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Ensuring Uptake of Vaccines against SARS-CoV-2

Michelle M. Mello, J.D., Ph.D., Ross D. Silverman, J.D., M.P.H., and Saad B. Omer, M.B., B.S., M.P.H., Ph.D.​​

s Covid-19 continues to exact a heavy toll, be reasonable and necessary;
therefore, Covid-19 must present
Ensuring Uptake of Vaccines against SARS-CoV-2

development of a vaccine appears the most

an ongoing threat. By the time a
promising means of restoring normalcy to vaccine is available, more will be
civil life. Perhaps no scientific breakthrough is known about natural immunity
in the population, the conse-
more eagerly anticipated. But ensure uptake of the vaccine quences of relaxing community
bringing a vaccine to market is when it becomes available — in- mitigation measures, and the fea-
only half the challenge; also crit- cluding consideration of when a sibility of scaling up test-and-trace
ical is ensuring a high enough mandate might become appro- strategies. There should be a rea-
vaccination rate to achieve herd priate. Our approach is guided by sonable indication as to whether
immunity. Concerningly, a recent lessons from U.S. experiences further measures are needed.
poll found that only 49% of with vaccines for the 1976 “swine The second criterion is that
Americans planned to get vacci- flu,” H1N1 influenza, smallpox, the Advisory Committee on Im-
nated against SARS-CoV-2.1 and human papillomavirus (HPV). munization Practices (ACIP), af-
One option for increasing vac- We believe that six substantive ter reviewing the safety and effi-
cine uptake is to require it. Man- criteria should be met before a cacy evidence, has recommended
datory vaccination has proven ef- state imposes a SARS-CoV-2 vac- vaccination for the persons who
fective in ensuring high childhood cine mandate (see box). The first would be covered by a mandate.
immunization rates in many is the existence of evidence that Currently available evidence sug-
high-income countries. However, Covid-19 is inadequately con- gests that the elderly, health pro-
except for influenza vaccination trolled in the state by other mea- fessionals working in high-risk
of health care workers, mandates sures, such as testing, contact situations or working with high-
have not been widely used for tracing, and isolation and quar- risk patients (e.g., nursing home
adults. antine — as indicated by sus- residents and patients with se-
Although a vaccine remains tained, troubling trends in new vere respiratory symptoms), and
months to years away, developing cases, hospitalizations, or deaths. persons with certain underlying
a policy strategy to ensure uptake Principles of public health law medical conditions may be high-
takes time. We offer a framework and ethics require that interven- priority groups for the ACIP’s
that states can apply now to help tions that impinge on autonomy consideration, along with other

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PERS PE C T IV E Ensuring Uptake of Vaccines against SARS-CoV-2

Six Trigger Criteria for State Covid-19 Vaccination economic analyses. Overweight- campaigns suggest that a gener-
Mandates. ing FDA decisions would be par- ous compensation program for
ticularly problematic for SARS- people who have serious vaccine
Covid-19 is not adequately contained in the state. CoV-2 vaccines because EUAs may side effects should be a centerpiece
The Advisory Committee on Immunization
Practices has recommended vaccination for be based on very limited evidence of these efforts. A federal compen-
the groups for which a mandate is being con- and consciously or unconsciously sation fund like the Smallpox Vac-
sidered. influenced by the intense pres- cine Injury Compensation Pro-
The supply of vaccine is sufficient to cover the
population groups for which a mandate is be- sure to speed countermeasures gram is one attractive model,
ing considered. to market.2 although identifying compensa-
Available evidence about the safety and efficacy of The third criterion is that ble injuries may be challenging
the vaccine has been transparently communi-
cated. there is an adequate supply of with a novel vaccine. States will
The state has created infrastructure to provide ac- vaccine to cover the groups for also have to create distribution
cess to vaccination without financial or logis- which a mandate is being con- systems to provide SARS-CoV-2
tic barriers, compensation to workers who
have adverse effects from a required vaccine, sidered. Initially, global demand vaccine to high-priority groups
and real-time surveillance of vaccine side ef- for SARS-CoV-2 vaccines will out- with near-zero financial and lo-
fects. strip supply, making the salient gistic barriers — for example,
In a time-limited evaluation, voluntary uptake of
the vaccine among high-priority groups has question not who must get them bringing free vaccine to points of
fallen short of the level required to prevent ep- but who will be granted access care, pharmacies, and work sites.
idemic spread. to them. New York State’s unsuc- It is equally critical to have a
cessful attempt to mandate H1N1 safety-assessment plan in place
influenza vaccination for health before vaccines are widely dis-
workers with frequent, close, on- care workers demonstrates that tributed to enable health officials
the-job contacts and persons liv- imposing requirements before ad- to evaluate safety evidence in real
ing in high-density settings such equate supply has been secured time. States should work with
as prisons and dormitories. When needlessly provokes controversy health systems to ensure that re-
a vaccine nears approval, the ACIP and alienates people who have porting systems for vaccine-relat-
should review the updated evi- already made sacrifices to fight ed adverse events are consistently
dence and develop recommenda- an epidemic.3 used and specify a process for
tions. Only recommended groups The fourth criterion is that reconsidering mandate decisions
should be considered for a vacci- there has been transparent com- as evidence evolves.
nation mandate, though health munication of the best available The last criterion is that vac-
officials can encourage voluntary evidence about the vaccine’s safe- cination mandates are imposed
uptake for others, using means ty and efficacy.4 Particularly giv- only after a time-limited trial of
such as public education cam- en the possibility that the evi- voluntary vaccine provision has
paigns and free vaccination. dence underlying FDA approval proved unsuccessful. Principles
The fact that a vaccine has re- of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines may be of public health ethics support
ceived Food and Drug Adminis- more modest than usual, policy- trying less burdensome policies
tration (FDA) approval — wheth- makers and the public will need before moving to more burden-
er under an Emergency Use to understand the limits of what some ones whenever possible. In
Authorization (EUA) or ordinary is known. Public trust has al- this case, the costs of a failed
review processes — is an insuf- ready been compromised by fed- voluntary scheme are sufficiently
ficient basis on which to con- eral officials’ endorsement of hy- high that the attempt should be
clude that it should be required. droxychloroquine as a Covid-19 limited to a matter of weeks.
FDA approval reflects a determi- treatment without evidentiary States should implement a system
nation that clinical trial evidence support; the same must not oc- for measuring vaccine uptake
shows that the benefits of a vac- cur for vaccines. within each high-priority group
cine outweigh its risks. ACIP rec- The fifth criterion is that the against a set of coverage targets.
ommendations reflect broader government has put in place cer- Ensuring that the economic and
considerations, including values tain support mechanisms for per- logistic supports described above
and preferences of affected groups, sons required to receive the vac- are in place will maximize the
implementation issues, and health cine. Lessons from past vaccination chances for success.

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PE R S PE C T IV E Ensuring Uptake of Vaccines against SARS-CoV-2

If the proposed trigger criteria fines nor criminal penalties should pandemic. In contrast to earlier
were met, what might a vaccina- be used, however; fines disadvan- phases of the pandemic, though,
tion mandate look like? Because tage the poor, and criminal pen- we currently have some time on
the constitutional power to pro- alties invite legal challenges on our side. Careful deliberation now
tect public health rests primarily procedural due-process grounds. about state vaccination policy can
with states, each state will need Both are bad public health policy help ensure that we have a strate-
to adopt its own legislation. Pro- for a Covid-19 vaccine because gy when the breakthrough comes.
posed legislation should be sup- they may stoke distrust without Disclosure forms provided by the au-
ported by attestations from the improving uptake. thors are available at

state health officer, the ACIP, or The need to build public trust From Stanford Law School and Stanford
another expert committee that requires that state officials imple- Health Policy and the Department of Medi-
cine, Stanford University School of Medi-
all trigger criteria have been met. ment vaccination policy through a cine, Stanford, CA (M.M.M.); the Depart-
Targeted SARS-CoV-2 vaccination transparent and inclusive process, ment of Health Policy and Management,
mandate policies may also be ap- working closely with stakeholder Indiana University Richard M. Fairbanks
School of Public Health, and the Indiana
propriate in certain federal con- groups such as local health offi- University Robert H. McKinney School of
texts, including high-risk groups cers, health professional and hos- Law, Indianapolis (R.D.S.); and the Yale In-
in active-duty military environ- pital associations, representatives stitute for Global Health and the Yale
Schools of Medicine, Public Health, and
ments, Veterans Affairs facilities, of high-risk population groups, Nursing, New Haven, CT (S.B.O.).
federal prisons, and immigration and groups concerned about vac-
This article was published on June 26, 2020,
detention centers. cine safety. States’ experience with at
Although state vaccination HPV vaccination mandates offers
mandates are usually tied to school another process tip: vaccine man- 1. Associated Press-NORC Center for Pub-
lic Affairs Research. Expectations for a
and day care entry, that approach ufacturers should stay on the COVID-19 vaccine. May 2020 (http://www​
is not appropriate for SARS-CoV-2 sidelines. The HPV vaccine man- .apnorc​.org/​projects/​Pages/​Expectations​-­for​
because children won’t be a high- ufacturer’s direct involvement in -­a​-­COVID​-­19​-­Vaccine​.aspx).
2. Trogen B, Oshinsky D, Caplan A. Ad-
priority group. In addition, state crafting and lobbying for man- verse consequences of rushing a SARS-
mandates should not be structured date legislation raised suspicion CoV-2 vaccine: implications for public trust.
as compulsory vaccination (abso- that profit rather than public JAMA 2020;​323:​2460-1.
3. Hartocollis A, Chan S. Flu vaccine re-
lute requirements); instead, non- health motives lay behind such quirement for health workers is lifted. New
compliance should incur a penalty. proposals, undercutting support York Times. October 23, 2009.
Nevertheless, because of the in- for vaccination even without a 4. DeRoo SS, Pudalov NJ, Fu LY. Planning
for a COVID-19 vaccination program. JAMA
fectiousness and dangerousness mandatory regime.5 2020;​323:​2458-9.
of the virus, relatively substantive As with social distancing or- 5. Mello MM, Abiola S, Colgrove J. Phar-
penalties could be justified, in- ders, we can expect that the ad- maceutical companies’ role in state vaccina-
tion policymaking: the case of human papil-
cluding employment suspension vent of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines will lomavirus vaccination. Am J Public Health
or stay-at-home orders for persons spark intense clashes of feeling 2012;​102:​893-8.
in designated high-priority groups about what people owe to one DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp2020926
who refuse vaccination. Neither another in the fight against the Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Ensuring Uptake of Vaccines against SARS-CoV-2

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