Sentence Completion

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Sentence completion.

1. 1. Contrary to common belief, vegetarian ants do not consume plants directly by biting pieces out of them.
Instead, they_____.
A) prefer to consume flesh
B) have only a minor effect on ecology
C) outnumber the other insects living in the same
D) drink nectar and similar sugar-rich plant
E) they are fond of animal meat
2. 2. The Grand Canyon in Arizona which is famous for its depth is so deep ______ .
A) that the top and the bottom have very different
weather and vegetation
B) because many people find it difficult to catch fish
in such shallow water
C) since it lies about 3000 metres above sea level
D) the upper broad part is about 7 million years old
E) if it rains in both winter and summer
3. 3. Any intrusion by man on the territories of animals can have disastrous effects. In recent years, for
example, _____ .
A) animals had turned completely defensive against
attacks by man
B) roads have been built near or through areas which
are home to many animals
C) the overall tiger population has dramatically
declined due to the loss of habitat
D) people have made no attempt to save the
endangered species of animals
E) the number of wild animals increased largely in
the jungle
4. 4. _____ , two strong-willed Siiltans, Selim III and Mahmud If, set about acquiring the scientific knowledge
needed to re-build military superiority.
A) Since they are really against wars armies in the
B) The reason why the First World War was initiated
C) Although the intellectuals who were sent to
Europe \'marvelled at whdt they found
D) Aimed to shorten the resources :of their army
E) After the military defeats that came quickly at the
:beginning of tbe nineteenth century
5. 5.Should the governments of both countries fail to start negoitations soon,_____ ,.
A) both sides are hopeful that a possible war can be
B) most of the authorities have long feared a rebel
C) mariy people tıave considered the possibility
ofra\'dvil war
D) nevertheless the peace keeping treaties are
E) a war is high|y like|y to be the result
6. 6. _____ ., the occasion will be held in the ballroomlinstead.
A) Although everyone had; brought their umbrellas
with them
B) The number of the flights to Europe decreased
C) In case of rain or snow during next weekls
wedding reception
D) Despite the accurate predictions of meteorology
E) Because it was really sunny and bright
7. 7. After thinking weeks to come to a decision,_____ .
A) the new project was given up
B) Ben chose purple as the wall colour of his kitchen
C) the dog would make a more difficult pet to take
care of than a bird
D) the disagreement was solved in a satisfactory way
E) the verdict didn\'t meet the demands of the public

8. 8. ______that were announced to start the following week

A) The expo-techology meeting received great public
B) Peach trees have blossomed late this year
C) The derby match had to be put off owing to the
unfavourable weather conditions
D) Candidates from both parties were looking
E) All the tickets for the premier had been sold out
9. 9. _____ , the kiwi is the prime fruit to eat if you have a flu.
A) Since it has more vitamin C than any other one
B) Because of its calorie amount
C) Had you been overweight
D) That you\'re not allowed to consume fruit
E) The reason why you eat fresh fruit may be
10. 10. Whenever I intend to buy a dress or a shirt,_____.
A) I loathed the clerk\'s dishonest utterances on how
he liked it
B) I\'ve always ended up buying none
C) I find it much better to get its hanger as well
D) Sue often accompanied me
E) Since I had so many things to keep in mind, I left
the boutique for the skirt without paying
11. 11. Besides dizziness and throwing up,______.
A) the old woman was urgently taken to the hospital
B) so the disorder can easily be treated via laser
C) the therapist advised him to have some more
fresh air
D) therefore your body becomes so dehydrated
E) physical weakness is another symptom of
12. 12 ._____ , I've forgotten his name.
A) Though they organized a perfect wedding
B) Since we\'ve been close friends
C) In spite of the fact that I attended Julia\'s son\'s
birthday party only recently
D) Although I\'ve never attended any occasion with
E) Because he\'s been popular worldwide
13. 13 ._____ , many foreigners want to make a second or even a third visit.
A) Because it\'s one of the most beautiful cities in the
B) Though it has many facilities and natural beauties
to host tourists
C) Since the country had declined as a world power
D) Despite its great popularity for its hotels which
have international standards
E) Owing to its bad reputation for hosting tourists
14. 14. My mother made sure to take her umbrella_____ .
A) in spite of the heavy storms which broke suddenly
B) thus the thunderstorm\'s been going on since
C) if it has stopped raining when she leaves
D) therefore, she\'ll get soaked thoroughly
E) in case it rained on her way to the grocery
15. 15 ._____ who really discovered America.
A) The encyclopedias may probably give you
valuable information
B) Very few people can remember the name of the
C) As part of our geography class, we’ve been
requested to write a thesis
D) We\'ve just read a very detailed article on history
E) We should all be happy nowadays.
16. 16. If only we had started earlier today,______.
A) we wouldn\'t submit the project on time
B) we couldn\'t have everything done before dinner
C) we would have finished the reports by now
D) that\'s why the other colleagues were annoyed
E) we were certain to get ready before the manager
17. 17. In spite of a terrible flu he had during the horse race,_____ .
A) the spectators were shocked since they were
expecting her to get a gold medal
B) the jockey was able to leave the others behind by
a large margin
C) I\'m sure he\'ll do whatever he can, but he won\'t
have any chance to win
D) as expected by us, the competitor was beaten by
a computer
E) it was between the two biggest races in the state
18. 18. You have too many careless mistakes in this paper;_____ .
A) therefore, you\'d better correct them and reprint it
before handing it in
B) despite your laziness and irresponsible behaviours
C) whereas your friends have many incorrect
D) until you had graduated from the college
E) because there are still many others who submit
their papers with careless mistakes
19. 19. By the time my mother eventually retired,_____ .
A) she\'s been working for 35 years
B) she:was not saving any money at all
C) she would change her house because:she bought
a new one
D) she was really too old to enjoy her life
E) she\'ll have saved: much money
20. 20. While the Eastern districts have a high female illiteracy proportion,______.
A) nor has: the: northern Ireland, where high
schooling is compulsory
B) literacy is. rather low. in . Afghanistan
C) so is Iraq, due largely to poverty
D) many Indians have yet learnt1 western traditions
E) southern parts have an even higher one
21. 21. You'll need' all the energy you can muster_____
A) you must proceed with caution
B) to keep pace with what’s happening
C) because there was a note of urgency
D) whether there\'s been; lots of action
throughoutthe year
E) since you\'re keeping yourself aloof from anyone
22. 22. While critics pay homage to John Milton's 'Paradise Lost'._____ .
A) they don\'t show any respect towards his work
B) it was a great; success
C) his attempt was admirable ini many ways
D) part of his work as a writer is to defend literature
E) the average reader finds it too difficult to
23. 23. _____ , pepper is probably the most widely used one in the world today.
A) Nervous as he was
B) Whereas diamond, is a carbon
C) Although, regarded as one of the most common
D) One of the earliest spices known
E) The further you investigate this court
24. 24. _____ her pOem was chosen the best out of the over a hundred entries in the competition.
A) The reason why she had been amazed was
B) When the football fans
C) What surprised her was that
D) It will be my ideal that
E) In spite of the other precious paintings
25. 25. It's a pity that there are some professions in which people work so hard_____ .
A) where opportunities; are rather fewer
B) incase:they can find a perfect job
C) which they should make\' a lot of expenses
D) that they never find time to enjoy life
E) while they\'re not allowed any time off

Answer Key:
1: D
2: A
3: C
4: E
5: E
6: C
7: B
8: C
9: A
10: B
11: E
12: C
13: A
14: E
15: B
16: C
17: B
18: A
19: D
20: E
21: B
22: E
23: D
24: C
25: D
1. 1. When all the candidates had shown up,_____ .
A) they\'ve all been wondering who would win
B) all the onlookers are waiting in great suspense
C) the leader of the majority party welcomed them
D) it will turn out that no party has a clear advantage
E) we should be able to arrive on time
2. 2. The police are looking for someone______.
A) that they can get married without great expense
B) when they\'re certain that they\'ll be able to catch
the criminals
C) which is an efficient way of investigation
D) with whom they can collaborate on finding the
E) whether they\'ve been inaugurated or not
3. 3. Unfortunately, perhaps, some of us are now
developing an understanding of one aspect of
A) that develop a much more beneficial and socially
active members of society
B) if it is necessary to understand more fully the real
meaning of multiculturalism
C) thus we can understand that multiculturalism is
not just about ethnic differences but much more
D) which we may mistakenly believe sums up the
whole concept
E) therefore it can be seen as appropriate for all
4. 4. _____ , go ahead and start without me.
A) Under the bush lay the body of the actor
B) If I\'d known that you weren\'t going to come
C) Should not get there on time
D) As if he was unknown to everyone there
E) Although the case was explained properly
5. 5. It was obvious that the response which I gave to
his question was not______.
A) what he\'d expected to hear
B) which one cares fo
C) to whom I\'d spoken
D) that he tells his family
E) whose student will give
6. 6. ______but he claimed he himself was infallible too.
A) No sooner had he turned on the computer
B) Not only did Jason believe that his rude
behaviours were normal
C) Hardly had any of us seen such an arrogant man
D) Were he not so selfish and mean
E) Had the assassination attempt succeeded
7. 7. The spacecraft, having been melted by the high
surface temperature of Venus,_____ .
A) stopped transmitting radio signals
B) will have halted on its way home
C) which launched the wrong missile
D) get frozen
E) it could be the same person as I saw at the
8. 8. ______Dian Fossey was never able to complete her
studies of the great apes.
A) Since she has great achievements in biology
B) However slow and weak she has proved
C) What an exceptionally clever woman she was
D) So intelligent and hardworking was she that
E) Being alone and undistracted in the African jungle
for several years

9. 9. _____ , by the help of good and effective strategies

teachers can create very productive groups and
minimize the students' misbehaviour
A) Although there might be many problems resulting
from classroom management
B) On the other hand, inappropriate angry teacher\'s
response creates tension
C) If the teacher always asked the questions to the
same students
D) Due to the arrangement of the wrong seating
E) What is startling about this test is
10. 10. Stephen Hawking, along with his university
professor, who was not teaching at the time,_____ .
A) will have to endure some financial crises
B) it\'s really difficult to experience the power of light
C) winning the prize given by the government
D) have more opportunities than his colleagues in
E) published his first version of chaos theory early in
his career
11. 11 ._____ which realistically portrayed life on farms in
Midwestern America.
A) Willian Dean Howells, a contemporary and friend
of Mark Twain, wrote a number of books
B) One of the followers of Charles Dickens was even
C) Hamling Garland was one of the most significant
figures of criticism
D) They decided to shoot the film in a shop
E) The poisonous, plantlike anemone lives in a coral
12. 12. Drawing from his published and unpublished
A) Noah Chomsky Readers Series has
beenenormously successful
B) her admiration for the contemporary writers never
C) there were many writers in that period
D) capitalism have been inherent in Western Society
E) Soviet writings are still available to U. S. audiences
13. 13. Teachers frequently become so engrossed in
working with a specific group or an individual
A) however, they try to change the groups
B) that they fail to notice the potential problems
stemming from the frustrated ones
C) no matter what the student thinks they go on
giving much more homework
D) where they learn efficiently
E) in order to make them love the environment
14. 14. Except for the special circumstance in which
historians record events they themselves have
witnessed,_____ .
A) historical facts can only be known through
intermediary sources
B) these include testimony from narrative records,
such as previous histories, memoirs, and letters
C) technology has the goal of creating and improving
systems to satisfy human wants or aspirations
D) there are two ways a university student can
gather scientific information
E) the evidence might have been biased, mistaken or
15. 15 ._____ where the Great River cuts through soft
A) The. strange formations that have been carved
B) The Wisconsin Dells in is in the region
C) The pets have names such as Devil\'s Elbow,
Grand Piano and Fat Man\'s misery
D) The rocks are a delight to tourists
E) Abraham Lincoln was chosen president

16. 16. We have all heard of the dangers of global

warming and the greenhouse effect,_____ .
A) whereas animals breathe in oxygen and breathe
out carbon dioxide
B) so there must have been a chain of some positive
events beginning with the Greenpeace
C) now that we\'ve finished all the reports by
D) and it\'s common knowledge that this is caused
mainly by the build-up of carbon dioxide in the
E) which resulted from the endeavoring and efficient
studies of enviromentalists
17. 17. Leaves are found on all deciduous trees,______.
A) since firs and pines were evergreens
B) although cactus doesn\'t have any leaves
C) but they differ greatly in size and shape
D) and they would do away with the insects
E) that is also called green leaf tree
18. 18. The Wassatch Range, which is a part of the Rocky
A) extends from southeastern Idaho into northern
B) that a region in a Northern state
C) whose members were coming from a strict
religious sect
D) connect many of the world\'s businesses,
institutions, and individuals through internet
E) Ruth St. Dennis turned to Asian dances to find
19. 19. Since leaving the presidency in 1980,______.
A) Ronald Reagan to rest at home
B) Washington worked as a consultant for companies
C) Margaret had lost her temper
D) Jimmy Carter has taught law at Emory University
in Atlanta
E) we had been searching for a better job
20. 20. Based on this study,______.
A) the researchers tried to find out the ancient
Egyptian writings
B) it\'s a resort city in Mediterranean
C) there are the newest types of bacteria
D) several conclusions could be made by the
E) everyone enjoys this mild climate
21. 21. Unlike a box kite, a flat kite needs a tail to supply
drag_____ .
A) what happens almost everyday
B) and to keep it pointed toward the sky
C) who makes one consisting of Cloth Strips tied end
to end
D) where it\'s usually too hot or boiling to visit
E) in order to damage the kite and prevent flying
22. 22.______what is said to me in the standard spoken
A) I can follow both familiar and unfamiliar topics in a
B) Some forms of presentation which use complex
C) This book includes a detailed analytic account of
the domains of language use and language learning
D) In addition to the versions of some other
E) I can understand in detail
23. 23. All the surviving accounts of Gautama Buddha's
life were written many years______.
A) before he was born in a small village of India
B) consequently, it\'s difficult to separate facts from
the mass of myth
C) after his death by idealizing followers rather than
by objective historians
D) when he was 20 years old
E) what is celebrated by the buddhists as a turning
point in history

24. 24 ._____ in order to protect health, and for proper

growth in children.
A) So long as the proteins create metabolically active
B) The fat - soluble vitamins are generally consumed
along with fat containing foods by the adults
C) What cannot be stored in the body and must be
consumed frequently is
D) The intricate ways in which minerals act on the
E) Vitamins are any of the organic compounds
required by the body in small amounts for
25. 25. Fuel gases consist principally of
A) that is, of molecular compounds of carbon and
B) why manufactured gas has an unpleasant smell
C) that are sometimes normally present in other
D) when drawn from gas deposits in the earth
E) before they reached a burner nozzle

Answer Key:
1: C 2: D 3: D 4: C 5: A 6: B 7: A 8: E 9: A 10: E 11: A 12: A 13: B 14: A 15: B 16: D 17: C 18: A
19: 20:D 21: B 22: E 23: C 24: E 25: A
1. 1. Last week I went to Amsterdam,______.
A) that cost me too much money
B) where there is a superb collection of pictures by
Van Gogh
C) why she couldn\'t meet me at the airport
D) otherwise I\'d prefer another airway company
E) which they will have picked me from the station
2. 2. Faced by demands for them to cut . down on staff,
A) he will try to increase the number of employees in
his firm
B) there is an incredible amount of work in the
education department
C) which led to a disaster
D) the police may soon be unable to afford the
expense of allowing officers to walk the streets
E) that took us a long time to calculate the amount of
profit we\'ve gained so far
3. 3. _____ unless you present some means of
A) They will readily let you take money from your
B) You\'re not allowed to withdraw money from your
C) The reason why you have been detained here is
D) It\'s not worth crossing this line
E) That kind of music doesn\'t appeal to me very
4. 4.____ , mass tourism raised the living standards of
the local people as well as making a profit for the
tour operators.
A) Since it destroyed the forests
B) Whereas mass tourism is a well - known profit
occupation worldwide
C) Despite the fact that they’ve caused traffic
congestion in the downtown
D) Whenever we want to travel in a touristic city
E) In spite of the pollution it caused
5. 5. _____ , the US authorities could well have
prevented any incident of torture in Iraq.
A) Even if they’ve taken a number of measures
B) The war which had been ongoing for awhile
C) By taking the most basic precautions
D) Although she knew it would end in a disaster
E) Because none of us can believe the reconciliation
of the sides
6. 6.Should your data-bank not cover meanings of a
phrase or idiom,____ _.
A) a number of data had been compiled in a new
computer programme
B) there is a connection available to the net where a
further research can be made
C) what any pupil could do was to go to an internet
cafe for updating the dictionary
D) whichever library I\'d rather you had gone is your
E) the user might have used another service as well
7. 7. I'm afraid we're out of bread and there is no fruit
left, ____ .
A) although there\'s hardly anything left in the
B) so we\'ll just have to have soup and make the best
of it
C) while she\'s preparing the dinner
D) and then we had to go out for a little shopping
E) therefore I think I\'ll be better off soon

8. 8. I only understood how much I had enjoyed my

A) when we had to leave the resort
B) despite their poverty
C) only by going there again
D) if you had come, too
E) yet I couldn\'t tell it to the owners
9. 9. After having made his name playing
A) he was finally offered the part of the hero
B) Ingrid Bergman was one of the few Hollywood
stars not to have changed her name to something
C) there was hardly anything left to do for the actor
D) she was the only woman to have swum the
English channel
E) the missing dog is believed to have spent the
night in a hut
10. 10. What is making a tonsillitis operation strangely
charming for my son is______.
A) he\'s really courageous and this is appreciated by
B) because nobody cares about him
C) which we\'ve never imagined such a surgery
D) its being an absolutely complicated and
exhausting operation
E) that he will be able to eat as much ice-cream as
he wants
11. 11. The commentators are so afraid of upsetting the
footballers ______.
A) I can\'t tell the difference between them
B) that it\'s out of the question to blame them for
missing goals
C) to be able to shoot the ball straight
D) although they don\'t want to make them sad
E) therefore, they always criticize them
12. 12. _____ they were able to prove his involvement in
the crime.
A) Because the firm is under threat of closure
B) As soon as Sue confessed her guilt to the officers
C) When the police examined the evidence in more
D) If we approached them again on the subject
E) Having stolen the jewellery
13. 13. Since John was employed as Dick's assistant for
many years,_____.
A) we regarded it as a foregone conclusion that he
would succeed him when he retired
B) Dick\'s daughter took over the position
C) some members of staff objected to smoking in the
D) he is quite thin but fit
E) they will find the sharpest brain in the country
some day
14. 14 ._____ , many Westerners are cancelling their
holidays to Nepal so as not to risk their lives
A) Although there is still an on going war
B) Since there had been an epidemic
C) Due to increasing political instability and violent
civil war
D) Whoever goes to tour operators for their holiday
E) According to the news, in spite of the heavy
tropical rains
15. 15 ._____ , it was too late to help thousands of people
A) Unless they have the information
B) Until they told the news to the government
C) By the time they informed the international aid
D) Instead of warning the Red Cross
E) As soon as the police discovered whom the
murderer had been

16. 16. Martin did not look well after his holiday in
A) and so did his wife
B) but his wife had as well
C) but his wife had
D) and neither did his wife
E) nor was his wife
17. 17. Some people say that if the Israelis and the
Palestinians had wanted to live together in
A) they would have found a way by now
B) journalists had better think about it
C) the United Nations can find the solution
D) the Palestinians will have to pay the price
E) they should seek the ways of living together
18. 18. It was not until he had sent his book to more than
20 publishers_____
A) though he was an efficient writer
B) where they demanded too much money
C) who refused his offer
D) when the agreement was signed
E) that one agreed to publish it
19. 19 ._____ when fresh fighting broke out.
A) No sooner had Jason left the town
B) Hardly had the peace agreement been signed
C) She neither abandoned the war field
D) Not only did they evacuate the city
E) The more fiercely the war goes on
20. 20. Not knowing anyone in her new
A) he was too desperate to find a friend
B) it barked all day
C) she could find nothing to do except going for a
walk on her own
D) no one visited her in her new apartment
E) John moved to his mother\'s home back-again
21. 21. Unless the two countries begin to negotiate
A) there won\'t be any wars from now on
B) the both sides can find a solution easily
C) a violence in the region will be unavoidable
D) regional similarities were in front
E) one of them would have given an end to the going
on retaliation
22. 22. ______Turkey tries to persuade the authorities to
have it in our country
A) If the powerful nations try to use â conflict to their
B) Although athletic competitions didn’t stimulate
good-will between nations
C) When the United Nations was not able to solve the
D) Because Unesco organizes aid programmes for
poorer nations
E) Whenever there is an international incident
23. 23. The citizens will hold a big protest______.
A) just as the farmers were cutting down many trees
B) provided that the council went on pulling the
historical buildings down
C) if the government builds a road through the region
which involves residential areas and parks
D) if only the amount of taxes has been brought
down a little by the government
E) while the committee was organizing a ceremony
for the opening of the new high way
24. 24. ______the town managed to resist against the
marauders until the aid arrived.
A) Although it was defended by a few volunteer
armed men
B) Since most of them had no actual war experience
C) If it took long for the invaders to capture the
D) Whether they knew how many there really were
E) Thanks to the lack of ammunition and food
Sentence Completion Advanced Level Test - Quiz (Online Exercise With Answers) 3
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25. 25. It is quite clear from the evidence______.
A) because nobody but him could ever get that
information about the victim\'s habits
B) that she is the only person who could have
committed the crime
C) about the circumstances in which the family lived
D) whether she really did it is a still difficult question
we must .answer
E) so obvious that they had kidnapped the child
Answer Key:
1: B 2: D 3: B
4: E 5: C 6: B
7: B 8: A 9: A
10: E 11: B
12: C 13: A
14: C 15: C
16: D 17: A
18: D 19: B
20: C 21: C
22: 23: C 24: A 25: B
1. 1. Only a few of them felt like going to the movie that
night,_____ .
A) at which a few members of the cast had been
inexplicably ill
B) when the movie industry is passing through bad
C) although their tickets were for the premier night of
a latest production
D) because it had been so much appreciated by the
E) who had made the organization days before
2. 2. Having walked through the swamps for miles,_____
A) the doctors prepared plasters and drugs for the
exhausted travellers
B) the pilgrims were relieved to see camp fires in the
C) crossing the muddy area seems almost impossible
under the conditions
D) there were a lot of trees on their way
E) there was not even a drop of water in their flasks
3. 3. In spite of the fact that there was little rain in
summer,_____ .
A) there was neither enough fruit nor vegetables to
B) the floods gave a considerable harm to agriculture
C) I\'d like to walk in the park
D) the government had to buy more crops from the
neigbouring countries
E) the crops seemed healthy enough to be
4. 4. Situated in the eastern part of Turkey,______.
A) this natural beauty has become easy to visit with
the new motorway the government has just
B) this natural beauty has become easy to visit with
the new motorway the government has just
C) we set off from Erzurum and till Nemrut we kept
on driving
D) in winter the snow covers all the land and you
can’t even see the flowers which have resistence to
E) since the western district is not as far away to us
as it is mentioned
5. 5. Anton Chekhov, who represents a break with the
main tendencies of the nineteenth century and acts
as a bridge to the twentieth in the overall context of
the development of Russian literature, wrote no
A) what made him one of the distinguished
playwright of his era
B) for he shows himself as perhaps the greatest
humanist who has ever written in Russian
C) one of which is The Night before Easter published
in his pivatal years of his career
D) where we have an excellent example of the
immense simplicity and naturalness in his modernist
E) but instead put a new life and strength into the
neglected genres of the short story and the drama
6. 6.______he opened exhibitions at leading galleries in
several countries.
A) After graduating from the State Academy of Fine
Arts in 1972
B) Since he has lived in Europe for much of his
artistic life
C) When he has finished his thesis on the
development of art in his country
D) Before he wins the academy award of fine arts
E) Although his paintings are supposed to be found in
several museums around the world

7. 7._____ , but no conclusive evidence has yet been

found to substantiate this.
A) Some books well chosen are of greater use than a
B) The earth revolves around the sun in 365 days
and 6 hours
C) He couldn’t understand the reason why his wife
bought him a ring for his birthday
D) A few scientists believe that some dinosaurs may
have given birth to twins
E) The discipline committee found the students guilty
as regards to the latest testimonies of the witnesses
and the other proofs
8. 8. It is not advisable to can some fruits such as
avocados_____ .
A) that most of the experts agree with each other
B) since cans protect the vitamins in the foods in the
most desirable and healthiest way
C) because of the changes in taste and texture that
D) if you can have most of the other tropical fruit
E) where they haven’t seen the sun for weeks
9. 9. Since many underdeveloped countries do not keep
complete records_____ .
A) it had been really easier to follow the winners in
the Olympic games
B) world figures for population changes are much
more difficult to compile
C) that\'s why most of the sports commentors are
fond of African champions
D) it is estimated that the population of the world has
risen twice as much as it was ten years ago
E) they were of opinion that they didn’t have enough
technology to keep their history archives properly
10. 10. Several insurance companies have now
reluctantly made the decision______.
A) that they should withdraw from the American
B) when they had already dealing with the Project
C) what is accepted by most of investors throughout
the world
D) inasmuch as the whole company members
E) while the meeting was still being held
11. 11. David was clearly the only pupil in the
A) with whose grades the teachers were completely
B) that everybody is ready to help him with his
C) yet he was one of the most successful ones
D) which nobody in the classroom liked at all
E) whether somebody has organized the meeting
about it
12. 12. After a month of fighting that cost 116 soldiers
and 43 civilian lives,_____ .
A) the war in the Middle East will be one of the most
profitable and adorable events of the history
B) both of the countries decided to sign a cease-fire
C) the battle among the rival armies has never
seemed to come to an end in the region
D) the army had already changed its tactics and
captured the city
E) the president of Israel won the elections due to
this useful action

13. 13. According to some experts Indians are

descendants of Turkish people,______.
A) that were living in Anatolia
B) what are still known as mysterious people
C) who were supposed to immigrate to the Northern
regions at the time
D) without having seen that
E) since educated Indians still use the American
14. 14. Most of the Turkish people criticize the queues in
front of even the biggest banks_____ .
A) yet it’s unlikely that this will change in the near
B) where you could have found a lot of people
waiting in the previous decades
C) since the bank converted to a new and modern
system which enabled the clients to do their works
without coming to the bank
D) which all the tourists applauded a lot
E) because they have much more time to spend
15. 15. My father did not believe me____ .
A) and so was my elder sister because she couldn’t
pass the exam either
B) whether I have passed the exam or not
C) why I was unhappy with this
D) if my girlfriend would come with me to their
E) nor did my mother upon hearing my story
16. 16. One of the reasons why Chopin is still popular in
our age is that_____ .
A) he achieved to appeal to many people through his
universal compositions
B) his being quite handsome and kind
C) because he has much entertainment in his life and
shows this to his admirers
D) people’s preference of listening to music rather
than read books
E) he wrote very limited and disorganised melodies
17. 17. He has never had a steady job ____ .
A) although he’s incapable of working long hours
B) what could help him and his family get rid of
C) since he’s been working day and night for months
D) however little performance he showed
E) so they find it difficult to make ends meet
18. 18. By the time I finally moved to İstanbul,______.
A) I have been working for 20 years
B) I will have brought my own furniture
C) I had been living in Bursa for 6 years
D) I was not saving any money
E) I retired from my former job
19. 19. I listened to their conversation for quite a long
A) although I’m really concerned with what’s
happening around me
B) but I never was sure who they were talking about
C) that made me really tired standing for hours at the
D) thus I couldn’t get the information clearly
E) which my husband reacted very afterwards angrily
20. 20. The college lecture is the process______.
A) which one acquires a higher grade of prejudices
B) while the teacher has to be always active
C) whose expectations may be much more than you
can ever image
D) whereby the notes of the professor become the
notes of the student without passing through the
minds Of either
E) what she wanted to take part in with all her heart
until she died

21. 21. The mystique of the Kennedy family in United

States politics was due in § great part______.
A) for their being the first presidential couple
B) because they were all better educated than their
C) to the glamorous and attractive wife of President
John F. Kennedy
D) since radical newspapers such as Washington
Times had published plenty of rumours about them
E) after President Kennedy\'s assassination
22. 22 . ___ so is his cousin, Jane.
A) Given that Samuel won the competition
B) Some people say that Peter has won a sum of
money from the lottery
C) In order to be successful throughout the year Torn
studied really hard
D) Because Henry is working in a big company
E) Just as Bill is one of the most intellectual students
in my class
23. 23 . ____ , he was able to remain cheerful inspirit.
A) Albeit that John was badly wounded in a chain
B) Despite the marvellous news he had heard from
his boss
C) Even though he learned that he had been
accepted for the position he applied for last month
D) Since he has been fired from his curre ntjob
E) While the sheriff was announcing that they had
captured the thieves stealing his car
24. 24.______I would have starved to death after the
A) Were you to lend me some money
B) Although my father advised met o have a little
money on me consideringthe risk at losing it
C) If it hadn\'t been for the money you gave me
D) Because of yoür financial support to me
E) Owing to the fact that you paid for the
hamburgers yesterday
25. 25 . ____ when the bomb exploded
A) No sooner had they come into their house with
their three little children
B) She has just gone out of the car
C) Scarcely had he left the office
D) As soon as he noticed there had been something
going wrong
E) He hardly managed to persuade us

Answer Key:
1: C
2: B
3: E
4: A
5: E
6: A
7: D
8: C
9: B
10: A
11: A
12: B
13: C
14: A
15: E
16: A
17: E
18: C
19: B
20: D
21: C
22: E
23: A
24: C
25: C

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