the
Pharmaceutical Industry: Test of a Moderation Model in Bahrain

Hence, they experience immersion in work that positive behaviors can be considered as
(Karatepe, Keshavarz, & Nejati, 2010). resources (Xanthopoulou et al., 2007; Hobfoll,
According to Anitha (2014) that coworker support 1989), for individuals thus pushing them to
helps employees experience a sense of connectivity capitalize on the available resources to enhance
and nurtures friendly work environment which is their outcomes further. Therefore, we also argue
essentially crucial for harnessing work wellbeing. in that innovative work behavior may not only
other words, coworkers help, support and influence engagement directly, but it may also help
facilitation can make a healthy contribution MR further improve their social support resource
towards enabling employees to bring their best in usage to boost engagement levels.
work, in other words, predicting engagement
(Caesens, Stinglhamber & Lyupaert, 2014). RESEARCH HYPOTHESES
Overall, these studies have confirmed the Based on the critical appraisal of the literature, the
promising nature and influence of coworker present study asserts that supervisor support,
support towards predicting work engagement. coworker support and employees innovative work
These studies have underlined that coworkers can behaviour will yield a positive impact on MR` work
actively keep each other engaged at work through engagement. For this, the current study forwards
supporting, acknowledging and facilitating; thus, the following hypothesis for testing:
this conception outlines the critical nature and H1: There will be a positive relationship between
importance of coworkers. In addition, the evidence supervisor support and medial representatives`
to this is understandable and it leads towards work engagement
comprehending that coworker support is an H2: There will be a positive relationship between
immediate, first-hand social support, and coworker support and medial representatives` work
significant. In the future, we speculate that engagement
coworker support will be equally or, rather more H3: There will be a positive relationship between
crucial for medical representative to cope with the Innovative work behavior and medical
pressing situation of COVID-19 to ensure that their repesentatives` work engagement.
engagement with the work is not affected. H4a: Innovative work behavior will moderate the
relationship between supervisor support and
Innovative Work Behavior medical representatives` work engagement
Critical times bring innovation, which serves as a H4b: Innovative work behavior will moderate the
critical lifeline for businesses in particular. Similarly, relationship between coworker support and
the healthcare sector is also dependent on medical representatives` work engagement
innovation and creative work practices (Chang &
Liu, 2008). Thus, the innovative work behavior of METHODOLOGY
the medical representative appears to be able to Instrumentation and Sampling
survive and sustain the toughest times the world Work engagement was assessed through
has ever come across. Innovative work behavior employing the 9-item Utrecht Work Engagement
has recently attracted scholarly attention as it Scale (UWES) (Schaufeli, Bakker & Salanova,
boosts their psychological processes to give better 2006). It contains nine positively stated items and it
results (Afsar, Cheema & Saeed, 2017). Innovative is very much adopted for investigating and studying
work behavior caters to employees engaging in work engagement. The scale has been verified to
innovatively useful approaches and techniques at have a considerable amount of construct validity
the workplace (Farr & Ford, 1990). Innovative work (Anitha et al., 2014). Accordingly, supervisor
behavior (IWB) looks into four aspects that appear support was assessed through the adaption of the
to be essentially vital for performance prospects 9-item scale by Van Veldhoven and Meijman
during critical times such as the current COVID-19 (1994). In parallel, coworker support were
Pandemic. These are, problem identification, idea investigated through the adaption of the 9-item
generation, promotion and realization (Janssen, scale by Van Veldhoven and Meijman (1994).
2000). All these factors help employees to perform Finally, innovative work behavior was examined via
well in doing their routine tasks responsively. 10-items scale De Jong and Den Hartog (2010).
Innovative work behavior of an employee energizes Five-point Likert scale was used which ranged
them to focus on the problems to resolve through between strongly agree to strongly disagree.
generating ideas (Scott & Bruce, 1994). This Four major hospitals were approached to target
appears to be highly significant for MR in the MR for the study. Therein, the m anagement
current COVID-19 crisis to understand and outline authorities were requested to facilitate the process
ways through which they can effectively manage to reach out to the MR coming to visit doctors for
their vigor, dedication and absorption towards sales and marketing of medicines and other
work (engagement) to fulfill their sales and aligned products and services during the months of
marketing targets. Equally, prior evidence suggests April and May 2020. A total of 136 representatives

1929| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Oct - Dec 2020 | Vol 12 | Issue4
Saad Darwish et al / Innovative Work Behavior during COVID-19 for Medical Representatives in the
Pharmaceutical Industry: Test of a Moderation Model in Bahrain

were handed questionnaires out of which, 128 Hair et al., 2016). The study followed the two-step
were received. Therein, five were discarded. As a approach as recommended (Hair et al., 2016;
result of this effort, 123 questionnaire data was Becker et al., 2012) and utilized by research in the
taken further for final analysis and interpretation. social sciences domain (Phankhong, Bakar &
The overall response rate for the study is 90.4 Poespowidjojo, 2020; Umrani et al., 2019). The
percent. first stage caters to the assessment of psychometric
properties of the conceptual model whereby, stage
Data Analysis two looks into examining the significance of the
Structural equation modeling using Smart PLS 3.2 path coefficients (Hair et al., 2016)
was used to analyze the data (Ringle et al., 2012;

Fig.1: Measurement Model

Table 1: Loadings, AVE, CR and R-square

Item loadings AVE CR R-square

IWB 0.525 0.917
IWB1 0.780
IWB2 0.659
IWB3 0.717
IWB4 0.785
IWB5 0.681
IWB6 0.745
IWB8 0.720
IWB9 0.697
SC 0.552 0.898
SC1 0.693
SC2 0.714
SC3 0.786
SC4 0.762
SC5 0.754
SC6 0.732
SC7 0.728
SC8 0.768
SC9 0.746
SS 0.547 0.858
SS1 0.784
SS2 0.784
SS3 0.688
SS6 0.759
SS7 0.676

1930| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Oct - Dec 2020 | Vol 12 | Issue4
Saad Darwish et al / Innovative Work Behavior during COVID-19 for Medical Representatives in the
Pharmaceutical Industry: Test of a Moderation Model in Bahrain

WE 0.504 0.890 0.474

WE1 0.679
WE2 0.777
WE3 0.754
WE4 0.651
WE5 0.643
WE6 0.677
WE7 0.788
WE8 0.691

Table 1 and figure 1 show the results of the and ranged between 0.5 to 0.7. Second, the
measurement model outlining individual item composite reliability coefficients also as per Hair et
loadings, average variance extracted, composite al. (2016) turned out to be 0.7 and above. Lastly,
reliability and R-square. The requirement of the the results also confirmed considerable average
measurement model and cross loadings based on variance extracted (AVE) ranging between 0.5 to
the suggestion of Hair et al. (2016), were examined 0.54; thus, meeting the psychometric properties of
with a cutoff off of 0.5 or above. Table 1 and the model.
figure 1 show that all items fulfilled the requirement

Table 2: Discriminant Validity

1 2 3 4
Coworker Support 0.743
Innovative Work Behavior 0.598 0.724
Supervisor Support 0.724 0.524 0.740
Work Engagement 0.604 0.512 0.649 0.710

Present study also measure discriminant validity. and indicated that correlations among the
According to Fornell and Larcker (1981) that AVE variables were compared with square root of the
constructs should be higher than correlation than average variances extracted. Table 2 confirmed
other constructs of the measurement model. that square root of the AVE extracted were all
Discriminant validity was determined using greater than the correlations among latent
Average Variance Extracted (AVE) measurement constructs
model. Table 2 show discriminant validity test result

Fig.2: Structural Model

Structural Model Results

Relationship Beta - T-value P-Values
CS -> WE 0.195 2.728 0.007
IWB -> WE 0.174 3.187 0.002
Moderating Effect 1 -> WE -0.024 0.325 0.746
Moderating Effect 2 -> WE 0.005 0.076 0.939
SS -> WE 0.412 6.868 0.000

1931| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Oct - Dec 2020 | Vol 12 | Issue4
Saad Darwish et al / Innovative Work Behavior during COVID-19 for Medical Representatives in the
Pharmaceutical Industry: Test of a Moderation Model in Bahrain

Structural model results presented in table 3 and supervisor support and coworker support with work
figure 2 outline significant relationship between engagement. Plausible reasons could be the strong
supervisor support and work engagement, thus direct relationships between these constructs thus
accepting hypothesis 1 (beta 0.412, t-value, 6.868, limiting the need or significance of IWB for any
p-value 0.000). Accordingly, coworker support and further enrichment. However, we encourage further
work engagement of medical representative in the empirical studies before confirming these results for
pharmaceutical industry also concluded with objective understanding of the interaction effect of
significant association thus, accepting hypothesis 2 innovative work behavior.
(beta 0.195, t-value, 2.728, p-value 0.007).
Equally, innovative work behavior also posed a IMPLICATIONS FOR THEORY AND PRACTICE
significant association with work engagement as Theoretical Implications
proposed in hypothesis 3 (beta 0.174, t-value The current study forwards the four main
3.187 and p-value 0.002). However, moderation implications for theory. First, the study has
results did not land any support to the interaction confirmed the underpinning of conservation of
effects of innovative work behavior on the resources theory (Hobfoll, 1989) underlining how
associations between supervisor support, coworker employees value resources at work both, personal
support and work engagement thus rejecting and job based and their relationship with
hypothesis 4a (beta -0.024, t-value 0.325, p-value enhancing their psychological wellbeing at work.
0.746) and 4b (beta 0.005 t-value- 0.076 p-Value Second, the study has confirmed the role of
0.939). supervisor and coworkers support towards
engagement. Third, the study has added literature
DISCUSSION towards innovative work behavior and work
The current study attempted to examine how MR engagement relationship. Fourth, the study
during the critical COVID-19 situation can maintain indicated towards the possibility of IWB as a
their psychological wellbeing at work. Therein, the moderating factor which is advised for further
study attempted to empirically test and outline how empirical attention.
the pharmaceutical industry can work to help their
MR enhance and maintain their engagement with Practical Implications
work while working in the face of this pandemic The present study also forwards four main practical
situation. The study found that, supervisor support implications. First, the study has underlined the
can significantly enhance medical`s acute role of social support resources to keep
representatives` work engagement. The findings employees engaged even during critical times like
are parallel to prior work on the relationship (Rich, COVID-19. This finding in relation to MR imply the
Lepine, & Crawford, 2010). The finding suggest pharmaceutical industry to spread awareness
when supervisor support, appreciates efforts and amongst individuals with supervisory duties to
recognizes employee in their work, it helps them to recognize, appreciate and facilitate MR so that they
enhance their connectivity, vigor and absorption can put the best efforts at work. Similarly,
towards the work thus, predicting engagement. pharmaceutical giants also need to work on ways
Similarly, the study found significant impact of to harness a good colleague relationship amongst
coworker support in furthering work engagement the MR and work on enhancing it further. Training
amongst MR in the pharmaceutical industry. The and other collaborative initiatives may be arranged
finding in parallel to prior empirical evidences in order to help them develop a strong
(Anitha, 2014; Caesens, Stinglhamber & Lyupaert, colleagueship amongst them. Third, the study has
2014), suggesting that similar to conventional work forwards implications based on the empirical
situations, employees including medical significance of innovative work behavior and work
representative can obtain a great deal of work engagement relationship. The findings imply
wellbeing through appreciation, recognition and pharmaceutical companies to encourage and
support from their coworkers which ultimately promote an innovative culture and recognize and
results in predicting work engagement. appreciate any efforts noticed in this regard for
Accordingly, the study found significant impact of best performance and employee behaviors during
innovative work behavior toward furthering pandemics. Lastly, findings also imply policymakers
employees` work engagement. The results have in the pharmaceutical industry to understand how
confirmed the empirical assertions of previous engagement is essentially important in the current
studies (Afsar, Cheema & Saeed, 2017; Scott & scenario and how they can work on ways to
Bruce, 1994), hence highlighting how employees promote social support and encouragement for
innovative way of working can help them to innovative work behaviors for the same.
perform well with immersion and vigor even during Conclusively, these findings serve as notable pieces
pandemics. On the contrary, innovative work of learnings for the pharmaceutical industry to
behavior failed to moderate the associations of

1932| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Oct - Dec 2020 | Vol 12 | Issue4
Saad Darwish et al / Innovative Work Behavior during COVID-19 for Medical Representatives in the
Pharmaceutical Industry: Test of a Moderation Model in Bahrain

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1934| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Oct - Dec 2020 | Vol 12 | Issue4

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