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Partly sunny 69/61 • Tomorrow: Partly sunny 77/66 B6 Democracy Dies in Darkness SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5 , 2019
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Texts show President says

push to
strong-arm House has votes
William B. “Bill” Taylor Kurt Volker Andrey Yermak Gordon Sondland
to impeach him
Trump loyalist led coterie Newly released texts by State Department officials make clear that Ukraine would not get military SEEKS VOTE TO FORMALLY LAUNCH INQUIRY
aid or a meeting with President Trump without committing to investigations into the 2016
of officials who pressed election and an energy company that employed the son of Trump’s political rival, Joe Biden. He touts ‘unified’ GOP as some in party break ranks
Zelensky for probes
July 25, 2019
Trump’s calls
Kurt Volker to Ukrainian aide Andrey Yermak: 8:36 a.m.
Good lunch - thanks. Heard from White House — assuming President Z convinces
President Trump conceded Fri-
day that Democrats had enough with leaders
AND M ICHAEL B IRNBAUM trump he will investigate / “get to the bottom of what happened” in 2016, we will nail
votes to impeach him, but he sug-
gested that Speaker Nancy Pelosi have long
By mid-May, the U.S. relation-
down date for visit to Washington. Good luck! See you tomorrow- kurt hold a House vote to formally
begin an inquiry to force a Senate troubled aides
ship with Ukraine was unravel- trial on whether to remove him
ing: The U.S. ambassador had Aug. 9, 2019 from office. BY C AROL D . L EONNIG,
been recalled home for no appar- “They’ve taken away our S HANE H ARRIS
ent reason, the country’s new rights,” Trump told reporters Fri- AND J OSH D AWSEY
president was anxious about U.S.
Gordon Sondland to Kurt Volker: 5:35 p.m. day, as he capped a tumultuous
support, and President Trump’s [White House official Tim] Morrison ready to get dates as soon as Yermak confirms. week when new revelations about In one of his first calls with a
personal lawyer was hawking his administration’s dealings with head of state, President Trump
Kiev conspiracy theories. Ukraine emerged each day. fawned over Russian President
Amid this turbulence, an unex- “They’re all in line. Because even Vladimir Putin, telling the man
pected figure stepped forward to Kurt Volker: 5:46 p.m. though many of them don’t want who ordered interference in
assert that he was now in charge Excellent!! How did you sway him? :) to vote, they have no choice. They America’s 2016 election that he
of the U.S.-Ukraine relationship. have to follow their leadership. was a great leader and apologiz-
Gordon Sondland, the U.S. am- And then we’ll get it to the Senate, ing profusely for not calling him
bassador to the European Union, and we’re going to win.” sooner.
had no apparent standing to seize But even as Trump boasted of a He pledged to Saudi officials in
this critical portfolio, nor any ap- Gordon Sondland: 5:47 p.m. “very unified” Republican Party another call that he would help
parent qualifications as a diplo- Not sure i did. I think potus really wants the deliverable that would protect him from con- the monarchy enter the elite
mat beyond the $1 million he’d viction, some Republicans public- Group of Seven, an alliance of the
given to Trump’s inauguration. ly broke ranks with him Friday. At world’s leading democratic econ-
But when some in the White least two GOP senators and one omies.
House and State Department Sept. 1, 2019 former administration official ex- He promised the president of
sought to block his power grab, pressed uneasiness with Trump’s Peru that he would deliver to his
current and former U.S. officials Bill Taylor 12:08 p.m. efforts to encourage foreign gov- country a C-130 military cargo
said, he rebuffed their demands to Are we now saying that security assistance and WH meeting are conditioned on ernments to investigate former plane overnight, a logistical
know who had granted him such vice president and 2020 Demo- nightmare that set off a herculean
authority with two words: investigations? cratic presidential candidate Joe scramble in the West Wing and
“The president.” Biden. Pentagon.
Over the next four months, Separately, intelligence com- And in a later call with Putin,
Sondland worked closely with Gordon Sondland: 12:42 p.m. munity inspector general Michael Trump asked the former KGB
Kurt Volker, the U.S. special repre- Call me Atkinson met with lawmakers Fri- officer for his guidance in forging
sentative for Ukraine, to reorient day to discuss a whistleblower a friendship with North Korea’s
America’s relationship with Kiev complaint alleging abuse of power Kim Jong Un — a fellow authori-
around the president’s political by Trump. Atkinson, a Trump ap- tarian hostile to the United
interests. Sept. 9, 2019 pointee, previously said that the States.
Newly released texts ex- whistleblower “appeared cred- Starting long before revela-
changed by Sondland, Volker and Bill Taylor 12:47 a.m. ible” and that the complaint repre- tions about Trump’s interactions
other U.S. officials during this pe- As I said on the phone, I think it’s crazy to withhold security assistance for help with sented an “urgent concern” wor- with Ukraine’s president rocked
riod read like a government-sanc- a political campaign. thy of Congress’s immediate atten- Washington, Trump’s phone calls
tioned shakedown. Again and tion. with foreign leaders were an anxi-
again, they make clear that And documents reviewed by ety-ridden set of events for his
Ukraine’s new president, Volod- SEE IMPEACHMENT ON A4 aides and members of the admin-
ymyr Zelensky, would not get mil- Gordon Sondland: 5:19 a.m. istration, according to former and
itary aid or the Oval Office invita- The president has been crystal clear no quid pro quo’s of any kind. The president is DOJ firepower: Department helps current officials. They worried
tion he coveted until he commit- Trump fight financial probes. A5 that Trump would make promises
ted to investigations that Trump
trying to evaluate whether Ukraine is truly going to adopt the transparency and he shouldn’t keep, endorse pol-
SEE UKRAINE ON A6 reforms that President Zelensky promised during his campaign I suggest we stop IG in spotlight: Atkinson vowed icies the United States long op-
to protect whistleblowers. A5 posed, commit a diplomatic blun-
the back and forth by text.
Under review: Ukraine prosecutor Trump as victim: Alternate reality der that jeopardized a critical
will “audit” old Burisma cases. A8 is spun as inquiry escalates. A7 SEE CALLS ON A4

Va. voters motivated For justices, abortion case

by gun policy, poll finds signals a pivotal moment
BY R OBERT B ARNES important endorsement of abor-
BY G REGORY S . S CHNEIDER, Overwhelming majorities fa- tion rights in 25 years.
L AURA V OZZELLA vor expanding background The Supreme Court said Fri- Trump’s choices for the court,
AND S COTT C LEMENT checks and “red flag” laws allow- day that it will review a restric- Justices Neil M. Gorsuch and
ing authorities to take weapons tive Louisiana abortion law, pro- Brett M. Kavanaugh, who re-
richmond — Gun policy is the away from someone deemed a viding the first opportunity for a placed the late Antonin Scalia
top issue for Virginia voters just danger. conservative majority reinforced and Kennedy, respectively, were
one month before pivotal elec- But the voters most concerned by President Trump’s two appoin- enthusiastically supported by
tions that will determine control about gun policy split almost tees to begin reconsidering the antiabortion groups.
of the state legislature, according evenly between supporting Dem- court’s abortion rights land- The court could reaffirm or
to a Washington Post-Schar ocratic candidates, 47 percent, scape. overturn that 2016 precedent, or
School poll. and Republican candidates, 44 In the coming months, the distinguish it in a way that a
That could be a positive sign for percent. Nearly every Republican court will examine whether the restriction deemed unconstitu-
Democrats, who have seized on officeholder has opposed gun state’s 2014 law requiring doctors tional in one state is allowed in
gun control in the months since a control measures. at abortion clinics to have admit- another.
gunman killed 12 people at a Vir- That signals that both sides of ting privileges at nearby hospi- Leaders on both sides of the
ginia Beach municipal building the gun control debate are ener- tals unduly burdens women’s ac- issue took news of the court’s
on May 31. Three out of four voters gized for the Nov. 5 elections, cess to abortion. Practitioners action as momentous, even if the
rate gun policy as a “very impor- when all 140 seats in the General have said the law would force questions in the case are narrow.
tant” issue in casting their ballots, Assembly are on the ballot. Re- most of Louisiana’s abortion clin- “The Supreme Court now has a
and majorities support proposals publicans are defending thin ma- ics to close, leaving only one chance in this case to reconsider,
pitched by the Democrats, includ- jorities of 51 to 48 in the House of doctor eligible to perform the reverse, and return Roe v. Wade
ing statewide bans on assault Delegates and 20 to 19 in the JEAN-JACQUES LEVY/ASSOCIATED PRESS procedure. and the issue of abortion to the
weapons and high-capacity am- Senate, with one vacancy in each It is almost identical to a Texas American people, which is long
munition clips as well as limiting chamber. An acclaimed pioneer law struck down by the Supreme overdue,” Students for Life of
gun purchases to one a month. Like the majority of Virginians, Diahann Carroll, seen in 1972, broke ground as the first black Court in 2016. Now-retired jus- America President Kristan Haw-
Steve Hunter supports certain tice Anthony M. Kennedy joined kins said in a statement. “States
woman to star in a non-servant role on a TV series. She died
Poll: Virginia Gov. Northam’s image gun-control measures. He thinks the court’s four liberals to form a should absolutely have the right
has recovered since scandal. A8 SEE POLL ON A8 Friday at 84. Obituary, B4, and Appreciation, C1 majority in what was its most SEE SUPREME COURT ON A14

In Sunday’s Post Inside

The beating heart A Come sail away A 40-hour THE NATION THE WORLD
low-key “mini-cruise” gives a Heart attack led to Iraqi security forces
tragic crime. A medical
Sanders’s hospitalization open fire on protesters
breakthrough. A last chance taste of the Baltics. In Peru, Sen. Bernie Sanders, 78, who was A crackdown on anti-government
at life. Adapted from Gene learning to go with the flow released from a Las Vegas hospital demonstrators has left at least
Weingarten’s upcoming book, along the Amazon River on a Friday, experienced chest pains at 41 people dead and more than
a Tuesday campaign event. 1,600 wounded even as Grand
“One Day.” Magazine cargo ship. And avoiding the Doctors found a blockage in one Ayatollah Ali Sistani, Iraq’s most
swells and focusing on artery and revealed Friday that he influential Shiite cleric, backed
Decade Influencers Lele
wellness in Bermuda. Travel had a myocardial infarction. A14 protesters’ demands. A11
Pons, one of the people who
helped shape the culture of
BUSINESS NEWS ............................................. A15 CONTENT © 2019
the past decade, is a perfectly
COMICS ............................................................. C5 The Washington Post / Year 142, No. 304
OPINION PAGES...............................................A17
generic, and successful, LOTTERIES.........................................................B3
online star. Arts & Style TELEVISION.......................................................C3
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Vintner sentenced to 5 months in college scandal
Some reports that you may have missed.
BY K AREN W EINTRAUB gested a two-month prison term. ceptance as a recruited athlete. daughter’s resilience, saying she
AND N ICK A NDERSON But prosecutors had recommend- “Okay, so there’s no chance I retook the SAT and is enrolled at
Sanders undergoes Collins resigns over ed 15 months, arguing in a sen- give that 50 and then she’s not another college.
heart procedure insider trading case boston — A California winemak- tencing memorandum that he admitted?” Huneeus asked, ac- Huneeus, born in Chile, is a
er whom authorities describe as a participated vigorously in the cording to the records. naturalized U.S. citizen and the
Democratic presidential Former Republican “demanding fraud client” was scam with admitted mastermind “You won’t send it until you get son of a vintner. After earning a
contender Bernie Sanders was congressman Chris Collins of sentenced Friday to five months in William “Rick” Singer. the letter,” Singer replied. The con- bachelor’s degree from the Uni-
treated for an artery blockage New York pleaded guilty prison for conspiring to inflate the In spring 2018, court records sultant told Huneeus he would versity of California at Berkeley
this week, sidelining him from a Tuesday to two charges in an SAT score of one of his daughters show, Huneeus paid $50,000 for pay a second installment of and a master’s in business admin-
race in which the candidates’ age insider-trading case, just over a and secure her admission to the his second-oldest daughter to ob- $200,000 after his daughter re- istration from Northwestern Uni-
and physical health have been year after proclaiming his University of Southern California tain illicit help on the SAT from a ceived a formal admission offer. versity, he followed his parents
significant factors. The senator innocence to allegations he as a phony water polo recruit. corrupt proctor during and after Huneeus told Singer his daugh- into the family wine business in
from Vermont was hospitalized schemed with his son to avoid Agustin F. Huneeus, 53, of San the test. Afterward, prosecutors ter was “not worthy to be on that northern California. But his ca-
after experiencing chest pains at significant losses on a Francisco, pleaded guilty in May said, Huneeus was upset his team,” records show, and he wor- reer is in jeopardy because of his
a Tuesday campaign event. It biotechnology investment. to fraud conspiracy in the college daughter received a score of only ried that the scheme could “blow felony conviction. Huneeus ex-
was revealed Friday that he had Collins, President Trump’s first admissions bribery scandal. Un- 1380 out of a maximum 1600. up in my face . . . like some article pressed remorse for his crime.
suffered a heart attack. Story, congressional supporter, like other parents sentenced so Singer told the father, records comes out that the, the polo team “I am looking forward to my
A14 resigned from the House on far, he participated in both parts show, that a higher score “would is selling seats into the school for sentencing so I can start to put Monday. of the scam uncovered in the Var- have got investigated for sure 250 grand.” Singer assured him this behind me,” Huneeus wrote sity Blues investigation: test based on her grades.” there was no risk. the judge on Sept. 25. “I want to
cheating and athletic recruiting Later that year, Huneeus Singer pleaded guilty in March pay my dues and feel clean again.”
Dallas police officer fraud. agreed to pay Singer $250,000 to to racketeering conspiracy and On Friday, Huneeus reiterated
sentenced to 10 years Ruling favors Harvard U.S. District Judge Indira Tal- help the daughter get into USC as other crimes and is cooperating that he wants to atone.
in admissions case wani imposed a slightly longer a purported water polo recruit. with the investigation. The daugh- “I am deeply ashamed of myself
The white former police prison term on Huneeus than four She had played the sport, records ter, one of four in the Huneeus for taking part in a scheme that
officer who shot and killed her A federal judge ruled Tuesday parents previously sentenced, indicate, but not at a level that family, was not charged with a could have taken a deserving stu-
unarmed black neighbor in his that Harvard University does not who received terms from two would qualify for intercollegiate crime. She was conditionally ac- dent’s future away,” he said at the
own apartment was sentenced discriminate against Asian weeks to four months. Talwani competition. cepted to USC in November 2018, hearing. “My actions threatened
Wednesday to 10 years in prison. Americans in undergraduate also sentenced Huneeus to two The consultant spelled out the records show, but never received to disadvantage the very people
Amber Guyger, 31, could have admissions, handing the school years of supervised release and scheme in detail in a wiretapped final admission. Her father was the system was already stacked
faced up to 99 years in the 2018 a victory in a lawsuit that marks ordered him to pay a $100,000 August 2018 phone call, according arrested, prosecutors said, before against.”
slaying of Botham Jean, a 26- one of the latest chapters in the fine and provide 500 hours of to court records. First, Huneeus the school released formal offers.
year-old St. Lucia native, church affirmative action debate. U.S. community service. would pay $50,000 when his In a letter to the court,
singer and accountant whose District Judge Allison D. Huneeus’s attorneys had sug- daughter received provisional ac- Huneeus’s wife praised their Anderson reported from Washington.
death sparked protests. Burroughs rejected a plaintiff ’s claims that Harvard violates the
law as it considers race in
WTO: U.S. can impose
tariffs on E.U. goods
selecting an incoming freshman
Microsoft: Hackers targeted presidential campaign
The World Trade Organization J AY G REENE,
BY Microsoft also owns the LinkedIn
on Wednesday authorized U-Md. student paper T ONY R OMM professional social network.
President Trump to impose to end print edition AND E LLEN N AKASHIMA Spokespeople for Democratic
tariffs on about $7.5 billion candidates, including Sens. Eliza-
worth of European goods, After more than a century in seattle — An effort believed to beth Warren (D-Mass.) and Cory
capping a 15-year transatlantic circulation, the student be tied to the Iranian government Booker (D-N.J.), did not immedi-
dispute over illegal subsidies to newspaper at the University of attempted to identify, attack and ately respond to requests for com-
aircraft maker Airbus. The Maryland’s flagship campus will breach email accounts belonging ment. Spokespeople for former
decision — the largest in the cease publishing a weekly print to a U.S. presidential campaign, vice president Joe Biden and Sen.
trade body’s history — opened edition in March, the government officials and journal- Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) declined to
the door to a broader trade war publication’s parent company ists, according to new data un- comment. Ian Sams, a spokesman
with the European Union. The announced Monday. Leaders of veiled by Microsoft, highlighting for Sen. Kamala D. Harris (D-
administration plans to impose the Diamondback cited the continued global security Calif.), said he had “no indication
tariffs of 10 percent on European economic pressures and growing threats that loom over the fast-ap- that our campaign is the one
aircraft and 25 percent on a online readership in their proaching 2020 election. Microsoft referenced or that we
variety of agricultural and decision to remove the paper The intrusion observed by have been targeted by this attack.”
industrial products. from College Park news racks. Microsoft, spearheaded by an out- To target political and govern- fit it calls Phosphorus, made more ment officials’ emails, Phosphorus
than 2,700 attempts to identify hackers tried to figure out how to
personal email addresses that be- JABIN BOTSFORD/THE WASHINGTON POST reset passwords or otherwise trig-
COR R EC TI O N S longed to the company’s custom- Employees supporting President Trump’s 2020 campaign work at ger account recovery features to
ers over a 30-day period between the Republican National Convention annex in Virginia in July. take over accounts, Microsoft said.
August and September, 241 of In some instances, Microsoft
An article about a heart A March 24 A-section article which were then attacked. Four security officials have all made the that malicious actors originating found that the group gathered
transplant that took place in about a growing insurgency in were compromised, but they do next presidential election a priori- in the country were spreading dis- phone numbers belonging to its
Virginia in 1986 in this Burkina Faso incorrectly said not belong to the presidential ty as they race to combat hackers information online. In May, for targets to try to authenticate pass-
weekend’s Washington Post that Air Force Maj. Gen. J. campaign or government officials, — some of whom are working for example, Facebook and Twitter word resets.
Magazine, which was printed in Marcus Hicks, then head of U.S. according to the tech giant. foreign governments. said they had removed a sprawling The attacks were not “techni-
advance, misidentifies Alan Special Operations Command Reuters and other news media Still, recent technology devel- Iranian-based propaganda opera- cally sophisticated,” Microsoft’s
Speir, one of the surgeons Africa, was talking to a group of outlets reported Friday that the opments, such as increasingly re- tion, including accounts that vice president of customer secu-
involved in that transplant, as reporters when he said, “I would hackers had targeted President alistic “deepfake” or otherwise mimicked Republican congres- rity and trust, Tom Burt, wrote in
the person who sewed a new tell you at this time, we are not Trump’s campaign. manipulated videos, have many sional candidates and appeared to the blog post. But he noted that
heart into former vice president winning” in the region. He was Microsoft said it notified the cybersecurity experts concerned try to push pro-Iranian political they used significant amounts of
Richard B. Cheney in 2012. Speir speaking to Voice of America. customers attacked and has about how hackers might be able messages on social media. Some of the targets’ personal information,
was part of the team that worked with those whose ac- to influence public perception. those accounts similarly took aim suggesting that Phosphorus was
performed Cheney’s surgery, but counts were compromised to se- During the last presidential at U.S. policymakers and journal- willing to invest “significant time
the principal surgeon — the cure them. It declined to disclose election, U.S. officials uncovered a ists, researchers said at the time. and resources engaging in re-
person who sewed in the new The Washington Post is committed to the names of the account holders, sprawling Kremlin-backed effort Christopher Krebs, director of search and other means of infor-
heart — was Anthony Rongione. correcting errors that appear in the including the presidential cam- on major social media sites to the Cybersecurity and Infrastruc- mation gathering.”
newspaper. Those interested in paign that had been targeted. trigger social and political unrest. ture Security Agency under the This isn’t Microsoft’s first brush
A Sept. 23 A-section article
contacting the paper for that purpose Microsoft declined to comment Russian hackers also targeted Department of Homeland Secu- with Phosphorus. The company,
about the World Health beyond a blog post disclosing the Democratic candidate Hillary rity, said in a statement that the which names hacking groups after
Organization accusing officials Call: 202-334-6000, and ask to be news on Friday. Clinton by hacking the emails of agency is working with Microsoft. elements on the periodic table,
in Tanzania of withholding connected to the desk involved — Tim Murtaugh, a spokesman one of her top lieutenants, the “Microsoft’s claims that a presi- seized 99 websites in March that it
information about suspected National, Foreign, Metro, Style, Sports, for President Trump’s 2020 cam- contents of which were later dential campaign was targeted is said were used by the group to
Ebola cases misidentified the Business or any of the weekly sections. paign, said he has “no indication dumped on WikiLeaks. yet more evidence that our adver- launch cyberattacks against gov-
capital of that country. It is Comments can be directed to The that any of our campaign infra- Since then, other countries saries are looking to undermine ernment agencies, businesses and
Dodoma, not Dar es Salaam, Post’s reader advocate, who can be structure was targeted.” Asked to have come to adopt more of Rus- our democratic institutions,” he users in Washington. Microsoft
which is the former capital. reached at 202-334-7582 or clarify whether Microsoft had sia’s playbook. Iran for years had said in the statement. said it has been tracking the group contacted the campaign about Ira- targeted U.S. officials through Microsoft software is present in for six years. Other researchers
nian targeting of either the cam- “large-scale intrusion attempts,” far more computers around the have tagged the group Ajax Secu-
paign or campaign personnel’s said John Hultquist, the director world than U.S. law enforcement rity Team, APT 35 and Charming
personal email accounts, Mur- of intelligence analysis at the cy- and intelligence agencies, giving Kitten.
Metro: 202-334-7300;
taugh said: “We have no further
bersecurity firm FireEye. But it
has become more aggressive re-
the company a broader window
into the threat.
Phosphorus used the websites
Microsoft seized this spring to
The news Friday is the latest cently in response to President The Democratic National Com- trick visitors into downloading
NEWSPAPER DELIVERY National: 202-334-7410; reminder that the United States is Trump, who has imposed exten- mittee warned campaigns about malicious software that appeared
For home delivery comments
or concerns contact us at probably still vulnerable to secu- sive sanctions and pulled out of an the Phosphorus attacks Tuesday, authentic. But that was only one of
Business: 202-334-7320; or rity threats when it comes to the international deal over the coun- noting that the hacking group has the group’s tactics. In Phospho-
send us an email at 2020 presidential election — and try’s nuclear program, he said. been targeting personal and pro- rus’s latest attempts, the group
Sports: 202-334-7350; “The Iranians are very aggres- fessional email accounts. It rec- tried to trick users into giving up or call not just from Russia. Analysts
202-334-6100 or 800-477-4679 have seen an increase in cyber- sive, and they could leverage ommended that members review codes that are used for two-factor
Reader Advocate: 202-334-7582; activity by Iran and its proxies in whatever access they get for an logs for connection attempts in authentication.
800-753-POST (7678) recent months targeting the Unit- upper hand in any kind of negotia- August and September.
TO REACH THE OPINION PAGES ed States and other countries, as tions,” Hultquist added. “They “They create believable spear
TO ADVERTISE tensions have heightened be- could cause a lot of mayhem.” phishing emails and fake Linked-
Letters to the editor:
Classified: 202-334-6200 or call tween Iran and the West. Other tech companies also have In profiles as primary tactics,” ac-
202-334-6215 Tech giants such as Facebook been warning about the rising Ira- cording to the email from the DNC Isaac Stanley-Becker contributed to
Display: 202-334-7642
Opinion: and Twitter, and politicians and nian threat, largely out of concern obtained by The Washington Post. this report.
202-334-6000 Published daily (ISSN 0190-8286).
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CALIFORNIA also denied a motion by defense trial was anti-Semitic and Friday in the wake of yet
attorneys to reduce bail for frequently used racial slurs. another scandal in the seaside
Man to be retried in Almena from $750,000 to The Texas Court of Criminal gambling resort with a history
CUSTOM deadly warehouse fire $50,000. He has been jailed for
more than two years.
Appeals on Friday granted a
stay of execution for Randy
of political corruption.
City Council President Marty
The founder of an artists’ The Dec. 2, 2016, fire broke Halprin, who had been Small was sworn in a day after
work-live collective in the San out during an electronic music scheduled to receive a lethal fellow Democrat Frank Gilliam
Francisco Bay area, where a fast- party at the Ghost Ship injection Oct. 10. Jr. pleaded guilty to stealing
Big gest Sa le of t he Yea r! moving fire trapped and killed warehouse in Oakland, killing Halprin alleges in his appeal $87,000 from a youth basketball
36 partygoers three years ago, 36 mostly young partygoers. that ex-Dallas County Judge club he founded. He resigned

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Custom tailored furniture and window treatments will be tried again on Prosecutors allege Almena, Vickers Cunningham referred to hours later.
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Up Alameda County prosecutors negligent when he illegally comment Friday. stealing money that was
To said they decided on a retrial converted the industrial Halprin was among the purportedly for the basketball

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after a jury last month building into a residence for inmates who escaped from a team and for school supplies for
Call for details deadlocked on whether to find artists and held unpermitted South Texas prison in 2000 and poor children. But prosecutors
Derick Almena, 49, guilty or events inside. committed numerous robberies, say he used it on himself — for
• Upholstery • Shutters • Slipcovers innocent. Jurors split 10-2 in — Associated Press including one in which a trips, fancy clothes and other
favor of finding him guilty. suburban Dallas police officer personal expenses.
• Curtains • Cornices • Swags The same jury acquitted his TEXAS was fatally shot. Small, who has run several
• Roman Shades • Custom Bedding co-defendant Max Harris, 29, of — Associated Press times for mayor and lost a
manslaughter charges in Execution stayed over primary to Gilliam in 2017,
FREE SHOP AT HOME 1.800.666.3727 September after an emotionally
taxing three-month trial that
claim of anti-Semitism NEW JERSEY himself has been charged twice
— and acquitted twice — of
Fairfax 703.425.4887 • N. Bethesda 301.881.6585 drained family and friends of A Jewish death row inmate After scandal, a new election-related fraud. Gilliam
Annapolis 410.224.2360 • DC 202.537.8966 defendants and victims. who faced execution in less than Atlantic City mayor could face 20 years in prison • Mill End Shops • @millend_shops Judge Trina Thompson set a a week has won a reprieve after when he is sentenced Jan. 7.
new trial date in March. She claiming the former judge at his Atlantic City got a new mayor — Associated Press
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politics & the nation

Scientists on historic Arctic expedition find their floe
part of the Arctic and offers better
Ice sheet will serve as working conditions than we could
have expected after a warm Arctic
base for research effort summer.”
Arctic ice extents at the end of
this melt season were the third-
BY S ARAH K APLAN lowest on record. About 800,000
square miles more open water was
After a rigorous search in the exposed in the middle of Septem-
rapidly melting Siberian Arctic, ber than is typical for that time of
researchers on the world’s biggest year. This meant the Polarstern
North Pole expedition have finally and its support ship, the Fedorov,
found an ice floe on which to set had to sail farther and search
up camp. harder for a suitable ice floe.
Soon the scientists will cut the In his blog, MOSAiC researcher
engine on the research vessel Po- Marc Oggier described the ships
larstern and lodge their ship in slicing through fragile, soupy
ice. Trapped, the ship will spend “grease ice” until at last, on the
the next 12 months floating with horizon, the voyagers spotted the
the floe across the central Arctic thin white line of the ice edge.
as its passengers collect crucial Now the researchers must work
information about the effects of to swiftly set up camp. The six-
climate change in the fastest- month Arctic night is fast ap-
warming part of the world. proaching; as of Friday, the sun no
The multination, $134 million longer rises above the horizon.
Multidisciplinary Drifting Ob- Soon, all daylight will disappear.
servatory for the Study of Arctic The camp will resemble a small
Climate (MOSAiC) is the first ma- city, lit by floodlights and linked
jor modern research project to by pathways made of wooden
drift across the North Pole. A ro- planks to ensure that no wayward
tating cast of some 300 scientists explorers accidentally walk across
is slated to live and work aboard a colleague’s experiment. Ocean-
the Polarstern this year; by docu- ographers, geophysicists, meteo-
menting an entire year of change rologists, biologists and a host of
in the north, they hope to improve other researchers will collect in-
models of how Arctic melting will formation on every imaginable
affect weather in the rest of the aspect of the sea, ice, sky and their
world. inhabitants. The data will be fed
Organizers spent months ALFRED WEGENER INSTITUTE/ESTHER HORVATH/ASSOCIATED PRESS into a gigantic database shared
combing through satellite im- Gunnar Spreen, left, and Matthew Shupe examine a potential ice floe for the Multidisciplinary Drifting Observatory for the Study of first with the hundreds of MOSA-
agery and historic records, weeks Arctic Climate (MOSAiC). Researchers recently found a patch of ice to support their year-long expedition across the North Pole. iC collaborators, then with scien-
conducting helicopter survey tists all over the world.
flights and days crisscrossing ice warmth; by September, there diameter. Viewed from space, the northern edge, they found several months to come,” MOSAiC’s expe- “The data will be the legacy of
on snow machines and sleds be- were very few ice floes thick floe looked mostly dark — a signa- feet of firm, highly compressed ice dition leader, Markus Rex, a polar this expedition,” said Don Per-
fore making their selection of a enough to support the expedition. ture of thin ice riddled with melt — an ideal surface on which to set scientist at Germany’s Alfred We- ovich, a Dartmouth geophysicist
floe this week. On Sept. 28, scientists aboard ponds. up camp. They named this stable gener Institute, said in a state- and one of the co-leaders for MO-
The process was made more the Polarstern set foot on an oval- But when researchers surveyed area “the fortress.” ment. “It may not be the perfect SAiC’s sea ice experiments.
difficult after a summer of record shaped floe about 1.5 miles in a bright white region in the floe’s “We’ve found our home for the floe, but it’s the best one in this

Purdue Pharma bankruptcy being used to shield opioid profits, states say
BY C HRISTOPHER R OWLAND cy to avoid their own individual Massachusetts has previously president, Richard Sackler, said in misleading doctors about its ad- plated by the settlement struc-
accountability.’’ said in court filings, based on its a statement released Friday in re- dictive properties. In 2010, Purdue ture,’’ Purdue said in a filing last
The vast wealth of the Sackler Among other things, the states analysis of Purdue financial rec- sponse to the states’ motion. “The introduced an abuse-deterrent month.
family was thrust into the spot- cite deposition testimony stating ords, that the family took $4 bil- stay, if granted, will allow parties pill that made it impossible for Purdue Pharma issued a state-
light Friday in Purdue Pharma’s that the Sackler family took lion out of Purdue from 2008 to to focus their efforts on this goal addicts to crush and snort or in- ment Friday that said the compa-
bankruptcy case, as two dozen $12 billion to $13 billion in cash 2016. Oregon, based on its own rather than on litigation that will ject. ny’s bankruptcy filing, and a halt
states and the District of Colum- out of Purdue Pharma. In light of analysis of Purdue records, has waste resources and delay the de- Plaintiffs who have filed a wave to litigation, was necessary to al-
bia sought to block the family those sums, the states contend, said the number is up to $11 billion ployment of solutions to commu- of lawsuits in the past two years low the settlement to proceed.
from winning a nine-month re- the Sacklers’ proposed $3 billion from 2008 to 2018. nities in need.” claim Purdue Pharma continued In addition to contributing
prieve against OxyContin law- contribution to the settlement is “The Sackler family is trying to Addressing the family's cash to mislead doctors and the public $3 billion over seven years, de-
suits. not enough. take advantage of the fact that withdrawals from Purdue Phar- even after the guilty pleas. rived in part from an overseas
Purdue Pharma last month “The Sacklers want the bank- they’ve extracted nearly all the ma, Connolly added, “The distri- Companies that file for bank- drug company still owned by the
asked the bankruptcy court to ruptcy court to stop our lawsuits money out of Purdue and pushed bution numbers do not reflect the ruptcy typically are given an auto- Sacklers, the family has pledged to
temporarily halt litigation against so they can keep the billions of the carcass of the company into fact that many billions of dollars matic stay of litigation. The attor- relinquish ownership of Purdue
its Sackler family owners, a step dollars they pocketed from Oxy- bankruptcy,’’ said North Carolina from that amount were paid in neys general argued Friday that Pharma. As part of the deal, it
that the company said is necessary Contin and walk away without Attorney General Josh Stein. taxes and reinvested in businesses because they are exercising their would be set up as a public trust.
to allow progress on a tentative ever being held accountable. “That’s unacceptable. Multibil- that will be sold as part of the state “police powers,’’ Purdue Proceeds from continued opioid
multibillion settlement with more That’s unacceptable,’’ Maura Hea- lionaires are the opposite of bank- proposed settlement.” Pharma is not entitled to an auto- sales would be used to manufac-
than 2,600 plaintiffs who have ac- ley, the Massachusetts attorney rupt.’’ Purdue Pharma introduced matic stay. ture and distribute addiction and
cused Purdue of deceptively mar- general, said in a statement. Twenty-four states have signed OxyContin in 1996, and sales rep- That question, as well as the rescue antidote drugs.
keting its blockbuster opioid pain The claim that the Sacklers took on to the tentative bankruptcy set- resented a small fraction of total request to allow litigation to pro- “Purdue’s request for a stay can-
pill. up to $13 billion out of Purdue tlement. The family has argued in prescription opioid sales. But nu- ceed against the Sacklers, will be not be construed as an effort by
States opposing the settlement Pharma is contained in a tran- court filings that its withdrawals merous states and local govern- decided by U.S. Bankruptcy Judge the company to use the bankrupt-
strongly objected in a joint motion script of a deposition that was from Purdue were not intended to ments contend the company’s ag- Robert Drain. cy to evade responsibility or over-
filed Friday in U.S. Bankruptcy taken late last month of one of shield the money from litigation. gressive marketing of the drug, Purdue Pharma has suggested sight,’’ the company said. “To the
Court in White Plains, N.Y. Purdue’s business advisers, Jesse “The Sacklers have agreed to combined with its highly addic- in court filings that protecting the contrary, the settlement structure
“The Sacklers used the profits DelConte, a director at consulting relinquish their equity in Purdue tive nature, fueled a U.S. opioid family from lawsuits is a vital com- already offers 100 percent of Pur-
from their illegal scheme to be- firm AlixPartners. DelConte, who and to contribute at least an addi- epidemic that spread from pre- ponent of the settlement. due without the plaintiffs having
come one of the richest families in referred to financial information tional $3 billion to the fight scription opioids to illegal fenta- “If forced to bear the risk of to win a single court case. So,
the world — far wealthier than the he had reviewed while doing work against the opioid crisis,’’ Daniel S. nyl and heroin and claimed adverse money judgments, the re- bankruptcy is being used to give
company they ran,’’ the states said. for Purdue, did not provide in his Connolly, an attorney for the 400,000 lives. Purdue and three of lated parties may be unwilling — Purdue to its claimants, not to
“Now, the Sacklers seek to lever- deposition a time frame for those branch of the Sackler family that its executives pleaded guilty in or unable — to make the billions of shield the company from them.’’
age Purdue’s corporate bankrupt- withdrawals. includes its former chairman and 2007 to federal criminal charges of dollars of contributions contem-

Chicago teachers set to strike Oct. 17

BY V ALERIE S TRAUSS Other union demands involve tract negotiation website that
social-justice issues, including af- Lightfoot unveiled Monday with
Chicago teachers have voted to fordable housing for teachers, details of the administration’s
strike Oct. 17 if contentious con- students and parents; an expan- proposals.
tract negotiations with city offi- sion of community schools that “This new website does not
cials are not resolved, affecting provide services for students and replace open bargaining, which
more than 300,000 public school their families (including counsel- we’d still like to see,” the union’s
students in the nation’s third- ing, medical and dental care, and president, Jesse Sharkey, said in
largest district. food support); and an extension an email. “Those who are most
School support staffers and of the city’s moratorium on char- impacted — including more than
park district workers — who are ter schools, which are publicly 25,000 teachers, paraprofession-
represented by a different union funded but privately operated. als and clinicians and the families
— also set Oct. 17 as the day to Lightfoot and Chicago Public they serve — deserve a seat at the
strike if their contract talks are Schools chief executive Janice K. table, and livestreaming bargain-
not resolved, meaning unionized Jackson said that even though ing would be a step towards that.”
teachers could be striking outside they are doing “everything in our If the teachers strike, it would
the classroom at the same time power to reach a fair deal” to be the third walkout in Chicago
public parks could be closed. The avoid a strike, they are making since 1987, when the union won
city’s contract with the Chicago preparations for one, and they pay raises, small class sizes and
Teachers Union expired in June. pledged to keep schools open other concessions during a three-
If Chicago teachers walked off during regular hours “to ensure week strike. Chicago teachers
the job, it would be the latest students have a safe and welcom- went out on strike again in 2012
strike by educators in a string of ing place to spend the day and with strong community support,
job actions that began in early warm meals to eat.” seeking higher wages, fair teach-
2018 in states controlled by Re- The Chicago Teachers Union, er assessments and job security.
publicans as well as Democrats. which represents about 35,000
This year, teachers went on strike educators, says city officials have
in Los Angeles, Denver, Sacra- rejected many of its positions,  More at
mento and Oakland, Calif. Educa- and union leaders derided a con- answer-sheet
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cash-strapped schools.
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Daily Newspapers & Magazines in PDF for Telegram: @WorldAndNews


the impeachment inquiry

House Democrats seek Ukraine documents from Pence

IMPEACHMENT FROM A1 Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) did
not defend Trump but said he did
The Washington Post showed that not take the president’s calls for
Kurt Volker, the former U.S. spe- foreign investigation of political
cial envoy to Ukraine, defended rivals seriously.
Biden in a statement to Congress “I don’t think it’s a real request,”
that directly undercut Trump’s he told reporters Friday.
claims of corruption by the former But the release of several text
vice president. messages from the State Depart-
“I know him as a man of integri- ment late Thursday revealed a
ty and dedication to our country,” concerted effort to push Ukraine
Volker said in his testimony to begin the investigations desired
Thursday. by Trump.
Trump’s concession that he The texts show how Volker and
would probably be impeached by other State Department officials
the House was the latest develop- coordinated with Zelensky’s top
ment in what has become an aide and Giuliani to leverage a
ad hoc response strategy largely potential summit between Trump
shaped by the president’s impuls- and Zelensky on a promise from
es. Since Democrats announced the Ukrainians to investigate Bu-
their inquiry last week, Trump has risma.
shown flashes of anger, frustra- In his statement to Congress,
tion, aggression, defiance and Volker said his efforts to persuade
even indifference. Trump to support Zelensky were
On Friday, Trump continued to undermined by information that
take a combative stance and cast Giuliani and others had been feed-
himself as a victim of overzealous ing the president about corrup-
Democrats. “We’ve been treated tion. Trump has since linked those
very unfairly, very different from corruption allegations to Biden,
anybody else,” he said. calling for an investigation.
Trump said he would spell out Texts among Volker, Giuliani
his complaints in a letter to Pelosi and the U.S. ambassador to the
(D-Calif.), whom Republicans European Union, Gordon Sond-
have increasingly accused of land, showed that the men coordi-
short-circuiting the formal im- nated on a draft statement for the
peachment process by not holding Ukrainians in an effort to satisfy
a vote on the House floor to launch Trump’s demands. After sending it
an inquiry. to Giuliani, who wanted an explic-
The process-based argument it reference to Burisma and the
has become a central part of the MELINA MARA/THE WASHINGTON POST 2016 election investigation, Volk-
GOP response to the impeach- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) on Capitol Hill on Wednesday. er and Sondland messaged back
ment debate, with few Republi- Republicans are accusing Pelosi of short-circuiting the impeachment process by not holding a vote on the House floor to launch an inquiry. and forth to work up the text to
cans publicly defending Trump’s send back to the Ukrainians, ac-
behavior or his assertion that he “The Office of the Vice Presi- scrutiny by Ukrainian prosecutors an impeachment inquiry of Presi- beating their tom toms like they cording to Volker. The Ukrainians
has the “absolute right” to ask dent received the letter after it was for possible abuse of power and dent @realdonaldTrump,” Sen. want it, but they don’t. They have ultimately did not agree to the
foreign governments to investi- released to the media and it has unlawful enrichment. Hunter Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) tweet- the most to be concerned about statement upon receiving that
gate his political opponents. been forwarded to Counsel’s Of- Biden was not accused of any ed Friday. “They should — and because for some of their mem- version.
Meanwhile, House Democrats fice for a response,” Katie Wald- wrongdoing in the investigation. must — vote to open an inquiry of bers, to say that we shouldn’t go At least one U.S. official, William
have ramped up their inquiry, in- man, spokeswoman for the vice As vice president, Joe Biden pres- impeachment so their CON- forward with this is a bad vote.” B. “Bill” Taylor, the chargé d’affair-
terviewing key Trump adminis- president’s office, said in a state- sured Ukraine to fire its top pros- STITUENTS, COUNTRY, and HIS- Some Republicans have spoken es in Ukraine, voiced concern
tration officials and issuing sub- ment. “Given the scope, it does not ecutor, Viktor Shokin, who Biden TORY can evaluate their actions.” out against Trump’s behavior. Af- about an apparent quid pro quo.
poenas as part of their probe of the appear to be a serious request but and other Western officials said House Minority Leader Kevin ter the president said Thursday “As I said on the phone, I think
president’s dealings with the just another attempt by the Do was not sufficiently pursuing cor- McCarthy (R-Calif.) sent a letter to that China should also investigate it’s crazy to withhold security as-
Ukrainian government. On Fri- Nothing Democrats to call atten- ruption cases. At the time, the Pelosi on Thursday requesting Biden, Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) sistance for help with a political
day, three House committees sub- tion to their partisan impeach- investigation into Burisma was that she suspend the impeach- said it was “wrong and appalling.” campaign,” Taylor texted Sond-
poenaed the White House for doc- ment.” dormant, according to former ment inquiry and ensure that the “When the only American citi- land on Sept. 9, complaining that
uments and wrote a letter to Vice Democrats are investigating Ukrainian and U.S. officials. full House be allowed to vote on zen President Trump singles out the Trump administration’s deci-
President Pence, demanding that whether Trump or others in his Republicans have struggled to whether to proceed. McCarthy for China’s investigation is his po- sion to withhold congressionally
he turn over documents related to administration linked the release find a consistent defense of Trump said that Pelosi risked creating “a litical opponent in the midst of the approved military aid to Ukraine
his talks with Ukrainian President of the aid to the president’s re- in the wake of the whistleblower’s process completely devoid of any Democratic nomination process, had already created a “nightmare
Volodymyr Zelensky. quest that Ukraine investigate report, which was published last merit or legitimacy” if she did not it strains credulity to suggest that scenario.”
The letter called for Pence to Biden and his son Hunter. week. The anonymous whistle- follow specific guidelines to give it is anything other than political- “The president has been crystal
deliver documents by Oct. 15 to During a July phone call with blower claimed that Trump “the bare minimum rights grant- ly motivated,” Romney, the 2012 clear no quid pro quo’s of any
explain what role he had in the Zelensky, Trump pushed for pushed for the Ukrainian govern- ed to his predecessors.” Republican presidential nominee, kind,” Sondland replied.
White House’s effort to pressure Ukrainian prosecutors to work ment to investigate his political In an interview with The Wash- said in a statement Friday. On Friday, Trump defended the
Zelensky to open investigations of with Attorney General William P. rival, allegations that have been ington Post, Pelosi said holding a Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.), who is texts by referring to Sondland’s
Trump’s political opponents. Barr and Trump’s personal attor- confirmed as the congressional vote on the House floor was an up for reelection next year, dis- statement. “He said, by the way,
Pence met with Zelensky last ney Rudolph W. Giuliani on an probe has uncovered text messag- option but not a requirement for tanced himself from Trump’s call there’s ‘no quid pro quo,’ ” the
month in Poland as the White investigation of alleged corrup- es, internal documents and sworn proceeding with an inquiry. for a Chinese investigation target- president said. “And there isn’t.”
House was withholding nearly tion by the Bidens. testimony from the Trump admin- “There’s nothing anyplace that ing Biden.
$400 million in aid approved for Hunter Biden served for nearly istration. says that we should. However, the “Americans don’t look to Chi-
Ukraine. five years on the board of Burisma, “Democrat House members people who are most afraid of a nese commies for the truth,” he Karen Tumulty, Paul Sonne and Greg
Pence’s office dismissed the re- Ukraine’s largest private gas com- cannot be allowed to hide behind vote on the floor are the Republi- said in a statement to the Omaha Jaffe contributed to this report.
quest as unserious. pany, whose owner came under @SpeakerPelosi when it comes to cans,” she said. “That’s why they’re World-Herald.

Trump’s calls with foreign leaders have left some aides ‘genuinely horrified’
CALLS FROM A1 “What a burden it must be to be former official said. whatever he wanted to say.”
stuck between your position of Russia was kicked out of the As a result, staff fretted that
alliance, or simply pressure a trust in the White House and group in 2014 for violating inter- Trump came across ill-informed
counterpart for a personal favor. another obligation you may feel national law when it invaded in some calls, and even oafish. In a
“There was a constant under- to the American people to say Ukraine and annexed Crimea. conversation with China’s Xi,
current in the Trump administra- something,” he said. Trump has publicly advocated for Trump repeated numerous times
tion of [senior staff ] who were The White House did not re- Russia to be allowed back in. how much he liked a kind of
genuinely horrified by the things spond to a request for comment Saudi Arabia, which oppresses chocolate cake, one former offi-
they saw that were happening on Thursday or Friday. women and has a record of hu- cial said. The president publicly
these calls,” said one former Sen. Lindsey O. Graham man rights abuses, wasn’t a fit described the dessert the two had
White House official, who spoke (R-S.C.), a Trump ally, said the candidate for membership, the in April 2017 when Trump and Xi
on the condition of anonymity to president speaks his mind and former official said. met at the president’s Mar-a-Lago
discuss the private conversations. diverges from other presidents Saudi Arabia was not admitted resort as “the most beautiful
“Phone calls that were embar- who follow protocol. Graham said to the group. piece of chocolate cake you have
rassing, huge mistakes he made, he saw nothing distressing in the Calls with foreign leaders have ever seen.”
months and months of work that president’s July 25 call with Zel- often been highly orchestrated Trump preferred to make calls
were upended by one impulsive ensky and said he expected it to events in past administrations. from the residence, which frus-
tweet.” be worse, partially given his own “When I was at the White trated some NSC staff and West
But Trump’s July 25 call with experience with Trump on the House, there was a very delibera- Wing aides who wanted to be on
Ukrainian President Volodymyr phone. tive process of the president ab- hand to give the president real-
Zelensky went beyond whether “If you take half of my phone PETE MAROVICH/BLOOMBERG NEWS sorbing information from people time advice. If he held the call in
the leader of the free world had calls with him, it wouldn’t read as President Trump, on his first call with Russian President Vladimir who had deep substantive knowl- the Oval Office, aides would gath-
committed a faux pas, and into cleanly and nicely,” he said, add- Putin in 2017, is said to have been “obsequious” and “fawning.” edge of the countries and rela- er around the desk and pass him
grave concerns he had engaged in ing that the president sounded tionships with these leaders. notes to try to keep the calls on
a possible crime or impeachable like a “normal person.” struck with Chinese President Xi Aides bristled at the dismissive Preparation for these calls was point. On a few occasions, then-
offense. The release last week of a This story is based on inter- Jinping, Turkish President Recep way he sometimes addressed taken very seriously,” Willett said. Chief of Staff John F. Kelly muted
whistleblower complaint alleging views with 12 former or current Tayyip Erdogan and Putin. longtime U.S. allies, especially “It appears to be freestyle and the call to try to get the president
Trump pressured Ukraine to in- officials with knowledge of the “We couldn’t figure out early women. ad-libbed now.” back on track, two officials said.
vestigate his political rivals as president’s foreign calls. These on why he was being so nice to In a summer 2018 call with Trump has rejected much of Though calls with foreign lead-
well as the release of a rough officials had direct involvement Russia,” one former senior ad- Prime Minister Theresa May, the protocol and preparation as- ers are routinely planned in ad-
transcript of the July call led to in the calls, were briefed on them ministration official said. H.R. Trump harangued the British sociated with foreign calls, even vance, Trump a few times called
House Democrats launching an or read the transcripts afterward. McMaster, the president’s then- leader about her country’s contri- as his national security team tried Canadian Prime Minister Justin
impeachment inquiry against All spoke on the condition of national security adviser, bution to NATO. He then disput- to establish goals for each conver- Trudeau and French President
Trump. anonymity to discuss the presi- launched an internal campaign to ed her intelligence community’s sation. Emmanuel Macron unan-
The Ukraine controversy has dent’s private conversations with get Trump to be more skeptical of conclusion that Putin’s govern- Instead, Trump often sought to nounced, as if they were friends, a
put a renewed focus on Trump’s world leaders. the Russians. Officials expressed ment had orchestrated the at- use calls as a way to befriend former administration official
unorthodox way of interacting The first call Trump made that surprise in both of his early Putin tempted murder and poisoning of whoever he was talking to, one said.
with fellow world leaders in dip- set off alarm bells came less than calls at why he was so friendly. a former Russian spy on British current senior administration of- But officials who had served in
lomatic calls. two weeks after his inauguration. In another call, in April 2017, soil. ficial said, defending the presi- the White House through the end
Critics, including some former On Jan. 28, Trump called Putin for Trump told Philippine President “Trump was totally bought into dent. “So he might say something of 2018 were still shocked by the
administration officials, contend what should have been a routine Rodrigo Duterte, who had over- the idea there was credible doubt that sounds terrible to the out- whistleblower complaint about
that Trump’s behavior on calls formality: accepting a foreign seen a brutal campaign that has about the poisoning,” said one side, but in his mind, he’s trying to the effort to “lock down” records
with foreign leaders has at times leader’s congratulations. Former resulted in the extrajudicial kill- person briefed on the call. “A solid build a relationship with that of Trump’s July 25 call. The com-
created unneeded tensions with White House officials described ings of thousands of suspected 10 minutes of the conversation is person and sees flattery as the plaint said White House officials
allies and sent troubling signals Trump as “obsequious” and drug dealers, that he was doing an spent with May saying it’s highly way to do it.” ordered the transcript moved
to adversaries or authoritarians “fawning,” but said he also ram- “unbelievable job on the drug likely and him saying he’s not The president resisted long into a highly secure computer
that the United States supports or bled off into different topics with- problem.” sure.” briefings before calls or reading system, known as NICE, which is
at least does not care about hu- out any clear point, while Putin Trump’s personal goals seeped Trump would sometimes make in preparation, several former of- normally reserved only for infor-
man rights or their aggressive appeared to stick to formal talk- into calls. He pestered Japanese commitments to foreign leaders ficials said. McMaster, who pre- mation about the most sensitive
behavior elsewhere in the world. ing points for a first official ex- Prime Minister Shinzo Abe for that flew in the face of U.S. policy ferred providing the president code-word-level intelligence pro-
Joel Willett, a former intelli- change. help in recommending him for a and international agreements, as with information he could use to grams.
gence officer who worked at the “He was like, ‘Oh my gosh, my Nobel Prize, according to an offi- when he told a Saudi royal that he make decisions, resigned himself “Unheard of,” said one former
National Security Council from people didn’t tell me you wanted cial familiar with the call. would support their country’s en- to giving Trump small notecards official who handled foreign calls.
2014 to 2015, said he was con- to talk to me,’ ” said one person “People who could do things try into the G-7. with bulleted highlights and talk- “That just blew me away.”
cerned both by the descriptions of with direct knowledge of the call. for him — he was nice to,” said one “The G-7 is supposed to be the ing points.
a president winging it, and the Trump has been consistently former security official. “Leaders allies with whom we share the “You had two to three minutes
realization that the president’s cozy with authoritarian leaders, with trade deficits, strong female most common values and the max,” said one former senior ad-
behavior disturbs and frightens sparking anxiety among aides leaders, members of NATO — deepest commitment to uphold- ministration official. “And then
career civil servants. about the solicitous tones he those tended to go badly.” ing the rules-based order,” the he was still usually going to say
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the impeachment inquiry

Justice Department helps Trump fight financial probes

ment.’ ” — began asking for documents
So far, federal judges have re- related to the payments, as well as
Engagement in private jected Trump’s argument. seeking tax returns for Trump
lawsuits by president is a “Congress plainly views itself and his businesses from Mazars.
as having sweeping authority to Vance has rejected Trump’s ar-
step beyond the norm investigate illegal conduct of a guments, saying the president is
President, before and after taking seeking to “invent and enforce a
office,” U.S. District Judge Amit new presidential ‘tax return privi-
BY D AVID A . F AHRENTHOLD, Mehta wrote in Washington in lege’ ” that would bar anyone
A NN E . M ARIMOW refusing to block the House sub- from seeing his returns. “No such
AND R OBERT B ARNES poena for Trump’s accounting privilege exists in the law,” Vance’s
firm records. “This court is not office wrote.
As President Trump tries to prepared to roll back the tide of The Justice Department’s filing
fight off multiple inquiries into history.” in the case doesn’t explicitly sup-
his private finances — from state But the cases aren’t over. The port Trump’s assertion of immu-
prosecutors, congressional com- subpoenas are on hold. In both nity from investigation. Instead,
mittees and legal plaintiffs — he cases, Trump appealed his losses it urges District Judge Victor Mar-
has gotten help from a powerful to federal circuit courts. rero to slow the case down, keep
ally: the Justice Department. The Justice Department also the subpoenas on hold and listen
In at least three recent cases, advised the Treasury Department carefully to Trump’s arguments.
the department — led by Attorney to refuse a request from the Vance’s office has said the Jus-
General William P. Barr, a Trump House Ways and Means Commit- tice Department is overstepping
appointee — has intervened in tee to inspect Trump’s tax returns. its bounds and infringing on “the
lawsuits where Trump has per- The law says the returns must be State’s sovereign right to enforce
sonally sued those investigating turned over when requested. its criminal laws free from federal
him. But the Justice Department interference.”
In the most recent instance, on still said no: Its reasoning was Legal experts have said
Wednesday, the department took again that there was no “legiti- Trump’s arguments are a sharp
Trump’s side in a federal lawsuit mate legislative purpose” behind departure from existing prec-
against the Manhattan district TOM BRENNER/REUTERS the request, so it was not valid. edent: In the 1970s, for instance,
attorney. In that case, Trump has Attorney General William P. Barr’s Justice Department has taken on an expanded role by supporting Democrats have sued to get the the Supreme Court ruled unani-
sought to block a subpoena for his the president when he sues others, not just when he is sued. Recent cases involve his private finances. returns, and that case is still mously that President Richard M.
tax returns — using the prece- pending. Nixon had to turn over Oval Office
dent-shattering argument that a the time. former federal prosecutor and the Department has supported In the Manhattan district attor- tape recordings sought by pros-
sitting president shouldn’t be in- “The clock is ticking on this author of a new book called Trump as he seeks to block con- ney suit, Trump’s private attor- ecutors.
vestigated by any prosecutor, for presidential term,” said Brianne “Plaintiff in Chief: A Portrait of gressional investigations of his neys have turned their arguments “What [Trump is] asking for, it
any reason, anywhere. Gorod, chief counsel of the Con- Donald Trump in 3,500 Lawsuits.” finances — by suing the commit- from those other lawsuits inside seems implicitly, is for lower fed-
The Justice Department didn’t stitutional Accountability Center, “It’ll achieve delay. . . . The wheels tees investigating him, and suing out. Before, they said Congress eral courts to ignore U.S. v. Nixon,
explicitly embrace Trump’s broad which is seeking records about of justice grind very slowly.” the companies the committees should not obtain Trump’s rec- or ultimately for the Supreme
arguments. But it did urge the Trump’s private business dealings Jay Sekulow, a private attorney subpoenaed for records. ords because that job was re- Court to overrule U.S. v. Nixon,”
judge in the case to take extra with foreign governments. for Trump, said his team consults One of those cases involves a served for prosecutors. said Jed Shugerman, a law profes-
time to consider them, given “the “Where the House is seeking in- with the Justice Department House Oversight Committee sub- In this separate case, Trump’s sor at Fordham University.
weighty constitutional issues in- formation that is relevant to its when necessary. The team Seku- poena to Trump’s accountants, private attorneys have said pros- In his lawsuit against Vance,
volved.” determination whether to im- low oversees has the job of advo- Mazars USA, seeking his tax re- ecutors shouldn’t obtain them. Trump cited a 2018 blog post
The Justice Department has peach the president, it needs that cating for the president’s person- turns. That job, they said, was reserved written by Shugerman — quoting
long defended presidents when information as quickly as possi- al interests. The Justice Depart- The other involves subpoenas for Congress. a line saying that presidents can’t
they’ve been sued. Now it is also ble.” ment has an interest in preserv- to two of Trump’s banks, “The Framers eliminated this do their job well if they’re being
jumping in to support Trump But it’s too early to tell whether ing executive authority. Deutsche Bank and Capital One, possibility, and assigned the task prosecuted.
when he sues others — backing that will be the case — or if, The two confer, he said, when seeking documents related to to . . . Congress” by creating the But Shugerman said Trump is
him up as he pushes for an expan- instead, the House’s focus on a Trump’s personal arguments in- loans he received. impeachment process, Trump’s misconstruing his argument. He
sion of presidential immunity. separate investigation into tersect in some way with presi- In both cases, Trump said the private attorneys wrote. They believes presidents shouldn’t be
“The DOJ has elected to insert Trump’s dealings with Ukraine dential power. He noted that, in subpoenas are invalid because asked a judge to stop the subpoe- prosecuted while in office —
itself into this private lawsuit to will sap the urgency from these two cases, a judge actually asked they lack a “legitimate legislative na: “Because [Vance’s] subpoena hauled out of Washington and
support [Trump’s] extravagant cases. the Justice Department if it want- purpose” — that is, they’re not attempts to criminally investigate into a courtroom. But Shugerman
claim” of presidential privilege, During Trump’s term, federal ed to intervene. tied to pending legislation. The a sitting president, it is unconsti- said that doesn’t mean presidents
District Attorney Cyrus Vance (D) lawyers have defended him “Any discussions that would argument is that Congress should tutional.” can’t be investigated, for possible
wrote in a letter to the judge against three lawsuits alleging he take place would be because of not investigate the president’s Vance’s investigation is focused prosecution after they leave of-
Thursday. is violating the Constitution by the institutional interests the Jus- conduct; that’s a job for prosecu- on hush-money payments made fice.
Vance accused the Justice De- continuing to do business with tice Department would have re- tors. just before the 2016 election to If presidents can’t even be in-
partment of helping Trump avoid foreign governments through his garding legal issues we had “A congressional demand for two women who said they had vestigated, he said, that might
investigation, by playing for time: family business. Two of those law- raised, to include, [constitution- the President’s personal records sexual encounters with Trump. incentivize them toward worse
“[Trump’s] only goal in this litiga- suits, which focus on the Consti- al] authority, separation of pow- raises the specter that members He has denied having relation- behavior.
tion, now supported by the DOJ tution’s foreign emoluments ers, among other things,” Sekulow of the Legislative Branch are im- ships with the women. “It creates a perverse incentive
itself, is to obtain as much delay as clause, are still pending. Another said. He said the consultations permissibly attempting to inter- Trump’s former attorney and for a president to then break more
possible, through litigation, stays, was dismissed, but the plaintiffs usually involve William Conso- fere with or harass the Head of the “fixer,” Michael Cohen, pleaded laws to get reelected,” since the
and appeals.” are asking for a rehearing. voy, another private attorney for Executive Branch,” according to a guilty to campaign-finance viola- president would face no investi-
Some critics of Trump are hop- But, under Trump, the depart- Trump, and James M. Burnham, a Justice Department brief filed at tions for helping arrange those gation for those, either, Shuger-
ing that the new impeachment ment has also taken on an ex- deputy assistant attorney general. the U.S. Court of Appeals for the payments. Cohen said he’d been man said. “It gives him carte
inquiry launched by House Dem- panded role — as legal firepower “The courts have asked for the D.C. Circuit as part of the case reimbursed by the Trump Organi- blanche as long as he wins two
ocrats — while not connected to to a highly litigious president, views of the Justice Department, involving Mazars USA. zation. Federal prosecutors later terms.”
any of these existing suits — may who has carried over his longtime which is typical in these kinds of In that filing, Justice Depart- effectively concluded their inves-
help speed their path through the habit of using lawsuits to stymie cases, going back to President ment attorneys echoed argu- tigation without charging anyone
federal judiciary. The argument his enemies. Clinton,” Sekulow said. ments made by Trump’s privately else at the company.
would be that, if Congress needs For Trump, “the idea is to beat The Justice Department de- paid attorneys. They said Con- After that, Vance’s office — Robert Barnes, Carol D. Leonnig and
to know something about the system,” even if he can’t beat clined to comment for this story. gress “may not issue a subpoena which has the power to bring Rosalind S. Helderman contributed to
Trump’s private conduct, now is the cases, said James D. Zirin, a In two other cases, the Justice for purposes of ‘law enforce- charges in New York state courts this report.

Before confirmation, inspector general pledged to protect whistleblowers

Trump picked Atkinson for in- ferent rewards,” he said at his secretary Ronald H. Brown Jr.,
spector general of the intelli- January 2018 hearing. “Although pleaded guilty the same year after
Atkinson spent years gence community in late 2017, my annual salary was reduced by he was photographed taking
as federal prosecutor in and he was confirmed in May nearly two-thirds from my time wads of cash in a gym bag and
2018. at the law firm, my sense of coffee mug from undercover fed-
public corruption cases Sixteen months later, Atkinson professional accomplishment eral agents.
was locked in a stalemate with was never higher.” On the other side of the court-
the Justice Department and the Inside the intelligence commu- room from Atkinson in both cases
BY A NN E . M ARIMOW acting director of national intelli- nity leadership, Atkinson is was defense attorney Reid Wein-
AND E LLEN N AKASHIMA gence, who had refused to trans- viewed as “quiet, reserved” and garten. He said Atkinson, unlike
mit the whistleblower’s com- one you “trust with investiga- other prosecutors who might
When Michael K. Atkinson ad- plaint to Congress within seven tions,” said one senior U.S. intelli- have sought an overly harsh sen-
dressed senators at his confirma- days as required by law. gence official who was not au- tence or leaked details to the
tion hearing last year to become The law requires Atkinson to thorized to comment on the rec- media, “handled himself with
the watchdog for the nation’s notify Congress when he is “un- ord and spoke on the condition of class, intelligence, with sensitivi-
intelligence community, he able to resolve” a difference with anonymity. ty and with strength.”
promised a robust program to the intelligence director on a During his initial closed-door “The evidence was dreadful,
encourage whistleblowers — one matter involving one of the in- testimony before the House Intel- but there was a sensitivity,” Wein-
that “validates moral courage spector general’s duties. He sent ligence Committee last month, garten said. “He didn’t rub it in
without compromising national two letters to Congress in Sep- Atkinson focused largely on what my face.”
security and without retaliation.” tember, informing the intelli- ASTRID RIECKEN FOR THE WASHINGTON POST the law requires of his office. He As part of a far-reaching cam-
Atkinson returned to Congress gence panels that a complaint Michael K. Atkinson, the intelligence community inspector said he interviewed witnesses to paign finance investigation, At-
on Friday after the alarms he existed, and told the committees general, arrives for meetings Friday on Capitol Hill. help determine the complaint’s kinson negotiated the plea agree-
raised from a whistleblower set he was continuing efforts to ob- credibility but did not identify ment with former D.C. contractor
in motion the House impeach- tain direction from acting direc- dia reports revealed the com- ley Moss said Atkinson, by “ac- the witnesses he interviewed, Jeffrey Thompson. He alleged in
ment inquiry into President tor Joseph Maguire as to how the plaint centered on Trump’s phone tions including providing official said a person familiar with the 2014 that then-Mayor Vincent C.
Trump’s phone call with his whistleblower could bring con- call with the Ukrainian presi- counterpoints to the political session. Gray (D) knew about Thompson’s
Ukrainian counterpart. Atkinson cerns to Congress. dent. On the call, Trump repeat- spin coming out of the White Atkinson was “credible,” said unreported, illegal “shadow cam-
is also battling for legal protec- Atkinson then testified in a edly pressed Volodymyr Zelensky House and its media allies, has the individual, speaking on the paign” on Gray’s behalf. Gray,
tions for the unnamed person closed-door hearing, and was to investigate former vice presi- done more than anyone ever condition of anonymity to de- now a D.C. Council member, was
who issued the complaint, whom back for a follow-up closed-door dent Joe Biden and his son Hunt- imagined that a politically ap- scribe a closed session. He was never charged, and he accused
the president has called “fake” session Friday with the House er Biden. pointed IG could have done.” “emotional in the sense that he Thompson of lying. His support-
and “vicious.” Intelligence Committee. The disclosures touched off Atkinson, 55, grew up in New was disturbed by being stymied ers called the plea a sweetheart
As a former federal prosecutor “It could have all been calls from Congress for the White York’s Oswego County. When and felt like he wasn’t able to do deal and criticized prosecutors
in Washington, Atkinson is well squashed by the Justice Depart- House to release a summary of asked in his Senate confirmation his job,” the person said. for the timing — publicly naming
suited to his high-pressure role at ment, but he persisted,” said Trump’s phone call — and for the questionnaire whether he had Atkinson brought to the task Gray just weeks before he lost his
the epicenter of the unfolding Mary McCord, who worked close- whistleblower’s complaint to be ever run afoul of the law, Atkin- his 15 years of investigating and primary bid for reelection.
investigation, according to for- ly with Atkinson when she led the made public. son, known as a straight arrow taking on complex, high-stakes Atkinson disclosed the identity
mer colleagues. He helped send Justice Department’s national se- Earlier this week, Atkinson with a dry wit, wrote that as a corruption cases involving elect- of “Mayoral Candidate A” in court
two Democratic congressmen to curity division and Atkinson was pushed back against unsubstan- high school senior, he paid a $75 ed officials, corporate executives only after he was ordered to do so
prison and oversaw a sprawling her senior counsel, and when tiated allegations in conservative fine for illegally fishing for trout and government contractors. He by the judge.
campaign finance investigation both were in the U.S. attorney’s media outlets — and picked up in “out of season, at night, and with helped prosecute former con- He was also the driving force in
involving a former D.C. mayor. office in Washington. a tweet by the president — that a spear.” gressman William Jefferson exposing a network of corrupt
Atkinson is unflappable, under- “As soon as I saw that this was the whistleblower submission Atkinson graduated from Syra- (D-La.) in a bribery case that public officials and government
stated and cautious, they say, but coming from him, that was all I form had been altered to enable cuse University, and after law uncovered $90,000 hidden in foil contractors for the Army Corps of
also unafraid to speak up when needed to know to credit the complaints that were not based school at Cornell University he in Jefferson’s freezer. Engineers who stole more than
he disagrees. report, because I know him to be on firsthand knowledge. The spent 11 years as a lawyer in His work led to convictions of $30 million through inflated bill-
“He plans many steps ahead; a careful, thoughtful, meticulous whistleblower had acknowledged private practice in Washington. the sons of two prominent Demo- ings and fake invoices.
he’s not impulsive. He had to have prosecutor,” McCord said. “He in the complaint not being “a He and his wife, the managing crats. Jesse L. Jackson Jr., the At the sentencing for the mas-
known that taking this action doesn’t seek the limelight. He direct witness” in most cases. partner at a D.C. law firm, have former Illinois congressman and termind, Atkinson urged the
was going to have repercussions,” doesn’t seek attention.” In a statement posted online, two sons and live in Maryland, son of the Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, judge to send a message to thou-
said former colleague Matthew Atkinson’s notification Atkinson said the form has been according to the Senate form. pleaded guilty in 2013 to stealing sands of public officials and con-
Jones, who was chief of staff to prompted a subpoena from in place since May 2018. There is It was after the 9/11 attacks hundreds of thousands of dollars tractors who must decide daily
Atkinson’s boss, then-U.S. Attor- House Intelligence Committee no requirement in the law, he that Atkinson decided to join the in campaign money to pay for an “whether to give in to the tempta-
ney Ronald C. Machen Jr. “He’s Chairman Adam B. Schiff (D-Ca- noted, that a complainant pos- government. extravagant lifestyle. Former D.C. tion of government corruption.”
not a person who goes out on a lif.) to Maguire to turn over the sess firsthand knowledge. “I wanted more challenges, Council member Michael A.
limb in any way.” complaint. Several days later, me- Whistleblower attorney Brad- greater responsibilities and dif- Brown, son of former commerce
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the impeachment inquiry

Texts lay bare U.S. diplomats’ direct pressure on Ukraine

UKRAINE FROM A1 Coached by the tandem of Sond-
land and Volker, Yermak appears
hoped would deliver damaging to have given Giuliani the reassur-
information on former vice presi- ances he needed to secure Zel-
dent Joe Biden and undermine ensky’s phone call with Trump.
the origins of the investigation When that call happened three
into Russian interference in the days later, some White House offi-
2016 election. cials who had suspicions but were
Rather than official State De- not read-in to the hidden agenda
partment email, the text exchang- were so alarmed by Trump’s con-
es between the diplomats took duct, and the pressure he applied
place over WhatsApp, a U.S. offi- to Zelensky for a political “favor,”
cial said. that they stuffed a transcript of
Only if Zelensky can convince the call onto a computer system
Trump that he will “ ‘get to the reserved for some of the govern-
bottom of what happened’ in ment’s most highly classified se-
2016” will he be granted a meeting crets.
with the president, Volker tells Among those engaged in the
one of Zelensky’s top advisers in shadow diplomacy, however, the
late July in a text that alludes to call was regarded as a break-
Trump’s belief that Ukraine through. Yermak told Volker that
sought to sabotage him in the the “call went well,” and that Zel-
presidential election. In a sepa- ensky got his promised invitation
rate message weeks later, Sond- to the White House, but no specif-
land emphasizes that the presi- ic date. “Great,” Volker wrote back,
dent “really wants the deliver- noting that he would now set in
able.” motion a preliminary meeting in
The exchanges reveal the direct Madrid between Yermak and Giu-
participation of State Department liani.
officials sworn to serve the coun- Giuliani told Yermak that the
try in events that increasingly Ukrainian president needed to
bear the markings of a multi- make a public promise to pursue
pronged political conspiracy. the corruption investigations, ac-
At the same time Sondland and cording to Volker’s testimony.
Volker were using diplomatic Sondland and Volker set about
channels to press Trump’s de- revising the wording of a state-
mands, the president and his per- ment proposed by the Ukrainians
sonal lawyer, Rudolph W. Giu- BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AGENCE FRANCE-PRESSE/GETTY IMAGES that Zelensky could issue upon
liani, were using other channels to From left: U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland and European Commission Vice President Maros Sefcovic speak to announcing his trip to Washing-
deliver the same message. At the reporters aboard Air Force One on May 14. Sondland took over the Ukraine portfolio under request by President Trump, officials said. ton. When the two diplomats sent
center of the scandal is a July 25 the statement to Giuliani, he was
phone call between Trump and alluded to aid and arms promised D.C.,” a former White House offi- in-law and adviser, Jared Kush- television. dismayed that it wasn’t more spe-
Zelensky that was exposed by a to Ukraine while telling Zelensky, cial said. “People would say, ‘Does ner. Behind the scenes, other red cific, and according to Volker, he
government whistleblower and “I would like you to do us a favor.” he spend any time in Brussels?’ ” Within weeks, Sondland and flags surfaced. In a White House demanded that the Ukrainians in-
triggered an impeachment inqui- Among other things, Trump ex- Volker were deep into their efforts meeting in early July, Sondland sert specific references to the 2016
ry. plicitly asked Zelensky to initiate Trump’s man to consummate a secret political surprised a room of U.S. officials election and Burisma, the gas
On the receiving end of these an investigation of Biden and his Sondland’s approach to the job pact between Trump and Zel- and members of a small Ukraini- company where Hunter Biden
demands was a country turning to son. was seen more as a source of ensky. Texts show the extent to an delegation when he diverged served on the board.
the United States for help with Giuliani, Trump’s lawyer, be- irritation than trouble until May, which they explicitly pursued a from U.S. talking points approved In an Aug. 10 text message,
legitimate desperation. Over the came similarly entangled in webs when he moved to stake his claim transaction tying U.S. military aid in advance by Bolton and others. Volker tells Yermak that once the
past five years, Ukraine has en- of unfounded accusations. By the to the U.S.-Ukraine relationship. and a future visit to the White As part of the conversation, U.S. statement is ironed out, they can
dured incursions by Russian para- time the Russia investigation con- After Zelensky’s election, White House to a hard commitment officials recited their desire for then “use that” to get the date for
military forces, the loss of the cluded without uncovering clear House officials began making from Ukraine to revive a corrup- Ukraine to continue seeking to rid the meeting between Trump and
Crimean Peninsula after its sei- evidence that Trump’s campaign plans for who would take part in tion probe of a company, Burisma, its government and state-run Zelensky.
zure by Moscow, and a deadly and had conspired with Moscow, Giu- the U.S. delegation to attend Zel- that had employed Hunter Biden, companies of corruption. Yermak’s response makes the
ongoing conflict with Russian- liani and Trump had both turned ensky’s inauguration. the vice president’s son, as a board But Sondland interjected that bargain clear. “Once we have a
backed separatists — not to men- their attention to Ukraine as a National security adviser John member making between the United States also had other date, will call for a press briefing,
tion its own internal political and potential ally that could both help Bolton removed Sondland’s name $50,000 and $100,000 a month, targets in mind for Kiev that went announcing upcoming visit and
economic problems, and corrup- validate their theories and pro- from the list, only to see it rein- according to people familiar with beyond its active, ongoing investi- outlining vision for the reboot of
tion. vide ammunition against political serted, a clear indication that Bol- the matter. gations. He didn’t cite Burisma or US-UKRAINE relationship, in-
Against this backdrop, Ukraini- adversaries. ton had been overruled by the A July 19 exchange between Biden by name, but the implica- cluding among other things Bu-
an officials cited in the texts re- To advance this shared agenda, Oval Office. Sondland and Volker shows them tion of his words struck others in risma and election meddling in
leased by House committees late Trump began exploiting the pow- Photos of the event show a discussing the status of their ef- the room as troubling and obvi- investigations,” he writes.
Thursday come across as feeling ers of the executive branch. beaming Sondland alongside Zel- forts to secure clear cooperation ous, particularly given Giuliani’s “Sounds great!” Volker replies.
abused by their American coun- Trump enlisted Attorney Gen- public comments. Ultimately, Volker testified
terparts. Zelensky “is sensitive eral William P. Barr to launch “What was shocking was that Thursday on Capitol Hill, the
about Ukraine being taken seri- investigations into the origins of he said it in front of so many statement was shelved, because
ously, not merely as an instrument the Russia probe, searching for Newly released texts make clear that Ukraine’s people,” said one official familiar the Ukrainians didn’t feel com-
in Washington domestic, reelec- proof that the work of the FBI and with the meeting. fortable making explicit reference
tion politics,” a U.S. official, dis- special counsel Robert S. Mueller new president, Volodymyr Zelensky, would not get Such concerns in Washington to the Burisma and election inter-
patched to Kiev after former am- III were politically tainted. As were by then already tributaries ference investigations.
bassador Marie Yovanovitch was part of that effort, The Washing- military aid or the Oval Office invitation he coveted in a stream of information flowing But by that point, Volker and
removed on May 7, said in a text. ton Post revealed this week, Barr to a CIA employee who shared Sondland were themselves unwit-
Sondland brushed aside his traveled to Britain and Italy, hop- until he committed to investigations that President their dismay and would soon be- ting to developments in Washing-
counterpart’s apprehension. “We ing their security services could gin compiling an extraordinary ton that would in time expose
need to get the conversation start- expose improprieties by Ameri- Trump hoped would deliver damaging information whistleblower complaint to the their months-long enterprise and
ed and the relationship built,” he can intelligence agencies. intelligence community’s inspec- trigger an impeachment inquiry
wrote back, “irrespective of the Trump also began circumvent- on former vice president Joe Biden and undermine tor general. against the president.
pretext.” ing his own National Security In Kiev, William B. “Bill” Taylor, On Aug. 12 — the day before
Although brief and cryptic, that Council at the White House and the origins of the investigation into Russian who had served as U.S. ambassa- Volker and Sondland traded tri-
exchange captures a more perva- deploying trusted allies to pursue dor to Ukraine from 2006 to 2009 umphant texts about the state-
sive divide within the Trump ad- political dirt and re-litigate the interference in the 2016 election. under Presidents George W. Bush ment they wanted issued by Zel-
ministration between career na- history of the 2016 election. His and Barack Obama, and had ensky — the CIA whistleblower
tional security officials disturbed target was a country that ensky, as well as other U.S. officials from Zelensky before the ap- agreed to return on an emergency submitted his nine-page docu-
by what they perceived as a dan- Manafort had long said was out to including Volker and Energy Sec- proaching Trump-Zelensky basis after Yovanovitch’s removal, ment to the inspector general of
gerous decoupling of U.S. foreign get Trump in 2016: Ukraine. retary Rick Perry. phone call. was raising alarms. the intelligence community. Over
policy from core national inter- Sondland, 61, appears to have In the ensuing months, Sond- Sondland said that he had spo- Taylor, who was recruited by the next several weeks, events pro-
ests, and political appointees who never held a position in govern- land maneuvered to cement a po- ken “directly to Zelensky and gave Volker, had been hesitant to even ceeded along two separate tracks
became complicit in the presi- ment before being named U.S. sition of influence in the relation- him a full briefing. He’s got it.” take the job. that finally converged this week in
dent’s use of American influence ambassador to the European ship between Trump and the new Volker replied that he had met “I’m still trying to navigate this the secure hearing room of the
to advance his electoral interests. Union in June 2018. He amassed Ukrainian president. In early over breakfast with Giuliani to new world,” Volker texted him this House Intelligence Committee.
This account is based on inter- much of his wealth by acquiring June, Sondland threw a lavish In- apprise him of their progress, and spring. On Sept. 1, Taylor raised his
views with more than two dozen and managing luxury hotels in dependence Day reception — a the two later went on to discuss “I’m not sure that’s a world I concerns again. “Are we now say-
current and former U.S. officials, cities including Seattle and Port- month ahead of the U.S. holiday — what Zelensky would need to do to want to set foot in,” Taylor replied. ing that security assistance and
as well as documents released in land, Ore. at a cavernous antique car mu- secure the Oval Office meeting. On July 21, he voiced his con- WH meeting are conditioned on
recent days by congressional com- Sondland sought to distance seum in central Brussels. “Most impt is for Zelensky to cern about Ukraine being treated investigations?” That same day, at
mittees involved in the impeach- himself from Trump in 2016, back- An enormous U.S. flag was pro- say that he will help investigation as a pawn in America’s “domestic, a meeting in Warsaw, the Ukraini-
ment inquiry against the presi- ing out of a Seattle fundraiser for jected onto a wall. Jay Leno — — and address any specific per- reelection politics,” only to have ans were hearing the same mes-
dent. The officials interviewed the GOP candidate over what a whom Sondland billed as a per- sonnel issues — if there are any,” his concerns dismissed by Sond- sage from Vice President Pence
spoke on the condition of ano- company spokesman described as sonal friend — delivered a stand- Volker wrote. land, who suggested that Taylor when he told Zelensky that the
nymity, citing the sensitive nature concerns with Trump’s “anti-im- up routine whose U.S.-focused Officials in Washington and was failing to recognize how United States was still concerned
of the subject as well as fear of migrant” policies. patter fell flat on the ears of Euro- Kiev were increasingly alarmed bending to Trump’s demands was that Ukraine was not doing
retaliation. Sondland did not re- But Sondland didn’t stay away pean officials. At a private dinner by developments that were out in the only path to improving the enough on corruption.
spond to requests for comments. for long, later routing $1 million to afterward, Sondland hosted an the open, including the mysteri- countries’ fraught relationship. Sondland refused to engage
the president-elect’s inaugural eclectic mix of guests. Among ous suspension of aid and Giu- The next day, one of Zelensky’s Taylor on the matter by text, tell-
Re-litigating 2016 fund through a collection of shell those at the candlelit table were liani’s penchant for revealing his top advisers, Andrey Yermak, ing him to “Call me.”
Trump’s preoccupation with companies that obscured his in- Zelensky, Leno and Trump’s son- schemes in appearances on cable spoke by phone with Giuliani. A week later, on Sept. 8, Taylor
Ukraine traces back to the 2016 volvement. issued a more forceful warning,
U.S. presidential race, when a fi- In Brussels, Sondland garnered saying that he would not be part of
nancial ledger surfaced in Kiev a reputation for his truculent coercing a public pledge from Zel-
linking Trump’s campaign chair- manner and fondness for the trap- ensky and withholding aid that
man, Paul Manafort, to millions of pings of privilege. He peppered Ukraine desperately needed. “The
dollars in secret payments from a closed-door negotiations with nightmare is they give the inter-
pro-Russian, Ukrainian political four-letter words. He carried a view and don’t get the security
party he advised. The disclosures wireless buzzer into meetings at assistance,” he said. If that were to
forced Manafort to resign his the U.S. Mission that enabled him unfold, he said, “The Russians
campaign position and fueled sus- to silently summon support staff love it. (And I quit.)”
picions that Trump’s candidacy to refill his teacup. One day later, on Sept. 9, Taylor
was being assisted by interference Sondland seemed to chafe at confronted Sondland one last time
from Moscow. the constraints of his assignment. by text, saying, “I think it’s crazy to
Trump came to see the ensuing He traveled for meetings in Israel, withhold security assistance for
investigations of his campaign’s Romania and other countries help with a political campaign.”
possible ties to Russia as part of an with little or no coordination with Sondland, perhaps anticipat-
effort to delegitimize his presi- other officials. He acquired a rep- ing how this exchange would play
dency. In his July 25 call with utation for being indiscreet, and out if it came into the possession
Zelensky, Trump complained was chastised for using his per- of investigators or were released
about the Russia probe and recy- sonal phone for state business, to the public, replied in an earnest
cled discredited conspiracy theo- officials said. tone: “Bill, I believe you are incor-
ries, including that Russia had not Sondland also shuttled repeat- rect about President Trump’s in-
really hacked the computers of the edly back to Washington, often tentions. The President has been
Democratic National Committee, seeking face time with Trump. crystal clear: no quid pro quo’s of
and that the proof of that sup- When he couldn’t gain entry to the any kind.”
posed hoax — the DNC hard drives Oval Office, officials said, he
— had been smuggled into would meet instead with White
Ukraine for hiding. House Chief of Staff Mick Mulva-
There is no evidence to sub- ney, preferring someone closer to
stantiate any of these allegations. Trump’s inner circle than national
“A lot of it started with security officials responsible for MELINA MARA/THE WASHINGTON POST Birnbaum reported from Brussels.
Ukraine,” Trump said at a point in Europe. Former U.S. envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker departs the U.S. Capitol on Thursday. Volker worked with Julie Tate and Michelle Ye Hee Lee in
the conversation where he also “He always seemed to be in Sondland and others to cement a secret pact between the U.S. and Ukrainian presidents, officials said. Washington contributed to this report.
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the impeachment inquiry

These federal whistleblowers would do it again, despite the consequences

The unnamed whose anonymity is protected by branded them “right-wing smear whistleblowing the right thing? stripped of her gun and badge on earth will come at them,
CIA employee law, to be revealed. merchants.” Yes. Would I do it again? My and paraded past her co-workers making you lose everything and
who reported “This country has to find out Like Fitzgerald, who died in moral and legal compass would as she was escorted away by destroy your family.”
President Trump’s who that person was, because January, more-recent federal not allow any different course of armed DOI [Department of That’s the advice Robert
effort to use that person is a spy, in my employees felt the whip of action.” Interior] employees,” she said. “I MacLean has for the CIA
diplomacy with opinion,” Trump said Wednesday. retribution for exposing Her advice to the CIA felt betrayed by my superiors — whistleblower.
Federal Ukraine for Whistleblowers are often government wrongdoing. We whistleblower: “Carefully weigh the very people who often MacLean, a former air
Insider personal political punished, even as federal contacted three former national the costs to you, your family and praised my leadership and marshal, won the first federal
JOE gain has officials say they support the security whistleblowers whose your career when deciding accomplishments.” whistleblower case before the
DAVIDSON something in right of workers to report stories of official revenge are a whether to blow the whistle. And Intelligence community Supreme Court in 2015. Yet now
common with A. wrongdoing. frightful warning to the CIA document, document, document employees, like the CIA staffer, he’s driving for Uber and Lyft, his
Ernest Fitzgerald “As a rule, whistleblowing is staffer. Yet all three would do it . . . because the hierarchy will have fewer whistleblower legal victory frustrated by a
— White House wrath. an act of professional suicide,” again, in service to their country. lie.” protections than other feds, like series of Transportation
Fitzgerald was an Air Force said Tom Devine, legal director of Jane Turner was an FBI agent Teresa Chambers was the U.S. Chambers. Nonetheless, “my Department maneuvers.
senior financial management the Government Accountability when she spoke about Park Police chief. Highly ranked, experience is that those He was fired in 2006 after
specialist when he told Congress Project, which defends malfeasance related to she didn’t consider herself a protections are often in written complaining, first internally and
about a $2 billion cost overrun whistleblowers. The threat of investigations of crimes against whistleblower, yet was treated words only,” she said. “Many of later in a leak to MSNBC, about a
on Lockheed C-5A transport retaliation “exponentially Indian Country children and with the scorn that too often the steps I had to take were a decision to temporarily cancel
planes. That 1968 testimony was increases when Trump calls you a thefts by fellow agents from New greets renegade truth-tellers. Her farce. . . . It became clear to me overnight air marshal missions
followed by other congressional spy.” York City’s Ground Zero. She was sin — advocating for greater early on that the actual facts in to save on hotel bills, days after
appearances, a government It’s not just government forced out in 2003 following a agency resources. my case did not seem to matter to an agency warning about
probe of his private life and a retaliation that concerns series of retaliatory measures. Her on-the-record remarks for anyone along the way.” potential hijacking.
smear campaign against him. He Danielle Brian, executive She fought back. A 2015 a 2003 Washington Post article Chambers was reinstated after Would he blow the whistle
was fired in 1970 at the direction director of the Project on Government Accountability led to her firing. Her comments, an emotionally draining fight — again? “In a heartbeat. I was a
of President Richard Nixon, Government Oversight, which Report critical of FBI about the need for more officers “seven years, one month and 26 sworn law enforcement officer,
who has something in common Fitzgerald helped found. “I’m whistleblower procedures said to patrol the Baltimore- days after my nightmare began” exposing violations of law and
with Trump — potential frankly terrified for his personal the Justice Department Washington Parkway and federal — against the government she dangers to public safety.”
impeachment. safety,” she said, citing Trump’s “ultimately found in her favor in lands in the District, seemed protected. Despite the But, MacLean added, “it
“This guy that was fired,” words. She’s also worried 2013 — over 10 years later.” innocuous. But they led to retribution, she is “absolutely” wrecked my career and
Nixon bragged in a Jan. 31, 1973, because of the $50,000 reward “Was the destruction of my retaliation from her supervisors, glad she spoke out. continues to make my children
taped White House conversation. for “information relating to the career and family worth the she said. “Telling the truth, especially as miserable. Many family members
“I said, ‘Get rid of that son of a identity of the ‘Trump excruciating time and money, “Without warning, I was a police official, is always the lecture me that I should’ve
bitch.’ ” Whistleblower’ ” offered by Jack ostracism and vilification? No,” catapulted from a rising star who right thing to do,” she said. remained silent because nobody
Fitzgerald eventually was Burkman and Jacob Wohl, she said Wednesday. “Was had devoted her life to her But it comes with a steep price. cares and the wrongdoers are
reinstated with back pay. Now according to the Washington standing up and doing the profession and was transformed So steep that “I’d first try to never held accountable.”
Trump wants the CIA employee, Examiner, which previously ethical, legal and moral to a shunned employee who was talk them out of it because hell

An aggrieved Trump spins an alternate reality as House inquiry escalates

President Trump dismiss some of his own Cabinet hand” by using the phone call to
White paced. He officials, including former launch an impeachment inquiry,
House pointed. He Environmental Protection he was hardly effusive about
Debrief parried — Agency administrator Scott Trump’s conversation with
jokingly shaking Pruitt and former interior Zelensky.
ASHLEY The president also accused
PARKER one reporter’s secretary Ryan Zinke, amid
hand and ethical lapses and controversy. Hunter Biden of taking “a
blocking Unlike previous presidents, both billion and a half dollars out of
another’s iPhone with his own. Democratic and Republican, China.” He seemed to be
But then came the Trump has often expressed referring to the sum of money
denouement, a sudden shift into admiration and fondness for that a private-equity company
the aggrieved alternate reality dictators, rather than pressuring based in China had said it hoped
that has consumed him since them to improve their record on to raise. Hunter Biden became a
House Democrats launched human rights. board member of the firm, BHR
their impeachment inquiry into He again claimed his phone Partners, in 2013, and later
Trump urging his Ukrainian call with Ukrainian President acquired a 10 percent interest in
counterpart to dig up dirt on a Volodymyr Zelensky — during the entity overseeing the fund —
political rival. which he asked that the but his lawyer has described
“I feel there was in the 2016 Ukrainians dig up dirt on Biden Trump’s allegations against him
campaign — there was as “a favor” — was “perfect,” and as “a gross misrepresentation of
tremendous corruption against that when he released notes Mr. Biden’s role with BHR.”
me,” said Trump, transforming from the conversation, the Turning his attention to
himself — a man who has now reaction was positive. Mueller’s Russia investigation,
publicly asked no fewer than “They say, ‘Wow, this is Trump described that probe
three foreign countries (Russia, incredible,’ ” Trump said. “We’re as “perfect.”
Ukraine and China) to look into very proud of that call.” “We went through two years
his political opponents — into In fact, even some of his of Mueller, and that came out
the victim of corrupt behavior. Republican allies have been like a 10,” the president said.
And he was just getting reticent to publicly defend the Even many of Trump’s most
started. content of the call, and on stalwart allies, however,
“I was investigated, I was TOM BRENNER FOR THE WASHINGTON POST Friday, Sen. Mitt Romney (R- privately are unlikely to describe
investigated, okay?” he said, President Trump speaks to the press on the South Lawn of the White House, where he portrayed Utah), a former GOP Mueller’s investigation and
before pointing at himself — two himself as the victim of corrupt behavior: “I was investigated, I was investigated, okay? Me! Me!” presidential nominee, criticized subsequent report as having
rapid-fire taps to his right Trump in a duo of tweets. been ideal for the president.
breast — and adding: “Me! Me!” theory Trump was referring. truth: that he considers it fair the “absolute right” to do just “When the only American Though Mueller determined
He barked at the media that it Perhaps he was incorrectly game for him ask foreign about anything he pleases. citizen President Trump singles that current Justice Department
was he who ran, he who won, he claiming that Barack Obama’s governments to investigate And his South Lawn session out for China’s investigation is policy prevented him from
who was investigated, before administration was former vice president Joe Biden Friday again laid bare the his political opponent in the concluding whether Trump
accusing the assembled press: investigating him. In fact, the and his son Hunter — who, incongruity between actual facts midst of the Democratic committed a crime, he did lay
“You won’t say that, will you?” FBI opened investigations into Trump claimed again with no and what the president nomination process, it strains out possible evidence of
Finally, he began wrapping several of his campaign aides — evidence, were the perpetrators espouses. credulity to suggest that it is obstruction of justice by the
up: “I was investigated. I was including Carter Page and of “tremendous corruption.” Trump repeatedly insisted anything other than politically president in his final 448-page
investigated. And they think it George Papadopoulos, both The president has long been that he was not worried about motivated,” Romney wrote. “By report and noted that “while
could have been by U.K. They foreign policy advisers — but comfortable with conspiracy Biden as a possible 2020 rival — all appearances, the President’s this report does not conclude
think it could have been by not actually Trump himself. theories. His political rise was “I don’t care about Biden’s brazen and unprecedented that the president committed a
Australia. They think it could Or maybe he was conflating abetted by the racist lie of campaign, but I do care about appeal to China and to Ukraine crime, it also does not exonerate
have been by Italy. So when you Christopher Steele — a former birtherism — the false claim corruption,” he said — a claim to investigate Joe Biden is him.”
get down to it, I was British intelligence officer who that Obama was not born in the undermined by the fact that wrong and appalling.” Trump did, however, utter at
investigated by the Obama during the 2016 campaign United States. But ever since Trump fixated on Biden, Trump also falsely claimed least one thing that seemed to
administration.” compiled a dossier of damaging special counsel Robert S. mentioning the former vice that Senate Majority Leader be unambiguous.
“By the Obama information on then-candidate Mueller III’s Russia probe, and president more than two dozen Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said “I’ve been president now for
administration,” he concluded, Trump — with the British now amid the throes of an times. the president’s phone call with almost three years, and I’ve
shouting now, and using both government itself. impeachment inquiry, Trump The president as caped anti- Zelensky was “wonderful.” been going through this for
hands to point at himself, “I was But either way, Trump was seems to have moved into a corruption crusader is also Though McConnell did defend almost three years,” he said. “It’s
investigated.” angry, and his rambling split-screen reality — one in undermined by his own Trump in a statement to almost become like a part of my
It was unclear, exactly, to question-and-answer session which he is the hero who has, as previous behavior. He refused to Politico, saying the Democrats day.”
which unfounded, unproven seemed to convey an essential he tweeted Thursday, condemn and was slow to had “already overplayed their

Ukraine prosecutor to ‘audit’ past cases on gas firm linked to Hunter Biden
analysts said. Ryaboshapka, appointed by Mykola Zlochevsky, had served Washington Post that the Buris- borne out.
It also may buy some time for Zelensky, has a reputation as a as minister of ecology and natu- ma case was shut down by And if a criminal case even-
Anti-corruption action Ukrainian authorities at a sticky legal reformer, and he vowed to ral resources in the brazenly Shokin’s successor, Yuri Lutsen- tually emerges from this, said a
isn’t the criminal probe moment — as they deal with the clean up the deeply compro- graft-ridden administration of ko, after a deal was reached in former associate, Ruslan Radetz-
aftermath of Trump’s alleged fa- mised system of prosecution in President Viktor Yanukovych, which the company agreed to sell ky, “It will be a Ukrainian matter,
Trump has sought vor-trading demand for a Biden Ukraine. who fled to Russia after being natural gas at a favorable price to and no one else’s.”
probe, while trying to keep He’s one month into the job, ousted. companies controlled by then- At the news conference, Rya-
Ukraine’s image from being too and his supporters want results, Ryaboshapka said Friday that President Petro Poroshenko. boshapka was asked about corre-
BY W ILL E NGLUND tarnished by the House impeach- Baganetz said. he was aware of at least 15 cases That version is supported by spondence that was turned over
ment inquiry. The reviews, however, may that were launched against Zlo- clandestine recordings made by to the House on Thursday by
kiev, ukraine — Ukraine’s new But the prosecutor’s intended take time and could move far chevsky after Yanukovych’s a businessman now in exile, Kurt Volker, the former special
chief prosecutor, who has prom- audience is not the White House more slowly than the fast-devel- downfall in 2014, all of which Oleksandr Onyshchenko. U.S. envoy for Ukraine. The text
ised to root out corruption and or Capitol Hill, said Oleksiy oping political events in Wash- focused on the period before This is the sort of allegation messages show that Volker
political favoritism in his office, Baganetz, a former deputy pros- ington. Biden joined the board and none that Ryaboshapka now wants to helped arrange a meeting be-
said Friday that his staff will ecutor general in Ukraine. He is Oleksandr Lemenov, an anti- of which came to anything. revisit. tween Rudolph W. Giuliani,
review all previous cases con- striving to keep public opinion in corruption activist, said any at- Zlochevsky was accused of ille- Sakvarelidze said the furor Trump’s attorney, and Andrey
cerning a gas company at the Ukraine behind him. tempt by outside politicians, gally awarding licenses to his over Trump’s demand and the Yermak, foreign affairs adviser to
heart of the impeachment inqui- “This is a political issue more Ukrainian or otherwise, to inter- own companies. attention now being paid to Bu- Ukraine’s president, Zelensky.
ry into President Trump’s deal- than a criminal one,” Baganetz fere in the business of the pros- But the chief prosecutor from risma required some response “These questions,” Ryaboshap-
ings with Ukraine. said. ecutor’s office could prompt 2015 to 2016, Viktor Shokin, did from Ukraine. Ryaboshapka was ka said, “should be addressed to
The decision by prosecutor Ryaboshapka reiterated Fri- widespread resignations among little to move those or other in a position to give the least the authors of this correspon-
Ruslan Ryaboshapka does not day that he has seen no evidence the new, idealistic staff. corruption cases along. Even- politically difficult one. dence.”
open the criminal investigation of criminal wrongdoing by Hunt- Ryaboshapka would have no tually, Western officials, includ- “He cannot ignore this issue,” He said that his office “is
Trump wants against Joe Biden er Biden. He added that no desire to get caught up in Ameri- ing then-Vice President Joe Sakvarelidze said. “But the other independent of the office of the
and his son Hunter, who was a foreign or Ukrainian official had can politics, said Lemenov. “Ev- Biden, sought his ouster. Shortly question is, where will this inves- president and of political influ-
board member of the gas compa- asked him to pursue the audit of ery smart top public official after Shokin was fired, the case tigation lead?” ence by that office.”
ny, Burisma. the cases. should understand that the story against Burisma was closed. The audit does not mark a He also said he was not both-
Instead, the “audit” of past “We are now reviewing all about Trump-&-Biden (read Re- That fueled Trump’s insistence reopening of the criminal probe. ered by Zelensky calling him
cases involving Burisma seems proceedings that were closed, publicans-&-Democrats) is not so that the senior Biden brought But, in theory, the prosecutor’s “100 percent my person” in the
more designed to show that Rya- fragmented or investigated earli- fun for us,” he wrote in a text pressure on Kiev to protect his office could find enough evi- July 25 phone call with Trump.
boshapka is following up on the er, in order to make a decision in message. son and that a new criminal dence to bring charges against
clean-government pledges he cases where illegal procedural Hunter Biden was invited to probe should be undertaken. those who formerly ran it, espe-
and President Volodymyr Zel- decisions were made and to re- join Burisma’s board in 2014. The But a former deputy to Shokin, cially if the allegation of a cor- Natalie Gryvnyak contributed to this
ensky made upon taking office, view them,” said Ryaboshapka. company’s principal owner, David Sakvarelidze, told The rupt deal with Poroshenko is report.
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Poll: Northam’s image In Va. poll, positive signs for Democrats

recovers post-scandal POLL FROM A1
POLL Washington Post-Schar School poll tics-weary Virginians, he said.
Legislative races are particu-
electorate, the governor who taking guns away from people larly hard to predict because fac-
drew international headlines deemed a danger is a good idea. Three-quarters of Virginia voters say gun policy is very tors are so different in various
But Virginia’s governor last winter has reverted by fall to He not only supports background important in 2019 vote regions of the state. Democrats
has little support for the low-key Eastern Shore physi- checks for all gun purchases but
Q: For each item I name, please tell me how important it will be in your
lead by a wide margin of 42 points
cian who attracted scant atten- would like to see checks expanded in the inner D.C. suburbs, but in
seeking another office tion when he was a state senator to include social media posts that vote for the Virginia legislature this year... (Among registered voters) the more competitive Northern
and lieutenant governor. Almost might offer insight into the per- Percent saying Virginia exurbs, Republicans are
a quarter have no opinion at all son’s state of mind. issue is Among those who say each is very up by 12 percentage points. Dem-
BY L AURA V OZZELLA, on Northam’s performance. But the retired Philip Morris "very important" important, percent who support... ocrats fare well in the Tidewater
G REGORY S . S CHNEIDER Fewer than 3 in 10 registered employee who lives in rural region, while Republicans have
AND E MILY G USKIN voters say their view of Northam Prince George County intends to Democrats Republicans small edges in central/western
is “very important” in deciding vote for Republicans, even though Gun policy 75% 47% 44% Virginia and the Richmond/east-
richmond — Gov. Ralph their vote for the legislature. Of GOP leaders have quashed such ern parts of the state.
Northam’s approval rating has those voters, 52 percent current- bills. He fears Democrats would Education 70 56 34
The issue of abortion, which
inched up and disapproval has ly support Republicans and move on to measures he considers Republicans had hoped would
dipped sharply since February, 38 percent back Democrats. extreme. work in their favor this year after
when fellow Democrats in Vir- Kim VanHuss of Richmond “What makes a lot of gun own- Health care 66 60 31 an uproar over a late-term abor-
ginia and across the country said she was bothered by the ers leery is that, okay, you’re going tion bill brought by Democrats in
demanded his ouster over a picture on Northam’s medical to do that and . . . it just goes on The economy 63 43 47 the last General Assembly ses-
blackface scandal, according to a school yearbook page, which and on and never quits,” Hunter, sion, appears to have gained little
new Washington Post-Schar showed one person in blackface 70, said. “You open Pandora’s box.” Immigration 52 45 47 traction. Fewer than half of Vir-
School poll. and another in a Ku Klux Klan In the aftermath of the Virginia ginia voters — 46 percent — say
But less than half of Virginia robe and hood, apparently taken Beach shooting, Gov. Ralph Abortion 46 47 48 the issue is very important in
voters say Northam (D) and two at a costume party. As a white Northam (D) convened a special casting their vote, and that group
scandal-marred Democrats hop- child growing up in Georgia, legislative session to take up gun splits almost evenly between fa-
Trump 51 48 45
ing to succeed him — Lt. Gov. VanHuss said the Klan burned a control, but Republicans shut it voring Democrats and Republi-
Justin Fairfax and Attorney Gen- cross on her front yard because down without considering a sin- cans.
eral Mark R. Herring — should her father had befriended a fel- gle bill. They referred the legisla- Northam 28 38 52 Education comes in just after
seek office again in Virginia. low pharmacist who was black. tion to a commission for study. guns as a top concern for voters,
Only Herring has more support- She was especially put off by a That elevated guns even higher as with 70 percent saying it is very
ers than opponents. picture that made light of the a campaign issue, with Demo- All registered voters 49% 42% important, followed by health
Just under half of Virginians Klan, as well as by Northam’s crats pledging action if they win care at 66 percent and the econo-
like the job Northam is doing as unsteady response to the scan- the majority and Republicans Source: Sept. 25-30, Washington Post-Schar School poll among 814 registered Virginia my at 63 percent.
governor, with 47 percent ap- dal. warning gun supporters about voters with an error margin of +/- 5 percentage points. Democrats lead by more than
proving and 29 percent disap- “I remain bothered about the the same. 20 percentage points among vot-
proving. Those are better marks fact that he can’t remember National gun-control groups Virginians across party lines support expanded ers focused on education and
than the 43 percent-44 percent exactly what happened,” said have given millions to Democrats background checks and ‘red flag’ laws health care. Voters focused on
approval-disapproval split he re- VanHuss, an accountant and po- — one group alone, Everytown for other issues split roughly even in
ceived in February, after a racist litical independent who is not Gun Safety Action Fund, pledged Percent of Virginia adults who support each policy their partisan support for Vir-
photo from his 1984 medical sure how she will vote in Novem- $2.5 million — while the National ginia’s legislature.
school yearbook surfaced. ber. Even so, VanHuss said her Rifle Association gave $200,000 Universal gun background checks The poll suggests gun policy is
“Northam seems to have solid- feelings about the episode will to Republicans, the largest single Virginia adults Democrats Independents Republicans a more prominent issue for Vir-
ified his support since the scan- not affect her choice for delegate donation it has ever made in Vir- 88% 95% 89% 81% ginia voters this year than it was
dal broke in February. He has not and state senator. ginia. in last year’s U.S. Senate race. In
seen a decline — he’s actually Al Enoch, on the other hand, The Post-Schar School poll 2018, according to a survey of
seen a little bit of movement up,” will head to the polls with Demo- finds that less than half of Vir- Virginia voters by the Associated
said Mark J. Rozell, dean of the cratic scandals in mind. The ginia voters are paying close at- Press and Fox News, 9 percent of
Schar School of Policy and Gov- building maintenance worker tention to the campaigns. Overall, Allowing police to remove guns from people a judge finds dangerous Virginia voters said “gun policy”
ernment at George Mason Uni- from Norfolk fumes that Demo- Virginia registered voters nar- 82 94 81 72 was the most important issue fac-
versity, which conducted the sur- crats “crucified” U.S. Supreme rowly prefer Democrats over Re- ing the country. That ranked be-
vey in partnership with The Post. Court Justice Brett M. Ka- publicans, 49 percent to 42 per- low health care (27 percent), im-
“It seems like people are looking vanaugh over a decades-old sex- cent. That edge widens slightly State limit of one handgun purchase per month migration (22 percent), and the
well past those scandals with ual assault allegation but are among those who say they are economy and jobs (19 percent). It
regard to the governor, though I letting Northam, Fairfax and certain to vote, who prefer Demo- 58 79 55 39 also ranked about even with the
think he is still bruised from it.” Herring off the hook. crats 52 percent to 41 percent. environment (8 percent) and for-
Fairfax and Herring also re- When Democrats “get caught Democrats’ overall advantage eign policy (6 percent). Among
Statewide ban on the sale of assault weapons
ceive positive approval marks, with their pants down, it’s ‘Oh, suggests the statewide mood con- the 9 percent who said gun policy
albeit far from majorities, for well, he didn’t mean it,’ ” said tinues to favor them, but control 57 80 56 37 was the most important issue,
how they’ve handled their jobs. Enoch, 67. He said he is “abso- of those chambers will ultimately almost 9 in 10 voted to reelect Sen.
Asked about Fairfax, 39 percent lutely voting Republican in the be decided in a handful of com- Tim Kaine (D-Va.).
approve while 25 percent disap- fall because of that.” petitive state House and Senate Statewide ban on high-capacity ammunition clips The Post-Schar School poll
prove; the rest have no opinion. Northam cannot seek reelec- races. 56 77 57 30 shows gun ownership is a persis-
Herring stands at 42 percent job tion in 2021 because the state Many Virginians seem to have tently sharp dividing line. Nearly
approval, while 19 percent disap- shrugged off the scandals that half of Virginians live in house-
prove and about 2 in 10 have no engulfed the state’s top Demo- Note: Full question wording at holds with a gun, and this group
opinion. crats earlier this year, when Source: Sept. 25-30, Washington Post-Schar School poll among 876 adults favors Republicans by 16 points
Northam’s scandal was the “It seems like people are Northam and Attorney General
in the Commonwealth of Virginia with an error margin of +/- 5 percentage points.
over Democrats in elections this
first to rip through Virginia’s Mark R. Herring admitted to fall. Democrats lead by 43 points
executive branch within the span looking well past those blackface incidents in the 1980s among voters that have no guns in
of a week early this year. Herring, and Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax denied their household.
who initially called on Northam scandals with regard to claims by two women that he say their view of Northam is “very finds that nearly 6 in 10 registered “I have a couple of guns myself,
to step down, admitted a few sexually assaulted them in the important” to their vote, and Re- voters say they are certain to vote, but I don’t think that anybody
days later to his own youthful the governor, though I early 2000s. Northam’s approval publicans lead by 14 percentage which is on par with interest in needs an assault weapon,” said
blackface incident as a college rating stands at 47 percent, with points among those voters. Virginia’s 2017 gubernatorial elec- Linda Leidy, 62, a retired social
freshman in 1980. And two wom- think he is still bruised 29 percent disapproving. Almost President Trump is an even tion two years ago, when turnout worker who lives near Williams-
en accused Fairfax of sexually a quarter of Virginians have no bigger factor, however, cited as was 48 percent. burg and plans to vote for Demo-
assaulting them in separate inci- from it.” opinion on his job performance. “very important” to their vote by History suggests turnout is un- crats in November. She supports
dents in the early 2000s, allega- Mark J. Rozell, dean of George That’s a marked improvement 51 percent. That is up from 38 per- likely to reach that level, but the universal background checks,
tions he has denied. Mason University’s Schar School of from Northam’s numbers in Feb- cent who said he was an impor- poll hints that it could be signifi- limits on magazine size and a ban
Northam initially apologized Policy and Government ruary shortly after the scandals tant motivator in 2017, when anti- cantly higher than in the last on assault weapons.
for the yearbook picture but broke, when another Washington Trump Democrats and indepen- off-off year election in 2015, when Leidy noted the two-year anni-
disavowed it the next day, al- Post-Schar School poll found vot- dents turned out in massive num- 29 percent of registered voters versary of a shooting that left 58
though he admitted that he’d put constitution prohibits governors ers split about evenly, with bers and flipped a record number went to the polls, according to the people dead after a music festival
shoe polish on his cheeks to from serving back-to-back terms, 43 percent approving and 44 per- of Republican seats in the House Virginia Department of Elections. on the Las Vegas Strip, in which
imitate Michael Jackson in a but he could run again after a cent disapproving. of Delegates. “Turnout is the key factor,” said the shooter had 23 assault-style
dance contest that same year. break. Fairfax and Herring both While not devastating to his Trump’s approval rating Mark Rozell, dean of the Schar weapons. “Those people didn’t
The about-face only intensi- intended to run for governor party, Northam is clearly some- among Virginia residents is at School of Policy and Government have a chance,” she said.
fied calls for his resignation, but before the scandals erupted, and what of a drag on the Democrats. 39 percent, with 58 percent disap- at George Mason University. “So Overall, 58 percent of Virginia
Northam vowed to stay put and they haven’t ruled out doing so in A 55 percent majority of Vir- proving of his job performance. many things seem to be pointing adults favor stricter gun laws in
devote the rest of his term to the aftermath. ginians say they are bothered by But voters who say Trump is high- in a Democratic direction, but . . . the state. That is roughly similar
rectifying racial inequities. Eight None of the three muster ma- his handling of the scandal or the ly important in their vote split Republicans have always done a to the share of Virginians who
months later, 55 percent of Vir- jority support from voters, who blackface incident itself, in which nearly evenly between supporting little bit better in these off-off year favored stricter gun control laws
ginians remain bothered by the were asked if any of them should he first took responsibility for a Democratic and Republican can- elections in getting their voters to in Post polls from 2007-2016.
photo or Northam’s response to seek elected office again. For racist photo on his 1984 medical didates for the state legislature, show up.” There is broad support among
it, with 33 percent saying they Northam, 39 percent say he school yearbook page, then de- 48 percent to 45 percent. The distraction of the national Virginians for expanded back-
are “very bothered.” should run again and 43 percent nied being involved but admitted In an “off-off” year election presidential campaigns and on- ground checks (88 percent) and
The Post-Schar School poll say he should not, while the rest to darkening his face for a dance with no statewide or federal races going drama in Washington “red flag” laws (82 percent) that
finds the same share of whites have no opinion. For Fairfax, contest later that year. atop the ticket, turnout is tradi- threatens to divert energy and allow authorities to temporarily
and African Americans (55 per- 36 percent favored another run Nearly 3 in 10 Virginia voters tionally very low. But the poll attention from local races for poli- seize weapons from someone who
cent) say they are bothered. But while 33 percent opposed one. has been deemed a threat.
65 percent of college-educated And for Herring, 40 percent said That support cuts across party
whites say they’re bothered, he should run again and 26 per- lines — 95 percent of Democrats,
compared with 49 percent of cent said he should not, while “What makes a lot of gun owners leery is that, okay, you’re going to do that 89 percent of independents and
whites without college degrees. one-third offered no opinion on 81 percent of Republicans sup-
Strikingly, there is little parti- his future candidacy. and . . . it just goes on and on and never quits. You open Pandora’s box.” port expanded background
san divide on this question, with “Those numbers are not terri- Steve Hunter, a Virginia resident who supports gun-control measures but plans to vote checks; 94 percent of Democrats,
59 percent of Democrats saying bly encouraging,” said Rozell, Republican because he says Democrats would take such ideas to the extreme 81 percent of independents and
they are bothered, along with who noted the somewhat stron- 72 percent of Republicans sup-
51 percent of Republicans and ger support for the attorney port red flag laws.
57 percent of independents. general. Scott Smith, an insurance
Women are more likely than men All three have more support agent and gun owner who lives in
to say they are bothered, 60 per- than Robert F. McDonnell, the a rural area on the outskirts of
cent to 50 percent, but they are last statewide officeholder en- Spotsylvania, has mixed feelings
about equally likely to say they’re gulfed in scandal. McDonnell, a about gun policy. He opposes a
“very bothered.” Republican who served as gover- ban on assault weapons, but he
Age is a bigger factor in re- nor from 2010 to 2014, was supports expanded background
sponse to Northam’s scandal. convicted of corruption related checks, a red flag law and a rein-
Virginians under 40 are the most to luxury gifts and loans he statement of a one-per-month cap
likely to be bothered, followed by accepted from a Richmond busi- on handgun purchases.
those between 40 and 64 years nessman. The U.S. Supreme “I would like to see somebody
old while those 65 and older are Court threw out his conviction in do something, but then again, I
the least likely to be disturbed. 2016, but a Post poll after the don’t want to see them over-
Despite those lingering con- ruling found two-thirds opposed reach,” said Smith, 65, a political
cerns, 7 in 10 Democrats approve his running for public office independent who said he hasn’t
of the job Northam is doing, again. decided how he’ll vote.
suggesting the scandal might not The Washington Post-Schar The Washington Post-Schar
depress Democratic turnout in School poll was conducted School poll was conducted Sept.
critical November elections. All Sept. 25-30 among a random 25-30 among a random sample of
140 seats in the state House and sample of 876 Virginia adults, 876 Virginia adults, including 55
Senate are on the ballot, with 55 percent reached on cellphones percent reached on cellphones
Republicans defending razor- and 45 percent on landlines. The and 45 percent on landlines. The
thin majorities in both cham- margin of sampling error is plus margin of sampling error is plus
bers. or minus five percentage points or minus five percentage points
Northam’s image is far weaker for the overall sample as well as for the overall sample as well as
outside his own party. About 4 in for the sample of 814 registered for the sample of 814 registered
10 independents and 3 in 10 voters. voters.
Republicans approve of the gov-
ernor. A slim majority (55 per-
cent) of African Americans ap-
prove, compared with 44 percent JAHI CHIKWENDIU/THE WASHINGTON POST

of white Virginians. Scott Clement contributed to this Del. Hala S. Ayala (D-Prince William), who is running for reelection, addresses gun-control advocates Emily Guskin contributed to this
For a sizable chunk of the report. protesting in September at the National Rifle Association’s headquarters in Northern Virginia. report.
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The World
Rat-free for seven
decades: How a
Canadian province
foiled an invasion
Although Alberta has effectively banished the
troublesome rodents, it hasn’t let down its guard
BY A MANDA C OLETTA mens around the province, dis-
tributed pamphlets on how to ex-
The phone call left veteran in- terminate them, and displayed
vestigator Phil Merrill “shocked.” anti-rat posters at post offices,
But also, he admits, just a tiny bit grain elevators and schools.
exhilarated. “You can’t ignore the rat,” one
A tipster had phoned the 24- example reads. “He’s a menace to
hour hotline to report a sighting HEALTH . . . HOME . . . INDUS-
of the villain Merrill has spent a TRY . . . KILL HIM!”
career hunting. Lianne McTavish, an art history
The perp was hiding in a paper professor at the University of Al-
recycling plant in Calgary, Alber- berta, co-authored an analysis of
ta. When investigators arrived, the posters in 2011. She found that
they made a surprising discovery: they were modeled after World
He wasn’t alone. Authorities War II posters that rallied the
eventually rounded up all six of home front in the war against a
the gang. common enemy.
It wasn’t easy, Merrill says: “It’s In a 1954 pamphlet, O.S. Long-
hard to see a rat with all of the man, the deputy agriculture min-
paper.” ister, admonished Albertans who
Pest-control authorities from were “providing the rat with com-
Washington, D.C., to Wellington, fortable shelter and plenty of
New Zealand, are working to bat- food.”
tle growing rat populations. They Within a decade, the number of
might want to meet Merrill. infestations began to drop signifi-
From his office in Lethbridge, cantly, and Alberta declared victo-
the loquacious 68-year-old leads ry. But the province is no less
Alberta’s much lauded, but never attentive, its defenses no less
replicated, rat-control program. alert. Rats sometimes hitch rides
Key elements: zero tolerance, free on planes, trains and automo-
poison and the Rat Patrol, a team biles, or sneak in on foot.
of officers armed with shotguns, Another caveat: Zoos and re-
defending the Alberta-Saskatche- searchers may keep rats. But they
wan border from the small invad- need a special permit from the
ers. provincial government.
Next year, the province cel- Pet rats? They are illegal. A
ebrates 70 years rat-free. family new to Calgary learned
Now, a caveat: “When we say that lesson the hard way in 2010,
we’re rat-free,” Merrill says, “it when it was forced to surrender
means that we don’t have a resi- Matilda to authorities. She was
dent or breeding rat population.” spared a death sentence when
Rattus norvegicus — the brown neighboring British Columbia of-
rat — is a destructive force in fered her sanctuary.
much of the world, wreaking eco- Merrill’s team still patrols the
logical havoc, contaminating Rat Control Zone. They conduct
crops, vandalizing property and twice-yearly inspections of farms
spreading as many as 35 diseases. and buildings along an 18-mile
The species arrived in North wide stretch of the Alberta-
America aboard the sailing ships Saskatchewan border, looking for
of the late 18th century, but Alber- the telltale signs: droppings, chew
ta did not worry much about the marks, tracks.
pest until the summer of 1950. “Some of the guys like to [shoot
That is when a colony was discov- the rats] because it’s fun,” Merrill
ered on its doorstep in the border says. “It’s probably easier to just PROVINCIAL ARCHIVES OF ALBERTA

town of Alsask, Saskatchewan. A bait them out.” A poster, circa 1948, issued by Alberta’s Department of Public Health. Lianne McTavish, a University of Alberta art history professor,
hit squad was dispatched, and the The government’s 24-hour rat says the province’s posters of that era were modeled after World War II banners that rallied the home front against a common enemy.
infestation was eradicated. But hotline (310-RATS) logs hundreds
the rats returned. of false alarms each year. Accord- think a lot of people appreciate costs less than $377,000 per year
“For the first time in the history ingly, it dedicates a full page on its them enough.” to administer. In 2004, the
of Alberta, rats have infiltrated website to “Animals Mistaken for In 2012, an infestation at a land- government-funded Alberta Re-
the eastern border of the province Rats” — pocket gophers, red squir- fill near Medicine Hat, Alberta, search Council estimated that it
to the point of establishing colo- rels and muskrats, to name a few. dominated several news cycles. saves more than $31 million in
nies in hamlets and farms,” David The discovery of a single rat Officials set up infrared cameras economic and environmental
Ure, the provincial agriculture does not trouble Merrill’s team and bait and unleashed a pair of damage.
minister, warned in a 1951 report. much because it can be trapped or bull snakes. When that proved Alberta benefits from geogra-
Officials decided they needed baited fairly easily. But infesta- futile, they launched “Operation phy. Banishing rats is much more
to act quickly and ruthlessly to tions — two or more rats together Haystack,” in which they deployed difficult for port cities with large
protect their citizens and their — are cause for real concern. bales of hay laced with poison coastlines, which nurture much of
crops from the little miscreants. There are a handful each year, and across the city. what rats like to eat. But Merrill
Alberta is protected by bitterly they often garner news coverage Another caveat: Alberta is not believes it is not impossible to
cold forests to the north, mostly here. The common rat is a destructive force in much of the world, the only jurisdiction in the world replicate the province’s success.
barren land to the south and Merrill has counted three infes- vandalizing property and spreading as many as 35 diseases. that has effectively eradicated He has been intrigued by the
mountains to the west. The gov- tations this year: two along the rats. South Georgia Island, a Brit- Ekomille, a contraption being
ernment focused its efforts on the border that were not dealt with ish overseas territory, and Mac- rolled out in Brooklyn that at-
Saskatchewan border to the east, effectively last year, and the one in Ontario could blame Quebec. British Columbia, says Albertans quarie Island, a reserve of the tracts rats with bait and then
setting up a Rat Control Zone, the Calgary paper recycling plant “They have them on the West and soon-to-be-Albertans have Australian state of Tasmania, drops them through a trap door to
where armed investigators kept — a rarity in a major city. Coast. They have them on the East contacted her organization a have dumped tons of poison in the drown in an alcoholic substance.
watch for any rat that dared put its “We get a little excited because Coast. They’re intelligent and handful of times in the past dec- last decade to snuff out the ver- “I think it’s going to work,” Mer-
paws on Alberta territory — and we don’t get too many,” he says. “I adaptive. They can make a home ade looking for refuge for their pet min. rill says. “It’s probably not going to
snuffed it out. won’t say it’s fun. But everyone’s anywhere.” rats. Some worry that even if they But there’s something different work extremely well, because rats
From 1952 to 1953, nearly 70 on high alert.” There are those who speak for do manage to successfully hide about Alberta. are extremely smart. They’ll
tons of tracking powder was Saskatchewan has its own the rats. their pet rats from the authorities, When McTavish moved to the watch their friend go in there,
blown underneath the permanent rat-control program. Richard Trev Miller, an organizer with they will not be able to get them province, she says, she learned splash around a little and die, and
buildings in the Rat Control Zone. Wilkins, a specialist with that the Calgary Animal Rights Effort, medical care if they fall ill. “pretty quickly” about the rats. then they won’t go in there.”
Civilians were required to rat- province’s Ministry of Agricul- says it’s “very important” that Al- Hutcheon says rats are her “It’s part of the provincial iden- Merrill plans to retire next year.
proof their properties and kill any ture, says Alberta does an “excel- berta remain free of pests. But the charity’s most popular pet for tity,” she says. “It’s part of the way After a long career fighting the
rats they saw. Authorities provid- lent” job of controlling rats. But he rat-control program, he says, is adoption. She says Alberta should people understand Alberta.” rodents, he says he has “respect”
ed the poison warfarin free of thinks it’s taking some liberties too punishing. draw a distinction between wild The France-size province of for them.
charge. with its definition of rat-free. “It’s a very difficult situation,” rats and domesticated rats. 4.3 million is said to be the largest “I love to talk about rats!” he
But there was a problem: Most “A rat’s a rat,” he said. “If they he says. “The current program is “I really don’t understand it,” jurisdiction in the world to rid says. “I certainly don’t hate them,
Albertans did not have the faint- want to blame us for the rat popu- very cruel.” she says. “They’re really affection- itself of the rodent. because without them, I wouldn’t
est clue what their enemy looked lation, we could blame Manitoba, Lisa Hutcheon, president of the ate, they love their people and Merrill believes the vigilance is have a job.”
like. So officials paraded rat speci- Manitoba could blame Ontario, Small Animal Rescue Society of they’re amazing animals. I don’t worth the effort. The program


YEMEN Saudi acceptance or rejection of investigating a knife attack in for several years, converted to overcrowded migrant camps and absence of law and order.
the Houthi offer. But Riyadh this which an IT worker at police Islam about 18 months ago, prompted the new conservative
Saudis are considering week welcomed the move, and headquarters in Paris killed four French media reported. government to announce a Gunmen abduct British couple
Houthi cease-fire offer three diplomatic and two other co-workers before an officer — Reuters stricter policy to curb the flows. in Philippines: At least four
sources familiar with the matter fatally shot him. gunmen abducted an elderly
Saudi Arabia is considering a told Reuters that said the Officials have not said there Greece says Turkey must Coldblooded killing sparks British man and his Filipino wife
proposal by Yemen’s Iran-aligned kingdom is seriously considering was a terror motive behind control migrant flow: Greece’s anger in Libya: Surveillance from their southern Philippine
Houthi movement for some form some form of cease-fire to try to Thursday’s attack near Notre Prime Minister Kyriakos cameras caught armed men beach resort within sight of
of cease-fire that, if agreed to, de-escalate the conflict. Dame Cathedral, but the Mitsotakis accused Turkey of shooting to death a young man several people, police and
could bolster U.N. efforts to end The Saudis intervened decision to hand the case to appearing to “exploit” Europe’s in one of the busiest streets in military officials said. Police Cpl.
a devastating war in Yemen that in Yemen in 2015 to aid the anti-terror prosecutors usually migrant crisis for its own ends Libya’s capital, Tripoli, sparking Jairus de los Reyes said the
is harming Riyadh’s reputation. government of President Abed indicates that a terrorism link is and said Ankara could and anger and demands that the armed suspects took Allan
The Houthis offered two Rabbo Mansour Hadi. the focus of inquiries. should control migrant flows to government declare a state of Hyrons and his wife, Wilma,
weeks ago to stop aiming missile — Reuters A judicial source close to the the continent. Greece, the route emergency. The footage of the from their hut at the resort at
and drone attacks at Saudi investigation said the anti-terror into the European Union for killing of Rashid al-Bakoush and nightfall Friday and dragged
Arabia if the Western-backed FRANCE prosecutor took over the inquiry nearly 1 million migrants in 2015, the wounding of his brother them to a motorboat in Tukuran
coalition led by Riyadh takes after the interrogation of several is dealing with a new and steep Thursday in Tripoli’s Serraj town in Zamboanga del Sur
equivalent steps, as a move Anti-terror prosecutor of the attacker’s close associates, rise in people crossing the district went viral on social province. Police are searching for
toward what a Houthi leader to probe knife attack including his wife, and an Aegean to its islands from media. It underscored the state the gunmen and the couple, who
called a “comprehensive national examination of his cellphone. neighboring Turkey after a of lawlessness in Libya, where own two schools and the resort
reconciliation” in Yemen. France’s anti-terrorism The 45-year-old attacker, who relative three-year lull. The hundreds of militias hold sway in the coastal town, he said.
There was no immediate prosecutor has taken the lead in had worked at the headquarters influx has piled pressure on its across the country amid the — From news services
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Iraqi security forces fire on protesters as leading cleric backs their demands
broken system. Many protesters dreds of protesters. The crowd whole system. They’re fed up with
also have been denouncing Irani- was overwhelmingly young, job- the government’s inability to re-
At least 41 people an influence in Iraq. less and male. Security forces, form, and bringing in new faces
reported killed in 4 days In a widely anticipated Friday who largely fired bullets in the air won’t help.”
sermon, Iraq’s most influential in previous days, shot directly at Iraq’s human rights commis-
of mounting violence Shiite cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali the crowds on Friday, and snipers sion said Friday that the govern-
Sistani, urged the government to appeared to be positioned on the ment had yet to disclose the full
implement sweeping reforms rooftops. extent of the week’s casualties
BY L OUISA L OVELUCK and called on both sides to step One man in his early 20s ap- and accused security forces of
AND M USTAFA S ALIM back from the violence before it peared to have been shot in the arresting wounded demonstra-
was “too late.” Sistani’s pro- head, and his blood spooled out tors at hospitals across the coun-
baghdad — Iraq’s highest reli- nouncements have the potential across the asphalt. Other victims try.
gious authority backed the de- to dampen or inflame the street were rushed toward ambulances. Ali al-Bayati, the commission’s
mands of anti-government pro- protests. Hours after he spoke, Battered by years of conflict spokesman, said that 35 people
testers on Friday as security forc- another of the country’s most and mismanagement, Iraq’s had been detained from hospitals
es resorted to lethal fire against influential clerics, Moqtada al- economy is struggling to absorb in the southern city of Nasiriyah
hundreds of demonstrators. Sadr, demanded the govern- thousands of young graduates and that arrests had also taken
Prime Minister Adel Abdul ment’s resignation in the hope into the job market. Corruption is place inside facilities in Wasit and
Mahdi’s government is scram- that it would preserve the pro- rife and opportunities, when they Diwaniyah.
bling to quell a wave of demon- testers’ “blood.” arise, are often seen as the pre- In Baghdad’s Sheikh Zayed
strations, and at least 41 people The unrest has mostly taken serve of families with political AHMAD AL-RUBAYE/AGENCE FRANCE PRESS/GETTY IMAGES Hospital, a medic said that Shiite
have been killed and more than place amid an information black- connections. Most jarringly for Men aid an injured demonstrator in Baghdad. The anti-government paramilitaries were monitoring
1,600 wounded since Tuesday, out. Authorities have suspended many, there have been few im- protests have swelled in the city and across much of Iraq’s south. the arrival of the wounded. In one
according to the country’s inde- Internet service across much of provements in the two years since instance, he said, gunmen had
pendent human rights commis- the country, and an indefinite Iraq’s security forces pushed Is- corruption and unemployment hoods where security forces ap- shot at an ambulance to prevent a
sion. An address by the prime curfew is in place. lamic State militants from cities have gone unfulfilled. peared to have little control, pro- patient from reaching the facility
minister, aired Friday, did little to In Baghdad, the anxiety on they had occupied. In a lackluster speech Friday, testers held up spent bullet cas- to undergo brain surgery.
assuage frustrations on the Friday was palpable. Streets were “Look at me, look at this he described the nationwide cur- ings by the handful. Although Iraq’s Shiite militias
street. mostly eerily quiet, and families blood,” shouted Karrar Alami, 22, few as “bitter medicine” and “There seems to be a calcula- are technically part of the state,
Crowds have swelled across said they were stockpiling food. near Tahrir Square, gesturing asked for patience, saying there tion by those who are trying to they often operate as a parallel
Baghdad and much of southern Prices rose steeply, and roads toward a dark-red stain he said were “no magical solutions.” In protect the political system that security force.
Iraq as harsh police tactics have were cut with barbed wire. Where came from the wounds of a close exercising crowd control, secu- there’s a level of violence that is As night fell, ragged crowds of
only hardened the resolve of pro- protests had taken place the friend. “We fought the Islamic rity forces were abiding by “inter- acceptable,” said Renad Mansour, protesters carried photographs of
testers, who initially turned out night before, masked soldiers State for them, and all we wanted national standards,” he said. a research fellow at the London- friends killed or wounded days
to decry official corruption. The fanned out and helicopters cir- in return was a job. This is how But a brief lifting of the Inter- based Chatham House think earlier. “They’re using snipers,
demonstrations, which appear to cled low. they repay us.” net blackout to coincide with his tank. “If you listen to what the and so this means war,” said
be leaderless, are coalescing But near the city’s central Tah- Abdul Mahdi came to power speech sent another set of images protesters are calling for, it’s not Mustafa Saleh, 24. “They’re not
around a demand for a wholesale rir Square, violence worsened as last year as a consensus prime flooding across social media. In about getting rid of Abdul Mahdi. the only one with weapons.”
change of what they describe as a security forces clashed with hun- minister, but promises to tackle nighttime videos from neighbor- It’s about calling for an end to the

Hong Kong leader invokes colonial-era emergency powers to ban masks

ety,” she said. Beijing appeared to support the
Lam added that while the emer- mask ban. Yang Guang, spokes-
Lam’s action to quash gency ordinance is being enacted man for China’s Hong Kong and
protests prompts more to ban the masks, Hong Kong itself Macao Affairs Office, said the cha-
was not in a state of emergency but otic situation there “cannot con-
anger in the streets instead in an “occasion of serious tinue endlessly.”
danger” that required such laws. Protests began over a bill to
Critics were quick to reject the allow extraditions to mainland
BY S HIBANI M AHTANI measure and the use of emergency China that many feared would
AND T IMOTHY M C L AUGHLIN laws, citing a variety of reasons, erode the city’s freedoms and the
the most fundamental being pre- independence of its reputable le-
hong kong — Hong Kong leader dictions that it won’t work. gal system. They have since
Carrie Lam invoked rarely used On Friday night, a crowd of swelled into an all-out rebuke of
and sweeping emergency powers thousands peacefully marched Hong Kong’s political system, in
Friday to ban face masks at dem- more than three miles through the which leaders are handpicked by
onstrations, a move that sought to city in opposition to the an- and answerable to Beijing.
quell pro-democracy protests — nouncement and to the govern- Demonstrators are pushing five
but that quickly had the opposite ment. The demonstration later demands, including an independ-
effect, intensifying anger on the turned violent in several districts, ent investigation of the police, but
streets. with protesters throwing gasoline the government has responded
Lam’s decision to use colonial- bombs and setting fire to symbolic only to one, the full withdrawal of
era security powers further in- targets such as Chinese banks and the extradition bill.
flamed tensions roiling since June subway stations. On one major thoroughfare Fri-
and heightened fears that Hong Police said a plainclothes officer day, protesters marched down a
Kong’s basic freedoms were being had fired one shot in self-defense four-lane road chanting “Fight
eroded. The order effectively ex- against a “large group of rioters” back, Hong Kong!” and “Fight for
pands police powers of arrest, even who threw a gasoline bomb at the freedom!”
as many in Hong Kong fear that officer, lighting his body on fire. The emergency powers, which
police are operating with impunity The Hong Kong Hospital Au- date to 1922 when Hong Kong was
in their growing use of force. thority said a 14-year-old boy had FELIPE DANA/ASSOCIATED PRESS under British colonial rule, allow
It could also risk tainting Hong been shot in the thigh. Protesters demonstrate in Hong Kong’s city center Friday. The face-mask ban implemented Friday lets authorities to censor the media;
Kong’s hard-won reputation as an Thirty others were also sent to police order the removal of coverings and take them off forcefully if the person does not comply. seize property; take control of all
open financial hub, already under hospital for protest-related inju- transportation, manufacturing
strain because of the upheaval of ries. Three, including the gunshot does not comply. Noncompliance by a more hardcore group of Beijing ban. “The result is clear. This will and trade in the city; and detain
recent months. victim, remain critical. would be punishable by a fine or a loyalists within Lam’s government mark the beginning of riots in people for lengthy periods.
“Protesters’ violence has been The entire subway network was jail term of up to a year. who have accused her of being too Hong Kong.” Lam did not rule out enacting
escalating and has reached a very shut on Friday night because of Regina Ip, a pro-Beijing law- soft on the unrest roiling the city. Lam’s announcement other regulations to curb protests,
alarming level in the past few the unrest, and remained closed maker and a member of Hong In central Hong Kong, thou- came three days after widespread including a curfew.
days, causing numerous injuries into Saturday morning. It left Kong’s executive council, said in sands of protesters filled the streets demonstrations across Hong Ronny Tong, a member of Hong
and leading Hong Kong to a chaot- many stranded, forced to walk an interview that such a ban at lunchtime in a demonstration Kong on Tuesday, the 70th anni- Kong’s executive council and a
ic and panicked situation,” Lam hours to get home. should have come earlier in re- that continued into the evening versary of the founding of the Peo- legal adviser to Lam, said the deci-
said in a news conference. Behind The ban applies to rallies that sponse to violence that has be- after work hours. The protesters — ple’s Republic of China — rallies sion was made because “some-
her, a banner read: “Treasure have been given a go-ahead by come “totally unjustifiable.” some in heels or suits — left high- that degenerated into street bat- thing had to be done” after the
Hong Kong, End Violence.” police, as well as those that are “Freedom to express their views rise offices to join the march. Al- tles between protesters and po- Tuesday shooting.
“As a responsible government, unauthorized. The law authorizes is not absolute,” she said of the most all of them wore masks. lice. Officers fired at protesters
we have the duty to use all avail- a police officer to order the remov- protesters. “These people are in- “This is adding fuel to the fire,” multiple times, using live ammu-
able means to stop the escalating al of facial coverings and take terfering with our freedoms.” Fernando Cheung, a pro-democ- nition for the first time since the Tiffany Liang contributed to this
violence and restore calm in soci- them off forcefully if the person The mask ban was also pushed racy lawmaker, said of the mask demonstrations erupted in June. report.

Camp in Syria at risk of falling under militant control, Kurdish general says
own Islamic State-style sharia against two women who had
courts and are inflicting punish- failed to obey their rules were
He calls on nations to ments on ordinary camp resi- confronted by stone-throwing
help bolster security at dents who reject their ideology. women, two of whom pulled
One of the SDF’s foremost guns, according to the officials.
site holding ISIS families wishes is for governments to alle- The guards opened fire in the air,
viate some of the burden on the according to Mazloum, but aid
SDF by repatriating their citizens, workers reported that four wom-
BY L IZ S LY Mazloum said. But most govern- en were injured by gunshots and
ments are refusing to take them the SDF said one woman died.
beirut — America’s Syrian back. Compounding the problem are
Kurdish allies are at risk of losing The Kurdish administration dismal living conditions. Food is
control of the vast camp where also needs help with funding to scarce, water supplies are con-
the families of the Islamic State’s secure, feed and house the de- taminated and disease is rife.
defeated fighters are being de- tainees, he said. The town-size With winter approaching, the
tained as militant women in- camp, sprawled across a remote misery will only increase, height-
creasingly assert their domi- stretch of desert near the Iraqi ening discontent in the camp and
nance over the camp, according border, is surrounded only by a perhaps turning more residents
to the top Kurdish military com- rusty, sagging chain-link fence. against the SDF, said Mazloum,
mander. The guards have no night-vision citing the urgent need for more
Guards at the al-Hol camp in equipment, and the few closed- humanitarian assistance as well.
eastern Syria are failing to con- circuit TV cameras are useless The U.S. military shares the
tain the increasingly violent be- after sunset. SDF’s concerns, said Col. Myles B.
havior of some of the residents, Smugglers sympathetic to the Caggins lll, a U.S. military spokes-
and the flimsy perimeter is at risk Islamic State lurk in the desert man speaking from Baghdad. Al-
of being breached unless the in- nearby and close in under cover though large numbers of the
ternational community steps in of darkness and help women and camp’s residents are not Islamic
with more assistance, said the children clamber across the State supporters, “without an in-
head of the Syrian Democratic fence. ternational solution, the next
Forces, Gen. Mazloum Kobane, ALICE MARTINS FOR THE WASHINGTON POST Mazloum said he believed all of generation of ISIS combatants
who uses a nom de guerre and is A Kurdish guard runs toward a group of women who forced open a gate at the al-Hol camp in eastern those who have escaped in that may emerge from al-Hol,” he said.
known simply as Mazloum. Syria in July. About 70,000 people are detained there, up to 30,000 of them Islamic State loyalists. way were foreigners, and all were The SDF forces are meanwhile
“There is a serious risk in subsequently recaptured. SDF of- stretched thin across their vast
al-Hol. Right now, our people are were displaced by the war against self-declared caliphate until the fiercely committed extremists, ficials concede, however, that it is territory, amounting to a third of
able to guard it. But because we the Islamic State. A majority of final battle for the village of Bag- according to camp officials. possible some have managed to Syria.
lack resources, Daesh are re- those are ordinary civilians houz this year, Mazloum said in a Tensions in the camp have get away, and could make their “All this is preventing us from
grouping and reorganizing in the caught up in the fighting who telephone interview from his risen sharply since Islamic State way back to their home countries focusing on the camp,” Mazloum
camp,” he said, using the Arabic have no relationship to the mili- headquarters in the Syrian prov- leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi de- undetected. said. “If we can remove these
acronym for the Islamic State. tants, and more than half are ince of Hasakah. livered an audio address last An incident this week height- challenges, we can manage.”
“We can’t control them 100 per- children. Around 10,000 of those are month urging his followers to ened fears that the camp is slip- But, he added, that would re-
cent, and the situation is grave.” But as many as 30,000 are foreigners from more than 40 “tear down the walls” of the ping out of control. Guards at- quire a political settlement to the
The al-Hol camp houses Islamic State loyalists, including countries who made the journey camps and prisons housing de- tempting to intervene to prevent overall Syrian war, “which will
around 70,000 people, most of the most die-hard radicals who to join the Islamic State in Syria, tainees to free them, SDF officials Russian Islamic State women take a very long time.”
them women and children who chose to remain in the group’s and they are among the most say. The women have set up their from administering beatings
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Clinton and Trump can’t seem to quit each other

cling, talking past and attacking Andy Surabian, a former White
each other as if the 2016 contest House aide. “The Clintons have
They continue their never quite ended. been enemy number one to Repub-
attacks as if the 2016 “Part of the reason they’re licans and conservatives for al-
locked into this dynamic is be- most 30 years now, so just because
election never ended cause like any good media narra- she lost in 2016 does not erase
tive, it requires a foe and a hero, or three decades of hard feeling
a foil,” said Angelo Carusone, presi- toward her and her husband from
BY A SHLEY P ARKER dent of Media Matters for America, the right.”
a liberal media watchdog group. But at least in recent weeks, it
The venue: “CBS Sunday Morn- “It’s just Narrative 101.” has been Clinton — who is actively
ing.” The purpose: the first stop on Through a spokesman, Clinton promoting her new book, which
Hillary Clinton’s publicity tour for declined a request for an interview, she wrote with her daughter —
her newly released project, “The and the White House did not re- who is driving much of the conver-
Book of Gutsy Women.” spond to requests for an interview. sation. In a range of television
But first, as her daughter Chel- Current and former aides to interviews, she has expressed her
sea looked on, Clinton had a few both accuse the other of strikingly support for House Democrats’ im-
things she wanted to share about a similar pathologies — being a sore peachment inquiry into Trump.
certain man — President Trump. loser (or, in his case, winner); har- The inquiry, she told ABC’s “The
Calm and poised, Clinton of- boring an unhealthy fixation on View,” was “absolutely unavoid-
fered a political assessment that their former rival; and re-litigating able,” and it would have been “a
seemed specifically designed to en- the battles of the past rather than dereliction of duty at that point for
rage Trump. She called him a gracefully forging ahead into the the Congress” not to have moved
“threat” to the nation, dubbed him future. forward with an investigation of
an “illegitimate president” and To hear the Clinton folks tell it, the president’s actions involving a
concluded that he was a “corrupt her attacks are largely substantive controversial July 25 phone call he
human tornado.” and focused on news and policy, had with the president of Ukraine.
The barrage was the latest salvo while his are frivolous and based She has also been punchy, espe-
in an ongoing feud — alternatingly on personality. They say Trump JULIO CORTEZ/ASSOCIATED PRESS cially on Twitter. After Rudolph W.
confrontational and oblique, simply can’t get over losing the Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton answers a question during the second presidential debate Giuliani, Trump’s personal attor-
cheeky and serious — that has popular vote to Clinton and is against Republican candidate Donald Trump at Washington University in St. Louis in 2016. ney, chastised the media on Tues-
smoldered since Election Day haunted by this reality, which he day for not investigating “the Clin-
2016, when one of them won the fears undermines the legitimacy of happening right now that go evant,” she said. “It’s unbecoming Clinton told MSNBC’s Rachel tons and crooked Clinton Founda-
popular vote while the other won his presidency. against her values, that are worthy of a former presidential candidate, Maddow in May that “I’m living tion,” Clinton offered a wry rejoin-
the electoral college and, with it, “We have a president who is of standing up for, and I think she U.S. senator and secretary of state, rent free inside of Donald Trump’s der: “Yes, I am famously under-
the presidency. irrationally and sometimes inex- is a vital voice as part of that,” but it seems to be her only release.” brain” — a perch she seems to scrutinized.” And after Sen.
In addition to her pointed jibes plicably focused on his opponent Reynolds said. Cliff Sims, a former White relish at times. Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif.) offered
on CBS, Clinton — a former first from three years ago, when he’s a In a September speech at House aide, shared a video of Clin- At a recent art exhibit in Venice, a Twitter defense of Clinton follow-
lady, senator from New York, secre- lot closer to having another oppo- George Washington University, for ton’s CBS interview on Twitter and for example, Clinton sat at a replica ing news of the State Department’s
tary of state and 2016 Democratic nent in 10 months’ time,” said Nick example, Clinton accused Trump asked, “Is it not destructive to our of the Oval Office’s Resolute Desk intensifying email probe of her
presidential nominee — has as- Merrill, a senior adviser to Clinton and Senate Majority Leader Mitch democracy for the sore loser of a and, for about an hour, read former aides, Clinton replied, “But
sailed Trump on Twitter, in speech- who was her traveling spokesman McConnell (R-Ky.) of “abdicating national election to say — with no through a stack of her deleted my emails. (Thank you.).”
es and even in People magazine. in 2016. “He’s a small person, num- their responsibility” on election justification whatsoever — that emails. “I hope @HillaryClinton never,
She has mocked him — reading a ber one, and he clearly is smarting security. her opponent’s victory was illegiti- For Trump, continuing to lace ever goes away & always uses plat-
snippet of special counsel Robert because at the end of the day, he Trump supporters, meanwhile, mate?” into his former electoral foe serves form she has to advance causes of
S. Mueller III’s report in the presi- knows he won the electoral college fault Clinton, saying that she sim- Clinton allies, however, say that several purposes. People close to women & children, AND share her
dent’s muggy Queens baritone — but more people who went to the ply can’t move past her election she is almost compelled to respond him say there is a certain nostalgia views on politics,” tweeted Jennifer
and chided him, calling for an im- polls on Nov. 8 wanted her to be loss and is not handling her defeat to the president’s attacks on her. in the attacks for a president who Palmieri, Clinton’s 2016 communi-
peachment inquiry. president.” graciously. Kellyanne Conway, Yes, there are other failed presi- enjoys reliving his 2016 victory — cations director, adding “#More-
The president, for his part, has They add that Clinton is not so counselor to the president, pointed dential nominees who slinked the ultimate flouting of the politi- Hillary.” Her tweet was in response
seemed similarly fixated. Since much picking a fight as defending to Trump’s comments shortly after more solidly into quiet obscurity — cal elites he so resents. More im- to some anti-Clinton backlash
taking office, he has called herself, and weighing in on critical his victory as evidence that he tried now-Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) in portantly, the broadsides also mo- from those who say Clinton should
her “Crooked Hillary” on Twitter issues of national importance. to set a friendly tone. the immediate wake of the 2012 tivate base voters who view Clin- try to fade from public life.
127 times, led his frenzied rally “She engages him like a plumber At his inaugural luncheon at the election, and Democrats John F. ton as the ultimate enemy. Trump also seems eager to keep
crowds in chants of “Lock her up!” engages a clogged toilet: only Capitol, Trump said he was “hon- Kerry and Al Gore after their re- Media Matters calculated that Clinton around as a foil. On Thurs-
and is presiding over a reinvigorat- when necessary,” Philippe Reines, ored” that Clinton and her hus- spective 2004 and 2000 losses. But Fox News host and Trump ally day, during a speech at The Villag-
ed investigation into more than a longtime Clinton adviser, band, President Bill Clinton, had these are unprecedented times, Sean Hannity mentioned Clinton es retirement community in Flori-
100 current and former State De- quipped in a text message. attended and urged them to stand they say, and a norm-shattering in 86 percent of his show’s epi- da, a man shouted out “Lock her
partment officials who sent mes- Christina Reynolds, a Clinton up to receive an ovation. “Honestly, leader such as Trump demands a sodes between Trump’s inaugura- up!” and the president invited him
sages to Clinton’s private email 2016 spokeswoman, said that the there’s nothing more I can say be- countervailing force. tion and the end of August. Over to stand up.
address when she was secretary of former Democratic nominee “is cause I have a lot of respect for “Setting aside 2016, she was our the past year, the group found, “I admonish you,” Trump said
state. commenting in a forward-looking those two people, so thank you secretary of state; she’s been a Trump has mentioned Clinton at sarcastically.
Nearly three years after Election way” while Trump “is commenting both for being here,” Trump said at presidential candidate,” said Kar- least 149 times in tweets, speeches, Shortly thereafter, the Clinton
Day, they just can’t seem to quit in a backward-looking way” — a the time. en Finney, a spokeswoman for interviews and news conferences. heckler shouted again, and the
each other. Like Looney Tunes’s differentiation echoed by several But, by Conway’s telling, Clinton Clinton’s 2016 campaign. “Frankly “There is at least a political ben- president returned to him.
Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner, Clinton allies. did not reciprocate Trump’s benev- in this moment in international efit for the president to bring up “I sort of like him,” Trump said.
the duo appear trapped in a dis- “Most of what she’s doing is olent gesture. “Hillary engages politics, she has a really important Clinton because to this day it fires “I can’t admonish him again.”
jointed call-and-response — cir- taking a stand on things that are with the president to stay rel- and valuable perspective.” up the conservative base,” said


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Trump’s order will deny visas to immigrants who lack health-care coverage
BY M ARIA S ACCHETTI of health care benefits for Ameri- as the administration is also pre- authority he invoked during the sweeping change to the legal lions in income, property and
cans,” and said “taxpayers bear paring to implement a new “pub- 2017 travel ban, which mainly immigration system.” sales taxes.
The White House late Friday substantial cost” in paying for lic charge” rule Oct. 15 that seeks limited travel of nationals of “As a matter of policymaking, A Kaiser Family Foundation
issued a proclamation saying it medical expenses of people who to deny green cards and U.S. certain Muslim-majority coun- this is an incredibly flimsy docu- study said about 1 in 4 “lawfully
would deny visas to immigrants lack health insurance. citizenship to poor immigrants. tries. ment,” he said. “We have no idea present immigrants” lacked
who “will financially burden” the “Immigrants who enter this To obtain an immigration visa, Doug Rand, a former White what the process was and it just health insurance, compared with
U.S. health-care system starting country should not further sad- foreigners must prove they will House official in the Obama ad- kind of happened at 7 o’clock on a less than 1 in 10 U.S. citizens as of
Nov. 3, demanding that foreign dle our health care system, and be covered by “approved health ministration who worked on im- Friday. Where did this come 2017.
nationals prove that they have subsequently American taxpay- insurance,” such as a family or migration policy, said Trump’s from? What was the process? But a National Academies of
insurance or are affluent enough ers, with higher costs,” Trump employment-based policy, within proclamation is likely to affect Who was involved in this?” Sciences report in 2016 conclud-
to cover their own health-care said in the proclamation. 30 days of entering the United the immediate relatives of U.S. In the proclamation, Trump ed immigration had a positive
costs before entering the United Analysts said the proclama- States, unless they are affluent citizens waiting overseas for per- said “lawful immigrants are effect on economic growth over-
States. tion appears to target family- enough to cover their “reason- mission to come to the United about three times more likely all in the United States, though
The new rule — issued at 7 p.m. based migration, the type of ably foreseeable medical costs.” States, including parents, spous- than United States citizens to immigrants were more likely to
on a Friday, less than 13 months “chain migration” that the Trump Among the legal provisions es and siblings. Children are lack health insurance,” without compete with less-educated
before Election Day — comes as administration and White House Trump invoked to support his exempt. providing a source for the infor- Americans for jobs.
President Trump is facing an aide Stephen Miller, an immigra- proclamation is Section 212(f ) of He said the new rules would mation. The White House did not Trump required the secretary
impeachment inquiry and inten- tion hawk, have been unable to the Immigration and Nationality not affect the relatives of immi- immediately respond to a request of state, in consultation with the
sifying his efforts to fulfill his persuade Congress to reduce. Act, which grants the president grants already in the United for comment. secretary of health and human
campaign promises to curb im- The White House has pushed for authority to declare certain mi- States. Scholars have long debated the services, the secretary of home-
migration. Like many of Trump’s policies that would favor wealthi- grants ineligible for asylum be- The proclamation also does costs and benefits of immigra- land security, and the heads of
immigration policies, it is likely er immigrants with special skills cause it “would be contrary to the not appear to affect immigrants tion to the United States, with other appropriate agencies, to
to face swift legal challenges in over immigrants from poorer national interest” and “detrimen- arriving on work visas, refugees some focusing on the costs of submit a report on the proclama-
federal courts. countries, including in Latin tal to the interests of the United or those seeking asylum at the health care and education while tion six months after it takes
Trump said he is taking the America. States.” Mexican border, he said, but he others note that immigrants and effect.
action to “protect the availability Trump’s proclamation comes The section is the same legal called the new rule “a gigantic, their children contribute mil-

Kim Jong Un settles into place on world stage

gime’s brutality.
For all the viral social media
focus on oddities that reflected
Kim’s security paranoia — such
as the bodyguards who jogged
next to Kim’s limousine at a
summit with Moon in April 2018
As nuclear talks resume, or the green, armored train that
critics say Trump has ferried him on a leisurely 60-
hour trip to the second summit
given N. Korea legitimacy with Trump in Hanoi in February
— there are juxtaposing scenes
that revealed a young leader who
BY D AVID N AKAMURA has carefully crafted the messag-
ing behind his charm offensive.
Days after former White Kim went on a late-evening
House adviser John Bolton tour of Singapore’s glittering sky-
warned against diplomacy with line in June 2018, including stops
North Korea, a delegation of Kim at the 55-story Marina Bay Sands
Jong Un’s top aides hustled hotel and the Jubilee Bridge. He
through a Beijing airport Thurs- answered shouted questions
day on its way from Pyongyang from U.S. journalists in Hanoi in
to Stockholm for a new round of February and engaged a Russian
nuclear talks with the United state television reporter upon
States. arriving at the Vladivostok train
The prospects for a break- station in April. And he grasped
through this weekend remain hands with Trump to welcome
fraught, given the wide gulf after him across the 38th parallel into
negotiations broke down during North Korean territory during
President Trump’s second sum- their hastily arranged meeting at
mit with Kim in February in the Korean demilitarized zone in
Hanoi. But the ease and regulari- June.
ty with which Kim and his top “Trump meeting and shaking
aides have hopscotched the hands made it possible for every-
globe over the past 18 months one else to as well,” said Katie
have scrambled international Stallard-Blanchette, a Wilson
consensus on how to deal with a Center fellow who worked as a
pariah state once known as the television correspondent in East
“Hermit Kingdom.” Asia.
Kim, who had not traveled White House aides have em-
beyond North Korea’s borders phasized that Trump has not
since taking power in late 2011, lifted punishing economic sanc-
signaled a turn to international tions even as he has engaged in
engagement by dispatching his diplomacy with Kim.
sister and other top aides to the To Stallard-Blanchette, Kim’s
Winter Olympics in Seoul in success in reestablishing diplo-
February 2018. Since then, the matic norms has been accompa-
35-year-old ruler has orchestrat- nied by something perhaps more
ed a dramatic global coming-out PANG XINGLEI/XINHUA NEWS AGENCY/ASSOCIATED PRESS alarming — a normalization of
party punctuated by seven trips Chinese President Xi Jinping, left, and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un meet in Pyongyang in June, following several other meetings in missile tests.
abroad to meet with five foreign China. South Korean officials are said to be weighing an offer to Kim to participate in a November gathering of Southeast Asian leaders. Kim has maintained a mora-
leaders, including three meet- torium on nuclear weapons test-
ings with Trump. At a Washington think tank on the summer. ganda tool for a young leader his policies,” said Jean H. Lee, a ing for nearly two years, but the
The speed with which Kim has Monday, Bolton declared that “I cannot understand for the determined to consolidate power former Associated Press reporter regime’s short-range projectile
established himself as a figure of Kim would never willingly relin- life of me that the establishment and ensure his future standing. who served as bureau chief in launches since the summer in-
international aplomb has frus- quish his arsenal and suggested in D.C. thinks it doesn’t make In addition to Trump, Kim has Pyongyang from 2008 to 2013. cluded a new type of submarine-
trated Bolton, the ousted nation- that the United States consider sense to talk to a nation’s leader met abroad with China’s Xi Jin- “That makes it very hard to based ballistic missile that land-
al security adviser, and other strategies to force regime change in order to do diplomacy,” said ping, South Korea’s Moon Jae-in, challenge him or raise any criti- ed in waters off Japan this week.
hawks who contend that Trump or conduct a first-strike military Robert Spalding, a retired Air Russia’s Vladimir Putin, Singa- cism and allows him to maintain Trump has not commented on
moved too quickly to reward a attack. “These are questions that Force brigadier general who pore’s Lee Hsien Loong and Viet- very tough policies on his peo- that test, even as it has drawn
brutal dictator with personal need to focus our attention,” served as senior director for nam’s Nguyen Phu Trong — trips ple.” objections from Tokyo and
attention and normalize him on Bolton said, “not can we get strategy in Trump’s National Se- attended by the kind of red-car- Despite Kim’s pledges to shift Seoul.
the world stage, without secur- another summit with Kim Jong curity Council. “The diplomacy is pet pageantry, local crowds and focus from North Korea’s weap- “If we went back 18 months
ing enforceable commitments to Un.” in addition to [economic] sanc- international news media atten- ons development to economic and they tested a submarine
denuclearize. Trump’s allies discounted Bol- tions. To the extent that it ratch- tion reserved for global dignitar- growth, the nation continues to missile on the eve of talks with
Last month, Kim reportedly ton as a warmonger and coun- ets down tensions and creates ies. face food shortages amid tough the U.S., the next thing is the
invited Trump to visit Pyong- tered that the president was the ability for continuous dia- Images of Kim being feted by international sanctions, and Kim talks would be canceled,” Stal-
yang, and although Trump told right to reject decades of fruitless logue, who knows if that can lead his hosts have been disseminated operates some of the harshest lard-Blanchette said. “Now
reporters that such a trip is U.S. policy to isolate and punish over time to a softening of atti- by North Korean state media as forced-labor camps in the world. there’s really no response [from
premature, there is talk of an- the Kim regime. They cited re- tudes?” reports of the breakdown in But since his sister, Kim Yo the United States]. That gives
other bilateral summit by year’s duced bilateral tensions as evi- Outside experts said there is nuclear negotiations have placed Jong, led North Korea’s delega- Kim a very positive sense of
end. South Korean officials are dence that the president’s unor- little doubt that Kim has suc- blame on the United States. tion to the Opening Ceremonies where the line is. . . . He’s march-
said to be weighing an offer to thodox approach is paying divi- ceeded in his goal of gaining a “He can tell his people that he of the Winter Games in Seoul last ing forward all the time to rede-
Kim to participate in a gathering dends, even though North Korea measure of global legitimacy met with the world’s most pow- year, the family’s trips have been fine what’s normal. That’s what’s
in November of Southeast Asian has unsettled its neighbors with that had once been unimagina- erful leaders and take that met with breathless coverage dangerous.”
leaders in Busan, South Korea. short-range missile tests since ble — a valuable domestic propa- propaganda and use it to justify that often glosses over the re-

U.S. envoy meets with Taliban nearly a month after peace talks were scuttled
BY S USANNAH G EORGE In addition to their visit to Khalilzad arrived in Pakistan Pakistan” to follow up on discus-
Pakistan, Taliban representatives earlier this week, and Taliban sions held between Trump and
kabul — The U.S. special repre- have made similar visits to Rus- spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid Prime Minister Imran Khan at
sentative for Afghanistan has sia, China and Iran. announced Wednesday that a the U.N. General Assembly last
met with Taliban leaders for the Before talks were called off delegation led by Mullah Abdul week. The spokesperson was not
first time since peace talks be- last month, they were aimed at Ghani Baradar would also travel authorized to discuss the trip on
tween the two sides were de- reaching a peace deal under to Pakistan. Baradar is a co- the record and released the state-
clared “dead” by President which the United States would founder of the Taliban movement ment on the condition of ano-
Trump last month, according to withdraw its forces from Af- and was a lead negotiator nymity.
two people familiar with the ghanistan in exchange for a throughout talks with Khalilzad. After meeting with Taliban
matter. pledge from Taliban leadership Video released by Pakistan’s leaders Thursday, Pakistan’s For-
A Pakistani Foreign Ministry to cut ties with al-Qaeda and Foreign Ministry showed Taliban eign Ministry said Islamabad
official said the meeting oc- support counterterrorism ef- leaders embracing ministry offi- and the Taliban “agreed on the
curred Thursday and lasted more forts. Khalilzad’s team and Tali- cials as they arrived in Islamabad need for … resumption of the
than an hour. A former Taliban ban leaders had negotiated for for meetings. Pakistan has urged peace process.”
member in Kabul who maintains more than 10 months, and Khal- both sides to resume peace talks, It is “time to make all possible
close ties to the group’s leader- ilzad said in early September and the Taliban has said it re- efforts for an early, peaceful reso-
ship confirmed that the meeting that a deal had been reached “in mains open to talks with the lution of the conflict in Afghani-
took place. Both spoke on the principle.” United States. stan,” the Foreign Ministry said
condition of anonymity because An announcement of a peace Mujahid, the Taliban spokes- in a statement. The statement
they were not authorized to dis- deal appeared to be imminent man, said in a statement also warned that “broad regional
cuss the subject with the media. until Trump abruptly scuttled Wednesday that the “agenda for and international consensus for
The State Department did not talks on Sept. 7. Trump said the discussions” with Pakistani offi- achieving peace in Afghanistan
comment on reports of the meet- decision was made after a Tali- PAKISTAN FOREIGN OFFICE/ASSOCIATED PRESS cials included “issues of restora- … provided an unprecedented
ing with the Taliban but said U.S. ban attack resulted in the death Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, center, greets tion of peace and security in the opportunity that must not be
envoy Zalmay Khalilzad traveled of an American service member the Taliban delegation on Thursday in Islamabad in a photo that region.” The statement made no lost.”
to Islamabad to meet with Paki- on Sept. 5. was released by the Pakistani Foreign Ministry. mention of talks with Americans.
stani officials. The department But in the days that followed, A State Department spokes-
said in a news release that the officials in Kabul and Washing- ly scrapped. Secretary of State in a Sept. 8 interview that the person said Wednesday that Shaiq Hussain in Islamabad and
trip did not represent “a restart ton cautioned that talks were Mike Pompeo appeared to signal negotiations were off “for the Khalilzad was in Pakistan “for Sayed Salahuddin in Kabul
of the Afghan Peace Process.” likely on hold rather than entire- as much when he told Fox News time being.” consultations with authorities in contributed to this report.
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Sanders su≠ered a heart attack, his doctors announce

Democratic primary — Sanders,
Senator is out of hospital; former vice president Joe Biden
and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-
timing of his return to Mass.) — are in their 70s. Presi-
campaign trail is unclear dent Trump is also a septuagenari-
Earlier in the campaign, some
younger candidates made the ar-
BY S EAN S ULLIVAN gument that it was time to turn the
party’s leadership over to a new
Sen. Bernie Sanders suffered a generation. But that pitch was
heart attack earlier this week be- mostly aimed at Biden, at the time
fore a stent procedure was con- the clear leader in the polls.
ducted to clear an artery, doctors Sanders’s medical crisis oc-
said Friday in a statement released curred amid some good news for
by his presidential campaign. his campaign — an announce-
Sanders, 78, was released from a ment this week that he raised
Las Vegas hospital Friday. $25.3 million, more than any oth-
“Sen. Sanders was diagnosed er candidate for the Democratic
with a myocardial infarction,” his nomination, in the third quarter.
treating physicians, Arturo E. In recent weeks, Sanders has
Marchand Jr. and Arjun Gururaj, slipped in the polls.
said in the statement Friday. Sanders campaign manager
The independent senator from Faiz Shakir sought to emphasize
Vermont, dressed in a blue button- his position in the money chase on
down shirt and a dark blazer, Friday.
waved to cameras as he departed “Our third quarter fundraising
the hospital Friday afternoon totals make clear that Bernie’s
alongside his wife, Jane. He told campaign is part of a working
reporters he felt “great, thank you” class movement taking on the
before entering a dark SUV. greed and corruption of the corpo-
The statement, released after rate elite,” Shakir said in a state-
Sanders left the hospital, marked ment.
the first time the campaign had Sanders, in a tweet issued from
acknowledged he had a heart at- SALWAN GEORGES/THE WASHINGTON POST the hospital this week, used his
tack. Aides had previously de- Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) walks at the Iowa State Fair in August with his wife, Jane. He experienced chest pains at a campaign event on hospitalization to argue for his
clined to answer questions about Tuesday, and an arterial blockage was discovered. Two stents were placed, and he is expected to return to Vermont on Saturday. agenda, specifically the Medicare-
his diagnosis. for-all plan he has long champi-
Asked Friday why they waited they inserted two stents. personal physician.” ly nominating states to campaign his normal campaign activities be- oned. He noted that a health emer-
to announce the diagnosis, Sand- “The Senator was stable upon It was not immediately clear on his behalf. fore then. gency can come as a surprise, as
ers campaign spokesman Mike arrival and taken immediately to what effect Sanders’s health issues Shortly after leaving the hospi- An arterial blockage such as his did.
Casca said, “We just wanted to the cardiac catheterization labo- would have on his second straight tal, Sanders posted a video on Sanders’s typically has a good In the statement released by his
wait until he was discharged to ratory, at which time two stents campaign for the presidency. Twitter in which he said he was prognosis and does not normally campaign Friday, Sanders
give out the information all at were placed in a blocked coronary While he was hospitalized, a sen- feeling better. “See you soon on the require a long recovery period, thanked the doctors and nurses
once.” artery in a timely fashion,” his ior aide said his campaign events campaign trail,” he added. medical experts said earlier this who treated him.
On Wednesday, Sanders’s cam- doctors said Friday. “All other ar- were canceled “until further no- His wife, Jane, said before his week, before it was known that he “After two and a half days in the
paign said he was hospitalized af- teries were normal.” tice.” release that Sanders would “take a had suffered a heart attack. hospital, I feel great, and after
ter experiencing chest pains at a They said his hospital stay was Sanders planned to fly home to few days to rest” but would take Sanders’s condition has revived taking a short time off, I look
Tuesday night campaign event. Af- “uneventful with good expected Vermont on Saturday, his cam- part in the Oct. 15 Democratic a debate over age and health in the forward to getting back to work,”
ter doctors discovered an artery progress. He was discharged with paign said. Over the weekend, sur- presidential debate. It was not Democratic Party. The three can- Sanders said.
blockage, the campaign said then, instructions to follow up with his rogates are fanning out across ear- clear whether he would resume didates leading the polls in the

Congresswoman isn’t only one who thinks race a≠ects facial-recognition results
ple of color. Researchers and all affect facial recognition’s accu- say, offer a cautionary tale for privacy and freedom of expres- cause of how they see it used in a
Tlaib, critics say software numerous studies says that is racy. But researchers say that millions of Americans. A 2016 sion. But there are no current crime shows on TV.
because the software is trained improving those factors doesn’t report by Georgetown Law re- federal rules governing artificial “Training in general is seen as a
uses photos that heavily on vast sets of images that skew erase a system’s hard-wired bias- searchers found that the facial intelligence or facial recognition pretty essential feature of getting
skew toward white men heavily toward white men, leav- es. One 2018 study conducted by images of half of all American software. this to work,” Laperruque said.
ing women and minorities vul- Joy Buolamwini of the M.I.T. Me- adults, or more than 117 million “We have a technology that “There’s an expectation when law
nerable to holes in mammoth dia Lab found that the technology people, were accessible in a law- was created and designed by one enforcement and the public see a
databases. is correct 99 percent of the time enforcement facial-recognition demographic, that is only mostly new sci-fi-looking tool to say,
BY R ACHEL S IEGEL That can be especially risky, with photos of white men. But the database. effective on that one demograph- ‘This is a magical, futuristic tech-
critics say, as facial recognition is software misidentified the gen- Greater scrutiny on these data- ic, and they’re trying to sell it and nology,’ when in reality, facial
When Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D- embraced by government and der as often as 35 percent of the bases has spurred some progress. impose it on the entirety of the recognition is a lot more akin to
Mich.) was invited to tour the law enforcement. time when viewing an image of a ImageNet, an online image data- country,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio- outsourcing policing to glitchy
Detroit Police Department’s Real Critics also worry that people darker-skinned woman. base, recently said it would re- Cortez (D-N.Y.) said earlier this computers.”
Time Crime Center, the purpose are not being trained adequately In January, researchers with move 600,000 pictures of people year. Jennifer Lynch, surveillance
was to explain how officers use in how to use the technology and M.I.T. Media Lab reported that from its system after an art proj- Detroit’s police board ap- litigation director of the Elec-
facial recognition when policing interpret its results. Researchers facial-recognition software devel- ect showed the severity of the bias proved the use of facial recogni- tronic Frontier Foundation,
the streets of a city that is more say that law enforcement agen- oped by Amazon and marketed to wired into its artificial intelli- tion software last month. But the pointed to studies showing how
than 80 percent black. cies do not always disclose how local and federal law enforce- gence. Artist Trevor Paglen and technology has not been em- poorly people identify images of
But the meeting quickly deteri- its analysts are taught to use the ment also fell short on basic AI researcher Kate Crawford braced by all locales. San Francis- people they don’t know — espe-
orated when Tlaib told Chief systems, or who is conducting the accuracy tests, including correct- showed how the system could co and Oakland, Calif., along with cially when it comes to people of
James Craig that “analysts need training. And they worry that ly identifying a person’s gender. generate derogatory results when Somerville, Mass., have banned different races or ethnicity.
to be African Americans, not even if a department claims a Specifically, Amazon’s Rekogni- people uploaded photos of them- local government agencies, in- Researchers say that among
people that are not,” because strong training protocol, people tion system was perfect in pre- selves. A woman might be called a cluding police departments, from police departments that use the
“non-African Americans think will inevitably let biases about dicting the gender of lighter- “slut,” for example, and an Afri- using the software. In September, software, there aren’t always
African Americans all look the gender and race creep into how skinned men, the researchers can American user could be la- California lawmakers temporari- clear or transparent standards
same.” they assess a match. said, but misidentified the gender beled a “wrongdoer” or with a ly banned state and local law for how officials are trained on
Craig, who is African Ameri- “There’s a huge amount of of darker-skinned women in racial epithet. enforcement from using facial- the systems, or how much weight
can, said the suggestion that reliance that this is going to be roughly 30 percent of their tests. Unlike many social and policy recognition software in body is given to the results.
white analysts would be less ad- accurate if it spits out a match, or Amazon disputed those find- debates gripping Washington, fa- cameras. “The police departments say,
ept at their jobs than people of a candidate list of five people,” ings, saying the research used cial-recognition has drawn sharp Beyond the software itself, crit- ‘we are not considering this an
color was “insulting.” said Jake Laperruque, senior algorithms that work differently criticism from Republican and ics worry that users will put too exact match because we have
Tlaib’s comments, however, counsel at The Constitution Proj- from the facial-recognition sys- Democratic lawmakers alike. In much faith in facial recognition, humans that look at this after the
were consistent with an enduring ect at the Project on Government tems used by police departments. May, members of the House Over- even as they acknowledge the fact and verify the technology,’ ”
debate that rages around facial- Oversight. “And that’s just not the (Amazon founder and chief exec- sight and Reform Committee software’s pitfalls. Laperruque Lynch said, “which is problematic
recognition software: the systems case.” utive Jeff Bezos owns The Wash- jointly condemned the technol- pointed to the “CSI Effect” — because humans are not good at
more accurately identify lighter- Camera quality, lighting and ington Post.) ogy, charging that it was inaccu- when people come to believe in identifying people.”
skinned faces than those of peo- the size of a system’s database can But the results, researchers rate and threatened Americans’ the technology’s infallibility be-

Justices to examine restrictive Louisiana abortion law

SUPREME COURT FROM A1 could consider its merits. case had requested the court’s
The court’s 2016 decision intervention.
to pass their own health and in the Texas case, Whole Wom- “Louisiana has tried every-
safety standards designed to pro- an’s Health v. Hellerstedt, said thing under the sun to decimate
tect women inside abortion ven- the admitting-privileges require- access to abortion care,” said
dors.” ment “provides few, if any, health Kathaleen Pittman, clinic admin-
Abortion rights supporters benefits for women, poses a sub- istrator at Hope Medical Group,
turned up the dial as well. stantial obstacle to women seek- one of the plaintiffs. “The situa-
“Access to abortion is hanging ing abortions, and constitutes an tion here is already dire and this
by a thread in this country, and ‘undue burden’ on their constitu- law would be the last straw for
this case is what could snap that tional right to do so.” most of the remaining clinics.
thread,” Alexis McGill Johnson, Hospitalization after an abor- We’re hopeful that the court will
acting president of Planned Par- tion is rare, all sides agree, and recognize how devastating this
enthood Federation of America, the lack of admitting privileges law would be for women in our
said in a statement. “There’s only by the doctor who performed the state.”
one reason the court would not procedure is not a bar to the Louisiana Attorney General
strike down the Louisiana law woman getting needed medical Jeff Landry (R) had also asked
and that is because Justice Ken- care. The court’s opinion said the court to review the decision.
nedy, who voted to protect abor- there are numerous reasons doc- He wants the justices to decide
tion access just three years ago, tors might not be able to attain that abortion providers don’t
has been replaced with Justice admitting privileges at a nearby have the legal standing to chal-
Kavanaugh. This is what we’ve hospital, including the fact that it lenge laws such as the one the
warned about.” is so rare for their clients to need Louisiana legislature passed.
It was no surprise the court hospitalization. “The evidence of Louisiana
accepted the case. In February, But last fall, a panel of the U.S. abortion clinics’ poor safety rec-
Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. Court of Appeals for the 5th ords, inadequate credentialing
and the court’s liberals entered a Circuit upheld the Louisiana law practices, and questionable ef-
stay that kept the law from going in a 2-to-1 vote, finding factual forts to undermine health and
into effect. Roberts was a dissent- distinctions between how the re- JONATHAN NEWTON/THE WASHINGTON POST safety regulations shows that the
er in the 5-to-3 ruling in the 2016 striction played out in Texas and The Supreme Court in 2016 struck down an almost identical Texas law requiring doctors at abortion abortion clinics’ interests are di-
case (Scalia had died months Louisiana. clinics to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals, but the court’s makeup has changed since then. rectly adverse to the interests of
before) and the reason for his Judge Jerry E. Smith, writing Louisiana women,” Landry said
most recent vote remains a mat- for the majority, said that the He said that the closing of Louisiana would be affected. justice of the Supreme Court who in a statement. “Incompetent and
ter of speculation. court complied with the Supreme some clinics in Louisiana, as The full 5th Circuit declined to decided Whole Woman’s Health unsafe providers should not be
He may have questioned Court’s decision in Whole Wom- opposed to Texas, would not dra- reconsider the panel’s decision, would endorse our opinion,” allowed to challenge health and
whether the lower court’s deci- an’s Health by taking a painstak- matically increase driving dis- and dissenting judges said their Judge Stephen A. Higginson safety standards designed to pro-
sion to uphold the Louisiana law ingly close look at the details. tances and that it was easier for colleagues seemed more intent wrote in his dissent. “The majori- tect women from those very pro-
complied with the court’s prec- “Unlike in Texas, the [Louisi- doctors in Louisiana to procure on giving the Supreme Court a ty would not, and I respectfully viders.”
edent, or he could have simply ana law] does not impose a sub- admitting privileges. He said that chance to reverse its 2016 ruling suggest that the dissenters might The case is June Medical Ser-
wanted to maintain the status stantial burden on a large frac- “at most, only 30 percent of than complying with it. not either.” vices v. Gee.
quo until the Supreme Court tion of women,” he concluded. women” seeking abortions in “I am unconvinced that any Both sides in the Louisiana
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‘Mixed picture’ as unemployment rate hits 50-year low

BY E LI R OSENBERG With U.S. adding jobs at a slower pace last month, some economists see indicators of weakness YEAR LOW,” he wrote on Twitter.
Then he added, with apparent
The U.S. economy added a sarcasm, “Wow America, lets im-
modest 136,000 jobs in Septem- peach your President (even
ber, sending the unemployment though he did nothing wrong!).”
rate to a nearly 50-year low, a Democrats, however, pointed
mixed bag that some economists out aspects of the report that
said was more evidence the coun- seemed more troubling.
try could be headed for a slow- “Today’s jobs report . . . shows a
down. continuing slump in the manu-
The pace was well below last facturing sector and that wage
year’s average monthly growth, growth was flat, further evidence
though the unemployment rate, that the Trump-GOP economic
3.5 percent, was the country’s policies, which the president
lowest since 1969. Consumer promised would revitalize both,
spending continues to help pace are failing,” Senate Minority
the economy, even as business Leader Charles E. Schumer
investment has pulled back. (D.-N.Y.) said in a statement.
“It’s kind of a mixed picture,” As the unemployment rate has
said Douglas Kruse, an economist fallen to historic lows, econo-
at Rutgers University and a for- mists have watched wage data
mer White House adviser under closely to see whether a tight
President Barack Obama. “The labor market would eventually
job growth was less than what lead to higher income levels. A
Wall Street and economists were prime focus, both for business
expecting, but the drop in the leaders and political leaders, con-
unemployment rate was unex- tinues to be the slump in manu-
pected.” facturing.
Manufacturing has already en- September was the worst
tered a decline. The new report, month for U.S. manufacturing
issued by the Bureau of Labor since June 2009, according to a
Statistics, showed that the econo- closely watched industry index.
my lost 2,000 manufacturing jobs And concerns have grown that
in September, something that is the manufacturing contraction
expected to be a focus for presi- could spill over into other indus-
dential candidates next year as tries. Economists have begun
both parties try to appeal to warning about a significant risk
blue-collar workers. of recession.
The National Retail Federation The labor force participation
warned Thursday that economic rate — the percentage of people
uncertainty, new tariffs and fluc- JAHI CHIKWENDIU/THE WASHINGTON POST older than 16 who are working or
tuations in the stock market Job-seekers line up for Amazon Career Day in Arlington, Va., last month. The economy added 136,000 jobs in September. actively looking for work — re-
could derail Americans’ spending mained steady at 63.2 percent, a
plans in the run-up to the holi- nomic indicators complicated the “There’s just been a large pool “Those two trends are a sign Economists also point to other number that is below historic
days. Retail lost about 11,000 picture. Of particular note, he of people out there who are avail- that this is a labor market that is signs, including a manufacturing averages and prerecession levels.
jobs, driven by employment de- said, was that wage growth able to be employed without rais- slowing down,” he said. “Not be- recession, that are affecting em- Monthly job growth averaged
clines at clothing stores. Some slowed from 3.2 percent to ing wages, but that just can’t keep cause we’re hitting full employ- ployers as they struggle to find 223,000 in 2018 but has fallen this
other sectors performed much 2.9 percent in September. going on,” Kruse said. “We’re hit- ment, but rather this is a slow- workers in a tight job market. year to 161,000. The economy is a
better, however, as health-care “You would expect wage ting the point where we’re going down for employers and a slack- President Trump is focusing subject of particularly intense
and business services added growth to be much stronger given to have to see wage growth, or ening in economic growth.” part of his 2020 reelection cam- scrutiny heading into an election
more than 70,000 jobs combined. this unemployment rate,” he said. employers aren’t going to find The employment rate for paign on the strength of the econ- year.
Nick Bunker, an economist at Economists have puzzled over workers they need.” prime working-age Americans is omy, and he immediately cheered
the jobs site Indeed, said that the why wage growth has remained Bunker said the slowing wage strong, but it is still lower than the low unemployment rate.
lower unemployment rate was a modest since the recession de- and payroll growth made for a levels in the late 1990s, Bunker “Breaking News: Unemploy- Heather Long contributed to this
good sign but that other eco- spite the falling jobless rate. concerning picture. noted. ment Rate, at 3.5%, drops to a 50 report.

App developer sues Apple, alleges patent infringement with email feature
Apple uses its platform to favor its users to email back and forth Blue Mail alleges in its lawsuit, ture in less than a year. App Store. The suit cites security
own music service. without the person on the other filed by law firm Quinn Emanuel Then, in May 2019, Blue Mail warnings Apple gives to custom-
Plaintiff also contends its But times are changing. The end ever knowing the actual Urquhart & Sullivan, that in Au- launched a desktop application ers who try to install apps by
treatment by App Store biggest tech companies, includ- email address of the person using gust 2018, shortly after it for Mac. According to the lawsuit, downloading the software out-
ing Apple, are being scrutinized Blue Mail. launched its “anonymous share” the app was climbing the rank- side the App Store.
was antitrust violation by lawmakers and regulators for Apple’s new sign-in feature of- feature, its standing in Apple’s ings in the store before Blue Mail According to correspondence
how they wield their market dom- fers a similar service. Apple cus- cited in the lawsuit, Blue Mail
inance. House lawmakers last tomers can create new Internet pushed Apple for more details on
BY R EED A LBERGOTTI month issued sweeping docu- accounts using their Apple cre- why it was being barred from the
ment requests to Silicon Valley dentials. In the process, they can Blue Mail doesn’t claim to be the first Mac App Store. Apple responded,
An app developer is accusing giants, including Apple, in hopes create randomly generated email citing Blue Mail’s similarity to a
Apple of patent infringement and of shedding light on their com- addresses instead of sharing their company to conceive of masked email addresses. different mail client called Type-
antitrust violations in a lawsuit petitive practices. For instance, actual addresses with outside App. That one, though, was also
filed Friday in Delaware federal Apple was asked to turn over companies. Emails to the random But it’s accusing Apple of using its patented method owned by Blue Mail’s parent com-
court. information on how it decides address are forwarded by Apple pany, and the company had
Blix, the maker of an email which apps and features to copy to the real address, and custom- for doing it, which Blue Mail says is novel stopped offering it on the App
client called Blue Mail, alleged and why. ers can choose to stop receiving Store.
that the recently launched “Sign The new scrutiny on Silicon mail from the random address. and user-friendly. In response, Blue Mail asked
in with Apple” feature infringes Valley may be emboldening some For instance, if there’s too much how it could be too similar to
on its patents. of big tech’s smaller competitors. spam. TypeApp, when TypeApp was no
While some developers have Blix’s BlueMail launched in Blue Mail doesn’t claim to be App Store began falling. received an email from Apple longer in the App store.
complained that Apple borrows 2015 and has been installed by the first company to conceive of The lawsuit doesn’t offer any informing it that the app had Apple still wouldn’t budge, ac-
their ideas and competes unfairly, about 10 million users globally, masked email addresses. There specific evidence that Apple de- violated Apple’s terms of service. cording to the complaint. “After
it’s rare for software developers to according to the research firm are many other services that offer liberately hurt its downloads. The app was spammy, or it was further review and consideration
confront Apple, much less file Sensor Tower. In 2017, it was a similar feature. But it’s accusing And according to Sensor Tower, too similar to other apps. we have found that your applica-
suit. When they do, they are usu- featured in a segment on NBC’S Apple of using its patented meth- Blue Mail’s popularity, which Blue Mail claims in its lawsuit tion is still not in compliance with
ally large corporations, like the “Today” show. od for doing it, which Blue Mail peaked in 2016, was in decline by that Apple customers are less our guidelines,” the company
music-streaming service Spotify, Blue Mail also offers the ability says is novel and user-friendly. 2018. But Blue Mail does offer a likely to install an application on wrote. Apple removed the app
which complained to the Euro- to create and use random email Apple spokesman Fred Sainz possible motive: Apple was plan- their Mac computer if it’s not from the store.
pean Union earlier this year that addresses. That allows Blue Mail declined to comment. ning to announce a similar fea- available through Apple’s built-in


ENERGY already provided a boost to E15 a statement. HP had 55,000 said, adding it believes the update
EPA to require more this year by lifting Obama-era
seasonal restrictions that had
employees as of a year ago, the
last time it disclosed the figure.
reduces the driving range.

ethanol in fuel mix banned its sale during summer The company released the T-Mobile’s proposed merger with
months. projections as it faces a number of Sprint has received a third “yes”
The Trump administration on President Trump in August had uncertainties. Dion Weisler, the vote at the Federal
Friday unveiled a plan to boost promised farmers a “giant chief executive who has Communications Commission,
U.S. biofuels consumption package” related to ethanol after shepherded the company since its moving the deal toward agency
starting next year to help his administration angered the 2015 split with Hewlett-Packard approval in coming days,
struggling farmers, a move that powerful corn lobby by Enterprise Co., is stepping down according to two people familiar
cheered the agriculture industry exempting 31 oil refineries from Nov. 1 because of family health with the matter. All three
but was likely to trigger a their obligations under the reasons. The incoming CEO, Republicans on the five-member
backlash from Big Oil. renewable fuel standard Enrique Lores, is a longtime HP agency have voted for the deal,
The plan would require a yet program. executive. setting in motion procedures that
unspecified increase in the — Reuters The company’s printing would require agency action by
amount of ethanol that oil business, a major source of profit, Oct. 9, or Oct. 16 if an extension is
refiners must add to their fuel in TECHNOLOGY has seen falling sales and recently requested by a commissioner, the
2020, and would also aim to
remove further barriers to the HP to cut up to 9,000 was dubbed a “melting ice cube”
by analysts at Sanford C. LYNN BO BO/EPA-EFE/SHUTTERSTOCK
people said. Neither agency
Democrat has cast a vote; both
sale of higher ethanol blends of jobs in restructuring Bernstein. A worker in Myanmar loads rice bags on his shoulder as he works at support a delay.
gasoline such as E15, the — Bloomberg News a jetty of the Yangon River, which is formed by the confluence of the
Environmental Protection HP will slash as much as Pegu and Myitmaka rivers. It is navigable by ocean-going vessels and With two of its most toy-friendly
Agency said in a statement. 16 percent of its workforce as part ALSO IN BUSINESS plays a key role in the economy of Myanmar, also known as Burma. movies coming out between now
The rules, which will be of a broad restructuring meant to FBI Director Christopher A. and Christmas, Walt Disney
finalized after a period of public cut costs and boost sales growth Wray said Friday that Facebook’s released products tied to “Frozen
comment, would “ensure that amid the company’s first change proposal to encrypt its popular 2” and “Star Wars: The Rise of
more than 15 billion gallons of in top leadership in four years. messaging program would turn space created not by the issue a recall when it issued a Skywalker” on Friday, hoping
conventional ethanol be blended The personal computer giant the platform into a “dream come American people or their software upgrade in 2,000 parents will pick up a blue sparkly
into the nation’s fuel supply said it will cut 7,000 to 9,000 true for predators and child representatives but by the owners Model S and Model X vehicles in dress and a Kylo Ren action figure
beginning in 2020,” the EPA said. positions through firings and pornographers.” Wray, addressing of one big company.” May. The vehicles from the 2012 on the same trip. The double-
It did not give an exact number. voluntary early retirement. The a crowd of law enforcement and through 2019 model years barreled launch is unusual but
Any changes to blending volumes job reductions will help save child-protection officials in The National Highway Traffic received a battery management reflects shifting buying patterns
mandates for 2020 must be about $1 billion by the end of Washington, said that Facebook’s Safety Administration said software upgrade in response to a among consumers and changes in
finalized by Nov. 30. fiscal 2022, the Palo Alto, Calif.- plan would produce “a lawless Friday that it is reviewing a defect potential defect that could result the marketing of the brands.
The Trump administration had based company said Thursday in petition that claims Tesla failed to in non-crash fires, the petition — From news services
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Treasury Dept.’s inspector general to review handling of Trump’s tax returns

gives them the authority to re- tempted to interfere in the audit undertaking that inquiry.” that they are too complicated for the Legislative Branch never in-
quest the documents, but process. The Treasury Department has people to understand. voked the power of the Judiciary
Chairman of Ways and Mnuchin has denied the request, On Monday, Neal sent a letter two inspectors general. Treasury Democrats have filed suit to decide which side should win
Means Committee sent and now the matter is pending in to Richard Delmar, Treasury’s Inspector General for Tax Admin- against the Treasury Depart- in a political battle with the
federal court. acting inspector general, and istration, a separate office, has ment, alleging Trump’s tax re- Executive,” Justice Department
letter asking for inquiry A focus of the fight is the asked for a review. declined to comment on whether turns must be turned over under lawyers argued in the filing.
mandatory audit program that “I want to be assured that it has opened an inquiry into the federal law. Neal had previously argued in
the Internal Revenue Service Treasury, including the [IRS], is a court filing that the Treasury
BY J EFF S TEIN conducts on the president’s and enforcing the law in a fair and Department, in refusing to turn
AND T OM H AMBURGER vice president’s tax returns. impartial manner and no one is over the tax returns, had “mount-
Trump has steadfastly refused to endeavoring to intimidate or im- “I want to be assured that Treasury . . . is enforcing ed an extraordinary attack on the
The Treasury Department’s reveal any details of his tax fil- pede government officials and authority of Congress to obtain
acting inspector general has ings. He has claimed the tax employees carrying out their du- the law in a fair and impartial manner and no one information needed to conduct
opened a review into whether the filings have been under audit for ties,” Neal wrote in the letter. oversight of Treasury, the IRS,
Trump administration acted im- many years, but he has not pro- Asked whether the inquiry en- is endeavoring to intimidate or impede government and the tax laws on behalf of the
properly during its ongoing fight vided information to corroborate compassed the whistleblower American people who participate
with House Democrats over re- that claim. complaint, Delmar in a brief in- officials and employees carrying out their duties.” in the Nation’s voluntary tax sys-
leasing President Trump’s tax re- Still, as president, his tax re- terview referred instead to Neal’s Richard E. Neal (D-Mass.), House Ways and Means Committee chairman tem.”
turns. turns are supposed to be auto- letter and said it would focus on There is little precedent for the
Treasury Secretary Steven matically audited by the IRS. matters the lawmaker raised. Treasury Department to deny a
Mnuchin has refused to comply As the fight over whether to “Chairman Neal has asked whistleblower’s complaint. Last month, the Justice De- congressional request for tax re-
with a request from House Ways release his tax returns to Con- Treasury OIG to inquire into the Trump has broken decades of partment urged a federal judge to turns, but there is also little
and Means Committee Chairman gress has intensified, an IRS process by which the Department precedent by refusing to reveal throw out the suit, saying the precedent for a House chairman
Richard E. Neal (D-Mass.) for six whistleblower in July filed a com- received, evaluated, and respond- his tax returns. He has given a federal court lacked jurisdiction to demand the tax returns of a
years of the president’s business plaint with lawmakers and re- ed to the Committee’s request for variety of explanations as to why under the Constitution to hear president.
and financial returns. Democrats layed concerns that at least one federal tax information,” Delmar he won’t make them public, say- the case.
have said a 1924 law explicitly Treasury Department official at- said in a statement. “We are ing that they are under audit or “For nearly two hundred years,

AirPods rivals give consumers an earful as they try to catch up to Apple

BY M ARIE C . B ACA The newest devices to enter the this year, the equivalent of about
fray are Microsoft’s Surface Ear- $9 billion in revenue. That’s an
Some people would rather put buds, which the company un- important source of income as
a broken Q-Tip in their ear, while veiled this week at an event. The consumer interest in the iPhone
others would prefer a bulky ear- ear buds have both touch and wanes and the global smartphone
plug or a mint candy the size of a voice controls and retail for $249. market begins to slow.
coin. The most visible part of each bud In addition to seeing wireless
That’s essentially the choice is a flat white disc that measures ear buds as a cash cow, companies
consumers have as tech compa- slightly less than an inch in diam- also view the devices as a path to
nies including Microsoft, Amazon eter, about the size of a quarter. lock consumers into their product
and Samsung introduce a wave of Last week, Amazon announced and service ecosystem. They also
new, often oddly shaped, competi- its $129.99 Echo Buds, which are see it as a way to bring digital
tors to the AirPods, Apple’s popu- black, resemble round earplugs assistants such as Apple’s Siri and
lar in-ear wireless headphones and are also about the size of a Amazon’s Alexa into the user’s
that start at $159. quarter. Visually, they are similar broader world.
Silicon Valley has long been on to Samsung’s equally priced Gal- For instance, Microsoft’s Sur-
the cutting edge of aesthetics, axy Buds. The Galaxy Buds are face Earbuds allow users to open
with numerous game-changing available in black, white and yel- their Outlook email and calendars
designs over the years (such as the low and debuted in February. with their voice and instantly
Apple products released under None of the devices has es- stream music by triple-clicking
Steve Jobs’s tenure) as well as caped the wrath of social media. either bud. Consumers can also
some memorable misses (Google When they were introduced, Air- use the ear buds to interact with
Glass). And although Apple has Pods were the butt of many a their PowerPoint presentations.
succeeded in turning its white, Twitter joke, and the devices have Ives said there is a small win-
dangly AirPods into a status sym- since been compared to Q-Tips, dow for other earbud manufac-
bol, truly wireless ear buds are corncob holders and “an angry turers to encroach on Apple’s mar-
gaining popularity despite, not praying mantis.” Only after com- ket dominance before the third-
because of, their design. petitors were introduced did they generation AirPods are released,
To the credit of those compa- seem streamlined in comparison. which Ives says is likely to happen
nies, product design experts say it The Surface Earbuds were vari- in early to mid-December. The
is difficult to create a pair of ously described online this week market penetration for wireless
wireless, Bluetooth-enabled de- as refrigerator magnets. They MARK LENNIHAN/ASSOCIATED PRESS headphones is only 10 to 12 per-
vices that sit comfortably but un- were also likened to the mint Microsoft’s Robin Seiler, the vice president of program management and devices, discusses the new cent, according to Ives, so al-
obtrusively in the ear, provide candy Mentos and ear gauges. Surface Earbuds in New York. The company unveiled the $249 voice-controlled device on Wednesday. though it would be difficult for
high-quality sound and still cap- “So Apple ear buds look like anyone to make a dent in Apple’s
ture the user’s voice. For one cigarettes hanging out of your market share, tech companies are
thing, the human body interferes ears while Surface ear buds look Apple, Samsung and Microsoft The Washington Post.) though Apple does not disclose still trying.
with Bluetooth signals, so trans- like you’ve been tagged as a part of did not respond to requests for Other tech companies have fol- AirPods sales, Wedbush Securi- “Right now it’s an all-out as-
mitting information to both ear an animal migration experiment,” comment. Amazon declined to lowed Apple’s lead, in part, be- ties analyst Daniel Ives estimates sault,” Ives said. “These are really
buds in a synchronized fashion is tweeted Kevin Giszewski, a soft- comment. (Amazon founder and cause ear buds have become big that the company will sell be- aggressive moves by competitors.”
complicated. ware engineer and podcaster. chief executive Jeff Bezos owns business for the company. Al- tween 55 and 60 million AirPods

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AmerExpCo 114.41 -3.5 -9.1 McDonald's 211.69 -0.7 -0.5 Tobacco 4.0
Apple Inc 227.01 3.7 11.1 Merck & Co 85.00 2.5 -2.2 Federal Funds 15-Yr Fixed mtge Computers & Peripherals 2.9
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Gold (BULL.L) 0.9 Bloomberg Interbank Offered Rate. Consumer rates are from Bankrate. All figures as of
HANG SENG INDEX 25821.03 -0.8 4:30 p.m. New York time.
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Free For All

One way to raise awareness
The Sept. 23 Metro article “Poll finds support for
On giants’
more school funding, little awareness of plan to do
so” stated that 77 percent of residents say they have
heard nothing at all about the Kirwan report.
If this is the case, why was the article buried on Regarding the Sept. 21 Politics &
Page B4 in the Metro section? Placing the article on the Nation article “Biggest Arctic ex-
the front page of the section would have brought ploration in history heads to the
needed light to the report, its origins and ultimate North Pole”:
goals of bettering education in Maryland. I look I applaud the efforts of these scien-
forward to reading more in-depth articles about the tists and coverage by The Post.
Kirwan report and, as also stated in the article, But there was no mention of the
Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan’s (R) plans to deny first polar expedition to do this:
funding for its important initiatives. Fridtjoh Nansen’s Fram expedition
Jack Hume, Silver Spring sailed from 1893 to 1896. The Fram
and crew remained icebound for
more than two years. There were no
Don’t bring Obama into this icebreakers, no rotations of scientists
or resupplies, and no possibility of
The Sept. 13 news article “After Politico report, rescue. There was not even science to
Israel denies it set up spying devices in Washington” ensure their controversial idea was
stated that Jonathan Pollard “was a former U.S. Navy achievable or survivable. Success and
analyst who was found guilty of spying for Israel in great contributions to the new field of
the 1980s and spent three decades in jail. He was oceanography were made.
freed in 2015 by President Barack Obama, but his Please, we all stand on the shoul-
fate remains a source of discontent for Israelis, with ders of giants. Let’s give them their
the United States continuing to refuse his request to due.
immigrate to Israel.” The decision to parole Pollard Paul Jarris, Springfield
after 30 years was made by the sentencing judge in
1987, when Ronald Reagan was president, and by the
U.S. Parole Commission in 2015. “Mandatory parole”
after 30 years was the applicable law for Pollard’s RICKY CARIOTI/THE WASHINGTON POST

“life sentence.” Bringing Obama (or any other presi- The exterior of the former Franklin and Armfield Slave Office, now the Freedom House Museum, in Alexandria.
dent) into it only stokes the confusion already in too
many American minds.
George Diffenbaucher, Alexandria Poetic justice
The Sept. 23 Metro article “In 19th-century Alexandria, script to the story: how those slave-trading offices eventually
cruelty was their business” did a good job in telling the story became in 1996 the headquarters of the Northern Virginia
of the 19th-century slave-trading cruelty that was a success- Urban League. I served for almost a decade on the board of
ful business in Alexandria. Finally, we are able to read about NVUL, and our meetings were held, literally and figuratively,
how the most prominent slave traders in American history over the remains of the slave prison in the basement below, a
not only greatly profited from their brutal business but also true spin of poetic justice if ever there were one. BONNIE JO MOUNT/THE WASHINGTON POST

were accepted by society then, and their reputations Steve Meyerson, Arlington Researchers hike in April in Alaska
remained intact for generations. Until now. The writer was a member of the board of directors of the to prepare for their upcoming year-
However, the article overlooked one very notable post- Northern Virginia Urban League from 2000 to 2012. long Arctic expedition.

Face it. Thou shalt lie.

I admire Tom Toles’s work as a political
Steve Carell and Minions, not minions. cartoonist and always have. As a Christian, I
wish he hadn’t fueled a widespread misconcep-
Why ‘minions’ are bad news tion about the Ten Commandments in his
Sept. 19 editorial cartoon. (This misperception,
Regarding the Sept. 18 front-page article “New sadly, exists even among some Jews and Chris-
focus on crowd size as Warren rally rivals Trump’s”: tians.)
I’m sorry to say that in just the first paragraph To wit: There is no commandment that reads:
I was aware of a possible note of unseemly political “Thou shalt not lie.”
bias. I refer to where it said “the newly elected The only commandment that relates to truth-
president instructed his minions to exaggerate the telling at all is No. 8: “Thou shalt not bear false
size of his inauguration crowds.” witness against thy neighbor.”
While he might indeed have done that, I think the The authors of the Old Testament knew it was
loaded word “minions” should not have been neither unrealistic nor unreasonable to forbid
used. Does Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.), a candi- people from committing murder, theft or adul-
date for the Democratic nomination for president, tery, but no one can live a normal human life
have “minions”? Does former vice president Joe without telling a certain number of lies along the
Biden — or even Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)? I’m sure way.
most campaigns have operatives who could be so Accusing another person of wrongdoing of MARVIN JOSEPH/THE WASHINGTON POST

described. Another term would be “flunkies.” But we which the accuser knows the accused is not Journalist and author Cokie Roberts at her home in Bethesda on Feb. 5.
use the word “minions” to express our contempt for guilty is an entirely different order of ethical
such people, and especially for their bosses. Such
language does appear to reflect a certain contempt.
Peter Kenny, Glenn Dale
offense, hence the prohibition.
President Trump is morally odious not because
he has lied in his life (who hasn’t?) but because he
Cokie Roberts was a force for civility
lies frequently, even about matters that are, in Regarding the Sept. 18 front-page obituary for inspirational and loaded with insight about both the
themselves, of little importance. (Witness the Cokie Roberts, “Pioneer, champion of women in past and current state of politics. She charmed and
size-of-the-inaugural-crowd nonsense and the media”: enlightened a packed auditorium of eager listeners.
recent Alabama hurricane debacle.) Ever prescient, first lady Betty Ford asked Cokie After the event, I had the chance to tell her about
An artist as imaginative as Toles can certain- Roberts to deliver Ford’s imminent eulogy. President our newly organized Bonnie and Bill Stubblefield
ly get plenty of creative mileage out of this Gerald R. Ford had served in the House with Rep. Hale Institute for Civil Political Communications at Shep-
repellent character trait without doing violence Boggs (D-La.), Roberts’s father, and the two men were herd University. She encouraged me to make it a
to the Decalogue. great friends. They were able to put aside their success because the need was so great for Americans
Thomas Anthony DiMaggio, York, Pa. political differences and enjoy each other’s company, to relearn the importance of healthy and meaningful
often at the end of the workday. Betty Ford noticed (“civil”) debate. We can learn a lot of lessons from
how Washington was losing this atmosphere and the Roberts’s principled and tenacious but always fair
moniker “City of Conversations” was waning. She approach to covering the news. The Stubblefield
asked Roberts to address this troubling trend of party Institute will not forget her high-minded example.
enmity and to implore the baby boomers to put aside David R. Welch, Shepherdstown, W.Va.
their differences and follow the lead of her husband The writer is director of the Bonnie and
ERIK S LESSER/EPA-EFE/SHUTTERSTOCK and Roberts’s father. Roberts certainly embodied that Bill Stubblefield Institute for Civil Political
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and spirit in her professional life. One could always count Communications at Shepherd University.
President Trump at the Sept. 20 state dinner. on her to deliver a most objective report on events
occurring in either political party. She will be missed. Kitty Eisele’s Sept. 22 Outlook essay, “Cokie
Meanwhile, it’s spring in Australia Rand Moorhead, Birmingham, Mich. Roberts loved being in the know, and not just because it
was her job,” called Roberts “a centrifugal force, pulling
Facts do matter, even trivial ones. In describing This summer, I had the privilege of attending into her orbit Washington’s greenrooms and hearing
the state dinner for the Australian prime minister on what was to be one of Cokie Roberts’s last public rooms, its church aisles and carpools, its unsung
the evening of Sept. 20, the Sept. 21 Style article events. Joined by her husband, Steve Roberts, at a women and kids and elders and friendships spanning
“Brushing off controversy to wine and dine,” said, “It forum hosted by the Robert C. Byrd Center for generations and party lines, in a place that, every year,
was the perfect early autumn weather for a night in Congressional History, she engaged the audience with feels more balkanized.” Centrifugal force pushes away
the Rose Garden.” Actually, it was the perfect late- many of her personal and professional memories. from the center. Eisele meant centripetal force.
summer weather, because fall did not begin until Often laced with humor, her recollections were Hank Wallace, Washington
Sept. 23.
David Sherer, Chevy Chase

Well-earned ‘luck’ They loved ‘The Knight Life’; ‘Nancy,’ not so much The politics of DWTS
Regarding Richard Cohen’s Sept. 24 op-ed, “This “Nancy” is a beloved character from my childhood The Sept. 17 Style article “The trickiest tango yet
is my last column. I’ve been lucky.”: but hardly an apt replacement for “The Knight Life.” on ‘Dancing With the Stars’ ” devoted a lot of ink to
I will miss Cohen’s columns. I may not always have Keith Knight, with his German wife and two kids, is its implied criticism of “Dancing With the Stars”
agreed with him, but I found his work to be well a delight, insightful at times, always crazy. I sincere- producers having included former White House
argued and thought-provoking. I found his empha- ly hope this is one of thousands of letters requesting press secretary Sean Spicer as a contestant on the
sis on luck to be interesting. There is a saying that the return of “Knight Life.” show. All Spicer ever did to merit media scorn was
luck is the just and inevitable reward for the skillful. Gretchen Dunn, New Carrollton tell a bunch of whoppers on behalf of President
I think this applies here. Trump. The article overlooked the notoriety of
Bob Rhodes, Richmond “Nancy” outlived any humor she ever had, if she fellow “Dancing With the Stars” contestant Ray
ever had any at all. Get rid of the strip; it’s a waste of Lewis, who pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice in
ink and paper. 2000 in connection with a nightclub brawl that
Peter Zimmerman, Great Falls resulted in two stabbing deaths. The Post should not
lampoon Spicer without mentioning Lewis. Can
I am disgusted with losing “The Knight Life” and anyone at The Post write without a political slant?
The Post running the tired, old, irrelevant “Nancy.” KEITH KNIGHT Charles Sullivan, Gaithersburg
I’ve ignored half of the comics section for a while
now. Whom is The Post trying to reach? Panels from the “Knight Life” comic on Sept. 15.
Roger L. Powell, Fairfax City Keith Knight has ended production of the strip.
Scary Halloween advice
Just give it to us straight ratio of gin to vermouth has nothing to do with it. A
martini mixed with gin and dry vermouth is a dry
I find it ironic that while climate-change issues
are covered frequently on the front page, a Local
SETH PERLMAN/ASSOCIATED PRESS martini. One mixed with gin and sweet vermouth is Living article on Halloween promoted buying more
Regarding M. Carrie Allan’s excellent Sept. 18 a sweet martini. One mixed with gin and both dry plastic throwaway garbage [“Halloween is scary
Lost without ‘Dr. Gridlock’ Spirits article “Want to cause a stir? Talk about and sweet vermouth is called a perfect martini. expensive. Try these saving tips.,” Home, Sept. 26].
martinis.” [Food]: Again, quantity is irrelevant. Also, garnishes (olives, Halloween junk should be pulled back, not ramped
For the love of all that is good and holy, can Let me correct or clarify a popular misconception, twist, etc.) change nothing, with the exception of a up in this generation. It’s not a buy-and-give-plastic-
The Post bring back Dr. Gridlock? It’s not as though even among bartenders. Martinis may be prepared garnish of a pearl onion. Then the drink is called a to-everyone way of life anymore.
traffic has gotten better since he unfortunately dry, sweet or perfect. In this context, “perfect” has Gibson. When garnished with a small potato, it is Do the right thing. Encourage respect and respon-
disappeared from the paper’s pages. nothing to do with perfection but is the term used called a Polished Gibson. sibility for a better way of life.
Andy Gefen, Bethesda for a middle ground between dry and sweet. The Bryon Stiftar, Springfield Lynda Dendtler, Reston
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As a regular recreational user of the broad and
brackish lower Potomac River, I was happy to see
EDITORIALS that about 1,000 dolphins are also enjoying those
lovely waters [“Dolphins thrive — in the Potomac,”

Corruption in black and white Metro, Oct. 2].

I only wish I’d read such an article a year earlier
when I encountered a suspicious-looking dorsal fin
following me there one day while windsurfing. At
the time, I knew I was sharing the Potomac with bull
Diplomats’ texts confirm quid-pro-quo talks between the Trump administration and Ukraine. sharks (whose annual eight-foot, 300-pound appear-
ances in the local pound nets usually merit a

HE ROUGH transcript of President Trump’s bottom of what happened’ in 2016, we will nail down Ukrainians — to their credit — refused. mention in the newspaper), but not with bottlenos-
July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President date for a visit to Washington.” Meanwhile, the senior U.S. diplomat in Kiev, Wil- es. As I was anxiously tweaking the sail in an attempt
Volodymyr Zelensky prompted a debate About two weeks later, amid negotiations over liam B. “Bill” Taylor, had become concerned that not to get away, the ominous-looking fin overtook me. A
about whether, in pressing for politicized what, exactly, Mr. Zelensky would say in publicly just a White House meeting but also U.S. military aid to nervous glance over my shoulder revealed that my
investigations of alleged Ukrainian interference in announcing the probes, the aide, Andrey Yermak, Ukraine — which Mr. Trump had suspended — were pursuer happened to be a smiling Flipper rather
the 2016 election and of Joe Biden, Mr. Trump dan- texted Mr. Volker: “I think it’s possible to make this linked to the demand for investigations. In an enigmat- than a grimacing Jaws.
gled rewards for Mr. Zelensky as a quid pro quo. In our declaration and mention all these things. . . . But it will ic text message on Sept. 8, Mr. Taylor referred to a When I finally exhaled, he’d already swum off to
view, the transcript contained at least a hint that be logic to do after we receive a confirmation of date.” “nightmare” scenario in which “they give the interview find a rockfish for dinner. It’s great to have them
Mr. Trump was linking the “favor” he wanted to arms In the end, the deal did not go through. Instead, the and don’t get the security assistance.” That sounds like back.
sales, and clear evidence that he was tying it to a record shows that Mr. Trump and his retainers kept a reference to yet another political trade-off, this time Dan Wittenberg, Bethesda
White House invitation. raising their demands, like a casino developer squeez- involving the $391 million in aid Mr. Trump was sitting
That conclusion is now confirmed. Text messages ing a plumbing contractor. on. The next day, the career diplomat texted: “I think
among U.S. diplomats and a Ukrainian official re- Mr. Zelensky was supposed to get his meeting date it’s crazy to withhold security assistance for help with a
political campaign.”
The GOP and the fringe
leased by House committees definitively show that after promising the investigations in the July 25
not only did the Trump administration seek to extract phone call. Instead, the Ukrainians were told Congress clearly has more to learn here, from Jeff Flake’s Oct. 1 Tuesday Opinion piece, “Fellow
Ukrainian promises of political probes in exchange Mr. Zelensky needed to make a public statement Mr. Taylor and others. As we have written, our Republicans, there’s still time to save your souls,”
for a summit meeting, but also they spent weeks committing to the probes. Mr. Volker told Congress information is that the White House was condition- set the stage for Republicans to stop wringing their
negotiating the deal both before and after the Trump- Thursday that when the Ukrainians then offered a ing security assistance on Ukraine’s promise to con- hands for their jobs and do the right thing for the
Zelensky phone call. general statement about fighting corruption, it was duct the politically motivated investigations. But country.
There was no lack of clarity on either side. “Heard rejected by Mr. Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudolph legislators already know this much: Mr. Trump liter- It is merely interesting that the whistleblower
from the White House,” U.S. special envoy to Ukraine W. Giuliani, who said Mr. Zelensky had to refer ally used his office — in the form of a promised White got the information from intelligence officers
Kurt Volker texted a top aide to Mr. Zelensky on specifically to allegations of Ukrainian interference House meeting — to induce a foreign leader to rather than being on the call. That aside, the White
July 25, just ahead of the call. “Assuming President Z in the 2016 election and to the gas company that investigate a potential opponent in the 2020 election. House released the rough transcript, which clearly
convinces trump he will investigate/ ‘get to the employed Mr. Biden’s son Hunter. In the end, the That was a blatant act of corruption. stated a request for assistance in investigating
President Trump’s political rival. As if that is not
enough, the president himself admitted saying it on
the call.
Stop the cries of “secondhand” or “thirdhand”

The Virginia GOP’s information. The act has been admitted to. What
moral compass are Republicans using to determine
illegal acts?

gun cowardice As more information comes out about continued

activity by this administration to solicit foreign
assistance to discredit political opposition, we see
we are at the tip of the iceberg of a dangerous
State voters should send a strong mind-set that has overwhelmed the GOP.
message to the party on Nov. 5. Please stop. Do the right thing for your country,
not your jobs. Save your souls and our country.
Debbie Frame, Ashburn

IRGINIANS SHOULD not forget what hap-
pened at the state’s special legislative ses- It would be easy, on the surface, to agree with
sion on gun safety this summer, when much of Hugh Hewitt’s Oct. 1 Tuesday Opinion
Republicans who control both houses commentary, “Want the truth? Stay away from the
forced an adjournment after just 90 minutes and fringes.” After all, there are many moderates, as I
sent everyone home — and the GOP House speaker cast myself, who try to avoid the hyperpartisan echo
allowed the National Rifle Association to set up its chambers and educate ourselves on what is really
command post in his conference room. The party’s happening in our bitterly divided country.
leaders made sure there was no debate there on I read both The Post and the Wall Street Journal,
even one of the dozens of bills submitted before- avoid Fox News and MSNBC, and watch PBS and
hand. BBC World News, sometimes cringing at what I
Could there be any more obvious sign that the perceive as their even-handedness lending cre-
NRA and gun-toting acolytes from other groups are dence to false equivalence.
indistinguishable satellites of Virginia’s Republican So, a careful reading of Mr. Hewitt’s piece
Party — and vice versa? revealed his conclusions that Journal columnist
By now, it is beyond clear that a GOP-controlled Kimberley A. Strassel is a “thoroughly persua-
General Assembly in Richmond will never enact sive” author, implying that she is not hyperpartisan,
meaningful measures to reduce gun violence — even while casting House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)
after one gunman mowed down 32 people at and Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) as “fringe”
Virginia Tech in 2007, and another killed a dozen figures. Anyone who regularly reads Ms. Strassel’s
people at a Virginia Beach municipal building this Journal opinion pieces, or has closely followed the
spring, and after more than 1,000 other Virginians actual careers of these two Democrats — who are no
die annually in gun violence. more partisan than any Republican — might, like
And whatever the Republicans’ latest pretext for me, assess Mr. Hewitt’s piece as just more partisan-
inaction — the special session was “premature,” ship masquerading as “fair-mindedness.”
declared House Speaker Kirk Cox (R-Colonial Michael H. Kostrzewa, Burke
Heights), weeks after the Virginia Beach massacre
— it is plainly true that the only way to restrict gun
use, curtail the lethality of firearms or add muscle to BOB BROWN/RICHMOND TIMES-DISPATCH /ASSOCIATED PRESS
This yak deserved better
penalties for gun-law violations is to elect Demo- State Sen. Amanda F. Chase (R-Chesterfield) wore a gun in the Virginia Senate.
crats who, if they capture a handful of seats, would In the article cleverly headlined “A yak on the lam
gain control of both houses of the General Assembly Republicans have adopted wholesale the NRA’s calling for more guns, not fewer. from slaughter dies in crash” [Sept. 29, Metro], I was
for the first time in more than 20 years. orthodoxy on gun reform, which is to oppose even The Republican Party in Chesterfield County, in struck by the ironic quote from an employee at the
Elections for all 140 members of the Virginia the most incremental proposals on the ground that her district, ejected her — not because of her armed Farm Bureau in Nelson County, Va.: “We’re all
legislature are Nov. 5, and while the state has trended they may erode Second Amendment absolutism. For antics but because she had the temerity to oppose a heartbroken for Meteor and his owner who has
Democratic for years — including huge gains by the instance, in the 13th District state Senate race, west fellow Republican candidate for sheriff. (His offense suffered such a devastating loss.”
party in elections for the House of Delegates two of Washington, the Republican candidate, Geary was to withdraw his support of her after she Seriously? The yak was on his way to be slaugh-
years ago — off-year elections like this year’s, with Higgins, a member of the Loudoun County Board of reportedly mouthed off to a state Capitol Police tered when he escaped! Is the devastating loss
neither a presidential nor a gubernatorial contest on Supervisors running for the state Senate, rejected officer at the General Assembly in a dispute over a perhaps the $1,000 his owner didn’t get for yak
the ballot, typically attract a low turnout. tweaks to local law after eight incidents over the parking spot.) meat?
They shouldn’t. Republicans such as Mr. Cox, who past 18 months in which bullets struck houses and The GOP default on guns is to deflect and As for flying the county flag at half-staff to mourn
wields enormous power in the House of Delegates, strayed into other properties, including one case distract. Having squashed the special session of the this loss, why do so for a yak and not for the countless
and Timothy D. Hugo, who represents parts of involving a woman who was reportedly grazed by a General Assembly in July, Republicans shunted deer and other animals who are killed by vehicles
Fairfax and Prince William counties and is the bullet. He attacked other supervisors, including legislative proposals to the bipartisan state crime daily? (Answer: because the flag would never fly
House GOP caucus chairman, have systematically fellow Republicans, who favored the mere study of commission, whose members include Republicans high again.)
opposed measures that would advance the sort of new gun regulations. who have voted to allow concealed firearms in bars Martha E. Powers, Lake Frederick, Va.
reasonable gun reform that has broad support Mr. Higgins is opposed in that race by Del. John and classrooms, and resolved to reconvene the
among Virginians. J. Bell, a Democrat who has pushed safety measures, legislature on Nov. 18 — after the elections. In that
Those measures include closing a loophole in
state law that allows purchasers to elude back-
such as requiring in-person (as opposed to online)
training for Virginians seeking permits to carry
way, they signaled their intent to avoid reminding
voters of their insistent inertia on the issue.
White supremacy is insidious
ground checks simply by buying a handgun at gun concealed handguns. Mr. Bell is no radical — he Though loath to grapple with gun violence head The inaction over white supremacy is a byproduct
shows. Republicans argue that most guns in the dismisses any confiscation of firearms. But he would on, a few Republicans have floated proposals in of misdirected concern [“Confronting white su-
state are sold by licensed dealers, who are required provide a vote in favor of gun sanity, unlike response to recent mass shootings. Del. Todd Gilbert premacy,” Sept. 21, editorial]. Right-wing extremism
to submit buyers’ names for background checks. Mr. Higgins. (R-Shenandoah), the House majority leader, has is not one person standing on a street corner holding
That’s exactly the point: Criminals may easily know Virginia’s apotheosis of Republican extremism on offered measures that would promote a police a sign that says “White is right.” It is deeper than
to approach private dealers at gun shows, who are guns is first-term state Sen. Amanda F. Chase, who crackdown on gangs and incentivize gang members that. It is a violation of humanity, yet it has been
exempt from the background check requirement. delights in wearing a pistol on her hip on the floor of to renounce violence and clean up their lives. Those widely underestimated and allowed to fester within
Similarly, it was Republicans in the General the Virginia Senate and vowed in a digital advertise- seem like sensible responses to a different problem. the very country that resents it. Why do we let this
Assembly who in 2012 pushed to repeal a state law, ment to “shoot down” gun-control groups. (She Polls have consistently shown that Virginians happen?
on Virginia’s books for nearly 20 years, that limited blamed her advertising firm for the language; the favor more gun control, including overwhelming White supremacy has escalated to acts of terror-
handgun purchases to one per month. Allowing firm said she approved it.) Ms. Chase, who repre- support for expanded background checks for pur- ism, but whenever it lands on the front page, it isn’t
unlimited handgun purchases is a boon to criminal sents the mostly suburban 11th Senate District chases. Their views are not reflected in the state seen as a matter of public security. Hate crimes are
gangs such as MS-13; most law-abiding citizens south of Richmond, responded to the August legislature, whose districts have been heavily gerry- committed, lives are taken, yet we still value the
would have no need to buy more than a dozen such massacre in El Paso by making a video insisting on mandered by Republicans who have controlled political drama over our own safety. Do the lives lost
weapons in a year. the abolition of “gun-free zones” — in other words, Richmond for too long. It’s time that changed. mean nothing?
Thomas Vu, Falls Church

The gridiron’s great shame

LOCAL OPINIONS ABCDE It’s another embarrassing disaster of a season for
FREDERICK J. RYAN JR., Publisher and Chief Executive Officer the Washington professional football team, and I’m
First steps to electoral reform News pages:
Editorial and opinion pages:
happy about it.
As long we are saddled with a juvenile, offensive
Kari Buchanan’s Sept. 23 letter, “The path to fair We should pass legislation Executive Editor
Managing Editor
Editorial Page Editor
Deputy Editorial Page Editor and stunningly inappropriate name, one that many
maps in Virginia,” argued that the current redis- of us are unwilling to utter aloud, the team will
tricting reform amendment before the Virginia that would require new districts EMILIO GARCIA-RUIZ
Managing Editor
Deputy Editorial Page Editor
JO-ANN ARMAO continue to be an embarrassment to an otherwise
Managing Editor Associate Editorial Page Editor
General Assembly does not go far enough. She is great city. Give us a team name we can be proud of,
right, but the amendment is still important to pass to be drawn in an unbiased SCOTT VANCE
Deputy Managing Editor and maybe that pride will be reflected on the
because it would devise a system far superior to the gridiron.
current one that allows incumbents to flagrantly and neutral way. Deputy Managing Editor
Vice Presidents: William McLeese, Falls Church
gerrymander their own districts. JAMES W. COLEY JR......................................................................................Production
L. WAYNE CONNELL..........................................................................Human Resources
Alongside the amendment, we should also pass KATE M. DAVEY..................................................................................Revenue Strategy
legislation that would require new districts to be votes,” a ranked-choice voting process like one ELIZABETH H. DIAZ ................................................. Audience Development & Insights
GREGG J. FERNANDES........................................................Customer Care & Logistics
drawn in an unbiased and neutral way (without Maine has deployed, or even the proportional STEPHEN P. GIBSON...................................................................Finance & Operations  Letters can be sent to
regard to personal preference, party affiliation or representation methods of Ireland. SCOT GILLESPIE .......................................................................................... Engineering Submissions must be exclusive to The Post and should
KRISTINE CORATTI KELLY...................................................Communications & Events
ethnicity) while keeping boundaries compact and There are many good supplemental options the JOHN B. KENNEDY.................................................................General Counsel & Labor include the writer's address and day and evening
MIKI TOLIVER KING........................................................................................Marketing
cities and communities intact. We should make it legislature could and should pass alongside the KAT DOWNS MULDER........................................................................Product & Design
telephone numbers. Letters are subject to editing and
easy for citizens to learn about and join the pending amendment to guide its commission in SHAILESH PRAKASH...............................Digital Product Development & Engineering abridgment. Please do not send letters as attachments.
JOY ROBINS...........................................................................................Client Solutions
commission. In the name of increased competitive- drawing neutral, sensible district maps. But the Because of the volume of material we receive, we are
ness, we could experiment by trying the “efficiency proposed amendment must first be approved. The Washington Post
unable to acknowledge submissions; writers whose letters
gap” algorithm proposed to minimize “wasted Bruce Falk, Alexandria 1301 K St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20071 (202) 334-6000 are under consideration for publication will be contacted.
Daily Newspapers & Magazines in PDF for Telegram: @WorldAndNews



The water crisis The Nickelback

at St. Elizabeth’s joke Trump
doesn’t get
his is a case of negligence to the point of
cruelty: The District’s only public psychiat-
ric hospital, St. Elizabeths, has been oper-

ating without running water since last OOK AT THIS PHOTOGRAPH.”
week. These words were made immortal
As first reported by Joshua Kaplan for Washing- first by the Canadian band Nickelback in
ton City Paper, evidence of dangerous bacteria was the 2005 hit single “Photograph,” a very,
found during a routine water-quality test. Since very bad song that did very, very well on the radio —
then, the patients and staff have not been able to and then again this week by President Trump in a
use tap water to wash their hands, shower or wash tweet featuring a snapshot of Joe Biden, his son
clothing, or drink from the water fountains. Phyllis Hunter and another man labeled “Ukrainian gas
Jones, chief of staff for the city’s Department of exec.”
Behavioral Health, which runs St. Elizabeths, told The conceit is simple. The “Photograph” music
City Paper that until the water is found to be safe video shows Nickelback frontman Chad Kroeger
again, the staff is using “an extensive supply of walking down an empty street, holding a framed
bottled water, hand sanitizers, personal care body image of Kroeger and the band’s producer up to the
wipes, and body wash spray” to keep patients clean camera. Trump’s riff on an existing meme replaces
and hydrated. Oh yes, it’s reported that the city has that image with a Tucker Carlson “scoop” circulating
brought in portable showers. on right-wing media.
Let this sink in. Trump’s display sent the Internet into fits, partly
St. Elizabeths, currently serving 273 patients, because it seemed to crystallize the complete crazi-
takes in people with the most serious and persis- BY CLAYTOONZ.COM ness of the president’s current impeachment-
tent mental illnesses who need intensive inpatient inspired frenzy. This Ukraine scandal is all so
care. It’s where the courts commit people for serious, and yet at the end of day it’s all so silly: The
mental-health evaluations and care. commander in chief’s tenure is under existential
It is now where the water supply is contaminat- threat, and his response is to send out a dumb clip of
ed with pseudomonas and legionella bacteria. Kroeger preparing to ask “what the hell is on Joey’s
This isn’t the first time such a water crisis has head?”
occurred, City Paper noted. Dumb or dumber, the meme bears demystifying.
Three years ago, it said, St. Elizabeths had to cut It illuminates a basic truth about our president.
off its water after a pipe ruptured, contaminating People in the meme-generating depths of the Web
the supply. Patients couldn’t wash their hands from did not make Nickelback memes because they liked
the faucets for five days. They couldn’t drink out of Nickelback. They made Nickelback memes because
the taps for six days. they did not like Nickelback, and because Nickel-
Adam Kushner, a surgeon who has studied back was everywhere anyway. The music was barely
hospitals in developing countries, told City Paper musical; it was a crummy commodity foisted upon
that when patients and staff are not able to keep the citizenry by people trying to sell us stuff. The
themselves or the linens as clean as usual, it can record industry shoved “Photograph” in our faces
lead to hospital-contracted infections. One such the same way Kroeger thrusts the frame toward his
infection, MRSA, killed 20,000 people in the audience, as though commanding us to care.
United States in 2017. So this begat Nickelbacking, a relative of Rickroll-
“Not having any running water is horrible. Can ing that involves, basically, calling someone on the
anyone imagine Johns Hopkins or Mass General phone and playing Nickelback. It begat a Facebook
not having water?” Kushner told City Paper. page setting up a contest for likes between Nickel-
“Maybe for a day. But then it happening again? It back and a pickle. (The pickle won.) It begat the
just wouldn’t happen.” “Photograph” bit, which struck at the emptiness at
But it happened in the District. And it’s going to the song’s center. You could replace that picture with
happen again, because the problem isn’t being anything at all, because it meant nothing.
permanently fixed. That’s neglect. When the vic- Nickelback didn’t exactly become famous for
tims are some of the most dependent people in our being famous. The band became famous for being
society — people with mental illness — it’s cruel. famous despite being horrible. That makes Trump
It simply doesn’t have to be this way. the Nickelback president. He was elevated to the top
The city can’t cry poor-mouth, pleading a lack of of society despite being utterly deplorable — and
money as a defense for allowing this outrageous also because he was utterly deplorable.
condition to exist. But there’s more to it. The initial transformation
It’s not a lack of cash; it’s lack of concern and of Nickelback from anodyne Top-40ers to detested
compassion. Webwide phenom actually spawned an intelligent
The city has the money. critique and is an excellent example of what Dale
Here’s how I know. Beran, author of “It Came from Something Awful:
The D.C. public school system, because of poor How a Toxic Troll Army Accidentally Memed Donald
management and internal controls, found itself Trump into Office,” argues that memes are all about.
facing a $23 million budget shortfall earlier in the Disenchanted netizens spent their time dumpster-
year. School leaders said not to worry because they diving for societal detritus and mushing it back
planned to end the fiscal year with a balanced together to mock the world that created it, or at least
budget. to underscore its meaninglessness.
That promise was as off the mark as the budget Trump, however, wasn’t sharing Nickelback be-
projections that officials asked the D.C. Council to cause he’s a nihilist, or because he’s addicted to
approve. With the fiscal year ending on Sept. 30, irony, or because he gets it at all. He was sharing
the school’s budget hole stood at $10.1 million. Nickelback because he doesn’t get it.
To balance the budget, Mayor Muriel E. Bowser There’s something known to those who grew up
(D) robbed Peter to pay Paul. Aided by the city’s online as a “cursed boomer meme.” These memes are
chief financial officer, Jeffrey S. Dewitt, Bowser cursed because they are, basically, bad: occasionally
shifted funds to the school system from other city indecipherable and almost never achieving the
agencies. effect they intend. They’re boomer memes because
Oh, the District’s got money. Enough money to they come from that crowd-of-a-certain-age that
fix St. Elizabeths’ pipes, to keep bacteria out of the seems to have stumbled onto the Internet and now
hospital’s water supply. keeps bumping into things.
Patients are distressed because there’s no run- Many of these memes are variations on formats
ning water to wash their hands after using the popular among millennials but warped to the edges
bathroom; miserable not being able to use the of recognition by some soon-to-be grandfather who
showers. But they have to wait while, as Jones told has recently discovered the wonders of Photoshop:
City Paper, St. Elizabeths works “with D.C. Water “Orange man is a scary monster,” a sign reads in
and D.C. Health to evaluate options and solutions.” front of a flannel-clad student at a table. “CHANGE
To hell with that. Fix the damn problem. MY DIAPER.” Some are originals, borrowing only
The District has the money to do it. the conventions of meme-making — macros with the
How do I know? The mayor told me so. white Impact typeface, say, or excessive collaging —
It’s right there in a “Letter from the Mayor” dated to build something bafflingly new. Most of all,
Oct. 3. they’re deadly earnest, which is sort of the opposite
Bowser said with the start of the new fiscal year of what memes are supposed to be.
on Oct. 1, she is going to spend “$2.5 million to It’s not that the president loves memes, though
ensure every resident is counted in the 2020 he does. It’s that he loves these cursed memes in
Census.” Money is going to be distributed to a particular. Because as much as Trump is the
select number of community groups to get the Nickelback president, or the post-truth president,
word out. Cynics might call it “walkin’ around or the reality-TV president, or the 140-character
money.” But I’m not a cynic. president, he is, above all, the cursed boomer
She said she is also going to shell out $2.5 million president.
for the Immigrant Justice Legal Services grant Trump is full of the emptiness in the “Photograph”
program to help fend off anti-immigration forces. frame. He is more commodity than man, and his
Money, we got. every absurd action makes a mockery of the culture
Enough, according to Bowser, to spend that created him. The problem is, unlike the Web
“$4.7 million for hiring a new bike lane parking dwellers who originated so much of the vernacular
enforcement team and other improvements as part he has adopted for his own — whether they’re his
of Vision Zero” — a plan to shore up pedestrian and friends on 4chan, or his foes on Twitter, or a mix of
bicycle transportation safety. both on Reddit or anywhere else — he doesn’t know
As for making and keeping St. Elizabeths’ water there’s anything funny about it.
permanently safe — well, the vulnerable and The Nickelback meme’s appearance on a Wednes-
dependent patients are just going to have to wait day afternoon dramatized a contortion that is a
until the city finishes evaluating “options and constant in today’s America. Trump is dangerous,
solutions.” but he’s also ridiculous — a peril and a parody at the
Neglect to the point of cruelty. same time.


For the last time, Trump’s every move is brilliant and calculated
“There are different ways to bake the cake, de- second, you are a fool. This is all part of the plan. maybe he did not know what he was doing, just You are playing into his hands. He wants you to get
pending on what sort of cake you want. Different Actually, this is good. Actually, this is great. because he looked and sounded and acted as if he did caught up in this! Only to someone with a small, sad
flavoring, different temperatures, different ingredi- I repeat, every move that Trump makes, has made not know what he was doing. Really, the fool here is brain like yours would these seem like the move-
ents yield different types of cake, and the president or is making, currently, with the president of you. ments of a lost, perplexed, damaged person who did
as the master baker is testing recipes and deciding Finland sitting helplessly by his side, wearing an Ah, the genius of this man! Moriarty wept, and not understand what a hyphen was and was too
what type of cake he wants.” expression of alarm, is planned. It is a genius plan. It also the Borgias, and also Jesus, although that may embarrassed to ask, who thought “jock strap” was a
— A senior administration official might look like the random, haphazard flailing of a have been for unrelated reasons. His is the shrewd- dirty word, who genuinely has a temper tantrum
explaining President Trump’s approach cat that has gotten its head stuck in a bucket. But ness of Alexander the Great, cutting through the when told a moat full of alligators around the
to impeachment to The Post actually, he is in total control. Gordian knot. He has the vision to cut through country would be neither good nor feasible. This
He is like a master baker, preparing everything things, even if the things he is cutting through say man is astronomical units beyond our frail capacity

or the last time, this is all part of the plan. just exactly the way he would like it. You can’t make a “THIS IS LOAD-BEARING. DON’T CUT.” He dares to to understand. The kind of chess he is playing has
Getting himself impeached is actually a cake without breaking eggs! That is why he has push the buttons labeled “DO NOT PUSH: WON’T not even been invented yet. If he appears to be
strategic triumph for President Trump, and broken all the eggs and will not stop breaking eggs DO ANYTHING GOOD, AND WILL RELEASE chewing on the pieces and crying, that is his strategy.
anyone who thinks otherwise is just not until there are no eggs anymore. He is baking the OPOSSUM.” There is no puzzle, norm or rule of It has to be! It cannot be that he is exactly as he
playing chess in enough dimensions. Consider what chess pieces into a cake, and it is brilliant, and that is whatever degree of complexity he cannot immedi- appears, that I am doing all this on my own, that I
is the greater mark of strategic genius: to mire why no one has thought to do it before. If it looks ately dismantle with a single movement. have poured all my intellect into a bottomless void
yourself and your administration in an endless messy, if it looks like he is covered in batter and Don’t embarrass yourself by saying, “This is around which time itself seems to warp. It cannot be
series of idiotic and pointless controversies, often surrounded by trolls and incompetents and family embarrassing!” or “That is not how you spell ‘little’ ” that he is exactly as he appears. Or why else would he
rife with misspellings, damaging your standing at members (but I repeat myself ) — well, that is not or “That isn’t a hyphen” or “A *MOAT* with be defeating me?
home and abroad, or to NOT do that? If you say the correct. I’m embarrassed that you would think that ALLIGATORS? Oh, for blank’s sake.” Don’t you see? Twitter: @petridishes
Daily Newspapers & Magazines in PDF for Telegram: @WorldAndNews


BP executive who handled Deepwater Horizon aftermath to retire in 2020

BY T HOMAS H EATH the firm’s upstream division. known as British Petroleum, in disaster, resulting in an embar- was BP’s lucrative oil partner- The London-based oil giant is
“Bob Dudley took over a BP the wake of the April 2010 Deep- rassing hearing before the U.S. ship in Russia. Dudley fled Rus- one of the largest companies in
Bob Dudley, the oil executive that was in deep crisis and built water Horizon oil platform ex- Congress. sia in 2008 after being harassed the world, with more than 5 bil-
who charted BP through the it back into a resurgent global plosion in the Gulf of Mexico that Mississippi-born Dudley took by Russian authorities. He re- lion barrels of proven oil re-
aftermath of the Deepwater Ho- player, restoring confidence out- killed 11 workers and ignited the charge of the company’s Gulf portedly escaped before he was serves. It employs 73,000.
rizon explosion and oil leak, is side the company, including with largest oil spill in U.S. history. Restoration Project before re- to be arrested. “Bernard Looney comes very
leaving the petroleum giant next investors, and most crucially The accident in water placing then-chief executive BP recovered under Dudley’s well prepared for the new energy
year after 40 years. among BP’s own employees,” said 5,000 feet deep nearly took the Tony Hayward on Oct. 1, 2010, nine years as chief executive. The era ahead, with deep under-
Dudley, 64, will retire as group Daniel Yergin, the vice chairman British-based company down, less than six months after the company produces more than standing of both BP and the
chief executive and relinquish of IHS Markit and the author of costing it tens of billions of disaster. 1.2 million barrels of oil per day industry, and with experience
his membership on the compa- two major works on the oil dollars in cleanup costs, penal- Dudley was well-prepared for from its far-flung operations and working in very different circum-
ny’s board on March 31, 2020. He industry, “The Prize” and “The ties and payments to individuals the corporate tumult after serv- is projected to earn more than stances around the world,” Ye-
will be succeeded by Bernard Quest.” and businesses. ing five years as president and $10 billion in profit this year on rgin said.
Looney, 49, the chief executive of Dudley took over BP, formerly It was also a public relations chief executive of TNK-BP, which $300 billion in revenue.

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approx. 5 p.m.
Police say they uncovered One of the city’s busiest With her role in “Julia,”
8 a.m. Noon 4 p.m. 8 p.m.
69° a large-scale marijuana- streets is set to Diahann Carroll, 84, broke
Precip: 0% selling operation in temporarily transform into ground for black women
53 63 68 64°
° ° ° Wind: ESE
7-14 mph Foggy Bottom. B4 a car-free experiment. B4 on television. B4

Jeers and High court

cheers in to hear Va.
a Va. swing pipeline
district dispute
At town hall, Rep. Luria
defends her support for Dominion Energy hopes
impeachment inquiry justices allow project to
cross Appalachian Trail
Rep. Elaine Luria (D-Va.) went
home to one of the most political- richmond — The U.S. Supreme
ly divided districts in the state to Court has agreed to consider
defend her support of an im- whether a lower court was cor-
peachment inquiry into Presi- rect to block a major natural gas
dent Trump and found a town pipeline from crossing under-
hall crowd that alternately neath the Appalachian Trail in
praised and derided her decision. the mountains of Virginia.
The freshman Democrat, who The high court’s intervention
joined six other first-term moder- could remove a barrier for con-
ates with national security back- PHOTOS BY ASTRID RIECKEN FOR THE WASHINGTON POST struction of the $7.5 billion, 600-
grounds to call for the formal mile Atlantic Coast Pipeline,
investigation last week, defended which has been halted for nearly
her position Thursday even as a year because of various permit-

In the ring, leading

she acknowledged it may imperil ting woes.
her in a Virginia Beach district Builders of the pipeline, led by
carried by Trump in 2016. primary stakeholder Dominion
“I understand that in the dis- Energy, and the Trump adminis-
trict I represent, the seat may tration appealed a decision by the

a revolution
typically be held by a Republi- U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th
can,” said Luria, who has been Circuit that said the U.S. Forest
meeting with constituents dur- Service lacked authority to grant
ing a two-week recess from Con- a permit to tunnel under the
gress. “People would say: ‘Well, popular hiking trail.
why would you do that? You “The Supreme Court’s accep-
might not be reelected.’ I don’t Transgender wrestler faces roaring crowd at inaugural event in D.C. tance of our petition is a very
care, because I did the right encouraging sign and provides a
thing.” clear path forward to resolve this
With that, much of the audi- important issue,” Dominion
ence sprang to their feet and a BY S AMANTHA S CHMIDT On one end of the ring was Riho — a petite spokesman Aaron Ruby said via
grinning supporter started re- 5-foot-2-inch Japanese wrestler weighing email Friday.
cording her on his phone. The Beneath jumbotrons and crisscrossing 98 pounds. Towering over her on the other Dominion and its coalition,
gathering was heavy with Luria’s beams of light, bearded middle-aged men end was Nyla Rose, 5-foot-7 and 185 pounds. SEE PIPELINE ON B3
backers but some dissenters howled from the stands and punched their “It’s like David versus Goliath!” a man
spoke out, others submitted writ- fists in the air, spinning yellow towels over shouted from his seat.
ten questions and Republicans their heads. They came in their “Macho Man” It was a classic wrestling story line, pitting
staged a protest on the sidewalk
outside the church that hosted
the event.
and Kenny Omega T-shirts, with signs that
read “Welcome to the Revolution.” They
drove from states away to witness the
size and strength against a plucky underdog.
But a nationally televised professional wres-
tling championship had never before seen
They spoke
The protest at Luria’s town
hall and a similar event held
Friday outside the Henrico dis-
scripted body-slamming, spray-tanned, ce-
lebrity-powered drama that is professional
anything quite like this.
Nyla Rose is the first openly transgender
woman to be signed by a major U.S. wrestling
up — and
trict office of Rep. Abigail Span-
berger (D) are part of a coordi-
nated effort from state and na-
At the center of Capital One Arena, packed
with more than 14,100 people, were two
promotion. And here in her hometown of
Washington, Rose was competing in the first
are being
tional Republicans to target
Democrats who won red districts
and support an impeachment
The Republican National
Committee created a campaign,
called Stop the Madness, com-
Seminarians who alleged
plete with a website as a clearing- abuse, misconduct find
house for volunteers and pro-
tests, and spent $2 million in
themselves on periphery
television and digital ads focused
on more than 60 Democrats who
Republicans say broke their BY M ICHELLE B OORSTEIN
promise to work with Trump.
“Within 10 months they’ve sort Vincent DeGeorge became a
of jumped to the other side on the seminarian because he wanted to
Nancy Pelosi, AOC [Alexandria serve the Catholic Church. And
Ocasio-Cortez], socialist squad that’s the same reason the 30-
side and jumped in both feet year-old West Virginian went
saying it’s time to impeach the public with his criticisms of it —
president,” Virginia GOP chair- especially on the topic of clergy
man Jack Wilson said of Span- sexual misconduct, something
berger and Luria. “We wanted to DeGeorge says he knows about
remind [Luria] what she told her firsthand.
constituents less than a year ago, DeGeorge says he has become a
and her constituents were watch- pariah to many in the Diocese of
ing.” Wheeling-Charleston since he
The congressional office that Nyla Rose, top, is the first openly transgender woman to be signed by a major American took a leave from seminary, wrote
represents Virginia Beach, where wrestling promotion. She was greeted Wednesday by a boisterous crowd, above, at the All a critical op-ed and then filed a
the economy depends on the Elite Wrestling Women’s World Championship at Capital One Arena in Washington. lawsuit alleging he was sexually
Navy and Department of De- harassed by his bishop but was
fense, has flipped back and forth powerless before a man “from
between Democrats and Republi- whom . . . the authority flowed,”
SEE LURIA ON B3 the lawsuit says.
DeGeorge is among a small but
growing number of seminarians,
former seminarians and priests

Jury clears District man accused of fatally beating 2-year-old who in the past year have gone to
investigators, journalists and
lawyers with complaints about
their superiors. While still rare,
tears away before collapsing in her brother’s death. people on the panel believed dence his client had abused Ace such public dissent has until now
his chair as the D.C. Superior The girl had told police she saw Ace’s sister was responsible for during the year he dated Ace’s been nearly unheard of in a pro-
Defense contended boy’s Court jury foreman announced Embre hit the boy in his chest the boy’s injuries. But all of the mother. fession that requires promises of
sister, then age 6, might the not-guilty verdicts on counts when she and her brother were in jurors agreed there was not Zucker told the jury that Ace’s obedience to one’s bishop and
of murder and child abuse in the bedroom they shared. The enough evidence to convict Em- mother told authorities her offers no right to recourse, no
have been responsible connection with the April 17, defense sought to cast doubt on bre. The jury returned its verdict daughter had given Ace a black independent human resources
2018, death of Aceyson Ahmad, her account and said she had a within a day, following two weeks eye and had lied about hitting department.
nicknamed Ace. history of fighting with other of testimony and evidence. him. Zucker also showed that the “To scrutinize a bishop is to
BY K EITH L . A LEXANDER Prosecutors argued that Em- children. “It’s just sad that Ace isn’t girl had a history of fighting other attack the church, is to be a bad
bre beat the 2-year-old boy after The girl’s testimony at the trial going to get any justice,” the children at school when she was Catholic,” said DeGeorge, whose
A District man charged with picking him up from day care and was often contradictory. At one 47-year-old juror from Northwest in first grade. And when she was suit alleges former West Virginia
fatally beating his girlfriend’s walking to their Southeast Wash- point she said Embre never hit Washington said. “The govern- temporarily housed in foster care Bishop Michael Bransfield kissed
toddler son was acquitted on all ington apartment. The toddler her or her brother. Then she said ment had a weak case. Something after Ace’s death, the foster moth- and groped him, and pressured
charges Friday after an emotional had more than 20 bruises, multi- Embre hit her brother on his went horribly wrong in that er had the girl removed from her him to sleep over and watch porn.
trial during which the defense ple rib fractures and a lacerated back. Then she said Embre hit home. Every person in that house because she said the girl “Because of the sex abuse crisis, I
argued the boy’s sister, now liver. her brother on his stomach. Then child’s life failed him.” was fighting other children. told myself going in [that] I wanted
7 years old, may have caused his But authorities had very little she repeated that Embre never From the outset of the trial, “This case begins and ends to be a priest, but I wasn’t going to
injuries. evidence. Prosecutors relied pri- hit them. Embre’s attorney, Jonathan Zuck- with [Ace’s sister],” Zucker told let myself be complicit in a corrupt
Standing next to his attorneys, marily on the testimony of Ace’s As the verdict was read, some er, argued that Embre was inno- the jury, using the little girl’s institution,” said DeGeorge, who
James Embre, 26, began wiping sister, who was 6 at the time of jurors cried. One later said some cent. He said there was no evi- SEE EMBRE ON B4 SEE SEMINARY ON B2
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When it comes to climate change, this Jewish liturgy takes on a new meaning
I usually climate arena and is the proper, organizations that work toward development, and entrepreneurs
Perspective instinctively shy though unfortunate, frame for reducing carbon (there are many with new businesses based on
MICHAEL away from mixing any discussion on climate deserving ones!) but also being that research and development.
LEIFMAN religion with change mitigation. willing to pay a little more for We need commandments and
politics or policy, We have a small sliver of a zero carbon energy, then give. judges along with reward and
or my personal chance, given the small crack of a Yes, of course, there are many punishment: enforceable new
life with my professional life. I window left open and the opportunities for economic laws that penalize carbon
don’t like it when these worlds absolutely expansive chasm growth and job creation from emissions and provide incentives
collide, but climate change — a between us and success, to avert new technologies, but, no, clean for reducing them. We need
central theme of my work for most of the severity of the decree energy is not without cost and temples: massive new
over two decades — and Jewish of a warming planet. Make no not always cheaper than fossil. infrastructure projects that we
prayer are suddenly occupying mistake, some of the warming is Is that it? Buy a new air can be proud of and that
the same space in my mind. already baked in, some of the conditioning unit, send an email symbolize our new communal
A central part of the liturgy of decree is already upon us, and to your congressman and donate and national determination. We
the Jewish High Holidays — the further severe consequences are to the Natural Resources Defense also need practices and ritual:
New Year (Rosh Hashanah) and likely no matter what we do. But Council, and you’re absolved? new ways of going about our
its companion holiday, the Day of the gates are not yet closed. If we Nope. One of the more famous daily lives that reflect a
Atonement (Yom Kippur) — do not act dramatically and in PETER SUMMERS/GETTY IMAGES elements of modern Jewish responsibility to reduce carbon.
contains a phrase that is a proportion to the enormous Police officers on Thursday surround a climate change activist who thought is the concept of “tikkun To literally repair the world, and
declaration and a statement of challenge we face, the tried to spray red dye on the Treasury building in London. olam,” or repairing the world. lessen the severity of the decree,
hope: “Repentance, prayer and consequences will continue to The concept usually refers to acts we must use all our strength and
charity will lessen the severity of worsen; the decree will become Pollyanna. But 2.5 degrees? A appliances, driving less and of justice, loving, kindness and all our hearts.
the decree.” It’s always struck me increasingly severe. worse outcome. Four degrees? driving cars that produce less righteousness. In the context of
that, in the season when Jews Climate scientists have given Way worse! The severity of those emissions, then repent. If climate change, “world repair”
pray for a “clean slate,” we us convenient hash marks on the decrees are of biblical “prayer” means imploring higher becomes quite a bit more literal. Michael Leifman is the founder of
declare that we acknowledge our global thermometer: a warming proportions. authorities to act beneficently, Tikkun olam is never a one-off Tenley Consulting, a D.C.-based
actions can reduce only the of 1.5 degrees Celsius brings Will repentance, prayer and such as telling your elected but rather a long process of consulting firm focused on clean
severity of the decree, not some damage, a warming of charity work? God, no. But, if leaders — at all levels of continuous, concerted, energy and technological innovation,
eliminate it; we are essentially 2 degrees brings more. If we “repentance” means assuming government — to pledge to work intentional action. If we are to and the co-host of M4Edge, a podcast
plea bargaining with God and focus only on 1.5 or 2 degrees, it’s personal responsibility for your toward net-zero carbon repair our world, we need on start-ups that have the potential to
pledging to do community a lose-lose proposition, as our own carbon footprint and taking emissions by 2050, with major shepherds and flocks — leaders change how the economy functions.
service. odds of holding there are not actions to reduce it, such as action starting immediately, then who will galvanize action, and He also serves as cantor for some of
The “severity of the decree” zero but painfully low. Anyone buying new home insulation, pray. If “charity” means not just prophets and adherents — the High Holiday services at Adas
has a particular resonance in the who tells you otherwise is a getting new energy-efficient donating to nongovernmental scientists with new research and Israel Congregation in Washington.

Some seminarians are

shunned for speaking out
SEMINARY FROM B1 report what he had witnessed
regardless of the consequences.
left seminary last year. “My conscience bothered me. If
Bransfield has denied allega- it meant being thrown out, so be
tions of sexual misconduct. it,” said Parisi, now 45, who joined
The new pushback, according the seminary in 2018 after 25
to experts and the men them- years as a member of a Catholic
selves, is due to what many Catho- religious order, caring for the sick
lics view as the Catholic Church’s and dying.
unwillingness to respond frankly In his Aug. 15 resignation let-
and transparently to recently re- ter, Parisi urged other seminari-
vealed cases of sexual mistreat- ans to go to state officials or
ment of seminarians and priests. journalists if they have similar
That, and the #MeToo moment, in complaints.
which Americans have shown Parisi said he thought he knew
new willingness to speak out the church well when he entered
against adult sexual abuse and seminary, but he has since come
harassment. to understand why so few raise
In addition to West Virginia, their voices about misconduct.
young men wrestling with scan- Living with his parents and
dals in Buffalo and Washington, unemployed, Parisi says he has
D.C., among other places, have received hate mail and that
also weighed expectations of obe- priests in his hometown won’t
dience against their desire for acknowledge him. His faith in the
more accountability and have institution has been “shattered,”
chosen to speak out. he said. “That’s what you get for
Stephen Parisi, dean of his class exposing the truth.”
of seminarians in the Buffalo Dio- In West Virginia, more than FRANK FRANKLIN II/ASSOCIATED PRESS

cese, and Matthew Bojanowski, half a dozen priests and former Bishop Richard Malone of Buffalo speaks during a news conference in 2018 in Cheektowaga, N.Y. Malone issued a statement that
who was academic chairman of seminarians were the key whistle- seminarians who spoke out “are to be lauded for coming forward.” He is accused of mishandling sexual abuse and misconduct cases.
the class, made national news blowers in the recent fall of Brans-
recently after alleging that they field, a well-connected fundraiser region who spoke on the condi- many questions. vast majority of seminarians — Virginia diocese earlier this year
were bullied by superiors and and donator in the U.S. church. tion of anonymity because he An internal church report in- were enrolled in programs in 2018- alleging that Bransfield sexually
grilled by their academic dean DeGeorge is one of two seminari- fears dismissal. vestigating allegations against 2019, according to Center for Ap- assaulted him declined to com-
under police-like interrogation ans who have gone public with Some said the expanding of a Bransfield quotes one priest-sec- plied Research in the Apostolate. ment for this article. His mother
after going public with sexual allegations that Bransfield sexu- more aggressive Catholic media in retary who was allegedly ha- Seventeen percent said sexual told The Post that many priests
harassment complaints about ally mistreated them and have the past couple of years has em- rassed as saying he was in semi- abuse or misconduct is a problem “whom he called friends and
those up the chain of command. sued. The second one, who has boldened Catholics, including sem- nary when the bishop first asked at their schools, the survey found. brothers” and many of his former
Parisi and another classmate not been named, said he was inarians, to challenge the hierarchy. him to remove his shirt. Asked whether their administra- fellow seminarians for the most
had gone to seminary officials assaulted. “He stated that he did so out of tors take the issue seriously, part have kept their distance from
about a recent party in a parish Several current and former A power imbalance fear. ‘Your life is at the will and 84 percent said “very,” while him.
rectory. At the party in April, the clergy members spoke out begin- Even as the scandals have pleasure of the bishop when 11 percent said somewhat, a little “They feel they have to choose
men said, priests were directing ning last summer about their spurred some to speak out, church you’re in seminary,’ ” the man told or not at all. Of the 10 percent who the church,” she said. The Post
obscene comments to the semi- treatment by defrocked cardinal culture and theology dissuade the lay investigators last year, said they have experienced, or isn’t naming her to protect the
narians, discussing graphic pho- Theodore McCarrick, some by more from raising their voices. according to the report, which may have experienced, sexual ha- anonymity of her son. The Post
tos and joking about professors name and others anonymously. In the Catholic Church, bish- The Post obtained. rassment, abuse or misconduct, doesn’t identify sexual assault
allegedly swapping A’s for sex. The Washington Post has re- ops are kings of their dioceses, The guide for seminarians by the 51 percent said they had not re- victims without their permission.
Not long after the men spoke ceived more calls from Catholic and priests swear an oath of loyal- United States Conference of Catho- ported it. Of those who did, 42 The man and the Wheeling-
up, the text from Parisi’s fellow seminarians and clergy members ty to them. Seminarians’ pursuit lic Bishops encourages submissive- percent said their reports were Charleston Diocese reached an
seminarian arrived. with tips and concerns in the past of the priesthood rests completely ness. either “completely” taken seri- unspecified settlement over the
“I just wanted to be sure that year than in the previous decade. with their superiors — the bishop “Seminaries should articulate ously and acted upon or acted summer.
you guys are protected and are “I’ve never had conversations in particular. There is no appeal that priestly obedience begins upon “for the most part.” DeGeorge’s allegation of sexual
watching your backs,” the semi- in all the previous years like the or required explanation if one is with humble and willing coopera- To get the seminarians to talk, mistreatment by Bransfield be-
narian’s text said. Authorities are ones I’ve had in the past year. deemed not to be priest material. tion in seminary life, docility to researchers offered anonymity. came widely known recently
“fishing to figure out who the People feel they can finally talk Some seminarians described hav- direction and wholehearted com- “They are afraid they’ll be when The Post reported it in a
nark [sic] is.” about things,” among themselves, ing their spiritual fitness for semi- pliance with the seminary’s pol- judged as temporarily unfit, too profile of William Lori, the Balti-
Parisi said he felt compelled to said a seminarian in the D.C. nary scrutinized if they raised too icies,” it says. assertive,” John Cavadini, direc- more archbishop who led the in-
When seminarians do speak tor of Notre Dame’s McGrath In- vestigation of Bransfield.
up, the men said church authori- stitute for Church Life, which In a lawsuit filed Sept. 13 in
ties often do nothing. crafted the research, said of semi- Ohio County, DeGeorge alleges
They “say the right things, how narians. “That’s one aspect of that Bransfield, the diocese and
    we encourage honesty and open-


   seminary education you wouldn’t the United States Conference of
ness, but deep down it’s clear they have a close parallel of outside Catholic Bishops did not rein in
want to move on from [issues] as seminary. The bishop is a peculiar someone known as a harasser,
fast as possible,” said Mike Kelsey, concentration of power in one leaving seminarians vulnerable.
who was a seminarian in the D.C. person.” Many priests and his former
Archdiocese from last summer The Rev. Carter Griffin, rector classmates still avoid him — or

     until January when students were of the St. John Paul II Seminary in speak of him as a troublemaker,
openly upset that more hadn’t the D.C. Archdiocese, said that, if DeGeorge said.
     been done to learn what the past taught correctly, obedience to In Buffalo, the priests about

two archbishops — McCarrick church authority can be a beauti- whom Parisi and Bojanowski
and Donald Wuerl — did and ful act, “to follow the Lord spoke out were suspended for a

knew regarding sexual miscon- through the word of another.” few weeks and returned to minis-
duct. But younger men who grew up try in June. Bishop Richard Ma-

Kelsey and other seminarians
and priests interviewed for this
article agreed that the problem
in the shadow of earlier abuse
scandals know that automatically
going “into protection mode” isn’t
lone issued a statement that semi-
narians who spoke out “are to be
lauded for coming forward.” Ma-
     lies in how the vows are interpret-
ed and lived out within the
wise for the church, Griffin said.
Regardless of what higher-ups do,
lone is accused of mishandling of
sexual abuse and misconduct cas-
church. he said, seminarians must do es. The Vatican on Thursday an-


   “I don’t think obedience is what’s right. nounced it is investigating broad
bad,” Kelsey said, noting that cor- “It might mean that people will allegations church leaders have
 porations also suffer from similar misunderstand you, there may be mishandled clergy abuse cases.
       transparency problems. “But it’s
also not something I’m signing up
consequences for your actions
and you have to shoulder those,”
After more than 20 years serv-
ing Catholic organizations, Parisi
for if the hierarchy behaves in this he said. says he’s looking for work outside
 *!"$$* *! )$*"&#* * * %"*$* way. . . . I think the church is the church.
deeply corrupt and broken.” Shunning as punishment “There needs to be major re-
 * "*&#$*''( # &
  Questions about how sexual
misconduct in seminary is han-
Speaking out, especially for
those who do not leave seminary
form . . . But in my view, that
won’t happen. The system is a
   dled are considered so pressing or the priesthood, can be risky. very well-oiled machine,” he said.

     that the University of Notre Dame Some seminarians report a lack of The church hierarchy believes “it
  last month released a first-of-its-
kind study of 1,500 seminarians on
support from their classmates —
even social shunning.
doesn’t need fixing in their view
because it’s running exactly the
the topic. About 3,500 U.S. post- An unnamed seminarian who way they want it to.”
college men — who make up the filed a lawsuit against the West
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Supreme Court to hear case on gas pipeline that would cross Appalachian Trail
PIPELINE FROM B1 Coast Pipeline is a dangerous, changing energy marketplace. those that set standards for allow- relief from Congress but consid- release. “We remain hopeful this
costly, and unnecessary project The project has attracted na- able harm to endangered species ered its appeal to the Supreme decision is a precursor to ulti-
which also includes Duke Energy and we won’t stand by while Duke tional attention, with former vice of wildlife and that allowed the Court to be a stronger recourse. mate victory and an end to the
of North Carolina, say that more and Dominion Energy try to force president Al Gore and the Rev. pipeline to cross national forests. On Friday, Ruby said the com- unnecessary delays that have
than 50 other pipelines cross it on our public lands, threaten- William Barber, a civil rights The most significant challenge pany is confident that, with the negatively impacted the liveli-
beneath sections of the Appala- ing people’s health, endangered leader, visiting Virginia earlier to the project was the finding, support of the Trump administra- hoods of our working class fami-
chian Trail, which stretches from species, iconic landscapes, and this year to highlight the plight of issued in December, that the For- tion’s solicitor general, it will lies and the services they receive.”
Georgia to Maine. clean water along the way.” a historic African American com- est Service lacked authority to prevail. Sixteen state attorneys The court is likely to take up
Environmental groups that The Atlantic Coast Pipeline is munity being disrupted by pipe- give the pipeline permission to general filed a brief with the court the case early next year. Ruby said
brought the original challenge to being built through rugged and line construction. It has also fac- cross the Appalachian Trail. A in support of the pipeline, along the company anticipates a ruling
the permit vowed to continue rural terrain from West Virginia, tored into state politics, helping panel of federal judges said the with several industry and labor by June, and that it hopes to
fighting. across the center of Virginia and inspire a movement for candi- National Park Service had juris- groups. resolve its other permitting de-
“We will defend the lower into North Carolina. Opponents dates and lawmakers — most of diction over the crossing, but the “West Virginia strongly sup- lays in a similar time frame. In
court’s decision in this case,” the have fought it every step of the them Democrats — to reject con- Park Service had said that it could ports the Supreme Court’s deci- that case, he said, construction
Southern Environmental Law way, saying that it was hastily tributions from Dominion. not grant right of way without sion” to take up the case, West could resume by next summer
Center and the Sierra Club said in approved and that the natural gas Federal judges suspended sev- permission from Congress. Virginia Attorney General Patrick and wrap up by late 2021.
a joint statement. “The Atlantic it would deliver is not needed in a eral permits last year, including Dominion pursued legislative Morrisey said Friday in a news

Luria acknowledges risk to her reelection e≠ort
THE DISTRICT MARYL AND LURIA FROM B1 much?” read another. It’s time to
“clean house,” the card said.
Man sentenced in Suspects ages 15 and cans over recent years, making it “We have elections every two
2016 shooting death 20 charged in killing one of the state’s swingiest dis- years, so if you don’t like who is
tricts. representing you, you can vote
A D.C. man was sentenced to Two people, including a Luria, a former Navy com- them out,” Luria said.
25 years in prison Friday for the 15-year-old, have been arrested mander, defeated incumbent Re- In all, Luria answered a rapid-
2016 shooting death of an in a fatal shooting that occurred publican Scott W. Taylor in 2018 fire series of about 15 questions
unarmed man who authorities this week in Oxon Hill, Md. with help from voters turned off and comments on impeachment,
said was trying to defuse a Roger Beckwith Jr., 20, of by President Trump and a local which broke evenly between fans
confrontation. Baltimore and Mark Lechoco, elections scandal that tarnished and detractors. “Thank you” was
A D.C. Superior Court jury in 15, of Fort Washington have the reputation of her opponent, a written in large letters on one
April found Andre Becton, 27, been charged with first-degree former Navy SEAL. card, while another urged her to
guilty of second-degree murder murder and robbery in the Analysts say her race for re- “get off the Pelosi bandwagon
while armed and other firearm killing of Bryant Brooks, 19, election in 2020 could be among and stop this impeachment b.s.”
offenses in the slaying of according to Prince George’s the most competitive in the na- Outside, a Trump supporter
Darnell “Kirk” Peoples Sr., 35. County police. tion. The congressional Leader- who would only give her first
According to prosecutors, on Brooks was shot Monday ship Fund, a super PAC dedicated name, Dena, out a fear of repri-
the evening of Sept. 15, 2016, around 10:40 p.m. during an to electing Republicans to the sals from her liberal neighbors,
Peoples and a woman walked up illegal drug transaction, police U.S. House, started airing televi- said she sees no reason to im-
to a group of men shooting dice said. sion ads this week targeting Lu- peach Trump. She wore a “Make
in the 600 block of Mellon The incident was an ria and Reps. Matthew Cart- America Great Again” flag as a
Street SE. At some point, attempted robbery in the 400 wright (Pa.) and Elissa Slotkin cape and a matching cap.
prosecutors said, Peoples made block of Winslow Road, police (Mich.), Democrats who all hail “My tax bill was a lot smaller
a remark that offended the men. said. Officers called to the scene from districts carried by Trump this year. My brother didn’t have
Becton, who was in the group, found Brooks outside with and who favor an impeachment to pay the Obamacare penalty,”
confronted Peoples. Peoples gunshot wounds. inquiry. Luria does not yet have she said, listing ways she thinks
tried to calm the situation, but Lechoco, who has been an opponent. Trump has improved the country.
Becton pulled out a gun and charged as an adult, arranged The town hall started with As she spoke, a man leaving
shot Peoples in the neck and left the illegal transaction before the Luria standing onstage at the the town hall shouted out his
hip, prosecutors said. shooting, police said. New Hope Baptist Church convo- window, “2020!” in support.
Becton was arrested in Both Beckwith and Lechoco cation center at a lectern draped “Woo hoo!” she said.
October 2016, in part as a result are in jail without bond. Online with red, white and blue bunting. John Fredericks, a conserva-
of a dying declaration by court records did not list an She later stepped down to tive radio host who spoke at the
Peoples, who told police when attorney for them. answer questions in four catego- small protest on the sidewalk,
they arrived that “Dre from — Lynh Bui ries — impeachment, public safe- called the event Luria’s “fairy tale
Trenton Park” shot him. ty, health care and general — town hall.” He predicted the pres-
— Keith L. Alexander written by audience members on ident will come to the district
index cards and pulled out of a once or twice next year to rally
box at random, a format that did the base.
not allow her to interact one on PHOTOS BY PARKER MICHELS-BOYCE FOR THE WASHINGTON POST “The only hope she has is she
one with voters. Rep. Elaine Luria (D-Va.) speaks with Laura Tierney, left, and her wins by attrition. If there’s a
Results from Oct. 4 VIRGINIA “Bravo to you on your brave, mother, Heather, after a town hall Thursday in Virginia Beach, viable candidate, she loses,” he
Day/Pick-3: 8-0-4 patriotic decision on the im- where she defended her support for an impeachment inquiry. said.
DISTRICT Pick-4: 1-9-6-6 peachment inquiry,” read the After the town hall, Allen, the
Mid-Day Lucky Numbers: 4-3-7 Cash-5 (Fri.): 7-12-20-21-27 first question. It was followed by dent to investigate Joe Biden was Democrat Party is focused on moderator, said enough Demo-
Mid-Day DC-4: 6-9-2-6 Night/Pick-3 (Thu.): 5-7-5 an enthusiastic 20-second stand- grounds for an impeachment in- impeachment?” read another crats are incensed by the “trea-
Mid-Day DC-5: 8-8-0-8-8 Pick-3 (Fri.): 8-8-9 ing ovation from most of the quiry. question. sonous” actions of the president
Lucky Numbers (Thu.): 5-7-8 Pick-4 (Thu.): 4-7-6-8 several hundred people in at- “This is a clear instance of the “It’s not Adam Schiff and it’s to deliver Luria a second term.
Lucky Numbers (Fri.): 2-5-0 Pick-4 (Fri.): 8-1-0-5 tendance. One man shouted his president of the United States not Democratic Party that got us “He’s an abomination, quite
DC-4 (Thu.): 8-9-6-6 Cash-5 (Thu.): 9-20-24-28-33 dismay. enlisting the help of a foreign here, it’s the actions of Donald honestly,” said Allen, a Navy vet-
DC-4 (Fri.): 7-4-6-7 Cash-5 (Fri.): 3-7-10-19-31 Luria said it was a sad time for leader to influence and malign a Trump,” Luria replied, as the man eran. “Impeachment, [speaking]
DC-5 (Thu.): 1-1-5-6-7 the nation, but her voice rose as potential political opponent to shouted out. from a personal perspective,
DC-5 (Fri.): 8-6-6-5-6 MULTI-STATE GAMES she went on to say, “I didn’t spend affect the outcome of our next Allen tried again: “You’re not what took them so long?”
Mega Millions: 11-38-44-48-70 **17 20 years defending our country election all under guise of trying going to come here and disre- Many of the Democrats in the
MARYLAND Megaplier: 2 in uniform to watch something to fight corruption,” Luria said, spect the congresswoman or our crowd said they volunteered for
Day/Pick 3: 4-8-0 Cash 4 Life: 2-8-23-34-54 ¶3 like this happen and to watch and speaking over another outburst church. And if you have a prob- Luria’s 2018 campaign and plan
Pick 4: 0-2-1-6 Lucky for Life: 1-13-42-43-44 ‡18 our Constitution be trampled from the same man in the audi- lem with that, leave now. This is to do all they can to help her win
Night/Pick 3 (Thu.): 9-3-8 on.” More applause followed. ence. not your turn. Okay? Thank you.” reelection.
Pick 3 (Fri.): 1-2-6 *Bonus Ball **Mega Ball The next questioner was criti- The moderator, James H. Allen He stayed and remained silent. That included Frank Lang, a
Pick 4 (Thu.): 1-3-3-0 ¶ Cash Ball ‡Lucky Ball cal of impeachment efforts and Jr., president of the Virginia The next question accused her former Navy reservist and retired
Pick 4 (Fri.): 3-5-2-9 Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.), Beach Interdenominational Min- of a “rush to judgment.” psychologist from Virginia Beach
Multi-Match (Thu.): 8-10-12-23-24-42 For late drawings and other results, check chairman of the House Intelli- isters Conference, took over. “If “Why would you seek to re- who summed up Luria’s call for
Match 5 (Thu.): 6-25-28-32-38 *27 gence Committee. Luria didn’t you can’t sit here and be respect- move the president of the United impeachment as “a courageous
Match 5 (Fri.): 3-9-25-36-39 *19 flinch. She explained why she ful, get out,” he said to the man. States for nothing, no impeach- step — considering the district
5 Card Cash: 7H-8C-2H-10C-AC believed Trump’s use of his office “With all of the issues facing able offenses, especially when she represents.”
to pressure the Ukrainian presi- the country, why is it that the your party is so guilty of so


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acquitted in For a day, nearly three miles of Georgia Ave. NW will be car-free
fatal beating BY L UZ L AZO

The District may not be ready to

initiatives a monthly affair, while
others are transitioning to perma-
nently restricting car traffic on
dents. But others say the District
has been too slow to follow major
cities that are opening streets to
will feel like a street festival, with
people walking, bicycling, roller-
skating, doing yoga and dancing.
including the 70, serve the area,
but bus riders should expect some

of toddler permanently ban cars from one of

its major streets as New York and
some other cities around the
some streets to reduce pollution
and promote healthier lifestyles.
D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser
people by closing them to vehicles.
Edinburgh, Scotland, this year
began closing a number of streets
Some bike groups are planning
rides from various points of the
city to the event, and Capital Bike-
In Petworth, some residents are
planning an after-party. Others
are already lamenting that the
world have done, but it is primed (D) described Saturday’s event as to motorized vehicles one Sunday share will be offering free rides. event will be too short and not big
EMBRE FROM B1 to test the concept. an opportunity “to reimagine a month to allow the public to Parking restrictions will be in enough.
Nearly three miles of Georgia public roads as community spac- enjoy the historic area on foot or effect along Georgia Avenue be- “Maybe we should have Open
name. “She is sweet and adorable, Avenue NW will be a car-free zone es.” Her administration has hinted bike. Paris, which has also experi- tween midnight and 5 p.m. Driv- Streets on the entire length of
and it is terrible to think what the on Saturday, giving residents a at the prospect of eventually cre- mented with car-free Sundays, ers should avoid the area, as de- [Georgia] Avenue,” bike activist
future holds for her. But she has taste of what it could be like to ating permanent car-free zones has pushed for creating car-free tours will be in place and cars will Rachel Maisler tweeted Wednes-
no credibility.” transform a traffic-jammed street across the city. zones and last month held a city- not be able to cross Georgia Av- day.
During her closing argument, into a walkable mixed-used public “Together, at a fun, family- wide car-free day. Barcelona has enue between Barry Place and Greg Billing, who has been call-
Assistant U.S. Attorney Cynthia space. friendly event, we can explore the made headlines with its reorgani- Missouri Avenue NW from 8 a.m. ing for Open Streets events for five
Wright theorized that Embre From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., pedestri- benefits of having fewer cars on zation of some streets into super- to 4 p.m. years, said the four-hour event is a
must have hit Ace several times ans and bicyclists will be free to our roads,” Bowser said when she blocks, creating pedestrian-cen- Officials are inviting residents good start to introducing the con-
between picking him up at the use the roadway and enjoy activi- announced the event this sum- tric neighborhoods with play- to join Open Streets, using public cept to residents and thinking of
day care and walking him the ties — from salsa lessons to yoga mer. grounds at intersections. transportation and some of the more-ambitious ways to create
30 minutes back to the apart- and health screenings — between The District has already taken New York City on Thursday other modes, such as bikes and car-free zones.
ment. She described Embre as a Missouri Avenue NW and Barry steps to discourage car use and banned most cars from 14th scooters, to get there. Bike and “We will see on Saturday
big man who became angry that Place. encourage walking, biking and Street, one of Manhattan’s busiest scooter corrals will be located at whether people want more,” he
Ace was interrupting his time This is the District’s entry into scooter use. It has turned space crosstown routes, to essentially various points along the three- said. “Open Streets is the first
playing video games and smok- the “Open Streets” movement, from travel lanes into bike and bus create a busway. Buses and deliv- mile route. The Georgia Avenue- introduction of what streets could
ing marijuana. which has been embraced by cities lanes, and it has removed parking ery trucks are still allowed, and a Petworth and Shaw-Howard Uni- look like with fewer cars. It can be
“He whipped him and around the world in recent years. spaces and raised fees, actions greater share of the road is avail- versity Metro stations on the the first step in that direction.”
punched him in his stomach and Open Streets programs vary from that have drawn backlash from able for use by pedestrians. Green and Yellow lines are closest
his back,” Wright told the jury. city to city. Some have made such some drivers, businesses and resi- In the District, Saturday’s event to the event. Several bus lines,
Wright stressed that the girl’s
account that Embre had struck
her and her brother came soon
after the incident, a sign, the THE DISTRICT THE DISTRICT
prosecutor argued, that it was
truthful. The body camera from a
police officer who responded to
the scene recorded the girl telling
Police: Large-scale marijuana operation halted in Foggy Bottom Record for
her mother that Embre hit her
For three days on the witness
stand, Zucker and Wright strug-
gled to keep the girl focused and
alert to testify about what she
Authorities searching for a man
in a drug case uncovered a large-
scale marijuana operation inside
is thwarted
told authorities she saw.
In front of her on the witness
stand was a stress ball and a
an eighth-floor apartment on K
Street Northwest, near the Foggy
Bottom campus of George Wash-
by late rain
stuffed Scooby-Doo plush ani- ington University, according to
mal. The girl told authorities she police and court documents. BY M ARTIN W EIL
saw Embre hit her brother and Police detailed a lengthy list of
that he also hit her on her leg and items seized, including 187 mari- Realists care about what is, but
threatened her not to tell anyone. juana joints, 800 containers of romantics often wonder about
“He came in with his mad face suspected marijuana, nearly what might have been, such as the
and Ace was crying on the bunk,” $50,000 in cash and 300 vaping record that we in Washington
she said. cartridges. Bags had labels such as appeared destined to share until
Then, using the Scooby-Doo “fresh O.G.,” “Peanut Butter” and Monday, the last day of Septem-
doll, she acted out how she said “Banana Kush.” ber.
Embre slammed her brother One man was arrested, and po- On that day, 0.14 inches of rain
down on a bed and then punched lice said they are seeking his fell at Reagan National Airport,
him. brother. according to National Weather
“I saw him roll off the bed,” the Wednesday’s arrest at the Circle Service figures. Until then, Sep-
girl said of the toddler. “He just Arms Apartments in the 2400 tember remained doggedly in the
kept crying.” block of K Street NW marks the D.C. POLICE PHOTOS running to be one of Washington’s
Zucker played videos in which second time in a week D.C. police Police display marijuana joints seized Wednesday in Washington. People may grow and possess small two driest Septembers on record.
the girl was recorded saying Em- have targeted what they described amounts of marijuana in the District but cannot legally sell or purchase recreational pot. Normally, the month brings
bre struck her and her brother. as a large-scale marijuana-selling Washington about 3.72 inches of
But on the stand, depending on operation in some of the pricier not sell marijuana has led to con- exchange includes marijuana. He resident who police said had failed rain, Weather Service records
how Zucker or Wright asked areas of the District. fusion and prompted an influx of said organizers also sometimes to show up for a court appearance show, but September 2005 yield-
questions, she either elaborated On Sept. 25, police set their “pop-up” markets advertised rent rooms or houses for a short on a marijuana distribution ed only a sparse 0.11 inches, be-
on her assertions or contradicted sights on a 5,220-square-foot car- through social media and de- periods of time to help avoid de- charge. coming Washington’s driest Sep-
them, saying at points that she riage house with an indoor water- signed to remain somewhat hid- tection of the events. Agents were told that man had tember on record.
did not know why she made her fall on Q Street NW near Dupont den from the general public and “They rent a place on a Thurs- left the country, the court docu- That parched period also ranks
earlier statements or that she was Circle. The property was once law enforcement. day for a party on a Saturday and ments state. But that man’s broth- among the half-dozen driest
being “dramatic.” known for loud parties, but accord- Police continue to target selling they’re gone Sunday,” Haines said. er was at the apartment, accord- months to be found among all
In his closing argument, Zuck- ing to authorities it had trans- operations and organized events “That limited exposure times ing to Haines, and the agents de- those that have gone into Wash-
er argued Ace’s sister might have formed into a marijuana “pop-up” where marijuana is used and dis- makes it difficult for law enforce- tained him after seeing the sus- ington’s weather annals since
punched or jumped on the boy, venue that attracted one seller tributed. ment to take any kind of action.” pected drugs. D.C. police obtained 1871. September 2019 came with-
possibly even jumping from the from abroad. Police said they Cmdr. John Haines, who heads Haines said the parties and the a search warrant, and that led to in a day of matching that distinc-
top bunk of the bunk beds the seized nearly 25 pounds of mari- the D.C. police narcotics and spe- distribution venues invite danger. the arrest of Jeffrey Bennett, 52. tion.
siblings shared. Ace slept on the juana and hundreds of smoking cial-investigations division, said “These marijuana parties bring a Bennett was charged with pos- On Sept. 12, a trifling 0.03
bottom bunk. devices and marijuana-infused that “we’ve seen quite a bit of an lot of cash,” he said, making pa- session with intent to distribute inches boosted the total at the
Outside the courtroom after candies, along with ledgers of sales. increase” in marijuana pop-ups trons and organizers vulnerable to marijuana, a felony. A D.C. Superi- airport to 0.11, matching 2005’s
the verdict was read, Zucker said People may grow and possess and distribution organizations in being robbed either of drugs or or Court judge on Thursday re- figure. After that, suspense built,
he still believed Ace’s sister was small amounts of marijuana in the the past two years. money, or both. leased Bennett, who also has an hour followed hour, day followed
responsible for her brother’s District but cannot legally pur- He said organizers often try to Authorities said the suspected address in Silver Spring, Md., and day, sometimes sunny, sometimes
death. “I don’t think she intended chase recreational pot. Smoking skirt the law by asking for dona- drug operation in Foggy Bottom, set a hearing for Oct. 17. Bennett cloudy. But not rainy.
to hurt her brother,” Zucker said. small amounts is allowed inside tions and then giving out “free first reported by WRC-TV, was could not be reached for com- The record seemed within our
“My heart goes out to this family. private residences. The mayor is gifts” that include marijuana, found by accident. Court docu- ment. His attorney, Teresa G. Klei- grasp. And then, with only one
And my heart goes out to this trying to legalize and regulate rec- falsely believing that doesn’t qual- ments and a spokesman for the man, did not return calls to her day left, rain fell — enough to
little girl.” reational marijuana dispensaries. ify as an exchange of something of U.S. Marshals Service said agents office Friday. push us back to fourth place. Allowing people to possess but value, although it is illegal if the went to the apartment to arrest a


Tony-winning and Oscar-nominated actress won acclaim as pathbreaker

BY N EKESA M UMBI M OODY for her pioneering work on “Julia.” ing some who said Ms. Carroll’s included “Goodbye Again,” “Hurry
Ms. Carroll played Julia Baker, a character, the mother of a young Sundown,” “Paris Blues” and “The
Diahann Carroll, the Oscar- nurse whose husband had been son, was not a realistic portrayal of Split.”
nominated actress and singer who killed in Vietnam, in the ground- a black American woman in the The 1974 film “Claudine” provid-
won critical acclaim as the first breaking situation comedy that 1960s. ed her most memorable role. She
black woman to star in a non- aired from 1968 to 1971. “They said it was a fantasy,” Ms. played a hard-bitten single mother
servant role in the TV series “Julia,” Although she was not the first Carroll recalled in 1998. “All of this of six who finds romance in Har-
died Oct. 4 in Los Angeles. She was black woman to star in her own TV was untrue. Much about the char- lem with a garbage man played by
84. show (Ethel Waters played a maid acter of Julia I took from my own James Earl Jones.
The cause was cancer, said her in the 1950s series “Beulah”), she life, my family.” In the 1980s, she appeared in the
daughter, Suzanne Kay. was the first to star as someone Ms. Carroll won her Tony por- long-running prime-time soap op-
During her long career, Ms. Car- other than a servant. traying a high-fashion American era “Dynasty” for three years. More
roll earned a Tony Award for the NBC executives were wary model in Paris who has a love affair recently, she had a number of guest
musical “No Strings” and an Acad- about putting “Julia” on the net- with a white American author in shots and small roles in TV series,
emy Award nomination for “Clau- work during the racial unrest of the the 1959 Richard Rodgers musical including playing the mother of
dine.” 1960s, but it was an immediate hit. “No Strings.” Critic Walter Kerr de- Isaiah Washington’s character, Dr.
But she was perhaps best known It had its critics, though, includ- scribed her as “a girl with a sweet Preston Burke, on “Grey’s Anato-
smile, brilliant dark eyes and a my.”
profile regal enough to belong on a She also returned to her roots in
coin.” nightclubs. In 2006, she made her ASSOCIATED PRESS
D O N AT E YO U R C A R She appeared often in plays pre- first club appearance in New York Actress Diahann Carroll confers with producer Hal Kanter about a
viously considered exclusive terri- in four decades, singing at Fein- scene in the TV series “Julia,” in which Carroll played Julia Baker.
Wheels For Wishes tory for white actresses: “Same stein’s at the Regency. Reviewing a
Time, Next Year,” “Agnes of God” return engagement in 2007, a New In her 1998 memoir “Diahann,” Her most celebrated marriage
%HQHÀWLQJ and “Sunset Boulevard” (as faded York Times critic wrote that she Ms. Carroll traced her turbulent was in 1987, to singer Vic Damone,
star Norma Desmond, the role sang “Both Sides Now” with “the romantic life, which included liai- and the two appeared together in
Make-A-Wish® played by Gloria Swanson in the reflective tone of a woman who has sons with Harry Belafonte, Duke nightclubs. But they separated in
Mid-Atlantic 1950 film). survived many severe storms and Ellington, Miles Davis, Sammy Da- 1991 and divorced several years
“I like to think that I opened remembers every lightning flash vis Jr., Sidney Poitier and David later.
* 100% Tax Deductible doors for other women, although and thunderclap.” Frost. She even became engaged to After she was treated for breast
* Free Vehicle Pickup ANYWHERE
that wasn’t my original intention,” Carol Diann Johnson was born Frost, but the engagement was cancer in 1998, she spoke out for
she said in 2002. in New York City on July 17, 1935, canceled. more money for research and for
* We Accept Most Vehicles Running or Not
Her film career was sporadic. and attended the High School for An early marriage to nightclub free screening for women who
* We Also Accept Boats, Motorcycles & RVs She began with a secondary role in the Performing Arts. Her father owner Monte Kay resulted in Ms. couldn’t afford mammograms.
“Carmen Jones” in 1954 and five was a subway conductor and her Carroll’s only child, Suzanne, as “We all look forward to the day years later appeared in “Porgy and mother a homemaker. well as a divorce. She also divorced that mastectomies, chemotherapy
Bess,” although her singing voice She began her career as a model, her second husband, retail execu- and radiation are considered bar-
Call:(202) 644-8277 was dubbed because it wasn’t con- but a prize from “Arthur Godfrey’s tive Freddie Glusman, later marry- baric,” Ms. Carroll told a gathering
* Car Donation Foundation d/b/a Wheels For Wishes. To learn more about our programs or sidered strong enough for the Talent Scouts” TV show led to ing magazine editor Robert DeLe- in 2000.
¿nanFial inIormation Fall   or Yisit
Gershwin opera. Her other films nightclub engagements. on, who died. — Associated Press
Daily Newspapers & Magazines in PDF for Telegram: @WorldAndNews


RONALD LEE BLOCK (Age 81) Passed in peace Sunday, September 29, 2019.
On Thursday, October 3, 2019, Preceded in death by his wife, Helen. Dear
RONALD LEE BLOCK of Silver friend and companion of Peggy White. Loving
Spring, MD, passed away father of David (Chris), Don Jr., Christine
peacefully at his residence in (Donna), Dennis (predeceased), Doug (Patti),
Leisure World. Devoted broth- Dan (Jean), Duane (Liz) and Dale (Tracy). Loving
er to his sister Sandy Stein; grandfather of 14; great grandfather of six; and
uncle to his nephews Steven a dear friend to many. Viewing will be held on
(Sarita) and Robert (Angela) Stein and five Monday, October 7, 10 a.m. at Sharp Street
great-nephews and nieces. Family was very United Methodist Church in Sandy Spring, MD
important to him. He will be greatly missed with services following at 11 a.m. Interment
by his caregivers Beatrice, Maimouna, at Gate of Heaven Cemetery. In lieu of flowers
Natte and Abimbola. Born and raised in contributions may be made to Holy Cross
Washington, DC, he graduated from The Home Care & Hospice, 10720 Columbia Pike,
George Washington University and received Silver Spring, MD 20202 or the American Foun-
a Master's Degree in Hospital Pharmacy dation for Suicide Prevention, 120 Wall St.,
from The University of Maryland. He retired 29th Floor, New York, NY 10005.
from what was then Walter Reed Army
Medical Center in DC. Graveside funeral
services will be held on Sunday, October 6,
March 28, 1977 - October 5, 2018
In Loving Memory Son
Adelphi, MD. After the interment, Shiva
will be observed at the late residence
Passed away peacefully at home during the
early morning of June 14, 2019. He was 94
January 15, 1952 - September 9, 2019
Long term resident of Silver Spring and later
REDFEARN Born February 23, 1944, passed from this
life on September 30, 2019. Steve was a
“OJ” with services at 7 p.m. In lieu of flowers, years old. Charles was a true gentleman who of Annapolis, Maryland, Roy Karten died of distinguished member of the United States Air
Love until eternity, your mother Marcia memorial contributions may be made to will be missed but always remembered. Born complications of Parkinson’s disease in
ERNEST EDWARD REDFEARN (Age 91) Force, having served in Japan and Vietnam.
Hadassah, 11900 Parklawn Dr., #350, October 5, 1924, in Conowingo, Maryland, to Entered into eternal rest on Friday, September Upon leaving active duty Steve became a
Annapolis. He is predeceased by his father, 27, 2019. Survived by three children, Sharon
Rockville, MD 20850. Arrangements Charles W. Drew and Florence Dotson Drew David Karten, a long serving Pentagon veteran member of the United States Secret Service,
entrusted to TORCHINSKY HEBREW FUNER- who lived in Rising Sun, Maryland. Redfearn, Edward Redfearn, Yvette Redfearn Treasury Police Force, where he obtained the
and his mother, Inge Karten. In the course of Hairston and a host of other relatives and
AL HOME, 202-541-1001. a distinguished career as a photographer, Roy rank of Captain. Following his retirement from
Charles was drafted into the service. After friends. Visitation will be on Monday, October the Secret Service he joined the William C.
served for a time as photo editor for U.S. News 7 at 11 a.m. and funeral 12 p.m. at Pope
completing aviation, communication, and aeri- and World Report; his images, particularly por- Smith Company for 15 years.
al gunnery school, he joined the 8th Air Force Funeral Home, 5538 Marlboro Pike, Forestville, He leaves behind his beloved wife and best
traits of prominent figures, in politics, business MD 20747. Interment at Cedar Hill Cemetery
in Europe. He served as a radio operator on and the arts, from presidents to popstars, friend of 41 years, Debra Keyes, his brother,
B-17s with the 305th Bomb Group stationed immediately following. Services provided by Barry Hermiston, sister, Donna Lee Wilkins,
were regular features in many publications.
CARIN in Chelveston Airdrome, England. After WWII,
Charles served around the world: St. Tron
His photo credits include Newsweek, The New
York Times and Washingtonian. Sharp and
Pope Funeral Home.
his nephew, Hank Wilkins, and niece, Amy
Bednarz. Additionally, Steve was always grate-
ROBERTA CARIN Airfield in Belgium; Schweinfurt, Germany; quick to laugh, with an easy conversant style, ful for his extended family, Patricia, Daniel and
On Wednesday, October 2, Anchorage, Alaska; Baghdad, Iraq; Vienna, Aus- Roy could talk to anyone about anything, Michael O'Rielly, and Brian, Kevin and Gregg
2019 of Leisure World, MD. tria; La Pas, Bolivia; Eglin Air Force Base, Scott establishing quick rapport with his subjects Waas and their families. He leaves many long-
Beloved wife of the late Philip; Field Air Force Base; and Right Patterson Air and leading to surprising invitations. He shared time friends who will remember his outrageous
devoted mother of Sandy, Larry,
Nathaniel, David, Michael, Josh,
Force base. His 20-year career with the U.S.
Air Force always made for great conversation
stories of days escorting the likes of Audrey
Hepburn and Lauren Bacall around the Wash-
STENHOUSE wit, humor, generosity and zest for living. No
one enjoyed a gathering of friends and family
and Steven; loving sister of Lau- and stories. Charles moto was “Once a Flyboy, ington he knew so well. DOUGLAS SIMMS STENHOUSE (Age 87) for memories and good times more than Steve.
rie Freed (Harold); cherished always a Flyboy.” Privately, he turned his viewfinder to friends, Died Friday, September 27, 2019. He was a His loss is significant for those who knew
grandmother of Teri, Lena, Jeffrey, Jeremy, events and nature with a celebratory eye, retired architect, watercolor artist and choral and loved him. He fought cancer courageously.
Emily, Albert, John, Matthew, Dina, Rebecca Charles was a loving and caring husband to asking, “Who decides what is beautiful?” and enthusiast. He was born in Washington, DC, Friends and family will gather October 7 at
and Jacob. Funeral services will be held his wife Juanita, of 67 years, who predeceased answering, generously, hundreds of times over. and his love of music and art began at an early 6 to 8 p.m., at Demaine Funeral Home, 5308
Sunday, October 6, 2 p.m. at Temple Beth him. He is survived by his four cousins, Stuart age. He graduated from National Cathedral Backlick Road, Springfield, VA 22151.
Ami, 14330 Travilah Road, Rockville, MD Karten, Susan Karten, Leslie Karten and Arthur Boys Choir, St. Alban's School, Princeton Uni- Please consider donating in his memory to the
20850; with interment to follow at Judean He is survived by his son, Steven Drew and Karten. Roy will be remembered and celebrat- versity, graduate degree in architecture from INOVA Schar Cancer Institute, 4320 Seminary
Memorial Gardens in Olney, MD. Family will wife Cindy; daughter, Susan D. Rowland and ed by family and friends at a private memorial. University of Pennsylvania, and Master's Road, Alexandria, VA 22304, where he and his
be observing Shiva Sunday and Monday at husband Rod; granddaughters, Erin (Arron) and family were treated with dignity, kindness and
DEATH NOTICE 7 p.m. at Roberta's apartment in Leisure
World. Memorial contributions may be
Lauren (James); grandsons, Kyle (Natalie), Cody
(Sarah), and Curtis; great-grandchildren, Reese,
Degree in City Planning from Catholic Universi-
ty. After a short term practice with Faulkner professionalism.
architectural firm, he moved to California to
Vincent, Nora, A.J., Orion, and Zain.
BAILEY made to the Temple Beth Ami David Carin
Memorial Fund, National Holocaust Memor- LEE work with HUD and later Community Tech
Management regarding national energy effi-
ial Museum, and Montgomery Hospice. Charles and Juanita are to be interred together ciency standards in California. His practice at Arlington National Cemetery later this fall. EMMA LEE included serving on the Torrance City Council,
Departed this life on Sunday, September 22, and lecturing at several California Universities.
2019. She leaves to cherish her memories, In later years he actively pursued his passion
grandchildren, Eric X. Lee, Adrienne Gilliam, for plein air watercolor painting in many loca-
EMIG and Leandrea Gilliam. She is also survived tions in the U.S. Believing in the vital interaction
of painting and music, he was a serious music
by one son-in-law, one daughter-in-law, four
sisters-in-law, and a host of other relatives lover, composer and continued to participate
The officers and members of and friends. Friends may visit with the family in the music and worship life of St. Luke's
ERMA HUNDLEY COLLINS (Age 66) Plumbers Local No. 5 are regret- on Wednesday, October 9, 2019 at Mount Church Long Beach. Douglas was preceded
On Friday, September 27, 2019, Erma H. Collins fully notified of the death of Sinai Baptist Church, 1615 Third Street NW, in death by his second wife, Susan Taylor.
of Silver Springs, MD passed. Beloved wife of Brother John Henry Emig, who Washington, DC 20001, from 10 a.m. until time He is survived by daughters, Laura Stenhouse
Norbert J. Collins, Jr; loving mother of Jason passed away September 22, of funeral services at 11 a.m. Interment Fort Brazan of Whitefish, MT. and Paula Dietterich of
E. Collins; devoted daughter of the late Leon 2019 in Delaware. Services and Lincoln Cemetery. Flowers may be ordered and Maitland, Fla. and three sons, Richard Simms
and Lillian Hundley; dear sister of Maurice interment were private. condolences may be expressed at and David Carroll of Torrance, and Brent Taylor
B. Hundley; cherished sister-in-law of Myrtle James E. Killeen, III of Chicago, six grandchildren and two great
Hundley, Linda Rodgers, Richard Brock, Michael Business Manager grandchildren, as well as two sisters, Edith
(Sheree) Brock, Jeffrey Collins, Garland Cole- Bingham and Emily Richardson. A memorial
man, John Burroughs and Grace Burroughs; #1261 service will be scheduled at a later date.
and daughter-in-law of Margaret Procter. Also
survived by a host of devoted nieces, nephews
and cousins. A visitation will be held at Shrine
of St. Jude Thaddeus Catholic Church, 12701
Veirs Mill Rd., Rockville, MD 20853 from 10:45 GRIFFITHS JOHN F. LYONS
On September 21, 2019, beloved husband of WRIGHT
Left this world September 25, 2018. Celebra- a.m. to 11:45 a.m. on Monday, October 7, Lourena M. Lyons. He is also survived by other
tion of Life, 2 p.m., October 13, 2019, West- 2019. A Mass of Christian Burial will begin SHIRLEY GRIFFITHS family. A memorial service will be held at 11
minster School, 3819 Gallows Rd, Annandale, at 11:45 a.m. Interment at Gate of Heaven Of Fairfax, Virginia, peacefully passed away on JASON P. WRIGHT (Life Member)
September 28, 2019. She lived a fulfilling life a.m., Tuesday, October 15, 2019 at St. John The officers and members of
VA. Friends are welcome to attend and help Cemetery, 13801 Georgia Ave., Silver Spring, Episcopal Church, 3427 Olney-Laytonsville Rd., DEATH NOTICES
celebrate Bill's life. His ashes will be inurned MD. In lieu of flowers, donations may be of 98 years. Services to be held October 14, at Plumbers Local No. 5 are regret-
Olney, MD. fully notified of the death of MONDAY- FRIDAY 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
at 1 p.m., November 18, 2019 at the Colum- made to Mesothelioma Research Foundation 2 p.m., at The Virginian, 9229 Arlington Blvd., SATURDAY-SUNDAY 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.
barium, Arlington National Cemetery with Full of America, Please view Fairfax, VA. Demaine Funeral Home, Fairfax, VA Brother Jason P. Wright, who
Military Honors. and sign family guestbook at to handle her arrangements. passed away August 18, 2018 in To place a notice, call: Middletown, MD. 202-334-4122
James E. Killeen, III
MARGOLIES Business Manager
800-627-1150 ext 4-4122
(Age 90)
Of Washington, DC died peacefully on Octo- Email and faxes MUST include
ber 3, 2019 surrounded by family. She was name, home address & home phone #
born on December 24, 1928 in Brooklyn, of the responsible billing party.
New York. She was a graduate of Brooklyn
College and Columbia Law School (class
DEATH NOTICE Fax & email deadline - 3 p.m. daily
Phone-In deadline
of 1952). She was a trial attorney for the 4 p.m. M-F
Review Section of the Tax Division of the DUNCAN 3 p.m. Sa-Su
U.S. Department of Justice and became
Chief of the Court of Federal Claims Sec- CURRENT 2019 RATES:
tion. In 2005, she received the Mary C.
Lawton Lifetime Service Award for her 50
years of service with the Tax Division. She MONDAY-SATURDAY
married Hubert H. Margolies in 1960. She is Black & White
1" - $150 (text only)
survived by her daughter Beth Meyer; son- 2" - $340 (text only)
in-law Larry Meyer; granddaughters Han- 3" - $490
nah and Sarah Meyer; and her niece Pamela 4" - $535
DeColo and her nephew Keith Stubbs. A 5" - $678
memorial service will be held at 1:30 p.m. ------
on Monday, October 7, at Washington SUNDAY
BRUCE MacLENNAN "Big Fella" Hebrew Congregation, 3935 Macomb St., Black & White
EILEEN CRAWLEY MacLENNAN HELEN HANSON HOLT NW, Washington, DC, followed by a recep- 1"- $179 (text only)
Colonel USAF (Retired) In the early hours of Monday, September 23, tion at the temple. Donations may be made 2" - $376(text only)
2019, Helen Hanson Holt, nee Helen Lorraine in her name to the Alzheimer's Association 3" - $543
Colonel (USAF, retired) Bruce “Big Fella” MacLennan, 84, of Alexandria, VA, passed away on Hanson passed peacefully from this earth. ( 4" - $572
September 10, 2019, after battling cancer for four years. He was preceded in death by his Preceded in death by her husband of 68 years 5" - $738
wife of 53 years, Eileen Crawley MacLennan, 83, who passed away on August 17, 2019, of former Navy commander Bill B. Holt. Helen is
arteriolosclerosis and complications. survived by four children, Bill Holt Jr. of Incline 6"+ for ALL Black & White notices
Village, NV; Susan Steiman of McLean, VA, $150 each additional inch wkday
Bruce, born in Quincy, MA to Alger and Virginia MacLennan in 1935, graduated from Braintree $179 each additional inch Sunday
Steven Holt of Lorton, VA, Katherine Struck of --------------------
(MA) High School, Thayer Academy, and The University of New Hampshire. He joined The
Air Force through ROTC in April, 1959, and began a 30-year career, fulfilling his childhood
Columbia, MD and by her sister Marian Fina of
Washington State. Helen had 11 grandchildren PALUMBO JENNIFER DUNCAN
Our beloved Jennifer peacefully left this world
ambition of flying high-performance fighter aircraft, culminating in command of USAFE’s and seven great grandchildren. to join her mother on Friday, September 20, 3" - $628
first F-5 Fighter Aggressor Squadron. He served three tours in Southeast Asia in the 1960s, Helen was born in 1925 and grew up in SHARON LOVE PALUMBO 2019, suffering from endocarditis. She passed 4" - $676
including two tours in The F-4 Phantom, earning two Distinguished Flying Crosses. Colonel Conway, Washington where she met her future Passed on October 1, 2019 at her home. at INOVA Fairfax Hospital. Jennifer is the daugh- 5" - $826
MacLennan retired from The Weapons and Plans Division at The Pentagon in 1989. He was husband Bill, a naval aviator. Much of her early The visitation will be at Murphy Funeral ter of Don Duncan of Annandale, Virginia. She ------
predeceased by his brother, Everett, and is survived by his brother, John, and five nephews adult life was spent as a Navy wife patiently Home, 1102 West Broad Street, Falls was preceded in death by her mother, Lauren SUNDAY
and nieces. and tirelessly raising her four children at short Ochenrider Duncan, her Grandparents, Gordon Color
Church, VA 22046 on Sunday October 3" - $665
postings across the United States and Alaska. 6, 2019 from 2 to 4 p.m. and 6:30 to Ochenrider of McLean, Virginia and Homer
Eileen Fern Crawley, born in Pittsburgh to Patrick and Cecelia Crawley in 1936, grew up in She spent five years in Europe during the Cold 4" - $760
8:30 p.m. The funeral is at Holy Trinity Duncan and Ethel Duncan of Pryor, Oklahoma. 5" - $926
Southern California. She began her career as a dance instructor at Arthur Murray and as a War in Naples Italy and Paris France. Roman Catholic Church, 3513 N. Street She also leaves behind three loving brothers
professional model. In 1958, she was accepted into The American Airlines Flight Attendant Helen returned to the states in 1964 to Spring- NW Georgetown, Washington, DC on and sisters, Kristen Gillespie of Harrington, 6"+ for ALL color notices
program and quickly advanced to become one of the youngest Stewardess Supervisors at field Virginia. She finally settled in Elkton Vir- October 7, 2019 at 10:30 a.m. For more Delaware, Matthew Duncan of Poolesville, $249 each additional inch wkday
American Airlines. Bruce and Eileen married in July 1966. She successfully balanced two ginia where she ceaselessly volunteered in information please go to Maryland and Patrick Duncan of Centreville, $277 each additional inch Sunday
careers for 23 years as a Supervisor at American and as an Air Force Officer’s wife. She this small rural community. Helen will always Virginia. Her Grandmother, Betty Ochenrider,
continued to fly as The Senior Attendant in the Washington-National area, retiring in 2003 be remembered for her warm smile and gra- of McLean, and her four nieces and nephews, Notices with photos begin at 3"
after 45 years of service. In retirement, Eileen took her love of Lhasa Apso dogs, which she cious friendliness. She cheered the hearts of Gavyn, Bella, Danyka and Ryan were the loves (All photos add 2" to your notice.)
had bred and shown for many years as Benji-Lin Kennels, to the next phase—stewarding and all whom she met. Helen enjoyed gardening, of her life. Vera Nigg and T.J. Abernathy also
judging, becoming one of the more active judges in The Non-Sporting Group. Eileen remained painting and was a voracious reader. She will held a special place in her life and heart. ALL NOTICES MUST BE PREPAID
active in the dog show world until a stroke in November 2017. She was predeceased by her be sadly missed as a soft patch of flickering
brother, Donald, and is survived by her brother, William, and two nephews and one niece. light in the world’s shaded garden.
Memorial services for immediate family will be PERNA Born on July 5, 1985, Jennifer grew up in
Fairfax, Virginia where she attended W.T.
All notices over 2" include
complimentary memorial plaque
Plans for internment and commitment services at Arlington National Cemetery are yet to be held at a later date. Woodson High School. Growing up, she was
finalized. In lieu of flowers, donations in memory of Bruce may be directed to the Air Force RUTH V. PERNA active in sports, playing soccer, basketball
On Tuesday, October 1, 2019. Lifelong resident Additional plaques start at $26 each
Aid Society, 1550 Crystal Drive, Suite 809, Arlington, VA 22202; In memory of Eileen, and field hockey and was a real Washington and may be ordered.
donations may be made to Animal Welfare League of Alexandria (AWLA), 4101 Eisenhower of Washington, DC. Beloved wife of the late Football fan. She worked for several years as
Fred R. Perna. Loving mother of Joann F.
Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22304;
HUNTER Foellmer (Donald); Fred R. Perna, Jr. (Diana);
a bartender in the Tyson’s Corner and Fairfax
All Paid Death Notices
appear on our website through
Pauline Perna-Burge (Richard) and the late
DUANE M. HUNTER (Retiree) Kathleen P. Wofsy. She is also survived by Family played a large role in Jennifer’s life.
The officers and members of nine grandchildren; five great-grandchildren She loved large family gatherings and looked LEGACY.COM
Plumbers Local No. 5 are regret- and son-in-law Paul F. Wofsy. forward to the many wonderful vacations the Included in all death notices
fully notified of the death of Friends may call at DeVol Funeral Home 2222 Optional for In Memoriams
NEELY Brother Duane M. Hunter, who
passed away August 26, 2019 in
Wisconsin Ave., N.W. (Complimentary Valet
Parking) on Tuesday, October 8, 2019 from 6 to
family took over the years. Another subject
close to her heart was small children. She
couldn’t resist picking up and cuddling a little PLEASE NOTE:
Yet the position he most enjoyed was teach- Brandywine, MD. 8 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial will be offered one when they were around and hoped to
ing marine engineering at the Naval Acade- James E. Killeen, III at St. Ann’s Church, Wisconsin Ave. and Yuma eventually build a career in that area. Notices must be placed via phone, fax or
my. Mort‘s final Navy assignment was Head, Business Manager St., NW on Wednesday, October 9 at 10 a.m. In email. Photos must be emailed. You can
Current Plans and Policy Branch in the Office lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to A Memorial celebrating Jennifer’s life will be no longer place notices, drop off photos
of the Chief of Naval Operations #1259 St. Judes Hospital. held at Fairfax Memorial Funeral Home, 9902 and make payment in person.
Braddock Road, Fairfax, Virginia on Thursday, Payment must be made via phone with
Captain Neely was awarded the Bronze Star, DEATH NOTICE DEATH NOTICE October 10, 2019 at 10 a.m. Interment will
occur later in a private family service.
debit/credit card.
the Joint Services Commendation Medal, and
two Meritorious Medals. For anyone wishing to contribute, a memorial

On retirement Mort joined the investment

MILLER fund is being established by her friends sup-
porting St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital.
banking firm of Alex Brown & Sons in Wash-
ington, and later, with his wife Adaline, arship, Williams College’s most prestigious
engaged in a rewarding antiques business. award for incoming students, covering
One of the activities in his retirement of tuition through graduate school. He studied
which he was most proud was serving as English Literature with J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S.
Chairman of the Investment Fund of the
Diocese of Washington and Treasurer of the
Episcopal Diocese, having been recruited for
Lewis at Magdalen College Oxford University,
and then at Harvard University focused on
the poetry of Sir Philip Sidney.
this job by Bishop John Walker. As head
of the Investment Committee, he visited all
88 parishes in the Diocese and achieved a
In the U.S. Foreign Service of the Department
of State, as staff to Senator John Sherman
GUY MORTON NEELY, JR. Cooper of Kentucky, as Staff Director of
significant increase in participation.
Mort, as he was known, died of pancreatic three Senate Committees, as a special envoy,
cancer at his home in Potomac, MD, on Mort is survived by his wife of 51 years, and ultimately, Ambassador to Ukraine, he
August 22, 2019. He had lived in Potomac for Adaline; three children, James Rowe believed deeply in the genius of the U.S.
the past 46 years with his wife, the former
Adaline Blount Rowe of Wilson, NC, whom he
(Suellen), Jennifer Blanchard (Daniel), and
Morton Neely (Ann); and eight grandchildren,
Constitution, the separation of powers and
the importance of freedom of speech and December 15, 2019
married in 1968. Amanda, Mackenzie, William, and Charles opportunity. Miller helped end the Vietnam
Rowe; Rachel, Rebecca and Daniel Blan- War, limit nuclear weapons, and establish
Born on October 31, 1927, in Washington, DC, chard; and James Neely. oversight of U.S. intelligence agencies.
he was the son of Guy Morton and Mildred Whether in government service, as a pro-
Neely. He was a lifelong resident of the Within the family, Mort was often referred
to as the “Rock of Gibraltar.” Known for Ambassador WILLIAM GREEN MILLER
fessor and dean at the Fletcher School of
Tufts University, a Fellow at the Kennedy
TheWashington Post Magazine will publish
Washington area, having attended Roosevelt
High School before being appointed to the his unwavering loyalty, integrity, and love of August 15,1931-September 22, 2019 School of Government at Harvard University,
or through non-governmental organizations
an Annual Commemorative Section.
U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. family, he will be greatly missed and his Ambassador William Green Miller, aged 88,
legacy cherished. In lieu of flowers the family such as the Wilson Center, the American
passed away peacefully September 22, 2019 Committee on U.S.-Soviet Relations, and
requests that donations be made to the
After graduating in 1949 Mort began a 28-
year Navy career. Highlights included serving Endowment Fund of St. Columba’s Episcopal
at his home in Hollin Hills, near Alexandria,
Virginia, surrounded by his wife of 65 years,
Search for Common Ground, Miller advo- Plan to be a part of this annual tradition!
as commanding officer of the LST USS Church in Washington, DC or to charities of cated for democratic government that seeks
Suzanne Lisle Miller, and his sons William peace, guarantees human rights and
Lawrence County and destroyer USS Floyd B. their choice Lisle of Washington, DC and Christopher
Parks, commander of Destroyer Division 72, respects religious freedom. RATES
Green (Catherine) of Arlington, Virginia. He
and commander of Destroyer Squadrons 23 A memorial service will be held on Monday, is also survived by his four granddaughters
and 9. October 14, 2019 at Saint Columba’s Episco- Caroline, Claire, Nina and Emily, and his
Throughout his career, he worked in close $11.10 per Line
pal Church, 4201 Albermarle St. NW, Wash- partnership with his beloved Suzanne. His $150 B&W Photo
brother Dr. Arthur Green Miller (Lourdes), a colleagues and friends all recognized him for
Other significant posts included tours as aide ington, DC at 2 p.m. noted artist, art historian and archaeologist,
to Commander Seventh Fleet, Commander- of Seville, Spain and Oaxaca, Mexico. The
his integrity, respect of others, gentleness $200 Color Photo
in-Chief U.S Naval Forces in Europe, and and persistence. A collector of books, music,
funeral service will be 10 a.m. Monday, Octo- and art, he expressed himself best through
Commander-in-Chief Allied Forces Southern ber 7 in Washington, DC at The Washington writing poetry, collected in Wreath of Friends.
Europe. He also served as White House aide
to President Eisenhower.
National Cathedral, with a reception to follow
at the Cosmos Club.
He loved to travel: across America to Alaska
during college, Europe as a graduate student,
Miller rose to the highest levels of national
public service as the first person from a
and as a diplomat in the Middle East and
former Soviet Union. He also loved his homes 5 p.m.
in Alexandria, Virginia and Little Compton,
family of second generation immigrants to
attend college. His father Wallace Meyer
Rhode Island, where he tended trees and
gardens, grape arbors, and fountains. To the
Friday, November 15, 2019
Miller was the son of Russian and Polish end, his greatest pleasure was to watch birds
parents who came to the United States in the and butterflies feed from the flowers and to
When the need arises, let families find you in 1890’s. His mother Marion Julia Green was
the youngest daughter of William and Julia
hear the falling waters. For more information, please call:
the Funeral Services Directory. Green, both from Ireland. Born in Manhattan,
he spent his childhood in Queens where he
Memorial contributions in Bill’s honor may be 202-334-4122 or 1-800-627-1150, ext. 4-4122
made to: E-mail:
To be seen in the Funeral Services Directory, attended public school. He won a scholarship The Restoration Fund at
to the Trinity School in Manhattan, where he
please call paid Death Notices at 202-334-4122. starred in football, basketball, baseball and
Washington National Cathedral
3101 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
track. He received a Stephen Tyng Schol- Washington, District of Columbia 20016
Daily Newspapers & Magazines in PDF for Telegram: @WorldAndNews


The Weather

A full taste of fall Today Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday OFFICIAL RECORD
Partly sunny Partly sunny Mostly cloudy, Partly sunny Mostly sunny Partly sunny
Fall-like temperatures in the mid- to showers Temperatures AVERAGE RECORD ACTUAL FORECAST

upper 60s are below average for this

time of year. It may be a slight shock
to our bodies, having come from 98
degrees on Wednesday. Easterly
breezes remain light to moderate, with clouds
slowly increasing only near sunset. Night brings
calm winds. A raindrop or two can’t be ruled out
near dawn. Temperatures bottom out near 60
69° 61 ° 77° 66 ° 80° 58 ° 72° 54 ° 72° 55 ° 70° 56 °

FEELS*: 69° FEELS: 75° FEELS: 77° FEELS: 72° FEELS: 72° FEELS: 69°
degrees downtown, while temperatures near the CHNCE PRECIP: 0% P: 15% P: 65% P: 5% P: 5% P: 10%
mid- to upper 50s are possible away from the city. WIND: ESE 7–14 mph W: S 8–16 mph W: SSW 8–16 mph W: N 8–16 mph W: NE 7–14 mph W: NE 7–14 mph
HUMIDITY: Moderate H: Moderate H: Moderate H: Moderate H: Moderate H: Moderate
M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M

through 5 p.m.
Reagan Dulles BWI yesterday

REGION NATION Weather map features for noon today. High 80° 3:02 p.m. 78° 2:50 p.m. 79° 3:00 p.m.
Low 70° 6:50 a.m. 68° 6:46 a.m. 67° 7:00 a.m.
Philadelphia Normal 72°/55° 72°/48° 71°/50°
65/54 Record high 94° 1954 90° 2013 92° 1954
Record low 34° 1974 26° 1974 31° 1974
Baltimore Difference from 30–yr. avg. (Reagan): this month: +14.7° yr. to date: +3.0°
68/58 Dover
Davis Washington Cape May
63/51 Annapolis 65/59
69/61 68/61 OCEAN: 72°

Charlottesville Ocean City

69/58 66/62
OCEAN: 73°
72/60 Virginia Beach Reagan Dulles BWI
Norfolk OCEAN: 77° Past 24 hours 0.00" 0.00" Trace
71/65 Total this month 0.00" 0.00" Trace
Kitty Hawk Normal 0.43" 0.42" 0.45"
72/67 Total this year 31.03" 30.25" 27.25"
OCEAN: 77° Normal 30.55" 32.34" 32.33"

Pollen: Moderate Air Quality: Good

Grass Low Dominant cause: Particulates
Trees Low
Moon Phases Solar system
Weeds Moderate UV: Moderate
Mold Moderate 4 out of 11+ Rise Set
Sun 7:07 a.m. 6:45 p.m.
Moon 2:28 p.m. none
Blue Ridge: Today, partly sunny, cool. High 52–56. Wind Oct 5 Oct 13 Oct 21 Oct 27 Venus 8:18 a.m. 7:22 p.m.
T-storms Rain Showers Snow Flurries Ice Cold Front Warm Front Stationary Front First Full Last New
southeast 4–8 mph. Tonight, mostly cloudy. Low 46–50. Yesterday's National World
Quarter Quarter
Mars 6:12 a.m. 6:21 p.m.
Wind south 4–8 mph. Sunday, partly sunny, afternoon High: Marion, AL 103° High: Al–Ahsa, Saudi Arabia 113° Jupiter 12:38 p.m. 10:07 p.m.
<–10 –0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110+ Low: Daniel, WY 11° Low: Ust–Omchug, Russia –11° Saturn 2:27 p.m. 11:58 p.m.
shower. High 59–63. Wind southwest 4–8 mph. Monday, for the 48 contiguous states excludes Antarctica
afternoon rain. High 61–65.
NATIONAL Today Tomorrow Des Moines 67/44/r 65/44/pc Oklahoma City 83/59/pc 70/48/t WORLD Today Tomorrow Hong Kong 90/80/pc 87/77/t Rio de Janeiro 87/74/s 82/72/s
Atlantic beaches: Today, partly sunny, afternoon shower. Detroit 63/56/pc 69/50/pc Omaha 67/45/t 66/42/pc Islamabad 84/62/s 82/64/c Riyadh 103/78/s 103/79/s
High 66–72. Wind northeast 10–20 mph. Tonight, mostly Albany, NY 59/42/s 66/60/c El Paso 86/63/s 87/56/pc Orlando 88/72/pc 88/73/pc Addis Ababa 68/51/r 70/50/pc Istanbul 69/58/sh 67/57/r Rome 75/57/sh 74/58/pc
cloudy. Low 57–65. Wind southeast 7–14 mph. Sunday, Albuquerque 76/51/s 76/46/s Fairbanks, AK 40/27/sh 38/27/c Philadelphia 65/54/s 74/65/c Amsterdam 57/45/pc 51/41/r Jerusalem 82/60/s 80/62/s San Salvador 84/69/t 84/69/t
mostly cloudy, milder. High 74–79. Wind south 10–20 mph. Anchorage 50/35/r 46/32/c Fargo, ND 55/43/r 57/38/c Phoenix 96/69/s 96/68/s Athens 80/65/pc 78/66/s Johannesburg 86/58/s 84/59/s Santiago 73/41/pc 78/49/pc
Monday, mostly cloudy. High 77–82. Atlanta 82/63/pc 82/66/pc Hartford, CT 61/39/s 67/62/c Pittsburgh 67/57/s 72/53/sh Auckland 64/52/pc 63/53/pc Kabul 66/50/pc 59/47/pc Sarajevo 58/41/t 57/37/pc
Austin 96/69/s 96/63/s Honolulu 87/73/s 85/72/s Portland, ME 58/39/s 61/56/c Baghdad 99/68/s 98/66/c Kingston, Jam. 88/77/t 88/79/t Seoul 73/53/s 73/56/pc
Waterways: Upper Potomac River: Today, partly sunny, cool. Wind Baltimore 68/58/s 76/64/c Houston 93/73/s 91/72/s Portland, OR 66/46/pc 71/47/pc Bangkok 90/77/sh 89/76/c Kolkata 91/76/t 89/76/t Shanghai 79/65/c 77/64/pc
northeast 5–10 knots. Waves a foot or less. Visibility unrestricted. Billings, MT 57/39/pc 59/40/s Indianapolis 74/59/pc 71/50/t Providence, RI 60/42/s 68/60/c Beijing 66/44/s 63/46/c Lagos 82/75/t 85/76/t Singapore 89/78/pc 89/78/c
• Lower Potomac and Chesapeake Bay: Today, partly sunny, cool, Birmingham 94/69/t 86/69/pc Jackson, MS 93/68/pc 89/67/pc Raleigh, NC 71/61/c 80/61/c Berlin 51/34/pc 51/33/pc Lima 65/59/pc 65/59/pc Stockholm 43/29/sh 43/32/sh
breezy. Wind east 10–20 knots. Waves around a foot or the lower Bismarck, ND 56/43/r 58/36/pc Jacksonville, FL 88/73/pc 86/71/c Reno, NV 71/39/s 72/43/s Bogota 67/48/sh 66/47/r Lisbon 73/61/pc 80/61/pc Sydney 67/59/r 77/65/pc
Boise 62/35/s 64/38/s Kansas City, MO 71/45/t 64/43/pc Richmond 72/60/pc 80/62/pc Brussels 56/47/sh 56/45/r London 61/53/c 61/49/r Taipei City 90/76/s 86/75/pc
Potomac, 1–3 feet on the Chesapeake.• River Stages: The stage at
Boston 59/47/s 68/62/c Las Vegas 86/61/s 87/62/s Sacramento 83/51/s 87/52/s Buenos Aires 67/46/s 69/53/s Madrid 81/53/s 81/53/pc Tehran 81/60/s 82/64/s
Little Falls will be 2.8 feet today, holding nearly steady for Sunday. Buffalo 62/52/s 69/52/sh Little Rock 86/67/pc 87/58/t St. Louis 76/55/t 71/50/pc Cairo 95/71/s 93/71/s Manila 89/77/t 90/77/t Tokyo 83/69/s 74/65/sh
Flood stage at Little Falls is 10 feet. Burlington, VT 55/40/s 64/58/c Los Angeles 84/59/s 85/60/s St. Thomas, VI 89/80/sh 89/81/t Caracas 73/66/t 73/67/t Mexico City 75/54/t 75/54/t Toronto 55/51/pc 68/50/sh
Charleston, SC 79/68/c 83/67/sh Louisville 84/67/pc 79/56/t Salt Lake City 61/39/s 62/40/s Copenhagen 49/37/sh 47/36/pc Montreal 54/38/s 60/54/sh Vienna 57/43/r 53/35/pc
Charleston, WV 78/60/s 77/59/sh Memphis 89/69/s 89/58/t San Diego 74/59/s 76/60/pc Dakar 88/79/pc 88/80/s Moscow 50/37/c 39/33/r Warsaw 51/35/c 47/34/pc
Today’s tides (High tides in Bold)
Charlotte 70/60/c 80/63/c Miami 89/77/pc 89/76/pc San Francisco 77/55/s 82/56/s Dublin 61/48/r 60/48/pc Mumbai 89/77/t 89/79/t
Key: s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, r-rain,
Washington 1:37 a.m. 9:06 a.m. 2:21 p.m. 9:01 p.m. Cheyenne, WY 63/33/s 58/30/s Milwaukee 60/51/r 66/49/s San Juan, PR 90/78/pc 90/79/t Edinburgh 55/48/r 56/47/r Nairobi 74/58/pc 75/58/t sh- showers, t-thunderstorms, sf-snow flurries,
Chicago 63/51/r 66/48/pc Minneapolis 59/47/r 62/44/pc Seattle 62/45/pc 64/50/c Frankfurt 56/42/pc 52/43/r New Delhi 92/70/pc 94/72/pc sn-snow, i-ice
Annapolis 5:46 a.m. 10:55 a.m. 5:15 p.m. none
Cincinnati 78/62/pc 75/53/sh Nashville 90/68/s 83/59/t Spokane, WA 57/36/pc 61/40/s Geneva 61/45/c 62/45/c Oslo 44/27/s 45/29/pc Sources:; US Army Centralized
Ocean City 1:05 a.m. 7:17 a.m. 1:42 p.m. 8:26 p.m. Allergen Extract Lab (pollen data); (air
Cleveland 68/60/s 74/52/sh New Orleans 92/76/pc 89/74/t Syracuse 61/47/s 68/56/sh Ham., Bermuda 78/70/pc 77/72/pc Ottawa 55/39/pc 62/48/r quality data); National Weather Service
Norfolk 3:18 a.m. 9:20 a.m. 3:56 p.m. 10:19 p.m. Dallas 93/73/s 93/58/pc New York City 60/53/s 71/64/c Tampa 91/73/pc 91/74/pc Helsinki 40/28/c 41/29/c Paris 63/54/sh 63/51/sh * AccuWeather's RealFeel Temperature®
combines over a dozen factors for an accurate
Point Lookout 2:26 a.m. 7:05 a.m. 12:54 p.m. 8:07 p.m. Denver 68/37/s 61/34/s Norfolk 71/65/c 79/68/pc Wichita 76/51/t 64/44/pc Ho Chi Minh City 90/74/t 90/75/t Prague 52/38/r 48/31/pc measure of how the conditions really “feel.”

In first, openly transgender woman stars in wrestling championship in D.C.


Women’s World Championship

on the debut episode of a new
show, “Dynamite,” from All Elite
Wrestling, an upstart promotion
that aims to compete with WWE
with a message of inclusion.
When Rose signed with AEW
earlier this year, the company
and the wrestler played down
her gender identity, focusing the
story line on her strength in the
ring, her imposing size and her
Native American heritage.
As her fandom grew, so did the
backlash. Angry messages from
wrestling fans emerged in online
chat rooms and on Twitter
threads, bringing the usual out-
rage that comes from a transgen-
der woman competing in female
sports. Even in a sport that is wasn’t “that big of a deal.” neighborhood of Northwest
scripted and performative, some If it had been a mixed martial Washington.
still questioned whether Rose’s arts fight, Hirsch said, “then I’d She attended T.C. Williams
placement in women’s matches have an issue with it. But wres- High School in Alexandria,
is fair. tling is entertainment.” where she was on the wrestling
“I’m actually a little concerned Hirsch said he doesn’t person- team for one week and “hated it.”
about how she is with the other ally know anyone who is trans- “It was not as theatrical as I
wrestlers, because for most of gender. “Everyone has their own hoped it would be,” she said. “I PHOTOS BY ASTRID RIECKEN FOR THE WASHINGTON POST

her life, she was stronger, pro- opinions on it,” he said. “To me, thought they were going to let LEFT: A packed arena awaits the start of the All Elite Wrestling Women’s World Championship at
portionately, by a lot. But now it’s wrestling. Leave it alone.” me get a crazy costume and get Capital One Arena in Washington on Wednesday. ABOVE: Nyla Rose, an openly transgender wrestler,
she’s something else,” said Adam Die-hard wrestling fans like some entrance music and be all appeared at times to dominate her opponent, Riho. But in the end, Riho made a surprise comeback.
Fried, a plumber from Silver Hirsch didn’t come to make a flashy.” She stuck with the drama
Spring, one among the scores of political statement. They came to club instead and eventually en- was incredibly emotionally over- lifted the tiny wrestler up in the the match, the crowd favorite.
mainly male wrestling fans who see punches thrown and bodies tered the independent wrestling whelming,” she told Sports Illus- air, Riho’s legs kicking around. And it was clear that, at least
had waited in line for Wednesday flipped. They came to be enter- scene to pursue a career that trated. At one point in the match, according to the AEW script,
night’s show. tained. combined her love of both. In the years that followed, she Riho kicked Rose out of the ring Rose’s size didn’t matter all that
Joshua Szafran, 28, a real And that was exactly what “I’ve always known who I continued landing spots in inde- and tried diving on top of her. much after all.
estate agent from Baltimore who Rose said she had hoped for. was,” she said about her gender pendent promotions on the East But Rose caught her easily in her “The fans are really into this
was wearing a Bluetooth in his Rose knew there might be fans identity. But she didn’t start Coast and in Japan. In February, arms like a baby. one. . . . No matter who wins this,
ear and a T-shirt with the words watching who have never known medically transitioning until she she signed with All Elite Wres- Later, back in the ring, Riho we have been impressed with
“Eat Greg Eat,” said he felt it was a trans person. With Rose in the was in her mid-20s, once she had tling. tried picking up Nyla for a “pow- both these ladies,” a TV commen-
a “politically motivated” and “po- ring, “they can see another way already started wrestling at On Wednesday night, she er bomb” but failed. tator said.
larizing” choice for AEW to pro- someone lives their life. Some- smaller independent shows. faced a roaring crowd in her “Her body just collapsed,” a “It’s been a hell of a match,”
mote Rose so soon. thing they’re not normally used She assumed the wrestling hometown. commentator on the live broad- said another.
“Honestly, I’m not sure,” said to,” she said in an interview world would reject someone like “Nyla! Nyla! Nyla!” fans shout- cast said. At the match’s climax, Riho
Szafran. “It definitely feels more Wednesday before the show. “So her. But six years ago, she was ed. “No shortage of spirit, of sprinted across the ring, kneeing
like virtue-signaling than any- it eventually becomes not a big given a chance to fight with a “She’s the Native Beast!” a pluck, moxy or grit from Riho, Rose in the face, stunning her
thing else. . . . They want to deal.” promotion owned by Cody Covey, commentator said, using her but Nyla Rose just with a dis- and pinning her down.
virtue-signal and say they’re For Rose, fighting in such a Rose recalled to Sports Illustrat- wrestling moniker, a nod to her tinct, overwhelming advantage,” “One, two, three!” the crowd
checking all the boxes they have major ring, in her hometown, is a ed. She decided to tell the owner Native American heritage. a commentator said. chanted.
to check.” big deal. A formally trained ac- that she was transgender. “He A commanding figure, with Riho had been training to be a Riho was crowned the winner,
But for Chris Hirsch, a 32- tress and martial artist of Oneida was like, ‘That’s cool; I don’t care. tattooed tributes to the Legend professional wrestler her entire the first AEW Women’s World
year-old who goes by the name heritage, Rose grew up watching Can you wrestle?’ ” After the of Zelda and “General Tso’s life. And as she drop-kicked and Champion.
“Fuzzy” and drove 21/2 hours from wrestling on TV with her grand- match, Rose broke down in tears. chicken” — in Chinese characters punched Rose, the fans around “Un — be — lievable!” the
Harrisonburg, Va., with his wife mother in a lower-middle-class “For him to have that vote of — Rose grabbed Riho like a rag the ring got onto their feet. It was commentator on the TV shouted.
and 7-year-old daughter, it really home in the Mount Pleasant confidence and just not care, it doll, flinging her around. She clear Riho was the “babyface” of

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Diahann Carroll led the way to Olivia Pope

With ‘Julia,’ the Oscar-nominated actress set the stage for other prime-time shows starring black women Carroll, seen
in 1963, was
BY B ETHONIE B UTLER for three seasons on NBC. The first time in nearly four decades encountered a stark reminder of the first on TV
series — which starred Carroll as (since Teresa Graves starred in her groundbreaking status. In a to portray an
When Season 4 of ABC’s “Scan- a registered nurse raising her ABC’s short-lived 1970s crime 2014 episode of PBS’s “Pioneers of African
dal” premiered in 2014, viewers young son alone following drama “Get Christie Love!”) that Television,” Carroll recalled that American
learned that Olivia Pope, the in- the death of her husband in Viet- an African American woman was NBC’s makeup department did woman in a
imitable fixer played by Kerry nam — was the first to star an the lead of a prime-time network not have makeup for an actress of professional
Washington, was living under an African American woman in a drama. her complexion. role. She died
alias. Her team of gladiators had professional role and not the By the time she began playing “The studio had only dealt with Friday at the
all taken on new monikers, but stereotypical servile characters to Julia Baker in 1968, Carroll had the little American girls or Euro- age of 84.
Olivia’s — Julia Baker — held a which black women had been already become the first black pean girls,” Carroll said. “How
deeper significance. relegated. woman to win a Tony (for the could you have a makeup depart-
Julia Baker is the character Carroll, who died Friday after a musical “No Strings”) and had ment and you don’t have makeup
Diahann Carroll played on the battle with cancer, was seen as a starred in several films including for every skin in the United States
groundbreaking sitcom “Julia,” forebearer to Washington and her “Porgy and Bess.” But in her early of America?”
which premiered in 1968 and ran iconic role, which marked the days at NBC, the Harlem native SEE APPRECIATION ON C2 ASSOCIATED PRESS


Plenty of
but lacking
the flutter

The revolutionary art of Merce

Cunningham, the great modern-
dance choreographer, looks as
singular and even futuristic now,
in his centennial year, as it must
have 50 and 60 years ago.
This was clear Thursday night
at the Kennedy Center, where the
Compagnie Centre National de
Danse Contemporaine, from An-
gers, France, performed his medi-
tative “Beach Birds” and the more
lush “BIPED,” with its shimmer-
ing costumes, arresting visual
projections and a layered, tuneful
score by Gavin Bryars.
Bryars, the celebrated experi-
mental composer who worked
with Cunningham’s longtime mu-
sical collaborator, John Cage, in
the 1960s, was in the pit playing
upright bass for both pieces
Thursday. Lucky for us, to be so
close to the Cunningham-Cage
The artistic bloodline is impor-
tant, given Cunningham’s death
in 2009. He would have been 100
on April 16, and this program,
which continues through Satur-
ningham at 100” celebrations
across the country, as well as in

reflections on forever
Europe, Latin America and Cana-
The CNDC, as the French com-
pany is called, offered a rare look
at two Cunningham pieces from
the 1990s. Both “Beach Birds” and
“BIPED” were lovingly recon-
structed and staged by Robert
There is a little bit of everything on the very sale racks, sending them off with a Swinston, the CNDC director who
$5 rack at Forever 21: a pair of thigh-high Hot Cheetos tube top or some leopard- was a longtime member of the
combat boots, a crop-top hoodie embla- print spandex: the final offerings of a Merce Cunningham Dance Com-
zoned with the Sprite logo, tweed shorts, a The retailer that store that, for many, was a lot more than a pany.
phone case featuring a smiling taco. recently declared place to buy cheap clothes. But hands-on connection to a
I have come here, to the Forever 21 at Forever 21 has always catered primarily dance isn’t enough to bring it to
Potomac Mills mall in Woodbridge, Va., 25
bankruptcy has to young women in their teens and 20s. It life. The works looked beautiful,
miles from downtown Washington, be- long been was a place many went in middle and high but after getting underway, they
cause Forever 21 just declared bankrupt- school, especially, to buy trendy clothes felt somewhat lackluster. “Beach
cy. Over the next few months, as many as
treasured as a on the cheap. But, now, much of the store’s Birds” takes your breath away
350 of its 549 stores will close worldwide; place to find trendy original base has aged out of “Forever,” when it begins, with the dancers
up to 178 of those closures will be in the looks for cheap and younger consumers are turning in- silhouetted in silence on a dark-
United States. stead to companies that make it easier to ened stage, each one with knees
The locations most likely to shutter are shop online. Gen Z is also eager to support slightly bent. They look like an
in “lower-quality malls,” executives say, BY C AROLINE brands that focus on sustainability, prior- array of Noguchi sculptures, styl-
making this store, right next to an old K ITCHENER itizing good labor and environmental ized and sleek. They’re even more
Sears — which filed for bankruptcy last practices over low prices. (Forever 21 has beautiful when the lights come
fall — especially vulnerable. Soon, one come under fire for paying its workers up, and they haven’t moved. They
final clearance may lure patrons to these SEE FOREVER 21 ON C2 still have that look of perching,
and they’re swaying so gently, it’s
almost imperceptible. When
Cage’s music begins, it sounds
like wind and soft rain.
The dancers look like birds, all
in white except for a black stripe
across the chest and arms. Deli-
TV REVIEWS cately, they hop and dip. They

Gotham deserves better than this lame ‘Batwoman’

BY H ANK S TUEVER Batwoman. Don’t you know? spree and try to rescue Sophie
She’s a lesbian, but that’s not all from captivity.
Gotham City, a nervous surveil- she is — they say she’s Jewish, too. Kate also discovers the caverns
lance state, hasn’t heard from Without getting nerdy about it, behind cousin Bruce’s dusty
Batman in years. Municipal lead- Batwoman is not Batgirl, that bookshelves, a techno-fortress
ers are ready to shut off the city’s feisty, redheaded ancillary to the wimpily guarded by Luke Fox
Bat-Signal klieg lights and rely Batmans and Robins of yore. (Camrus Johnson), the son of Lu-
instead on the crime-fighting ser- The drab “Batwoman,” pre- cius Fox, who was Wayne’s busi-
vices of a private security force miering Sunday on CW, is a thou- ness manager. Kate is no fan of
called the Crows. There’s a big sand percent less groovy than Batman; she blames him for fail-
news conference and party to Batgirl. Ruby Rose (“Orange Is ing to rescue her twin sister and
celebrate the city’s batless confi- the New Black”) stars as Kate mother when their car plummet-
dence, which, if you know any- Kane, the cousin of Bruce Wayne. ed off a bridge years ago. Only
thing about Gotham City, is just Kicked out of the police academy Kate survived. Rather than just
the right opportunity for a new for a same-sex romance with an- give viewers this origin material
villain to announce herself: the other cadet named Sophie (Mea- in an efficient, don’t-change-the-
psychotic Alice (Rachel Skarsten) gan Tandy), Kate ran off to some channel style, “Batwoman” metes
and her Wonderland henchmen remote tundra for one of those it out with deliberate vagueness, CHARLOTTE AUDUREAU/KENNEDY CENTER

in rabbit masks. Who will save personal training boot camps more frustrating than foreshad- Anna Chirescu and Carlo
Gotham now? with a mystical jujitsu instructor. owing. Schiavo in “Beach Birds,” part
Batwoman. ROBERT FALCONER/THE CW She’s returned to Gotham just in Whatever grudge Kate holds of the “Merce Cunningham at
Who? What? Ruby Rose plays Kate Kane, the alter ego of Batwoman. time to witness Alice’s crime SEE TV REVIEWS ON C2 100” program.
Daily Newspapers & Magazines in PDF for Telegram: @WorldAndNews


“Don’t try to write for who you think I am — A place to try on personas
write for a white man who wants to be wealthy and powerful.”
Diahann Carroll, to the writers of “Dynasty”
well below minimum wage.)

Carroll broke barriers, won accolades along the way This particular Forever 21 has
been a fixture in Woodbridge for
well over a decade, says Natalie
Holmes, 26, who is combing the
APPRECIATION FROM C1 she said in a 1998 interview with racks for “crushed velvet.”
the Television Academy. “Every- Holmes knows because she re-
Just two years earlier, NBC had one was elegant, everyone was members coming here as a teen-
struggled to find a national spon- rich, everyone was traveling all ager. It was a big deal when the
sor for a star-studded variety pro- over the world, and I said, ‘That’s store expanded a few years ago,
gram hosted by crooner Nat King what I want to do. That’s what I reopening with faux white mar-
Cole, who later remarked that need to do.’” ble siding across the storefront
“Madison Avenue is afraid of the Carroll reached out to Aaron and a three-foot-tall reflective
dark.” “Julia” defied expectations Spelling and suggested to one of sign: “XXI Forever.”
— landing in the Nielsen Top 10 in the producer’s colleagues that Ashley Stevenson, 34, remem-
its first season — and led to a “Dynasty” — which had dealt, bers that, too. She’s been coming
series of accolades for Carroll, however controversially, with here since she moved to the CAROLINE KITCHENER FOR THE LILY

who in 1969 became the first homosexuality and other hot-but- suburbs from downtown Wash- Forever 21, which made a name
African American to win a Golden ton issues — had tackled just ington almost 10 years ago. To- for itself with its low prices,
Globe — and the first African about everything except racial day, browsing with her mom, she declared bankruptcy. Hundreds
American woman to receive an integration. To do that, they first has selected a rainbow leotard. of stores will close worldwide.
Emmy nomination. had to integrate the cast. But it is much more than a
But the show was controversial But nothing happened until rainbow leotard. place for older people who “want
amid the racial unrest that fol- Barbra Streisand invited Carroll The first time Stevenson went to be 21 again” — and for younger
lowed the 1968 assassination of to sing a song from “Yentl” at the to a Forever 21, she was 25, single people who “want to be 21 for-
the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. 1983 Golden Globe Awards. and paying her way through grad ever.” People go to Forever 21 to
An Ebony article that year noted Knowing Spelling would be there, school with a hostess job in the try out different versions of
that “for all its merits as a televi- she dressed the part. After the city. Every time she got a pay- themselves: younger, older,
sion ‘first,’" the sitcom had drawn ceremony, Carroll went to the check, she’d head to the three- spunkier, hipster-ier. It’s the
criticism “for not projecting a private Los Angeles nightclub story location downtown, stock- place you go the summer before
male head-of-the-family image” where Spelling and his colleagues ing up on whatever seemed to be college, to buy clothes your moth-
and “for showing Julia and [her] were celebrating. Spelling later in style. When she went out to er will never see. You might look
son leading a happily integrated told People that after seeing Car- 9:30 Club, a popular D.C. concert at a velvet miniskirt and think,
life among middle class whites.” roll, he and “Dynasty” co-creator venue, she wanted to look the well, usually that wouldn’t be me.
“However Julia is presented, Esther Shapiro “looked at each part. Her favorite item was a But it’s only $17. And my friends
she represents another and more other and said, 'My God, she is jacket covered in sequins and are here, telling me I look good.
realistic evolution purely because ‘Dynasty.’ ” white gorilla fur. So, you think, maybe, just today,
of the circumstances of her exis- When Carroll came on board, Stevenson doesn’t want to lose I’ll try.
tence,” Carroll told the magazine. she had one mandate for the her younger self. But, sometimes, Chynah Sital and Jeneal John-
“She has her faults, but Julia is show’s writers: “Don’t try to write living in the suburbs with two son, both 18, have shopped at
still quite special in that she’s for who you think I am — write for kids and pregnant with her third, Forever 21 together since they
bright and curious. I identify very NBC/NBCU PHOTO BANK VIA GETTY IMAGES a white man who wants to be she worries that she might. So were in middle school. But
much with Julia.” Diahann Carroll played the widowed mother of Marc Copage’s wealthy and powerful.” every couple of months, she plans they’re not surprised that the
And the role would have impli- character, Corey, on “Julia.” The show aired from 1968 to 1971. Spoiler alert: Dominique De- nights out at 9:30 Club with her company is struggling financial-
cations for future generations, veraux turned out to be the sur- husband. And she comes to For- ly. It’s just not a place you’d go to
Carroll told Ebony. “Black chil- prise half sister of oil baron Blake ever 21 to find something to wear. shop online, they say. The experi-
dren are going to have a marvel- Carrington. The role led to epic “It kind of makes me feel like I ence of being at the store —
ous time now. Their self-image is showdowns with Blake’s vindic- can actually, maybe, be sexy sifting through racks of nonsen-
going to be so much greater.” tive ex-wife, Alexis (Joan Collins). again,” she says, holding out the sical graphic T-shirts with friends
On “Pioneers of Television,” As news of Carroll’s death hanger with the leotard. “Maybe I until you find that one thing you
Carroll recalled that in 1968, sev- spread Friday, her impact could can reconnect with that person like — is the whole point.
eral years ahead of Norman Lear’s be seen in social media posts from who likes to paint her fingernails “When I shop online, I don’t go
socially conscious sitcom slate, prominent black women in enter- and does her hair.” to Forever 21,” Sital says. The
television shows were wary of tainment. Most people told me they start- website doesn’t have many of the
addressing race. “It was absolute- “Thanks for helping clear the ed coming to Forever 21 in mid- cheapest items in the store, she
ly ‘let’s stay away from that, that is path for me and so many others,” dle or high school, when they says. “And I don’t like the way the
too controversial,’ so we knew Oprah Winfrey wrote. were still figuring out what they website looks, either.”
that going in,” Carroll said on Filmmaker Ava DuVernay liked — or what they were sup- “It’s just really old looking,”
PBS. “That first you make the tweeted that Carroll “blazed trails posed to like. Kayla Settles, 19, Johnson says. “It’s been the same
success — after you’ve done that, through dense forests and ele- used to come here after school since we were in eighth grade.”
you can make other steps.” gantly left diamonds along the with her older sister and her When she and her friends shop
“There was nothing like this path for the rest of us to follow.” sister’s friends. She’d ask the online, she says, they usually go
young successful mother on the “Diahann Carroll you taught us older girls whether they liked to online-first shopping plat-
air,” she added. “We thought that so much,” wrote Debbie Allen, what she’d picked out, trying to forms such as Fashion Nova and
it might be a very good stepping who directed the actress in her play it cool, even though her PrettyLittleThing. “Forever 21
stone.” recurring role as Whitley Gil- decision to buy rested entirely on just hadn’t developed well tech-
After “Julia” went off the air in bert’s mother on “A Different their answer. nologically.”
1971, Carroll returned to the stage NICK UT/ASSOCIATED PRESS World.” “We are stronger, more “I’d be like, ‘Hey, do you think Settles has a different theory.
and the big screen, which landed Carroll and Billy Dee Williams were co-stars on “Dynasty,” where beautiful and risk takers because this is cute?’ ” says Settles, who There was a time when being
her an Oscar nomination (for she played the ruthless Dominique Deveraux. of you,” Allen added. “We will came to the store today because “totally random” was cool, she
“Claudine”) in 1975. Nine years forever sing your praises and she’d heard about the bankruptcy says. But now Forever 21 is clearly
later, as Carroll prepared to take be the first black b---- on televi- fourth season. Carroll had sought speak your name.” and assumed there would be trying too hard.
on the role of a glamorous busi- sion,” she told People magazine. out the role after falling in love “I love you for eternity. With all good deals. “We all wanted to be “I knew something was wrong
nesswoman in the iconic prime- Her character, Dominique De- with the soap. “I thought, ‘If this my heart. I am because of you,” like the older kids.” when they made that Hot Chee-
time soap “Dynasty,” she set her veraux, was shrouded in mystery isn’t the biggest hoot I’ve ever Washington wrote. Forever 21 co-founder Do Won tos collection,” she says.
sights on another first: “I want to when she joined “Dynasty” in its seen, and the world is loving it,'” Chang describes the store as a

A petulant Nancy Drew fictional teenage sleuth with the

titian blond hair is coming up on
her 90th birthday, and like Bar-
lives in a seaside burg called
Horseshoe Bay (whither River
Heights?) and pretty much hates
bie, she’s endured a lot of make- life.
TV REVIEWS FROM C1 “Arrow”) from executive producer overs and modernizing, launch- After the death of her mother,
Greg Berlanti (and, in “Batwom- ing a cottage industry in aca- Nancy let her grades slide and
against Batman doesn’t prevent an’s” case, writer Caroline Dries). demia, which takes a particular blew off her college applications.
her from raiding his closet and We all know there’s a deficit of interest in how she’s portrayed Now she’s taking a defiant gap
utilizing his toys. Gotham is left to female superheroes. “Supergirl,” and what she’s meant to genera- year, working as a diner waitress
wonder who this newer, shapelier launched with such satisfying tions of young girls. (As a boy who and sneaking off to have quickie
Dark Knight is. “I was running vim four years ago on CBS, mi- preferred reading Nancy Drew sex with Ned Nickerson (Tunji
toward everything that didn’t grated to CW, where it has flut- mystery books over those dopey Kasim) at the auto garage where
want me,” Kate confesses in a tered and flattened out to almost Hardy Boys, I guess I don’t count.) he works as a mechanic.
lame voice-over. “A military acad- nothing. “Batwoman” is a missed Adapting Nancy to television Everyone you remember has
emy, a private army, my own fa- opportunity to take a character and movies is a spotty business, been recast in a grittier guise:
ther. I spent 15 years searching for who is unfamiliar to pop-culture strewn with attempts. Hardly a George Fan (Leah Lewis) is Nan-
a place I didn’t fit. And I think I passersby (she’s only been around pilot season goes by, it seems, cy’s boss and resents her for being
finally found it. . . . I see the in comic-book form since 2006, a without someone pitching a re- a popular kid. Bess Marvin (Mad-
freedom to be myself, to play by relative newborn to the genre) vamped Nancy Drew series. And dison Jaizani) is secretly living in
my own rules.” and push her past whatever who recalls that the ABC series in a trailer. Nancy’s attorney father,
While I’d love to offer “Bat- comic-book gender boundaries the 1970s, supposedly alternating Carson (Scott Wolf ), is hot-tem- ROBERT FALCONER/THE CW
woman” as the ideal antidote to remain. Yet, when it comes to each week with a Hardy Boys pered and hiding something. In- Kennedy McMann, seen with Tunji Kasim, plays Nancy Drew.
the macho psychosis of Holly- both expectation and example, mystery, was overcome by Shaun stead of seeming empowered and
wood’s new “Joker” movie, I’m this Batwoman feels disappoint- Cassidy fever? (If you do, wave cool, the show is dreadful, putting ment as an irritant; her courage attempt to remold her. She could
sorry to report that, despite her ingly curtailed, as if she’s holding your cane.) far too much effort into giving has morphed into an overstated console Batwoman with the sis-
big talk, Batwoman is pretty something back. “Nancy Drew” (premiering Nancy and her world a darker petulance. On top of that, the big terly idea that franchise is forever
much a nobody on the TV screen, “If I were going to save you in a Wednesday, also on CW) wipes edge. It’s the “Riverdale” effect — mystery — stretched over two and malleability equals durabili-
a dud as both a vigilante crime- dramatic fashion,” Kate tells So- the entire slate shockingly clean, once the Archies went to seed, episodes, probably more — fails to ty. If the story doesn’t click this
fighter and a ticked-off relative phie, “I would have dressed as primarily by making Nancy more everyone must follow. register as a matter of ongoing time, maybe the next version will.
with unresolved grief issues. Wonder Woman.” impulsive and depressing. Pro- Even Nancy’s amateur sleuth- interest: A bad guy’s girlfriend is
Mostly, she’s just another paint- If that’s what it would take to ducers Josh Schwartz and Steph- ing skills are demeaned here and murdered while the town obsess-
by-numbers CW superhero, join- get things going, I’m all for it. anie Savage (of “Gossip Girl” and made difficult rather than de- es over the legendary ghost of a Batwoman (one hour) premieres
ing a collection of other, stead- Nancy Drew, meanwhile, has a the “Dynasty” reboot) and writer lightful. Her intelligence and cu- dead beauty queen. Sunday at 8 p.m. on CW; Nancy
fastly rote shows (“Supergirl,” far longer history and accumulat- Noga Landau have given us a riosity are seen by her father, Nancy’s been around long Drew (one hour) premieres
“The Flash,” the soon-departing ed cachet than Batwoman. The Nancy (Kennedy McMann) who friends and local law enforce- enough to withstand this shoddy Wednesday at 9 p.m. on CW.

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Stewart (R-Utah). RETURNING Trapped: The Alex Coop Movie: Abducted: The Mary Stauffer Story (2019) (10:09) Movie: Believe Me: The Abduction of Lisa McVey
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MSNBC Hardball Chris Matthews All In With Chris Hayes The Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word The 11th Hour
(WETA at 9 a.m.) Host Llewellyn The Walking Dead (AMC at 9)
MTV Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculousness Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ridiculous.
King interviews John Holdren, Season 10.
Nat’l Geographic Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted
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change. Movie: Godzilla ★★ (2014) Movie: Beetlejuice ★★★ (1988)
Haunted Gingerbread (5:30) Movie: Captain America: Civil War (8:45) Movie: Captain America: Civil War ★★★ (2016)
Sunday Morning Futures With Showdown (Food at 10) Season 2.
Maria Bartiromo (Fox at 10 a.m.) TBS Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Full Frontal Hot Pursuit
Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), Talking Dead (AMC at 10:15) TCM Rebel Without a Cause Movie: Ashes and Embers (1982) Movie: Summertree ★★ (1971)
Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Tex.), George Season 9. TLC 90 Day: Other 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days 90 Day: Other 90 Day Fiancé
Papadopoulos. TNT (4:30) The Dark Knight NBA Preseason Basketball: Lakers at Warriors All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite Batman Rt
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12:05) Edward Norton, Alessia
p.m.) Estonian President Kersti TV One Good Times Good Times Sanford Sanford Sanford Sanford Sanford Sanford Sanford Sanford
Kaljulaid. USA Network (7:02) Movie: Fast & Furious ★★ (2009) Movie: xXx: Return of Xander Cage ★★ (2017) Mod Fam Mod Fam
— Nina Zafar VH1 (6:25) Movie: Baby Boy ★★★ (2001) Movie: All About the Benjamins ★★ (2002) Movie: Set It Off ★★★
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Batwoman (CW at 8) Ruby Rose More at WGN (6:00) Movie: The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers ★★★ (2002) Movie: White House Down ★★ (2013)
stars as the DC Comics crime- entertainment/tv LEGEND: Bold indicates new or live programs ◆ High Definition Movie Ratings (from TMS) ★★★★ Excellent ★★★ Good ★★ Fair ★ Poor No stars: not rated


Dealing with an endless summer guest
1 Mirage sights? Adapted from a
10 Hint recent online
15 Puccini’s
Rodolfo, for one Dear Carolyn: I
16 Word with agreed to it
society or Carolyn when my
system Hax husband, “Steve,”
17 Parties like asked whether
there’s no his niece could
tomorrow stay with us over the summer.
18 Singular “Samantha” is a recent college
19 Recipe word graduate, and she’s stayed with
us before for one or two weeks
20 Utter during school breaks. We have
21 Serves, with two kids, in high school and
“out” middle school, and school is
22 Considerable back in full swing. Samantha
number has a low-paying, part-time job
23 Implore and is looking for a full-time
24 Traditional job and considering graduate
Mesoamerican school.
fare Samantha now wants to stay
“until she gets on her own two
27 Name on the feet.” Her parents don’t live in
1969 album the States, but she could easily
“Clouds” rent a room with her peers.
28 One may be It’s been over three months,
purposely and I feel that we’ve been more
broken than gracious hosting her,
29 Program access cooking, taking her on a trip
aids and providing for her needs
30 Pop-up fare © 2019 Tribune Content Agency, LLC. 10/5/19 without expecting anything in
31 Former NHL return. We are a busy family;
53 Regular beach 21 Like urban 27 Cooler 43 Many a the kids have multiple sports
forward walker’s time-share
Tikkanen population 30 Decorative and activities during the week,
resource 22 Giraffe feature fabric 45 Next in line we both work full time, and this
32 Nothing more 54 Load with is causing tension in the family.
than 23 Talk a good game 33 Rights org. 46 Tiny tot,
jeans, say since 1909 in Toledo Steve and Samantha’s dad are
33 City ordinance 24 Borne out
55 They don’t sting 34 Leaf blower 47 Commission really close, and Steve has a
subject long term hard time saying no. I’m ready
25 Fictional detec- 36 Fencing source
34 Bit of power to end Samantha’s “summer
DOWN tive often seen maneuvers 48 Combative vacation.”
35 Green of “Miss deity
Peregrine’s 1 Cuba libre wearing an 37 Show time It’s not the money or the
Home for ingredient open aloha shirt 40 Stiff 50 Part of LLC: space. I just don’t want to be
Peculiar 2 Behaved like 26 Strength of 42 Eponymous Abbr. responsible for a young adult; it
Children” 3 Like many Fla. character vacuum brand 51 Pick up opens up a different set of
36 Contaminate residents
4 Ones often How do I put a deadline on
37 Word in a FRIDAY’S LA TIMES SOLUTION this without being rude and
marriage working in
small rms. without damaging our you volunteer to be the instead someone who
metaphor marriage? messenger. If Steve is considers your household her
38 __ Aviv 5 Thelma and — Ready completely opposed to kicking home?
39 Restraining Louise, e.g. Samantha out, then ask him An adult — even a young one
order 6 Turn on Ready: A deadline isn’t rude. where he’d draw the line on — is not your responsibility, and
40 __ storm 7 “Wuthering It’s your home, so you and your her stay, if anywhere, then she doesn’t become that just for
41 Require Heights” husband theoretically could — if work toward each other from living under your roof.
compliance scenery he agreed to it — simply say no there to a time frame you both I realize I’m biased. But as
8 Apart from this to her request to extend her can bear. someone in your position
with stay. As I read your question, almost exactly, the idea of a
43 Woven line 9 Make out
The nice way to do it is to say though, all I could think was: third adult — family no less! —
44 Provoke 10 Response to a to help run the family
something that is both kind and You both work full time, your
45 Oregon’s bell honest and then be direct. kids have multiple sports and machinery just sounds like bliss
highest 11 __ wine Maybe: “We have really enjoyed activities . . . so why isn’t to me.
mountain 12 At all getting to know you over these Samantha driving and cooking
46 Org. with Eagles 13 Ship’s deck past three months. We just need and (ugh) grocery shopping for Write to Carolyn Hax at
49 Squeezable sometimes to get our household back to its you, as part of the terms of her Get her
holders reduced to six routine. We will be happy to living in your home? Why are column delivered to your inbox each
letters help you find another place, you “hosting” and “providing morning at
50 Listen though.” for [the] needs” of a
52 Upstanding 14 It’s in ice caps
and ice sheets If Steve’s merely productive, fully grown person  Join the discussion live at noon
uncomfortable with this, then who is no longer a guest but Fridays at
Daily Newspapers & Magazines in PDF for Telegram: @WorldAndNews


With ‘BIPED,’ the Cunningham dance program finds its stride “BIPED” fared a bit better,
largely because it is more ener-
gized and visually rich. The danc-
ers are sleekly clad in iridescent
DANCE FROM C1 contemporary-art world of the silver. They leap and twist behind
mid-20th century — with so many a scrim, and lines of bright color
extend a foreleg or raise a knee; abstract painters, sculptors and are projected around them, add-
they balance for long periods. It’s musicians — but it radically ing a strong, dynamic quality. At
a lovely catalogue of what made swings away from most other times, animated images loom
Cunningham such a revolution- dance. At times slow and repeti- over them, created from the com-
ary. His discovery was quite sim- tive, Cunningham’s pieces aren’t puter software Cunningham
ple, really: He was fascinated always easy to stick with. sometimes used to develop his
with the bones and muscles of the It’s exceptionally difficult to choreography. The scrim is a
body, and with their still, sculp- keep a master’s work going with- striking theatrical device, but
tural possibilities as much as out the master there, especially in also a metaphor: As marvelous as
their range of motion and ac- Cunningham’s work, which isn’t this dance looked in its decor and
tions. This led him to a radical tied to musical counts and which construction, and with Bryars’s
rethinking of dance, as pure form. relies on the often-unusual mesmerizing and mysterious
This is what’s going on in “Beach shapes and body mechanics of his sound world, watching it some-
Birds.” own invention. At the Kennedy how felt like an imperfect glimpse
However birdlike the dancers Center, there were a few miscues at a world gone by.
seem, Cunningham isn’t telling a among the dancers, a few mo-
story about birds or beaches. His ments when uniformity was miss-
dances exist entirely on their ing or positions were shaky. As Merce Cunningham at 100 with
own, without plot or characters, stripped-down as it seems, Cun- Compagnie Centre National de
without emotionalism or psy- ningham’s choreography is ex- Danse Contemporaine. Through
chology. Without message. traordinarily demanding on the JEF RABILLON/KENNEDY CENTER
Saturday at the Kennedy Center.
His work was in step with the body and the memory. Dancers perform “BIPED,” part of the “Merce Cunningham at 100” program at the Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600.

MOVIE DIRECTORY (!) No Pass/No Discount Ticket

Saturday, October 5, 2019
DISTRICT Joker (R) OC: 2:20-6:40
Hustlers (R) 11:05AM
AMC Loews
St. Charles Town Ctr. 9
The Climbers (NR) 11:20-4:50-
Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy
(Telugu) (NR) 12:55
Abominable in RealD 3D (PG)
Abominable in RealD 3D (PG)
CC: 1:30-7:25-10:00
Bow Tie
Reston Town Ctr 11 & BTX
Rambo: Last Blood (R) 12:15-
Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs
& Shaw (PG-13) 12:15-3:25-
AMC Georgetown 14 Rambo: Last Blood (R) 11:05AM 11115 Mall Circle War (Hindi) (NR) 11:30-4:15- Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs War (Hindi) (NR) 12:00-3:30- The Panti Sisters 1:30-7:20 11940 Market St Nothing to Lose 2 (PG-13) 1:25- 6:35-9:40
3111 K Street N.W.
Smithsonian - Abominable (PG) CC: 10:45-1:30- 7:00-10:30 & Shaw (PG-13) 6:25-9:40 7:05-10:30 Joker: The IMAX 2D Experience Joker (R) 10:30-11:00-1:30-2:00- 7:05-9:45 Overcomer (PG) 12:10-3:15-
Abominable (PG) CC: 11:00- Lockheed Martin IMAX Theater 4:00-6:30-8:10-9:00 Open2:15-7:50 Joker (R) OC: 4:45 Regal Waugh Chapel & IMAX CC: 1:30-4:30-7:30-10:30 4:30-5:00-6:00-7:30-8:00-9:00- Regal Countryside 6:10-9:15
12:15-1:30-5:15-6:30-9:00-10:15 601 Independence Avenue SW Ad Astra (PG-13) CC: 11:30- Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy El Coyote (R) 12:00-2:35-5:05- 1419 South Main Chapel Way AMC Potomac Mills 18 9:30-10:30 45980 Regal Plaza Downton Abbey (PG) 1:10-4:20-
Ad Astra (PG-13) CC: 10:45-1:35- 12:45-4:25-6:30-9:30 (Hindi) (NR) 2:30-9:30 7:40-10:15 Stage Russia: Moscow Oper- Abominable (PG) 11:50-4:15- 7:15-10:15
Aircraft Carrier: Guardians Angel Has Fallen (R) 11:25AM 2700 Potomac Mills Circle
4:25-7:15-10:05 It Chapter Two (R) CC: 11:15- Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy Nothing to Lose 2 (PG-13) Angel Has Fallen (R) CC: 9:10 etta Theatre: Count Orlov (NR) 6:45-10:25 Joker (R) 12:30-1:30-3:00-3:30-
of the Seas 3D (2018) (NR)
3:00-6:45-9:45 Abominable (PG) 11:05-1:45- 11:30AM
It Chapter Two (R) CC: 11:30- 10:50AM (Tamil)10:55-6:00 1:35-6:30 4:35-7:15-9:55 Abominable (PG) CC: 10:55- The Angry Birds Movie 2 (PG) 4:30-6:00-6:30-7:30-9:00-9:30-
3:05-6:40-10:15 Joker (R) CC: 10:00-10:45-11:15- Abominable (PG) 10:55-1:35- War (Hindi) (NR) 11:30-3:00- 12:20-1:05-2:55-3:40-5:25-6:10- Brittany Runs A Marathon (R) 12:05-3:45-6:20-9:15 10:30
Journey to Space: The IMAX
1:00-1:45-2:15-4:00-4:45-5:15- Ad Astra (PG-13) 11:00-2:20- 3:30-6:20-10:40
Downton Abbey (PG) CC: 1:30- 3D Experience (NR) 10:20- 4:10-6:45-9:20 6:30-10:00 5:45-9:15 8:45-10:50
4:30-7:30-10:30 6:15-7:00-7:45-9:15-10:00-10:45 Joker (R) XD: 10:45-1:40-4:35-
Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy
Joker (R) 10:00-1:00-4:00-7:00- (Telugu) (NR) 12:00-6:45-9:15 Hustlers (R) 12:50-3:50-6:50-9:35
11:20 The Climbers (NR) 1:10-4:45- It Chapter Two (R) 11:40-3:25- The Lion King (PG) CC: 12:50
Joker (R) CC: 1:00-4:00-7:00- Hustlers (R) CC: 11:00-12:45- 7:30-10:25 7:50-11:00 10:00 The Peanut Butter Falcon (PG-
Apollo 11: The IMAX 2D 7:05-10:45 Ad Astra (PG-13) CC: 1:10-4:30- Ad Astra (PG-13) 1:10-4:25- 13) 12:25-2:55-5:30-7:55-10:25
10:00 Experience 11:55AM 3:40-7:30-10:25 Joker: The IMAX 2D Experience Rosemary's Baby (R) 11:00AM 7:20-10:15
Cinépolis Luxury Cinemas Good Boys (R) 11:05AM 7:35-10:40 Rambo: Last Blood (R) 12:35-
Hustlers (R) CC: 12:05-2:40-5:20- Rambo: Last Blood (R) CC: 1:00-4:00-7:00-10:00 It Chapter Two (R) CC: 11:00- Abominable (PG) 10:45-1:15- It Chapter Two (R) 12:10-3:15-
Secrets of the Universe (NR)
Gaithersburg Downton Abbey (PG) 12:15-3:35- 3:50-6:10-8:30 3:05-7:45-10:10
12:45 629 Center Point Way Angel Has Fallen (R) 1:15 6:55-10:05 2:50-6:50-10:35 7:00-9:25
Judy (PG-13) CC: 10:50-1:40- Abominable in RealD 3D (PG) Abominable (PG) 11:10-1:40- Good Boys (R) CC: 6:40 Ad Astra (PG-13) 10:20-1:10- 100% Kadhal (NR) 12:25-3:40-
Joker: The IMAX 2D Experience
4:35-7:35-10:35 Smithsonian - CC: 10:20-2:30-5:00-10:15
Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy Joker (R) 11:00-12:00-1:30-2:00- 4:10-7:20-10:10 1:00-4:00-7:00-10:00
Warner Bros. Theater (Telugu) (NR) 12:00-4:15-7:45 4:25-7:05-9:45 2:30-3:00-4:30-5:00-5:30-6:00- Overcomer (PG) CC: 8:00 6:55-10:15
Brittany Runs A Marathon (R) Judy (PG-13) (!) 11:40-2:45 The Lion King (PG) 12:35-3:35 7:30-8:00-8:30-9:00-10:30-11:00 Hustlers (R) 4:15-6:50-9:40 Pal Pal Dil Ke Paas (NR) 12:15- War (Hindi) (NR) 12:00-3:20-
14th St and Constitution Ave Northwest AMC Magic Johnson Downton Abbey (PG) CC: 10:55-
CC: 11:00AM Capital Ctr 12 Ad Astra (PG-13) (!) 1:00-4:00- Ad Astra (PG-13) 11:05-2:05- 12:40-4:05-10:25 Judy (PG-13) 10:50-12:00-1:40- 2:45-6:15-10:00 6:40-10:05
Hocus Pocus (PG) 4:45 Hustlers (R) 11:10-2:05-4:50-
Abominable in RealD 3D (PG) 800 Shoppers Way 7:00-10:15 5:15-8:10-11:15 7:40-10:35 Joker (R) CC: 1:00-4:00-7:00- 3:00-4:20-7:10-9:50 Section 375 (NR) 3:30-5:55-9:30 Regal Potomac Yard
CC: 2:45-7:45 Tornado Alley 3D (NR) 3:30 It Chapter Two (R) 11:30-3:20- Downton Abbey (PG) 10:10-
D-Day: Normandy 1944 3D (NR) Abominable (PG) CC: 11:00-1:15- Downton Abbey (PG) (!) 12:45- Judy (PG-13) 11:15-2:15-5:15- 10:00 Downton Abbey (PG) 12:50-4:10- 3575 Potomac Ave
Joker: The IMAX 2D Experience 3:45-6:15-8:45 3:45-6:45-9:45 7:10-11:00 8:15 Hustlers (R) CC: 11:00-1:50-4:50- 11:10-12:50-1:50-3:40-4:40-6:30- 7:05-10:05
CC: 10:45-1:45-4:45-7:45-10:45 10:30-2:40-4:50 7:40-9:20-10:20 Angel Has Fallen (R) 12:45-3:45-
National Parks Adventure Ad Astra (PG-13) CC: 11:10-1:35- Hustlers (R) 10:50-2:15-4:45- Regal Germantown Rambo: Last Blood (R) 11:50- 7:40-10:30 Joker (R) 12:45-1:25-4:00-4:40- 7:05-10:05
Abominable (PG) OC: 4:00 4:25-7:15-10:05 7:15-10:45 20000 Century Boulevard 2:25-5:05-7:45-10:25 Scary Stories to Tell In The Dark Cinema Arts Theatre 7:10-7:50-10:20-10:45
Joker (R) CC: 11:00-11:30- 3D (America Wild 3D) (NR) Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs
12:10-4:00 It Chapter Two (R) CC: 11:35- Judy (PG-13) 6:00-9:00 Abominable (PG) 11:10-1:50- Joker: The IMAX 2D Experience (PG-13) CC: 3:40 9650 Main St Chhichhore (NR) 12:00-3:20- & Shaw (PG-13) 1:35
12:00-12:30-2:00-2:30-3:00-3:30- 2:35-6:10-9:50 Ad Astra (PG-13) 11:20AM 1:00-4:00-7:00-10:00 Judy (PG-13) CC: 11:10-2:05- Ad Astra (PG-13) CC; DVS: 9:40- 6:40-9:55
5:00-5:30-6:00-6:30-8:00-8:30- Apollo 11 (G) 1:00 4:20-6:50-9:30 Abominable (PG) 12:05-2:40-
Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs Joker (R) (!) 11:00-12:30-1:30- Ad Astra (PG-13) 10:35-1:35- 4:10-7:10-10:10 12:15-2:45-5:10-7:50-10:10 Judy (PG-13) 1:05-4:05-7:15-
9:00-9:30 Superpower Dogs 3D (G)
& Shaw (PG-13) CC: 3:25 Regal Westview & IMAX 5:10-7:50; 10:45
11:20-1:50 2:00-3:30-4:30-5:00-6:30-7:30- 4:40-7:35-10:35 5243 Buckeystown Pike Rambo: Last Blood (R) CC: Downton Abbey (PG) CC; DVS: 10:05 The Lion King (PG) 12:10-3:05
AMC Mazza Gallerie Hocus Pocus (PG) 3:00-6:30 Overcomer (PG) CC: 12:15-6:45 8:00-9:30-10:30-11:00 Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy 11:05-1:30-5:05-7:30-9:55 9:40-12:00-2:30-5:00-7:30-9:55 Dream Girl (Hindi) (NR) 12:20-
Angel Has Fallen (R) 10:10 Ad Astra (PG-13) 1:20-4:30-
5300 Wisconsin Ave. NW Joker (R) CC: 11:30-12:00-12:30- Abominable (PG) (!) 12:15-3:00- (Telugu) (NR) 10:50-6:10-10:00 Abominable (PG) OC: 1:50
Abominable in RealD 3D (PG) Joker (R) CC; DVS: 9:40-12:05- 3:40-7:05-10:10
Abominable (PG) CC: 10:55-2:10-
MARYLAND 1:30-2:00-2:30-3:00-3:30-4:30-
5:45-8:30-10:00 It Chapter Two (R) 11:30-3:10-
CC: 1:40-4:25-7:05-9:40
The Lion King (PG) 10:10-1:10- The Climbers (NR) 2:00-5:00-
Judy (PG-13) CC; DVS: 9:45-
Asuran (NR) 12:15-3:25-6:50-
10:00 It Chapter Two (R) 12:25-4:05-
Ad Astra (PG-13) CC: 10:40-1:30- 8:30-9:00-9:30 Hoyt's West Nursery Cinema 14 4:10-7:10 8:00-10:50 7:55
AFI Silver Theatre Cultural Ctr 100% Kadhal (NR) 11:05-2:35- 12:10-2:40-4:55-7:20-9:40 Brittany Runs A Marathon (R)
4:20-7:20-10:30 8633 Colesville Rd Hustlers (R) CC: 11:30-12:25-
1591 West Nursery Road Ad Astra (PG-13) 10:20-1:20- 1:00-3:55-6:55-10:20 Dora and the Lost City of Gold
Angel Has Fallen (R) CC: 1:45- 6:00-9:30 4:20-7:20-10:20
Joker: The IMAX 2D Experience Official Secrets (R) CC; DVS:
Downton Abbey (PG) CC: 11:20- The Rocky Horror Picture Show 3:05-5:40-8:15-9:30 Downton Abbey (PG) 10:45-1:50- CC: 1:45-4:45-7:45-10:45 2:20-4:40-7:00 The Peanut Butter Falcon (PG- (PG) 12:15-2:45
(R) 10:00 Rambo: Last Blood (R) CC: 4:35-7:15-10:05 It Chapter Two (R) 11:05-3:00- 13) 12:10-2:40-5:10-7:40-10:40
1:20-4:10-7:00-9:30 4:50-7:45-10:40 Downton Abbey (PG) OC: 7:15 Raise Hell: The Life & Times Once Upon a Holly-
Daniel Isn't Real 7:00 11:10-3:10-5:25-7:45-10:10 Abominable (PG) CC: 1:35-4:10- 6:45-10:25 Gang Leader (NR) 11:55-2:25-
Hustlers (R) CC: 11:45-2:30-5:10- Hustlers (R) 10:40-1:20-4:00- Joker (R) CC: 11:10-11:35-12:00- of Molly Ivins CC; DVS: 10:00- wood (R) 12:00-3:35-7:05-10:40
7:50-10:10 Memory: The Origins of Alien Joker: The IMAX 2D Experience 6:40-9:05 7:05-9:55
Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs 12:30-1:20-2:10-2:35-3:00-3:30- 12:15-9:25 6:25-10:10 Good Boys (R) 1:25-4:15-6:45-
4:30 CC: 1:00-4:00-7:00-10:00 Ad Astra (PG-13) CC: 1:30-4:15- & Shaw (PG-13) 10:20-1:25-4:35- 4:20-5:10-5:35-6:00-6:30-7:20- Parey Hut Love (NR) 12:05-3:50-
Joker (R) CC: 10:50-1:40-3:50- 7:00-9:45 Joker (R) 10:30-11:00-12:15-1:30- Linda Ronstadt: The Sound 9:35
4:30-6:40-7:30-9:40-10:30 Knives and Skin 2:10 ArcLight Bethesda It Chapter Two (R) CC: 1:00-3:35- 2:00-3:15-4:30-5:00-6:15-7:30- Good Boys (R) 10:25-12:45-3:05-
8:10-8:35-9:00-9:30-10:20 of My Voice (PG-13) CC; DVS: 7:10-10:30 Downton Abbey (PG) 1:05-3:50-
Judy (PG-13) CC: 11:10-2:00- Downton Abbey (PG) 1:20-4:00- 7101 Democracy Boulevard 6:45-9:35 8:00-9:15-10:30-11:00 AMC Shirlington 7 10:05-12:20-2:25-4:35-7:10-9:20 Chanakya (Telugu) (NR) 12:55 7:10-10:20
4:50-7:40 6:45-9:20 5:35-7:55-10:25 War (Hindi) (NR) 11:55-3:10-
It Chapter Two (R) 12:00-6:05- Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs Judy (PG-13) 10:25-1:15-4:05- Overcomer (PG) 10:00-12:50-3:40 2772 South Randolph St. Cinemark Centreville 12 Hustlers (R) 1:10-4:20-7:25-
Abominable (PG) OC: 7:10 Joker (R) 11:30-2:00-4:30-7:10- 9:50 6:55-9:45 6:30-9:55
& Shaw (PG-13) CC: 1:00-3:55- Downton Abbey (PG) 10:05- Abominable (PG) CC: 11:00- 6201 Multiplex Dr 10:25
Joker (R) OC: 1:00 9:45 Lucy in the Sky (R) 11:25-2:10- 6:55-9:50 Asuran (NR) 10:55-2:20-5:30-9:00 Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy
10:45-1:05-1:45-4:05-4:45-7:05- 1:30-4:00 Abominable (PG) 11:40-4:35- (Hindi) (NR) 3:25 Joker (R) 12:30-1:00-1:30-3:30-
Judy (PG-13) OC: 9:50 Hell Is For Children: Shorts 4:55-7:45-10:25 Good Boys (R) CC: 1:20-4:30- Rambo: Last Blood (R) 11:15- 7:45-10:05-10:45 Ad Astra (PG-13) CC: 10:30-1:20- 7:15-9:45 4:00-4:30-5:00-5:30-6:00-6:30-
Program 12:10 Downton Abbey (PG) 10:35- 7:05-10:15 1:55-4:35-7:15-10:10 4:10-7:00-9:50 Regal Dulles Town Center
AMC Uptown 1
Ponyo (Gake no ue no Ponyo) Joker (R) OC: 6:30 Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy 7:00-7:30-8:00-8:30-9:00-9:30-
3426 Connecticut Ave N.W. 11:20-12:05-1:25-2:05-3:25-4:45- Overcomer (PG) CC: 1:25-4:00- War (Hindi) (NR) 10:55-2:25- Hustlers (R) 10:35-1:35-4:40- Lucy in the Sky (R) 11:10-2:00- (Telugu) (NR) 11:15-2:55-6:30- 21100 Dulles Town Circle 10:00-10:30-11:00
(G) 11:00AM 5:40-7:30-8:30-9:40 5:45-9:10 4:45-7:35-10:25
Joker (R) CC: 1:00-4:00-7:10- 6:35-9:10 7:25-10:35 10:05 Monty Python and the Holy Grail The Peanut Butter Falcon (PG-
10:20 AMC Academy 8 Hustlers (R) 11:40-12:50-2:20- Downton Abbey (PG) CC: 1:15- Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy Rambo: Last Blood (R) 10:50- Downton Abbey (PG) CC: 10:40- Ad Astra (PG-13) 11:10-2:00- (PG) 7:00 13) 12:10-2:45-5:20-7:50-10:30
6198 Greenbelt Road 5:35-8:05-10:35 4:00-6:45-9:30 (Hindi) (NR) 2:30 1:10-3:30-6:00-8:20-10:50 1:25-4:15-7:05-10:00 4:50-7:40-10:40 Abominable (PG) 12:05-2:30-
Albert Einstein Planetarium - Rambo: Last Blood (R) 12:20-
National Air and Space Museum Abominable (PG) CC: 2:00-4:40- Judy (PG-13) 10:05-11:15- Joker (R) CC: 1:00-2:00-3:00- Regal Hyattsville Royale Joker: The IMAX 2D Experience Joker (R) CC: 10:45-11:40-1:35- It Chapter Two (R) 11:20-3:10- 5:15-7:45-10:15 2:35-4:55-7:40-10:15
7:10-7:35-10:05 12:45-1:55-3:35-4:35-6:20-7:15- 3:45-4:45-5:45-6:30-7:30-8:30- 6505 America Blvd. 10:00-1:00-4:00-7:00-10:00 2:30-4:25-6:30-7:15-9:20-10:00 6:45-10:30 Ad Astra (PG-13) 12:10-3:15-
6th St and Independence Ave SW
8:10-9:10 Judy (PG-13) CC: 11:15-2:00- 6:30-9:30
Journey to the Stars (NR) 11:00- It Chapter Two (R) CC: 12:45- 9:20-10:20-11:20 Abominable (PG) 11:15-4:25- Downton Abbey (PG) 10:35- Regal Springfield Town Ctr
Angel Has Fallen (R) 1:20 It Chapter Two (R) 11:55-3:30-
12:00-1:00-2:00-3:00-4:00-5:00 3:50-6:55-10:10
The Peanut Butter Falcon (PG- Hustlers (R) CC: 2:10-4:40-7:20- 6:55-9:25 1:25-4:15-7:05-9:55 6500 Springfield Town Ctr
Hustlers (R) 1:40-4:45-7:25-10:05
Dark Universe Space Show (NR) Joker (R) CC: 12:00-1:00-1:30- 13) 10:45-3:15-5:45 10:00-11:30 Abominable (PG) 1:35-4:25- Joker (R) 10:30-11:00-11:30-1:30- Abominable in RealD 3D (PG) Hustlers (R) 11:35-2:10-4:45- 10:15 Abominable (PG) 11:15-2:05-
3:00-4:00-4:30-6:00-7:00-7:30- Abominable (PG) 10:30-11:45- Don't Let Go (R) CC: 1:40-4:20- 2:00-2:30-4:30-5:00-5:30-7:30- CC: 5:20-7:45-10:10 7:20-10:00 Hustlers (R) 11:50-2:30-5:15- 4:35-7:15
11:30-12:30-2:30-4:30 7:05-9:45
Phantom of the Universe: The
9:00-9:55-10:00-10:30 1:05-2:15-3:30-4:50-7:05-9:05 7:10-9:40 The Lion King (PG) 1:05-4:10- 8:00-8:30-9:30-10:30-11:00 AMC Tysons Corner 16 Joker (R) 10:30-11:00-11:30- 8:00-10:45 Angel Has Fallen (R) 12:05-3:10-
Hunt for Dark Matter 1:30-3:30 Hustlers (R) CC: 1:55-4:50- Ad Astra (PG-13) 11:55-2:45- Rambo: Last Blood (R) CC: 1:05- 7:20-10:10 Judy (PG-13) 10:15-1:15-4:15- 7850e Tysons Corner Center 1:20-1:50-2:20-4:10-4:40-5:10- Downton Abbey (PG) 11:50-2:45- 6:15-9:20
6:40-9:40 3:20-5:30-6:25-8:15-9:35 3:20-5:35-7:50-10:10-11:40 7:15-10:15 7:00-7:30-8:00-9:50-10:20- 5:30-8:15-11:00 The Lion King (PG) 12:20
Ad Astra (PG-13) 1:10-4:05- Downton Abbey (PG) CC: 10:50- Joker (R) 12:00-1:00-1:30-3:00-
Angelika Pop-Up Rambo: Last Blood (R) CC: 1:25- Once Upon a Hollywood 10:50
Landmark 7:10-10:20 Xscape Theatres Brandywine 14 12:45-3:45-6:45-9:45 Ad Astra (PG-13) 12:35-3:40-
at Union Market 4:25-7:40-10:40 (R) 2:40-6:10 Bethesda Row Cinema Downton Abbey (PG) 1:30-4:40- 7710 Matapeake Business Dr Hustlers (R) CC: 10:05-2:05-5:10- Asuran (NR) 12:40-3:55-7:10- 4:00-4:30-6:00-7:00-7:30-9:00- 6:45-9:50
550 Penn St NE - Unit E Abominable in RealD 3D (PG) Jim Allison: Breakthrough (PG- 10:35 10:00-10:30
Joker (R) CC: 11:45-2:00-4:30- CC: 1:35-4:05 13) 10:55-1:10-4:15-7:10-9:20
7235 Woodmont Ave 7:45-10:50 Angel Has Fallen (R) CC: 10:40- 7:55-10:35 Rambo: Last Blood (R) 10:50- Judy (PG-13) 11:45-2:30-5:15-
It Chapter Two (R) 11:00-2:40-
Abominable (PG) CC: 11:40-
7:10-9:45 Joker (R) 11:00-2:00-5:00-8:00- Downton Abbey (PG) CC: (!) It Chapter Two (R) 1:45-5:40-9:35 1:30-4:20-7:10-10:10
1:05-3:20-5:35-7:50-10:10 8:00-10:45 6:20-10:10
Downton Abbey (PG) OC: 2:15;
AMC Center Park 8
11:00; 10:00-12:15-1:00-3:00- 10:30-11:05-1:00-1:55-3:50-7:00- Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs Abominable (PG) CC: (!) 10:10- 12:50-2:10-3:20-4:35-7:10- Abominable in RealD 3D (PG) Rambo: Last Blood (R) 11:45-
Downton Abbey (PG) 11:05-1:45-
4001 Powder Mill Rd. 7:30-9:45 & Shaw (PG-13) 12:55 12:30-2:50-5:20-7:40-9:30 8:20-9:40 4:40-7:45-10:50
11:30-4:40-7:00-9:30 4:00-4:30-6:00-7:00-9:00-9:30- 2:05 2:00-4:15-6:30-8:45-11:00
Hustlers (R) OC: 5:15; 12:15-2:45- Abominable (PG) CC: 10:40- 10:00-10:30 Judy (PG-13) CC: (!) 10:40-1:10- Good Boys (R) 1:55-4:35-6:55- Ad Astra (PG-13) CC: 10:50-1:40- The Lion King (PG) CC: 11:10- War (Hindi) (NR) 11:55-3:25- Hustlers (R) 11:30-2:10-5:10-
4:10 4:00-4:45-7:20-9:55-10:05 9:25 4:30-7:20-10:15 2:15 Regal Fairfax Towne Center
7:45-10:00 Bow Tie Annapolis Mall 11 6:55-10:25 4110 West Ox Road
It Chapter Two (R) CC: 10:10- Official Secrets (R) CC: (!) Rambo: Last Blood (R) 1:15-3:55- It Chapter Two (R) CC: 11:20- Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy
Joker (R) 11:00-12:30-1:00-
Avalon Theatre 12:45-4:30-6:45-9:55 1020 Westfield Annapolis Mall 1:30-6:50 6:35-9:15 3:10-6:50-10:00 (Telugu) (NR) 11:00-2:50-6:50- Cinemark Fairfax Corner and XD Monty Python and the Holy Grail
(PG) 7:00 1:30-2:00-3:30-4:00-4:30-5:00-
It Chapter Two (R) 11:40-3:20- Good Boys (R) CC: 11:40-2:40- 10:40
5612 Connecticut Ave Downton Abbey (PG) CC: 10:20- Ad Astra (PG-13) CC: (!) 10:45- Joker (R) 12:30-1:00-2:00-3:30- 11900 Palace Way
Lucy in the Sky (R) 2:15-5:00- 6:50-10:20 Ad Astra (PG-13) CC: 10:30-1:30- Abominable (PG) 10:35-1:05- 6:30-7:00-7:30-8:00-9:30-10:00-
1:20-4:40-7:30-10:20 1:20-4:10-7:10-9:50 4:00-4:15-4:30-5:00-6:30-7:00- 5:30-8:10-11:10 Abominable (PG) 10:20-1:15-
3:40-6:10-8:40-11:00 10:30-11:00
8:00 Joker (R) CC: 10:00-11:00- Rosemary's Baby (R) 11:30 Where's My Roy Cohn? (PG-13) 7:15-7:30-8:00-9:30-10:00-10:15- Overcomer (PG) CC: 10:05-1:00- 4:30-7:30-10:30 3:55-6:35-9:15 Judy (PG-13) 12:00-3:00-6:00-
Downton Abbey (PG) 1:30- 12:00-1:00-2:00-3:00-4:00-5:00- Downton Abbey (PG) 10:20-1:10- CC: (!) 10:50-1:40-4:20-7:40-10:00 10:30-11:00 3:50-6:40-9:40 It Chapter Two (R) CC: 10:35- Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy The Lion King (PG) 10:30-1:20-
4:30-7:30 6:00-7:00-8:00-9:00-10:00 4:50-7:10-9:55 Joker (R) CC: (!) 10:25-11:00- The Peanut Butter Falcon (PG- Hustlers (R) 11:10-2:10-5:00- 2:40-6:25-10:10 (Telugu) (NR) 10:45-2:30-6:30- 4:10
Lucy in the Sky (R) OC: 11:30AM Hustlers (R) CC: 10:50-1:40- Hustlers (R) 11:15-1:50-4:20- 12:50-1:45-3:40-4:30-6:30-7:15- 13) 1:50-4:20-6:50-9:20 Joker (R) CC: 10:00-1:00-4:00- 10:15 It Chapter Two (R) 11:05-2:45- Rambo: Last Blood (R) 11:10-
6:30-10:10 3:15-5:45-8:15-10:45
Landmark 4:40-7:20-10:20 7:20-10:10 9:30-10:00 Regal Laurel Towne Centre Downton Abbey (PG) CC: 11:50- 7:00-10:00 Ad Astra (PG-13) 10:40-1:35-
Downton Abbey (PG) 10:55-1:50-
Atlantic Plumbing Cinema Rambo: Last Blood (R) CC: Ad Astra (PG-13) 10:05-12:50- Linda Ronstadt: The Sound of 3:20-6:20-10:30 Judy (PG-13) CC: 10:15-1:15- 4:30-7:45-10:45 Abominable in RealD 3D (PG)
14716 Baltimore Avenue
807 V St Northwest 10:30-1:50-4:20-8:05-10:30 3:40-6:20-9:20 My Voice (PG-13) CC: (!) 10:30-
Angel Has Fallen (R) 11:30AM Joker (R) OC; CC: (!) 10:30-11:30- 4:25-7:15-10:15 It Chapter Two (R) 10:30-2:15- 4:45-7:45-10:50 9:55
Abominable in RealD 3D (PG) Joker (R) 10:00-1:00-4:00-7:00- 4:40-9:20 Asuran (NR) 11:45-3:10-6:30-9:50 6:05-10:05 Hustlers (R) 10:40-1:25-4:05-
Ad Astra (PG-13) OC: (!) 1:45 Dora and the Lost City of Gold 1:20-2:20-4:10-5:10-7:00-8:00- 6:50-9:40 Regal Virginia Gateway & RPX
Hustlers (R) CC: (!) 12:00-2:10- CC: 1:30-6:30-9:15 10:00 9:50-10:50 Rambo: Last Blood (R) CC: Downton Abbey (PG) 10:35-
Abominable (PG) 10:15-11:10-
Old Greenbelt Theatre (PG) 12:25-3:25-6:25-9:25 10:10-12:30-3:00-5:35-8:00-10:25 Joker (R) 10:30-11:00-1:30-2:00- 8001 Gateway Promenade Pl
4:45-7:40-10:15 AMC Columbia 14 129 Centerway Abominable (PG) 11:15-4:50- Rambo: Last Blood (R) CC: 1:30-4:25-7:25-10:20 Good Boys (R) 6:25
12:40-1:40-3:10-4:10-6:40-9:10 4:30-5:00-7:00-7:30-8:00-10:00-
Ad Astra (PG-13) CC: (!) 11:20- 10300 Little Patuxent Parkway Downton Abbey (PG) 11:00-2:00- 7:40-10:30 10:20-12:40-3:30-6:00-8:20-10:40 Abominable in RealD 3D (PG) Joker (R) 10:50-12:00-1:45- 10:30-11:00 The Lion King (PG) 11:45-2:45
Rambo: Last Blood (R) 11:50- Joker (R) OC; CC: (!) 10:00-11:00- CC: 10:25-5:50-10:50 2:55-4:40-5:50-6:25-7:35-8:45-
4:30-7:20-9:45 Abominable (PG) 10:10-11:10- 5:00-8:00 Rambo: Last Blood (R) 11:20- Ad Astra (PG-13) 11:05-1:55-
Joker (R) CC: (!) 11:00-11:45- 2:20-4:45-7:50-10:15 12:10-12:50-1:50-3:00-3:40- Joker: The IMAX 2D Experience 9:35-10:30 The Bad Guys: Reign of Chaos
12:40-1:40-3:10-4:10-5:35-6:35- 3:00-5:40-8:10-10:40 CC: 10:45-1:45-4:45-7:45-10:45 1:00-3:55-9:45 4:50-7:50-10:40
1:00-1:20-2:00-3:45-4:00-7:10- 8:00-9:00 Joker (R) 10:30-11:00-12:00- Phoenix Theatres Marlow 6
4:40-5:50-6:30-7:30-8:30-9:20- Hustlers (R) 10:55-1:50-4:45-
1:30-2:00-3:00-4:30-5:00-6:00- 3899 Branch Ave Ad Astra (PG-13) 12:10-3:10- Joker (R) CC: 10:20-11:30-12:15- Judy (PG-13) 10:50-1:40-4:40- Dora and the Lost City of Gold
7:30-7:50-9:35-9:55-10:05 The Lion King (PG) 10:05AM 6:20-9:40 10:20-11:20 7:55-10:40 7:40-10:45
6:30-7:30-8:00-9:00-9:30-10:30- Abominable (PG) 11:30-2:15- 1:20-2:30-3:15-4:20-5:05-5:30- Asuran (NR) 11:30-2:50-6:10- Rambo: Last Blood (R) 10:35- (PG) 10:55-1:25-3:55
Downton Abbey (PG) CC: (!) Ad Astra (PG-13) 11:50-3:10- It Chapter Two (R) 11:10-1:50- iPic Pike & Rose 6:15-7:20-8:05-8:30-9:15-10:20-
11:10-1:30-4:00-7:00-9:25 11:00-11:45 4:45-7:20-9:55 9:30 It Chapter Two (R) 11:10-2:50-
6:10-9:10 It Chapter Two (R) 11:05-2:30- 5:50-9:50 11830 Grand Park Ave 11:10-11:30 11:50-2:20-4:40-7:00-9:30
Joker (R) OC: (!) 4:20 Brittany Runs A Marathon (R) 6:30-9:00
It Chapter Two (R) 10:30-2:15- Bow Tie Harbour 9
6:00-9:30 Downton Abbey (PG) 11:40-2:55- Abominable (PG) (!) 12:30-3:00-
6:15-10:00 2474 Solomons Island Road AMC Worldgate 9 10:25AM Regal Fox & IMAX Downton Abbey (PG) 10:45-1:45-
Landmark E Street Cinema Joker (R) 11:00-12:00-1:45-2:45- 6:10-9:30 6:00-11:00 22875 Brambleton Plaza 4:45-7:45-10:45
Downton Abbey (PG) 11:35- Brittany Runs A Marathon (R) Hustlers (R) 12:20-3:20-6:15-9:20 Ad Astra (PG-13) 1:15-4:15-
13025 Worldgate Drive Rambo: Last Blood (R) 11:20-
555 11th St Northwest
11:20-4:40 4:30-5:30-7:15-8:15-10:00 Abominable (PG) CC: 11:20-1:50- 1:55-4:35-7:20-10:00 Abominable (PG) 12:00-2:30- Hustlers (R) 11:15-2:10-3:15-
Loro (NR) (!) 10:30-1:45-5:00-8:15 2:50-6:05-9:05 Hustlers (R) 12:30-3:30-6:35-9:30 Joker (R) 11:00-12:00-1:00-2:15- 7:30-9:00
4:20-6:50-9:10 Chanakya (Telugu) (NR) 12:55 5:00-7:30-10:10 6:15-9:05
Hustlers (R) 10:40-1:45-4:50- Official Secrets (R) 1:50-9:50 2:45-3:15-4:15-5:30-6:00-6:30- Downton Abbey (PG) 12:30-3:30-
Brittany Runs A Marathon (R)
Judy (PG-13) 9:50-12:40-2:10- Rambo: Last Blood (R) 11:45- Ad Astra (PG-13) CC: 1:15-4:15- War (Hindi) (NR) 11:15-2:45- Downton Abbey (PG) 1:10-4:10-
CC: (!) 11:10-1:20-4:20-7:20-9:45 7:35-10:20 7:30-8:45-9:15-9:45-10:45 6:45-10:15 Scary Stories to Tell In The Dark
3:20-4:50-6:10-7:40-9:00-10:20 2:00-4:15-6:30-9:00 7:20-10:20 6:25-10:10 7:10-10:15 (PG-13) 10:05
The Farewell (PG) CC: (!) 11:15- Judy (PG-13) 11:55-3:05- Judy (PG-13) 12:30-3:40-7:00- Joker (R) (!) 11:45-12:15-12:45-
CC: 12:20- Joker (R) XD: 10:15-11:25- Ad Astra (PG-13) 12:30-3:45-
1:35-4:35-7:35-9:55 6:15-9:15 Joker (R) 10:30-1:30-4:30-7:30- Regal Bowie 10:10 1:30-2:45-3:15-4:00-4:45-6:00- It Chapter Two (R) Joker (R) 10:30-1:20-4:10-7:00-
Official Secrets (R) CC: (!) 10:50- Brittany Runs A Marathon (R)
10:30 15200 Major Lansdale Blvd Abominable in RealD 3D (PG) 6:30-7:15-8:00-9:15-9:45-10:00- 4:05-6:50-10:05 1:10-2:20-4:05-5:15-7:00-8:10-
It Chapter Two (R) 11:50-3:30-
10:10AM Monty Python and the Holy Grail Angel Has Fallen (R) 12:10-3:05- 2:00 10:30 Downton Abbey (PG) CC: 11:05- 9:55-11:00 Judy (PG-13) 10:50-1:30-4:15-
1:15-9:15 7:15-10:50
Jim Allison: Breakthrough (PG- Rambo: Last Blood (R) 12:40-
(PG) 7:00 6:00-8:55 Hustlers (R) 1:00-3:45-7:00-10:45 1:10-4:10-7:10-10:10 Cobb Village 12 Leesburg
Joker (R) 12:10-3:10-6:10-9:10
Monos (R) 10:10-12:50-3:15-5:40- Abominable (PG) 11:10-1:40- Regal Rockville Center Joker (R) CC: 11:00-12:15-1:00-
13) (!) 11:35-2:05-4:35-7:05-9:35 3:15-5:40-8:10-10:40 1600 Village Market Boulevard The Peanut Butter Falcon (PG-
Where's My Roy Cohn? (PG-13) Joker: The IMAX 2D Experi-
Rosemary's Baby (R) 11:00AM
The Lion King (PG) 12:55-3:45
199 East Montgomery Ave
Abominable (PG) 11:20-1:55- VIRGINIA 1:45-3:15-4:00-4:45-6:15-7:00-
7:45-9:20-10:00-10:40 Abominable (PG) 11:05-1:30-
Hustlers (R) 11:55-2:45-5:30-
8:15-11:00 13) 12:00-2:55-5:30-8:10-10:35
CC: (!) 11:40-2:10-4:40-7:10-9:40 ence 11:00-2:00-5:00-8:00- 4:30-6:35-9:10 Hustlers (R) CC: 1:30-4:40-7:30- 4:15-6:50-9:15; 11:05-1:30-2:50- Joker: The IMAX 2D Experience Rambo: Last Blood (R) 10:40-
Judy (PG-13) CC: (!) 10:45-1:30- 10:45 Downton Abbey (PG) 9:40-10:00- Ad Astra (PG-13) 12:40-3:30- AMC Courthouse Plaza 8
4:15-5:10-6:50-7:40-9:15 12:55-5:00-7:20-9:40
Joker (R) 10:00-1:00-4:00-7:00- 12:30-1:00-2:00-3:30-4:00-5:00- 6:20-9:10 Ad Astra (PG-13) 12:10-3:20- 2150 Clarendon Blvd. 10:15 1:00-4:00-7:00-10:00
3:45-4:30-6:45-7:30-10:00 6:40-9:40 Ad Astra (PG-13) 11:10-2:00- Abominable (PG) 10:35-11:35-
10:00; 11:30-12:00-12:30-1:30- 7:00-8:00-10:00-10:40 It Chapter Two (R) 11:05-2:45- Abominable (PG) CC: 11:30-1:15- Rambo: Last Blood (R) CC: 2:00- 4:50-7:50-10:40 Regal Kingstowne & RPX
First Love (Hatsukoi) (!) 11:50- It Chapter Two (R) 11:50-3:25- 3:15-4:00-7:30-9:30 4:30-7:50-10:30 1:15-2:00-3:50-4:30-6:55-9:20
2:20-4:50-7:20-9:50 2:30-3:00-3:30-4:30-5:30-6:00- Stage Russia: Moscow Oper- 6:30-10:15 It Chapter Two (R) 11:45-3:20- 5910 Kingstowne Towne Ctr
6:30-7:30-8:30-9:00-9:30-10:30 7:10-10:10 It Chapter Two (R) CC: 12:00- Joker (R) 11:00-11:30-1:50-2:20-
etta Theatre: Count Orlov (NR) Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs Alamo Drafthouse Cinema - 7:10-9:50 It Chapter Two (R) 12:05-3:50- 4:40-5:10-5:40-6:20-7:30-8:00-
Landmark West End Cinema 11:30AM & Shaw (PG-13) 12:30-3:40- Downton Abbey (PG) 11:00- 3:45-5:45-6:30-9:15 One Loudoun 7:25-11:05
AMC DINE-IN Rio Cinemas 18 12:30-3:45-6:45-9:50 Downton Abbey (PG) 11:40-1:20- 8:40-9:10-10:20-10:50
2301 M Street Northwest
9811 Washingtonian Center Joker (R) 11:15-2:15-5:15-6:30- 6:50-10:05 Downton Abbey (PG) CC: 11:45- 20575 East Hampton Plaza 2:40-4:20-5:40-7:15-8:35-10:15 Hustlers (R) 11:45-2:30-5:15-
Tel Aviv On Fire (NR) (!) 11:15- 8:15-9:30 Good Boys (R) 11:35-1:50-4:15- My People, My Country 12:25- 2:30-5:30-6:15-10:15 Joker (R) 10:00-11:20-1:20- 7:55-10:45
Angel Has Fallen (R) CC: 4:00-7:30-10:45 Joker (R) 11:00-11:30-12:00- Smithsonian -
2:00-4:45-7:15-9:40 Cinemark Egyptian 24 and XD 6:40-9:10 Joker (R) CC: 11:00-12:00-1:00- 2:05-2:40-4:40-5:20-6:00-8:00- 12:30-1:00-1:50-2:30-3:00-3:30- Rambo: Last Blood (R) 11:25- Airbus IMAX Theater
11:35AM Joker (R) OC: 4:50 2:00-3:00-4:00-5:00-6:00-7:00-
Britt-Marie Was Here (!) 11:15- Overcomer (PG) 12:15-3:10- 8:40-9:20 4:00-4:40-5:20-6:00-6:30-7:00- 2:10-4:45-7:15-9:50 14390 Air and Space Museum Pkwy
1:45-4:30-7:30-9:45 Abominable (PG) CC: 11:15- 7000 Arundel Mills Circle
Hustlers (R) 12:40-3:50-7:25- 8:00-9:00-10:00-10:50
1:45-3:45-4:15-7:15-9:15-10:15 Angel Has Fallen (R) 2:00-5:00- 6:05-9:05 10:30 Hustlers (R) CC: 12:15-2:45-
The Secret Life of Pets 2 (PG) 7:30-8:10-9:00-9:30-10:00-10:30 Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs D-Day: Normandy 1944 3D
Linda Ronstadt: The Sound of My The Lion King (PG) CC: 7:55-11:00 Downton Abbey (PG) 11:40-2:45- 10:00AM Hustlers (R) 12:10-2:45-5:25- & Shaw (PG-13) 12:20-3:25- (NR) 12:25
Voice (PG-13) CC: (!) 11:30-2:15- 5:35-8:30 Judy (PG-13) 11:10-2:10-5:15- 8:30-10:00 It Chapter Two (R) 10:10 8:00-10:40 6:35-9:45
5:00-7:45-9:50 12:15-3:10 Abominable (PG) 10:55-12:15- 8:05-11:00 Aircraft Carrier: Guardians
Ad Astra (PG-13) CC: 12:50- 1:30-2:50-4:10-5:20-6:45-8:05- Joker (R) 11:00-11:35-12:05-1:55- AMC Hoffman Center 22 Judy (PG-13) 10:30-2:20-5:00- Judy (PG-13) 11:20-2:10-5:00- Ad Astra (PG-13) 11:10-2:05- of the Seas 3D (2018) (NR)
2:30-3:00-4:45-5:20-5:55-6:40- Rambo: Last Blood (R) 11:00- 9:00 7:45-10:35 5:00-8:05-11:00
Regal Gallery Place 3:50-6:45-9:25 9:20-10:40 1:50-4:20-7:40-10:55
206 Swamp Fox Rd. 10:30AM
701 Seventh St Northwest It Chapter Two (R) CC: 11:05- The Lion King (PG) 7:35-10:35 7:35-8:10-8:50-9:40-10:10-10:40 Abominable (PG) CC: 2:00-4:25- Abominable (PG) 10:15-1:35- Rambo: Last Blood (R) 11:40- Downton Abbey (PG) 11:50-3:05-
Hustlers (R) 11:30-2:15-4:55- 4:30-6:15-8:15-11:00 Journey to Space: The IMAX
Monty Python and the Holy 2:45-6:25-10:10
Brittany Runs A Marathon (R) 5:00-6:50-7:40-9:30 2:05-4:25-7:20-10:45 6:05-9:20
Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy
7:35-10:20 11:40-2:20 3D Experience (NR) 10:00-
Grail (PG) 7:00 Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy (Telugu) (NR) 11:55-3:55-7:50 Ad Astra (PG-13) CC: 1:35-2:05- Ad Astra (PG-13) 11:10-1:50- Abominable in RealD 3D (PG) Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy
Abominable (PG) 11:10-1:40- (Telugu) (NR) 11:10-3:00-6:50- Rambo: Last Blood (R) 12:25- The Climbers (NR) 12:20-3:30- 4:25-5:25-7:25-8:25-10:15 5:40-9:10 12:15-10:05 (Telugu) (NR) 12:30
Ad Astra (PG-13) 10:50-1:45- 6:55-9:55 Superpower Dogs: An IMAX 3D
4:20-6:30-9:45 10:35 4:45-7:45-10:50 2:50-5:15-7:40-11:00 Downton Abbey (PG) CC: Hustlers (R) 12:15-3:15-7:15- It Chapter Two (R) 11:35-3:20-
Joker (R) 11:05-12:15-1:15-2:00- 10:45 Medal of Honor Theater - NMMC 6:55-10:35 Experience (G) 1:50
Downton Abbey (PG) 1:25-4:25- Good Boys (R) CC: 11:10AM It Chapter Two (R) 10:50-2:30- Regal Cinemas Majestic 1:00-2:00-4:00-4:30-6:55-9:45-
7:30-10:35 3:15-4:15-5:00-6:30-6:55-7:20- 10:05-10:15 Downton Abbey (PG) 10:50-1:05- 18900 Jefferson Davis Highway Abominable (PG) 11:50-2:35- Apollo 11: The IMAX 2D Experi-
Hustlers (R) CC: 11:20-2:15- 6:10-10:00 Stadium 20 & IMAX
8:00-9:30-9:45-10:20-10:55 We, the Marines (NR) 11:00- ence 11:30-2:45
The Matrix (R) 7:50-11:00 5:15-8:15-11:00 Dora and the Lost City of Gold 900 Ellsworth Dr Joker (R) OC: 2:30; 2:00-3:00- 4:10-7:35-11:15 4:30-5:10-7:10-7:40-9:55-10:10
3:30-5:00-5:30-6:00-6:15-6:30- Joker (R) 12:00-3:30-7:00-10:30 12:00-1:00-2:00-3:00-4:00 Dora and the Lost City of Gold Ad Astra: The IMAX 2D Experi-
Ad Astra (PG-13) 12:35-3:40- Downton Abbey (PG) CC: (PG) 11:10AM Monty Python and the Holy Grail Regal UA Snowden Square
Superpower Dogs (G) 10:00AM (PG) 11:05-1:40
6:45-9:50 11:00-1:50-4:45-7:45-10:45 Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs (PG) 7:00 9161 Commerce Center Dr 8:00-8:30-9:00-9:15-9:30 Angelika Film Center Mosaic ence (PG-13) 4:50-7:05-9:20
It Chapter Two (R) 11:00-2:40- Joker (R) CC: 12:00-3:00- & Shaw (PG-13) 12:50-4:00- Dora and the Lost City of Gold Angel Has Fallen (R) 11:25AM Hustlers (R) CC: 2:00-4:15-5:00- 2911 District Ave Regal Ballston Quarter The Peanut Butter Falcon (PG- Secrets of the Universe (NR)
6:30-10:20 6:00-9:00 7:15-10:30 (PG) 12:25-3:25 Abominable (PG) 11:50-2:20-7:35 7:35-9:35-10:15 Lucy in the Sky (R) CC: 1:50- 671 North Glebe Road 13) 12:05-2:50 11:00-3:40
Once Upon a Hol- Rambo: Last Blood (R) CC: Good Boys (R) 1:00-3:30-5:55- Downton Abbey (PG) 11:05-2:00- Ad Astra (PG-13) 12:10-3:40- Angel Has Fallen (R) CC: 3:15 4:45-7:45-10:35 It Chapter Two (R) 5:20-9:15 Joker (R) 11:30-2:45-6:00-9:10 University Mall Theatre
lywood (R) 11:15AM 12:40-3:15-5:45-8:10-10:35 8:20-10:45 4:55-7:50-10:55 6:50-10:00 It Chapter Two (R) CC: 3:00- Joker (R) CC: 10:15-11:15-1:10- Abominable (PG) 12:55-3:35- War (Hindi) (NR) 11:40-3:00- 10659 Braddock Rd
Hustlers (R) 2:25-3:20-5:05- Judy (PG-13) CC: 12:35-3:40- Downton Abbey (PG) 11:05-2:00- Joker (R) 11:00-12:00-12:30-2:00- It Chapter Two (R) 11:30-3:25- 6:35-10:20 2:10-4:05-5:05-7:00-8:00-9:55- 6:35-9:20 6:20-9:40
Judy (PG-13) 12:15-3:10-6:10- Toy Story 4 (G) CC; DVS: 12:30-
8:00-10:50 6:35-9:40 5:00-7:55-10:55 3:00-3:30-4:30-5:00-6:00-6:30- 7:10-10:55 Once Upon a Hollywood 10:55 Ad Astra (PG-13) 1:10-4:10- 2:45-5:00
Lucy in the Sky (R) 11:25AM Abominable in RealD 3D (PG) Joker (R) 10:15-11:15-11:45- 7:30-8:00-9:00-9:30-10:30-11:00 Downton Abbey (PG) 12:25-3:55- (R) CC: 6:30 Hook (PG) 10:00AM 7:10-10:10 9:35
Joker (R) 11:00-12:00-2:00-3:15- The Lion King (PG) CC; DVS:
Joker (R) 11:00-11:30-12:00- CC: 12:45-6:30 12:15-12:45-1:10-2:10-2:40- Hustlers (R) 12:50-3:40-6:30- 6:55-10:10 Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs Ad Astra (PG-13) CC: 10:00- Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy
& Shaw (PG-13) CC: 1:05-7:00 (Telugu) (NR) 12:55 4:10-5:10-5:35-6:30-7:20-8:00- 12:05-2:30-5:00-7:30-9:50
12:30-1:00-1:55-2:50-3:30-4:00- The Climbers (NR) 12:30-3:25- 3:10-3:40-4:05-5:05-5:35-6:05- 7:45-9:20-10:35 Joker (R) 11:00-12:00-12:30-1:00- 12:50-3:45-6:45-9:45
4:50-5:10-6:10-7:10-7:45-8:10- 6:20-10:40 6:35-7:00-8:00-8:30-9:00-9:30- Scary Stories to Tell In The Dark 2:00-2:45-3:15-3:45-4:15-5:30- Good Boys (R) CC: 1:45-7:10 Downton Abbey (PG) CC: War (Hindi) (NR) 12:45-4:15-7:45 8:30-9:40-10:40-11:10-11:30 The Angry Birds Movie 2 (PG)
9:00-9:10-9:40-10:10-10:40- Joker: The IMAX 2D Experi- 9:55-11:00 (PG-13) 9:20 6:00-6:30-7:00-7:30-8:45-9:15- Overcomer (PG) CC: 4:10-10:10 10:55-12:35-1:50-4:40-6:15-7:30- Downton Abbey (PG) 12:50-3:50- Regal Manassas & IMAX CC; DVS: 12:00-2:00
11:10 ence CC: 1:00-4:00-7:00-10:00 Hustlers (R) 10:55-1:40-4:20- Judy (PG-13) 11:05-1:55-4:50- 9:45-10:15-10:45 Joker (R) CC: 1:00-4:00-7:00- 9:05-10:20 6:50-9:50 11380 Bulloch Dr Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs
Rambo: Last Blood (R) 3:15- War (Hindi) (NR) 11:30-2:50- 7:05-9:45 7:55-10:50 Hustlers (R) 12:40-3:50-6:45-9:50 10:00 Judy (PG-13) CC: 1:35-4:25- Hustlers (R) 1:05-4:05-7:20- Angel Has Fallen (R) 12:05 & Shaw (PG-13) CC; DVS:
5:45-8:15-10:45 6:15-9:45 Judy (PG-13) 11:00-1:50-4:40- Rambo: Last Blood (R) 12:15- Judy (PG-13) 11:55-3:10-6:35- Judy (PG-13) CC: 1:40-4:35- 7:15-10:05 10:05 Abominable (PG) 1:05-3:40- 7:15-10:00
Abominable in RealD 3D (PG) My People, My Country 11:45- 7:45-10:45 2:45-5:20-7:45-10:25 9:40 7:30-10:20 Where's My Roy Cohn? (PG-13) Joker (R) 12:30-1:00-1:30-3:30- 6:20-9:05 Spider-Man: Far From Home -
12:15-2:45-5:15 3:30-7:10-9:50 Asuran (NR) 11:05-2:25-5:50-9:15 Promare 11:00-1:45-4:35-7:25; Brittany Runs A Marathon (R) Brittany Runs A Marathon (R) CC: 10:05-3:30 4:00-4:30-6:30-7:00-7:30-9:30- Ad Astra (PG-13) 12:55-3:55- Extended Cut (PG-13) CC; DVS:
Lucy in the Sky (R) 1:45-4:45- Joker (R) CC: 11:00-1:30-2:00- Rambo: Last Blood (R) 10:20- 10:20 11:40-2:30-5:15-8:00-10:40 CC: 1:30-4:00-10:00 Hustlers (R) CC: 10:10-12:45- 10:00-10:30 6:55-9:55 4:00-7:00-9:35-12:00
7:55-10:55 2:30-4:30-5:00-5:30-6:30-7:30- 12:40-3:10-5:45-8:10-10:30 Nothing to Lose 2 (PG-13) 11:05- Rambo: Last Blood (R) 11:45- Rambo: Last Blood (R) CC: 1:05- 3:15-5:45-8:15-10:45 Judy (PG-13) 1:35-4:25-7:15- It Chapter Two (R) 12:20-4:05- The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Downton Abbey (PG) 12:00 8:00-8:30-9:30-10:30-11:00 Chanakya (Telugu) (NR) 12:55 4:05-10:00 2:25-5:05-7:45-10:25 3:30-5:50-8:10-10:30 Snoopy Come Home (G) 11:00AM 10:15 5:30-9:25 (R) 12:00AM
Daily Newspapers & Magazines in PDF for Telegram: @WorldAndNews





 J 10 9 4
 10 9 6 4  J3
 A82  65
 AJ84  10 7 6 5 2
 10 2  A954

The bidding:
1 NT Pass 2  Pass
2 Pass 2 NT Pass
4 All Pass

“S imple Saturday” col-

umns are meant to
help aspiring players improve
technique and develop logical
Part of doing well at bridge
is drawing inferences from
the bidding and play. Some
are subtle, some are clear.
In today’s auction, North’s
two clubs conventionally
major, then North’s 2NT
invites game. South has
a maximum 1NT opening
and knows that since North
doesn’t like spades, he has
hearts. So South jumps to
four hearts.
West leads the 10 of clubs,
and declarer plays dummy’s
king. If West has led a
singleton, East must win and
return a club. But if West led
encourage with the nine of
Can West have a singleton
club? Then South would have
four. But South has shown
four cards in each major and
wouldn’t have opened 1NT
with 4-4-1-4 pattern. East
should duck the first club.
When West takes the ace
of trumps, he leads his last
club to get a ruff, and the ace
of diamonds scores for down
You hold:
The dealer, at your right,
opens one diamond. You
double, and your partner
responds one heart. What do
you say?
ANSWER: You must not get
required partner to bid. With
as many as 10 points, he
would have jumped to two
hearts. As it is, his hand and
hearts may be poor. Raise to
two hearts, showing about
17 points, to give your side a
chance to reach game, but
do no more.
— Frank Stewart



Daily Newspapers & Magazines in PDF for Telegram: @WorldAndNews




This year, you will get
past a restriction,
perhaps one involving
your home or a piece
of property. Don’t get heavy
about change. If single, you
meet people with ease. Date,
but do not formalize any bond
until you are sure. If attached,
the two of you sometimes
don’t even speak to each
other. This is not done out of
well-integrated as a couple.
Avoid a grumpy Capricorn.
(MARCH 21-APRIL 19).
You express a readiness to
join in, as whatever others
choose to do is okay with
you. A parent or older person
would like more attention. This
person does their very best to
convey that point. A partner or
dear friend invites you to a fun
gathering. You cannot say no.
Use your imagination and find
a reason to take a drive out
into the country. You might
want to see the foliage or go to
a flea market. Getting fresh air,
walking around and relaxing
provides an openness that
allows more sharing.
(MAY 21-JUNE 20).
Tension builds. You could be
overly serious. You might be
concerned about a partnership
and balancing your finances.
Someone you look up to
invitation. Say yes.
(JUNE 21-JULY 22).
You could be at the end of your
patience. You want change
but you are unwilling to allow
others to participate in your
choices even though they
might be impacted. A dear
friend could be overly serious.
(JULY 23-AUG. 22).
You could be out of sync
and wondering what to do.
Perhaps getting back into a
a visit to the gym or walk to
meet a friend for lunch. Do not
hesitate to take a nap if you’d
(AUG. 23-SEPT. 22).
Allow yourself to be freer and
more open when dealing with
a loved one or friend. Consider
your options with greater care
and concern. A child could be
out of sorts. Take time to visit
with them. This child needs
to learn how to work out their
(SEPT. 23-OCT. 22).
Defer to a family member or
roommate. You might not be
sure about which way to go
with a matter that involves
them. This person might be
a bit difficult, but they will
work through it with your
(OCT. 23-NOV. 21).
You have a lot to say and
cannot be succinct, no matter
how hard you try. Be more
forthright about your choices.
information to yourself. The
more open you are, the more
likely others will be to agree
with you.
(NOV. 22-DEC. 21).
You can see a lot of reasons to
say no to spending at present.
Still, you might let a bargain or
a special item go as a result.
Weigh the pros and cons. Get
feedback from a loved one.
(DEC. 22-JAN. 19).
all eyes turn to you for
information, suggestions
or simply to visit with. A
conversation allows more
relaxation. You see a person or
child in a less stringent light.
(JAN. 20-FEB. 18).
Try as you might, you cannot
get past a nagging feeling that
you lost a beat or missed a
detail that might be important.
Do not worry. Trust that you will
hear about it. Be more direct
in how you handle a difficult
(FEB. 19-MARCH 20).
Zero in on what you want and
what you want to have. Be
more forthright in how you
discuss an important matter.
A friend could be distant and
uncomfortable with what is
happening. Encourage this
person to speak.

— Jacqueline Bigar



More online: Feedback: 1301 K St. NW, Washington, D.C., 20071;; 202-334-4775. Plus, in Comic Riffs, Michael Cavna blogs about all things comics.
Daily Newspapers & Magazines in PDF for Telegram: @WorldAndNews



tabs McCoy
as his QB
vs. Patriots
Imperiled Redskins coach
favors longtime backup’s
comfort in his system


After several days of vague com-

ments, secret hints and subter-
fuge, Redskins Coach Jay Gruden
finally walked to an interview lec-
tern at the team’s practice facility
Friday and named a starting quar-
terback for Sunday’s game against
the New England Patriots.
It will be Colt McCoy.
He was probably the quarter-
back Gruden wanted to pick all
along, something he essentially
admitted when he made the an-
“Yeah, I decided a long time
ago. We’re starting Colt, and we’ll
go from there,” he said.
The move is not a surprise.
Gruden has long had a fondness
for the player who has been the
team’s backup for most of the
five-plus years that Gruden has
been Washington’s coach. McCoy
knows Gruden’s offense, under-
stands the way Gruden thinks and
is well liked in the locker room.
Gruden has kept him on the team
because he served as a reliable
backup to Kirk Cousins and later
With the Redskins 0-4 and go-
ing against the Super Bowl cham-
pions with Gruden’s job in jeopar-

It’s even, Stephen

dy, McCoy is the quarterback
Gruden is most comfortable play-
When Smith broke his leg last
November, McCoy only lasted for
parts of three games until he, too,
went down with a broken leg in a
Dec. 3 loss at Philadelphia. Mc-
Coy’s leg was supposed to have
healed by the time the team start-
ed offseason workouts, but com-
plications from the original With swagger and a glare, Nats use their best arms
Strasburg delivers again NATIONALS 4, DODGERS 2:
Stephen Strasburg had
to tie series vs. Dodgers
Patriots at Redskins
Tomorrow, 1 p.m., WUSA-9 los angeles — There’s no way everything working in Game 2, BY J ESSE D OUGHERTY
to hit his stuff. Not on nights like taking a perfect game into the
Friday, when Stephen Strasburg fifth inning and leaving with a los angeles — There was a point inside Dodger
can come in with a fastball on the two-run lead through six. The Stadium on Friday night, right around the seventh
hands at 95 mph, then follow inning, when all the math was stripped down to
Nats’ bullpen — Sean Doolittle,
Natalie Coughlin, one of Barry
with a pitch — same arm slot, something very simple: The Los Angeles Dodgers
same angle, same look, same Max Scherzer (!) and Daniel were only going to face the Washington Nationals’
the sport’s legends, gets Svrluga everything — that’s a good 7 or Hudson — stitched together the very best pitchers. And if they couldn’t beat
back in the pool at 37. D2 8 mph slower. It’s as if — over the final nine outs. Stephen Strasburg, Sean Doolittle, Max Scherzer
course of traveling those 60 feet, six inches — and Daniel Hudson, in that order, then the Nation-
TRACK AND FIELD that change-up gains 10 pounds, crashing to the als would win and even this National League
American Dalilah ground as some poor, pitiable hitter flails over it. NLDS GAME 3 Division Series at a game apiece.
And we haven’t even mentioned the Dodgers at Nationals That what’s happened once nine innings were
Muhammad sets a world curveball. Yet. Ryu (14-5) vs. Scherzer (11-7) added up. The Nationals beat the Dodgers, 4-2,
mark in 400 hurdles. D2 The Washington Nationals will fly east on Tomorrow, 7:45 p.m., TBS because Strasburg went through their order like a
Saturday with this National League Division Best-of-five series tied, 1-1 wrecking ball and a makeshift bullpen held on.
WNBA FINALS Series tied at a game apiece because Strasburg is Strasburg retired the first 14 batters he faced. He
on their team. The Los Angeles Dodgers lost Behold the Astros: An all-star struck out 10, just two days after throwing 34
The Mystics and LaToya team hides in plain sight, and it
Game 2 on Friday night, 4-2, because Strasburg pitches in the wild-card game, and the victory was
Sanders are focusing on SEE SVRLUGA ON D5 rolled in Game 1 of its ALDS. D4 SEE NATIONALS ON D5
defense for Game 3. D3
With D.C. poised to allow
sports gambling, Ted
Leonsis is betting big. D3

Samsonov wins debut in a peek at what’s ahead Longtime backup Trask

is finally the leading man
ISLANDERS 1 Quarterback leads No. 10 Florida vs. No. 7 Auburn
BY C HUCK C ULPEPPER arm and the look of a dream
Start the movie with a long Or: He’s a big lad with a big arm
uniondale, n.y. — Barry Trotz sequence of wretched college and the look of a dream quarter-
was at the draft table in 2015 football recruiters barreling the back, but he has made zero high
when the Washington Capitals 22 miles south from Houston on school starts.
made a surprising choice with Highway 288. Note their usual College coaches: “We can’t sign
their first-round selection, taking addled expressions. Hear their him, because he’s a backup.”
a goaltender that high for the first groupthink. Manvel coaches: “He’s not real-
time in nearly a decade. But It’s the mid-2010s, and they ly a backup. He’s just behind the
Trotz, then the team’s head coach, reach Manvel, fresh football hot- most electric player in Texas.” Cut
had heard that Ilya Samsonov bed in the widening metropolis. to footage of starter D’Eriq King,
was special from people outside They evaluate the smorgasbord of future University of Houston
of the organization — that, at talent among Manvel High Mav- quarterback, tallying his thou-
18 years old, the Russian was ericks, and the chatter turns to the sands of yards.
ahead of where Tampa Bay star backup quarterback. Note that Manvel coaches un-
netminder Andrei Vasilevskiy He has made zero high school derstood the college coaches
was at that age. starts, but he’s a big lad with a big SEE GATORS ON D8
“He’s a tremendous young
man,” said Trotz, now the head
“He’s got size; he’s athletic; he’s Nationally Locally
been coached very well. I know
he’s got a real bright future.” 14 Iowa at 19 Michigan Maryland at Rutgers
That NHL future began to be Noon, Fox Big Ten Network, noon
realized Friday night, when 7 Auburn at 10 Florida Virginia Tech at Miami
3:30 p.m., CBS ESPN, 3:30 p.m.
Hurricanes at Capitals STEVEN RYAN/ASSOCIATED PRESS 25 Michigan St. at 4 Ohio St. Air Force at Navy
Today, 7 p.m., NBCSW Ilya Samsonov, stopping a shot by the Islanders’ Brock Nelson, made 25 saves in his NHL debut. 7:30 p.m., ABC CBS Sports Network, 3:30 p.m.
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No. 5 Georgetown was held to a

Now a mom, Coughlin dives back in
Pick pushes Cincinnati scoreless tie against DePaul in
Chicago. Tomas Romero made The 12-time Olympic medalist in swimming is set to compete this weekend for the first time since 2016
past 18th-ranked UCF two saves for the Hoyas (7-1-1, 2-0-
1 Big East), while Drew Nuelle
Ahmad Gardner returned an made eight for the Demon BY R ICK M AESE
interception for a go-ahead Deacons (4-5-2, 0-1-2). . . .
touchdown and host Cincinnati Diana Ordonez had two goals As Natalie Coughlin was piling
clamped down on quarterback and Alexa Spaanstra also scored up her 12 Olympic medals and
Dillon Gabriel and No. 18 Central as the No. 1 Virginia women (10- etching her name in the record
Florida’s high-scoring offense 0-2, 2-0-2) handled Miami (3-5-2, books as one of the best American
Friday night for a 27-24 victory 0-3-1), 3-0, in Coral Gables, Fla. swimmers ever to hit the water,
that ended the Knights’ streak of life was somewhat simple. She
19 conference wins. PRO BASKETBALL had some of the best coaches,
After getting blown out in their The Los Angeles Sparks fired swam in the best pools and had
past two games against the two- general manager Penny Toler, a relatively few worries.
time defending American move that followed a tirade after Now as she embarks on a
Athletic Conference champs, the the team lost Game 2 in the comeback at age 37, life is more
Bearcats (4-1, 1-0) gave second round of the WNBA complicated but the swimming is
themselves an early edge in the playoffs. The team said Eric actually simpler. She’s a first-time
race. And it came by way of a Holoman, managing partner and mother, trying to nurse and work
defense that has had trouble governor, will replace Toler as GM and sneak swim sessions in be-
keeping up with UCF (4-2, 1-1). and executive vice president on tween her daughter’s naps. Her
In addition to Gardner’s 16- an interim basis while a national daily training pool? It’s located
yard return, the Bearcats picked search is conducted. . . . only two minutes from her Cali-
off freshman Gabriel’s passes at In the first NBA game ever fornia home. “They have excel-
the Cincinnati 2 and 6. played in India, T.J. Warren hit lent child care there,” she said.
UCF’s Tre Nixon turned a the shot that put Indiana ahead And in the water, there are only
short pass into a 45-yard for good with 1:03 remaining, and six lanes, and as Coughlin said,
touchdown that cut it to 27-24 the Pacers earned a 132-131 “The people next to me are doing
with 3:11 to go, but the Bearcats overtime exhibition win over the aqua aerobics and floating
ran out the clock. . . . Sacramento Kings in Mumbai. around.”
Linebacker Jeremy Banks was None of this is to say that
dismissed from the Tennessee TENNIS Coughlin’s return to competitive
football team after video showed Former No. 1 Andy Murray, swimming has been easy. The
him cursing and saying, “Where who had won consecutive singles three-time Olympian will com-
I’m from, we shoot at cops,” matches for the first time since pete this weekend for the first
during his arrest last month undergoing hip surgery in time since 2016 when the Interna-
following a traffic stop. Coach January, lost to top-seeded tional Swimming League launch-
Jeremy Pruitt said in a statement Dominic Thiem, 6-2, 7-6 (7-3), in es its inaugural season. Coughlin
that he decided to “remove” the quarterfinals of the China has been training in earnest for
Banks in the best interest of the Open in Beijing. six months and will serve as a
team and university. . . . Thiem broke Murray, 32, in the team captain for DC Trident at
Oklahoma kicker Calum first game of the match, but the the opening meet this weekend in
Sutherland was suspended British player made things more Indianapolis. For Coughlin, prep-
indefinitely. The school did not difficult in the second set, testing arations have proved to be a
specify a reason for the his younger opponent’s nerve in juggling act of sorts.
suspension. Sutherland was finishing out the match. “It’s really, really tough,”
arrested Sept. 21 on a public Also, Karen Khachanov beat Coughlin said in a recent inter-
intoxication charge. . . . Fabio Fognini, 3-6, 6-3, 6-1; view. “Swimming isn’t my No. 1
An amateur coach was Alexander Zverev downed Sam priority anymore. It’s my daugh-
sentenced to three months in Querrey, 7-6 (7-3), 6-2; and ter, who’s 11 months old. And my
prison for his role in a college Stefanos Tsitsipas beat John winery, my responsibilities on
basketball bribery scheme that Isner, 7-6 (7-3), 6-3. USA Swimming board and all
focused on NBA-bound athletes. Top-seeded Ashleigh Barty these other things that take pre-
Merl Code, who was convicted reached the semifinals in the cedence over my training.”
in May of conspiring to pay women’s draw by beating Petra This weekend, for the first time
thousands of dollars in bribes to Kvitova, 4-6, 6-4, 6-3. . . . in three years, she will focus
college coaches and families of Competing in Tokyo for the mostly on swimming. The two-
top recruits, was sentenced at a first time, Novak Djokovic beat day event will feature 35 individ-
federal court in New York. . . . fifth-seeded Lucas Pouille, 6-1, ual races and three relays, none
St. Thomas is seeking to 6-2, to advance to the semifinals longer than 400 meters. League
become Minnesota’s second of the Japan Open. organizers hope for a fast-paced
Division I school. The university meet in which swimmers com-
that soon will be ousted from the SOCCER pete in multiple events. While the
Minnesota Intercollegiate Real Betis and Eibar drew, 1-1, teams are branded with city
Athletic Conference because of its in the Spanish league, a result names, none is physically based
dominance of smaller schools in that left both teams near the in the city it represents and the
its longtime Division III home middle of the table. athletes train on their own, com-
received an invitation to join the Fabián Orellana put Eibar ing together at the meets. Cough-
Summit League. . . . ahead by converting a 34th- lin and Katie Ledecky headline a JAE C. HONG/ASSOCIATED PRESS

The top-ranked Virginia men’s minute penalty kick, but the hosts team that is ostensibly based in Natalie Coughlin will swim for DC Trident this weekend in an International Swimming League meet.
soccer team stayed unbeaten with equalized through Lorenzo the District.
a 2-0 win over No. 24 Louisville Morón in the 66th with a goal “When I think of the sport of couple of days, she accepted San- She had to start carving out starting block until last week.
(5-3-2, 1-2-1 ACC) in confirmed by video review on a swimming, I think of Natalie,” deno’s offer. “It’d be a really fun, time in her schedule to visit the “It got better as I did more and
Charlottesville. Daryl Dike and close offside decision. said Kaitlin Sandeno, Trident’s exciting way for me to get back in pool near her home. Long gone more,” she said. “Fortunately, the
Spencer Patton scored for the — From news services general manager. “I think she’s shape after having a baby,” she are the days where she would muscle memory is there.”
Cavaliers (10-0-0, 4-0-0). . . . and staff reports done so much for it. She’s so said recently. “It was a good spend a full day training, getting Coughlin will swim the
established, so iconic. She truly is motivator for me to get back in in her dry land work, conferring 50 backstroke this weekend but
a legend.” the pool.” with coaches, warming down could be tapped for another race
As Sandeno, a former Olympic Next came the challenging with teammates. or two as well, possibly in a relay.
TELEVISION AND RADIO gold medalist herself, started part. After a lifetime of elite “I just can’t do that now,” she Ledecky also could hit the pool a
MLB PLAYOFFS fleshing out her roster in the competition — she is tied with says. “That part of my life is over. couple of times, possibly in the
5 p.m. ALDS, Game 2: Minnesota at New York Yankees » Fox Sports 1, spring, she reached out to her old Dara Torres and Jenny Thomp- I’ve moved on to other things. I 400 freestyle and the 4x100 free-
WSBN (630 AM) U.S. teammate, not knowing what son as the most decorated female wish I could. I loved that so much. style relay.
9 p.m. ALDS, Game 2: Tampa Bay at Houston » Fox Sports 1 her friend might say. Coughlin’s American Olympic swimmer — It was such a wonderful, simple While most of the world’s top
NHL last big meet, after all, was the diving into a pool was no longer a life — training all day, hanging swimmers are training for next
7 p.m. Carolina at Washington » NBC Sports Washington, WFED (1500 AM) 2016 U.S. Olympic trials, where part of her daily routine. out with teammates and focusing year’s Olympics in Tokyo, Cough-
7 p.m. Montreal at Toronto » NHL Network she failed to qualify for the Rio “It wasn’t intentional. It just on your body. That was wonder- lin has a birthday party to plan.
Games. She never retired from kind of happened,” she said. “It ful.” Her daughter, Zennie Mae Hall,
COLLEGE FOOTBALL, SEE PAGE D8 the sport but stopped competing was a period where going to the She missed a string of days in turns 1 this month. The Olympics
NBA PRESEASON aren’t in Coughlin’s current
or training in any serious way. pool didn’t fit into my schedule.” August when her schedule just
9:30 a.m. Sacramento vs. Indiana » NBA TV Coughlin was five or so months Coughlin stayed in good shape, didn’t allow her to hit the water. plans, but she is eager to get back
8 p.m. Los Angeles Lakers at Golden State » TNT
into motherhood and enjoying though. She ran and hiked “I’m doing my best to balance it on the pool deck and show that
SOCCER her routine when the text mes- throughout her pregnancy, regu- all,” she says. even though so much has
7:30 a.m. English Premier League: Tottenham at Brighton » NBC Sports Network sage popped up. She had just larly visiting the weight room and Her body isn’t just that of a changed in recent years, she is
9:30 a.m. German Bundesliga: Hoffenheim at Bayern Munich » Fox Sports 1 published a cookbook and started retaining her strength. While her 37-year-old, it’s that of a new still powerful, graceful and faster
9:30 a.m. German Bundesliga: Borussia Dortmund at Freiburg » Fox Sports 2 her own winery. Sandeno’s propo- stroke felt like second nature, mother. When she started her in the water than most people on
10 a.m. Spanish La Liga: Granada at Real Madrid » beIN Sports sition caught her off guard. “I completing a full race still re- comeback, her abdominal mus- the planet.
10 a.m. English Premier League: Leicester City at Liverpool » NBC Sports Network said, ‘Absolutely not,’ ” Coughlin quired shaking off some rust. She cles hadn’t fully healed, and “Natalie is the most competi-
Noon French Ligue 1: Angers at Paris Saint-Germain » said with a laugh. appreciated that the league was Coughlin didn’t want to overexert tive person that I know,” Sandeno
beIN Sports (joined in progress)
But she thought it through, only competing in short-course herself until they had. She didn’t said. “She’s a gamer and a racer.
12:30 p.m. German Bundesliga: Cologne at Schalke » Fox Sports 2
12:30 p.m. English Premier League: Crystal Palace at West Ham » WRC (Ch. 4),
considered the logistics and how pools and felt confident her legs even bother with underwater dol- When those lights come on, I
WBAL (Ch. 11) it would impact her young family could power her through the phin kicks until late in the sum- know she’ll give us her all.”
1:30 p.m. Turkish Super Lig: Galatasaray at Genclerbirligi » and her other ventures. After a sprint distances. mer and didn’t step onto the
beIN Sports (joined in progress)
3 p.m. Spanish La Liga: Villarreal at Osasuna » beIN Sports
5 p.m. NWSL: Washington at Orlando » NBC Sports Washington Plus
10 p.m. Mexican Liga MX: Atlas at Tijuana » Fox Sports 2 TRACK AND FIELD WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS
7:30 a.m.
1:30 p.m.
5 p.m.
European Tour: Open de España, third round » Golf Channel
LPGA Tour: Volunteers of America Classic, third round » Golf Channel
PGA Tour: Shriners Hospitals for Children Open, third round » Golf Channel
Muhammad breaks world record in 400 hurdles
TENNIS BY E DDIE P ELLS call him “The Qatari Falcon” — will some experience. And run her and through water over 3,000 me-
6 a.m. ATP/WTA: Beijing Open, semifinals » Tennis Channel head into the Tokyo Games next best. And she’s surpassed that.” ters, and as they approached the
2:30 a.m. ATP: Japan Open, singles final » Tennis Channel year as reigning world champions. How close did Muhammad finish, there was nothing separat-
doha, qatar — The message
American hurdler Dalilah Mu- Muhammad will also go in as the come to missing out on this? ing them. With fans screaming,
4:30 a.m. WTA: Beijing Open, singles final » Tennis Channel
(Sunday) hammad kept telling herself when defending Olympic champ — and Shortly after graduating from they sprawled as they reached the
her career was running into road- almost certainly as the world rec- Southern California in 2012, she line. A photo finish showed Kipru-
AUTO RACING blocks: Why not me? ord holder, too. went to the Olympic trials and to had crossed in 8 minutes
12:30 p.m. NASCAR Xfinity Series: Use Your Melon Drive Sober 200, qualifying » The message Qatari high jump- “I didn’t even know who won flopped. Out in the first round, she 1.35 seconds. That was one-hun-
NBC Sports Network er Mutaz Essa Barshim kept re- the race,” Muhammad said. “I was had neither a spot at the London dredth of a second faster than
1:30 p.m. NASCAR Cup Series: Drydene 400, qualifying » NBC Sports Network ceiving from an adoring home looking to see who won, and then I Games nor a sponsor. Girma.
3 p.m. NASCAR Xfinity Series: Use Your Melon Drive Sober 200 » Things changed: She won na- “I was praying, ‘Let me be faster
crowd yearning to celebrate a noticed, when they said ‘world
NBC Sports Network
champion: We love you! record,’ that I had broken it.” tionals in 2013, then a silver medal than him,’ ” Kipruto said. “I wait-
TRACK AND FIELD On a thrill-filled night at the Simply winning the race has at worlds. Then they changed ed. I prayed. I saw the screen and
2:30 p.m. World championships, Day 9 » WRC (Ch. 4), WBAL (Ch. 11) track and field world champion- become more difficult because of again: She faltered in 2015 and saw it said ‘Conseslus.’ It was my
ships Friday, Muhammad an- the rapid rise of Sydney McLaugh- watched those world champion- name. I was definitely happy.”
HORSE RACING swered her own question — again lin, the 20-year-old phenom who ships from home. In the men’s 400 meters, Steven
5:30 p.m. Breeders’ Futurity Stakes » NBC Sports Network — by setting her second world juggles, rides a unicycle and seems “I had an epiphany one day: Gardiner of the Bahamas won
7 p.m. Santa Anita Sprint Championship » MASN
record in 10 weeks, while Barshim destined to win gold one day. ‘Why not me?’ ” Muhammad said. gold over Anthony Zambrano of
MIXED MARTIAL ARTS loved everyone back by becoming McLaughlin also finished sec- Muhammad barely broke stride Colombia and Fred Kerley of the
8 p.m. UFC 243 prelims: Undercard bouts » ESPN2 a back-to-back world champion, ond to Muhammad at nationals — in clearing the 10 hurdles. It was, United States. Finishing 1-2 in the
winning this one on home turf. but that one was by 0.68 seconds. she said, much closer to the per- discus were Cubans Yaime Perez
RUGBY WORLD CUP “I’ve won a lot of gold medals, This one was by 0.07, and her time fect race that she decidedly did not and Denia Caballero, who ran to
12:30 a.m. Pool B: New Zealand vs. Namibia » NBC Sports Network but this one is home,” Barshim of 52.23 would have been the think she had run at nationals in the stands to share hugs with their
(Sunday) said. “It feels different. I just felt world record had she run it the rain in Des Moines. Yet this small group of fans.
3:30 a.m. Pool C: France vs. Tonga » NBC Sports Network
love.” 10 weeks ago. race still came down to a lean at But no win brought more joy to
The late-blooming, 29-year-old “We came into this season the line. the crowd than Barshim’s. He
WOMEN’S COLLEGE SOCCER Muhammad smoothed her way knowing who the main opponent “Next year’s going to be amaz- brought the fans out of their seats
1 p.m. Pittsburgh at Florida State » ACC Network through the 400-meter hurdles in was going to be,” said McLaugh- ing,” Hayes said. every time he cleared a height.
52.16 to break, by 0.04 seconds, the lin’s coach, Olympic gold medalist Close as the race was, though, “I did it for them,” Barshim said
world record she had set at the Joanna Hayes. “It’s not a surprise. the men’s steeplechase was closer. of his fans and countrymen.
8 p.m. Wisconsin at Nebraska » Big Ten Network national championships in July. Dalilah has experience over Syd, Conseslus Kipruto and Lame- “They’re the champions tonight.”
Both she and Barshim — they so all I wanted her to do was get cha Girma rambled over barriers — Associated Press
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Sanders finally finds her fit as Mystics’ glue player Leonsis’s biggest bet so far
BY A VA W ALLACE calls for novel caution, too
Washington Mystics Coach
Mike Thibault gave a speech to his In Ted Leonsis’s throw hardcore gamblers into
players this week about cutting entrepreneurial the event, you’re talking about
out distractions because he dreams, Capital new customers with way more
knows what happens when the One Arena will personal and financial interests
WNBA Finals get rolling: Social transform into a than the average fan. Put too
media chatter picks up, friends year-round many of these people in the
start texting suggestions, and Jerry sanctuary building, and it changes the
family members trickle into town. Brewer because of entire vibe.
“Everybody has ideas,” Thiba- legalized sports There is also the likelihood of
ult said. gambling. On any given day — a significant alteration in the
Center LaToya Sanders under- regardless of whether the interaction between spectators
stood the message. But to her, Capitals and Wizards are good, and athletes. Most of us desire
family isn’t a distraction to be bad or just off for the night — to watch professional sports live
shut out, especially in pressure the place will be buzzing and because we appreciate the
situations such as the one the creating fresh revenue streams. competition, the athleticism and
Mystics are staring down. On Sat- Within this place, he will be able the drama. In short, we are
urday, Washington will travel to to marry two of his great there to enjoy a performance, to
Connecticut for Sunday’s Game 3 passions — sports and be entertained, to bear witness
of the WNBA Finals, with the technology — in an innovative, to the unknown. And now the
best-of-five series tied at a game bettor-friendly way and design doors will be open, in theory, to
apiece. an unstoppable business model. a large concentration of people
Sanders leads the Mystics’ de- That’s his vision. In heavily invested in an attempt to
fense along with guard Natasha navigating this wild and forecast the unknown.
Cloud, who holds things down on unstable new terrain, most It’s the gamification of games.
the perimeter while the 6-foot-2 influential sports figures have It can be fun when you’re
center patrols the post. Washing- TONI L. SANDYS/THE WASHINGTON POST tiptoed since the gate-opening guessing whether Alex Ovechkin
ton has been drilling down on Mystics center LaToya Sanders, 33, said, “It took me a while to find my role and my importance.” Supreme Court decision 17 will score in the second period
defense all week since its Game 2 months ago. Leonsis is walking just to guess. But when a
loss — it will be the crucial factor WNBA Finals Washington. she wanted to. But you see her briskly, if not jogging. He’s not gambler bets his rent on it and
against the Sun with Elena Delle Best-of-five series tied, 1-1 Thibault liked her defense giving it her all. I mean she’s waiting to see what will happen. Ovechkin doesn’t deliver?
Donne’s status unknown because Game 3: Mystics at Sun enough to make her the first sub battling Liz Cambage all series, From the beginning, he has been Uncomfortable.
of a herniated disk in her back. off the bench in her first game diving all over the floor. And fascinated with inventing the Here’s the thing about going
Tomorrow, 3:30 p.m., ABC
Thibault said the team will give with Washington even though she when we see her, at that age — not future. to a casino, as opposed to some
an injury update on Delle Donne didn’t know any plays. That laid a saying she’s old — but when we You can admire his foresight. sports version of one: You know
on Saturday. rights, so at least if she chose to foundation of trust that has con- see that, that brings us together You can worry about the the deal. The house always wins.
What’s certain is that Sanders play she would be relatively close tinued into this season — Thiba- and brings us energy. She’s one of potential for recklessness. You You’re trying to defy the odds,
will have to be at her best. Which to home — about a four-hour ult often lets Sanders stand aside those people who doesn’t say can hate his moneymaking get lucky, hope for the right
means she will be thinking of her drive from where her mother, during drills in practice because much, but when she does, we all ambitions. It doesn’t matter. cards or the ideal roll of the
family before the game. Sharon, lives in North Carolina. she picks up plays and strategy so lock in because she’s a vet.” Leonsis, who owns the Capitals, dice. When it doesn’t happen,
“I really play mostly for them,” Feelings of guilt about missing quickly. Sanders has played the entire Mystics and Wizards, wants to there is really no one to blame
Sanders said. time with her family mingled Since then, Sanders has be- season with a torn labrum in her be at the forefront of shaping all but your own foolishness. In an
A winding path brought Sand- with the desire to end a career on come a key part of the Mystics’ hip that eventually will require of these loose possibilities into a arena, when Bradley Beal fails to
ers, 33, to the Mystics. Drafted by her own terms. Ultimately, she defense. She was second on the surgery, though probably not un- cutting-edge reality. help you win a bet, you might
Phoenix in 2008, she also played didn’t have to choose one over the team behind Delle Donne in re- til she retires. The pain isn’t as He was talking openly about get delusional and blame it on
for Minnesota and Los Angeles other. bounding during the regular sea- bad when she’s playing as it is ideas until Thursday. Now he him. The possibility of anger is
before taking leave from the “I kind of felt guilty missing so son, averaging 5.5 per game. In when she’s going about daily life, has made his first significant obvious. Fostering an
WNBA in 2011 so she could spend much of my dad’s life later on and the playoffs, her rebounds have so she has refused to miss games. public move by announcing a environment for ticked-off
time with her terminally ill father, then not being around my mom dipped slightly, to 4.3, in part That’s quite a change for some- partnership with British wagerers could be dangerous,
Reece Pringle, who died of cancer and sister,” Sanders said. “But I because she takes the hardest one who was ready to be done bookmaker William Hill. and the divide between fans and
in 2012. She didn’t return to the know they love to see me play in defensive assignment. In these with the WNBA just a few years Assuming that the deal clears a players is already wide and
WNBA until 2015, opting to stay the WNBA. My mom and sister playoffs that has meant taking on ago. few hurdles with the city, the burdensome.
home for at least part of the year and grandmother, at the time, two bruising interior stars, 6- “It took me a while to find my NBA and the NHL, Capital One If he gets his way, Leonsis
so she could keep an eye on her could all see me play [in Washing- foot-8 Liz Cambage of Las Vegas role and my importance and what Arena soon could be attached to must be careful not to allow the
mother and sister, though she did ton], so I’d actually say I came and 6-6 Jonquel Jones of Con- I can bring to a team. It took me a sportsbook and even function game to become background
play abroad in Turkey during that back for them. Coach T was gra- necticut. being comfortable in Coach T’s like a vast casino during live noise while chasing the
time, competing both on a profes- cious enough to ask me to come Beyond her stats, Sanders is system to realize, you know, I’m events. gambling dollar. As is, there are
sional club and with the national back.” what Cloud and Thibault call pretty good,” Sanders said with a The plan puts Leonsis in the too many distractions at
team. (Sanders became a natural- The reputation of Thibault as a Washington’s glue player. laugh. “Sometimes you have to go role of industry leader — or sporting events. The event itself
ized Turkish citizen in 2012.) players’ coach and the presence of “Toya does stuff that doesn’t until you find a place that fits you, guinea pig. While he enters the can’t become merely the music
The decision to come back to Ivory Latta, Sanders’s college come up on the stat sheet, all the and maybe I didn’t necessarily fit venture with great exuberance, at the party.
the WNBA wasn’t one Sanders teammate from North Carolina, little things,” guard Shatori Walk- in in Phoenix and L.A. But five there’s also a need for caution as Leonsis understands the
took lightly. It helped that, by the on the Mystics made Sanders er-Kimbrough said. “She’s bat- years later, and I’m still here, with he sets an example (or becomes challenges. He understands he
time she was considering a come- comfortable with restarting her tling some injuries; she could more years to come.” a cautionary tale) for blurring has a responsibility to keep
back, Washington owned her domestic basketball career with have sat down a long time ago if the line between sports and sporting events family-friendly
betting. and enjoyable for children. But
Leonsis is sensitive to he’s also the owner of multiple
perception, which is why he sports franchises. He wants to
mostly describes the make as much money as
partnership with William Hill as possible.
a landlord-tenant arrangement. “Everyone will be watching,”
But he also talks of William Hill Leonsis said. “We understand
putting kiosks in the arena, our social responsibility and
mobile wagering from seats and that everyone will be watching
the potential for proposition how this works and how this
bets involving the live events. rolls out.”
In making the announcement, And there’s one key factor in
Leonsis characterized William how Leonsis views sports
Hill as “no different than gambling: Many of us consider
McDonald’s or Dunkin’ Donuts.” it to be a financially risky game
But this relationship is fully of chance. Leonsis considers it
dissimilar to other arena to be much more of a game of
tenants because William Hill’s skill. He often talks about using
business will be tied to what’s data to unlock the secrets of
happening on the court or ice in sports.
a manner that far exceeds a As a creative mind, he likes
Chick-fil-A free throw the idea that gambling could
promotion. It makes the inspire a new viewing
partnership much more experience in which sports
complicated to manage on many leagues partner with tech
levels, including game integrity companies and bookmakers to
and the in-game experience for make special use of all of the
fans. statistical information tied to
If you’re a big fan of the local athletics. In an ideal world, such
team who also enjoys gambling collaboration would benefit
(and can do so in moderation), more than bettors. It would
in-arena betting will have an stimulate minds and change the
additive effect. That’s mostly way we watch sports. It would
positive, I suppose. But as any attract more interest and create
smart businessman would, more revenue possibilities as
Leonsis wants to use gambling viewers transition from
as an incentive for new fans to traditional television to online
come to games. That would set streaming.
up an interesting level of When Leonsis dreams, he can
conflict, probably passive- be captivating. He can also
aggressive in nature, between inspire skepticism, because until
loyalists and gamblers just recently gambling had always
interested in making a few been considered detrimental to
bucks. sports. But he sees something,
People come to games for all even if you don’t, and he is
kinds of reasons: love of team, proceeding to follow that vision.
sense of community, civic pride, Let’s just hope he does so with
family fun, dates, to see and be ample caution.
seen, the bizarre enjoyment of
heckling. So I won’t wax on
about the purity of watching an For more by Jerry Brewer, visit
athletic event. But when you


Ted Leonsis, in his deal with bookmaker William Hill, envisions

Capital One Arena as a year-round sanctuary of sports gambling.
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mlb playoffs

Behold the Astros, a team with no weaknesses. Good luck to the rest of baseball.
Tyler Glasnow 288 homers would have been a
On throws a fastball major league record — except
Baseball up to 100 mph out the Minnesota Twins and New
DAVE of a 6-foot-8 York Yankees also broke the old
SHEININ frame and a lanky mark and hit 307 and 306,
right arm, which, respectively.
all told, means his At a time when the strikeout
release point is somewhere reigns supreme across the
around 521/2 feet from home industry as the ultimate
plate. The 1-1 fastball he threw to difference-maker, the Astros
Jose Altuve in the fifth inning of became the first team in history
Game 1 of the American League to lead the majors from both
Division Series was 97.5 mph and sides: Their pitchers struck out
up near the letters — meaning the most hitters, while their
Altuve, in those few hitters struck out the fewest
milliseconds, not only had to times.
decide to swing but adjust his There have been all-star
bat path, mid-swing, to reach the lineups that weren’t as potent as
high heat. the Astros’, which on Friday
It’s easy in any sport — but featured seven hitters with an on-
baseball especially — to get lost base-plus-slugging percentage
in the numbers to the point that above .875 and an OPS+
every action comes with a (adjusted for park and league
mathematical explanation. We effects) of 125 — meaning their
know, for example, that the two- production was at least
run homer Altuve, the Houston 25 percent above league average.
Astros’ second baseman, hit on And we mean that literally
that pitch from Glasnow, a about the all-star lineups. The
Tampa Bay Rays starter, traveled nine starters for the NL in the
358 feet with an exit velocity of 2014 All-Star Game, which
98.7 mph and a launch angle of included a designated hitter, had
29 degrees. an average OPS that season of
But occasionally it is worth .879. The nine Astros starters
our while to step back from our Friday had an average OPS of
sabermetric bubble and remind .907 — led by the 1.067 of
ourselves: Some of these feats phenom DH Yordan Alvarez, the
and some of these athletes are runaway front-runner for AL
absolutely incredible. rookie of the year, and 1.015 of
Friday afternoon, in the third baseman Alex Bregman, a
Astros’ 6-2 win over the Rays at BOB LEVEY/GETTY IMAGES leading candidate for MVP.
Houston’s Minute Maid Park, Justin Verlander held Tampa Bay to one hit over seven innings to lead Houston to a 6-2 victory in Game 1 of the AL Division Series. It doesn’t mean the Astros
was a good time to do that. can’t lose the next three games
Altuve is a modern marvel of Rays scoring twice off Astros and get sent home shockingly
physiology, a 5-foot-6 bundle of reliever Ryan Pressly in the early — they somehow lost seven
fast-twitch muscle and sinew, eighth and bringing the tying straight at one point in June. But
with what — logic tells you even run to the on-deck circle before the way their rotation sets up, it
if there isn’t yet a stat for it — setup man Will Harris entered is almost impossible to envision.
must be some of the fastest and retired Ji-Man Choi on a After the Rays faced Verlander
hands known to mankind. grounder to third. in Game 1, their task gets no
To catch up to those pitches And so the AL West champion easier. In Saturday’s Game 2, the
and to drive them over the wall Astros, who led the majors with Astros will send to the mound
out of that undersized body — as 107 wins, made an emphatic the second of their twin aces —
Altuve, the 2017 AL MVP, did opening statement to their 2019 right-hander Gerrit Cole, who is
31 times this regular season and postseason, which they entered also the only pitcher in the same
as he has done 137 times, regular as the consensus pick to win it discussion with Verlander for the
and postseason combined, in his all. Days such as Friday remind AL Cy Young Award, which,
career — could not otherwise be us of why that is so. when it is announced next
physically possible. That 97.5- Locked in a scoreless tie for month, will either be Verlander’s
mph fastball wasn’t even the 41/2 innings against an excellent second or Cole’s first. Oh, and
hardest gas Altuve has gone deep team — the Rays won 96 games Game 3 will be started by Zack
against this year; last month, he in the cutthroat AL East and beat Greinke, who also owns a Cy
turned around a 99-mph heater. Oakland in the wild-card game Young and who went 8-1 with a
Jose Altuve, we remind Wednesday night — and facing 3.02 ERA after being acquired
ourselves again, you are one of the hardest-throwing from Arizona at the trade
remarkable. starters in the game in Glasnow, deadline.
For that matter, so are you, the Astros simply outlasted their As an organization, the Astros
Justin Verlander. opponent, waiting for them to are known throughout the sport
On Friday, the Astros’ 36-year- make a couple of mistakes, then as the most ruthlessly devoted to
old ace — the oldest player on pouncing when they did. analytics and technology — a
either team — carried a no-hitter A critical mistake came in the trait that can make them appear
into the fifth inning and settled fifth, four batters after Altuve’s ERIC CHRISTIAN SMITH/ASSOCIATED PRESS from the outside as cold and
for seven scoreless innings, a homer, when Astros first Jose Altuve’s two-run homer sparked a four-run fifth for the Astros, who led the majors with 107 wins. robotic.
representative performance at baseman Yuli Gurriel hit a popup But sometimes it is best to
the end of a Cy Young-caliber into the area near the foul line in Just as we need to step back 2019 baseball, with its stratified may be remembered as one of forget all that and simply admire
regular season. Verlander struck shallow right. Three Rays sometimes and admire the standings and an outrageous the greatest teams in a the collection of players the
out eight, never allowed a runner defenders converged, but the abilities of players such as Altuve home run pace, they stood out. generation. Their run Astros have assembled — who
past first base and departed with ball glanced off the glove of and Verlander, we should also If the Astros were to win differential of plus-280, for come in all shapes and sizes but
a six-run lead. second baseman Brandon Lowe take a moment to gaze in wonder 10 more games this month and example, is the most by any team almost uniformly share one trait:
Only after Verlander left did — a play ruled an error, with two at the Astros. Even in the thus claim their second World since the 116-win Seattle They are very good at baseball.
things get interesting, with the runs crossing the plate. turbocharged atmosphere of Series title in three years, they Mariners of 2001. Their

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mlb playoffs


Nationals ace Max Scherzer, summoned in the eighth inning against the Dodgers on Friday after starting the National League wild-card game Tuesday, struck out Gavin Lux, Chris Taylor and Joc Pederson.

Nationals use their best arms to even series with Dodgers

NATIONALS FROM D1 NL DIVISION SERIES his velocity is lower and his career NATIONALS 4, DODGERS 2
Series tied, 1-1 is into its back half. But his effec- WASHINGTON AB R H BI BB SO AVG
finished off by Doolittle, Scherzer tiveness hasn’t wavered. This only T.Turner ss.....................5 1 2 0 0 0 .308
Eaton rf ..........................5 1 2 1 0 0 .182
and Hudson out of the bullpen. Game 1: Dodgers 6, Nationals 0 showed that it may be sloping still. Rendon 3b ......................4 0 2 1 1 1 .200
Manager Dave Martinez left noth- Will Smith broke up Stras- Soto lf ............................4 0 0 0 0 1 .167
Game 2: Nationals 4, Dodgers 2 Kendrick 2b ....................5 0 1 1 0 0 .200
ing to chance. He may have burg’s perfect game with two outs Zimmerman 1b ..............4 1 1 0 0 1 .400
Suzuki c..........................3 0 0 0 1 1 .000
hooked Scherzer in time to still Game 3: at Washington in the fifth. Justin Turner broke up Robles cf ........................2 1 1 0 0 0 .250
start him in Washington on Sun- Sunday, 7:45 p.m. (TBS) his shutout an inning later. Then M.Taylor cf.....................0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
Strasburg p ....................2 0 0 0 0 1 .000
day, though that remains to be Martinez made the critical deci- Doolittle p ......................0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
seen. Game 4: at Washington sion of bringing Doolittle in from Cabrera ph......................1 0 1 1 0 0 .143
Scherzer p ......................0 0 0 0 0 0 .000
It all helped the Nationals head Monday, 6:40 p.m. (TBS) the bullpen when Strasburg. Hudson p ........................0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
home with a series split in hand. Doolittle allowed a solo homer to TOTALS 35 4 10 4 2 5 —
Game 5: at Los Angeles*
When they arrived Friday, Wednesday, time TBD (TBS) Max Muncy in the seventh. That L.A. AB R H BI BB SO AVG
when they took stock of their shaved the Nationals lead down to Pederson rf ....................4 0 1 0 0 2 .400
J.Turner 3b.....................3 0 1 1 0 0 .250
series-opening loss — just two * if necessary one. They restored it on Asdrúbal Pollock lf ........................4 0 0 0 0 3 .000
Bellinger cf.....................4 0 0 0 0 2 .000
hits, 13 strikeouts, another bull- Cabrera’s RBI single in the next Muncy 1b .......................3 1 1 1 1 2 .500
pen implosion — they could take half. Smith c...........................3 0 1 0 1 1 .143
Seager ss .......................4 0 0 0 0 3 .125
comfort in a simple fact: It was Nationals rallied for two more Then Martinez made the off- Lux 2b.............................3 0 0 0 0 3 .250
only one game. It didn’t end their runs with a single from Adam the-wall decision of plugging in Kershaw p ......................1 0 0 0 0 0 .000
Beaty ph.........................1 1 1 0 0 0 1.00
season. It stung, and it wasn’t Eaton single and Anthony Ren- Scherzer for the eighth. Martinez Baez p ............................0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
Kolarek p ........................0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
pretty, and they certainly tight- don’s double off the left-center Adam Eaton heads home in the second inning, when the Nationals announced Friday afternoon that May p .............................0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
ened up, but there was a reason to wall. expanded their lead over the Dodgers to 3-0 in Los Angeles. Scherzer would start Game 3 in C.Taylor ph.....................1
Urias p............................0
0 0 1
0 0 0
breathe a little. Strasburg’s been That gave Strasburg a three- Washington on Sunday. Now here TOTALS 31 2 5 2 2 17 —
their anchor. And, until the Dodg- run cushion to protect. That gave and trustworthy relievers. And he slow beat playing in his head. Or he was in the eighth, stalking his WASHINGTON.............. 120 000 010 — 4 10 0
ers scored off him in the sixth, he their dugout, quiet for most of only has two of those in Hudson maybe that’s just the zone he sinks way through the infield grass, L.A................................. 000 001 100 — 2 5 1
had not allowed a run in 23 con- Thursday evening, a reason to and Doolittle. into, as if the stadium were empty, soon striking out the side on 14 E: Urias (1). LOB: Washington 10, Los Angeles 5. 2B:
T.Turner (2), Rendon (1), Robles (1), Zimmerman (1),
secutive postseason innings. bang on the padded railing and Yet first Strasburg cruised, one as if all he had to do was choose pitches that seemed allergic to Pederson (1), J.Turner (1). HR: Muncy (1), off Doolittle.
But the Nationals had immedi- pass around high-fives. The big batter at a time, using 85 pitches the pitches his opponents swing wood. Scherzer shook Martinez’s RBI: Kendrick (1), Eaton (1), Rendon (1), Cabrera (1),
J.Turner (1), Muncy (4). SF: J.Turner. S: Strasburg,
ately given him a lead to protect. remaining question was how far to craft a work of art. He struck at. As if throwing 14 curveballs to hand in the dugout. He more so Robles.
They loaded the bases in the first Strasburg could go and how Mar- out two in the first. Kershaw was the first eight batters was routine, slapped it and held on. He was WASHINGTON IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
Strasburg ....................6 3 1 1 0 10 85 1.00
inning before Howie Kendrick tinez would use his bullpen. In the first batter to hit something regular, something Strasburg re- finished. He paced as the rest Doolittle.......................1 1 1 1 0 2 16 9.00
singled in Trea Turner. But then Game 1, the Dodgers feasted into the outfield, lining one to left ally did by disregarding counts unfolded, hands on his hips, and Scherzer.......................1 0 0 0 0 3 14 4.50
Hudson ........................1 1 0 0 2 2 23 0.00
they wilted. Ryan Zimmerman against Tanner Rainey, Fernando with two outs in the third, but and putting the entire night on his Hudson stranded the bases load- L.A. IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA
popped out on a first-pitch fast- Rodney and Hunter Strickland. It Juan Soto sprinted in to make a terms. ed in a roller-coaster ninth. Kershaw ......................6 6 3 3 1 4 99 4.50
ball. Kurt Suzuki struck out in a made it clear that Martinez, who diving catch. Strasburg nodded, Strasburg wound up throwing The Nationals finally chose to Baez .............................1
0 0 0 1 12 0.00
0 0 0 0 9 0.00
full count, on Kershaw’s low-and- has dealt with a flaky bullpen all patting his glove with a closed fist, 34 curveballs to a team that crush- live or die with their small group May ...........................1.1 2 1 1 1 0 21 6.75
Urias ............................1 0 0 0 0 0 18 0.00
in slider, and those at-bats could season, carried two big problems then bobbed his head as he disap- es heat. He threw more than ever of top arms. The result gave them
WP: Strasburg, (2-0); LP: Kershaw, (0-1); S: Hudson,
have haunted Washington later. into these playoffs: There is a peared down the tunnel. this season, right around 30 per- a pulse. (2). Inherited runners-scored: Kolarek 2-0, May 2-0. T:
Instead, in the next inning, the yawning gap between his rotation It looked like there may be a cent of his total pitches, because 3:37. A: 53,086 (56,000).


Nearly unhittable, Strasburg gives Washington a measure of swagger and hope

SVRLUGA FROM D1 with four walks and varsity backups still awaiting curveball that reduced Pollock alpha male Scherzer. Where What would make sense: Aníbal
38 strikeouts as batters their first shave. He retired the to a pretzel, and a jog off the Strasburg is concerned, there is Sánchez gets that start, and
controlled the baseball as if he managed a .190 average against first 14 Dodgers he faced, eight mound with only a glance back only anticipation and awe. then you check with all comers
was a puppeteer, able to control him. The next home run by strikeout. in Baker’s direction. When can he pitch next? At — Patrick Corbin, Austin Voth
its every rotation as it barreled Strasburg allows in the The old book on Strasburg Strasburg’s postseasons are, least in a Game 5 next and, yes, Strasburg — on what
in on them. postseason will be the first. has been banned from public by now, detached from the Wednesday back here at Dodger they might be able to give
So this series has fresh life I realize the bullpen is the schools and libraries, controversies that once defined Stadium. That would be on full Monday night.
because Strasburg pitched for reason for your ulcer. It’s blasphemous as it was. The new them. rest. Have we now crossed into What a problem to have.
the second time in four days, understandable. Soothe yourself one has a lead character who Forget the Shutdown of 2012 the territory where Strasburg The feeling after Thursday’s
delivered for the second time in with, of all things, Strasburg — has grown, physically, into a (and the resulting fact that Gio would be a candidate for a few series-opening 6-0 loss was that
four days, and built his October the guy who caused those ulcers monster who has Gonzalez thus started both innings in Monday’s Game 4 — a the Nats’ hitters were too tight
résumé for the second time in years ago. simultaneously developed his Games 1 and 5 against the St. Game 4 that is now guaranteed? and that their bullpen had no
four days. We can tell the tales of the hot body as he’s mastered his craft. Louis Cardinals). Friday night’s performance chance. The final innings Friday
Tuesday, it was three scoreless days when he wilted, recount He’s a chemistry professor who Two years later, angst rang means he has now thrown were an unusual adventure,
innings in the wild-card game the times when something power-lifts, too. through the fan base when 119 pitches over the past nine given Scherzer’s appearance. But
against Milwaukee, his first seemed slightly off — a breeze This is no longer a pitcher Strasburg was granted the ball days. The best-case scenario for the man who restored
relief appearance since he was blowing the wrong way, a who needs to roll his eyes at a in the postseason opener Washington — we’re talking a confidence and swagger to the
an 18-year-old college freshman. mound with substandard call not granted. He’s not against San Francisco. Back dream that’s not appropriate to Nationals was Washington’s key
Friday, it was six innings of one- footing, toast browned beyond that. then, Jordan Zimmermann was consider — is that he is able to figure in the postseason.
run, no-walk, 10-strikeout ball — 15 seconds too long — and thus, On Friday night, he couldn’t perceived to be the tougher rest until Game 1 of the National Stephen Strasburg is no longer a
about 50 hours later. Strasburg became rattled. believe plate umpire Jordan competitor, more suited for the League Championship Series. reason for Nats fans to cower.
So, with a nod to a creatively Now? Now he glares. The Baker didn’t ring up A.J. Pollock moment. Let’s stop that. Right now. Instead, he’s a reason for them
employed bullpen — Max Dodgers led the NL in runs on a 2-2 fastball. His response Good argument at the time? Scherzer’s appearance in the to puff out their collective chest
Scherzer?!!!! — that somehow scored, slugging percentage and back when that old book was Sure, fine. At this point, there is eighth inning Friday night was and say, “Just try and hit this.”
got the final nine outs, we on-base-plus slugging — by written would have been a pitch concern about Washington’s appropriate given the Nats’
present to you Strasburg’s most measures, the best offense that missed by half a foot, yet he starter for Sunday’s Game 3 — utter trash bin of a bullpen, but
career postseason numbers: in the league. Strasburg, at still would have been the victim. expected to be three-time Cy it now puts in doubt Scherzer’s For more by Barry Svrluga, visit
28 innings pitched, a 0.64 ERA times, reduced them to junior His response Friday: an ungodly Young winner and resident ability to start Sunday’s Game 3.
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Tests on spleen rule out Jets’ Darnold

A SSOCIATED P RESS JAGUARS: Jacksonville will Humphrey on Sunday.
be without cornerback Jalen Wide receiver Jarvis Landry
Sam Darnold’s return will have Ramsey for a second straight cleared the concussion protocol
to wait at least another week. week when it plays at Carolina, and practiced.
The New York Jets quarter- and now the team wants its BUFFALO:
back was ruled out for the team’s disgruntled star to see a back Josh Allen was a full participant
game at Philadelphia on Sunday specialist. at practice and is questionable
as he continues to recover from Ramsey has requested a trade. for Sunday’s game against the
mononucleosis. He was inactive for the first time Tennessee Titans as he recovers
Darnold was originally sched- in his four-year career last week from a concussion.
uled to have medical tests Friday, at Denver. Allen was injured on a helmet-
but the doctors instead ran them PANTHERS: Quarterback to-helmet hit from New England
Thursday night. Cam Newton will miss his third cornerback Jonathan Jones.
“The labs didn’t come back the consecutive game with a foot 
COWBOYS: Six-time Pro
way that we were hoping,” Coach injury when Carolina plays Jack- Bowl left tackle Tyron Smith was
Adam Gase said Friday. sonville on Sunday. ruled out of Sunday’s game
Darnold was diagnosed with Kyle Allen, who is 2-0 as against Green Bay after sprain-
mononucleosis Sept. 11, three Newton’s replacement, will start. ing an ankle last week at New
days after the season-opening FALCONS: Coach Dan Orleans.
loss to Buffalo. The initial hope Quinn said six-time Pro Bowl GIANTS: Running back Sa-

was the 22-year-old quarterback center Alex Mack will play at quon Barkley will miss his sec-
might be ready to play again this Houston on Sunday after practic- ond straight game with an ankle
week, but doctors have been ing for the first time this week, injury.
monitoring Darnold’s spleen, but Atlanta got some bad news RAMS: Linebacker Clay Mat-

which became enlarged, a com- when punter Matt Bosher was thews will be out for several
mon symptom of mononucleosis. ruled out with a groin injury. The weeks after he broke his jaw
A swollen spleen could rupture — Falcons do not have a punter on during Los Angeles’s loss to the
a potentially life-threatening sit- the practice squad and will need Seattle Seahawks.
uation — if the area takes a hit, to fill Bosher’s spot quickly. The Rams think Matthews was
leading to the caution the doc- BROWNS: Wide receiver hurt late in the game Thursday
JOHN AMIS/ASSOCIATED PRESS tors and team are using. Odell Beckham Jr. was fined an night when Seattle running back
Mike Foltynewicz, sent to the minors earlier in the year, buoyed the Braves with seven scoreless innings. Luke Falk will make his second undisclosed amount by the NFL Chris Carson inadvertently
straight start. for fighting Baltimore’s Marlon kicked him in the face.


Foltynewicz helps Atlanta even it up R E D S K I NS NOTE S

Excerpted from of the line since he played right for him right now,” Gruden said
in the second when Yadier Molina three earned runs only one time in tackle in high school. about McLaurin, a productive
BRAVES 3, singled and Braves second base- 15 second-half starts. The 23-year- “It was a good learning rookie who still leads Washington
CARDINALS 0 man Ozzie Albies misplayed Paul old right-hander went 7-2 with an
Scherff, Davis, Reed experience,” Martin said. in receiving yards and
DeJong’s grounder for an error. 0.91 ERA in 15 starts after the “Assignments and techniques is touchdowns despite missing a
But Foltynewicz fanned Harri- all-star break, the third-lowest out against Patriots really the main focus. If you do week. “It is probably 50-50 with
A SSOCIATED P RESS son Bader to end the threat. ERA over the second half in base- those things right, then him.”
After Kolten Wong hit into a ball history, surpassed only by The Washington Redskins’ everything else will just kind of Cornerback Josh Norman
Adding another chapter to his double play to end the seventh, Jake Arrieta (0.75) for the 2015 offense will be missing major fall together.” (knee) is listed as questionable
remarkable turnaround season, Duvall emerged from the dugout Chicago Cubs and Greg Maddux pieces for a second consecutive Quarterback Case Keenum, but was a full participant in
Mike Foltynewicz threw seven to hit for Foltynewicz in the bot- (0.87) for the 1994 Braves. week as the team limps into a who started the first four games, Friday’s session. Linebacker Josh
crisp innings before pinch hitter tom half. With a runner aboard Flaherty was the NL pitcher of showdown with the defending is questionable with a foot injury Harvey-Clemons (hamstring) is
Adam Duvall hit a two-run homer and two outs, Duvall was greeted the month for both August and Super Bowl champion New and will not start in any case. out after not practicing all week.
that carried the Atlanta Braves to by a smattering of boos from the September. England Patriots. Coach Jay Gruden named Colt For New England, running
a 3-0 win over the visiting St. Louis SunTrust Park crowd that clearly YANKEES 10, TWINS 4: DJ Pro Bowl guard Brandon McCoy the starter Friday and back Rex Burkhead (foot), safety
Cardinals on Friday, evening the wanted Foltynewicz to go at least LeMahieu homered and drove in Scherff (ankle) will miss his declined to say whether Keenum Patrick Chung (heel), safety Nate
National League Division Series at one more inning. four runs, Gleyber Torres broke a second consecutive game, while would be the backup if healthy. Ebner (groin), wide receiver
one game apiece. The heckles turned to cheers tie with a two-run double and New tight ends Vernon Davis and Center Chase Roullier (knee) Julian Edelman (chest) and
Foltynewicz, who spent a good when Duvall drove a 3-2 pitch York extended its October mas- Jordan Reed both remain in the and wide receiver Terry McLaurin linebacker Dont’a Hightower
chunk of his summer in Class AAA from Flaherty into the center field tery of Minnesota with a victory in league-mandated concussion (hamstring) are both (shoulder) are all listed as
after a miserable start, has been a seats, giving the Braves a 3-0 lead. the American League Division Se- protocol and will not play against questionable after being limited questionable.
different pitcher since he re- Duvall spent nearly the entire sea- ries opener at Yankee Stadium. the Patriots. Rookie Wes Martin in practice all week. Neither Patriots wide receiver Josh
turned from the minors. He went son at Class AAA, where he set a Aaron Judge made two diving will make his second consecutive played last week, and Gruden Gordon (knee) and defensive end
6-1 with a 2.65 ERA over his past 10 franchise record with 32 homers. catches in right field as the AL East start at right guard after making called McLaurin a game-day Michael Bennett (shoulder) did
starts. Max Fried, normally a starter champions handed Minnesota its his NFL debut in last week’s loss decision after not having him go not receive an injury designation
The best-of-five series now and pitching on back-to-back days major league-record 14th consec- to the New York Giants. It was the full speed in Friday’s practice. after being full participants Friday.
shifts to St. Louis, where Mike for the first time all season, utive playoff defeat — 11 of them to first time he was on the right side “Questionable is a great word — Kareem Copeland
Soroka gets the ball for the Braves breezed through the eighth before the Yankees since 2004.
in Game 3 on Sunday against turning it over to Mark Melancon, Brett Gardner also homered for
Adam Wainwright. who gave up four runs in the ninth New York in a playoff matchup
Going against St. Louis ace Jack inning of the series opener, send- between teams that finished neck-
Flaherty, who had one of the great- ing the Braves to a 7-6 loss. and-neck this year for the most
est second halves in baseball his- It was another shaky outing for home runs in baseball history.
tory, Foltynewicz allowed only Melancon, who gave up a pair of Minnesota, the AL Central cham-
three hits, didn’t walk anyone and one-out singles before striking out pion, socked 307, one more than
struck out seven during an 81- Molina and Wong to earn the save. New York.
pitch outing. The Cardinals only But this one will be remem- Jorge Polanco, Nelson Cruz and
got one runner as far as second bered for Foltynewicz outdueling Miguel Sanó homered for the
base against him — and that was Flaherty, who had surrendered Twins.


Excerpted from deficit and combined for four the moments magnify in the hits, two walks and four earned postseason, it’s impossible to
runs across two innings. count on seven innings from the
Nats still don’t have It raised again a question that
has hung over the team all
Patrick Corbin went six on
reliable third reliever season: Did Manager Dave Thursday, creating a yawning,
Martinez put in the wrong one-inning chasm between the
The Washington Nationals could pitchers, or does he have no right starter and Hudson and Doolittle.
get through the wild-card game answers in relief? Thursday night revealed the
by hiding their bullpen, but the The answer is unclear. It might Nationals had never found a third
National League Division Series is be both. pitcher reliable in high-leverage
different. The best-of-five format The Nationals hid their middle spots. Their eighth-inning trouble
demands teams pitch their relief not just against the came an inning early.
middle relievers, and when the Milwaukee Brewers on Tuesday If Doolittle gets used early, there
Nationals finally did Thursday but through most of the season as are other buttons for Martinez to
night, the Los Angeles Dodgers starters often carried the team press. He can matchup later or
exposed and exploited their through seven innings. The lean on Hudson for six outs. He
greatest weakness, eventually bullpen used to blow up in the has options, and Thursday night JOHN MCDONNELL/THE WASHINGTON POST

hammering home runs through eighth, when it lacked a setup suggests he should use Doolittle Colt McCoy has been the Redskins’ backup for most of the five-plus years Jay Gruden has been the coach.
the night sky to punctuate what man, but those meltdowns however he can to minimize the
became a 6-0, series-opening loss. subsided once the Nationals potential impact of MVP
The Nationals’ three relievers
— Tanner Rainey, Fernando
Rodney and Hunter Strickland —
couldn’t maintain a two-run
acquired Daniel Hudson, a
second trustworthy reliever to
pair with Sean Doolittle.
But as the margins shrink and
candidate Cody Bellinger or any
other Dodgers left-hander hitter in
a crucial spot.
— Sam Fortier
McCoy will start vs. Patriots
REDSKINS FROM D1 cepted three times, Gruden took flashes of being a good NFL quar-
the rare step of announcing a terback, but most of his chances in
BASEBALL NOTES surgery led to three more surger- three-man competition for the Cleveland and later with the Red-
ies this past winter, sidelining him starting job this week, knowing skins have been cut short by inju-

Braves’ bullpen takes a hit with injury until training camp.

Still, McCoy all but won the
starting job in the first two weeks
McCoy would be able to partici-
pate in full practices.
But even as Gruden said the
ries. Last year, he completed 34 of
54 passes (63.0 percent) for
372 yards and three touchdowns
of camp before lingering pain in three would battle, he hinted that with three interceptions before he
A SSOCIATED P RESS Thursday night. BREWERS: Milwaukee is his surgically repaired leg forced he already had made up his mind. broke his leg.
CUBS: Former Chicago catch- hoping Yasmani Grandal and him to miss the next eight weeks, a Given the numerous references he “I haven’t gotten a lot of time
Atlanta received approval to re- ers Joe Girardi and David Ross Mike Moustakas will be back next fact Gruden conceded Friday made to wanting to see how Mc- with them outside of Paul [Rich-
place injured reliever Chris Mar- will speak with the team next season after the team made back- when he said, “Well, it’s his job to Coy came out of each practice, the ardson Jr.] and Trey [Quinn], real-
tin with Julio Teheran on its Na- week about its managerial open- to-back playoff appearances for lose for sure.” ultimate choice of McCoy seemed ly,” McCoy said this week, speak-
tional League Division Series ros- ing. just the second time in franchise Gruden named Case Keenum likely, especially with McCoy’s fa- ing of the team’s receivers. “So the
ter. The team also plans to inter- history. the starter before the season, in miliarity with Gruden’s offense. more I can work with those guys,
The switch will have a big im- view first base coach Will Venable Grandal and Moustakas have large part because the 31-year-old “It means a lot,” Gruden said the more confidence I’ll have. . . .
pact on the Braves’ pitching plans, next week. Bench coach Mark Lo- mutual contract options. Grandal, had NFL starting experience and when asked how much McCoy’s Training camp, although it started
with 17-game winner Max Fried retta interviewed for the job who led NL catchers with 28 hom- was well ahead of first-round draft knowledge of the team’s system out well, it went downhill real fast.
possibly taking a more significant Thursday. ers, probably will decline his pick Dwayne Haskins, who start- played in Friday’s decision. “Any I think everyone still has some
role in the bullpen. The Cubs are searching for a $16 million option, and Mousta- ed only one year at Ohio State. coach will tell you that. It’s very visions of that, especially me.
“It’s going to affect the bullpen,” successor to Joe Maddon, whose kas could be a free agent for the While Keenum has thrown for important for a quarterback to More than anything, it’s just time
Manager Brian Snitker said be- contract expired after Chicago third straight offseason if either 970 yards this season, he has know your system; otherwise you and figuring out how I’m moving
fore his team’s victory in Game 2 missed the playoffs this year for side declines the infielder’s missed several open touchdowns have to change your system. . . . I around, how I’m throwing the
on Friday. “That’s a huge hit right the first time since 2014. $11 million option. that could have changed the tone think all three of the quarterbacks ball. It’s my plant leg. So far, it’s felt
there. Probably Max is going to Girardi is the first external can- ASTROS: Starter Wade Miley of at least three of the Redskins’ know the system, but Colt has the good.”
need to maybe fill that role and didate confirmed by the team. Lo- made Houston’s roster for the AL four losses. He sprained his foot in most experience in it. He’s very Gruden would not name a
pitch some of those high-leverage retta and Venable were part of Division Series despite struggling a Week 3 loss to Chicago and has comfortable with it. But we’ll see. backup for Sunday, setting up
innings late in the game. We know Maddon’s staff this season, and for the past month. been forced to miss some practic- This will be a great test for him; he what could be a potentially awk-
he can do it. And he’s got stuff to do Ross works in the Cubs’ front of- The Astros left veteran Brad es since. hasn’t faced a live rush since Phil- ward situation in which either the
it and all that.” fice. Peacock off after he made just Gruden replaced Keenum with adelphia last year. I think that will season’s starter, Keenum, or the
Martin reported tightness in Girardi, who turns 55 on Oct. 14, three appearances in September Haskins in the second quarter of be the biggest test for him.” future starter, Haskins, might not
his left oblique while warming up is a Peoria, Ill., native and played and missed almost a month deal- Sunday’s 24-3 loss to the New York McCoy, 33, was a star at the dress.
for the eighth inning of Game 1 on college ball at Northwestern. ing with shoulder soreness. Giants. After Haskins was inter- University of Texas and has shown
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To Locksley, halting this skid is as simple as addressing self-inflicted wounds

BY E MILY G IAMBALVO moving the ball. We beat our- gen’s interview process in 2000
selves, and that’s something we’re for the head coaching job at
Once Maryland had finally going to have to figure out as a Maryland, which Locksley was
pulled ahead of Temple, the Ter- team: How do we get more disci- part of as a holdover from the
rapins’ defense was tasked with plined? How do we not beat previous staff, a player asked
preserving that lead — and at the ourselves early in games to give Friedgen how he would help the
time their undefeated start to the ourselves a shot?” team win. Friedgen said he would
season — for just more than a The game against Penn State, teach Maryland’s players how not
quarter of play. regardless of the outcome, could to lose, meaning they would learn
Clinging to a two-point advan- have offered signs that the Tem- to avoid self-inflicted struggles.
tage last month in Philadelphia, ple miscues wouldn’t persist. In- “That’s one of the big things
Maryland recovered a fumble on stead, it became obvious that the that Coach Locks harps on,” line-
the Owls’ final possession of the Terrapins need to correct the backer Shaq Smith said. “We
third quarter. But on Temple’s issues before they become a trou- want to be the least-penalized
next drive, the Terps twice hand- bling trend. At Rutgers, a strug- team in the game. Majority of the
ed over yards — and once a new gling team playing under an in- penalties that we had in [the
set of downs on a third-and-14 terim coach after Sunday’s firing Temple game] were penalties that
play — through penalties. Temple of Chris Ash, Maryland should we can control — offsides and
scored soon after and never have more of a cushion. But a unsportsmanlike [conduct],
trailed again in its 20-17 victory. relatively clean performance things like that.”
Maryland’s sputtering offense would provide reassurance that The Maryland players have no-
became the focus in the days that this team can assess mistakes and ticed a change this season that
followed, but on the Owls’ go- quickly adjust. they believe should translate to
ahead drive, the Terrapins saw Locksley placed the onus on the field. At practice, “you don’t
firsthand how preventable mis- himself. A typical option would see anybody’s T-shirt hanging
cues can swing a game out of be swapping out the players who out,” wide receiver Brian Cobbs
their favor. Senior defensive back made the errors. But with the way said, describing the uniform
Tino Ellis was the culprit in both Maryland has racked up injuries practice attire known as “plain
instances, called first for pass in recent weeks, the coaching Jane.”
interference and then for hold- staff will primarily need to guide For the first two weeks of the
ing, but the entire team had the usual contributors toward season, it worked. So these play-
fallen victim to self-inflicted set- JOHN MCDONNELL/THE WASHINGTON POST better play. ers know it’s possible to play this
backs. “Part of discipline is not beating yourself,” Coach Michael Locksley said of Maryland’s two-game slide. Maryland finished last season way. Now it’s a matter of rediscov-
The program had an open date as one of the most penalized ering the discipline that has been
after the Temple loss to pinpoint ments — such problems still need help with being able to beat rapidly slip out of reach. Two of teams in the nation while run- missing.
and solve those issues, but they plagued Maryland when it began us the way they did.” Maryland’s first three drives end- ning interim coach Matt Canada’s With Ellis’s mistakes against
resurfaced against Penn State last Big Ten play against Penn State. Would fixing these problems ed with interceptions. Only 10 of motion-based offense. The Terps Temple, Locksley saw the defen-
weekend, leaving Coach Michael The Terps turned the ball over have changed the outcome Maryland’s offensive plays began averaged 79.7 penalty yards, sec- sive back in the right position but
Locksley again hoping that his three times, and Penn State against Penn State? That’s doubt- inside the 50-yard line. Nine of ond-most of 129 Football Bowl said he needs to relax and not
team will be less error-prone scored a touchdown on each en- ful. Consider KJ Hamler’s im- those came on the third drive, Subdivision teams. Through the panic. When Maryland could
when it plays Saturday at Rut- suing drive. Locksley said the pressive 58-yard touchdown which ended with an intercep- first two games of 2019, Maryland have seized some life early
gers. staff found that 22 percent of the catch. Yes, Maryland missed mul- tion; the other came in the final lost only 75 yards through penal- against Penn State, quarterback
“We need to get it straight offensive plays included a “self- tiple tackles on the play, but that’s quarter on a fourth-down at- ties. Those marks shot up in the Josh Jackson had an open receiv-
quickly,” Locksley said this week. inflicted error,” such as a penalty, also a testament to Hamler’s tempt from the 48 that resulted two losses that followed — a total er but missed the connection and
“Our guys, we talk about it all the turnover, dropped pass or sack. speed and skill. While the Terps’ in a sack. Meanwhile, the Nittany of 18 flags for 173 yards. threw an interception instead.
time. Discipline will precede win- The team missed 17 tackles. Previ- mistakes helped, Penn State did Lions needed just four snaps to Since he became Maryland’s To Locksley, the issues are evi-
ning. Part of discipline is not ously, Maryland had missed no plenty to earn its 59-0 win, a stark score their first two touchdowns. coach, Locksley has preached the dent but so are the opportunities
beating yourself.” more than seven in a game. The reminder of the wide gap that still “As a team, that’s probably the importance of discipline. He car- for simple fixes.
After two solid outings to open offensive line allowed four sacks. separates Maryland from the Big most disappointing part of this ried that over from three years at “Those are things that are all
the season — reflected both in the “We’re already playing the Ten’s top programs. game, how we beat ourselves in Alabama but also credits former teachable,” he said. “Those are all
games’ outcomes and the much No. 12 team in the country,” But since it all unraveled so the first half,” offensive lineman Terps coach Ralph Friedgen for correctable.”
shorter list of undisciplined mo- Locksley said. “I don’t think they early, the Terps watched the win Ellis McKennie said. “We were that philosophy. During Fried-

Samsonov sparkles in long-awaited debut in net for Capitals

CAPITALS FROM D1 Capitals 2, Islanders 1
WASHINGTON ......................... 1 1 0 — 2
N.Y. ISLANDERS ...................... 1 0 0 — 1
Samsonov, 22, beat the Islanders
in his debut, 2-1. He finished with Scoring: 1, Washington, Vrana 2 (Gudas, Eller), 10:25. 2,
25 saves in a game that could, one N.Y. Islanders, Toews 1 (Beauvillier, Komarov), 12:27.
Penalties: None.
day, mark the start of a new era in
net for the Capitals. The team SECOND PERIOD
Scoring: 3, Washington, Oshie 1 (Backstrom, Carlson),
reassigned incumbent backup 17:43 (pp). Penalties: Eller, WSH, (hooking), 2:23;
Pheonix Copley to the American Nelson, NYI, (tripping), 6:00; Nelson, NYI, (hooking),
Hockey League after he cleared
waivers Thursday, settling on Scoring: None. Penalties: None.
Samsonov in large part because,
with Braden Holtby in the final WASHINGTON ....................... 10 8 10 — 28
year of his contract, Washington N.Y. ISLANDERS ...................... 9 9 8 — 26
Power-play opportunities: Washington 1 of 2; N.Y.
wants to see what it has in Islanders 0 of 1.
Samsonov before deciding on
Holtby’s future.
“I thought I was going to be it’s flexible depending on how
more nervous, but no, I felt nor- Samsonov performs.
mal,” Samsonov said in a Rus- “He’s going to get some games,
sian-language interview. “The but the goal is to continue to
guys all helped and said there’s develop and learn and grow,”
nothing scary. I felt great, it was a goaltending coach Scott Murray
good game, and I’m happy we said. “Obviously, it’s a different
won.” league, but he’s gotten better his
Captain Alex Ovechkin was the whole career. That’s the goal, and
first to pull Samsonov into an it’s not stopping now. And he’s got
embrace on the ice after the final to continue to earn his ice time,
horn sounded. Then in the locker just as he’s done.”
room, Samsonov donned a Wash- Across the ice from Samsonov
ington Nationals batting helmet was Semyon Varlamov, the last
— teammates award it to one goaltender the Capitals drafted in
player after every win — and as is the first round and someone
tradition for Capitals rookies Samsonov has long looked up to.
who have something to celebrate, Samsonov said the two had din-
he got a towel of shaving cream ner together once in Russia and
smeared into his face by Capitals exchanged a few texts and phone
forward Tom Wilson. calls in the past, with Varlamov
Samsonov’s night began with a offering advice on how to get
different ritual, skating onto the BRUCE BENNETT/GETTY IMAGES used to life in North America and
Nassau Coliseum ice all alone for Islanders goalie Semyon Varlamov, a former first-round pick of Washington, watches after T.J. Oshie netted the winner for the Capitals. in the NHL. Samsonov is now
warmups, a tradition for players experiencing it all for himself,
making their big league debut. New York’s Devon Toews deflect- gency to see Samsonov in NHL his playing time is largely limited until Samsonov’s next start. Holt- including getting the better of his
Rather than take a solo lap, he ed off two Washington players games and determine whether he to spelling Holtby, either when by, a Vezina Trophy winner in idol Friday night.
skated right over to a spot in front before caroming off defenseman really is the team’s goaltender of the Capitals have two games in 2016, has played at least 54 regu- “I thought he played great,”
of Washington’s bench and start- Radko Gudas’s skate and past the future. He has played just one two nights or in relief if Holtby’s lar season games in each of the Reirden said. “He looked very
ed stretching, flashing that Samsonov 12:27 into the game. year of North American profes- hurt or struggling. past five seasons. comfortable in there. I’m not
poised, cool presence Coach Todd T.J. Oshie restored the Capitals’ sional hockey, but Samsonov’s Samsonov was tabbed the Samsonov is waivers-exempt, surprised. That’s how he’s looked
Reirden has praised so often. lead with a power-play goal in the hot finish to his first season in the starter for Friday night’s game so the Capitals could shuttle him this year in particular since he’s
But after forward Jakub Vrana second period, and it held up AHL — from Jan. 12 on, he posted because Washington wanted to to Hershey and back occasionally returned. Just the composure
lifted the Capitals to a 1-0 lead with eight saves by Samsonov in a 15-3-1-1 record with a 1.78 goals save Holtby for its home opener to keep him playing regularly, but that he has, the confidence that
with his second goal in as many the third frame. against average and .948 save Saturday, and after this set of that doesn’t appear to be their he gives the bench, he definitely
games, the first goal-against of With Holtby, 30, due to become percentage — is what convinced back-to-back games, the Capitals plan at this point. Reirden said looks the part. He was the part for
Samsonov’s career was the epito- an unrestricted free agent after Washington he was ready for this won’t have another until Oct. 24 the team has a projected goalten- sure tonight.”
me of a bad bounce. A pass from this season, Washington felt ur- promotion. The trade-off is that and 25, potentially a 20-day wait ding schedule for the season but


Konecny scores twice to lift Philadelphia in front of packed house in Prague

stopped 28 shots. The Blackhawks are hoping to The NHL returns to Europe (1940-45) and Yvon Cournoyer of tallied in his first NHL game and
FLYERS 4, It was the first regular season return to the playoffs after a two- next month when the Tampa Bay the Montreal Canadiens (1973-78) Sami Vatanen added a goal for the
BLACKHAWKS 3 game outside of North America in year absence, but defensemen Lightning faces the Sabres in the also scored in six straight. Devils, while defenseman P.K.
Philadelphia’s 52-year history. Dennis Gilbert and Slater Koek- Swedish capital of Stockholm. JETS 5, DEVILS 4: Kyle Con- Subban had two assists.
“I think tonight’s game, every- koek each made a costly mistake MAPLE LEAFS 4, BLUE
 nor and Blake Wheeler scored
A SSOCIATED P RESS body was down there, everybody after the blue liners struggled last JACKETS 1: Mitch Marner shootout goals and Winnipeg Blues’ Schenn signs extension
was consistent in what we were year. scored twice and added an assist spoiled the debut of No. 1 overall St. Louis signed Brayden
It was a successful home debut doing, and it was a team win,” “We turned way too many and Frederik Andersen made pick Jack Hughes by rallying from Schenn to an eight-year contract
for Flyers Coach Alain Vigneault — Philadelphia captain Claude Gir- pucks over. That’s where we ex- 28 saves as Toronto beat host a 4-0 deficit to beat New Jersey in extension worth $52 million,
a long, long way from Philadelphia. oux said. “It was a lot of fun.” posed ourselves defensively,” Columbus. Newark. locking up one of its top centers
Travis Konecny had two goals Patrick Kane had a goal and Coach Jeremy Colliton said. Auston Matthews had a goal Dmitry Kulikov, Jack Roslovic, after its run to the Stanley Cup
and Vigneault won his first game two assists for Chicago, which Vigneault became the and a pair of assists, and Cody Mathieu Perreault and Neal Pionk championship last season.
with his new team, directing the opened the 2009-10 season in Fin- 21st coach in Flyers history in Ceci — who came from Ottawa in scored for the Jets. Laurent Bros- Schenn, 28, was acquired in a
Flyers to a season-opening 4-3 land. Alex Nylander and Alex De- April after they missed the play- an offseason trade — got his first soit was outstanding in making trade with Philadelphia in 2017
victory over the Chicago Black- Brincat also scored. offs for the fourth time in seven goal as a Maple Leaf to help spoil 35 saves. He made three stops in and put up a career-high 28 goals
hawks on Friday night in Prague. “I like the way we fought back,” seasons. Columbus’s home opener. the shootout, including one on a the following season and
Oskar Lindblom and Michael said Kane, who had a career-high He was behind the bench as Cam Atkinson scored for the shot by Hughes. 70 points overall as he was
Raffl also scored for the Flyers in 110 points last season. “Whatever Philadelphia held off Chicago in Blue Jackets in a sixth straight Blake Coleman had two goals named an all-star. Last season,
front of a sellout crowd of 17,463 at the numbers were tonight, I still the 26th NHL regular season season opener, the longest active for New Jersey, including a spec- Schenn had 54 points in the regu-
Prague’s O2 Arena as part of the think I have more to give to the game played in Europe and the streak in the NHL. Mud Brune- tacular one-handed shot while lar season and 12 more in the
NHL’s Global Series. Carter Hart team.” fifth in Prague. teau of the Detroit Red Wings falling down. Nilita Gusev also playoff run.
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college football

Trask goes from stand-in to star for Florida

GATORS FROM D1 head coach Kirk Martin, who throw and catch for 14; Jefferson unmistakable: teammates’ trust
would move on to Syracuse in on the left side for seven yards, in Trask.
because the college coaches had early 2018, chortle at their own which Jefferson turns into 20; and Crumedy: “Kyle’s been throw-
their livelihoods to protect. Note future depiction. Jefferson on a slant for 12. ing to Division I receivers since he
that Manvel’s coaches also Proceed to a thick night in cen- Trask looks commanding. He’s was a sophomore in high school,”
couldn’t understand the college tral Kentucky in mid-September the opposite of wobbly. He looks and here he reels off former Mav-
coaches, because by now the Man- 2019. Florida trails Kentucky 21-10 like somebody who has studied ericks Reggie Hemphill-Mapps,
vel coaches long since knew a with 14:56 left. Clearly, Kentucky and taken notes of what the who played at Texas; Keylon
Power Five quarterback when will defeat Florida for the second coaches said for three years in Stokes of Tulsa; Sean Dykes of
they saw one. straight year after losing for the high school and three years at Memphis; Hunter Hagdorn of
Manvel offensive coordinator previous 31. Clearly, Florida isn’t Florida, which had the guts to sign Dartmouth. Continuing: “He’s a
Kendrick Crumedy: “Aw, if it was a ready just yet to rejoin a national him in July 2015 after he ventured competitor. He’s going to do ev-
hundred coaches in, we probably picture it once (or twice) graced. to Gainesville for, yeah, a camp. erything right. He’s not going to
heard it about 99 times. It was the Florida quarterback Feleipe He looks like he might even be have you on the news for doing
same thing: ‘We really like him, Franks has just suffered an injury somebody who refrained from anything wrong. And he’s going to
but he’s going to be hard to sell in so gruesome that the stadium vid- transferring, no matter how fash- be unselfish.”
the coaches’ meeting.’ ” eo replay drew mass gasps audible ionable that has become in both And: “He’s going to gain respect
That and often something through a TV. Florida stuffs Ken- Texas high schools and American in the locker room. His team-
along the lines of, maybe he could tucky on fourth and one, begins at colleges. mates are going to trust him.”
come to a camp. its own 38-yard line. ESPN play- He looks like he might even be And then: “When he was here
Show a scene depicting one of by-play man Steve Levy: “Say hel- somebody who, while at Manvel, for us for four years, we knew he
those blasted college coaches’ lo to Kyle Trask, redshirt junior told Corey Roepken of the Hous- was going to be fine,” even if they
meetings in a plush athletic facili- out of Manvel, Texas. He’s 4 of 5 on ton Chronicle: “I didn’t want to did envision an unflattering docu-
ty, groupthink in the air. Now the season passing, 40 yards and run away from competition. No mentary.
show a Manvel coaches’ meeting one touchdown. Let’s see how matter where you go, there is Florida adds a score on a long
because they have had a running they ease him into the game . . .” going to be some of that.” Soon, run and wins, 29-21.
joke: There’s going to be a docu- Trask sets to throw . . . after this game against Kentucky, Coach Dan Mullen: “I can’t tell
mentary someday about this Levy: “. . . Or take a shot.” he will tell Florida reporters: “I you how hard it is to do what Kyle
backup big lad, Kyle Trask, and at What happens from there is get asked that [transfer] question did. . . . You know, if you’re a back-
some point in the documentary, one of those almost-mystical a lot because, I mean, obviously up wide receiver, you’re going to ANDY LYONS/GETTY IMAGES

the documentarian is going to turns that help make sports worth the transfer portal was a huge play 30 plays in the game. I mean, Kyle Trask, being hoisted by tackle Stone Forsythe after running
intone about what idiots these so much of our bloody time: Trask thing and still is a huge thing. But, if you’re on the D-line, you’re go- for a touchdown, has completed 51 of his 66 passes (77.3 percent).
Manvel coaches must have been, hits Van Jefferson on the right for you know, this is a [strong] aca- ing to rotate and play. Backup
having this guy as a backup. eight yards; Josh Hammond on demic university, and I have great running backs, we’re going to roll and, you know, he stayed there, freshman team.
Commendably they, including the right sideline with an elite friends, great teammates here. I those guys through. You’re in and he fought it out and had a He still looks shy doing media.
never wanted to leave one time.” Kyle’s position, you know, like: really productive senior year He’s hyper-cautious with word
But right now it’s like some- ‘Hey, I’ve got to prepare. I’ve got to when he did get in [for mop-up choices. Of receiving congratula-
body took this worker and home- be ready for every moment and duty]. So it doesn’t surprise me. I tions from Steve Spurrier after the
TOD A Y ’ S TV G A M ES work-doer and plugged him in everything they’re going to do and think he’s a guy that once he win over Tennessee on Sept. 21,
and redirected the game’s electri- then not play. And then I’ve got to commits to something, he sees it Trask said: “He’s got a field named
cal current. He runs an option left, do that again next week.’ ” through. And, you know, he’s a after him and a Heisman Trophy.
EARLY SHIFT gets wrapped in mean defenders The film cuts to Central Michi- great teammate, and I’m sure Just someone like that to tell you
Noon Maryland at Rutgers » Big Ten Network and pitches to Laminal Perine like gan, where Coach Jim McElwain they’re going to rally around him.” congratulations, it was a pretty
Noon Utah State at No. 5 LSU » SEC Network it says in all the football textbooks. tells of how he and his staff at Cut back to Gainesville, Fla., to special moment.”
Noon No. 6 Oklahoma at Kansas » WJLA (Ch. 7), WMAR (Ch. 2) Perine scores, Florida lurks with- Florida in 2015 had the guts to Trask at a lectern, speaking to He can’t remember anything
Noon Kent State at No. 8 Wisconsin » ESPNU
in 21-16, 12:41 remains. trust their eyes, ignore the fur- Florida reporters in front of a specific about his most recent loss
Noon Purdue at No. 12 Penn State » ESPN
Noon No. 14 Iowa at No. 19 Michigan » WTTG (Ch. 5), WBFF (Ch. 45)
Trask leads Florida on a drive rowed brows of fretful fans and canvas full of little Gators logos. — you know, the one from ninth
Noon No. 21 Oklahoma State at Texas Tech » Fox Sports 1 from its 4-yard line to its 48, a sign a player who had scholarship He’s the starting quarterback for grade.
Noon TCU at Iowa State » ESPN2 field-position feat, then 66 yards offers from Houston Baptist, the biggest game of the first Satur- So for now, end this effusive
Noon Tulane at Army » CBS Sports Network in four plays for another score. It’s Lamar and McNeese State. day in October, No. 7 Auburn at movie with a high school offensive
12:30 Boston College at Louisville » NBC Sports Washington 22-21, and a text thread develops McElwain, by teleconference: No. 10 Florida, with Florida hav- coordinator south of Houston,
in the Houston night, involving “One of the things that truly kind ing outscored three opponents fielding a question about whether
If it’s a Saturday in the fall, it must be time for another massively important unsurprised coaches, including of attracted us to him, to be hon- 91-3 since his insertion. It will be coaches and everybody else might
game for Jim Harbaugh’s future at Michigan, which hosts Iowa. It’s a Crumedy. est, is here’s a guy that played at a his third start since Kentucky and learn anything from this rare case.
sequel of sorts to pretty much every game against a ranked team that he Through his TV screen, Crume- really good high school. The sys- also, somehow, his third start Crumedy: “Trust your eyes.”
has coached in Ann Arbor over the past season-plus, with the latest coming dy has just spotted something tem didn’t necessarily fit him, since the glory days of the prep
two weeks ago when the Wolverines laid a four-turnover egg against
Wisconsin and were barely competitive. There’s plenty more to come this
season, too: Michigan has games remaining against Penn State, Notre
Dame, Michigan State and Ohio State, so beating the Hawkeyes seems
kind of important for a coach who has lost his past three games against
ranked teams by an average score of 46-23. A.J. Epenesa, the Hawkeyes’
junior defensive end who is a probable first-round NFL draft pick, had
101/2 sacks last year and is drawing nearly constant double teams in 2019,
freeing up Iowa’s other defensive linemen. Against four mostly
overmatched opponents, the Hawkeyes are allowing 251 yards per game
(fifth nationally).
2 Albany at Richmond » NBC Sports Washington Plus
3:30 Air Force at Navy » CBS Sports Network
3:30 Virginia Tech at Miami » ESPN
3:30 No. 7 Auburn at No. 10 Florida » WUSA (Ch. 9), WJZ (Ch. 13)
3:30 Bowling Green at No. 9 Notre Dame » WRC (Ch. 4), WBAL (Ch. 11)
3:30 No. 11 Texas at West Virginia » WJLA (Ch. 7), WMAR (Ch. 2)
3:30 Baylor at Kansas State » ESPN2
3:30 Illinois at Minnesota » Big Ten Network
3:45 Memphis at Louisiana Monroe » ESPNU
4 Northwestern at Nebraska » WTTG (Ch. 5), WBFF (Ch. 45)
4 North Carolina at Georgia Tech » ACC Network
4 Troy at Missouri » SEC Network
4:30 Arizona at Colorado » Pac-12 Network

Florida and Auburn are meeting for the first time since 2011, which puts
the absurdities of the SEC’s cross-division scheduling format in full view.
Consider: Auburn’s Gus Malzahn is in his 11th season as an SEC head
coach or coordinator, but this will be his first trip to Gainesville. Florida
Coach Dan Mullen pointed out that the Gators will play Miami three times,
Florida State six times and South Florida three times over the next six
years — but Mississippi State (his old school) only once. The Gators won’t
have quarterback Feleipe Franks — he’s out for the season after suffering a
bad ankle injury against Kentucky — but they will have cornerback CJ
Henderson (six career interceptions) and defensive end Jabari Zuniga
(181/2 career sacks) back from injuries. They will look to slow Auburn
freshman quarterback Bo Nix, who’s coming off his best game yet:
391 total yards and three touchdowns in the Tigers’ 56-23 win over
NIGHT SHIFT Malcolm Perry is 383 rushing yards from joining Keenan Reynolds, Napoleon McCallum and Chris McCoy as Midshipmen with 3,000.
7 No. 3 Georgia at Tennessee » ESPN
7:30 No. 25 Michigan State at No. 4 Ohio State » WJLA (Ch. 7), WMAR (Ch. 2)

As Falcons fly in, Mids’ Perry aims to stay upright

7:30 Tulsa at No. 24 SMU » ESPNU
7:30 Vanderbilt at Mississippi » SEC Network
8 California at No. 13 Oregon » WTTG (Ch. 5), WBFF (Ch. 45)
8 Pittsburgh at Duke » ACC Network
9 Oregon State at UCLA » Pac-12 Network
10 San Diego State at Colorado State » ESPN2 BY G ENE W ANG instructing Perry to be more vigi- service academy rival since 2002. major contributors on offense
10:30 No. 15 Washington at Stanford » ESPN lant in avoiding contact. “It’s sort “Really, it comes down to Mal- who missed plays at Memphis
10:30 No. 16 Boise State at UNLV » CBS Sports Network In the closing minute of the of like: ‘Don’t cut back anymore. colm and just understanding,” after getting hurt. Junior fullback
second quarter of Navy’s most Keep going to the sideline.’ But it’s Jasper said. “We’ve preached it. Nelson Smith, the team’s second-
Michigan State hasn’t scored a touchdown against Ohio State in their recent game, quarterback such his nature, and Ivin’s been I’ve talked to him about it. He’s a leading rusher, exited for good in
annual matchup since 2016, with only three field goals in the two games Malcolm Perry was leading a trying to tell him, but he’s obvi- competitive kid — just used to the middle of the second quarter
since. The Spartans also scored just one offensive touchdown in two of drive into Memphis territory ously such a great cutback run- running, making all the cuts, with concussion-like symptoms,
their first three games this season, although they seemed to find a spark when he absorbed a crushing ner. But he’s got to remember, stuff like that — but again he has and junior slotback Keoni-
with 71 points over their past two games. Touchdowns would seem to be an blow on a third-down run of six sometimes he’s got to go down, to be smart, has to get down. He Kordell Makekau departed in the
asset in short supply against a Buckeyes team that has allowed 10 points yards. man. Just keep going toward the has to last the entire season for third after rushing for a career-
or fewer in each of its past four games and has scored at least 42 in all five The dynamic senior was slow sideline and get there.” us.” high 101 yards. Niumatalolo indi-
it has played. . . . SMU has seen a lot — nearly all of it horrific — since to his feet, favoring his right Perry had 91 yards and two In 11 career starts at quarter- cated that he expects those play-
sitting out the 1987 and 1988 seasons under the NCAA death penalty: (throwing) arm and shoulder. He touchdowns on 25 carries and back, Perry has carried 243 times ers to be available against Air
eight coaches, 11 seasons with between zero and two wins, only five minor eventually walked to the sideline completed 6 of 10 passes for for 1,505 yards and 20 touch- Force.
bowl appearances. But Coach Sonny Dykes, quarterback Shane Buechele and stayed there for the remain- 82 yards and another score with- downs. He’s one of five players in The Midshipmen have not lost
and the Mustangs are 5-0 entering Saturday’s game against Tulsa, der of the half, with backup Perry out an interception against the school history to have two at home to Air Force since 2011
Olsen handling the rest of a Tigers, the preseason favorites to 200-yard rushing games in a and may be in line to set another
their first as a ranked team since 1986. Buechele, a Texas transfer, ranks
possession that yielded no points win the American Athletic Con- season (2017) and one of four attendance record at Navy-Ma-
11th nationally in ESPN’s QBR metric, and SMU leads the nation with
in a sloppy, 35-23 loss. ference’s West Division. He leads with three in his career. His rine Corps Memorial Stadium.
25 sacks, which happens to be the number it recorded all of last season. It was the second time in the Navy (2-1) in rushing with 3,578 all-purpose yards are the The current mark of 38,792 came
— Matt Bonesteel half that Perry missed at least one 275 yards and seven touchdowns fifth most at Navy, and he needs in 2017 against the Falcons, and
snap following a hard hit. as a full-time quarterback after 383 rushing yards to become the Saturday’s game is a sellout.
Although Coach Ken Niumatalo- alternating between slotback and fourth Midshipman with at least “We do treat every game the
Other area games lo and offensive coordinator Ivin quarterback last year, when the 3,000 career rushing yards. The same, but there is something
Howard (1-4) at Harvard (1-1), 1 Jasper appreciate Perry’s grit, Midshipmen limped to a 3-10 others are Keenan Reynolds, special deep down about these
Catholic (0-4) at Coast Guard (3-1), 1:30 they reminded him this week to record for their fewest wins since Napoleon McCallum and Chris games,” said Navy center Ford
Bowie State (4-0) at Winston-Salem State (1-3), 2 protect himself, with rival Air 2002. McCoy. Higgins, one of four senior cap-
North Alabama (2-3) at Hampton (2-2), 2 Force the opponent Saturday af- They also failed in their bid to “Obviously that’s something I tains. “Not only do we represent
North Carolina A&T (3-1) at Norfolk State (1-4), 2 ternoon. claim the Commander-in-Chief’s need to work on,” Perry said of us as a football team, but we
VMI (2-3) at The Citadel (2-3), 2 After all, the Midshipmen’s tri- Trophy for the first time since not taking unnecessary hits. represent the Naval Academy,
Georgetown (3-1) at Cornell (1-1), 3 ple-option attack, which leads the 2015; they lost to the Falcons, “Coach Jasper’s in my ear about it and more so than that we repre-
Football Bowl Subdivision at 35-7, in Colorado Springs and to a lot. I think it’s something I’ll get sent the Navy and Marine Corps.
Villanova (5-0) at William & Mary (2-3), 3:30
344.7 rushing yards per game, is Army, 17-10, in Philadelphia. Per- better at as the season progresses. That’s something we take pride
Morgan State (0-4) at Bethune-Cookman (3-1), 4
greatly diminished without Perry ry started at quarterback last year My body’s telling me to do the in, especially when we get an-
James Madison (4-1) at Stony Brook (4-1), 6 directing it. against Air Force (3-1), account- same thing, so I’m going to have other military academy coming
Western Kentucky (2-2) at Old Dominion (1-3), 6 “You try, but a lot of his stuff is ing for just 90 total yards in to find a better balance.” in.”
Liberty (3-2) at New Mexico State (0-5), 8 cutback,” Niumatalolo said of Navy’s most lopsided loss to its Perry was one of a handful of
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Stags dedicate fourth straight shutout to ex-linebacker Brown Vegas’s Na

DEMATHA 17, has share Brown played for DeMatha
from 2012 to 2015, meaning he
him go.”
DeMatha (5-1) exited the locker
No. 13 Friendship (3-3) never
crossed the DeMatha 30-yard
DeMatha’s dominant 17-0 vic-
tory over Friendship Collegiate
on Friday night at Catholic Uni-
of lead in was present for the first three
Washington Catholic Athletic
Conference titles in the Stags’
room stoically Friday evening,
walking double-file onto the field
in relative silence.
line. The Knights fell to No. 4
Good Counsel last week and to
Pennsylvania powerhouse North
versity was the second-ranked
Stags’ fourth straight shutout and
their first triumph this season
22nd birthday.
Brown was honored with a
moment of silence before the
four-peat from 2013 to 2016. For
Terrance Davis, an offensive line-
man at Maryland who played
Its offense mimicked the quiet
start, turning the ball over with a
fumble on its second play.
Allegheny in Week 1.
The Knights were forced to
play the majority of the game
over another team in The Wash- game. After the win, the game ball with Brown at DeMatha, holding The Stags’ second drive, in con- without punter/kicker/wide re-
ington Post’s Top 20. went to Melinda Simms, a friend up the WCAC trophy was his trast, was a 10-play march that ceiver Brandon Chase, who was A SSOCIATED P RESS
Those feats ended up being of the family who accepted the enduring memory of his friend. ended with a 36-yard touchdown leveled in the second quarter
mere footnotes because Friday’s gift for Brown’s mother, Dann- “Jaylen was probably one of the pass from Malakai Anthony to while trying to pick up a first Las Vegas resident Kevin Na
victory was for “J.B.” ielle. funniest guys on the team,” said Kam’Ryn Thomas. down on a broken punt play. had two back-nine eagles and
Friday was the first anniversa- “Losing a child, regardless of Davis, who attended Friday’s con- The second quarter started Chase remained motionless on shot a 9-under-par 62 on Friday
ry of the death of Marquis Jaylen how old or how young he or she is, test and spoke to the DeMatha with Anthony throwing a screen the ground for a few moments for a share of the second-round
Brown, a redshirt sophomore at it is something that you will nev- squad after the game. “He worked pass to running back MarShawn before he was helped off the field. lead in the Shriners Hospitals for
Duquesne and former DeMatha er, ever accept,” Simms said. really hard. He was one of the best Lloyd on third and six. The South Friendship Coach Mike Hunter Children Open in his hometown
starting linebacker. Brown died “. . . It was a great honor to receive linebackers I ever had a chance to Carolina commit gashed the said Chase was coherent on the event.
after falling 16 stories from a the text message to have me and play with. He was a winner. He Friendship defense, breaking sideline but was taken to the Playing alongside Phil Mickel-
college dorm in Pittsburgh, and my son accept the ball in her loved the team. He was one of our through three tackles for a 51- hospital as a precaution. son at TPC Summerlin, Na eagled
Thursday would have been his absence.” brothers, and I’m really sad to see yard touchdown. the par-5 13th and 16th holes and
added birdies on the par-3 17th
and par-4 18th to match Lucas
Glover, 2017 winner Patrick Cant-
lay and Brian Stuard at 12-under
“My putter was hot,” Na said. “I
started with a 60-footer on the
first hole, and I just kept making
putts today.”
Na won the 2011 tournament
for the first of his three tour titles.
He made four long putts on the
back nine Friday, holing out from
43 and 35 feet for the eagles and
23 and 22 feet on the closing
Glover shot a 63, also making
an eagle on the 15th.
Cantlay eagled the par-4 15th,
driving the green and holing a
45-footer, in a 64.
“Hit it really well,” Cantlay
said. “Hit a lot of tee balls in play
and far down there, which leaves
you a lot of wedges. . . . That’s
what it takes to play well here. If I
keep driving it well, should have
a lot of opportunities.”
Stuard shot a 65.
“Just feeling comfortable with
my game,” Stuard said. “I wanted
to get off to a good start this fall,
and I feel like I’ve done that.”
Matt Jones was a stroke back
after a 63.
First-round leader Nick Taylor
followed his opening 63 with a 69
to top the group at 10 under.
Mickelson was at 8 under,
following an opening 65 with a
“I didn’t score great. I didn’t
have a very good putting day,”
Mickelson said. “I missed five or
six putts that I should have made,
and it took away from what could
have been a really good round on
the back nine.
“Should have been 5-, 6-under
par pretty easily, and I just strug-
gled with the putter on the
He missed the cut last week at
HOWARD COUNTY FOOTBALL the Safeway Open in his season

Gladiators get a kick out of last-second victory LPGA TOUR: Alena Sharp

shot a 6-under 65 for a share of
the second-round lead with Brit-
tany Altomare and Cheyenne
Knight in the LPGA Tour’s Volun-
his right arm. teers of America Classic.
GLENELG 10, “He constantly is working on Sharp closed with a bogey on
HOWARD 7 his kicks and stuff,” Sotka said. the par-4 18th to drop into the tie
“It’s awesome. I’m happy to see for the lead at 9-under 133 at Old
him [make a game-winner] American Golf Club in The Colo-
Retzbach is the hero again.” ny, Tex. Altomare had a 66, and
after winning field goal Friday’s game featured a pair of Knight shot a 67. The three
perennial Howard County pow- leaders are winless on the LPGA
ers. Howard won four consecutive Tour.
BY K YLE M ELNICK Howard County and Maryland 4A Knight was a two-time state
North titles between 2014 and high school champion at Aledo,
Kicker Chris Retzbach often 2017. Glenelg went undefeated in just west of Fort Worth.
stands on Glenelg’s field alone last year’s regular season before First-round leader Stephanie
during practices, imagining there making its first state champion- Meadow was at 8 under, follow-
are 10 seconds remaining, and it’s ship appearance. ing her opening 63 with a 71.
up to him to make a game-win- Without last year’s star, run- Jaye Marie Green and Kather-
ning field goal. The senior made a ning back Wande Owens, Glenelg ine Perry each shot a 68 to reach
game-winning field goal two years is rotating running backs based 7 under.
ago, and he knew he could be on their skill sets, trying to keep EUROPEAN TOUR: Adri
called upon again before his high defenses off-balance. That strat- Arnaus and Rafa Cabrera Bello
school career ended. egy helped the Gladiators score in took a one-shot lead at the Span-
On Friday night, that time the third quarter on running back ish Open as Spaniards finished
came. With two seconds remain- Kyle Dry’s 15-yard run. the second round in the top four
ing and Glenelg tied with Howard, Glenelg surrendered fourth- spots on the leader board in
Retzbach drilled a 26-yard field quarter leads in losses the past Madrid.
goal, splitting the uprights as time two weeks, and Howard tied the Samuel del Val was third, fol-
expired to lift the Gladiators to a game with about eight minutes lowed by defending champion
10-7 home win. remaining Friday. During practice Jon Rahm, another stroke be-
“I wasn’t feeling any pressure, this week, the Gladiators prac- hind.
really,” Retzbach said. “I was con- ticed four-minute drills and late- Arnaus, who is playing his first
fident in myself I could make the PHOTOS BY JONATHAN NEWTON/THE WASHINGTON POST game defensive situations. season on the European Tour, hit
kick.” Chris Retzbach, top center, is mobbed by teammates after booting a 26-yard field goal, above, to lift That training paid off. one eagle and five birdies to go
Howard (1-4, 1-1 Howard Coun- Glenelg to a Friday night win at home over Howard. “I wasn’t feeling any pressure, really,” he said. “I knew we had the intensity with one bogey and carded a
ty) was driving in the final min- and stuff to grind out these 5-under 66 on the day to tie
utes when Glenelg linebacker ball to the 14-yard line while run- bach connected, his teammates walk back to the team huddle games,” Sotka said. “I knew we’d Cabrera Bello at 11 under.
Drew Sotka stepped in front of a ning the clock down as Retzbach mobbed him near the 20-yard line. without drawing attention, but his be able to finish, whether it was in Cabrera Bello made six birdies
Lions pass for an interception to practiced kicking on the sideline. Moments later, Retzbach was teammates wouldn’t let him. overtime or regulation. I just had and has not produced a bogey
set up Retzbach. Howard called two timeouts to ice awarded a plaque as Glenelg’s “Hold it up,” they screamed as faith in my boys.” over 36 holes of the event at Club
Glenelg (3-2, 2-0) moved the Retzbach, to no avail. After Retz- MVP for the game. He tried to Retzbach raised the plaque with de Campo Villa de Madrid.


Reeling Jaguars gain some needed stability by beating Bulldogs on the road
BY T RAMEL R AGGS ity, which affected our players,” ell’s suspension, the team’s focus ily,” Groves said. “Coach is down 144 yards rushing, highlighted by
C.H. FLOWERS 16, said Fred Groves, the Jaguars’ in- seemed to shift from team success right now, but we can’t desert him. a 50-yard touchdown run with
For a team with legitimate state BOWIE 0 terim coach. “For the first few to individual success,” Groves said. We need to pick him up by going nine minutes remaining to seal
title aspirations in training camp, weeks, we had a revolving door “Guys were coming into things out and getting these wins.” the victory.
the start of the season for C.H. with our coaching staff. Different with the mind-set that they need to The Jaguars (3-2) took a big step “For the offense to step up when
Flowers brought only chaos. fect. The Jaguars dropped two guys would be suspended and re- just focus on getting film and se- toward that end by shutting down we needed it and then the defense
Coach Dameon Powell was sus- games and were in need of a win instated as the investigation went curing offers because a state cham- a high-octane Bowie offense that to come out and just do what it does
pended for the season last month Friday night to regain some stabil- on. There were times when the pionship wasn’t on the table.” came in averaging 30.5 points. — shut people out — was huge,”
for holding an illegal practice that ity. It came with a 16-0 victory at guys didn’t know what time prac- With his full staff of assistant With the defense holding the safety LaTreil Wimberly said. “With
resulted in the hospitalization of Bowie. tice was or who’d be there when coaches reinstated, Groves chal- Bulldogs (3-2) scoreless, the Jag- pretty much everyone back, we
one of the Jaguars’ players. “Initially, we had a lot of distrac- they got there.” lenged the Jaguars to come to- uars’ offense turned to workhorse needed to come together and make
Three of Powell’s assistants tions that made it difficult to focus The uncertainty caused a rift gether as a family and play for the running back Tristan Shannon to a statement, and I think that beat-
were placed under review, and the on just football-specific things or within the team. suspended Powell. grind down Bowie’s defense. ing a good team, 16-0, did just that.”
uncertainty had a trickle-down ef- create any type of type of continu- “After the news of Coach Pow- “This is supposed to be a fam- Shannon finished with
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MLB playoffs Yankees 10, Twins 4 NFL Cincinnati 27, No. 18 UCF 24 NHL FOOTBALL
UCF ........................................... 3 13 0 8 — 24
WILD-CARD ROUND Garver c ..........................5 0 0 0 0 3 .000 CINCINNATI ............................. 0 10 10 7 — 27 Seneca Valley (0-2, 0-0) .... 0 0 0 0 — 0
Tuesday’s result: at Washington 4, Milwaukee 3 Polanco ss ......................3 1 2 2 2 0 .667 Damascus (3-2, 0-0) .......... 14 24 0 7 — 45
Dallas ............................ 3 1 0 .750 107 56 UCF: FG Barnas 24, 11:46 first. Toronto .......................... 2 2 0 0 4 9 4
Wednesday’s result: Tampa Bay 5, at Oakland 1 Cruz dh ...........................3 1 1 1 2 2 .333 Philadelphia .................. 2 2 0 .500 110 105 Tampa Bay ..................... 1 1 0 0 2 5 2 D: Sabri 27 pass from O'Neil ( Baires kick )
Rosario rf .......................5 0 0 0 0 2 .000 CIN: FG Crosa 38, 12:08 second.
N.Y. Giants .................... 2 2 0 .500 87 97 UCF: FG Barnas 22, 9:46 second. Boston............................ 1 1 0 0 2 2 1 D: Shaw 23 run ( Baires kick )
DIVISION SERIES Sano 3b...........................4 1 1 1 0 2 .250 Washington .................. 0 4 0 .000 66 118 Buffalo ........................... 1 1 0 0 2 3 1 D: Shaw 11 run ( Baires kick )
(Best of five) Kepler cf .........................2 0 0 0 2 0 .000 CIN: Cloud 5 pass from Ridder (Crosa kick), 6:49 second.
UCF: FG Barnas 31, 3:52 second. Montreal ........................ 1 0 0 1 1 3 4 D: Shaw 44 pass from O'Neil ( Baires kick )
Gonzalez lf .....................4 0 2 0 0 2 .500 Detroit............................ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D: Baires 30 field goal
NATIONAL LEAGUE Cron 1b ...........................4 0 0 0 0 1 .000 SOUTH W L T PCT. PF PA UCF: McCrae 1 run (Barnas kick), :58 second.
DODGERS AND NATIONALS TIED, 1-1 New Orleans ................. 3 1 0 .750 84 92 CIN: FG Crosa 26, 10:06 third. Florida ............................ 1 0 1 0 0 2 5 D: Murry 16 pass from O'Neil ( Baires kick )
Arraez 2b........................3 1 1 0 0 0 .333 Ottawa ........................... 1 0 1 0 0 3 5 D: Mendez 2 run ( Baires kick )
Game 1: at Los Angeles 6, Washington 0 Schoop ph-2b..................1 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Tampa Bay .................... 2 2 0 .500 123 117 CIN: Gardner 16 interception return (Crosa kick), 5:08
Game 2: Washington 4, at Los Angeles 2 Carolina ......................... 2 2 0 .500 95 80 third. GLENELG 10, HOWARD 7
TOTALS 34 4 7 4 6 13 —
Sunday’s game: Los Angeles (Ryu 14-5) at Washington, Atlanta .......................... 1 3 0 .250 70 99 CIN: Pierce 11 pass from Ridder (Crosa kick), 14:55 METROPOLITAN GP W L OT Pts GF GA
fourth. Washington ................... 2 2 0 0 4 5 3 Howard (1-4, 0-0) .............. 0 0 0 7 — 7
7:45 (TBS) NEW YORK AB R H BI BB SO AVG Glenelg (3-2, 0-0) ............... 0 0 7 3 — 10
Monday’s game: Los Angeles at Washington, 6:40 (TBS) NORTH W L T PCT. PF PA UCF: T.Nixon 45 pass from Gabriel (Killins pass from N.Y. Rangers .................. 1 1 0 0 2 6 4
x-Wednesday’s game: Washington at Los Angeles, 8:37 LeMahieu 1b...................5 2 3 4 0 2 .600 Gabriel), 3:11 fourth. Philadelphia ................... 1 1 0 0 2 4 3 G: Dry 15 run ( kick )
Judge rf ..........................3 2 1 0 2 0 .333 Green Bay ..................... 3 1 0 .750 85 69
(TBS) Chicago ......................... 3 1 0 .750 66 45 Carolina .......................... 1 1 0 0 2 4 3 H: 3 run
Gardner cf.......................4 2 1 1 0 2 .250 UCF CINCINNATI New Jersey .................... 1 0 0 1 1 4 5
Detroit .......................... 2 1 1 .625 97 95 G: 26 field goal
CARDINALS AND BRAVES TIED, 1-1 Encarnacion dh...............5 1 2 1 0 1 .400 First Downs ..................................... 29 18 Pittsburgh...................... 1 0 1 0 0 1 3
Minnesota ..................... 2 2 0 .500 84 63 RUSHING LEADERS: G: Dry 25-96.
Game 1: St. Louis 7, at Atlanta 6 Stanton lf .......................1 0 0 0 3 0 .000 Rushes-Yards ........................... 42-126 41-192 Columbus ....................... 1 0 1 0 0 1 4
Game 2: at Atlanta 3, St. Louis 0 Maybin pr-lf ...................1 1 0 0 0 1 .000 Passing .......................................... 297 149 N.Y. Islanders................. 1 0 1 0 0 1 2 QUINCE ORCHARD 56, CLARKSBURG 0
Sunday’s game: Atlanta (Soroka 13-4) at St. Louis Torres 2b ........................3 1 1 2 1 1 .333 WEST W L T PCT. PF PA Comp-Att-Int .......................... 25-46-3 17-31-1
Return Yards .................................... 79 22 Clarksburg (2-3, 2-2) ......... 0 0 0 0 — 0
(Wainwright 14-10), 4:10 (TBS) Sanchez c .......................3 0 0 0 1 3 .000 San Francisco ................ 3 0 0 1.000 96 54 WESTERN CONFERENCE Quince Orchard (5-0, 0-0) .. 21 28 7 0 — 56
Monday’s game: Atlanta at St. Louis, 3:07 (TBS) Gregorius ss ...................3 1 0 0 1 2 .000 Seattle .......................... 4 1 0 .800 133 118 Punts-Avg. ................................. 6-40.5 8-39.25
Urshela 3b ......................4 0 0 0 0 0 .000 L.A. Rams ...................... 3 2 0 .600 146 134 Fumbles-Lost .................................. 3-1 0-0 CENTRAL GP W L OT Pts GF GA QO: Bell 18 fumble return ( Burke kick )
x-Wednesday’s game: St. Louis at Atlanta, 5:02 (TBS)
Arizona ......................... 0 3 1 .125 74 115 Penalties-Yards ............................ 5-42 9-91 Colorado ......................... 1 1 0 0 2 5 3 QO: Moran 16 pass from Plummer ( Burke kick )
TOTALS 32 10 8 8 8 12 —
AMERICAN LEAGUE Time Of Possession .................... 28:08 31:52 Nashville ........................ 1 1 0 0 2 5 2 QO: Cooper 2 run ( Burke kick )
ASTROS LEAD RAYS, 1-0 MINNESOTA ...............101 011 000 — 4 7 1
AFC Winnipeg........................ 2 1 1 0 2 9 10 QO: Robinson 70 interception return ( Burke kick )
RUSHING St. Louis ......................... 1 0 0 1 1 2 3 QO: Cooper 84 run ( Burke kick )
Game 1: at Houston 6, Tampa Bay 2 NEW YORK .................003 022 30X — 10 8 1 EAST W L T PCT. PF PA
Saturday’s game: Tampa Bay (Snell 6-8) at Houston UCF: McCrae 17-71, Anderson 12-45, Killins 4-23, Gabriel Minnesota...................... 1 0 1 0 0 2 5 QO: Plummer 1 run ( Burke kick )
E: Cron (1), LeMahieu (1). LOB: Minnesota 9, New York New England ................. 4 0 0 1.000 122 27 Chicago........................... 1 0 1 0 0 3 4 QO: Cooper 58 run ( Burke kick )
(Cole 20-5), 9:07 (FS1) 9-(minus 13). Cincinnati: Warren 23-133, Ridder 12-41,
7. 2B: Gonzalez (1), Arraez (1), Encarnacion 2 (2), Tor- Buffalo .......................... 3 1 0 .750 76 63 Dallas ............................. 1 0 1 0 0 1 2 QO: White 30 pass from Plummer ( Burke kick )
Monday’s game: Houston (Greinke 18-5) at Tampa Bay Doaks 3-23, (Team) 1-(minus 2), T.Thomas 2-(minus 3).
res (1), LeMahieu (1). HR: Polanco (1), off Paxton; Cruz N.Y. Jets ....................... 0 3 0 .000 33 70 RUSHING LEADERS: QO: Cooper 11-214, McBride 10-61,
(Morton 16-6), 1:05 (MLB) (1), off Paxton; Sano (1), off Kahnle; LeMahieu (1), off Miami ............................ 0 4 0 .000 26 163
x-Tuesday’s game: Houston at Tampa Bay, 4:15 (FS1)
PASSING PACIFIC GP W L OT Pts GF GA Jones 1-17, White 1-10, Plummer 1-1.
Stashak; Gardner (1), off Stashak. PASSING LEADERS: QO: Plummer 5-13-1-102.
x-Thursday’s game: Tampa Bay at Houston, 8:37 (FS1) UCF: Gabriel 25-46-3-297. Cincinnati: Ridder 17-31-1- x-Vegas .......................... 1 1 0 0 2 4 1
MINNESOTA IP H R ER BB SO ERA SOUTH W L T PCT. PF PA 149. Edmonton....................... 1 1 0 0 2 3 2 RECEIVING LEADERS: QO: White 1-30, Jones 1-25, Luke
YANKEES LEAD TWINS, 1-0 Berrios .............................4 4 3 1 3 6 2.25 Houston ........................ 2 2 0 .500 78 78 Anaheim......................... 1 1 0 0 2 2 1 1-19, Moran 1-16, Swigart 1-12.
Game 1: at N.Y. Yankees 10, Minnesota 4 Littell ...............................0 0 2 2 1 0 Indianapolis .................. 2 2 0 .500 94 102 RECEIVING Los Angeles.................... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Saturday’s game: Minnesota at N.Y. Yankees (Tanaka Duffey ..............................1 1 0 0 1 3 0.00 Jacksonville .................. 2 2 0 .500 84 84 WESTFIELD 53, W.T. WOODSON 3
UCF: G.Davis 13-170, T.Nixon 6-76, Anderson 3-20, x-San Jose...................... 1 0 1 0 0 1 4
11-9), 5:07 (FS1) Stashak............................1 2 2 2 0 0 18.0 Tennessee ..................... 2 2 0 .500 91 62 Calgary ........................... 1 0 1 0 0 3 5 Westfield (5-0, 0-0) ........... 13 27 13 0 — 53
Ja.Harris 2-9, M.Williams 1-22. Cincinnati: Deguara
Monday’s game: N.Y. Yankees (Severino 1-1) at Minne- Gibson ..............................1 1 3 3 3 1 27.0 5-64, Warren 4-19, Medaris 3-25, J.Jackson 2-18, Cloud Arizona........................... 1 0 1 0 0 1 2 W.T. Woodson (3-2, 0-0) ... 0 3 0 0 — 3
sota, 8:40 (FS1) Graterol............................1 0 0 0 0 2 0.00 NORTH W L T PCT. PF PA 2-12, Pierce 1-11. Vancouver ...................... 1 0 1 0 0 2 3 WF: Legall run ( kick failed )
x-Tuesday’s game: N.Y. Yankees at Minnesota, 8:07 Cleveland ...................... 2 2 0 .500 89 91 WF: Howard 88 pass from Kim ( Lanigan kick )
(FS1) NEW YORK IP H R ER BB SO ERA Baltimore ...................... 2 2 0 .500 135 100 x-Late game
WF: Howard 30 pass from Kim ( Lanigan kick )
x-Thursday’s game: Minnesota at N.Y. Yankees, 5:07 Paxton...........................4.2 5 3 3 1 8 5.79 Pittsburgh ..................... 1 3 0 .250 76 88 THURSDAY’S RESULTS WF: Daniel 2 run ( Lanigan kick )
(FS1) Ottavino...........................0 0 0 0 1 0 0.00 Cincinnati ...................... 0 4 0 .000 57 110 GOLF WF: Bushra 85 kickoff return ( kick )
Kahnle..............................2 1 1 1 1 1 13.5 at Carolina 4, Montreal 3 (SO) WF: Soto 2 pass from Kim ( kick failed )
LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES Green ............................0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 Buffalo 3, at Pittsburgh 1
WEST W L T PCT. PF PA WF: Bushra 90 kickoff return ( Lanigan kick )
(Best of seven) Britton .............................1 0 0 0 1 1 0.00 PGA Tour at Tampa Bay 5, Florida 2 WF: Legall 3 run ( kick failed )
Kansas City ................... 4 0 0 1.000 135 94
NATIONAL LEAGUE Happ.................................1 1 0 0 1 2 0.00 at N.Y. Rangers 6, Winnipeg 4 RUSHING LEADERS: WF: Richards 4-79, Daniel 12-44,
Oakland ......................... 2 2 0 .500 79 102
Chapman ..........................1 0 0 0 1 1 0.00
L.A. Chargers ................ 2 2 0 .500 90 74 SHRINERS HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN OPEN at Nashville 5, Minnesota 2 Legall 4-30, Howard 4-18, Richie 1-5.
Friday, Oct. 11 (TBS)
Saturday, Oct. 12 (TBS) WP: Kahnle (1-0); LP: Littell (0-1). Ottavino pitched to Denver ........................... 0 4 0 .000 70 93 At TPC Summerlin; In Las Vegas Boston 2, at Dallas 1 RECEIVING LEADERS: WF: Howard 3-122, Richards
Monday, Oct. 14 (TBS) 1 batters in the 5th Inherited runners-scored: Duffey Purse: $7 million 3-66, Daniel 1-12, Legall 1-5.
at Colorado 5, Calgary 3
Tuesday, Oct. 15 (TBS) 2-2, Ottavino 1-0, Kahnle 2-0, Green 1-0. HBP: Littell WEEK 5 Yardage: 7,255; Par: 71
at Anaheim 2, Arizona 1 YORKTOWN 41, EDISON 0
x-Wednesday, Oct. 16 (TBS) (Gardner). WP: Littell. PB: Sanchez (1). T: 4:15. A: THURSDAY’S RESULT
49,233 (47,309). SECOND ROUND Edison (1-4, 0-0) ................ 0 0 0 0 — 0
x-Friday, Oct. 18 (TBS)
Note: a-Denotes amateur
x-Saturday, Oct. 19 (TBS) at Seattle 30, L.A. Rams 29 Yorktown (4-1, 0-0) ........... 14 13 7 7 — 41
Brian Stuard ...................................... 65 65 — 130 -12 Washington 2, at N.Y. Islanders 1
AMERICAN LEAGUE SUNDAY’S GAMES Y: Rotker 18 pass from Wilson ( Garufi kick )
Patrick Cantlay .................................. 66 64 — 130 -12 Philadelphia 4, Chicago 3, in Prague
Y: Patterson 44 pass from Wilson ( Garufi kick )
Saturday, Oct. 12 (Fox or FS1) B A S K ETB A L L New England (-15) at Washington, 1 Lucas Glover ...................................... 67 63 — 130 -12 Toronto 4, at Columbus 1 Y: Rotker 8 pass from Wilson ( kick failed )
Sunday, Oct. 13 (Fox or FS1) Baltimore (-3) at Pittsburgh, 1 Kevin Na ............................................. 68 62 — 130 -12 Winnipeg 5, at New Jersey 4 (SO) Y: Rindfusz 18 pass from Wilson ( Garufi kick )
Tuesday, Oct. 15 (Fox or FS1) Matt Jones ......................................... 68 63 — 131 -11 Vegas at San Jose, 10:30 Y: Wilson 15 run ( Garufi kick )
Wednesday, Oct. 16 (Fox or FS1) Atlanta at Houston (-5), 1
WNBA playoffs Lanto Griffin ...................................... 67 65 — 132 -10 Y: Altubire 26 run ( Garufi kick )
x-Thursday, Oct. 17 (Fox or FS1) Minnesota (-5) at N.Y. Giants, 1 Beau Hossler ...................................... 67 65 — 132 -10 SATURDAY’S GAMES
Jacksonville at Carolina (-31/2), 1 RUSHING LEADERS: Y: Altubire 9-101, Miller 4-28,
x-Saturday, Oct. 19 (Fox or FS1) (x-If necessary) Sam Ryder ......................................... 65 67 — 132 -10 Wilson 2-23, Rowe 4-19, Copeland 2-10, Larsen 1-10,
x-Sunday, Oct. 20 (Fox or FS1) Buffalo at Tennessee (-3), 1 Carolina at Washington, 7
Scott Stallings ................................... 67 65 — 132 -10 Garcia 1-7, Perry-Elem 1-2.
FIRST ROUND Chicago (-51/2) vs. Oakland in London, 1 Nick Taylor ......................................... 63 69 — 132 -10 Tampa Bay at Florida, 7
WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 11 Tampa Bay at New Orleans (-3), 1 Ryan Moore ........................................ 69 64 — 133 -9 Montreal at Toronto, 7
RECEIVING LEADERS: Y: Patterson 5-133, Rotker 4-29,
(Best of seven) at No. 5 Chicago 105, No. 8 Phoenix 76 Collin Morikawa ................................. 67 66 — 133 -9 Columbus at Pittsburgh, 7
Arizona at Cincinnati (-3), 1 Altubire 1-28, Rindfusz 1-18, Perry-Elem 1-11.
Tuesday, Oct. 22: at better record (Fox) at No. 6 Seattle 84, No. 7 Minnesota 74 Webb Simpson ................................... 67 66 — 133 -9 New Jersey at Buffalo, 7
Wednesday, Oct. 23: at better record (Fox) N.Y. Jets at Philadelphia (-13), 1
Martin Laird ....................................... 68 65 — 133 -9 N.Y. Rangers at Ottawa, 7
Friday, Oct. 25: at worse record (Fox) SECOND ROUND Denver at L.A. Chargers (-61/2), 4:05
Cameron Smith .................................. 69 64 — 133 -9 Dallas at St. Louis, 8
Saturday, Oct. 26: at worse record (Fox) SUNDAY, SEPT. 15 Green Bay at Dallas (-3), 4:25 Adam Hadwin .................................... 67 66 — 133 -9 FOOTBALL
x-Sunday, Oct. 27: at worse record (Fox) Indianapolis at Kansas City (-11), 8:20 Detroit at Nashville, 8
at No. 3 Los Angeles 92, No. 6 Seattle 69 Adam Scott ........................................ 66 67 — 133 -9
x-Tuesday, Oct. 29: at better record (Fox) at No. 4 Las Vegas 93, No. 5 Chicago 92 BYE: Detroit, Miami Patton Kizzire .................................... 66 67 — 133 -9 Minnesota at Colorado, 9 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA
x-Wednesday, Oct. 30: at better record (Fox) Pat Perez ............................................ 69 64 — 133 -9 Boston at Arizona, 9 Anacostia 55, Phelps 0
SEMIFINALS MONDAY’S GAME Daniel Berger ..................................... 66 67 — 133 -9 San Jose at Anaheim, 10 Coolidge 57, Cardozo 0
(Best of five) Troy Merritt ....................................... 66 68 — 134 -8 Vancouver at Calgary, 10 Dunbar 26, H.D. Woodson 14
Cleveland at San Francisco (-4), 8:15 McKinley 42, Bell 7
Astros 6, Rays 2 MYSTICS ELIMINATED ACES, 3-1 Bryson DeChambeau ......................... 66 68 — 134 -8 Los Angeles at Edmonton, 10
WEEK 6 Sung Kang .......................................... 71 63 — 134 -8 Theodore Roosevelt 12, Ballou 0
Game 1: at Washington 97, Las Vegas 95 SUNDAY’S GAMES Wilson 26, Eastern 6
TAMPA BAY AB R H BI BB SO AVG THURSDAY’S GAME Bronson Burgoon ............................... 66 68 — 134 -8
Game 2: at Washington 103, Las Vegas 91 Gonzaga 41, Leesburg 6
Maverick McNealy ............................. 65 69 — 134 -8 Tampa Bay at Carolina, 5
Meadows rf ....................2 0 1 1 2 0 .200 Game 3: at Las Vegas 92, Washington 75 N.Y. Giants at New England, 8:20 MARYLAND
Brian Gay ........................................... 65 69 — 134 -8
Pham lf ...........................4 0 1 0 0 0 .375 Game 4: Washington 94, at Las Vegas 90 Dallas at Detroit, 7 Annapolis 26, North County 21
Phil Mickelson ................................... 65 69 — 134 -8
Choi 1b............................3 0 0 0 1 2 .000 SUNDAY’S GAMES Gary Woodland .................................. 69 65 — 134 -8 Winnipeg at N.Y. Islanders, 7 Arundel 56, Chesapeake 20
Y.Diaz dh ........................4 0 0 0 0 1 .375 SUN ELIMINATED SPARKS, 3-0
Game 1: at Connecticut 84, Los Angeles 75 Washington at Miami, 1 Andrew Putnam ................................. 68 66 — 134 -8 MONDAY’S GAMES Atholton 29, North Hagerstown 22
Lowe 2b ..........................4 0 1 0 0 2 .143 Jim Furyk ........................................... 68 66 — 134 -8 Bethesda-Chevy Chase 27, Wootton 7
d'Arnaud c ......................4 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Game 2: at Connecticut 94, Los Angeles 68 Cincinnati at Baltimore, 1
Game 3: Connecticut 78, at Los Angeles 56 Joel Dahmen ...................................... 70 64 — 134 -8 Buffalo at Columbus, 7 Blake 14, Magruder 7
Wendle 3b-ss .................3 1 1 0 0 2 .333 Carolina vs Tampa Bay at London, UK, 9:30 a.m. Damascus 45, Seneca Valley 0
Chesson Hadley ................................. 68 66 — 134 -8 St. Louis at Toronto, 7
Kiermaier cf ...................3 0 0 0 0 1 .000 FINALS Philadelphia at Minnesota, 1 Ben Taylor .......................................... 67 67 — 134 -8 Einstein 21, Blair 0
Adames ss......................2 0 0 0 0 1 .000 (Best of five) New Orleans at Jacksonville, 1 Scottie Scheffler ............................... 67 67 — 134 -8 Glenelg 10, Howard 7
Sogard ph-3b..................1 1 1 1 0 0 1.00 Houston at Kansas City, 1 Brian Harman ..................................... 64 71 — 135 -7 Gwynn Park 55, Friendly 14
TOTALS 30 2 5 2 3 10 — MYSTICS AND SUN TIED, 1-1 Seattle at Cleveland, 1 Si Woo Kim ........................................ 71 64 — 135 -7
Flyers 4, Blackhawks 3 Hammond 32, Mount Hebron 13
Game 1: at Washington 95, Connecticut 86 San Francisco at L.A. Rams, 4:05 Hideki Matsuyama ............................ 68 67 — 135 -7 CHICAGO .................................. 1 1 1 — 3 Huntingtown 21, St. Charles 20
HOUSTON AB R H BI BB SO AVG Game 2: Connecticut 99, at Washington 87 Atlanta at Arizona, 4:05 John Oda ............................................ 69 66 — 135 -7 PHILADELPHIA ........................ 1 2 1 — 4 Lackey 35, Calvert 14
Springer cf-rf .................4 0 0 0 1 1 .000 Sunday’s game: Washington at Connecticut, 3:30 Chase Koepka .................................... 66 69 — 135 -7 Marriotts Ridge 21, Reservoir 7
Tennessee at Denver, 4:25 FIRST PERIOD
Altuve 2b........................5 1 1 2 0 0 .200 Tuesday’s game: Washington at Connecticut, 8 Matthew NeSmith ............................. 67 68 — 135 -7 Meade 14, Broadneck 10
x-Thursday’s game: Connecticut at Washington, 8 Dallas at N.Y. Jets, 4:25 North Point 70, Leonardtown 6
Brantley lf ......................4 1 2 0 0 1 .500 Kristoffer Ventura ............................. 69 66 — 135 -7 Scoring: 1, Philadelphia, Konecny 1, 6:24. 2, Chicago,
Pittsburgh at L.A. Chargers, 8:20 Adam Schenk ..................................... 66 69 — 135 -7 Nylander 1 (Kane), 7:44. Northeast 41, Eastern Tech 19
Marisnick cf....................0 0 0 0 0 0 ---
Bregman 3b ....................2 2 1 0 2 0 .500 BYE: Buffalo, Indianapolis, Chicago, Oakland Denny McCarthy ................................ 69 66 — 135 -7 Northern 33, Chopticon 12
Alvarez dh ......................4 1 1 1 0 2 .250 Russell Knox ...................................... 68 67 — 135 -7 SECOND PERIOD Northwest 49, Gaithersburg 13
Gurriel 1b .......................4 0 2 1 0 0 .500 NBA preseason Nate Lashley ...................................... 67 68 — 135 -7 Scoring: 3, Philadelphia, Lindblom 1, 6:28 (pp). 4, Old Mill 16, Severna Park 0
Correa ss ........................4 0 1 0 0 3 .250 Detroit at Green Bay, 8:15 Carlos Ortiz ........................................ 70 65 — 135 -7 Philadelphia, Konecny 2 (Laughton), 18:04. 5, Chicago, Oxon Hill 42, Eleanor Roosevelt 14
R.Chirinos c ....................3 0 1 0 1 1 .333 FRIDAY'S RESULTS Harold Varner III ................................ 68 67 — 135 -7 DeBrincat 1 (Gustafsson, Kane), 19:47 (pp). Paint Branch 44, Wheaton 0
Reddick rf-lf ...................3 1 0 0 1 2 .000 Houston 109, L.A. Clippers 96, in Honolulu Chris Stroud ....................................... 67 68 — 135 -7 Patuxent 21, La Plata 14
TOTALS 33 6 9 4 5 10 — Indiana 132, Sacramento 131 (OT), in Mumbai Xinjun Zhang ...................................... 70 65 — 135 -7 THIRD PERIOD Poolesville 14, South Carroll 0
at Brooklyn 137, Franca 89 NCAA Aaron Baddeley ................................. 67 69 — 136 -6 Scoring: 6, Philadelphia, Raffl 1 (Hagg, Pitlick), 9:48. 7,
Quince Orchard 56, Clarksburg 0
TAMPA BAY ...............000 000 020 — 2 5 1 Matthew Wolff .................................. 67 69 — 136 -6 Richard Montgomery 41, Walter Johnson 34
THURSDAY’S RESULTS Chicago, Kane 1 (Gustafsson, Keith), 17:53.
HOUSTON ...................000 040 20X — 6 9 0 SATURDAY'S GAMES Luke List ............................................ 70 66 — 136 -6 River Hill 41, Wilde Lake 7
Sacramento vs. Indiana in Mumbai, 9:30 a.m. SOUTH Matt Every ......................................... 70 66 — 136 -6 SHOTS ON GOAL Rockville 21, Watkins Mill 20
E: Lowe (1). LOB: Tampa Bay 4, Houston 8. 2B: Mead- Georgia Southern 20, at South Alabama 17 (2OT) Fabian Gomez .................................... 69 67 — 136 -6 South River 63, Glen Burnie 0
ows (1), Bregman (1), Alvarez (1), Gurriel (1). HR: Al- L.A. Lakers at Golden State, 8 CHICAGO ................................ 11 7 13 — 31
Temple 27, at East Carolina 17 Tony Finau ......................................... 68 68 — 136 -6 Southern 21, Centennial 0
tuve (1), off Glasnow. Orlando at San Antonio, 8:30 PHILADELPHIA ...................... 13 16 10 — 39
Ryan Palmer ...................................... 70 66 — 136 -6 Springbrook 27, Northwood 18
Adelaide 36ers at Utah, 9 FRIDAY’S RESULTS Power-play opportunities: Chicago 1 of 2; Philadelphia 1
TAMPA BAY IP H R ER BB SO ERA Russell Henley ................................... 68 68 — 136 -6 Suitland 14, Northwestern 8
of 3. Goalies: Chicago, Crawford 0-1-0 (38 shots-34 Thomas Stone 14, McDonough 0
Glasnow ........................4.1 4 2 2 3 5 4.15 SUNDAY'S GAMES EAST James Hahn ....................................... 67 69 — 136 -6
saves). Philadelphia, Hart 1-0-0 (31-28).
McKay ..............................1 2 2 0 0 1 0.00 Dartmouth 28, at Penn 15 a-Jack Trent ....................................... 67 69 — 136 -6 Westlake 34, Great Mills 6
Maccabi Haifa at Memphis, 3 Mark Hubbard .................................... 68 69 — 137 -5 Whitman 42, Churchill 14
Roe ................................1.1 0 0 0 1 1 0.00 Charlotte at Boston, 6
Drake................................1 2 2 2 1 2 18.0 MIDWEST Kevin Tway ........................................ 68 69 — 137 -5 VIRGINIA
Shanghai Sharks vs. L.A. Clippers in Honolulu, 7 Charley Hoffman ............................... 70 67 — 137 -5
Poche ...............................1 1 0 0 0 1 0.00 at Cincinnati 27, Central Florida 24 Briar Woods 24, Riverside 23
MONDAY'S GAMES Doc Redman ....................................... 70 67 — 137 -5 Maple Leafs 4, Blue Jackets 1 Broad Run 35, Loudoun County 7
HOUSTON IP H R ER BB SO ERA WEST Kyle Stanley ....................................... 71 66 — 137 -5 TORONTO ................................ 1 1 2 — 4 Centreville 21, Battlefield 12
Verlander .........................7 1 0 0 3 8 0.00 New York at Washington, 7 New Mexico at San Jose State, Late John Huh ............................................ 66 71 — 137 -5 COLUMBUS .............................. 0 1 0 — 1 Chantilly 42, Washington-Liberty 13
Pressly .............................2 4 2 2 0 0 27.0 Buenas Aires San Lorenzo at Cleveland, 6 Robby Shelton ................................... 69 68 — 137 -5 Freedom-Woodbridge 49, Forest Park 0
Harris ............................0.1 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 Orlando at Detroit, 7 SATURDAY’S GAMES Danny Lee .......................................... 69 68 — 137 -5 FIRST PERIOD Gar-Field 49, Osbourn 12
Osuna...............................1 0 0 0 0 2 0.00 New Orleans at Atlanta, 7:30 EAST Jason Kokrak ..................................... 70 67 — 137 -5 Scoring: 1, Toronto, Marner 1 (Tavares, Rielly), 12:04 Hylton 30, Colgan 8
Milwaukee at Chicago, 8 Talor Gooch ........................................ 71 66 — 137 -5
WP: Verlander (1-0); LP: Glasnow (0-1). Inherited run- Tulane (3-1) at Army (3-1), noon (pp). James Madison 29, Falls Church 0
Purdue (1-3) at Penn State (4-0), noon Keegan Bradley .................................. 69 68 — 137 -5 James Wood 42, Independence 32
ners-scored: Roe 2-2, Harris 2-0. T: 3:24. A: 43,360 Charles Howell III .............................. 69 68 — 137 -5
(41,168). Maryland (2-2) at Rutgers (1-3), noon SECOND PERIOD Lake Braddock 40, Oakton 12
South Florida (1-3) at U-Conn. (1-3), noon Brendan Steele .................................. 68 69 — 137 -5 Loudoun Valley 30, Heritage 14
S O C C ER Rhode Island (0-4) at Brown (1-1), 12:30 Brandt Snedeker ................................ 67 70 — 137 -5 Scoring: 2, Toronto, Ceci 1 (Nylander, Rielly), 10:35. 3,
Marshall 34, Herndon 0
Bo Hoag .............................................. 67 70 — 137 -5 Columbus, Atkinson 1, 14:11 (pp).
Lehigh (1-3) at Colgate (0-5), 1 Mount Vernon 45, McLean 12
Howard (1-4) at Harvard (1-1), 1 Peter Uihlein ...................................... 68 69 — 137 -5 THIRD PERIOD Potomac Falls 24, Freedom-South Riding 7
Braves 3, Cardinals 0 MLS Columbia (1-1) at Princeton (2-0), 1 Isaiah Salinda .................................... 69 68 — 137 -5 South County 54, Annandale 7
Failed to make the cut Scoring: 4, Toronto, Marner 2 (Muzzin, Tavares), 2:16. 5, South Lakes 40, Wakefield 6
ST. LOUIS AB R H BI BB SO AVG EASTERN CONFERENCE Fordham (2-3) at Yale (2-0), 1
Abraham Ancer .................................. 68 70 — 138 -4 Toronto, Matthews 3 (Marner, Rielly), 14:04 (pp). Stone Bridge 55, Rock Ridge 7
Holy Cross (1-3) at Bucknell (0-4), 2
Fowler rf.........................4 0 0 0 0 1 .125 W L T Pts GF GA Georgetown (3-1) at Cornell (1-1), 3 Joaquin Niemann ............................... 69 69 — 138 -4 Stonewall Jackson 21, Champe 7
Edman 3b .......................4 0 0 0 0 0 .222 SHOTS ON GOAL
y-New York City FC ..........17 6 10 61 61 41 Ohio (1-3) at Buffalo (2-3), 3:30 Austin Cook ....................................... 67 71 — 138 -4 T.C. Williams 35, Fairfax 14
Goldschmidt 1b ..............4 0 1 0 0 1 .375 y-Atlanta ..........................17 12 4 55 55 42 Air Force (3-1) at Navy (2-1), 3:30 Ted Potter, Jr. .................................... 70 68 — 138 -4 TORONTO .............................. 10 9 10 — 29 Tuscarora 31, Stafford 13
Ozuna lf..........................4 0 2 0 0 0 .500 y-Philadelphia ..................16 10 7 55 57 48 Elon (2-3) at New Hampshire (2-2), 3:30 Emiliano Grillo ................................... 68 70 — 138 -4 COLUMBUS .............................. 9 11 9 — 29 West Potomac 62, Lee 0
Molina c..........................4 0 2 0 0 1 .250 y-D.C. United ....................13 10 10 49 42 38 Texas (3-1) at West Virginia (3-1), 3:30 Chez Reavie ....................................... 67 71 — 138 -4 Power-play opportunities: Toronto 2 of 5; Columbus 1 of West Springfield 56, Justice 14
Wong 2b .........................4 0 0 0 0 2 .250 y-New York.......................14 13 6 48 53 48 James Madison (4-1) at Stony Brook (4-1), 6 Bubba Watson ................................... 70 68 — 138 -4 5. Goalies: Toronto, Andersen 1-0-0 (29 shots-28 saves). Westfield 53, W.T. Woodson 3
DeJong ss .......................3 0 0 0 0 2 .286 y-Toronto FC.....................12 10 11 47 56 52 S.C. State (2-1) at Delaware State (1-3), 7 Sebastian Munoz ............................... 71 67 — 138 -4 Columbus, Korpisalo 0-0-0 (29-25). Woodbridge 23, Potomac (Va.) 13
Bader cf ..........................3 0 0 0 0 3 .167 y-New England .................11 10 12 45 49 54 Branden Grace ................................... 68 70 — 138 -4 Yorktown 41, Edison 0
Flaherty p .......................2 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Chicago ...............................9 12 12 39 50 45 SOUTH Roger Sloan ....................................... 73 66 — 139 -3
J.Martinez ph .................1 0 1 0 0 0 .500 PRIVATE
Montreal...........................11 17 5 38 44 60 Utah State (3-1) at LSU (4-0), noon Brandon Hagy .................................... 71 68 — 139 -3
TOTALS 33 0 6 0 0 11 — Columbus..........................10 15 8 38 39 46 Butler (1-3) at Stetson (3-1), noon Cameron Percy ................................... 72 67 — 139 -3
Jets 5, Devils 4 (SO) Bullis 35, Riverdale Baptist 0
DeMatha 17, Friendship Collegiate 0
Orlando City........................9 14 10 37 42 47 Boston College (3-2) at Louisville (2-2), 12:30 Dylan Frittelli .................................... 67 72 — 139 -3 WINNIPEG ......................... 0 1 3 0 — 5 Dominion 27, Jefferson (W.Va.) 20
ATLANTA AB R H BI BB SO AVG Cincinnati ...........................6 22 5 23 31 75 Davidson (3-1) at Morehead State (2-2), 1 Zach Johnson ..................................... 70 69 — 139 -3 NEW JERSEY ..................... 1 3 0 0 — 4 Gonzaga 41, Leesburg 6
Acuna Jr. cf ....................4 0 1 0 0 2 .500 N.C. Central (2-3) at Florida A&M (3-1), 2 Aaron Wise ........................................ 70 69 — 139 -3 Fairmont Heights 70, Bishop Sullivan Catholic 6
WESTERN CONFERENCE North Alabama (2-3) at Hampton (2-2), 2 J.J. Spaun ........................................... 69 70 — 139 -3 FIRST PERIOD
Albies 2b ........................4 1 1 0 0 2 .125 Georgetown Prep 27, Benedictine 13
Freeman 1b ....................3 0 0 0 1 0 .286 E. Illinois (0-5) at Murray State (2-3), 2 Andrew Landry .................................. 68 71 — 139 -3 Scoring: 1, New Jersey, Gusev 1 (Bratt), 18:00. Good Counsel 17, St. Mary's Ryken 14
W L T Pts GF GA N.C. A&T (3-1) at Norfolk State (1-4), 2 Rod Pampling ..................................... 67 72 — 139 -3
Donaldson 3b .................4 0 1 1 0 1 .125 y-Los Angeles FC..............20 4 9 69 82 36 Landon 35, Maret 16
Markakis lf-rf.................4 0 1 0 0 1 .222 Albany (N.Y.) (3-2) at Richmond (1-3), 2 Michael Hopper .................................. 68 71 — 139 -3 SECOND PERIOD
y-Minnesota United .........15 10 8 53 52 42 McNamara 38, Paul VI 6
Joyce rf...........................3 0 1 0 0 1 .200 VMI (2-3) at The Citadel (2-3), 2 Scoring: 2, New Jersey, Coleman 1 (Zajac, Simmonds),
y-Seattle ..........................15 10 8 53 51 49 Va. Lynchburg (0-4) at MVSU (0-4), 4 VOLLEYBALL
McCann c ........................3 1 1 0 0 0 .400 y-LA Galaxy ......................16 14 3 51 56 55 1:42. 3, New Jersey, Vatanen 1 (Hall, Palmieri), 12:34. 4,
Swanson ss ....................3 0 1 0 0 2 .286 Furman (3-2) at Samford (3-2), 3 New Jersey, Coleman 2 (Subban, Zacha), 13:52. 5,
Foltynewicz p .................2 0 0 0 0 1 .000
y-Real Salt Lake ...............15 13 5 50 45 41 Wofford (2-2) at ETSU (2-3), 3:30 LPGA Tour Winnipeg, Kulikov 1 (Ehlers, Scheifele), 19:49.
Portland............................13 13 7 46 49 48 Auburn (5-0) at Florida (5-0), 3:30 St. John's def. Wilson (25-16, 25-14, 29-27)
Duvall ph-lf ....................1 1 1 2 0 0 1.00 FC Dallas...........................12 12 9 45 48 46 VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA CLASSIC
TOTALS 31 3 8 3 1 10 —
Arkansas State (3-2) at Georgia State (2-2), 3:30 THIRD PERIOD VIRGINIA
San Jose ...........................13 15 5 44 51 52 Virginia Tech (2-2) at Miami (2-2), 3:30 At Old American Golf Club; In The Colony, Tex. Potomac (Va.) def. Holton-Arms (25-22, 25-23, 13-25,
Colorado............................12 15 6 42 57 60 Purse: $1.3 million Scoring: 6, Winnipeg, Roslovic 1 (Perreault, Pionk), 2:41. 22-25, 15-13)
ST. LOUIS....................000 000 000 — 0 6 0 Marshall (2-2) at Middle Tennessee (1-3), 3:30
Sporting K.C. ....................10 15 8 38 49 61 Yardage: 6,475; Par: 71 7, Winnipeg, Perreault 1 (Copp, Laine), 7:17. 8, Winni-
ATLANTA....................100 000 20X — 3 8 1 Gardner-Webb (1-3) at W. Carolina (1-3), 3:30 PRIVATE
Houston ............................11 18 4 37 45 57 peg, Pionk 1 (Scheifele, Heinola), 12:35.
Villanova (5-0) at William & Mary (2-3), 3:30 SECOND ROUND Chapelgate Christian def. Glenelg Country (24-26, 25-19,
E: Albies (1). LOB: St. Louis 6, Atlanta 5. 2B: Acuna Jr. Vancouver...........................8 15 10 34 37 58 Memphis (4-0) at Louisiana Monroe (2-2), 3:45 SHOOTOUT 25-16, 25-18)
(2). HR: Duvall (1), off Flaherty. Morgan State (0-4) at Bethune-Cookman (3-1), 4 Alena Sharp ....................................... 68 65 — 133 -9 Flint Hill def. Paul VI (25-15, 25-15, 25-14)
y-Clinched playoff spot Winnipeg 2 (Connor G, Laine NG, Scheifele NG, Wheeler
ST. LOUIS IP H R ER BB SO ERA North Carolina (2-3) at Georgia Tech (1-3), 4 Brittany Altomare ............................. 67 66 — 133 -9 O'Connell def. Bishop Ireton (25-12, 25-19, 25-10)
Chattanooga (2-3) at Mercer (2-3), 4 Cheyenne Knight ............................... 66 67 — 133 -9 G), New Jersey 1 (Gusev G, Hughes NG, Hall NG, Palmieri
Flaherty ...........................7 8 3 3 1 8 3.86 SUNDAY’S RESULTS
Cent. Arkansas (3-1) at Nicholls (2-2), 4 Stephanie Meadow ............................ 63 71 — 134 -8 NG). FIELD HOCKEY
Webb................................1 0 0 0 0 2 6.75
D.C. United 0, at New York 0 SE Louisiana (3-1) at McNeese State (2-3), 5 Jaye Marie Green ............................... 67 68 — 135 -7
Toronto FC 2, at Chicago 2
ATLANTA IP H R ER BB SO ERA Savannah State (3-1) at Charleston Southern (0-4), 6 Katherine Perry ................................. 67 68 — 135 -7
WINNIPEG ......................... 4 15 8 3 — 30 Holy Child 5, Holy Cross 1
Foltynewicz .....................7 3 0 0 0 7 0.00 Orlando City 1, at Cincinnati 1 W. Kentucky (2-2) at Old Dominion (1-3), 6 Caroline Hedwall ............................... 69 67 — 136 -6 River Hill 2, St. Paul's 1
at Columbus 2, Philadelphia 0 U-Mass. (1-4) at FIU (1-3), 7 Jane Park ........................................... 69 67 — 136 -6 NEW JERSEY ..................... 7 19 12 1 — 39
Fried.................................1 1 0 0 0 2 0.00 Spalding 3, Mount de Sales 2
Melancon .........................1 2 0 0 0 2 18.0 Atlanta 1, at Montreal 1 Grambling State (0-4) at Jackson State (1-3), 7 Georgia Hall ....................................... 68 68 — 136 -6 Power-play opportunities: Winnipeg 0 of 2; New Jersey 0
Tennessee State (1-4) at Jacksonville State (3-2), 7 Wei-Ling Hsu ..................................... 68 68 — 136 -6 of 2. Goalies: Winnipeg, Brossoit 1-0-0 (39 shots-35 GIRLS' TENNIS
WP: Foltynewicz (1-0); LP: Flaherty (0-1); S: Melancon at New England 2, New York City FC 0 saves). New Jersey, Blackwood 0-0-1 (9-7), Schneider
Georgia (4-0) at Tennessee (1-3), 7 Ariya Jutanugarn ............................... 68 68 — 136 -6
(1). WP: Flaherty(2). T: 2:46. A: 42,911 (41,149). at Colorado 3, FC Dallas 0 0-0-0 (21-19). PRIVATE
Rice (0-5) at UAB (3-1), 7 Maria Fassi ........................................ 70 67 — 137 -5
Vancouver 4, at LA Galaxy 3 Vanderbilt (1-3) at Mississippi (2-3), 7:30 Daniela Darquea ................................ 70 67 — 137 -5 Episcopal 6, St. Stephen's/St. Agnes 1
Los Angeles FC 1, at Minnesota 1 Pittsburgh (3-2) at Duke (3-1), 8 In Gee Chun ........................................ 68 69 — 137 -5 Sidwell Friends 7, St. John's 2
at Real Salt Lake 2, Houston 1 Sei Young Kim ................................... 68 69 — 137 -5 Avalanche 5, Flames 3
T E NNIS Seattle 1, at San Jose 0 MIDWEST Jodi Ewart Shadoff ............................ 68 69 — 137 -5
Portland 2, at Sporting K.C. 2 Jacksonville (2-2) at Dayton (2-1), noon Inbee Park .......................................... 67 70 — 137 -5 Late Thursday DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA
TCU (3-1) at Iowa State (2-2), noon Jeongeun Lee6 ................................... 67 70 — 137 -5 St. John's 2, Wilson 1
ATP/WTA SUNDAY’S MATCHES Oklahoma (4-0) at Kansas (2-3), noon Dori Carter ......................................... 65 72 — 137 -5
CALGARY ................................. 1 2 0 — 3
Iowa (4-0) at Michigan (3-1), noon COLORADO .............................. 2 2 1 — 5
CHINA OPEN Cincinnati at D.C. United, 4 Brooke M. Henderson ........................ 71 67 — 138 -4 Blake 4, Poolesville 0
Kent State (2-2) at Wisconsin (4-0), noon Pavarisa Yoktuan .............................. 70 68 — 138 -4 FIRST PERIOD Huntingtown 2, Great Mills 0
At National Tennis Center; In Beijing New England at Atlanta, 4 N. Dakota State (4-0) at Illinois State (3-1), 1 Hyo Joo Kim ....................................... 70 68 — 138 -4 Old Mill 1, Severna Park 1
Purse: $3,515,225 Sporting K.C. at FC Dallas, 4 Valparaiso (0-4) at Drake (1-2), 2 Sakura Yokomine .............................. 69 69 — 138 -4 Scoring: 1, Colorado, Donskoi 1 (Girard, Burakovsky), Wootton 3, Northwest 1
Surface: Hardcourt outdoor LA Galaxy at Houston, 4 UC Davis (2-3) at North Dakota (2-2), 2 Pornanong Phatlum ........................... 68 70 — 138 -4 5:59 (pp). 2, Calgary, Monahan 1 (Lindholm, Gaudreau),
E. Michigan (3-1) at Cent. Michigan (2-3), 3 8:33 (pp). 3, Colorado, Rantanen 1 (Landeskog), 16:08. PRIVATE
MEN’S SINGLES — QUARTERFINALS Colorado at Los Angeles FC, 4 Jennifer Song .................................... 68 70 — 138 -4 Gonzaga 1, The Heights 0
New York at Montreal, 4 S. Illinois (2-2) at S. Dakota State (2-1), 3 Kristen Gillman ................................. 67 71 — 138 -4
Indiana State (2-2) at South Dakota (1-3), 3
SECOND PERIOD Landon 4, Bullis 3
Karen Khachanov (4), Russia, def. Fabio Fognini (6), Chicago at Orlando City, 4 Amy Olson ......................................... 65 73 — 138 -4
Baylor (4-0) at Kansas State (3-1), 3:30 Scoring: 4, Calgary, Gaudreau 1 (Tkachuk, Monahan), 1:50 Potomac School 3, St. Andrew's 1
Italy, 3-6, 6-3, 6-1; Dominic Thiem (1), Austria, def. Andy New York City FC at Philadelphia, 4 Eun-Hee Ji ......................................... 72 67 — 139 -3
Murray, Britain, 6-2, 7-6 (7-3); Stefanos Tsitsipas (3), Illinois (2-2) at Minnesota (4-0), 3:30 Mina Harigae ..................................... 71 68 — 139 -3 (pp). 5, Colorado, Compher 1 (Zadorov, Calvert), 12:22. 6, GIRLS' SOCCER
Greece, def. John Isner, United States, 7-6 (7-3), 6-3; San Jose at Portland, 4 Ball State (1-3) at N. Illinois (1-3), 3:30 Colorado, Rantanen 2 (MacKinnon, Makar), 16:51 (pp). 7,
Dana Finkelstein ................................ 69 70 — 139 -3
Alexander Zverev (2), Germany, def. Sam Querrey, Minnesota at Seattle, 4 Bowling Green (1-3) at Notre Dame (3-1), 3:30 Ruixin Liu ........................................... 66 73 — 139 -3 Calgary, Giordano 1 (Bennett, Ryan), 17:07. MARYLAND
United States, 7-6 (7-3), 6-2. Columbus at Toronto FC, 4 W. Michigan (3-2) at Toledo (3-1), 3:30 Nanna Koerstz Madsen ..................... 74 66 — 140 -2 La Plata 8, Thomas Stone 0
Real Salt Lake at Vancouver, 4 Troy (2-2) at Missouri (3-1), 4 Aditi Ashok ........................................ 69 71 — 140 -2 THIRD PERIOD Poolesville 2, Blake 0
WOMEN’S SINGLES — QUARTERFINALS Northwestern (1-3) at Nebraska (3-2), 4 Youngin Chun ..................................... 69 71 — 140 -2 Scoring: 8, Colorado, Donskoi 2 (Nieto, Graves), 18:51. Severna Park 2, Old Mill 0
Ashleigh Barty (1), Australia, def. Petra Kvitova (7), Missouri State (0-3) at W. Illinois (0-4), 4 Gerina Piller ....................................... 69 71 — 140 -2 PRIVATE
Youngstown State (4-0) at N. Iowa (2-2), 5 Sung Hyun Park ................................. 69 71 — 140 -2 SHOTS ON GOAL Georgetown Day 3, Stone Ridge 0
Czech Republic, 4-6, 6-4, 6-3; Kiki Bertens (8), Nether- NWSL Tennessee Tech (4-1) at SE Missouri (2-2), 7 Ashleigh Buhai .................................. 72 69 — 141 -1 CALGARY ................................. 3 13 14 — 30 Holton-Arms 3, Potomac School 1
lands, def. Elina Svitolina (3), Ukraine, 7-6 (8-6), 6-2;
Caroline Wozniacki (16), Denmark, def. Daria Kasatkina, Michigan State (4-1) at Ohio State (5-0), 7:30 Madelene Sagstrom .......................... 72 69 — 141 -1 COLORADO ............................ 14 12 6 — 32 McNamara 1, Elizabeth Seton 1
Russia, 6-3, 7-6 (7-5); Naomi Osaka (4), Japan, def. W L T Pts GF GA In-Kyung Kim ..................................... 70 71 — 141 -1 Power-play opportunities: Calgary 2 of 4; Colorado 2 of 6. Washington Waldorf 1, Edmund Burke 0
North Carolina .................14 5 4 46 51 21 SOUTHWEST Lauren Kim ........................................ 69 72 — 141 -1 Goalies: Calgary, Rittich 0-1-0 (31 shots-27 saves).
Bianca Andreescu (5), Canada, 5-7, 6-3, 6-4.
Chicago ............................14 8 2 44 41 28 Oklahoma State (4-1) at Texas Tech (2-2), noon Dottie Ardina ..................................... 68 73 — 141 -1 Colorado, Grubauer 1-0-0 (30-27).
MEN’S DOUBLES — SEMIFINALS Portland ...........................11 6 6 39 40 31 Lane (2-2) at Ark. Pine Bluff (3-2), 4 Peiyun Chien ...................................... 68 73 — 141 -1
Lukasz Kubot, Poland, and Marcelo Melo (2), Brazil, def.
Reign FC............................10 6 7 37 25 25 Sam Houston State (3-2) vs. Stephen F. Austin (1-4) at Lizette Salas ...................................... 68 73 — 141 -1 LOC AL GOLF
Utah ...................................9 10 4 31 23 24 Houston, 4 Gaby Lopez ........................................ 67 74 — 141 -1
Karen Khachanov and Andrey Rublev, Russia, 7-5, 7-5. Washington .......................8 8 6 30 27 25 Incarnate Word (2-2) at Houston Baptist (4-1), 7 Klara Spilkova .................................... 73 69 — 142 E
Ducks 2, Coyotes 1
Houston .............................7 11 5 26 20 34 Abilene Christian (2-3) at Lamar (2-3), 7 Yu Liu ................................................. 72 70 — 142 E Late Thursday BETHESDA
Sky Blue FC.........................5 13 5 20 18 31 Tulsa (2-2) at SMU (5-0), 7:30 Ayako Uehara .................................... 72 70 — 142 E
ATP Orlando ..............................4 15 3 15 22 48 UTSA (1-3) at UTEP (1-3), 8 Charlotte Thomas .............................. 72 70 — 142 E ARIZONA ................................. 0 1 0 — 1 In the Fall One-Day Member-Guest Regular Division,
ANAHEIM ................................ 1 1 0 — 2 Terry Hann and Bob Randa won low gross with a score of
JAPAN OPEN TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIPS WEST Sarah Schmelzel ................................ 71 71 — 142 E 73, and Brad Gould and David Gwinn won low net with a
SUNDAY’S RESULTS Jenny Haglund ................................... 71 71 — 142 E
Idaho State (2-2) at Montana (4-1), 3 FIRST PERIOD score of 64. In the Senior Division, Leo Langan and Mike
At Ariake Coliseum; In Tokyo Pannarat Thanapolboonyaras ........... 70 72 — 142 E
Orlando 1, at Sky Blue FC 1 Arizona (3-1) at Colorado (3-1), 4:30 Scoring: 1, Anaheim, Grant 1 (Lindholm, Shore), 14:32. Callahan won low gross with a score of 76, and Fred Wine
Purse: $1,895,290 Tiffany Joh ......................................... 69 73 — 142 E
Surface: Hardcourt outdoor at Reign FC 2, Portland 0 Weber State (2-2) at Idaho (2-3), 5 and Jack Donnelly won low net with a score of 63.
Jasmine Suwannapura ...................... 68 74 — 142 E SECOND PERIOD
Marist (1-3) at San Diego (1-2), 5
SINGLES — QUARTERFINALS SATURDAY’S MATCH S. Utah (1-4) at Portland State (2-3), 5:05
Sarah Burnham .................................. 73 70 — 143 +1 MANOR
Morgan Pressel ................................. 70 73 — 143 +1 Scoring: 2, Arizona, Stepan 1 (Kessel, Keller), 9:03. 3,
Novak Djokovic (1), Serbia, def. Lucas Pouille (5), France, Washington at Orlando, 5 N. Colorado (1-4) at N. Arizona (2-3), 7 Brittany Lang ..................................... 70 73 — 143 +1 Anaheim, Fowler 1 (Rowney, Jones), 19:28. In the One-Day Member-Guest First Flight, Brandon
6-1, 6-2; David Goffin (3), Belgium, def. Chung Hyeon, Montana State (4-1) at Cal Poly (2-2), 8 Isi Gabsa ............................................ 69 74 — 143 +1 Cigna and Billy Peel won low gross with a score of 65, and
South Korea, 6-2, 6-2. SATURDAY’S MATCHES Liberty (3-2) at New Mexico State (0-5), 8 Chella Choi ......................................... 69 74 — 143 +1 SHOTS ON GOAL Paul Margison and Mark Geary won low net with a score
California (4-1) at Oregon (3-1), 8 Lindy Duncan ..................................... 68 75 — 143 +1 ARIZONA ............................... 14 8 11 — 33 of 60. In the Second Flight, Paul Margison and Paul
DOUBLES — SEMIFINALS Washington at Portland, 10:30 Oregon State (1-3) at UCLA (1-4), 9 Segretto won first gross with a score of 73, and Eric
P.K. Kongkraphan .............................. 68 75 — 143 +1 ANAHEIM ................................ 6 14 9 — 29
Sky Blue FC at North Carolina, 7 E. Washington (2-3) at Sacramento State (2-2), 9:05 Vazzana and Eric Fenton won first net with a score of 63.
Nicolas Mahut and Edouard Roger-Vasselin (2), France, Angela Stanford ................................ 68 75 — 143 +1 Power-play opportunities: Arizona 0 of 1; Anaheim 0 of
Reign FC at Orlando, 7:30 San Diego State (3-1) at Colorado State (1-4), 10 Mi Jung Hur ....................................... 68 75 — 143 +1 Scott Little won longest drive and closest to the hole on
def. Austin Krajicek, United States, and Dominic Inglot, 1. Goalies: Arizona, Kuemper 0-1-0 (29 shots-27 saves).
Houston at Utah, 9 Washington (4-1) at Stanford (2-3), 10:30 Moriya Jutanugarn ............................ 66 77 — 143 +1 No. 8, and Brandon Cigna won closest to the hole on No.
Britain, 6-4, 7-5. Anaheim, Gibson 1-0-0 (33-32).
Boise State (4-0) at UNLV (1-3), 10:30 17.
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the local expert homes for sale, merchandise, garage Trustee Sales
on local jobs commercial real estate rentals sales, auctions, tickets dogs, cats, birds, fish 202-334-5782 washingtonpost/
recruit realestate merchandise pets

For Recruitment advertisements, go to To place an ad, go to Legal Notices: 202-334-7007 or call or call 202-334-6200 Auctions, Estate Sales, Furniture: 202-334-7029
202-334-4100 (toll free 1-800-765-3675) Non-commercial advertisers can now place ads 24/7 by calling 202-334-6200 Biz Ops/Services: 202-334-5787
Official Notices 820
Official Notices 877
Spotsylvania County 225
Garage Sales, VA 602
Found 610
Dogs for Sale 610
Dogs for Sale
Fairfax - 10166 Tapestry Ct (22032).
Saturday, Oct. 5th 8am-2pm. If you have lost an animal in the Blk&tan Ms/Fs. Blk F. Microchip. Ger- shots, wormed, tiny fluffy love,
are needed to deliver FINANCING 213 Hampton Dr, Call Al, 301-807-3266. Fairfax County/Washington Metro man/Czech work lines, Mil/Police/ paper trained. $350 & $400.
Clothes, DVD's, table, 2 desks,
BY THE CITY OF ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA Spotsylvania, VA 22553 Will Come to you! treadmil, kitch, linens, bks, Treadle area: Please call the Fairfax Co. Fire/Rescue discount. 540-219-9550 Call 301-877-3137
Spotsylvania County Animal Shelter at 703-830-1100 or
275 sewing mch, electric keyboard
The Washington Post Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City In execution of a Deed of Trust Merchandise Wanted online for found animals at
of Alexandria, Virginia (the “City Council”) will hold a in the original principal amount
of $83,900.00, dated September Chinese Antiques Wanted jade,fur- LAB PUPS - Blk, AKC, OFA, vet check,
public hearing in accordance with Section 15.2-2606 of the niture,Jewelry—249 painting,Vase,
for the following areas Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended, on the proposed 30, 1996 recorded in the Clerk's
call 2023162528, 2025584078 FAIRFAX - Sat 10/5, 8am-1pm.
champ lines, S&W, POP, Written warr. COCKAPOO - Sweet, Loving Cock-
apoo Babies. $1250. Gorgeous,
Office of the Circuit Court of the Taking dep. Ready now. Call/text
issuance by the City of Alexandria (the “City”) of its general Spotsylvania County, Virginia, in Tools, frames, dinerware, lamps & 301-751-6846 or 301-246-9116 socialized, very affectionate AND
obligation bonds in the estimated maximum amount of much more. 9204 Leamington Ct, HOWARD CO. ANIMAL CONTROL
For routes in $200,000,000 to finance the costs of various approved City
Document No. 18349, in Book No.
Mantua neighborhood. If you have lost an animal in the
Hypoallergenic. Rare Reds & Gold-
ens. F/M. Call (571) 414-9233
1408, at Page 582, default having
NW areas in D.C. capital improvements. The City expects that approximately occurred in the payment of the Whole Estate Wanted—249 Rose's
Howard County/Washington Metro
area: Please call Howard Co. 622
up to: (i) $175,000,000 of bond proceeds will be used
to finance all or a portion of the costs of planning and
Note thereby secured and at the
request of the holder of said Note,
Antique can help you with Down-
sizing, call 7039669935
Animal Control at 410-313-2780 LABRADOODLES - Born 7/24, Adopt Cats
Call Dan Santos at 240-912-7978 construction of the Potomac Yard Metrorail Station; and (ii) the undersigned Substitute 280
male & female, creams & blondes.
Ready to go. Near Culpepper.
$25,000,000 of bond proceeds will be used to pay costs
Trustee will offer for sale at public
auction at the entrance to the
Musical Instruments $400 & up. Call 703-843-1052
of construction, remodeling and repairing of City school Spotsylvania County Judicial Cen- Piano Steinway Upright 1967 MONTGOMERY CO. ANIMAL SHELTER
Ser. 404186 walnut, excell cond. FAIRFAX STATION 4Paws—Adopt fr 40+ cat/ kitten
buildings and acquisition of necessary land and equipment. If you have lost an animal in the
Excellent part-time income! ter, 9107 Judicial Center Lane,
Spotsylvania, on October 15, 2019 $4000. Annandale 910-269-4223 CROSSPOINTE YARD SALE Washington Metro area: Please call $v. Sat 1-5 Fairfax Petco
Early a.m. hours at 9:00 AM the property described
SAT 10/5, 8AM -2PM the Montgomery Co. Animal Shelter Labrador retriever—Adorable AKC
The public hearing, at which persons may appear and 345 703-352-3300 CFC#34517
Reliable transportation required. present their views and which may be continued or in said deed, located at the above Garage Sales, D.C. Furn, clothing, toys, hsehold goods & at 240-773-5960 or online for found
much more. 123 South-Crosspointe animals at
reg $400, 3 male 2 female Black
address and briefly described as: Cleveland Park - 3901 Connecticut and fox red, first shots, dewormed,
adjourned, will be held at 9:30 o’clock a.m., or as soon on Left after Silverbrook Rd. 10 weeks old, 540-383-1451
Ave NW. Sat 10/5 9:30am-2pm. Furni- Follow signs on SIlverbrook & 123 610
thereafter as the matter may be heard by the City Council,
on Saturday, October 19, 2019, before the City Council in the
Lot 123, Section 2, Spotslee, with
improvements thereon ture, antiques, art, clothing, jewelry, Dogs for Sale
Newspaper Delivery Carriers Council Chambers, City Hall, 301 King Street, in Alexandria, Subject to any and all covenants,
lamps, HH, small appls, books.
AKC, vet checked, love people.
Virginia. conditions, restrictions, ease- MINIATURE SCHNAUZER CROSS -
are needed to deliver ments, and all other matters of ANNANDALE, VA - 5138 Bradfield Dr.
Fri 10/4, Sat 10/5 & Sun 10/6, 9am-
$500. Call 717-360-9746
16WKS old, S/W, non shed, M & F's. Adopt fr 30+ cat/kitten $V
815 820 record taking priority over the $350 301-672-1072 OR 434-277-8108
DC- 6th & G ST. SE. Sat 8am. 2pm. Dining furn, BR furn, book- Sun 1-4. Sterling Petco.
Legal Notices Official Notices Deed of Trust, if any, affecting the
The Washington Post STATE OF CONNECTICUT ABC LICENSE: The Neiman Marcus
aforesaid property.
Halloween, Christmas decroations,
jewelry, household goods.
cases, art, lamps, household items.
Cash only. 910-269-4223
571-434-6562 cfc#34517
Superior Court/Juvenile Matters Group LLC trading as NM Café, 2255 Males & females. Avail 11/12/19.
ORDER OF NOTICE International Drive, McLean, Fairfax of $20,000.00 or 10% of the sales MINI AUSSIE SHEP MIXED, 1 tiny F. +
Reserve now.Culpeper, VA. 540-905-
for the following areas: County, Virginia 22102-3911. The price, whichever is lower, cash or
certified check will be required 0405 2 blue eye M. $595, 4 M $495 CASH
NOTICE TO: Michael Bell, father of above establishment is applying to Eastern Market - Bllockwiude Yard BETHESDA - 6700 Broxburn Dr. Fri- 1st shots & wormed. 301-797-5622 ,
male child born on 2/17/15 to the VIRGINIA ALCOHOLIC BEVER- at the time of sale, but no more Sale, 300 block of 9th St SE , Sat 9-3 Sun 10-4pm, Furniture, paintings,
For routes in Mynisha P. AGE CONTROL (ABC) AUTHORITY for than $10,000.00 of cash will be
accepted, with settlement within
Childrens toys, kit items, bike equip vases, bookcase, Everything must go
a Mixed Beverage Restaurant
fifteen (15) days from the date of 360 Chocolate Lab Puppies. AKC/OFA/Vet
Gaithersburg, Germantown
A petition has been filed seeking: license to sell or manufacture alco-
holic beverages. Geoffroy C. van sale. Sale is subject to post sale Estate Sales chkd/Shots. Champ lines. Males. SHIBA INU PUPS- ACA Registered.
Commitment of minor child(ren) of Raemdonck, Chief Executive Offi- confirmation that the borrower 41430 Fox Creek Lane Leesburg, VA. $1,200 Ready. Will meet. 8 wks on 10/4, 1st shots and vet
NW - Sat 10/5, 10am-2pm. 540-552-6255 checked, great personality, raised w/
Montgomery Village the above named or vesting of cus- cer. NOTE: Objections to the did not file for protection under Store fixtures: tables, shelving, 20176 Fri, Sat & Sun, 10am-3pm. 540-392-9707 or
children. $600. Call 540-879-2228.
Clarksburg and Damascus tody and care of said child(ren) of issuance of this license must be the U.S. Bankruptcy Code prior to rolling racks, bookcases, bins, Full house sale. See details at
the above named in a lawful, private submitted to ABC no later than 30 the sale which affects the validity jewelry display. Low, low prices!
or public agency or a suitable and days from the publishing date of of the sale, as well as to post-sale Christ Lutheran Church
Call Chris Buker worthy person. the first of two required newspaper
legal notices. Objections should be
confirmation of the status of the
loan with the loan servicer includ-
5101 16th St. at Gallatin. GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS AKC- Vet
checked and shots. Great watch & SHIH-TZU PUPPIES - $700. Take The Post
301-343-2908 The petition, whereby the court’s registered at ing, but not limited to, determi-
nation of whether the borrower
Garage Sales, MD ROCKVILLE, MD - ESTATE SALE Sat family dogs. Ready now. Starting at
$675. 301-481-4943
Red and Red/White, CKC reg,
vaccinated. Falls Church, VA.
on a hike.
decision can affect your parental or 800-552-3200. 10/5 8am-5pm. 15308 Manor Village
rights, if any, regarding minor entered into any repayment GLEN ECHO Sat 9-1 Rain/shine Lane 20853. Collectors are welcome. Call 202-304-6161
Excellent part-time income!

S0264 1cx1.75
830 agreement, reinstated or paid off Townwide. Tools to toys.
Reliable transportation required.
child(ren) will be heard on 11/6/19
at 10:00 a.m. at SCJM, 7 Kendrick Special Notices the loan prior to the sale. In any 301-320-4041
Ave., 3rd fl., Waterbury, CT 06702 such event, the sale shall be null GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS - 8 weeks,
Option Care Pharmacy and void, and the Purchaser’s sole SHIH TZU PUPPIES - Shots and
VIENNA, VA - Sat 10-4 & Sun 10-3 shots & wormed, AKC, parents on
Therefore, ORDERED, that notice of remedy, in law or equity, shall be 306 Edwin Lane NE premises, 1 female, 1 male. wormed, mother & father on
Option Care Enterprises, Inc. and the return of his deposit without premises, Shih Tzu & Shih Tzu poo-
1405 Cars 1405 Cars the hearing of this petition be given
by publishing this Order of Notice
BioScrip, Inc. recently completed
a merger into one organization
interest. Additional terms may be
LANHAM, MD - Sat 10/5, 8am.
VFW 8950 Presents a community
Pls Refer to Ready now. $600. Call 240-606-3815
dle mixed. Unionville. 540-406-0740
once, immediately upon receipt in announced at the time of sale. Yard Sale, incl fishing equipment.
1996 Mercedes E320. Almost show- named Option Care Health, Inc. Pursuant to the Federal Fair Debt Retropolis More sports?
room condition. $2495-offer. New the Washington Post, a nationally As part of the integration 9800 Goodluck Rd. 301-873-0663 Be inspired He couldn’t chew…
run newspaper having a circulation Collection Practices Act, we
brakes, fuel pump, and tires process, the Option Care Phar- advise you that this firm is a debt S0365 1cx.25 N0303 1cx.25
in the town/city of Fairfax, VA 355
Call 301-814-8563
macy located at 4170 Lafayette
Center Dr., Chantilly, VA 20151-
collector attempting to collect the Garage Sales, VA S0332 1cx.25 S0462 1cx.25
indebtedness referred to herein
Honorable Barbara Aaron 1254, (703) 471-8200 is closing
Runs good. $900.
Call 202-277-7537
Pranvera Cirraga, O.C.
effective October 7, 2019. All
patient prescriptions and deliv-
and any information we obtain
will be used for that purpose. Did you hear The Post today?
eries will be transferred to the
BMW 2004 325 Xi - 4 door,
auto, mys tic blue, exc cond.
1408 Antiques & Classics RIGHT TO COUNSEL: Upon proof of BioScrip Pharmacy located at
Substitute Trustee 10/5 (8a-Noon) 8000 Morning View Washington Post podcasts go with you everywhere
inability to pay for a lawyer, the 4151 Lafayette Center Drive, This is a communication from a Ln, 22135 25+ families, high quality
$7,000. As is. Quick sale. Serious MERCEDES-BENZ 1979 450SL court will provide one for you at debt collector.
buyers call 240-606-5937 Suite 600, Chantilly, VA 20151- items, 571-237-5813
92k miles, 2 tops, garage kept, court expense. Any such request 1230, (888) 990-4638.All patients
beautiful. Serious buyers. $7800. should be made immediately at the FOR INFORMATION CONTACT:
will be notified by mail. Our
CHEVROLET Call 804-224-0385 leave message court office where your Hearing is SAMUEL I. WHITE, P.C. (72258)
patients will receive the same 5040 Corporate Woods Drive #120
to be held. high-quality service and products Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462
they have come to expect from 757-457-1460 - Call Between
CHEVY 2008 UPLANDER 7 pass van, us. We are committed to ensur-
3.9 liter, 133,000 miles, $3900/obo. 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
WANTED VINTAGE SPORTS CARS & ing a smooth transition for all of Chantilly—Sat, 5 Oct 8-12. Commu-
Call 703-675-2650
CLASSICS - Especially Mercedes,
Porsche, Jaguar. Highest prices paid
our patients. or visit our website at
nity event. Entrances: Poplar Branch
Dr. & Stream Valley Dr. Follow signs.
for the very best examples.
Call Bob 703-966-0122
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estimates. Commercial/Residential
Chevy 2004 Blazer 4 dr, V6, 143K 4
sp, auto, 4x4, cold A/C, exc mech If only you had home delivery. Home delivery 205
Antiques Opportunities serving MD/DC. Call 443-685-4740
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Call Ingrid Myers @ 703-606-5009
Home delivery is so easy. Be inspired 1-800-753-POST Chinese Antiques Wanted jade,fur- Take The Post for a run. Home delivery is so easy.
1-800-753-POST SF
niture,Jewelry—249 painting,Vase, Avery Hess Realtors
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Good Luck

2019 – 2020 season

A portion of the proceeds from

the sale of Ovi O’s will directly support
The Children’s Cancer Foundation, Inc.

– Official Grocer of the –

Washington Capitals
Daily Newspapers & Magazines in PDF for Telegram: @WorldAndNews

Real Estate

the housing
affordability crisis
Rising prices and gentrification have
led some city dwellers to leave. 12



The enclave, carved out of George Washington’s
estate, retains its small-town charm. 2
How to get a good deal on
a kitchen remodel. 18
Houses in Brandywine,
Md., for $493K. 8
30-year rate rises. 4
Daily Newspapers & Magazines in PDF for Telegram: @WorldAndNews
Where We Live Fort Hunt

A small
feel, by
Once part of Mt. Vernon,
a Va. neighborhood lives
the ’50s suburban dream

Driving down Fort Hunt Road in

Alexandria, the center of the Fort
Hunt neighborhood, you are swept
back to an idyllic time of post-
World War II suburbia, where split
levels and kids on bikes ruled the
streets and Little League games
dominated Saturday activities.
“When I came here in 2005 to
look for houses, I saw parents walk-
ing with coffee mugs in their hands
as kids ran around while they
walked around the neighborhood,”
says Brian Costanzo, who moved to
Fort Hunt from San Francisco. “I

want to raise my kids.” CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Ian Long, 7, left, and his brother Idris, 6, at a church picnic in Fort Hunt Park; neighbors at the annual
Even with updated homes, Fort chili cook-off held by Fort Hunt’s Wellington Civic Association; a water scooter rider passes Fort Washington, across the Potomac from Fort
Hunt has retained its 1950s small- Hunt; River Bend Bistro owner Caroline Ross, left, chats with Mary Wiseman and Gail Eger, portrayers and volunteers at Mount Vernon.
town charm. Now, many of the re-
freshed split levels blend in archi- Bonus Marchers — World War I ALEXANDRIA
D.C. the area’s social life, says Costanzo, houses for sale. The lowest-priced
tecturally with the older homes on veterans and their families who de- Old
who has served as president of Fort home is a four-bedroom, three-
well-kept lawns surrounding leafy scended in 1932 on Washington, 495 95 Town Hunt’s Waynewood Recreation bathroom, split-foyer house for
streets. D.C., to demand back pay for their CAP
Center since 2016. $525,000. The highest-priced home
Paul Murphy, an engineer with service. HUNTINGTON WILSON Waynewood Recreation Center at $4.5 million is a four-bedroom,
the Navy, has lived in Fort Hunt “for During World War II, the site 611 1 G.W.
Nat’l has a four- to five-year waiting list six-bathroom Colonial on two acres
all of my 55 years,” he says. After housed secret World War II military MEM.
for membership. Mount Vernon with water frontage.
college at Virginia Tech, he re- intelligence operations and an in- VIRGINIA Park pool has a one- to two-year The average sale price for a home
turned home and married a fellow terrogation center for prisoners of FAIRFAX MD. wait list. in 2018 was $732,628.
CO. P.G.
student from Fort Hunt High war. HUNT CO. “I always say, if you want to know Living there: Fort Hunt is bound
School, which operated from 1963 Today the park is the jewel of the RD. what’s going on in Fort Hunt, go to by Morningside Lane to the north,
to 1985. Fort Hunt neighborhood, says Ja- Valley Fort Potomac the pool,” says Quimby. the Potomac River and the George
OCTOBER 5, 2019

They had four children who all son Quimby, director of the Fort Hunt River The Fort Hunt neighborhoods of Washington Parkway to the east,

participated in Fort Hunt’s many Hunt Realty Group, who has lived L LIN
GWO Stratford Landing, Waynewood, Little Hunting Creek to the west
1 RD. OD Mount Vernon Park and Hollin
youth sporting opportunities, he in Fort Hunt for more than 20 years. 1 MILE
and south, and Fort Hunt Park to
says. Murphy has been involved Run by the National Park Serv- Little 629 Meadows each have their own the south.
with four neighborhood Little ice, the park is home to pavilions for pools — with tennis and swim les- Schools: Waynewood Elemen-
Creek Fort
League teams over the past 18 years. parties, woods, a bike and walking Hunt Y Fort sons and parties and activities for tary, Stratford Landing Elemen-

“We have a lot of volunteerism in path around the perimeter, and Mount G.W. M EM. P K Washington children and adults during the tary, Fort Hunt Elementary, Hollin
this area. It’s what makes the com- open fields for recreation and Vernon summer. Meadows Elementary, Whitman

munity tick,” Murphy says. sports. THE WASHINGTON POST The area attracts a lot of military Middle, Sandburg Middle, and
Situated just 15 miles south of North of Fort Hunt Park, on Fort families, thanks to its proximity to West Potomac High.
metropolitan Washington, Fort Hunt Road, is the area’s original the Pentagon about 12 miles away, Transit: The 11Y Metrobus runs
Hunt is isolated from the city by a shopping center, built in 1958. knickknacks. It has employed the and Fort Belvoir, about eight miles from Fort Hunt to the Reagan
multitude of parks, creeks, recrea- “Hollin Hall Shopping Center neighborhood’s teenagers for gen- southwest, Quimby says. Govern- Building in downtown Washing-
tion areas and school grounds. But hasn’t changed since I was a kid,” erations and is emblematic of the ment families also populate the ton. The Huntington Metro station

its history predates America’s mid- Murphy says. community’s values, Murphy says. community, says Murphy. on the Yellow Line is about five
20th century suburbs. The anchors of the center are a “The Variety Store and others in A classic suburb that has resisted miles from the center of Fort Hunt.
Fort Hunt Park, near the south- small Safeway and the Hollin Hall the shopping center sponsor our commercial buildup, Fort Hunt has The 18-mile Mount Vernon Trail,
ernmost part of Fort Hunt, was Variety Store. “When you walk into youth sports teams and really con- no condominiums and no multi- which follows the Potomac River
originally part of George Washing- our store, you will feel like you tribute to our small-town feel,” family houses. Just single-family from Mount Vernon to Theodore
ton’s Mount Vernon estate, which stepped back to 1958,” its Facebook Murphy says. homes for its population of almost Roosevelt Island, is a popular route
he took over from his brother in page says. Like a five-and-dime Intersecting roads on tree-lined 17,000 mostly families and retirees. for cyclists into the District.
1761. Over the years, the 136-acre from yesterday, the Variety Store is Fort Hunt Road lead to four differ- Fort Hunt has 28 single-family
park has transformed from batter- packed with more than 12,000 ent recreation associations, each
ies during the Spanish-American items, from Shrinky Dinks and can- with a pool, tennis courts and play-
War to a field hospital for 43,000 dy cigarettes to fabric, notions and grounds. They are the heartbeat of  To see more photos of Fort Hunt, go to
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OCTOBER 5, 2019
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Mortgage Rates

Numbers steady but could be primed to move lower

ago. impactful. With September’s jobs money to flow from the stock mar- plications for both refinances and
A Commerce Department re- report due Friday, markets remain ket into bonds and, as a result, home purchases increased last
Weak economic data is port late last week showed con- on edge, which will likely bring mortgage bonds are benefiting,” week, and the year-over-year
fueling worries about sumer spending cooled in August. more significant rate swings.” said Elizabeth Rose, certified gains were even more impressive.
Then, the Institute for Supply, which puts out a mortgage planning specialist at With rates expected to stay around
a slowdown, expert says Management released its manu- weekly mortgage rate trend index, AmCap Home Loans in Plano, Tex. 4 percent, overall activity in the
facturing index for September, found that nearly three-quarters “From a technical standpoint, final three months of 2019 should
which fell to its lowest level since of the experts it surveyed predict breaking through resistance lev- stay solidly above last year’s levels,
BY K ATHY O RTON June 2009. Economists blamed rates will fall in the coming week. els to even lower rates may be a when borrowing costs were much
the slowdowns on continued “Recession fears are causing long shot; however, there [are] higher.”
Mortgage rates barely budged trade tensions, and investors wor- certainly good signals for some
this week despite downward pres- ried the contractions might signal small gains within the current
sure from lackluster economic a looming recession. Weekly averages for range.”
news. With investors moving toward popular mortgage types Meanwhile, mortgage applica- RE AL ESTATE
According to the latest data re- safer assets, the price of U.S. Trea- 6%

tions picked up after rates fell last

leased Thursday by Freddie Mac, surys rose and yields fell. The yield week. According to the latest data
the 30-year fixed-rate average on the 10-year bond dipped to 1.6 from the Mortgage Bankers Asso- Real Estate Editor:
V. Dion Haynes,

ticked up to 3.65 percent with an percent on Wednesday. Two weeks ciation, the market composite in-
average 0.6 point. (Points are fees ago, it was 1.8 percent. Mortgage 3.65 dex — a measure of total loan
paid to a lender equal to 1 percent rates tend to follow the path of the application volume — increased Art Director:

of the loan amount and are in 10-year Treasury but like last 3.38 8.1 percent from a week earlier. Dwuan June
addition to the interest rate.) It month, they haven’t dropped as 3

3.14 The refinance index jumped 14 Advertising Manager:

was 3.64 percent a week ago and far. percent, while the purchase index Eric Martin,
4.71 percent a year ago. “A slew of weak economic data 2 2
ticked up 1 percent.
The 15-year fixed-rate average stoked fears of an economic slow- 30-YEAR FIXED The refinance share of mort-
slipped to 3.14 percent with an down and pushed investors to saf- gage activity accounted for 58 per- To contact us:
1 1


average 0.5 point. It was 3.16 per- er assets,” said Matthew Speak- cent of all applications.
5-YEAR ARM Mail:
cent a week ago and 4.15 percent a man, a Zillow economist. “Friday’s “Fueled by low rates and solid
year ago. The five-year adjustable disappointing consumer spend- 0

home-buyer demand, this fall’s The Washington Post, Real Estate

’18 ’19
rate average was unchanged at ing release and Tuesday’s report mortgage market continues to be Section
3.38 percent with an average 0.4 on manufacturing activity, which Source: Freddie Mac busy,” said Bob Broeksmit, MBA 1301 K St. NW, Washington, D.C.
point. It was 4.01 percent a year hit a 10-year low, were the most THE WASHINGTON POST president and CEO. “Mortgage ap- 20071
OCTOBER 5, 2019
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When you choose a Van Metre + Active Adult community, you’ll turn an exciting new page in your life – and many
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OCTOBER 5, 2019

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Town Square Real Estate News & Notes

3-bedroom house Construction of low-income

lists for $385,000 apartments begins in District
in Silver Spring
BY M ICHELE L ERNER erties, which are scheduled to be
BY M ICHELE L ERNER torn down. Area median income
Construction of an apartment is $121,300 for a four-person
If your budget is capped at building for low-income people is household, so the 30 percent in-
$400,000, a single-family house underway in Northeast Washing- come cap for a household of that
may not be out of reach if you’re a ton’s Deanwood neighborhood. size is $36,400. Income limits
little creative. The Strand Residences at vary by household size.
For example, the home at 10604 5109 Nannie Helen Burroughs The apartments are adjacent to
Inwood Ave. in Silver Spring, Ave. NE in Deanwood will consist the Strand Theater, a local histor-
priced at $385,000, doesn’t re- of 86 affordable apartments. The ic landmark anticipated to be
quire homeowner association project is being converted to a
dues and has an annual property developed by the restaurant in
tax bill of $3,705. The price was TRUPLACE NHP Founda- 2020.
first listed at $395,000. The 1,800-square-foot house at 10604 Inwood Ave. in Silver Spring tion, the War- Planned
Built in 1950, the 1,800-square- has a library, two bathrooms and a living room with a fireplace. renton Group amenities in
foot house has three bedrooms, and the Wash- the apartment
two bathrooms and a quirky lay- bathroom. The 350-square-foot nearby, and the Wheaton Metro ington Metro- building in-
out. The main level has a large unfinished lower level has high station is a little more than one politan CDC. clude a multi-
living room with a fireplace and ceilings and space for a workroom mile from the house. The building, purpose room,
parquet wood flooring, as well as a and a wine cellar. Assigned schools include Glen which is expect- an exercise
dining room off the kitchen with a Two additions have been built Haven Elementary, Sligo Middle ed to be ready for room, bike
sliding-glass door to the patio. It onto the back of the house and and Northwood High. The el- residents in Jan- RENDERING COURTESY OF PGN ARCHITECTS storage, a patio
also has a library with built-in include spaces that could be re- ementary school is rated above uary 2021, will for grilling and
bookcases, a study, a mudroom, a purposed as another bedroom or average by, the have 71 one-bedroom apartments on-site resident services provided
bedroom and the home’s only full an exercise room. middle school received an average and 15 two-bedroom apartments. by NHP Foundation’s affiliate or-
bathroom. This level also has a The property has off-street rating, and the high school is be- Among the mix of units, 28 will be ganization, Operation Pathways.
laundry room. parking for four cars, central air low average. designated for residents who earn The first floor of the building
A “ship’s ladder” staircase with conditioning on the main level For more information, contact less than 30 percent of area medi- has retail space designated for a
alternating-height-treads leads to and window units upstairs. Utili- real estate agent Kathy Whalen an income and who are relocating neighborhood nonprofit and a
the second level, which has a fam- ties include a gas water heater and with Long & Foster at 240-793- from the nearby Lincoln Heights community-based business.
ily room, two bedrooms and a half electric heat. Several bus stops are 6880. and Richardson Dwellings prop-
OCTOBER 5, 2019
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Beautiful two-level townhome with 2 courtyards. Light-filled new home on a private lot backing to Stunning brick colonial in lovely Rock Creek Hills Unique 3-BR, 3.5-BA with contemporary flair. Carderock Springs contemporary. 2nd spectacular
3 BR, 2.5 BA, chef’s kitchen, luxurious master trees. 5-BR, 4.5-BA, quality construction. Ashlawn, subdivision. This home has it all! Close to metro, Yorktown H.S. 4812 37th St N | $1,199,000 building. Home business? Studio? You decide!
bath, 2-car garage. 1203 Wilkes St | $1,529,000 Kenmore, W-L. 5312 5th St N | $1,499,900 BCC school Cluster. 3612 Saul Road | $1,399,000 Linda Murphy 703.850.0190 Motivated seller! 7000 Buxton Terr | $1,025,000
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Beautiful hillside home with gorgeous tree-top 3-BR, 2.5-BA in Del Ray! Upgraded kitchen, large 2-BR, 1.5-BA townhouse. Updated kitchen with 6 level townhome in sought-after Westmoreland Fine living in Cameron Station. Flexible floorplan
views. Open floor plan & private tiered deck. 7 BR, main floor master suite, finished lower level. professional grade appliances. Private fenced in Square. Haycock, Longfellow, & McLean pyramid. with 2 master suites, den, sunroom, & renovated
6.5 BA, 2 fireplaces. 1601 Hollindale Dr | $998,500 Private deck. 2211 Commonwealth Ave | $899,900 patio & courtyard. 418 Gibbon Street | $734,900 Close to WFC Metro! 2030 Hopewood Dr | $714,900 kitchen. 4950 Brenman Park Dr #207 | $509,000
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Sunny 2-BR unit in fabulous location with beautiful Excellently situated, updated studio. Perfect pied- Gracious 5-BR home on a triple lot, 1 buildable. Quintessential Salona Village home is planned for Exquisite Victorian-era home in the SE quadrant.
hardwoods & wood-burning fireplace. Community à-terre in boutique building, steps from 14th Formal gardens. Carriage guest house. | $4,300,000 this great flat lot. Still time to customize home! State-of-the-art kitchen, 2 fireplaces, white-
pool & gym. 2904 13th Rd S #201 | $312,000 Street. 1700 15th St NW | $295,000 Colleen Coopersmith 703.338.2930 Optional elevator available. | $2,675,000 washed pine floors, terraced garden. | $1,800,000
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Modern design meets historical architecture in Essential Belle Haven – charming with a fab white Built in 2014 this home boasts 4,800 SF of Renovated 4-BR, 4.5-BA Colonial on cul-de-sac. 2 level penthouse. 3 BR. Floor-to-ceiling windows,
Belle Haven. Spacious home with 2-car garage. kitchen! Comfortable 4 levels with 4 BR & 3 BA! spectacular living space. 4 BR, 4.5 BA, 2-car Large rear back yard. Less than 5 minutes to Tysons granite counters, semi-private rooftop terrace.
Designer touches inside and out. | $1,485,000 Flat backyard perfect for expansion. | $1,198,000 garage, gorgeous gourmet kitchen. | $824,900 Corner & major commuter routes. | $755,000 Garage parking. 1 block to Metro. | $759,900
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3 sides of windows! 1,685 SF with 2 open 1,476-SF corner unit with wrap-around balcony. Wonderful home on almost 1.5 acres in Hillside Stunning 1-bedroom condo with impeccable Location! 4 BR, 3 BA. Elegant, practical floorplan.
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OCTOBER 5, 2019

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Buying New Villages of Savannah in Brandywine, Md.

Adaptable homes ‘offer something for everyone’


Corliss Davis is a new resident in the

Villages of Savannah in Brandywine, Md.
She moved in just a few weeks ago and has
already hosted a housewarming party for
friends and family.
“I had the help of an awesome friend,
Taledia, who helped me unpack quickly. I
had the movers put the furniture exactly
where I wanted it, so that made getting the
house in order easy,” she said.
Villages of Savannah is a single-family
community spread over roughly 350 acres
in Prince George’s County about 20 miles
southeast of the District. There will be 350
houses when it is complete in about five
years, said Eric Lyman, assistant communi-
ty sales counselor for Mid-Atlantic Builders,
the developer and builder. There are now
about 130 houses — 70 are sold and eight are
on the market. “The builder releases lots —
which are about half-acre — regularly,” he
The three models — Palermo, Capri and
Sorrento — each have many customizable
options. “We’re a semi-custom builder and
offer something for everyone,” Lyman said.
“We try to narrow down what people want
and give everyone a unique home.”
Davis drove by many times and though
she wasn’t really looking to buy a new house,
when she saw the sign for ranch-style
homes, she said, “Let me take a look.”
“Erik was in the sales office and wel-

the Palermo model. But when he said it was The living area and master bedroom, below, of the Palermo model. Villages of Savannah has three customizable models available.
a 5,000-square-foot house, I said, ‘I don’t
need that much space and I don’t want VILLAGES OF SAVANNAH
stairs,’” she said. 6703 Savannah Dr., Brandywine, Md.
He pointed her to the Capri, a smaller,
single-living-level home. “I immediately There will be 350 single-family houses when
thought this was right for me,” Davis said. the community is complete in approximately
She worked out the finances with the lender five years. Houses are released for sale in
and signed the contract. That was back in phases. Eight are for sale now ranging from
January. Over the next several months she $492,990 to $608,990. The builder usually
watched the house go up. offers a monthly promotion incentive.
Covered deck: Entry into the house is via Builder: Mid-Atlantic Builders
a small foyer that leads to a spacious open-
Features: Three homes — estate, multi-
plan family room adjoining the kitchen and
breakfast room. Davis selected an extended generation and single-living — are offered. A
two-car garage is standard. Ceilings on the
OCTOBER 5, 2019

covered deck off the breakfast room —

meaning she could eat outside during a light first floor and in the basement are nine feet
rain. The island is nine feet long, her cabi- high, and they’re eight feet high on the
nets are stone-colored and there’s a large second floor. Exterior front facades are brick.
corner pantry with lots of shelves. Kitchens are outfitted with stainless-steel
The owner’s bedroom and bathroom Whirlpool appliances, granite or quartz
suite are in the back corner of the house. counters and Kohler fixtures. Windows are by
Davis added a bedroom and bathroom to Silverline, and one-inch spray foam

the basement level. insulation is used around all exterior walls.

The bigger Palermo model is a two-story- enough room for a family with children, Shopping: Brandywine Crossing off Bedrooms/bathrooms: 3 to 7 / 2 to 7
plus basement house. A multi-generation visiting friends and overnight guests. Crain Highway features shops, restaurants
bedroom suite can be added on the first “I have no doubt this will be a phenome- and commercial services, including Target, Square footage: 1,801 to 6,917
level, and there are four bedrooms upstairs. nal community,” Davis said. “The entrance Costco and Xscape Theater. Homeowners association fee: $65 per
The master suite door, set at an angle, offers is so grand — it’s constructed of red brick Outdoor recreation: Patuxent River is month

an attractive entry into the spacious room. and adorned with fountains and landscap- east of Brandywine and several parks are View model: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily
There are two walk-in closets, an expansive ing — no one can miss it.” situated near it. Patuxent River Park, Kings
bathroom with three large windows, a soak- Amenities: A wide swath of woodland Landing Park and Merkle Wildlife Sanctu- Contacts: Eric Lyman or Matt Wilson, 301-
ing tub under the middle window and two frames the northern border of the commu- ary offer retreats for weekends and holi- 782-9036 or
sink vanities on opposite walls. The corner nity. The five-acre Lake Tomochichi offers a days. Southeast is Cedarville State Forest
shower has three walls of glass and a built-in pretty water setting. There’ll be a pavilion with forests, streams for fishing, hiking U.S. Route 301.
bench. with picnic tables and outdoor grills, a trails and campsites.
A laundry room offers space for side-by- quarter-mile walking path, two play- Schools: Brandywine Elementary,
side appliances, shelves, counters and cabi- grounds (for ages 2 to 5 and 5 to 12), a dog Gwynn Park Middle, Gwynn Park High.
nets. The basement spans the house foot- park and multipurpose courts for tennis, Transit: Brandywine lies east of Mary-  To see more photos of Villages of Savan-
print and features a walkout patio. There’s basketball and pickle ball. land Route 5/Branch Avenue and west of nah, go to
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OCTOBER 5, 2019

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nants, conditions and restrictions. This is not an offer of real estate for sale, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, to residents of any state or province in which registration and other legal requirements have not been fulfilled. Trademarks are property of their respective owners. Incentives vary and may be in the form of price reductions
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New Homes and New Communities

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This beautiful transitional estate 55+ Resort Community set on
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With seating for ten in the dining Shenandoah Valley, 90 minutes
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owner’s suite and amazing Shea Homes Limited Partnership
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Square footage includes interior & exterior space 240-762-6809 540-904-0099

MD Quarry Springs 8111 River Road

Bethesda, MD 20817 VA Trilogy® at Lake Frederick 104 Hawthorn Ct
Lake Frederick, VA 22630

Lafayette Penthouse 1,762-5,033 Sq. Ft.

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3BR / 3BA
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OCTOBER 5, 2019

Square footage includes interior & exterior space 240-762-6809 540-904-0099
Daily Newspapers & Magazines in PDF for Telegram: @WorldAndNews

People walk on the Atlanta BeltLine, an urban redevelopment project

of trails and parks based on railroad corridors that formerly encircled
the city, near the gentrified neighborhood of Inman Park.


Ambitious plans
to combat housing
affordability crisis

Tom Hamm, a project supervisor with Walton Communities, holds blueprints for a constr
creating or preserving 20,000 affordable housing units by 2026, with half the money from

BY H AISTEN W ILLIS IN ATLANTA much so that many middle- and lower-in-

or empty promises? Meshell North is stuck.

A lifelong Atlanta resident, information
technology worker and grandmother of
come residents are forced to leave because
they can’t keep up with them. The problem
has reached such a crisis level here that
Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms (D) pledged
four, North resides in an apartment on the $1 billion toward creating or preserving
city’s northwest side. She’d like to move into 20,000 affordable housing units by 2026,
Mayors pledge more units as fast-rising costs force a house, but the prices stand out of her with half the money from public funds and
reach. half from private.
many lower- and middle-income residents to leave “I can’t afford to move out,” said North, Bottoms isn’t alone.
who rented a house before the Great Reces- D.C. Mayor Muriel E. Bowser (D) issued an

sion and then was forced to leave when its aggressive promise for her tenure — 36,000
owner entered foreclosure. “I’ve been look- new units by 2025, 12,000 of them affordable.
ing for houses to rent, and there are so many She challenged her counterparts in suburban
scams out there. The houses you do see ask Maryland and Northern Virginia to build
an arm and a leg for a garage. It’s crazy out 240,000 more over the same time frame.
there.” In 2017, San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo (D)
As in many other cities across the nation, set a goal to build 25,000 new homes by 2023,
Atlanta’s housing costs are rising fast, so 10,000 of them rent-subsidized, and New
Daily Newspapers & Magazines in PDF for Telegram: @WorldAndNews


affordable housing units
Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance
Bottoms pledged to create or
preserve by 2026


affordable housing units
D.C. Mayor Muriel E.
Bowser promised out of
36,000 new units by 2025


new homes, including
10,000 rent-subsidized
San Jose Mayor Sam
Liccardo set goal for 2023



ruction site for affordable housing near Martin Luther King Jr. Drive in Atlanta. The city’s mayor has pledged $1 billion toward
m public funds and half from private.

York Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) aims to create in Atlanta. “There’s not a commitment for City leaders are particularly focused on
or preserve 300,000 affordable units by new city money.” Atlanta households earning below 60 per-
2026. He urges Atlanta to take bolder and more cent of area median income (AMI), or
Yet the ambitious plans from coast to specific actions, including approving roughly $28,000 for an individual. Their
coast are facing mounting criticism. Some
housing advocates assert that officials in the
cities don’t fully grasp the scope of the
$250 million in bonds, dedicating hotel/mo-
tel taxes toward affordable housing and
raising property taxes.
strategies include building units on publicly
owned vacant land, rehabilitating units
where people already live, upzoning for
affordable housing units
problem and aren’t moving quickly enough duplexes, triplexes and accessory dwelling New York Mayor Bill de
to address it. Rent-burdened in Atlanta units (ADUs), easing parking requirements Blasio set goal to create


And with the mayors offering little specif- Inland cities in the South like Atlanta and ensuring that landlords accept housing or preserve by 2026
ics on how they would generate the revenue have long been viewed as cheaper alterna- vouchers.
to finance their goals, other experts say they tives to coastal metros. Yet in some Atlanta “Our population has increased by over 17
worry that the numbers and time frame put neighborhoods, more than 72 percent of percent, but that’s not enough,” said Terri
forward may be empty promises. residents are rent-burdened, which the U.S. Lee, Atlanta’s first chief housing officer. She
Atlanta’s plan “talks about coming up Department of Housing and Urban Devel- added that growth is great for the city, but
with new revenue sources but doesn’t name opment defines as spending more than not if it means longtime residents must
them or put a dollar figure on them,” said 30 percent of one’s income on housing. In leave. “We have to do things to preserve the
Dan Immergluck, a professor in the Urban 2015, 22 percent of Fulton County’s renting opportunity for our existing residents to
Studies Institute at Georgia State University households received an eviction notice. SEE ATLANTA ON T16
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New Homes and New Communities

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ONLY 4 WATERFRONT HOMES yoga lawn, and koi pond—or
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Daily Newspapers & Magazines in PDF for Telegram: @WorldAndNews

ATLANTA FROM T12 makes $18 an hour and knows kind of program to help people “Do we have the dollars today Instead, as New York and other
many friends and relatives, in- buy those houses and have them to get all this done? No, but it’s fair major cities continue drawing new
stay here.” cluding her daughter and grand- be affordable.” to say there’s a very active effort residents and educated young pro-
It’s an ambitious plan, but, to children, who’ve been forced out and a promising effort for us to fessionals, Goldstein said it’s im-
Immergluck, a vague one. of the city by escalating prices. Measuring municipalities get this over the goal line, at least portant to ensure that longtime
For example, the city hasn’t set Her daughter’s family slept in a Other cities face their own is- in terms of funding,” he said. residents can choose to stay.
yearly increments to reach the hotel for more than a year before sues. With four years to go, San From a pure numbers stand- “Folks are being priced out, and
20,000 figure, he said. finally settling in a suburban Jose stands more than 9,000 units point, the most ambitious mayor- they’ve seen their neighborhoods
While he agrees with Bottoms’s Clayton County duplex. It’s a long short of reaching 10,000 affordable al goal is de Blasio’s 300,000 af- priced out,” she said. “They want
overall goals, Immergluck said he drive for them to visit northwest homes by 2023. The city reports fordable units created or pre- to have the option to feel secure in
wishes the city were moving faster. Atlanta, with no yard for the 946 affordable units complete or served in New York by 2026. It’s a their home and stay in a commu-
“We’re seven years into this grandchildren. under construction, with an addi- large figure even for a place with nity where they’ve been for dec-
affordable housing crisis,” he said. “People are coming in and re- tional 2,441 in the pipeline. more than 8 million residents. ades. Their church, their doctor,
“These ideas have been floating modeling houses, then putting One conundrum is that it costs However, the Association for their friends and their family is
around for a long time, yet there’s them back up for sale,” North said, cities more to house very-low-in- Neighborhood & Housing Devel- there. No one should have to pick
no legislation. Where are the ordi- estimating that homes near her come earners — the lower the opment, a Manhattan-based ten- up and move unless they actually
nances?” unit off Highway 78 rent for at income, the more subsidy needed ants advocacy group, argues that want to go.”
For residents like North, the least $950 per month, $1,200 for a for housing. simply targeting a number may Meanwhile, in Southeast Wash-
need for quick action stands para- nicer place. “If they’re going to do Liccardo, the mayor, highlight- be the wrong approach. ington, some residents in the Con-
mount. that, they need to provide some ed progress San Jose is making “Any goal that centers around a gress Heights neighborhood aren’t
Yet North also knows she’s toward increasing its housing unit count is concerning,” said waiting for the city to act. Resi-
lucky. Rent in her building has supply. The city issued just 39 Emily Goldstein, the association’s dents at Savannah Apartments re-
risen only incrementally over the  To see more photos, go to wash- ADU permits in 2016, but expects director of organizing and advo- cently joined forces with the Doug-
years, $50 or so at a time. She to issue more than 400 this year cacy. “A simple unit count isn’t lass Community Land Trust, which
after loosening restrictions. always the best way to measure is buying the building with the goal
San Jose is also exploring new whether we’re actually address- of keeping the 65 units affordable
revenue streams, such as a poten- ing the needs of New Yorkers who rentals and preventing developers
tial property transfer fee for real are most at risk of displacement from converting them into condos.
estate valued at more than $2 or homelessness.” Land trust officials said they
million that Liccardo said he Goldstein favors metrics such as hope to use that approach else-
hopes will generate between $30 reductions in homelessness or where in the city.
million and $80 million annually rent-burdened households, which “I guess we would be the guinea
for affordable housing. Housing “get closer to the heart of how pigs,” Savannah resident Tiffany
is particularly challenging in his people are actually experiencing Jessup told The Washington
city, Liccardo said, due to the San the affordability crisis.” The vast Post’s Peter Jamison, adding that
Francisco Bay Area’s high con- majority of the need is at the lowest the move will allow residents to
struction costs — nearly $700,000 end of the spectrum, she said, “stay in a place we have called
per unit for a typical 100-unit which is not where the majority of home.”
apartment complex. resources are going.

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Consumer Tips


Cabinets and countertops typically take up about half the budget for most kitchen remodels. That means if you’re planning on remodeling your kitchen, you want to evaluate
all your options and make sure you’re getting the best cabinets and counters for your money.

Everything you need to know to remodel your kitchen

BY K EVIN B RASLER whistles and Sub-Zero fridge kind post/cabinetsandcounters. Check- resource for ideas, as are home them.
AND J ENNIFER B ARGER of renovation. book surveyed its own and Con- design magazines and websites. Arrange to interview several de-
Getting started can be tough. sumer Reports subscribers, plus There are compelling reasons signers. When meeting with them,
Americans’ fixation on kitchens Why choose quartz countertops other randomly selected people. to get professional design help: assess their taste and how easy it is
continues to drive a large chunk of over granite? Are there cabinet Here are some tips to help you Pros usually know how to make to communicate with them. Look
the remodeling business. At the styles and colors that won’t quick- get started: kitchens look better, function for designers who will visit your
OCTOBER 5, 2019

heart of our national (and expen- ly go out of style? Should you more efficiently and cost less. home, not just recommend prod-
sive) spiff-up fever: cabinets and change your kitchen’s layout, and, Design 101 With their expertise, you can avoid ucts at the store based on room
countertops, which usually con- if so, who can help with that? Begin by answering: mishaps — such as discovering measurements. A meeting in your
sume about half the budget for To help Washington Post read- What do you like about your you can’t install a fixture because a existing kitchen is likely to hatch
most kitchen redos. ers find suppliers that offer great current kitchen? What do you dis- pipe blocks the way. And if suppli- the most creative ideas.
That means cabinets and coun- service and low prices, Checkbook like? ers or installers get something When you find a promising can-
tertops could amount to a few is offering free access to its ratings What do you plan to use the wrong, a professional designer didate, ask for references. If possi-
thousand bucks as part of a “light of area cabinet and countertop kitchen as: a center of family activ- has more leverage to push them to ble, tour a kitchen that the design-

remodel,” or $25,000 to $50,000 suppliers and installers until Oct. ities; a place to eat most or all make it right. er has recently done and thinks
or more if you’re going for a bells, 31 via meals; an area for gourmet-level A professional might be a kitch- would match your taste. Discuss
cooking, sometimes with more en designer or architect who only timing — how many draft plans
than one chef; a spot for entertain- creates designs — for a fee. More the designer will provide; whether
ing guests; a makeshift space for commonly, consumers get design you have to use the designer’s own
conducting family business? services from remodeling contrac- contractors; how closely the de-

Do you want to make structur- tors or companies that sell cabi- signer will supervise the installa-
al changes? Replace appliances? nets and other kitchen items. tion; whether you will have to buy
How much are you willing to Some of these companies charge cabinets, countertops, fixtures,
spend? hundreds, or even thousands, of appliances and other items
Do you have a certain look or dollars for design services. Others through the designer; and how the
finishes in mind? Whether you waive the fee if you end up buying designer will be compensated.
buy materials yourself or buy cabinets or other items through Seek arrangements that let you
through a designer or contractor, them. And some companies pro- compare prices and buy from a
collecting a portfolio of kitchens vide the design free — as a cost of supplier other than the designer if
you like can help you organize marketing — and hope that you the price is right. For this freedom,
your vision. Pinterest is a great wind up purchasing through it’s worth paying a design fee.
Daily Newspapers & Magazines in PDF for Telegram: @WorldAndNews

Markups on cabinets, countertops keep these points in mind to judge will have several dealers within than painting, it should still cost than on granite; because manu-
and other items can be substan- quality: reach. Find them by visiting the only about 70 percent as much as factured counter materials are
tial; don’t get stuck with a design-  Stock cabinets, which are manufacturer’s website. replacements. A professional re- brand-name and engineered, they
er who provides a free design and mass-produced in standard sizes, Get several area suppliers to bid facer usually replaces cabinet usually come with a guarantee
more than makes up for it with generally cost less than custom or on your job. Checkbook’s under- doors and drawer fronts and cov- against chips, scratching or warp-
excessive markups. semi-custom cabinets. Custom cover shoppers got very different ers exposed face frames of the ing for 10 to 20 years. Granite and
Companies that don’t charge cabinets usually consist of the best prices when they provided local cabinets with a wood or plastic natural stones are usually ineligi-
design fees and don’t require you materials. Semi-custom units are cabinet sellers specifications for veneer that matches the new ble for such warranties.
to buy through them are particu- also made to order, but in stan- 16 cabinets for an average-size doors. Most vendors can have your
larly attractive options. This lets dard sizes that may require spac- kitchen remodel. All quoted on the new countertops cut and installed
you shop for competitive prices to er-inserts to fit your space exactly. same model, finish and sizes of Comparing countertop costs within a week to 10 days, unless
make sure you don’t overpay for  Wood grain that matches KraftMaid cabinets. Here is what Countertop materials range your material is out of stock. Be
cabinets and other items. Of from piece to piece and furniture- they found: from wood to plastics to metal to sure your designer or countertop
course, in the end you might be quality finish are signs of quality. There was substantial dealer- stone, and for each you can save seller comes to measure before-
willing to shell out extra to buy Look for drawers with dove- to-dealer price variation — a dif- plenty by shopping for the best hand to prevent cutting mistakes.
through the company that pro- tailed joints, drawer sides of 1/2- ference of $3,920, from $5,961 to price. Checkbook’s undercover
vides the design, either because it inch or 3/4-inch plywood and draw- $9,881. shoppers got quotes from local Smooth redos
seems fair or because you are er bottoms fitted and glued into Home Depot and Lowe’s did companies to supply and install a Lots of homeowners who buy
pleased with the plan and want to side grooves. High-quality draw- not offer the lowest prices. countertop made with Black Gal- new kitchens don’t have fond
keep the designer involved ers should pull out completely. Although shoppers provided axy granite, using the exact same memories of the experience (to
throughout the project. Doors with fitted mortised cor- dealers with a list of specific cabi- design. Prices varied significantly, put it mildly). But there is much
ners are sturdier than those made nets, a number offered to come to from $2,100 to $3,895. As with you can do to ensure smooth re-
Choosing cabinets with non-interlocking butt joints. the home to confirm measure- Checkbook’s illustrative cabinet dos, starting with insisting on a
You will have to decide on the Top-quality cabinets usually have ments at no additional cost. job, Home Depot and Lowe’s did solid contract.
number, types and sizes of cabi- solid-wood face frames at least 3/4 If the price of new cabinets busts not offer the lowest prices.
nets; type of wood; door style; inches thick. For the cabinet box, your budget, consider painting or Of course, quality of fabrication Kevin Brasler is the executive editor of
finish; knobs; and accessories. avoid thin sides, backs and floors. refacing existing cabinets. This is and installation is at least as im- Washington Consumers’ Checkbook
The websites of major manufac- Especially avoid thin particle- a good option if your cabinets are portant as price. Check ratings at and, a nonprofit
turers such as Wood-Mode (wood- board. well-constructed and in good con-, check with organization with a mission to help, Fieldstone Cabinetry Once you have decided on cabi- dition beneath the surface, and friends, ask to see examples of a consumers get the best service and
(, Kraft- nets, make a list of each cabinet you are satisfied with the existing company’s recent installations, lowest prices. It is supported by
Maid (, Zonavita you want, with exact specifica- kitchen layout and design. and note how closely a company’s consumers and takes no money from
( and Merillat (mer- tions for manufacturer, style, The best thing about painting is staff listens to you and how care- the service providers it evaluates. display types, styles and wood type, finish and size. Then the price. The materials to paint fully they measure. Jennifer Barger is senior writer and
finishes; provide assistance with start shopping. Unfortunately, be- cabinets should run about $200, Ask retailers about their war- executive director. You can access
creating plans; and answer many cause different vendors generally while replacing similar cabinets ranties. Do they cover repairing or Checkbook’s ratings of area cabinet
of your questions. These are excel- sell different makes, you won’t be would cost $6,000 or more. Even replacing counters if they stain, and countertop suppliers and
lent resources — visit them before able to compare prices for the hiring a painter to do the work can chip or crack? Know that it’s far installers free of charge until Oct. 31 at
you contact designers. same exact cabinets at dozens of cost less than $2,000. Although easier to get a warranty on quartz
When visiting cabinet stores, sellers. But most major brands refacing is much more expensive or another manufactured product cabinetsandcounters.





OCTOBER 5, 2019


L I V E A T E N V Y. C O M
70 N ST. SE | WASHINGTON, DC 20003
Prices, terms and features are subject to change without notice.
Daily Newspapers & Magazines in PDF for Telegram: @WorldAndNews
House of the Week
Gorgeous Georgian, marvelous modern features

Some historic houses don’t

work well for the way people live
today. Though lovely, not many
people have much use for a parlor
these days. Still, these homes re-
main desirable because of their
gorgeous period details. The
trade-off is trying to live a 21st-
century life in a 19th-century
But a few historic homes, such
as this one in Old Town Alexan-
dria, have been updated for to-
day’s living while preserving their
Colonial character.
The circa 1815 Georgian house
was built on land that had been
owned by Col. Robert Townsend
Hooe, a wealthy merchant who
was the first elected mayor of
Alexandria. After he died in 1809,
his heirs sold the lot and building
to Lawrence Hill, a cooper who
had occupied the lot with his
partners since 1811.
From the beginning, it was a
home of wealth and status — not
only because of its location. Water
Street, as Lee Street was known
before it was renamed for Robert
E. Lee in 1874, was the oldest and
most desirable street in Alexan-
dria. But also because in 1852 this
house was one of the first in
Alexandria to have running wa-
ter. No more carrying buckets
from a well into the house.
The house didn’t gain its Victo- HOMEVISIT PHOTOS

rian embellishments until Fran- Many of the period details in the Alexandria house have been preserved — the heart pine flooring and the deep, decorative moldings. But
cis M. Hill bought it in 1884. Hill, the modern amenities, such as the spacious kitchen, below right, and the bright bathrooms, below left, make this home family friendly.

209 S. LEE ST., a printer, replaced the hip roof dition was attached to the back of dry area with heated tile floors, right of the house behind the
ALEXANDRIA, VA. with a mansard type in 1909. the house in 2006. The comfort- storage cubbies and cabinets. parking pads is a long, narrow
$4.3 million Many of the house’s period able room with its coffered ceil- Behind the house, connected green space. To the left, behind a
Features: The circa 1815 Georgian details have been preserved — the ing, heart pine floors with radiant by a breezeway, is the original brick wall, are a seating and din-
house gained its Victorian heart pine flooring, the arched heating and a gas fireplace is in carriage house, which was reno- ing area and a landscaped court-
embellishments in 1909 when the
entries with Corinthian columns sympathy with the more formal vated in 2014. The lower level is yard with brick walkways and a
and the deep, decorative mold- rooms at the front of the house. ideal for an office or art studio fountain.
hip roof was replaced with a
OCTOBER 5, 2019

ings. But it is what’s been added French doors open on two sides of while the upstairs can serve as a The five-bedroom, four-bath-
mansard type. The house has both that makes this house family the room to allow cross breezes. guest or au pair suite. room, 4,400-square-foot house is
period features — heart pine friendly. Next to the family room is the Generous side yards flank the listed at $4.3 million.
flooring, the arched entries with The spacious family room ad- combination mudroom and laun- free-standing brick house. To the
Corinthian columns and the deep,
decorative moldings — and modern
conveniences — a family room,
mudroom and laundry area on the

main level. The free-standing

house is flanked by generous green
space, including a landscaped
courtyard and a paved parking
Bedrooms/bathrooms: 5/4

Approximate square-footage:
Lot size: 0.21 acre
Listing agents: Lauren Bishop
and Colleen Coopersmith,
McEnearney Associates
 For more photos of this house
and other houses for sale in the area,
go to estate.
Daily Newspapers & Magazines in PDF for Telegram: @WorldAndNews

Expert Advice

You might want to rethink buying a home and moving shortly after
Q: I’m thinking of If you lived somewhere else, that instead of selling in a few or rowhouse, that home may not afford to pay. Then, think about
Real buying my first we’d wonder whether buying a years if prices have declined, be part of an association that how much someone would pay
Estate house, but I am in home now (condo or townhouse) you’ll rent out the property. takes care of the exterior of the to rent that property, how easy it
Matters a bit of a is the right move at all. Buying a Here’s what’s on your plate: building, so you save on the would be to care for it and
situation. My wife home you plan to live in for only collect monthly rents, fix things monthly fee, but that means if whether owning this rental
AND SAMUEL and I both work two to three years, and that you that need repairs, deal with the building needs repairs, property means you won’t get
J. TAMKIN in the San then intend to rent out, can be a problem tenants and neighbor painting, garage door approved for a mortgage in your
Francisco area great real estate investment issues, make real estate tax and maintenance, window new town, in case you decide to
and are looking to strategy. However, you need to mortgage payments, and a whole replacements or roof repairs, buy a home there.
buy a condo/townhouse nearby. know what kind of rental host of other issues. you’re the one who will have to
We know we will leave the area income you’ll generate and if it’s Say you have all that figured make the repairs and foot the Ilyce Glink is the author of “100
in two to three years and might enough to pay the expenses out, and then you want to make bill. Questions Every First-Time Home
relocate to a different country or associated with the property sure you find the right property Your next step is to do some Buyer Should Ask” (4th Edition). She
city. So whatever we buy, we’ll (yes, even in San Francisco, to put your investment cash. A serious homework. Start looking is also the CEO of Best Money
want to rent it out when we that’s important) and then some, townhouse that costs you $6,000 at neighborhoods, the types of Moves, an app that employers
move. because you should make a little per month should rent for more properties there, what you provide to employees to measure
We don’t know if buying money on your investment. You than that each month. would be happy living in and dial down financial stress.
makes sense, given the short also need to know if you’re cut Hopefully, the price of the (because that should inform any Samuel J. Tamkin is a Chicago-based
time frame we have, and if we do out to be a landlord, and a long- property will rise over time, and purchase — what if you don’t real estate attorney. Contact them
decide to buy, we don’t know distance landlord at that. Who you may get a deduction for any move?) and how much you can through her website,
whether we should buy a will make sure the property losses. Talk with your tax
townhouse or a condo. Single- stays rented and maintained, preparer to make sure that
family homes in San Francisco and that the bills get paid? works for your personal
are way too expensive to So let’s start with buying a finances.

consider. home you’re going to live in for We can’t help you choose
This decision is so hard and two to three years. That’s not whether a townhouse or condo
stressful for us, we could really long. While prices in the Bay is the better investment. It really

use your advice. Area have increased depends on what you can afford,
A: In San Francisco, where dramatically, that isn’t what the local housing stock

you live, home prices have been guaranteed. What happens if looks like and how much people
on an upward trajectory for you want to sell in three years, are prepared to pay.
some time. Every time a Silicon and prices have declined Sometimes single-family
Valley-based company like Uber substantially? homes appreciate more quickly,
or Dropbox goes public, Many experts are predicting a but condos often have fewer
thousands of people become recession next year. When repair issues associated with COUNTERTOPS
overnight millionaires. One of recessions hit, they can affect them, and the condominium
the first things they want to do is home prices, even in hot association in larger buildings VANITIES
buy a home, which sends prices markets. When home prices go takes care of repairs to the FLOORING
escalating further. down substantially, they can stay exterior and common areas of
If you own a home, you’re down for a while. As hard as it is the building. And you’ll pay for TILE
happy. If you don’t, you’re to day-trade the stock market, that, in the form of a monthly
unhappy because rents are it’s equally difficult to know association fee, which will SIDING
skyrocketing, too, and you’re when you’re looking at the top or reduce the total amount you can TRIM
worried you’ll never find an bottom of a real estate market. borrow.
affordable place to live. Let’s say you buy and agree When you own a townhouse WINDOWS
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