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When I first entered the museum, I was relieved to have finally found the rest of the class.

appreciated the high ceilings and open floor plan at the entrance; it made the rest of the
museum appear more inviting. The work of art which I found interesting is titled “Pillow
Fight”, created in 2022 by Salman Toor. It depicts two men on a bed in the middle of a
pillow fight. One man is of color, the other is of a lighter skin tone. The men appear to be
undressed, and one of them is kneeling over the other, pillow raised, mid-swing. The
background of the painting is a greyish/black forcing the viewers’ attention to the center of
the frame. I chose this piece because it was different from most of the other ones, more
lighthearted. The painting is done in a more modern style that doesn’t include well defined
figures depicted in high resolution figures. I can’t say that the art evoked any strong
feelings from me, but the uniqueness of its style was enough to catch my eye. Overall, I
would say that the museum visit was an enjoyable experience.

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