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• Definition:
◦ Social unit consisting of mother, father and children who live in the
same houshold.
◦ It can give you happines (sadness), protection, love, basic education,
shelter1, finances, food, socialization, advice, care for the
sick/disabled/ old.
◦ Get together: Bday, holidays, nameday, funerals, weddings,
christening2, graduations, feast =lakoma

◦ Types: nuclear family – parents, and children;

Extended family – grandparents/aunt and nuclear family
Single parent family – 1 parent + a child (broken nuclear family- divorce or
Reconstructed family – Single parents remarries and they get a

• Why could a marriage end in divorce?

◦ A dultry3, cheating, having an afair
◦ Addiction:Drug, alcohol
◦ fell out of love
◦ Financial problems

• Children can become orphans, when...

◦ Their parents are dead, and they don’t have any other family member
◦ These children are called orphans
◦ They can be adopted (adoption), but it is a long process – Financial
things, health problems, Living condision
◦ They abonded

• Parenting types:
◦ autoritative parent: The parents are strict and they have strict rules, the
are no compromise, punishments
◦ Democratic parents: They have rules, but they make comropises
◦ Liberal parents: They give the freedom and space, and norules: the
childrens can do anything, without consequence4
◦ Over-caring parents: They give too much love for their children -> the
childten will be spoiled5.
1 Menedék
2 Godparents
3 Házasságtörés
4 Következmény nélkül
5 Elkényesztetett
• Duties and responsibilites:
◦ Old types of family
▪ Mother – hoeshold chores (cooking, cleaning, maybe gardening),
child care
▪ Father – sometimes cooking, gardening, house maintenance, main
▪ Children – learn, clean their rooms, help to the parents
◦ Modern family:
▪ A szerepek összemosódna, nem ennyire lekerekítettek.

• Marriage:
1. Dating
2. move in thogether
3. Get engaged - first ask permission from the father
- start planing the proprosal
- get down on one knee
- planning a wedding
- bachelor6/ bachelorette party – hen party
- wedding day – WEDDING VENUE - church, on the
beach, town hall, forect, castles, edge of
a cliff, bungee jumping, underwater
wedding, yacht,
- groom , father acompanies the bride to the alter,
(walking down the aisle, white dress simbolizes purity8
and virginity, she wears a veil,9 vows, change the rings,
kiss, the new wife throw away her bouquet)
- honeymoon

• Modern types of marriages:

◦ Partnership
◦ LGBTQ – same sex marriages
◦ Monogamy – one partner
◦ Polygamy – more partner
◦ Arranged marriages

6 Agglegény
7 vőlegény
8 Ártatlanság, tisztaság
9 Fátyol
1. How would you define the word "family"?
2. What does family mean to you?
3. What makes a happy functional family?
4. When do you, as a family, meet up?
5. What is your opinion of living together without marriage?
6. What are the main reasons for divorce?
7. What makes a marriage last?
8. What is better to have liberal or over-caring parents?
9. Describe your own family.
10. Explain the proverb "In time of test, family is best
husband- wife,
son-in-law – daughter-in-law,
nephew -niece,
widower- widow,
groom – bride,

Overal appearance: neat, atractive, wearing glasses, handsome, frail(törékeny),

weight: skinny, slim, plump, toddler
Height: tall, little,
Age: teenager, baby,elderly person, in his early fiftyes, middle aged
Face: round, beard, wrinkled, pale, freckles, moustache
Eyes: round, hazel, deep set, wide open, smallish
Hair: spiky, curly, ponytail,bun, straight, dark, highlights, dyed(colored), wavy, balding,
scuffy (ápolatlan haj), shoulder lenght, auburn(gesztenye barna)
Clothes: casual, dyed, old-fashioned, trendy, shabby(rongyos)
Skin: wrinkled, sun-tanned, pale, dark, fair(világos)

• Ideal family: • Family member can be: Reliable-

◦ caring, loving, kind, sharing, funny, megbízható , neat-ápolt,sincere-őszinte, ->
modest-szerény, greedy-mohó, reluctant-
vonakodó,cheeky- nagyképű,disobedient-
engedetlen, stubborn- makacs,

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