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SMU MID 2022

 Anatomy: 5- Which of the following is not found

within femoral sheath?
1- Which of the following muscles makes a) Femoral artery
Dorsiflexion and inversion? b) Femoral canal
a) tibialis anterior c) Femoral nerve
d) Femoral vein
b) soleus
Ans: c
c) extensor hallucis longus
d) tibialis posterior 6- Partial claw hand occurs due to injury
Ans: a in:
a) median nerve
2- Which of the following is true
b) ulnar nerve
regarding Musculocutaneous nerve?
c) radial nerve
a) Supplies all brachialis d) brachial plexus
b) supplies brachioradialis Ans: b
c) terminates as posterior interosseous
7- Gluteus Maximus:
branch a) It flex knee through iliotibial tract
d) arises from lateral cord of brachial b) It is the main extensor of thigh (hip)
plexus c) Supplied by the superior gluteal nerve
Ans: d d) It is the deepest layer of gluteal
3- All of the following about median nerve muscles
are true except: Ans: b

a) in the cubital fossa it lies lateral to 8- Muscle has double innervation is:
brachial artery a) Tbialis anterior.
b) Popletius.
b) arises from both median and lateral
c) Superior gameluus.
cord of brachial plexus d) Adductor magnus.
c) enters the hand in the carpel tunnel Ans: d
d) Its injury leads to Ape-like hand
Ans: a 9- The construction below lesser and
greater tubercle in humerus is called?
4- All the following are in the cubical
fossa except: a) anatomical neck
b) Humeral shaft
a) Median nerve c) Surgical neck
b) Radial nerve Ans: c
c) Brachial artery
d) Ulnar nerve
Ans: d
10- With regard to action, which muscle is 15- Which of the following is necessary
a shoulder abductor? for muscle contraction?
a) Teres minor
b) Deltoid a) Hydrolysis of ATP to ADP & HpO3
c) Teres major in the myosin head
d) Subscapularis b) Release of ca from sarcoplasm to
Ans: b Sarcoplasmic reticulum
c) Myosin molecules shorten
11- Sharing in formation of wrist joint the Ans: a
following EXCEPT:
16- The function of tropomyosin in
a) Lower end of ulna. skeletal muscle includes?
b) Lower end of radius. a) tropomyosin act as resting protein and
c) Scaphoid bone. cover actin active site
d) Lunate bone.
b) Ca+2 binds to tropomyosin and
Ans: a
changes its shape
12- Droop foot results from injury in .. Ans: a
a) Sciatic nerve  Microbiology
b) common peroneal nerve
17- All of the following are examples of
c) femoral nerve autoimmune diseases except:
d) obturator nerve a) Rheumatoid arthritis.
Ans: b b) Rheumatic fever
 Physiology c) Typhoid fever.
d) Systemic lupus erythematous
13- Which of the events below is the First Ans: c
to occurs prior to Muscle contraction?
 Pharmacology
a) Ca is released from sarcoplasmic
reticulum 18- A ten-year-old girl presents in
b) ADP detaches from myosin hospital with fever and cold which of the
c) ATP binds to myosin following drugs is safe to take in her
d) The active site on actin is exposed condition?
Ans: a a) Aspirin
14- Which part exactly shortens during b) Paracetamol
muscle contraction? c) Celecoxib
Ans: b
a) Muscle fascicles
b) Actin filaments
c) Myosin
d) Sarcomere
Ans: d
 Pathology  Biochemistry:
19- Which of the following is a locally 23- Hydroxylation of proline occurs in
malignant tumor?
a) Cytoplasm
a) Osteoclastoma b) RER
b) Osteosarcoma c) Extracellular fluid
c) Osteochondroma d) Golgi apparatus
d) Osteoma Ans: b
Ans: a
24- Parathyroid hormone causes
20- A new bone formation deposited by activation of vitamin d though its effect
the periosteum around the sequestrum is on which enzyme?
a) 25 hydroxylase
a) involucrum b) 1, alpha hydroxylase
b) cloaca Ans: b
c) sub-periosteal abscess
d) kyphosis
Ans: a
 Histology
21- All the following are correct about T
triad except?
a) Found in both skeletal & cardiac
b) Consists of t tubule and two terminal
c) Each sarcomere has 2 T Triads
d) Is at the junction between A-I band
Ans: a
22- Which of the following is true about
smooth muscle cell?
a) has sarcoplasmic reticulum with no GOOD LUCK
terminal cisterns ☺
b) There are no gap junctions between
the cells
c) Consists of sarcomeres
d) Has T-Tubules
Ans: a

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