Roper1994 Survey 3 179 214 Syria

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178 serrrentano—ninsoonasnieat Armen Holman, A.W. Le manor tae dat leone: ne bilgi he etna. Leen: Bri, 1967 Sine, p. 66 Kut A Turgut. Tkge yarmaccer katloglan epetovan, Tk Dil Arama Yas edn 1972 (1973) 185240 Isveee, P20, nok 13-14, ‘Mikhalovs, 1.8 and Khaldov, A.B, Biigfp aati ‘Mac Nau, 1982 ‘ShociarvaSwitzeland, pp, 319-321 & 42, no, 1589-1545 Pearson, J.D. Ore vues in Euan Noh Arie assy. if Inter Documentation, 1971 (iotieen Asien, 7) Shiterland, pp. 282-264, 372, 16-417, oper, GJ. Inder Tamir 1981 1985: «bingrphy of bss ond 19912 val aalogues & surveys of elections; exhibitions, pp ‘Sergi, Fust. Gach da bik Serftms, Rand VL. Leiden: Bel, 1978 Bilithcken und Sammlungen arsisher Handschriten Simon, J. Répertoie der biiothaques publiquer et privés <2 Rurope contenant des manvscite arses chiens. Onetati, 1938, pp. 239-263. ‘lie, p. 241, Bere, p. 242, Zvi, p. 268 SyRIA by ‘Youn Muhammed a Savas UNION CATALOGUES & SURVEYS 1902, Kian abtaeh ff Dimashy worded. By Hatin Zawya. Gaze. Hopp. Reprinted Damaecs, 1983, ‘See Lows Cros review of he bk in AL Masi, 3, 1902, pp. 97-105, 957; at etutaton ofthe work by Nagle Ad Yas, Rasp a1-Kn0at and Kassin A-Jazan Alaa aan, nnd. p, 1p. 1910. Makitib Hala wa-Dimashg, By Tek Incaoan a Mai AbHia! 19,1910, pp. #91495. 1947. KhasPin ctu Arata “ign. By Fn “Tanai Beit 4 v0 Thcludes many descriptions of MSS collection in Syria 1959-56, Abmabhatie ws khaxinuba Hala. By Munson As'no Tatas Mj Matha af Mati a Araya 1, 1955, pp. 1-852, 1956, pp. 240-268, 1968-75. Nase Matai I: Mahi af Mayra a Melfi F Maat li Nash Toh adr. Fl. “ADNSX Das Damascus: Minsiryof Culture and Touran, Syrian Arab Repub: li 1 kaues Number of page each ame anger beeen 29 and Te issues contain fits of nea 1300 micrflms aeanged by serial number, wih indexes. Most of the MSS were in Aleppo rai, 1971. Ababa sb-ibiya biHlalas cliseaItimabtabst vd Hala ea mi ha min maki abby, By SAND AURAMN aeKavvaat, Majd Maina ab Lage o tebip 46, 1971, pp. 672-692. Thales MSS from ane collection lin Apa (Misi) ad caters tow inthe Arad Libray. 1976, Tooyir ‘an al-makhtae ab“Arabiya 6 "Lumbini a ‘Arabiya aSirya, Raid Marat Toye? waeNabe ‘Turn a ‘Arabi D-Wieitat a Thagla walk a Qawel AP Moun’ 1, 1976, pp. 95-6. 1976, Maki ial "mata Sn al By Sawa Qurv7va Aleppo. Matha l-Tursth al a ‘Rea Hpp- [Added Prenth tide-poge: Let mantis md arate dens lr nhs pune Ap, by Salmane Kata] ull descriptions of MSS in the Maktaha s-Mriniya and others row in the Arad Library in Damas 1983, Abamakhititab ‘Arabiya radia Halabi Twih sda 7, May —June 1983, p 7. From 2ibraies i Aleppo snd one ov in Damascus 1906, AU-Msathab mie alii af Arbine Hola. Kad ‘Malas ab Rhidmat Wwa-rAbbith al-Thagifia. Beit ‘Alan Kut, Contains desrptions of 25 MSS, mostly seco om the Uiraty of he Talamic Agi Departmen. INDIVIDUAL COLLECTIONS Usocated calles ‘aba Allah Marv Stu: Private "Marrash wat a journalt and a man of eters. He did in 1900 nde library and oletion of ansaid valuable boc, remained in the possesion of his heir, bu is present where shonte are unknown, AL aL Gk (or al Katka Seta; Private tabled by Muuaanean Sian Aon, member of he Fy senna re in Aleppo. Ascoding to RAcnm ni-Pasakns, tad many rare ‘manuserpts including” Shayla masa T3j Arby [AL-Zasol which wasted inthe Egyptian edition of his work The library use tobe kept by the founder's grandson, butte present See 1955-56. under Union catalogues above Maktabat ‘Ags Kase Sat: Private ‘Shaykh Mensa ADK AL-Kast (1988), wa che wot of Damaaton, He war interested in collecting manuscript, and bit Iibary contained a gest enlection of Arabic MS unlike thse ‘eich ould be fund in anyother private Hbrary. Aer hi death, Nis son Husa, who was an authority on MSS and a diver of Al Ziti added he election thi oma. A part othe calletion ‘eat and Al Zahir, but nothing known a the nef the et ALEPPO General The famous old braves of Aleppo include those of the ftlocing schools Al-Ashraiya, ALSulinla, ALSAqrniya, Al-HUulwiya, A [Rawwihiya, Ak Harawiya and others. The old private Iibraie a+ cle howe of Ban Shiba, Bans ab‘Adim, Ba a Khar, laniAbd al Karim, AI Tala and others, Many ofthese alecsiont have been dispersed or have disappeared. Evenualy, Dar aKa alWataniya coleced the surviving MSS fom schools and ‘mons, eatlogued then and pase therm to Makes a Awa linn in Aleppo, which ater handed them over to Maat Aso ab Watantva in Damascus (9, below). See 1910, Malis Halab, By at oeanoan A-MA‘Or, Ama 2, pp. 288, 408 58. 1915-14, Makati Hala, By es canon at Maton, Alar 3p 48 1937, Daral-katab Hab qian wa-badithan. By Meyasuan Racin AL TasnANi Mla Maja Dt lA 13, 1957, pp. 290-10 1967. Make Hab, By Sit aKa, Mail Matha Malia “Artie 13,1967, pp. 211-223. 1970. Makita, By Sins Kavu, Malle Maina a Iagha a Arai 5, 1970, pp. 40-5. Prblihd cto: 1938-40. APs Calla de manasa. By Pav, Saar Cairo, 3 vos, = app, ‘Contains descriptions of sekcted MSS from cghy-thre private Irae in Aleppo, 1959, Manuscrits arabes auteurs copes By Pant Sox. Bulla ea Sit Areilpe Cpt 3, 1989, pp 130-175 Mentions Arabic MSS by Coptic writerald in eighteen ibrarie in Aleppo 1946. Cholx de livres qui xe wouvaiet dans tes bilithdques Alep au Xilfe siecle. By PALL SaaTn. Minot de Ua ype, $9,198. Publication of « MS, eatided Atami imma f Khasi data Bah. 1955-56. Usion caslogue by ‘Tas, which lise 16 private Iibroies’ ‘Abad Ah York Hilig ‘Suter: Private Total ram f enie MSS: 300 (Arabic) svsia—anern 15 Amad ab-Zaega Description of lation: AV-Langa aequived ago aeketon of books fn are manuscripts; thove MSS which miryved were inherited by bis om Shayah Mostar st-Zanas aL Dab ‘Sein: Private Deri eftlleioe: An unknown number of manscrps, of which 111 were recently mld to the Aun Library in Damar 4) AVTatas Sen: Private Tanabe of ane MSS: e150. Dario oft: The Tas aly, one of the oles in Aleppo, isa tamil of scholars, and one of ts meres, Shaybh MyeaF Mensa tn Shai 115 AH) cane to Aleppo and devoted. Fis feo sudy and learning. He, ad bir sone ater kin allected tomany manuscript that thie brary became oe ofthe eet ‘Aleppo. The MSS cover the llowing sbjects: rand un a urn (13 MSS), Bat (13), ih (28), opel (8), Su and Islami ees (24), sf and Mor (17), language (), linguistics (2) erature (7), Prikl ctlogs 1969-72. Fibrin abmakiitatabArabiya f “LKhicina Talay By: Meynuneap Asay Tasas, Majlat Mad Mobi Arata 18, 1909, pp. 227-268, 17, 1971, pp. 1%, 18,1972, pp. 249-254 1986, Sce A-mantthab under Union eatalogues ip. 313~404 Jibe37 aL Dall calletion Stats Private "ALD war a journal and poet who died in 1892, Head a ‘valuable Wray, but twas disper afer hie death and whatever {eet tl inthe posession of ATA fry AbMadrasa al Mansiriya Mahala a-Faraira Drie of exabisnet 1792 ‘Sein: Endowmen/Pubic brary Total br of enc MSS: 0. Dasripon of luton: "he Hirary wat exaished by ALShayhh Merarsoh Masson a-Seoie st Hata. Hacontents were di peed and only 70 MSS survived, about half of which were rane Kered to ALMaktabs alArmoa i-DiPiratsbAwqat alana, and aubnequently to the Ava Library in Damascus (2). Pb ease: 1935-36. Union catalogue by Tas Masha al-Te Arabic Sence) hal a-Arai (Inatsate forthe History of Sion: State wiverst brary, iad the Univesity of Aleppo Tol numberof Tae MSS: AGN (452 Arai; 4Peesian; 8 Turkish), i 2400 sieve of MSS fom varus ibrar escrito of ilo: Includes 256 MISS which were presented 10 ‘he Insitute by Growc ANTAR. Arabic MSS areas llows: Quin nd Suliman (23 MSS); Hah an li al Hath (10) fh (; Seid (19), Seem and amici (26) ap, hl and ‘sed (40; oge ad philosophy (1) eis aed wid (13); ture (1): poetry (27); language and grammar (28); elaquence (8; story aod biograics (2); medicine (1), artnet ad agra (@); anronomy (14); chemistey, agseaure and. zocogy” foreane-eing and physingnomy (12); mage ()s miselianeous swork bout together (7, Chisanity (38) Published sso 1900, Fibra me tina Mohd Tah al Tn Aah, mt Hal By Meaotad Kot. Duplicate. 205pp srm—assete 187 1900, Frise alii maar f maa Mead a Teh a ‘Sn Aras Duplicate. 3p. ‘Contain brie descriptions of 1689 MSS on wicrofns 1985, Amici At shove. ‘Mons dat the insu colection comin 15 orignal MSS. and. more than 2/00 microfed MSS om medicine and ph Tony 2 Tar kr, under Union catalogues 1986, Fibs mat a masnsaraalbag) abst Mb ‘Tath ol‘Tini alr By Nowa Tzear “Unk. Aleppo: Mahad al-Prith, Jamie Hala. 25 ‘Gontsnadesepione of 711 meofined MSS. ‘AbMaktaba sl: Mariniy Date of east Katty 180 century ‘Siar: Monastery Iibeary “etal mamiar of amie MSS: 1536 (Arabic Destin of latin: tase by Grasnvos Fash, Arc bishop of Aleppo hii one of the ages Arabic cobections inthe Chitin libraries of Aleppo The MSS cover diferent reas ofthe Tuan, The oldest MS. edad 1582 CE and the moat recent ie aed 1800, Among the nsportant manuscripts are: @) Shark Magi atari, by ALSwansul (i) APOjmis aM, by ‘Ae avaGainioy, (i) Sark ale, by AMO "1-MAKSRIM At Muyannat (6) Sle a Budjn, by Inv Hua atcHawase (@) Shad Din a-Meravanat by an anonymous auhor See 1947. Tauwks under Union catalogue above. Pied xtages 1914, Maktabat Teiing “1Miriniya 6 Madinat Hla a ‘Maliya By Ins Hast. APM, 17, 1914, pp 21~28, 9101, 354-363, 599-608 & 763-76 1a srain—asssre 1971, Kevvitt under Union catalogues above 1983, Al-mallyiit under Union eatlogues above Maktabat al-Rim al-Kathaw/ik (Greek Oatholic Library) Sate Helesinatie! brary aa nb of emi MSS: 212 Destino calcio: The ary waa destroyed in the great fe of 150, but these MSS have survived See 1947. Survey by ‘Tatst under Union catalogues above ‘Maklabat al-Ram al-Urthawdbuks (Crock Orthod: Library) Ste: Recesiaial eay Destino cleo: Th brary was destroyed in the great ie of 185, but some MSS survived fee 1947. Survey by Tat under Union catalogues shove ‘Maktabatal-Siriyin a- Kita ie (Syian Cutole Library) Su: Becesiniatibrary Total numb of amie MSS: 346, Dassen: The ibeary was desteoyed i the great Hie of 1850 and’ mont of x Arabic un wher MSS were burnt. Inthe second half ofthe nnetecath century Je Stas tebe and formed a new ealection of MSS, See 1947. Survey by Taurse under Union catalogues above Prblihd ctl: 1927. Fis malig Mabel Mapa! ab Sunda al Katha fo Hal By Tag Awsuss. [Np], Tints 346 MSS, manana 9 DAMASCUS. General 1974. Aus einem Briefe Dr Goxonen’s an Prof Frascir, Zi et dey Daven Mores Gaelic 28, 1874, pp. 161 1 Describes some MSS in private Maven Arabic ransation pb lishe in 1956 (se below) 1907. Avs den Bibitheken von Kao, Damaskus und Konstan Tine). (Arise Hlandscheiten geschicichen Taal.) By J Honoverz, Miia dx Sonn, fr Ove Sacer West ‘itd Sadi 10, 1907, pp. 1-88. Reprinted im Baie ar E> "Mean dr abiconHancfn in Ena wd aii, Dirt find hike mati ind sc eAnail in alata “tatge. Erte Ba. Heng. Pst Segin, Peart aM: naa fir Cenchicte der Arabic Ilamiaben Winenahafen am der Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universi, 1006 (Verifenlichungen ‘er Inwcttes fr Geschichte der ArabischIlamichen Wise Schaten, Rete Bs Nechdrucke; Abteilung Handscrienkunde, 11), pp. 955-422. 1936, Rist ab-mutrasrg abkabir Ghuldthar(Gousnmse] ‘malt Dinas mudi 6 Stan an Majallat Masai SAlmaniya. 16116 anat 1874, Dimathq 27 Ramadan 1290 ij. Maja Adj aT ‘vb 18,1986, pp. 152-155 Tranltion ofthe 1474 leer above, 1959, Navidir smakhitit al-khae?in sbhiqesbi-Dimasb, Mei Methed al Matt ada 5, 1959, pp. 211-224 ists MSS in thee private ibrar Aw "e-Vean a-‘Aming Sato Hawza (now in the Asad Library ‘Aeo)ALOXoMn Macia ‘Abd sl-Qidieal-Maghebi collection Desripie of clacton: The place of Amir ‘Abd al Qtir hal a 190 trena—ronasoos brary which contained some valuable Quins an manuscripts from diferent Arab counts, especially the Maghrib, Aer his ath it yeas shared by his many bee. 1947. Tenis under Union extlogues above. 1959, 21 MSS from hilary are linen the atc under Gene eral above ‘Abd al-Resniq ab-Bitiecllection Satu Private Desoto ofan: A-r (1916) was aschole, historian and boc. Tn his hou in ALM be hal 2,000 MSS Bitory and Hterature, including the works fan Fun a-Dosasl aod eter rare MSS, Parco the collacion har bon ot, bt he retrained inthe ibrary of AP-Shayth Bavgnt neat, AU Ridin Sata: Private atl mabe of amie MSS: more tha 50. Desrition of oll Al ‘Abidin in one of the oldest and moat eared Damas iis, They ha eet ibrary which was en ¥iched particularly by Ano “-Yose ‘Aubty the mu of Dama (4. 1061). 1 contains very rare manineripts in ilferent Geld of Enowledge. There ae no catalogues, although i considered one ofthe mont important private Irae in Daman See 1947. ‘aaaial under Union catalogues above Pabedan 1926. Wasf mabe mabtsbat lsbykh Aai”t-Yos Rano bi Dimas, Meal Maja ani a trab, 1926, pp. 08-70, 1A description of 14 MSS 1959.54 48S fom thie brary are ted in the ate under Gen- cer above A ak Qowath ciletion Seta: Private Desi of elton Ths fan colton conan ex £00 MSS, incuding some rare ones, scoring to Tef Iskandar ala ‘Revent information isha he major par ofthe election i al the possesion of meme ofthe fy Asad National Library (Maktabat al: Avad a: Pon 3639 Damascus “Tel 30255, Telex: 9149 Date faint 1985 ‘Sate: National acy Gouin ofc: Credentials rive ‘Total nom of ane MSS: x. 19,300 (monty Arabic ce 100 Per sian; 2 Tew Tusk, eacripon of citon: The Stat tying to collet ax many MSS as posable inhi ibrary, which asbcne ove ofthe eating Iiraee Inthe Middle East Ts bullaing i magnificent, well designed and well equipped with madera mean ofbonk and mans preserya= Yin. The Hbeary staff, well qualified and pest taney ‘gein the enoraton, maintenance and preservation othe MSS, The collection is patclarly song inthe following saber! ai, sia Qu, Had, bisty, biographies, language, gra ‘mar, Saf, blerature, medicine, ' large proportion ofthe calletion came from the two cite of Damascus and Aleppo the major ent of sami ular in Spi, ‘which had many Hbarier and MSS, wile theres were trnsered from various Mbearies and eatural cence ll over Sys, or were hated to the brary porchased ‘The frst collection tobe merged withthe helaings of Maka l-Asnd al: Wataniya in Mare 1085 was the 1,904 RISS of Di Roma lZabitya in Damascus. These tained the orginal shel marks which they bore in akZhirga, In Matabat a-Avd Waaniya they now bear the nurnber froth 101,804. Tey dea with Ouanie cence, Hath gh history, biography, philosophy, Tosi poetry. linguini, goog, mediine, mathematics, i aon sd relate subjects “Then the MSS of the private Mbrary of Sia at-Dasn ia Alp were purchased frm one of kiss. These MSS are ru- tee rom 1,805 eo 12,015, ‘On HS/I987 abou 722° MSS of the eatwal centres of he Provinces were merged with Maktabat al Asa 157 MSS of Al ark al Arable Thana im Sali, numbered fom 12,052 0 12,188, one MS. of Marka ak Arab a-ha in Kaft Tak fim, numbered 12,202) oe MS. of AlMarkar abArab al ‘haga in lly, bere 12.25; 589 MSS. of A-Markar a “Aub ak Tag in Hama, suber fom 12,208 to 12.401 and Feo 12,408 co 12.792, On the sane dat a lage par ofthe calle tion of AbMudiiyaal“Ammn tehAthar wa Mai, eotaling 25 MSS, were brought in: they bea the musber rom 12,793 1 133031, The expatriate ‘as Sun also donated more than 24 MSS, tothe library, where they bear te mumber rm 13,064 13,072 se rom 13,077 to 13,078 and 13,108 t 13,100. hen 208/198 he MSS ofthe way bras af Aleppo, nun bering about 3,672 MISS, were merged withthe Library. These ISS were mace up af the allowing eolletons 1,643 MSS of Al ‘Marana ahAbmadiya~previous thelfmarks 110 1,476—which tow bea the numbers fom 1,111 40 1,741 and fm 18911 0 1,913, 1,319 MSS of AF Madrasa alUthminiya—previou hele ‘marks 47702 622—nom marbere fom 1,742 016 060; 1168 DISS of Maktabat al Awaji aay (whic inched MSS fom ‘AbMadras slMangiriya and AlcTakya alTRhaye)—previous ‘elimarts 2,623 3,792—vhich bea the numbers rom 16.061 10 17,220,209 MSS oF AL Maktaba a Siddqiya~ previous shelimachs 3,792 103, 992-—vore numbered fom 172291017305 25MSS of A-Maktaha alRifyaprevoas abelinarks 8,995 10 9,U16— thick bear the numbers frm 17,431 to 17,336; 870 MSS of Al Maitaba al-Khuecawya wac'-Mavawiya™previous sbelinars {)117 vo 47} ae now nutnbere fom 17,887 to 10,427, shout 31 MSS of AFMaktabe al Wataya—prevoas selina {£475 to 5,246— which bea the mirmbers Eom 18,927 10 18,767 ‘Additions to the augif renter are 2 MSS fom AL-Makiaba SGthaniya a 9 MS from AU Madre al Abmadya svnta—panascs 9s luo merged were 19 MSS ofthe Ministry of laformation, which ‘barn Maktabat Asad the murmber fon {8913 so 1827, and 4 Turther 500 MSS donated or parched were ide 0 the cal ins ofthe brary. These MSS hear dpered umber, The MSS acquired by the Majmat alLugha Arabiya were moved wih the Zeya clletions Former private cllectione which have come either itat or in par to the Ass Library are theo ano Ausina

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