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The role of science in human health helps diagnose and treat diseases,

elements and conditions, deconstructs the molecular mechanisms of each

disease, and contributes to the development of medicines and emergency
medicine. In addition to therapeutic primary care, the seeds of preventive
health science provide a wealth of knowledge that can be used to improve
health care. Globally, science and health care are closely linked, and
policies need to be developed to encourage the active use of science in
health care. All treatment plans, including medications, surgical
procedures, and confirmatory procedures, are based on scientific
methods. Without research, people will continue to suffer from epidemics
and diseases that are difficult to treat. The importance of science is that it
allows scientists to find more knowledge to help us understand how
disease works. For example, cures for HIV and AIDS can only be found
if scientists continue to study how the virus works and how to treat it.

Society and health care development

The topic discussed on health and social care is the treatment of the
health and medical conditions in hospital health centers and in the
Social care is the care and the support of vulnerable people usually in the
community and health and social development that addresses drug use
and HIV prevention treatment care and support among the member states,
ensuring the health and well-being of all essential of poverty eradication
efforts and achieving sustainable development contributing to economic
growth and prosperous communities .
Health is also an inalienable human right according to the Universal
Declaration of human rights, as good health allows people to reach their
full potential
It is also a key indicator of countries' progress and a nation with a healthy
policy population is more likely to experience sustainable growth
Good health is also essential for the stability of entire regions as
pandemics which transcend borders can have severe social and economic
impacts on families and communities.

India's healthcare sector faced a stunning test as they struggled with a

shortage of beds and oxygen during two waves of the COVID-19
pandemic . The intensity of the pandemic so such that they extracted the
existing scarcity of beds in India Corona virus disease 2019 (OVID-
2019), formerly known as 2019-nCoV, has caused disruption around the
globe. It was discovered in December 2019, with a report stating that
people were suffering from fever and breathing problems after doing their
shopping in a seafood marketplace in Wuhan, Hubei, China. Many
hospitals have to refuse admission to many patients due to the shortage
of oxygen . All of this . The mental health of India's healthcare workers
during the pandemics has been affected . Health workers were severely
stretched to their limits while having excessively long working hours .
Most health care workers witness the death of patients on an everyday
basis and sadly have no time or place to deal with their emotions. Almost
all sectors, such as small and large companies, healthcare, and education,
have been forced to electronically convert their services to Research and
innovation systems have responded impressively to the pandemic,
underpinning much of the resiliency countries have shown. Both private
and public actors in the ST system have provided solutions to the crisis,
most visible in the rapid development of vaccines, but also in the roll out
of digital technologies that have helped lessen the pandemic's impact. As
technology becomes more sophisticated, it becomes easier to achieve
more through online services such as buying goods, paying bills,
providing training, consulting medical care, buying airline tickets,
booking road transportation and hotels. Competition between businesses
to meet customer needs has surged during this pandemic, and individual
options are limited. Customer confidence through better online service

Cancer its causes and treatment

Cancers refer to any one of the last number of diseases characterized by
the development of abnormal cells that divide uncontrollably and have
the ability to infiltrate and destroy the normal body tissue
Cancer often has the ability to spread throughout our body and it is the
second leading cause of death in the world, but survival rates are
improving for many types of cancer thanks to improvements in cancer
screening treatments and prevention.
Cancer is a genetic disorder or it can happen when a gene can manage
cell activity to mutate and create abnormal cells that divide and multiply
and eventually disrupt how our body works . Medical researchers
estimate that up to 5% to 12% of all cancers are caused by inherited
genetic mutations that we can’t control more. frequently cancer happens
when acquired genetic mutations happen over the course of our life.
Some causes of cancer are smoking cigarettes , eating high fat or high
sugar foods in our diet environment or the exposures to that ruins in our
environment such as pesticides or radar and radiation exposure.
diagnosis of cancer can be done by a blood test which includes CBC or
the complete blood count of tumor markers or blood protein test , or an
imaging test that includes a CT scan, X-ray ultrasound or MRI.

Treatment of cancer can be done by chemotherapy, radiotherapy surgery,

hormone therapy immunotherapy or targeted therapy for cancer.
Survival rates estimated based on the experience of large groups of
people who have different kinds of cancer like prognosis cancer survival
rates vary based on cancer type stage and treatment. It is important to
raise awareness about cancer because thousands of lives could be saved
each year if people were more aware of the signs and the symptoms of the
cancer and people looked for help as soon as possible as treatment is
usually more effective in the early stages of cancer.
This makes it a topic of discussion about how and how cancer can be
effectively treated in rural areas.
more than 800,000 new cases and 5.50,000 cancer deaths are diagnosed
each year in India. Rapid increases in cancer incidence and mortality are
of public concern. Although the burden of cancer affects the whole
country, the majority of patients are in the rural and low-income segments
of the population. The time has come to address the cancer pandemic and
its alarming morbidity and mortality despite the burden of already
unmanageable health problems. Many large-scale and innovative
initiatives have been launched to combat deadly diseases. This includes
efforts to expand resources for health education and awareness among
the public and health care providers about cancer prevention. These
initiatives require an unprecedented level of collaboration between
international agencies, governmental and non-governmental
organizations, international foundations, health systems and local
organizations. This review highlights the need to focus on cancer
prevention and early detection, with a focus on rural and remote regions
of India.

Role of computer science in healthcare

Physicians can use computer science skills to create, implement and
improve electronic medical reports commonly called EM R's in medical
clinics . It also includes facilitating communication between healthcare
and provides improving medication safety tracking and reporting and
promoting quality of care through optimized access and adherence to

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