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Sample F-1 Visa interview questions

1) How many universities did you apply?

2) Which universities accepted you?
3) Why did you choose a specific university?
4) Why do you want to study in the USA?
5) Where did you do your bachelor’s degree from?
6) How many backlogs you had in your undergraduate studies?
7) What is your undergraduate (Bachelor’s) percentage/GPA?
8) Can you tell me some details about your university?
9) Can you mention the names of some professors? (MS University)
10) Have you ever been to the USA?
11) How can you prove that you will come back after finishing your studies?
12) Why do you wish to study in USA and not in India?
13) What will you do after completing MS?
14) Do you know anyone in USA or in University?
15) Do you have any relatives in the USA?
16) What do you plan to study at the university?
17) What will you do if your visa is rejected?
18) Will you come back to home during summers? / What will you do in summer?
19) What will you do after coming back to home?
20) Why do you want to change your major? (If any student is changing major)
21) Why do you think the university is giving scholarship to you?
22) Why are you leaving your current job? (if currently working)
23) Why haven’t you received any scholarship?
24) Have you received any loan?
25) Who is sponsoring you?
26) What is your father or what is your mother?
27) What is the annual income of your parents?
28) How many siblings you have?
29) From where did your siblings/parents complete their studies?
30) You have siblings, so your father’s saving is for all, how will he finance you?
31) How will your study in the USA be helpful to you in your home country after you come back?
32) What is your GRE and TOEFL score?
33) What is your specialization in graduate studies?
Profile Based
Major- Program/ Specialization based .
 What project have you done in your Bachelors?
 What courses are you taking during your 1"'semester?
 What'stheScopeofyourMajor?

Low Academics
 Why Low Score? / With So many backlogs how can you complete your Masters?
 What's yourGRE/ TOEFL/ ETS Test score? . With low Grades and so many backlogs, how will
you finish your Masters in USA?

Work Experience
 How long have you been working at this company?
 Why Masters now?
 What is yourJob role at your Company?
 Who are their(your) clients?
 What are yourfuture plans after Masters?

GAP after Bachelors: What were you doing since Graduation?

Income Based
. Business - What's -the nature of busjness /what's the turnover of your business / how many
employees do yourfather/ mother hire?

(Business Industry Turnover, Employees hired, Clients, Years of Operation Example:

Departmental Stores: How many Stores do you have?
Income Source of Parents)

Mock Interview - Try Yourself

Set- 1
Why do you want to study at this point of time?
What do you know about your place (City) you are planning to stay?
How did you hear about this university?
What do you know about Career Center (Job fairs) at your University?
How did you apply to University? (Did you Approach any Agency?)
Will you come back to India after your studies?

Why masters in USA?
You have good academic score but a low GRE? why did you not re-take it
How many projects did you-work on during your bachelors?
what is your score in 3'o & 4'n year of Engineering?
Who helped you in Selection of Schools?
Why only to the USAfor education and not UK orAustralia or any other Country?
Did you Travel to any country in past 6 months?
How long do you have savings in your bank account for?
Set-3 .
What are various steps involved in application process?
What did you write in your SOp - Statement of purpose?
What's yourfuture "dream job,'?
What all software skills do you know?
How many offers do you have and why are you selecting only this University?
What Courses are you planning to take in your first semester at your University?
Do you have any siblings in the USA?

No Need to hide Facts

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