Soal Ujian Akhir Semester 2022

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NIM : 210202501014
KELAS : 01 / PTM



Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
 How does the thermosiphon (1) works ?
o Well, the cold water (2) enters the system through the inlet. The water pressure (3) pushes
the water around the system.
 So how (4) does the water (5) become hot ?
o It (6) flows into the panel and the sun,s rays (7) heat it. The warm water (8) rises to the top
of the panel andi t (9) passes form the panel into the tank.
 (10) does the tankn (11) have a heater?
o No., it (12) doesnt. The how water (13) stays at the top of the tank, if you (14) open the
valve, the how water (15) flows form the top of the tank to the outlet.

Complete the sentences with the correct word in brackets.

1. The width of the road is 6 m.
2. The river is 230 km long.
3. The sea has a depth of 330 m.
4. These pylons are over 80 m high.
5. These oil wells are more than 700 m depth.
6. The total length of the road is about 120 km.
7. The tunnel is 15 m wide.
8. The height of the bridge is 130 m.

Rewrite the sentences using the present perfect tense.

Remember : don’t use a time expression (such as yesterday or an hour ago) with the present
1. My car broke down five minute ago.
My car has broken down.
2. NASA launched the space shuttle fifteen minutes ago.
Space shuttle launched by NASA
3. A virus attacked our office computers two hours ago.
Office computer attacked by virus
4. I wrote the email and i sent it to the customer yesterday.
I have written and emailed customers.
5. The technician took the hard drive out of the computer an hour ago.
The technician removed the hard drive from the computer.
6. the exhaust pipe fell of my car ten minutes ago.
My car’s exhaust pipe is far away.

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