Final HIC 2022

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● 11-the screening activities in school health appraisal include all of the following

○ Height and weight screening
○ Vision screening
○ Urine and stool screening
Blood group and Rh screening
● 12-the hardness of water is mainly due to the presence of
○ Salts of sodium and calcium
○ Salts of carbonate and fluoride
○ Salts of calcium and phosphorus
Salts of calcium and magnesium
● 13-our ability to recognize and express feelings adequately is the definition of
○ Physical health
○ Spiritual health
○ Mental health
Emotional health
● 14-post operative wound infection is caused mainly by
○ Fungi
○ Streptococci
○ Hemophilus influenza
● 15-studies the relationship between
environmental exposures and human health
○ Exposure science
○ Toxicology
○ Environmental engineering
Environmental epidemiology
16-take child to health facility in case of except
○ Severe vomiting
○ Stool passing with blood
○ Fever
Low birth weight
● 17-primary prevention of typhoid except
○ Pasteurization of milk
○ Protect, purify and chlorinate water
○ Control flies
Use personal protective equipment
● 18-upper respiratory tract carrier examples except
○ Diphtheria
○ Meningococcal
○ Staph and strept
● 19-in influenza all of the following occur except
○ Sporadic cases
○ Outbreak
○ Pandemic
● 20-which types of influenza cause seasonal epidemic
○ A
○ B
○ C
A and B
● 21-post exposure prophylaxis of rabies except
○ Wound management
○ HRDC vaccine
● 22-commonest symptom of dengue
○ Rash
○ Pain
○ Nausea
● 23-counselling of HIV include except
○ Pear counselling
○ Group counselling
○ Individual counselling
Mass media counselling
● 24-all are true about anti HBc except
○ First antibody to appear
○ Indicate previous infection
○ Not protective
First marker identified
● 25-risk factors of road traffic accidents related to except
○ Road
○ Drivers
○ Climate
● 26-utilization rates used as indicator of PHC except
○ Complicated deliveries
○ Unattended home deliveries
○ High risk cases detected
Late deliveries
● 27-water soluble vitamins except
○ Thiamine
○ Riboflavin
○ Vit C
Vit E
● 28-delayed effect of all radiation include except
○ Cataract
○ Cancer
○ Congenital anomalies
● 29-meaning of delegation is to delegate
○ Authority and responsibility
○ Authority and responsibility not accountability
○ Authority, responsibility and accountability
Authority only
● 30-principles of quality management include except
○ Customer focus
○ Leadership
○ People involvement
● 31-type of economic that use common health outcomes
○ Cost minimization analysis
○ Cost utility analysis
○ Cost consequence analysis
Cost effectiveness analysis
● 32-social determinant of mental health except
○ Education
○ Access to health care
○ Employment
Emotional intelligence
● 33-examples of spirochaetes that are pathogenic to man except
○ Treponemas e.g. T. pallidum (Syphilis)

○ Leptospirose.g. L. icterohaemorrhagica (Weil's disease).

○ Borreliase.g. B. recurrentis (louse borne relapsing fever)
● 34-all are true about dry beriberi except
○ Peripheral neuritis, motor and sensory
○ Convulsion and coma in severe cases
○ Anorexia, vomiting, constipation and failure to gain weight
● 35-non modifiable risk factor of CAD
○ Low apolipoprotein
○ Increase HDL level
○ Ratio between triglyceride and HDL
MI of father after age 35
● 36-activities which focus on the
environment such as spraying
insecticides to control vectors like
○ Hospice care
○ Primary health care
○ Tertiary health care
Secondary health care
● 37-all are true about counselling except
○ Counseling – done with individual , group or with couple
○ Interactive, mutually respectful collaborative process
○ Counseling is a helping process aimed at- problem solving
Disease directed
● 38-relation between obesity and NCD except
○ Obesity cause diabetes
○ Obesity cause cancer
○ Obesity cause heart diseases
Obesity increase HDL
● 39-methods of health education except
○ Personal approach
○ Mass approach
○ Community participation
Community medicine
● 40 - all of the following about motherhood care are true except
○ Clinical examination to assess sexual development
○ Health education
○ Nutrition education
DTP immunization
● 41-principles of health education except
○ Participation
○ Interest
○ Leader
● 42-environmental component of occupational health service include
○ Pre-placement examination
○ Periodical examination
○ Supervision of worker's nutrition
Monitoring types of exposure
● 43-cause of respiratory infection among school children
○ Poor ventilation in school kitchen
food ‫○ حاجه عن‬
food ‫○ نفس الوضع حاجه عن‬
Poor personal hygiene
● 44-selenium, zinc, iron, and iodine are examples of
● 45- is a scientific assessment of eating pattern that could detect
nutrient deficiency.
Dietary survey
● 46-group of hospitals or
facilities that work together to deliver services
to their communities
Hospital Systems
● 47-The presence of foreign matters in the air that don’t disperses
properly and that interferes with human health or welfare or produces other
harmful environmental effects
Air pollution
● 48-in the standard houseThe number and
area of rooms should be increased according to
Family size
● 49-stage of change in which individual consider pros and cons of problem
● 50-is the discipline of economics applied to the topic of health
Health economics
● 51- a patient who presents with symptoms or signs
suggestive of TB
Presumptive case
● 52-most effective strategy available for controlling the TB
● 53-infectious disease that transmitted from an animal to humans
● 54-all are chemical carcinogen except
● 55-Quality health service that benefits the patient
● 56-effect of noise
Destruction of hair cells
‫السؤال دا مش فاكرة صياغة السؤال كانت ايه‬

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