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First of all, I am deeply thankful to my Biology

teacher Madam Sangeeta for extending his valuable

and scholarly guidance throughout the preparation

of this project.

I wish to extend my sincere thanks to Mr Raghumani

respected Principal,Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Bishnupur

Manipur for his continuous motivation and moral support

for completing the work.

I am also thankful to all my respected teachers,

library staff, office staff and staff members of the

Biology Laboratory of the school. I am also thankful to the

teachers and staff members of the department of

Biology for extending their humonitarian and scholastic

assistance in finding out the solutions of some query

during my work.

Lost but no the least I am indebted to my friends, classmates

and parents for encouraging,and never let me down in my

confidence while completing the project.

This is to certify that Moirangthem
Joel singh of class XII (Science) of Jawahar
Navodaya Vidyalaya Bishnupur,Manipur
has completed the Investigatory Project
in Biology titled "ACQUIRED IMMUNO
under the supervision and guidance of
Biology Teacher MadamSangeeta during
the year 2022-23.
The progress of the project has been
continuously reported and has been in
my knowledge consistently.
........................... ...............................
In the accomplishment of this project successfully many people have
bestowed on me their blessings and their Immense support.
I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my Teacher Madam
sangeeta PGT(Biology) as well as our principal Mr Raghumani who gave me
the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic "Acquired
Immuno Deficiency Syndrome -AIDS" Which also helped me in doing a lot of
research and I came to know about so many new things. Secondly I would
also like to thank my parents and my Friends who helped me a lot in finalizing
this project within the given time.
I would like to thank all the people who had helped me directly

or indirectly during the completion of this project.

Class: XII science


2. Causes of AIDS
3. Symptoms of HIV- AIDS
4. Diagnose of AIDS
5. Treatment of HIV- AIDS
6. Recent development in AIDS Treatment
7. HIV Prevention
8. Conclusion
9. Hypothesis
10. Bibliography
Acquired Immuno Deficiency
AIDS {Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or
immunodeficiency syndrome) is a syndrome caused by a virus called HIV
(Human Immunodeficiency Virus). The illness alters the immune system,
making people much more vulnerable
to infectionsand diseases. This
susceptibility worsens as the
HIV is found in the body
fluids of an infected
person (semen and vaginal
fluids, blood and breast
milk). The virus is passed
from one person to another
through blood to- blood
and sexual contact, in
addition, infected pregnant women can pass HIV to their babies during
pregnancy, delivering the baby during childbirth, and through breast feeding,
HIV can be transmitted in many ways, such as vaginal, oral sex, anal sex,
blood transfusion, and contaminated hypodermic needles.

The red ribbon is the worldwide symbol of support and

Awareness for people living with HIV."
Both the virus and the syndrome are often referred to together as
HIV/AIDS. People with HlV have what is called HlV infection. As a
result, some will then develop AIDS.
The development of numerous opportunistic infections in an AIDS
patient can ultimately lead to death.
According to research, the origins of HIV date back to the late
nineteenth or early twentieth century in west-central Africa. AIDS
and its cause, HIV, were first identified and recognized in the early
There is currently no cure for HIV or AIDS. Treatments can slow the
course of the condition - some infected people can live a long and
relatively healthy life.
• HIV is the virus which attacks the T-cells in the immune
• AIDS is the syndrome which appears in advanced stages of
HIV infection.
• HIV is a virus.
• AIDS is a medical condition
HIV infection causes AIDS to develop. However, it is possible to be
infected with HIV without developing AIDS. Without treatment, the
HlV infection is allowed to progress and eventually It will develop
into AIDS in the vast majority of cases
HIV testing can identify infection in the early stages. This allows the
patient to use prophylactic (preventive) drugs which will slow the
rate at which the virus replicates, delaying the onset of AIDS.
AIDS patients still have the HIV virus and are still infectious.
Someone with AIDS can pass HIV to someone else.
Causes of HIV/AIDS
HIV is a retrovirus that infects the vital organs of the human
immune system. The virus progresses in the absence of
antiretroviral therapy. The rate of virus progression varies widely
between individuals and depends on many factors (age of the
patient, body's ability to defend against HIV, access to health care,
existence of coexisting infections, the infected person's genetic
inheritance, resistance to certain strains of HIV).
• HIV can be transmitted through:
• Sexual transmission It can happen when there is contact with infected
sexual secretions (rectal, genital or oral mucous membranes}. This can
happen while having unprotected sex, including vaginal, oral and anal
sex or sharing sex toys with someone infected with HIV.
• Prenatal transmission The mother can pass the infection on to her child
during childbirth, pregnancy, and also through breastfeeding.
• Blood transmission. The risk of transmitting HIV through blood
transfusion is nowadays extremely low in developed countries, thanks to
meticulous screening and precautions. Among drug users, sharing and
reusing syringes contaminated with HI ^infected blood is extremely
Haw HlV/AfPS ?

Symptoms of HIV and AIDS

What Is the difference between a sign and a symptom?
A sign is something other people, apart from the patient can detect,
such as a swelling, rash, or change in skin colour, A symptom is
something only the patient feels and describes, such as a headache,
fatigue, or dizziness. For the most part, the symptoms of HiV are the
result of infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.
These conditions do not normally develop in individuals with
healthy immune systems, which protect the
Symptoms of early HIV infection
Many people with HIV have no symptoms for several
years. Others may develop symptoms similar to flu,
usually two to six weeks after catching the virus.
The symptoms can last up to four weeks.
* Symptoms of early HIV infection may Include:
Asymptomatic HIV infection
In many cases, after the initial symptoms disappear, there will
not be any further symptoms for many years. During this time,
the virus carries on developing and damages the immune
system. This process can take
Late-stage HIV infection

If left untreated, HIV weakens the ability to fight infection. The

person becomes vulnerable to serious illnesses. This stage of
infection is known as AIDS.
* Symptoms of late-stage HIV infection may include;
1. blurred vision
2. diarrhoea, which is usually persistent or chronic
3. dry cough
4. fever of above 37C (100F) lasting for weeks
5. night sweats
6. permanent tiredness
7. shortness of breath
8. swollen glands lasting for weeks
9. weight loss
10. white spots on the tongue or mouth
During late-stage HIV infection, the risk of developing a life-
threatening illness is much greater. Examples include;
1. esophagitis (an inflammation of the lining of the lower end of
the oesophagus)
2. infections to the nervous system (acute aseptic meningitis,
sub acute encephalitis, peripheral neuropathy
3. pneumonia
Some cancers, such as Kaposi's sarcoma, invasive cervical
cancer, lung cancer, rectal carcinomas, hepatocellular carcinomas,
head and neck cancers, cancers of the immune system known as
1. Toxoplasmosis (a disease caused by a parasite that infects
the brain. It can also cause disease in the eyes and lungs)
2. tuberculous
3. Life-threatening illnesses maybe controlled and treated with
proper HIV treatment.
Diagnosis of HIV/AIDS
A 2011 report Issued by the CDC (Centres for Disease Control and Prevention},
USA. found that about 1 in every 5 HIV-positive Americans is

Blood test
Diagnosis is made through a blood
test that screens specifically for the
If the HIV virus has been found, the
result is "positive The blood is
several times before a positive result is
given to the patient.For those whose tests came back
positive, they will be asked to undergo
some other tests to see how the infection has progressed, and also
to decide when to start treatment.
If a person has been exposed to the virus, it is crucial that they get
tested as soon as possible. The earlier HIV is detected, the more
likely the treatment will be successful Also, precautions can be
taken to prevent the virus from spreading to other people.
An enzymedinked immunosorbent assay- also called £LISA or EIA,
is a test that detects and measures antibodies in your blood. This
test can be used to determine if you have antibodies related to
certain infectious conditions. Antibodies are proteins that your
body produces in response to harmful substances called antigens.
An ELISA test may be used to
o HIV, which causes AIDS
o Lyme disease
o pernicious anaemia o Rocky Mountain
spotted fever {RMSF) o Rotavirus
o squamous cell carcinoma o syphilis o toxoplasmosis Varicella-
zoster virus, which causes chicken pox and shinglesELISA is
often used as a screening tool before more in-depth tests are
ordered A doctor may suggest this test if you're having signs or
How the Test Is Performed
The ELISA test is simple and straightforward You'll
probably need to sign a consent form, and your doctor
should explain the reason for doing the test. The ELISA
test involves taking a sample of your blood. First, a
healthcare provider will cleanse your arm with an
antiseptic. Then, a tourniquet, or band, will be applied
around your arm to create pressure and cause your veins
to swell with blood. Next, a needle will be placed in one of
your veins to draw a small sample of blood. When enough
biood has been collected, the needle will be removed and a
small bandage will be placed on your arm where the needle
was. You'll be asked to elevate your arm and place
pressure on it with gauze to reduce blood flow. This
procedure should be relatively painless, but your arm may
throb a little after the procedure.
The blood sample will be sent to a laboratory for analysis,
in the lab, a technician adds the sample to a Petri dish
containing the specific antigen related to the condition for
which you are being tested. If your blood contains
antibodies to the antigen, the two will bind
together. The technician will check this by
adding an enzyme to the Petri dish and
observing how your blood and the antigen
react. You may have the condition if the
contents of the dish change colour. How
much change the enzyme causes allows
the technician to. Determine the presence
and amount of antibody.
Ultra-sensitive HIV sensor
Scientists from Imperial College London
reported in Nature
Nanotechnology (October 2012 issue) that they have
developed an extremely sensitive sensor that detects viral
infections, including HIV. They say the sensor is ten times
more sensitive at detecting an HIV biomarker that anything
else on the market today; it is also extremely cheap The

Recent developments on HIV

Genetic changes identified that make HIV elusive to drugs

Scientists have identified two locations where slight differences in
genetic code can change the way human immunodeficiency virus
infects cells - a change associated with worsening symptoms and
resistance to antiretroviral drugs
Scripps team lays 'spectacular1 foundations for HIV vaccine "A leap
forward" has been made to develop a vaccine against HIV, claim
the authors of two new studies that are published concurrently in
the journals Ceil and Sconce.
Latent HIV cells only ‘wake up^once a week after antiretroviral
therapy, study finds
A new study published in P£OS Pathogens provides new insight
into how often HIV cells ' wake up'1 among individuals undergoing
antiretroviral therapy for the virus, bringing researchers one step
closer to getting patients off the treatment for good and into
Vaginal ring reducesjisk of_HIV by up to 61%
A vaginal ring can safely provide some protection against HIV
infection by continuously releasing an experimental antiretroviral
drug, say findings published in the New England Journal of
Treatments for HIV/AIDS

Earlier HIV antiretroviral treatment is crucial - it improves quality of

life, extends life expectancy and reduces the risk of transmission,
according to the World Health Organization s guidelines issued in
June 2013. When an HIV-positive adults CD4 cell count is 500
cells/mm3 or lower they should start treatment immediately.
According to Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General "These
guidelines represent another leap ahead in a trend of ever higher
goals and ever greater achievements. With nearly 10 million people
now on antiretroviral therapy, we see that such prospects -
unthinkable just a few years ago — can now fuel the momentum
needed to push the HIV epidemic into Currently, there is no
vaccine or cure for HIV/AIDS. Gut treatments have evolved which
are much more efficacious - they can improve patients' general
health and quality of life considerably.
Emergency HIV pills
If an individual believes they have been exposed to the virus within
the last 72 hours (three days), anti-HIV medication, called PEP
(post-exposure prophylaxis) may stop infection. The treatment
should be taken as soon as possible after contact with the virus.
PEP is a very demanding
treatment lasting four weeks. It
is also associated with
unpleasant side effects
(diarrhoea, malaise,
nausea,weakness and
fatigue).After a positive HIV
regular blood tests are necessaryto monitor the progress of the
virus before starting treatment The therapy is designed to reduce
the level of HIV in the blood.

Antiretroviral drugs
HIV is treated with antiretroviral (ARVs). The treatment fights the
HIV infection and slows down the spread of the virus in the body
Generally, patients take a combination of medications called
HAART (highly active antiretroviral therapy).
The combination of drugs is adapted to each individual. HIV
treatment is usually permanent and lifelong. HIV treatment is based
on routine dosage. Pills must be taken on a regular schedule, every
time. Common side effects include nausea, fatigue, diarrhea, skin
rashes, moodiness, alterations to the adipose (fat) tissue, birth
Antifungal cream Ciclopirox may help eradicate HIV
• researchers at the Rutgers New Jersey Medical School reported in
the journal P£oS ONE that Ciclopirox, a widely used antifungal
cream, as well as Deferiprone, a medication used to remove excess
iron from the body, eradicate HIV in cultured cells. They added that
when treatment stops, the virus does not return.

Complementary or alternative medicine

Although widely used, alternative/tomplementary medications,
such has herbal ones, have not been proven to be effective or
ineffective. According to some limited studies, mineraj or vitamin
supplements may provide some benefits. Patients are urged to
discuss these options with their doctors. New_cIue.towards an
AIDS vaccine
The outer shell of HIV has
a vulnerable spot, which
enabled two HIV' positive
people to make antibodies
powerful enough to kill off
the majority of HIV types
known globally.
A glycan, a form of sugar,
in a specific parton theprotein coat that covers HIV (location known
as "position 332*) is a vulnerable spot that allows the body to
mount an effective attack using broadly neutralizing antibodies.
The scientists, from the University of the Witwatersrand,
Johannesburg, South Africa, said their discovery offers new clues
about stimulating the body to produce 'broadly neutralising
antibodies". They believe these antibodies are key for making an
AIDS vaccine, because they destroy most of the HIV types around
the world. They published their findings in Nature Medicine (21
October, 2012 issue). April 2013 - A step closer to an HIV vaccine
A team led by scientists from the Duke H uman Vaccine Institute,
and the NIH accine Research Center say they have charted a new
route that may help develop a vaccine which boosts an individual's
ability to destroy HIV. They published their findings in the journal
Nature (April 2013 issue).
Barton F. Haynes, M.D., John MasccHa, M.D. and team studied an
HIV infected patient whose immune system attacked the virus,
allowing them to describe the co-evolution of the antibodies.
HIV has proven especially difficult in inducing an antibody
response, making it very hard to develop a vaccine. As soon as Hiv
antibodies are produced, the virus changes rapidly to avoid them.

Recent developments in HIV treatment

New drugs reawakenjatent HIV to eradicate virus
A new study suggests a class of drugs already being tested in
dlnical trials for the treatment of cancer may also hold the key to
complete eradication of HIV. STRUCTURE OFTHE HUMAN

Alcoholism drug could help cure HIV, study finds

A drug used to treat alcoholism - called dtsulfiram - could bring us
closer to a cure for HI v, according to the results of a new study led
by researchers from the University of Melbourne in Australia
HIV vaccine possibility following study of'antibodies with

A new study suggests it may be possible to induce a rapid anti-HlV

immune response in une^posed people by developing a vaccine
that triggers antibodies containing loop-like structures.

HIV antibody therapy looks promising

A new study of the effects of a new antibody treatment suggests it
may offer a long-term solution for the control of HIV.

HIV Prevention
To prevent being infected with HIV, healthcare professionals advice
precautions related to:
Unprotected Sex
Having sex without a condom can put a person at risk of being
infected with HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
HIV can be spread by having unprotected sex (vaginal, oral and
anal sex), it can also be caught from sharing sex toys with
someone infected with HIV.
Drug Abuse and Needle Sharing
Intravenous drug use is an impo
factor in HIV transmission in developed countries. Sharing needles can expose
users to HIV and other viruses, such as hepatitis C. Strategies such as needle-
exchange program are used to reduce the infections caused by drug abuse s

Body Fluid Exposure

Exposure to HIV can be controlled by employing precautions to reduce the risk
of exposure to contaminated blood. At all times, health care workers should
use barriers (gloves, masks, protective eyewear, shields, and gowns).
Frequent and thorough washing of the skin immediately after being
contaminated with blood or other bodily fluids can reduce the chance of
Anti-HIV medicines can harm the unborn child. But an effective treatment plan
can prevent HIV transmission from mother to baby. Precautions have frs ho
("sLari! in rirntorf tho huhi/r haslth Plio lih/onj thrniicih rioEirain

A study by scientists from Columbia University, New York, found that

breastfeeding for 6+ months with antiretroviral therapy could help reduce
mother-to-child HIV transmission as well as improve chances of infant's

Health education is an important factor in reducing risky behaviour

Managing HIV
Adherence. HIV treatment b effective if the patient Is committed and constant
in taking the medication on time. Missing even a few doses will jeopardize the
treatment A daily methodical routine has to be programmed to fit the treatment
plan around the patient's lifestyle and schedule. "Adherence" is sometimes
known as "compliance".
General Health.1t is crucial for patients to take medication correctly and take
steps to avoid illness. Patients should seek to improve their general health and
reduce the risk of falling ill by practicing regular exercise, healthy eating, and
not smoking.
Additional precautions HIV-infected people should be extra cautious to
prevent exposure to infection. They should be careful around animals, avoid
coming into contact with cat litter, animal feces. Meticulous and regular
washing of hands is recommended.
Long-term condition. HIV is a lasting condition, and therefore patients have to
be in regular contact with their healthcare team Treatment plan is reviewed
Psychological. Common misconceptions about AIDS/ HIV are diminishing
However, the stigma of the condition persists in many parts of the world.
People infected with the virus may feel excluded, rejected, discriminated and
isolated. Being diagnosed with HIV can be very distressing, and feelings of
anxiety or depression are common. If you feel anxious or have symptoms of
depression, seek medical help immediately

After studying the cause and effects of 'AIDS' from different views, we
conclude that it is a pandemic disease. It is mainly spreading sexually and
person of the age group of 25-45 years are the mast affected group. There are
some methods like 'Antiviral Therapy' and Immuno Simulative therapy which
bring some hope that even then no specific treatment has been found so for
and morality form is virtually 100%. So only prevention in the test medicine
AIDS is non curable due to its nature of pathogen, it also damage immune
system of the body. Therefore any medicine (Antiviral) drugs are not effective
against HIV virus. Ignorance and lack of knowledge about this disease is the
root cause of wide spread of this disease Malaria is one of the major diseases
which is caused by Protozoan. Protozoan causes many diseases in human
beings. Malaria has been for thousands of years a very serious disease of the
tropical and temperate regions. Prevalence of malaria continues to be one of
the major health problems of developing countries, it was almost eliminated a
few years back with the efforts of WHO and our National Malaria Eradication
Programme (NMEP), but unfortunately it has appeared again. Plasmodium is a
genus of Protozoa belonging to subphylum Sporozoa r class Telosporidea,
includes causative agent of malaria in man and lower animals. Members of the
genus plasmodium are collectively known as Malaria parasite, because they
cause a horrible disease called malaria.

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