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#2 components of NSTP

*The Civic Welfare Training Service* (CWTS)

- is one of three components of the National Service Training Program, a civic education and defense
preparedness program for higher and vocational education students in the Philippines. CWTS activities
"are contributory to the general welfare and the betterment of life for the members of the community
or the enhancement of its facilities, especially those devoted to improving health, education,
environment, entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and morals of the citizenry".

Graduates of the CWTS become members of the National Service Reserve Corps, which may be tapped
by the state for the delivery of literacy, civic welfare and disaster risk reduction programs and activiti

#3 components in NSTP The Literacy Training Service (LTS) is one of three components of the National
Service Training Program, a civic education and defense preparedness program for higher and vocational
education students in the Philippines. The LTS is "a program designed to train students to become
teachers of literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out of school youth, and other segments of
society". Graduates of the LTS become members of the National Service Reserve Corps, which may be
tapped by the state for the delivery of literacy, civic welfare and disaster risk reduction programs and

2.How can NSTP students serve the community?

-It is to prepare the youth holistically for endeavors like military training, literacy,
civic welfare which are beneficial to national development. A well prepared
youth, the most important resource of any nation is of great value in as far as
national development is concern.

Influenced the self-improvement, performance, community involvement, and

demonstration of abilities and skills of the students to an extent.

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