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Homework #1

Refer to the shown dam below, at steady state flow,. The total unit weight of the compacted
embankment 20 kN/m3. The dam was constructed on Over consolidated clay. Initially, assume
the lateral stresses are equal.

20 m

80 m 100 m

20 m
γ=19.81 kN/m3, c’= 20 kPa, φ’= 32o, k = 1x 10-7 m/s, E
=400000 kPa, ν = 0.25

X (m) Z
‫االسم‬ From (depth,
the CL m)
‫حال عادل عطا هللا الهباهبه‬ -60 5
‫رند احمد فهد العدوان‬ -40 10
‫مهند يوسف موسى مسيمي‬ 40 12
‫حمزه خالد عطاهللا الطراونه‬ 60 10
‫محمد فرحان موسى النمراوي‬ 0 15

Accordingly, determine the following

1- Assuming the dam was build incrementally, with each increment being a 4-meter thick
layer, develop the effective stress matrix for upright stress element and for the Mohr-
Coulomb failure plane for 6th and the end loading increments (before filling the dam).
( Don’t use software for stress transformation)
2- Plot the MIT stress path on Mohr-coulomb
3- Determine the corresponding strain tensors for point 1
4- Determine the three stress invariants
5- Determine the deviatoric stress invariants

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