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Orange Blossom Chocolate Marquise

300g dark chocolate

1 tbsp orange blossom

5 tbsp cocoa powder

7 yolks

150 unsalted salt

400ml double cream

1. Break in small pieces the dark chocolate and put them in a plastic or glass heatproof
bowl. Put some water in a pot and bring to boil. Make a bain marie placing the bowl
with chocolate on top of the pot. Make sure that the water doesn’t touch the bowl. Wait
until all the chocolate is melted, add the orange blossom and set apart until the
chocolate is not too hot.
2. Put the softened butter in a bowl together with 75g of sugar and mix (using a electrical
mixer or a hand mixer) until the mix is creamy. Incorporate the cocoa powder and mix
3. Put the yolks with the other 75g of sugar in a different bowl and mix until creamy.
4. Whip the double cream in another bowl.
5. Now it’s time to mix together all the ingredients. First incorporate the warm melted
chocolate into the butter mix and stir until is well mixed. Then pour the egg mixture
and finally stir carefully the whipped cream.
6. Line cling film into the desire tin (you decide the shape of your marquise) and pour the
marquise mix. When you have used all the mix, cover the top with the cling film and
store in your fridge. The marquise should be at least 12 hours (24 hours would be even
better) before you can use it.
7. When you are ready to serve it, slide off the marquise and remove the cling film.
Always slice with a sharp and hot (dipped in hot water) knife. Sprinkle some cocoa
powder using a sieve. Enjoy!
@ 2014 All pictures and texts by Juan Manteca

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