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the tattoo cup 2017

Application for HMBIA First Class Status and funding in Australia/NZ zone

Date: 1st - 3rd September, 2017.

Venue: “The Barn” Claudelands Event Centre, Hamilton, New Zealand
Hosting Group: Waikato Armoured Combat


Waikato Armoured Combat would like to apply for “HMB First Class” status and funds for “The
Tattoo Cup” in the Australia/NZ zone.

The Tattoo Cup is being planned as an ongoing “HMB First Class” event for NZ and Australia,
with national media coverage, and online broadcasting for international viewers. For the first
time since it began in 2014, the event is being run independently, rather than as
'entertainment' at another event, which gives us much better opportunities to promote the
sport and the autonomy to run it as we would wish, in a venue of our choosing. The Tattoo Cup
2017 will be held in Hamilton's world-class venue: Claudelands Event Centre, in their new
facility “The Barn”. This event continues to grow bigger and better with every year and is
considered a “must attend” event for NZ and Australian fighters. We expect 60+ fighters this
year, making it still the largest HMB event in the NZ/Australia zone.

The Tattoo Cup will be run over the weekend of the 1st - 3rd September 2017. This is to coincide
with at least one tournament in Australia on 8th - 9th September 2017 this will give the
opportunity for travellers to stay in the region for longer, and attend more than one

Gaining “HMB First Class” Status is an important part of our funding plan. The criteria set by
the HMBIA to qualify an event for is:

1/. Entry to this event is open to any HMB fighter worldwide.

2/.The Tournaments and Bohurts will be run under HMBIA rulesets.

Since “HMB First Class” was set up there have been no grants approved for the Oceania region.
“The Tattoo Cup” has applied twice in the past, without success, and we hope that this year,
you will agree that our event has proven its durability and worth within our region to qualify it
for receiving your assistance. This year we request 10,000 Euro from the “HMB First Class”
Committee to help achieve our goals.
How HMB First Class Funds will be used:

5000 Euro (or 50% of funds) towards a team of 5-7 fighters from Europe.
1000 Euro (or 10% of funds) towards all Australian Fighters (evenly divided)
1000 Euro (or 10% of funds) towards all NZ Fighters (evenly divided)
1000 Euro (or 10% of funds) towards Marketing/advertising the event
1000 Euro (or 10% of funds) towards overseas fighter accommodation
1000 Euro (or 10% of funds) towards food for fighters and crew

Why we need a European Team at “The Tattoo Cup”

1. Having a European team come to the Tattoo Cup will add to the importance of the event in the
eyes of other sponsors, and grant providers.
2. More fighters from Australia and New Zealand to attend.
3. Increase our coverage by the NZ print and television media.
4. It will ensure that the level of combat is up to the standard required to be “HMB 1st Class”.
Planned Event Schedule

Friday 1st September 2017 7pm - 10pm: Pro-fight night.

An evening of Pro-fights, ideally with European fighters paired against NZ and Australian
Approximately 8-10 fights are planned over the evening.

There has never been an event of this nature in NZ, where an entire evening is dedicated to
pro-fights alone. This will act as a draw-card for the event and the main source of income , as
well as great promotion of the sport to people with an interest in combat sports. We intend to
have corporate tables, catering, music and a bar.
live streamed

Saturday 2nd September 2017 9am – 5pm: The Tattoo Cup 4v4 Bohurts

4v4 teams bohurt competition. We expect approx 8-10 teams from NZ and Australia, and 1
team from Europe (if granted HMB 1st Class). live streamed

Friendly “Royal Rumble” bohurt to finish the day. This is an new format we have been
enjoying. Two fighters start in the list, with 1 more fighter entering every 20 seconds. Last
fighter standing wins. It is less intense than an 'all vs all', but gives all the fighters an extra
chance for some friendly bohurt.

Sunday 3rd September 2017 9am – 5pm: 1v1 Categories

Longsword, Sword and Shield, and Polearm Categories (videoed and uploaded after the event)
Friendly “all vs all” friendly bohurt to finish the day.
Event budget:

Accommodation 1,000.00 €
Food 1,000.00 €
Transport 500.00 €
Advertising 1,000.00 €
Pro-fights/Medals 1,000.00 €
Fighter refund 7,000.00 €
Listfield etc 1,500.00 €
Venue 1,800.00 €
EMT (Medic) 1,200.00 €
Safety Fence 500.00 €
PA & Lighting 400.00 €
Online Streaming 200.00 €

Expenses Total 17,100.00 €

Sponsorship (safety fence) 500.00 €
Pro-fight bar 400.00 €
Grant funding (venue) 1,800.00 €
Sponsorship (listfield) 1,200.00 €
Pro-fight tickets 1,750.00 €
HMBIA 1 class
10,000.00 €
Weekend tickets 1,500.00 €

Income Total 17,150.00 €

Closing Statement from Waikato Armoured Combat President:

The Tattoo Cup was Oceania's first official HMB event, and remains it's largest in terms of
fighter numbers. HMB 1st Class status would show your support for this event, and help to
grow the sport in our region. No HMB 1st Class funds have ever been granted in the
Australia/New Zealand Region, and we think this event is worthy.

We have met with the AMC (Australian Medieval Combat) and we all agree that as the regions
flagship event, The Tattoo Cup is the region's best event to benefit from HMB 1 st Class Status.

We thank you for taking the time to consider this application.

Should you require any further information or assurances from us on any matters in this
application please contact us on our club email or via

With much thanks to the HMBIA for their support and commitment to the growth of the sport

Robert McIntyre

Waikato Armoured Combat Inc.

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