Curriculum and Material Development Raafi Ismail Alfathan Panigoro

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Curriculum and Material Development

Raafi Ismail Alfathan Panigoro

Lecturer :
Sri Agriyanti Mestari, S.Pd, M.Ed TESOL

“Report of SMA 3 Gorontalo city and 2013’s curriculum"

English lessons and teaching and its application in Senior High School
Creating and arranging the context of learning and teaching English subjects certainly requires
analysis and training of teachers in adjusting the design and concept map of the subject in
accordance with the 2013 Curriculum which is the standard of the curriculum of schools in
Indonesia, so that the learning power and output results of the targets set by a teacher, as well as
the entire teaching staff as well as the school principal himself.

What roles for teachers and students are apparent in the learning process?
In the teaching or learning process of English subject held at SMA 3 Gorontalo City, the teacher
provides various preparations and careful analyses of the 2013 Curriculum. This is confirmed by
the handling of the four Core Competencies found in the English lesson plan. For example, Core
Competency 3 that I quoted (Mun Monoarfa, 2022) contains:
"Understand, apply, and analyse factual, conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive knowledge
based on their curiosity about science, technology, arts, culture, and humanities with insights
into humanity, nationality, state, and civilisation related to the causes of phenomena and events,
and apply procedural knowledge in specific fields of study in accordance with their talents and
interests to solve problems." (Official document of RPP SMA 3 Gorontalo city, 2022)
From the third Core Competency as listed above, the students who are taught have a role to play
in achieving the results that have been targeted by the teacher and the curriculum. Additional
statements such as students must also pass the basic competencies regulated in the amendment of
SMA 3 Gorontalo city, with detailed explanations in the Competency Achievement Indicators
section or abbreviated (IPK) so that the ability of each student can be analysed by teachers who
also act as assessors of each characteristic, ability, weakness, limitation, as well as advantages
and multipurpose in English subject learning activities (Mun Monoarfa, 2022).

What are some characteristic of the teaching/learning process?

Speaking of the characteristics found in learning and teaching, it can certainly be seen from the
teacher's perspective, as well as the possibilities and dependencies of the students themselves. It
is reiterated (Mun Monoarfa, 2022) that the professionalism and experience of the teacher is
necessary, given that teachers will also be required to be sensitised from assessing multiple
students, to just one individual. An additional definition of characteristics in the teaching process
at SMA 3 Gorontalo city is differentiation, which leads to the creation of a learning process in
the form of "Auditory skills, Visual skills, and Kinesthetic skills", so that teachers can include
and input every student who has deficiencies and abilities in one of these areas, or even the
possibility of a student who is capable in all three areas (Mun Monoarfa, 2022).

What areas of language are emphasized?

Some of the skills from the field of English such as Auditory skills and Visual skills mentioned,
are the basis of the realisation of the skills found in English. Making these skills part of the
school lesson plan is certainly a challenge for every student who conducts English learning
activities implemented according to Curriculum 2013. It is reaffirmed that there is the possibility
of a student who is able to work on and pursue and explore the three abilities listed above.
Therefore, teachers prepare a kinesthetic skills section to facilitate students' practical skills in
English speaking. Sometimes, before starting the core learning in a class, a teacher will start with
a quiz around the lesson in order for the students to remember and deepen the materials taught,
as well as the perception of each student's ability and proficiency in some areas of English.

How is student learning assessed?

Student assessment in the context of learning is described by :
 Phase 1: Stimulation (Giving Stimulus)
 Phase 2: Problem Statement (Identifying the problem)
 Phase 3: Data Collection
 Phase 4: Data Processing
 Phase 5: Verification
 Phase 6: Generalisation
Other clues in the assessment of SMA 3 Gorontalo students can be seen with the Learner
Worksheet or abbreviated (LKPD) as listed in appendix 1. Several assessment instruments, such
as written test instruments and practical assessment instruments are also the standard of teacher
assessment of students, according to what has been done and the results of a student who is the
object of assessment. Then the most important part is in the school Rubric. SMA 3 Gorontalo
city in English learning has sub-structures in school rubrics, such as rubrics for composing
interaction texts and rubrics for composing speaking skills, each of which has different aspects
and an assessment score of up to 5. The mechanism for calculating students' scores can be
described as "Score = score divided by maximum score, then multiplied by 100" (Official
document of RPP SMA 3 Gorontalo city, 2022).

Evidence of my observation and reference

For me, the process of teaching and learning English at SMA 3 Gorontalo city is quite complex,
because in addition to the use of the 2013 Curriculum, it also uses the Movers School
Curriculum which is still being explored by the teachers. This can create two different forms of
teaching, but according to what I observed, in the future this will be an interesting level of

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