HAPP Self Test 2

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HAPP Self Test

Integumentary System
1.What are the functions of body membranes?

2.What is the Mucous Membrane?

3.What is the Serous Membrane?
4.What is the Cutaneous Membrane?
5.What is the Synovial Membrane?
6.Cutaneous Membrane is Also known as the?
7.What are the two main parts of the Cutaneous membrane?
8.What kind of tissue is in the Epidermis?
9. What kind of tissue is the Mucous Menbrane?
10. What kind of tissue is the Serous Membranne?
11 Fluid that separate the serous layer?
12.What is the Lining in the abdominal Cavity?
13.What is the lining around the Lungs?
14.What is the lining around the heart?
15.What is the function of the skin? ( atleast 5)
16.What kind of Vitamin does the skin produce
17.It is not part of the skin,Composed mostly of Areolar and Adipose Tissue?
18.What kind of Nerve ending does the number 17 Contains?
19.What is the Keratinocytes?
20.What is the melanocytes?
21.What is Melanin?
22. What is Langerhans?
23. What is the Merkel Cell?
24.They contact the flattened process of sensory neuron?
25.Layers of the Epidermis is also called?
26.What are the layers if the Epidermis (Atleast 5)
27.It is the forming of new cells
28.What is Stratum Basale?
29.What is Stratum Spinosum?
30.What is stratum grandulosum?
31.Helps in the conversion of tonofilaments into keratin.
32.What is stratum Lucidium
32.What is stratum Corneum?
33.Langerhans Cells and melanocytes are present in this layer
34.What is Callus?
35.What is the Dermis
36.What kind of cells can be found in the Dermis? (atleast 3)
37.What is the 2 Division of the dermis?
38.Consist of Areolar Connective tissue containing thin collagen and fine elastic
39.are small fingerlike structure that project into the subsurface of the epidermis.
40.What is Free Nerve Endings?
41.What is Meisser Corpuscles?
42 Consists of Dense irregular connective tissue containing fibroblasts, bundle
collagen and some elastic fibers.
43.Also known as stretch marks?
44.What are the 3 structural basis of skin color?
45.What are the 2 form of melanin?
46 round,flat or raised area that represents a benign localized growth of
47.What is Albinism?
48.What is Albinos?
49.What is Vetiligo?
50.What is Hemoglobin?
51.What is Carotene?
52.What are the Accessory structure of the skin (atleast 4)
53.Composed of columns of dead keratinized epidermal cells?
54.What are the 3 layers of the hair?
55. It is the outermost layer of the hair?
56.composed of 2 or 3 rows of irregularly shaped cells?
57.Forms the major part of the shaft and consists of elongated cells?
58.What is the surrounding root of the hair?
59.it is an onion shaped structure located in the surrounding dermal root sheath?
60.What is the hair matrix?
61.What is the Gland?
66.it is an oily substance from the glands?
67.What is Sudoriferous Glands?
68.2 main types of sudoriferous glands?
69.Provides a sticky barrier that impedes the entrance of foreign bodies and
70.Plates of tightly packed, hard, dead, keratinized edidermal cells?
71.What are the parts of the nails? (atleast 3)
72.What is the nail body?
73.what is the free edge?
74.what is the Nail root?
75.It is the whitish, crescent-shaped area of the proximal end of the nail body
76.It is caused by fungal Infection?
77. it is caused by bacterial infection?
78. it is caused by Virus?
79.it is caused by allergic reaction?
80.What is the common type of cancer?

The Skeletal System

1.What is the 5 functions of the Skeletal System?
2.What is the 2 Kinds of bone tissue?
3.What is the 4 Classification of bones?
4.What is the 7 structure of the bone?
5.What is the Diaphysis?
6.What is the Epiphysis?
7.What is the Metaphysis?
8.What is the Articular Cartilage?
9.What is Periosteum?
10.What is Medullary Cavity?
11.What is Endosteum?
12.What is the 4 types of bone cells?
13.What is osteogenic cells?
14.What is Osteoblast?
15.What is Osteocytes?
16.What is Osteoclasts?
17.What is compact bone?
18. Compact bone is found beneath the?
19.It is a kind of compact bone where blood vessels, lymphatic vessels and nerves
from the periosteum penetrate?
20.It is the small spaces between the Lamallae?
21.A kind of bone that does not contain Osteon?
22.What is Ossification?
23.4 Principal situations where bone formation occurs?
24.When does Ossification Occurs?
25.Initially composed of Mesenchyme shaped like bones, cartilage and fibrous
connective tissue.
26 What is the 2 methods of bone formation?
27.What is Intramembraneous ossification?
28.What is Enchondrial Ossification?
29.What is the 4 stages of Intramembraneous Ossification?
30.Happens when the secration of extracellar matrix stops?
31.This is the replacement of cartilage by bone?
32.What is the 6 stages of Endochondral Ossification?
33. What is bone remodelling?
34.It is the removal of minerals and collagen fibers from Osteoclasts?
35.It is the addition of minerals and collagen fibers from osteoclasts?
36. What is the 5 Minerals that can Affect bone growth and bone remodeling?
37. What is the 5 Vitamins that can Affect bone growth and bone remodeling?
38. What is the 4 Hormones that can Affect bone growth and bone remodeling?
39.It means that a bone has been broken?
40.What is the 7 Different Kinds of fracture?
41.4 stages of bone repair?
42.There are ____ bones in total?
43. 2 Divisions of the skeleton?
44.The Axial Skeleton is made up of?
45.Appendicular Skeleton is made up of?
46.It is Composed of 22 Bones?
47 What is the 2 kinds of skull bones?
48.Bone are joined by?
49.It is the only joint that is freely movable in the skull.
50.It forms the forehead the anterior part of the cranium?
51. Form the greater potion of the sides and roof of the cranial cavity?
52 Forms the Inferior lateral aspects of the cranium and part of the cranial floor.
53. Forms the posterior part and most based of the cranium?
54.Lies at the middle part of the base of the skull?
55.It is a sponge like appearance.
56.Meet at midline and form the bridge of the nose?
57.It unites to form the jawbone?
58.Also known as the Cheekbones?
59.Are thin and roughly resemble a fingernail in Size?
60.Lacrimal Bone is the ________ bone in the face?
61.Also called as the lower jawbone?
62.is the largest and strongest facial bone?
63.Also known as the L-Shaped bones?
64.What is Vomer?
65. is an immovable joint in most cases in an adult skull that holds most skull
bones together.
66. What is the 4 Prominent Suture?
67.Hollow Portions of bones surrounding the nasal Cavity?
68.What is the 2 functions of the Paranasal Sinuses?
69.Serves as the Movable base for the tongue?
70. also called the spine, backbone, or spinal column, makes up about two-fifths
of your total height and is composed of a series of bones called vertebrae.
71.is found between the bodies of adjacent vertebrae is account for 25% of the
height of the vertebral column.
72.Typically consist of a body vertebral arch, and several processes.
73.Forms a Cage to protect major organs?
74.What is the 3 parts of the bony thorax?
75.Also called as the breastbone?
76.Sternum is about __ cm or ___in.?
77.What is the 3 parts of the sternum?
78.The rib cage is composed of __ Ribs.
79.What is the 3 parts of the rib cage?
80.Also known as the collar bone?
81.Also known as the shoulder blade?
82.What is Carpus?
83.Carpals are joined together by?
84.What is Phalanges?
85.There are __Phalanges in every 5 digits of the hand.
86.What is the other term for the palm?
87.Is the Intermediate Region of the Hand that consists of 5 bones.
88.Is the longest and largest bone of the upper limb?
89.Is located in the middle aspect of the fore-arm?
90.Is the smaller bone of the forearm and is located on the lateral aspect of the
91.The total weight of the body rest on the ____?
92.What is 3 components of the HIP?
93.Is the largest component of the Hip?
94.Is Inferior Posterior portion of the HIP bone?
95.It is the anterior and inferior part of the HIP
96.Also known as the kneecap, a triangular bone located anterior to the knee
97.also known as the thigh bone, it is the longest, heaviest and strongest bone on
the body?
98. also known as the shin bone,is the larger,medial weight bearing of bone of the
99.Is parallel and lateral to the tibia.
100. Wala lang para sakto na sa 100 hehe.
Muscular System
1.it makes up 40-50% of total adult weight.
2.what is the 4 Functions of the Muscular Tissues?
3.what is the 3 types of muscular tissues?
4.it is the scientific study of muscles?
5.Define skeletal muscle tissue.
6.Define the cardiac muscle tissue.
7.It is the Build-in heart rhythm.
8.Define the smooth muscle tissues?
9.What is the 4 properties of muscular tissues.
10.What is Elasticity
11.What is Contractility.
12.What is electrical excitability.
13.What is Extensibility.
14.It is a dense sheet or broad band of irregular tissue that lines the body wall of
15.What is 3 layers of connective tissues that extend from fascia.
16. surrounds groups of 10 to 100 or more muscle fibers, separating them into
bundles called fascicles.
17. The outermost layer of dense, irregular connective tissue
18.Penetrates the interior of each fascicle and separates individual muscle fibers
from one another.
19. bundle of skeletal muscle that is surrounded by perimysium.
20.Delicate connective tissue that surrounds the muscle fiber.
21.Thin but dense connective tissue that wrap fascicles.
22.long cylindrical filament bundles in the sarcoplasm of myocytes.
23.Elongated multinuclear cells composed of myofibrils.
24.It a thick connective tissue that surrounds the entire skeletal muscle.
25.What is the function of somatic motor neuron?
26.What is the diameter of the Muscle fiber?
27.What is the diameter of the Muscle fiber?
28.What is the sarcolemma?
29.What is the Sarcoplasm?
30.It is the tiny invaginations of the sarcolemma?
31.composition of sarcoplasm where a large molecule is composed of many
glucose molecules?
32.Red-colored protein that is only found in the muscles?
33.Small protein structures within the myofibrils?
34.Thin Filaments are __nm while thick filaments are __nm
35.What is the sacromeres?
36.What is the 5 components of the sacromeres?
37.Is the darker middle part of the sarcomere
38. narrow, plate-shaped regions of dense protein material separate one
sarcomere from the next.
38. Is a lighter, less dense area that contains the rest of the thin filaments but no
thick filaments.
39. located in the center of each A band
40. is at the middle of the sarcomere.
41.Protiens that generate force during contraction.
42.it is the main component of thick filaments and function as a motorproteins.
43.Little threads inside the sarcoplasm.
44. A fluid-filled system of membranous sacs which encircles the entire myofibrils.
45. dilated end sacs of the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
46.This is where the myosin head can attach.
47. help switch the contraction process on and off
48. keep the thick and thin filaments in the proper alignment.
49.These are Unique to cardiac muscle fibers.
50 What kind of muscle tissue does the cardiac muscles lacks?
51.Contractile protein that is the main component of the thin filament
52.What is the 5 kinds of structural proteins?
53.What is the 2 kinds of contractile proteins?
54 what is the 2 kinds of regulatory proteins
55.Structural proteins that forms the M line of sarcomere
56.Structural proteins of Z disk that attach to actin molecules.
57.Connect Z disks to M line of sacromeres.
58.Links thin filament of sarcomere to integral membrane of proteins of
59.Structural protein that wrap around the entire length of the thin membrane.
60. It is found in the skin and in tubular arrangements that form part of the walls
of small arteries and veins and of hollow organs such as the stomach, intestines,
uterus, and urinary bladder.
61. consists of individual fibers, each with its own motor neuron terminals and
with few gap junctions between neighboring fibers.
62.What is the 4 stages of muscle contraction.
63.Is a rigid structure that can move around the fixed point called Fulcrum?
64.Define the 3 types of levers.
65. Where does the skeletal muscles exert its force when it produce movements?
66.It is the fleshy portion of the muscles between the tendons?
1.Joints are also called as?
2.is point of contact between two bones, between bone and cartilage, or between
bone and teeth.
3.It is the scientific study of joints?
4.the study of motion of the human body?
5. what is the 3 structural classification of joints?
6.What is Cartilaginous joints?
7.What is fibrous joints?
8.What is synovial joints?
9.what is the 3 functional classification of joints? ☹
10.A slightly movable joint
11.A freely movable joint.
12.An Immovable joint
13.What is the plural form of diarthrosis?
14. Lack synovial cavity, and the and the articulating bones are held very closely
together by dense irregular tissue
15.What is the 3 types of joints?
16.these only occur only between bones of the skull?
17. is a fibrous joint in which there is a greater distance between the articulating
18.a substantial sheet of dense irregular connective tissue that binds neighboring
long bones and permits light movement.
19.Lacks synovial cavity and allows little or no movement.
20.2 types of cartilaginous joint?
21.Joint in which connecting material is synovial cartilage?
22.is a cartilaginous joint in which the ends of articulating bones are covered with
hyaline cartilage.
23.what is the unique characteristic of synovial joint?
24.It surrounds a synovial cavity,encloses the synovial cavity and unties the
articulating forces.
25.usually consists of dense irregualar connective tissue that attaches to
26.is composed of areolar connective tissue with elastic fibers.
27.one of the principal factors that holds bones together?
28.consists of hydroluronic fluid secreted by fibro blasts like cells.
Homeostatic Imbalance
1.All muscles in the body are derived from?
2.These are columns of mesoderm that undergo segmentation into a series of
cube-shape structures.
3.What is the 3 region of somites?
4.Forms the connective tissues,including the dermis of the skin?
5.Forms the skeletal muscles of the head,neck and limbs
6.it gives rise to the vertebrae.
7. Develops from mesodermal cells that migrate to and envelop the developing
8.Develops from mesodermal cells that migrate to and envelop the developing
gastrointestinal tract and viscera.
9.Is an autoimmune disease that causes chronic, progressive damage of the
neuromuscular junction.
10.refers to a group of inherited muscle-destroying diseases that cause
progressive degeneration of skeletal muscle fibers.
11.is a strain or tear in the rotator cuff muscles.
12.usually results in decreased production of synovial fluid in joints?
13. is any painful disorder of the supporting structures of the body—bones,
ligaments, tendons, or muscles—that is not caused by infection or injury.
14.is a form of rheumatism in which joints are swollen, stiff and painful?
15.is a degenerative joint disease in which joint cartilage is gradually lost?
16.its an auto immune disease in which the immune system attacks its own
17. sodium urate crystals are deposited in the soft tissues of the joints.
18.Also called as porous bone,results from reduction of overall quality of bone
19.Is a bone infection that occur spontenously, mostfollowing trauma or surgery
on bones and joints
20.most commonly applies to a break in the bones associated with the hip joint.

21. Is an inflammatory disease of unknown origin that affects joints

between vertebrae and between sacrum and hip bone.


Proverbs 3:6

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