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b)Piezo- electric transducer

There are certain substances, which generate voltage when they are subjected mechanical
force or they change their dimensions when voltage is applied. Such type of transducers are
called Piezo electric transducer and this phenomena is known as Piezo electrical effect.
The piezo-electric transducers are sensor are generally used for measurement of force,
pressure and acceleration. These substances are generally quartz.
The electrical circuit for piezo-electric transducer may be capacitance or resistance.

The output voltage given by E = gtP

Where g = Voltage sensitivity
t= Crystal thickness.
P = Pressure.

8.Velocity Sensor.
Velocity sensors are used measure angular velocity of a rotating object.
Example a of velocity sensor are Encoder, Tachogeneraor.

Encoder are used for measurement of angular displacement and gives the digital output. It
consists of disc having slots around is periphery. It has LED light source at one side and light
sensor on the other side.
When the disc rotates, the light sensor is exposed to the light source alternatively. This
produces a pulsed output from the sensor. The number of pulses is proportional to the angle
through which the disc is rotated. Thus it measure the angular position can be determined by
the number of pulses produced.
9.Photoelectric Sensor
Photoelectric sensor can be used to detect the presence of an opaque object. It consists of
photoelectric sensor, the emitter and receiver is installed in the same housing. when sensor emits the
light. Light strikes the sensing object and reflect back to the receiver. This causes changes the amount
of the light at the receiver. This change of light is used to create electrical output.

Introduction about Drives

The systems which controls the motion is called as the Drives. There are two types of drives
as follows.
1. Mechanical Drive: If the Drives use Belt, Rope, Chain, Gear drives are called
Mechanical drives.
2. Electrical Drive: If Drives uses electric motors are called as Electric Drives. Electric
drives are
a)DC Motors
b)AC Motors
Motors is a electrical machine which converts electrical energy into mechanical energy
Motors are two types as follows.
a)DC Motors:
Examples: D. C Stepper motor, Servomotors.
b)AC Motors:
Example: Induction motor, Synchronize motor. A.C stepper motor
DC Motors
Fig shows DC Motor. DC motor is a device which converts electrical energy into mechanical
energy. An electric motor driven by a Direct Current is called DC Motor.
The principle of working of a DC motor is that whenever a current carrying conductor is
placed in a magnetic field, it experiences a mechanical force.
It mainly consists of a stator which has magnetic poles. The coils of wire are mounted in
slots on a cylinder called armature. The armature is mounted on bearings and it is free to
rotate. The armature is mounted in the magnetic field produced by field poles. The motor
works on the principle whenever the current carrying conductor placed in a field, it
experiences the magnetic force ( F ) which is given by
F = Force
B = Magnetic flux
I = Current
L = Length of the conductor.
The ends of the conductor of the armature are connected to commutator which changes the
direction of current to get the torque in one direction. The magnetic field exerted by the field
applies a force or torque on the armature which starts rotating continuously. The direction of
rotation of the DC motor can be reversed by reversing either the armature current or the field

Stepper motor: Fig shows a simple stepper motor. It mainly consists of rotor which in
cylindrical form and it is made up of soft steel (ferromagnetic material). The rotor has four
poles lesser then the stator.
The stator has a set of pair of poles which is energized by passing DC current in the form of
digital pulse by microprocessor to the opposite pair of poles. The magnetic field is produced
due to this, the poles of stator attracts the poles of the rotor (armature) in steps. Similarly by
energizing the other opposite poles of the stator, the armature rotates in steps.
These motors are open loop control system and it is used in Robots, CNC Machines, and
other machine tools.

A servomotor is a type of motor used for great precise control of angular position,
acceleration, and velocity of the motor shaft. The servomotor have closed loop mechanism.
Normally this type of motor consists of a control circuit that provides feedback on the
current position of the motor shaft, this feedback allows the servo motors to rotate
with required angle with great precision. If you want to rotate an object at some
specific angles or distance, then you use a servo motor. A gear box is used to get high
A servo motor usually comes with a gear arrangement that allows us to get a very high
torque servo motor in small and lightweight packages. Due to these features, they are
being used in many applications like DVD player, toy car, RC helicopters and planes,
Robotics, etc.
Servo motors are rated in kg/cm (kilogram per centimetre). This kg/cm tells you how
much weight your servo motor can lift at a particular distance. For example: A 6kg/cm
Servo motor should be able to lift 6kg if the load is suspended 1cm away from the
motors shaft.
If motor is supplied by a DC power supply, then it is called DC servo motor, and if it
is AC-supplied motor, then it is called AC servo motor

AC motor
An electric motor driven by AC current, then it is called AC motor. AC motors are widely
used in many industrial applications.
AC motors are two types as follows.
1. According to construction
a. Synchronous motors.
b. Induction motors.
2. According to power supply
a. Single phase motor.
b. Three phase motor.

a. Synchronous motors:
Synchronous motor is a type of AC motor which maintains the speed constant irrespective of
the load condition. That is motor runs at only on one speed i.e. Ns(Synchronous speed)
whether it has load, no load, half load or full load.
A motor which runs on synchronous speed is called a synchronous motor. It consists of stator
which generates r.m.f (rotating magnetic field). The rotor is made up of permanent magnets
of coils excited by a DC supply.
When ac supply is given to the stator, r.m.f is produced. The rotor have poles having
polarities. When this rotor magnetic field interacts with the stator r.m.f, due to different
polarities stator r.m.f and rotor magnetic field locks and since r.m.f is moving at synchronous
speed the rotor starts to rotate at synchronous speed. So they are called synchronous motors
or constant speed motors.
These motors are used in Reciprocating pumps, compressors, rolling mills etc.,
Induction motor:
Induction motor is an AC electric motor in which the electric current in the rotor needed to
produce torque is obtained by electromagnetic induction from the magnetic field of the stator
It mainly consists of following parts.
a. Stator is a stationary part.
b. Rotor is a rotating part.

When a three -phase AC supply is given to the stator winding the alternating current starts
flowing through the stator of winding.
And due to this alternating current, a stator flux is produced. The flux produced here also
links with the rotor conductors .
According to faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, an e.m.f gets induced in the rotor
due to the flux linkage. As we know that the rotor circuit is closed, the current starts to flow
in the rotor which is known as the rotor current.
This rotor current also produces its own flux called rotor flux. Since this rotor flux is
produced due to the induction, the motor working on this principle got its name as an
induction motor.
Now here we can see that there are two fluxes one is the stator flux and the other is called
rotor flux. And these two fluxes produce the desired torque which is required by the motor to

An actuator is a component of a machine that is responsible for moving and controlling a
mechanism or system, for example by opening a valve.
Examples of actuators include Electric motor, Stepper motor, Hydraulic cylinder, valves, Screw
jack, piezoelectric actuator etc.
Types of Actuators
1. According to type of motion
a) Linear actuators.
b) Angular actuators.
2. According to the type of Power used.
a) Mechanical.
b) Electrical.
c) Pneumatic.
d) Hydraulic
e) Magnetic.
A relays are the electrically operated mechanical switches in which changing a current in one
electric circuit, switches a current ON or OFF in another circuit automatically.
It mainly consists of magnetic coil, movable armature and sets of NO(Normally Open) and
NC(Normally Closed) contacts. When the current starts flowing through a magnetic coil, it
generates magnetic field that attracts the movable armature and it makes the changing the
position of the contacts. The NO contact becomes NC and NC contacts becomes NO.
The Relays are used in automatic control system like CNC Machines, Automatic washing
machine, mixers, grinders etc.,

Comparison of PLC and Relay Logic Control

Program logic Controller (PLC) Relay Logic Control (RLC)

1. Easy to implement and expand. 1.Complex to implement and expand.

2. Fault can be easily found out by software. 2.Finding the fault is difficult.
3. It can reprogrammed easily. 3.Reconfiguration is difficult.
4. Computer interfacing is passible. 4.Computer interfacing is not possible.
5, It requires less space. 5.It requires more space.
1. No limitation to number of I/P and O/P. 6. Limitation to number of I/P and O/P due
7. Special training is required. 7.No special training is required.
8. It has more features like timer, PID 8.It has no such features.
counters is included in PLC itself. ,
9. Wire is less. 9.Wiring is more.
10. Less maintenance. 10.More maintenance.
11. It is more flexible. 11.Less flexible.
12. Maintenance is easy 12. Maintenance is difficult.
13. Easy to modify the design of circuit. 13.Modifiying of design is not preferred.
14. It consists of memory to store the
Program. 14.It does not consist memory.
15. We can write the program. 15.We can not write the program, connection can
done by hard wire wiring.
16.Less cost. 16.More cost.
17.Less power consumption. 17.More power consumption.
18.It consists of software, I/P, O/P 18.It consists of electro mechanical switching
CPU, and memory. Hardware device.

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