Races of Lunitar

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Harsh and Unforgiving Lives

With the Grogan making the deserts of Alramel their home, it is wise to assume that
they don’t have the easiest lives growing up and coming of age. This harsh desert
and dry landscape has forced the Grogan to adapt and survive, becoming some of
the hardiest of all creatures. Not only the environment that the Grogan have to
deal with, but also survive the other predators that roam the sands.

Hard to Kill Bastards

Having to adapt and survive the Grogan have become some of the most
ruthless of creatures. Have inch thick leather skin acting like armored plates
that are their first line of defense. Not to mention their immense size and
mass to boot, with the average Grogan growing over 7ft tall and weighting
somewhere around 350lbs-500lbs. Large humps on their backs that they
use to store nutrients and more commonly used as a weapon in close range,
with a head butt here and there. Most Grogan prefer heavy two-handed
weapons such as the greataxe or warhammer, and matched with their ridicules
strength, additionally with an angry temperament to match, it’s like getting hit by a
rolling boulder.

The Clans
Grogan have always and most likely will forever live in a clan orientated society. With chiefs and shamans acting as the
leadership, with Warlords and Battle Masters acting as the law masters. Usually the oldest and strongest of the clan is
elected chief of their clan, having to go through a series of physical trials of strength to prove this. With the chief being
the leader of the clan, the shaman is the most respected. Grogan have a very traditional way of thinking, with tradition
and “ways of old” they call it being their way of life. Having a heavy focus on rituals and laws that no Grogan may ever
break, this brings some sort of sophisticated nature to these creatures although not by much.

Coming of Age
The coming of age mentality of Grogan is a bit different to other cultures, with it not being based on age at all. How
they see it is that once you reach a certain peak physical condition then you are considered an adult. It varies from clan
to clan but usually when a Grogan reaches the weight of 350lbs and can deadlift their same weight than they have
“come of age”. Now what this means in Grogan society is that now you must prove your worth to the clan, either as a
warrior or in some spiritual way.
Usually how young Grogan do this is by leaving the clan for a few years and “earn a few scars” is what they call it, if
they wish to be a warrior, or by picking fights with some of the older more proven Grogan and not getting their ass
handed to them.
If they wish to prove themselves in a less physical approach then they would enact the Shaman Trials. With these trials
they will prove if they have what it takes to become a shaman.

Grogan Traits

 Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 2, but your
Charisma score decreases by 2 and your Intelligence score decreases by 1.
 Age. Most Grogan are considered an elder when they reach the age of 200, but usually they don’t die of old age
due to their lifestyle.
 Alignment. Most Grogan have a short temper. This makes them prone to chaotic outbursts of rage, but they
have a strong lawful culture of tradition and sacred laws they follow.
 Size. Grogan are big creatures, standing over 7ft tall and weighing around
350lbs-500lbs when full grown. Your size is medium but your carry weight is
considered that of large.
 Speed. Your base walking speed is 25ft
 Headbutt. Grogan have a thick and large skull, most utilizing it as a weapon
more than anything. You can make a Headbutt attack. You use your Strength
modifier for the attack and you are considered proficient with it. It deals 1d6
 Blood Rage! Grogan are hard to kill, as they had to adapt to their environment
or become its prey. When you are reduced to half your maximum hit points,
you enter into Blood Rage.
While raging, your hit points regenerate by your hit dice + Constitution
modifier at the start of your turn. You may not regenerate over half your
maximum hit points. Your rage lasts for 1 minute and for as long as you make
an attack with a melee weapon or take damage on your turn.
 Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
 Grogan Toughness. Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.
 Natural Armor. Grogan have thick and durable scale like skin that acts almost like armored plates. While
wearing no armor, your AC is 10 + Dexterity modifier + Constitution Modifier.
 Languages. Grogan do not have a written language that is widely known, with only shamans learning a form of
runic texts for rituals and such. You understand and speak Common.

The Sacred Laws of the Grogan

-Never enter into direct combat with a Shaman of any clan

-Females are to be respected and never have a hand raised

to them

-To rise up to clan leader, you must enter honorable

combat with the current leader

-Never deny the story of a scar

-If you ever refuse a challenge from another grogan, you

will be branded and coward among all other grogan

-If you defeat a youngling in combat, you choose if they live or die.
If they defeat you, offer them the utmost respect.
Deep in the Jungles
One of the oldest and less advanced races in Lunitar is the Reptilians.
Dwelling in the dense jungles and swamps of Lokeed they have become
quite adapted at swimming and guerrilla fighting. Having to deal with the
moisture that surrounds them it has given certain species of Reptilian a
very oily skin that allows them easily move through the dense vegetation
of their environment without making too much noise or disturbing the
aggressive plant life.

The Scales are Diverse

No Reptilian is ever the same in scale pattern or exact color, making each
of them unique and different. Not only are they each unique and different
but there are many types and species that the Reptilians are divided into.
Some only being 4ft tall, other being 7ft hulking masses of flesh and other
in the middle. With each of these species playing to their strength because
it’s a matter of survival in the jungles. Usually the older and wiser Reptilians of a tribe will decorate themselves with
colored paints and wear all kinds of bone jewelry to show their position, but is not exclusive to them. Others will leave
behind their primal lifestyle and adapt to urban life, but they are far and few between compared to the rest of their kin.

The Species
Reptilians are separated into three different major species, each having their own strengths and weaknesses.

Grotatis: Nimble hunters that utilize ambush tactics as their greatest weapon. They are some of the most territorial
when it comes to outsiders and other forms of invaders.

Brotatis: More powerfully built than the rest of their kind. A very violent people that resort to more bloodshed than
simply talking something out. Their chiefs very rarely stay in power for very long due to someone else coming along
and taking the spot in a gruesome and bloody fashion, over and over again.

Drotatis: Smaller and nimbler than most of their race, standing between 3-4ft tall, but this size does not take away from
their lethality. To counter their size difference, they have become adept at making poisons and using stealth as their
weapons. Very much like the small chameleon lizard, this species can also shift the color of their scales.

In Awe of Magic
Most reptilians respect and fear magic, thinking it as more of a natural energy from the world, as most don’t
understand the nature of Arcane magic. It is not uncommon to see the leaders of tribes being some type of shaman or
druid, they oversee sacred rituals and rites of passage in which the tribe sees and a necessity to their survival. Almost
all Reptilians refuse the existence of the gods and say that “Divine” magic is not from higher entities but rather the
souls and energy of the dead, this often calls for blood sacrifice within tribes.

Reptilian Traits

 Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1

 Age. Reptilians reach adulthood at around the age of 10 years old, with some of the oldest of their race living up
to 125 years.
 Alignment. Outsiders see these people as evil for the fact that they practice blood offerings, but this is the
culture that they believe in and practice. In actual fact, most are neutral to the balance of the world as most
concern themselves with the wellbeing of the tribe.
 Heightened Senses. Your keen eyes and nose gives you a +2 bonus to your passive perception.
 River Swimmer. You can hold your breath for up to 30 minutes. Additionally you have a swimming speed equal
to your walking speed.
 Tribal Hunters. You have proficiency with clubs, daggers, spears, javelins and slings.
 Languages. Reptilians natively speak a more primitive version of draconic but those that travel out to more
urban areas easily learn common, but struggle with certain concepts of it. You can speak, read and understand
draconic and potentially common.
 Subrace. You choose between one of the three species of the reptilians, granting you
additional traits.

Grotatis Subrace:
 Ability Score Increase. Your wisdom score increases by 2
 Size. Average height being 5’8-6ft tall, weighing between 160-200lbs. Thick
muscled tails running 4ft long. Your size is medium.
 Speed. Your base walking speed is 35ft.
 Ambusher. You have advantage on Initiative rolls.
 Treetop Hunter. You have advantage on Athletics and Acrobatics checks
made to climb and move along trees. Additionally you can plunge from
heights of over 10ft to attack a creature from above, gaining advantage on
the attack, dealing an additional 1d6 dmg for each 10ft fallen.
 Tribal Combat Training. You are proficient with shortbows.

Brotatis Subrace:
 Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2
 Size. Those from this species are much larger and imposing than the rest. 7ft tall, and weighing between 220-
300lbs. Their thick muscular tails run between 4-5ft long. Your size is medium but your carry weight counts as
 Speed. Your base walking speed is 30ft
 Brute. Once per turn when you make a melee weapon attack using strength, you may add half your proficiency
bonus, rounded down, to the damage roll.
 Tribal Combat Training. You are proficient with Greatclubs.

Drotatis Subrace:
 Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
 Size. Growing between 3-4ft tall, weighing around 50-60lbs. Their tails run around 2-3ft long. Your size is small.
 Chameleon Skin. You can change the color of your scales to match the color or texture of your surroundings as
a bonus action. While camouflaged, you have advantage on Stealth checks made to hide in the matched terrain.
Once changed, you must complete a short or long rest to use this feature again.
 Poison Adapt. You are proficient with a Poisoner’s kit. During a short or long rest, you can quickly create 3
doses of basic poison, which can be applied to weapons. This quickly made poison losses its potency after 24
hours. Your basic poison can be found on page 153 in the PHB. Your save DC for poison is 8 + Wisdom modifier
+ Proficiency.
 Tribal Combat Training. You are proficient with nets.

The Common Speech of Reptilians

Reptilians can master Common, but their native tongue affects the result of their understanding of the language. Rarely
do they ever use metaphors, practically always speaking literally.
Names in their language come in the form of a description, thus they get confused when they meet people outside of
their race. Often they will try to give you a name in the way they traditionally due, describing you in some way.
They tend to use active verbs to describe the world. They might say, “This wind brings cold” rather than saying, “I feel
cold”. They define things by action rather than effects.
It’s a Big World for Small People
The life of Mousefolk is not one of great legends or of kingdoms
being built. Most Mousefolk spend their lives trying to find
themselves a place in the world of big people. Their culture
revolves around traveling and living in small caravans together
and has a very tight-knit society of helpfulness and neighborly

Little Fur Balls

With most Mousefolk never reaching the height of 2ft, they are
usually never noticed by the bigger races when walking through
streets or trading centers. With their big black eyes that always
seem too cute to look away from. Hair colors and textures
coming in many combinations. With their tiny handmade clothing, usually they have to make their own clothes as tailors
always say that it’s too little fabric for the effort. The same with most of their daily tools and weapons they use.

One Big Family

Since being mice, these little creatures usually have many brothers and sisters. Also with the very small communities
they have in cities or when traveling on the road with their bird mounts and little wooden carts. Most Mousefolk know
other Mousefolk in their area by name and consider them family if not good friends.
Being as small and unnoticed as they are, they generally get away with quite a lot, making them very resourceful,
having a Robin Hood mentality of stealing from the big people and giving it to their families or the ones who need it

Mousefolk Traits

 Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Intelligence score
increases by 1.
 Age. Mousefolk are some of the shortest lived races, reaching adulthood at around 2-3
years old and only living to about 20 years or so.
 Alignment. Most all Mousefolk are goodhearted and follow the rules to the best way they
can, having a strong sense to family ties and tight friendships.
 Size. Very rarely does a Mousefolk grow over 2ft tall, with them weighing only 15lbs
on average. Your size is small.
 Speed. Your base walking speed is 25ft
 Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the Perception skill.
 Scurry. While both hands are free, you can get down on all fours and your
speed increases by 25ft, you can’t use this feature if you are wearing heavy
 Alert. Being small and having to always be on your guard for big feet and other dangers,
you have the Alert feat.
 Languages. You can speak, read and understand Squiken and Common.
Wardens of the Sky
This race is most at home when; you guessed it, when they are flying around in the sky or
at the stop of their monasteries far above the world. Being teleported by unknown reason
from the Elemental Plane of Air, this race has made their new home in the mountain tops
of Lokeed, with some travelling to Alramel. Overseeing its jungle and acting as the new
peace keepers if you will.

Many Aarakocra are headmasters of monk monasteries and schools of martial arts. They
prefer peace and quiet unless the time arises when they need to keep peace among the
other races of the continent. Though living away from most civilization makes this hard
for any news to travel to them. This is why they send their students out far and wide to
report back on a regular basis. Many do however want to enlighten themselves and explore
the lands that many of them so wish they never touch with their clawed feet. They wish to
further their own spirituality by making friends with many races and learning their culture
and customs. These Aarakocra are however far and few between.

Beaks and Feathers

From below, they look like regular large birds, until the come closer to the ground and perch themselves upon treetops
or roofs. This is when their humanoid features show themselves.
With narrow legs that end with sharp talons for feet, they stand not very tall at 5ft. Feathers covering their bodies, with
males being brightly colored with reds, orange or yellow, females more earthy colors such as grey and brown. With their
heads matching most birds, most common is that of parrots or eagles, usually with some paint on their peak marking
their monastery.

Different Customs
The concept of ownership is new to these birdmen. Spending most of their
time in the sky, who owns the sky? Most struggle at the concept of buying
items and products, which is why usually they just take or craft their own.
Like most bird creatures, shiny things catch their eye and they are
fascinated by the sparkle of most things such as glitter in potions or suits of
armor being worn by knights.
Above all, they value cleanliness, constantly pecking at their own feathers
to get rid of tiny bugs and bathing in pools of water to wash themselves. They
feel to be pure of spirit one must be clean in and out.

Aarakocra Traits

 Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Wisdom increases by 1.
 Age. Maturing by age 3, the live no longer than 80 years.
 Alignment. Most are good and rarely choose sides when it comes to law and chaos. They also believe in balance,
that you can’t have one without the other.
 Size. Not very big at 5ft tall and weighing 80-100lbs. Your size is Medium
 Speed. Your base walking speed is 25ft
 Flight. You have a flying speed of 50ft. To use this speed you can’t be wearing medium or heavy armor.
 Talons. You are proficient in unarmed strikes and you’re talons deal 1d4 Slashing damage.
 Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and Aarakocra.
Cats of the Sand
The felines of the deserts of Alramel are best known for their keen
intelligence and agility. Not to mention their skills in alchemic recreational
tolerance. Making a name for themselves as traders as well as exceptional
warriors as they have also been hardened by the desert and its predators
that roam it.

Two Points of View

There are two extremes that have become popular when dealing with the
Feline races. One is that they are amazing at conducting business and trade,
on and off the books as well as being very skilled warriors, being hired out as
bodyguards just as much as Grogan are sought for. The second idea people
have of these people is that most are criminals, conducting a lot of black
market dealings with narcotics and also many of them taking up professions
as assassins and thieves. The reputation that has been spread of these two
point of views makes it hard for those that try something different from the
rest of their kin have a hard way doing so.

The Sands of Home and Jungles of Opportunity

The majority of Feline races you will find originally came from stretches of desert that Alramel is made up of. They live
in medium to large tribe like communities, mostly nomadic. With some settling in the major cities of Alramel and
starting small businesses. They have become quite adapt at combating the predators of the deserts as well as surviving
on minimal supplies.
Many ages ago however, there were a few tribes that decided to look for new lands and new opportunities at altering
their reputation. Many sailed to Lokeed, as the jungles there made a decent home for them. Sometimes they miss the
heat of the sands. Many try and rebuild their reputation and start monasteries and such and seek to make friends with
the other races of that continent.

The Fur tells a Story

There are many variations of the Feline races, as they had to adapt to their surroundings. With some being incredibly
nimble and clever but not very good with people and other being more bulky and less cunning. With no two Felines ever
looking the same in color and fur patterns unless they are born as twins.

Feline Traits

 Age. Felines are similar to that of humans, reaching adulthood around

16-18 but living slightly longer to 120years on average.
 Alignment. Many Felines are free spirits that wish to go their own
path, leaning towards the chaotic side of this.
 Speed. Your base walking speed is 30ft
 Darkvision. Being of Feline heritage, you have superior vison at night
and in the dark than most. You have Darkvision up to 60ft.
 Soft Fall. You have resistance against falling damage and you always
land on your feet.
 Feline Grace. You have advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks
to perform stunts and such.
 Naturally Stealthy. You gain proficiency in the Stealth skill
 Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and Alramelian.
 Subrace. You must choose between the three major Feline subrace.
The Suthay are the most common of the feline races, being very nimble and quick thinking. They are of average build to
most humanoids.
 Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Wisdom or Intelligence score increases by
 Size. Average height of 5’10ft and weighing no more than 175lbs. Your Size is medium.

The Cathay is much bigger and taller than the rest of their kind, being more muscular and hardy to the desert’s
dangers. They are generally taller than most other humanoids.
 Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1.
 Size. Well over 6ft tall and heavier than most Felines of being sometimes over 210lbs, your size is medium.

The Tojay have adapted to living in major cities and either pursuing magic by telling tales and songs, or running
businesses and working with all kinds of people.
 Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
 Size. Averaging around 5’4-6ft tall and weighing between 110-150lbs. Your size is medium.

Feline Steel Singers are some of the

most skilled and disciplined warriors
that Alramel has to offer. They are
commonly hired as mercenaries to
hunt down notaries and dangerous
bandits. Among the Feline culture, a
Steel Singer is reserved for only the
best of female warriors.
The Serpents of Sand and Jungle
The Yuan-Ti used to be normal humans dwelling in temples in
the deserts of Alramel and the jungles of Lokeed. They
worshipped a god known as The Cloaked Serpent. They once
believed that this to be the one and true god. Many going
through a ritual transformation known as the Changing,
where they eat the flesh and drink the blood of a rare snake
known as a Yuan Snake alongside a magical ritual. And so
began the culture and civilization of the Yuan-Ti. Snake Born.

Cold Blooded Mindset

Taking on the characteristics of a snake, they are considered
a cold and selfish people. They think that due to their
transformation that it has been a form of ascendance to a
higher power. Those that live out in the wild are ruthless
hunters and guardians to their sacred temples. With those
that move on into cities and mix with other races become
criminals or ascend to manipulating power, with a few exceptions.

The Broods of Family

Broods can be translated to clans or tribes that the Yuan-Ti split them up into. One is born into a Brood when they
undergo the ritual of Changing in the company of the same Yuan-Ti in the same temple or location. Broods are split up
by color and scale patterns usually, some being blue with strips and others maybe red with spots. A Yuan-Ti will
consider its brood its one and only true family, leaving their human lives behind them. Within a Brood they are usually
given roles to fulfil, whether that is a warrior or a priest is up to the Yuan-Ti themselves being accepted into the Brood.

Yuan-Ti Traits

 Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution Score increases by 2 and your Charisma
Score increases by 1.
 Age. Yuan-Ti reach adulthood around 3 years after the Changing and can live up
to well over 100 years.
 Size. Yuan-Ti are not too big, standing upright only about 5ft tall but the full
length of their bodies from head to tail can range from 10ft-15ft. Your size is
 Speed. Your base walking speed is 30ft.
 Speed Burst. By lowering yourself to the ground and propelling yourself with your
arms, you can move more quickly for a time. As a bonus action on your turn, if
you have both hands free you can increase your walking speed by 15ft until the
end of your turn.
 Fangs and Tail. Your fanged maw and serpent body are natural weapons.
 Bite) 1d4+Str, target must succeed DC (8+Prof+Con) or take 1d6 Poison Dmg.
 Constrict) 1d6+Str and target is grappled. Until the grapple is ended or target
escapes they are restrained.
 Poison Affinity. You are immune to poison and can’t be poisoned. Additionally you
have proficiency with the poisoner’s kit.
 Languages. You can speak, read and write Common and Alramelian.

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