Midterm Test 2021-2022

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Midterm test 2021/2022

Mechanical Fluid CH2041E

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Q1: An empty box 1 m on each side is located with its
top 10 m under the surface of a freshwater lake.
- What is the gauge pressure on its top side?
- What is the gauge pressure on its bottom side?
- What does the force difference between top and
bottom? The difference imply?

Q2: Find the fraction of the volume of an iceberg that is

below the water line. Know: density of iceberg = 920
kg/m3 and density of sea water = 1025 kg/m3)

Q3: A sample of an unknown material weighs 300 N in

air and 200 N when submerged in an alcohol solution
with a density of 0.70x103 kg/m3. What is the density of
the material?

Q4: A U-tube manometer is used as a differential

pressure measurement instrument to measure the
pressure difference between two tanks. The two tanks are
at the same elevation.
a) Calculate the pressure difference PB – PA for the
general case in which ρA is not the same as ρB
(they are different fluids).
b) Simplify for the case in which ρA = ρB (they are
the same fluid).
Q5: If the pressure (PA) in the head space is increased,
the buoyancy force on the submerged block will: a)
decrease, b) increase, c) stay the same, d) equal zero.

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