Assignment 1

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Nawal Haider

Roll no. 200301055

Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Section: MAT-13A
Nano Materials
Assignment no. 1
Date: 22nd November,2022
Submitted to Dr. Sajid Ullah Khan
A Research Proposal on Bio Mimicry

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Table of Contents
1. Title:......................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Abstract:................................................................................................................................... 3
3. Introduction: ............................................................................................................................ 3
4. Problem Statement:.................................................................................................................. 5
5. Objectives: ............................................................................................................................... 5
6. Literature Review: ................................................................................................................... 5
7. Research Methodology: ........................................................................................................... 5
8. Conclusion: .............................................................................................................................. 6
9. References: .............................................................................................................................. 7

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1. Title:
“Re-Designing the Conventional Space Craft’s Architecture Inspired By The Cryptobiosis Tuns
Of Tardigrades For Better Functionality Under Conditions Of Space Environment”

2. Abstract:
The conventional design of space shuttles receives more cosmic and ultraviolet radiations, and this
limits the space exploration. By changing the design of the conventional space shuttle inspired by
the cryptobiosis tuns of tardigrades can help in receiving lower radiation dosage which will
ultimately result in improvement in the lives of shuttle crew as well as the space shuttle itself.

3. Introduction:
Astronomy and space technology are used in space exploration to learn more about the universe.
While astronomers use telescopes to explore the universe, both unmanned robotic space missions
and human spaceflight also participate in the physical exploration of space. Even while astronomy,
or the study of celestial objects, has existed since the beginning of trustworthy written history, it
wasn't until the mid-20th century rocket development boom that the possibility of physical space
exploration became a reality. Opel-RAK, led by Fritz von Opel and Max Valier in the late 1920s,
was the world's first extensive experimental rocket program and produced the first crewed rocket
cars.[1] Since then, numerous space shuttles have been sent to the outer space for the exploration
of the final frontier. With time, advancements have been made in this area in terms of architecture
and material but still there is a large area for improvements. [2]

The advancements in the technology are always inspired by naturally occurring systems. For
example, the flight inventors studied the fight of birds in order to make the first airplane and LED’s
(Light emitting diodes) are inspired by the wings of butterfly.[3] Similarly, Tardigrades, the
segmented, eight-legged, microscopic organisms that live in water. They are referred to as "water
bears" because, under a microscope, they appear to be bears. Tardigrades have four pairs of short,
poorly articulated legs and a barrel-shaped body. Although the largest species can exceed 1.2 mm
in length, the majority of them are between 0.3 and 0.5 mm long. A head, three body segments
with two pairs of legs each, and a caudal segment with four pairs of legs make up the body. The
feet contain four to eight claws each, but the legs lack joints. Chitin and protein can be found in
the cuticle. The amazing fact about them is that they can survive the extreme conditions i.e., they

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can survive in the cryogenic temperatures where atomic motion ceases, they can also survive in as
high as 600 MPa pressures and can also survive in the vacuum. They can also sustain high radiation
exposure. The mechanism that helps them survive such conditions is called “Cryptobiosis”.[4]
This is a state where an organism experiences desiccation, freezing, a lack of oxygen, or any other
unfavorable environmental conditions, it enters cryptobiosis, an ametabolic state of life. All
metabolic functions halt in this condition, limiting growth, development, and repair. They most
likely cannot stay in this state, but their organism, while in a cryptobiotic state, can practically live
endlessly until the environment becomes hospitable. It resumes its old metabolic condition of life
in this instance. The tardigrades group together to form a so-called tun when it is dry and cold. The
animal curls into a ball and retracts its legs and head to create the tun, which reduces the surface
area. Without water, they can dry almost entirely, practically turning into a powder of their
constituents. The tardigrade's metabolism decreases to less than 0.01% of the normal condition,
and its water content might fall to 1% of normal while it is in the cryptobiotic stage. In a few
minutes to a few hours after being rehydrated, tardigrades resume their active state. [5]

Figure 1 a tardigrade

If the architecture of the conventional space crafts is replaced by the one inspired by the
cryptobiosis tuns of tardigrade would definitely lead to a new era of research in space exploration.
The space travel would become safer and easier. Moreover, this will open doors to new areas to
space exploration. As the space shuttle will now be able to survive the extreme space
environments, they can definitely make our paths towards the discovery of the celestial bodies that
would not be possible otherwise. [6]

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4. Problem Statement:
The conventional space crafts have certain limitations including excessive exposure of astronauts
to the different space radiations i.e., UV – radiations, Cosmic Radiations and continuous exposure
to such environments lead to a damage of not only space shuttle but human life as well which in
turn limits the grounds for space exploration.

5. Objectives:
• To replace the architecture of conventional space crafts with the design inspired by
cryptobiosis tuns of tardigrades.
• To improve the safety of human life in the extreme radiation exposure.
• To improve the life of space shuttle in the extreme radiation exposure.
• To open a new era of space exploration.

6. Literature Review:
The research has been conducted on different areas including minimizing the exposure of the space
shuttle to the radiations in the space environment. In 1999, Jeffrey and A. Jones conducted research
on the radiation exposure of space shuttle and the cabin crew and suggested an Intelligent
spacecraft design and material selection can provide a shielding strategy capable of maintaining
crew exposures within recommended guidelines. [7] Similarly in 2014, research on was done
which involved researchers from different backgrounds under the supervision of NASA. [8] There
are different research conducted on the radiation exposure of the space shuttle however scholars
in this field have not adequately addressed this issue using biomimicry of tardigrades.

7. Research Methodology:
The space shuttle should be made of the design similar to the structure of tardigrades using the
same materials as conventional space shuttles are made i.e., Carbon fiber composites with the
lining of silica tiles in order to improve the reusability of the space shuttle. [9,10] However, the
design of the shuttle should be different than the conventional space shuttle in order to get a “tun-
like” shape when the space shuttle is passing through under the severe radiation exposure. The
tuns of this space craft will be similar to the cryptobiosis tuns of tardigrades due to severe space

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Whenever, the space shuttle is passing through the normal space conditions it would be in it’s
expanded form as shown in the figure.

Figure 2 right side expanded

Whenever, it is going through the extreme radiation exposure it should be contracted and get into
a “tun-like” shape of a tardigrade.

Figure 3 right side contracted

8. Conclusion:
I expect that the new architectural design of the space shuttle will meet the objectives of this
research. This will improve the quality of lives of the shuttle crew and their lives will be at lesser
risk than in the conventional space crafts. Moreover, this will open the doors for new era of space
exploration. With seeking improvements in the existing designs and technologies we will be able
to discover the celestial bodies that would not be possible otherwise.

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9. References:

[1] I. A. Crawford, “Astrobiological Benefits of Human Space Exploration,” Astrobiology, vol.

10, no. 6, pp. 577–587, Aug. 2010, doi: 10.1089/ast.2010.0476.

[2] N. Møbjerg et al., “Survival in extreme environments - on the current knowledge of adaptations
in tardigrades,” Acta Physiologica, vol. 202, no. 3, pp. 409–420, Mar. 2011, doi: 10.1111/j.1748-

[3] K. I. Jönsson, E. Rabbow, R. O. Schill, M. Harms-Ringdahl, and P. Rettberg, “Tardigrades

survive exposure to space in low Earth orbit,” Current Biology, vol. 18, no. 17, pp. R729–R731,
Sep. 2008, doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2008.06.048.

[4]Wikipedia Contributors, “Space exploration,” Wikipedia, Feb. 09, 2019.

[5] N. Møbjerg and R. C. Neves, “New insights into survival strategies of tardigrades,”
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, vol. 254,
p. 110890, Apr. 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2020.110890.

[6] E. Kang, E. Jackson, and W. Schulte, “An Approach for Effective Design Space Exploration,”
Foundations of Computer Software. Modeling, Development, and Verification of Adaptive
Systems, pp. 33–54, 2011, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-21292-5_3.

[7] M. Stanford and J. A. Jones, “Space radiation concerns for manned exploration,” Acta
Astronautica, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 39–47, Jul. 1999, doi: 10.1016/s0094-5765(99)00055-7.

[8] F. Nozzoli, “Properties of Elementary Particle Fluxes in Primary Cosmic Rays Measured with
the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station,” EPJ Web of Conferences,
vol. 209, p. 01007, 2019, doi: 10.1051/epjconf/201920901007.

[9] E. Fitzer and L. M. Manocha, “Applications of Carbon/Carbon Composites,” Carbon

Reinforcements and Carbon/Carbon Composites, pp. 310–336, 1998, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-

[10] W. Atwell, “Astronaut Exposure to Space Radiation: Space Shuttle Experience,” SAE
Transactions, vol. 99, pp. 956–964, 1990, Accessed: Nov. 22, 2022. [Online]. Available:

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